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Science Explains 6 Cancer Causing Items to Keep Out of Your Home

In today’s hypochondria-prone society, we tend to scoff at articles that claim different products cause cancer. However, as unbelievable as it might be, we are surrounded by cancer-causing products every day. They hide in a variety of things around us, normally in forms we can’t quite discern.

It can be difficult to understand how you can protect yourself from dangerous household items in your own home. And, of course, a lot of other factors contribute to our risk factor of developing a cancerous growth. Things like general health, genetic predisposition, and quality of life are not to be ignored.

However, by taking some simple steps, you can eliminate most of the toxic products from your household. As a result, you can ensure more safety and peace of mind for both you and your family. Without further ado, here are some items in your household that may cause cancer.

Here Are 6 Cancer Causing Items to Keep Out of Your Home

“Prevention is a very important part of solving the problem of cancer.” – Eva Vertes

1. Granite countertops

It’s not so much about the countertop itself as it is for the radon, which is a toxic gas released from uranium decay. Normally, it only manifests in places where there is a high natural concentration of uranium; however, one study shows that there’s an intrinsic link between granite and radon too. Always make sure to double check whether the area you’re moving into has a history of high radon exposure; if you do decide to go for granite countertops, talk to your local authorities to get a radon testing for your home. Even though they might seem an innocent culprit, granite countertops and radon can be a silent killer over the years as the gas builds up in your system.

2. Air fresheners and scented candles

First of all, try to rely on fresh air for a nice-smelling home, rather than artificially scented products. Of course, we want our home to smell nice and feel comforting and welcoming to guests. However, you may want to look for natural solutions for good scents because air fresheners, scented candles, and incense may have toxic ingredients.

A study explains the dangerous effects of artificial scents on the body. Most scented products are made with “parfum”, an artificial scent that contains a cocktail of toxic ingredients. A lot of carcinogens hide under the “parfum” ingredient, therefore it’s always best to try and mix the ingredients for your air freshener yourself. Some scented natural oil and water will do the trick just fine. When it comes to candles, always rely on independent shops and vegan candles, as they are more organic and safer.

3. Common Shampoo

This is by far one of the most common items in anyone’s home that carry the risk of cancer. Many shampoos use parabens to make their product last longer, and parabens are a known carcinogen, connected to several types of cancer. In fact, according to a study, traces of parabens were found in over 99% of cancer patients, particularly those with breast cancer. Out of the normal high street brands of shampoo, Head & Shoulders is the biggest offender, with ingredients that you will find in cleaning products and paint stripper.

Always read the ingredients list of any shampoos or cosmetic products you buy. Things like SLS, fragrances, sulfates, and synthetic colors should immediately ring an alarm bell. If you can’t pronounce it, or you aren’t sure exactly what it is, it probably doesn’t belong in your hair!

4. Plastic bottles and containers

Reduce your use of plastic and don’t do it just because it’s good for the environment! BPA is a synthetic estrogen found in many plastic products. It has direct links to cancer, as one study shows. It’s also incredibly harmful for pregnant women and their developing babies, so it’s best to get rid of it altogether.

Plastic bottles and plastic containers are the main culprits in BPA contamination. The most common way it enters our body is through our food, seeing as a lot of it comes in plastic containers. Besides, heat makes the process of chemical leakage even faster, and lots of us are in the habit of leaving plastic bottles in cars. Invest in a reusable water bottle that’s BPA-free. It’s hard to completely get rid of plastic in your life but every small choice for health will help.

5. Mainstream Cleaning products

According to a recent study, women who use cleaning products more often are at a much higher risk of breast cancer. The corporations that produce cleaning products work very hard to convince you that they’re safe; however, most cleaners are full of parfum, 2-BE, and coal tar dye. These not only increase your risk of cancer, but can also damage your liver, kidneys, and reproductive system. There are several brands that do offer all-natural, all-purpose cleaning products, so look out for these. And always read the ingredients list to know what you’re bringing into your home. Many of these products also have toxic fumes that your family and guests breathe in, so you aren’t the only one negatively affected by them.


6. Synthetic Toothpaste

As with many other household items, you don’t really know what synthetic materials go into toothpaste until you read the ingredients. A lot of the commercially available brands of toothpaste contain triclosan, also known as TCS, which has a proven link to cancer growth. What’s worse, triclosan doesn’t really aid the cleanliness of your teeth; it’s used more as a preservative. This also goes for other harmful ingredients in toothpaste, such as fluoride, which is known to have a build-up effect. Look for a natural toothpaste, and don’t skip on flossing either.

Final thoughts

The above are just a few items in your household that can increase your risk of cancer. Always be aware of what you’re bringing into your home and how it can put you or your family in danger. If there’s an item in the ingredients list you don’t understand, look it up. Don’t just chance your family’s health on it, because it can turn out to be toxic.


Find Your Inner Peace With These 23 Peace Of Mind Quotes

Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Is life bogging you down and making you feel like you are drowning in your own situation? Taking the time to find peace of mind quotes is helpful as you try to calm down and bring yourself back to reality. Some people prefer to get lost in a story or read their favorite book, while others choose to relax by engaging in a yoga, peace of mind quotes or other relaxing exercise.

Regardless of your method for choosing to relax, there is always room for you to read quotes about peace of mind. Have you ever been scrolling through your Facebook feed and all of the sudden you come across inspirational peace of mind quotes? If you take the time to read some of these, peace of mind quotes will leave you feeling at peace with the world and with your life.

Here are a few peace of mind quotes that you can’t help but want to post all over your newsfeed or even cross-stitch to hang on the wall of your home!

1. “Love and peace of mind do protect us. They allow us to overcome the problems that life hands us. They teach us to survive… to live now… to have the courage to confront each day.” —Bernie Siegel

2. “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” —Dalai Lama

3. “You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.” —Eckhart Tolle

4. “If there’s no inner peace, people can’t give it to you. The husband can’t give it to you. Your children can’t give it to you. You have to give it to you.” —Linda Evans

5. “It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

6. “Peace is liberty in tranquility.” —Marcus Tullius Cicero

7. “The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence.” —Norman Vincent Peale

8. “If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.” —Marvin Gaye

9. “Peace is always beautiful.” —Walt Whitman

10. “We don’t realize that, somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme self who is eternally at peace.” —Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

11. “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” —Saint Francis de Sales

12. “Peace is its own reward.” —Mahatma Gandhi

13. “Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

14. “Peace is a day-to-day problem, the product of a multitude of events and judgments. Peace is not an ‘is,’ it is a ‘becoming.’ ” —Haile Selassie

15. “Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.” —John F. Kennedy

16. “Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.” —Wayne W. Dyer

peace of mind quotes

17. “You’ll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart.” —George Michael

18. “The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence.” —Norman Vincent Peale

19. “Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past and is, therefore, the means for correcting our misperceptions.” —Gerald Jampolsky

20. “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” —Saint Francis de Sales

21. “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” —Gautama Buddha

22. “We don’t realize that, somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme self who is eternally at peace.” —Elizabeth Gilbert

23. “Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.” —Mahatma Gandhi

Inspirational and quotes about peace of mind will leave you feeling more in control of your life and more thankful for the life you have been given. These quotes are always a great way to brighten your day or the day of someone you love. Sending a quote like the ones listed above to a friend that is struggling will help them to find inner peace in the midst of their busy day.

Peace of mind quotes are all around you. If you choose to focus on the negativity and depressing things happening around you, they are easy to overlook. Help make your close friends and family more at peace by posting peace of mind quotes on your social media page to help inspire and motivate them to be the best person they can be.

How To Boost Your Happiness : 8 Effective Tips To Achieve true happiness

Happiness is a commonly misunderstood word yet we keep searching for it our entire life. Do happiness quotes make you happy? Most people make wishes like –if only I had a big house, the job I wanted, a new car, the right partner –I would be very happy. Unfortunately, what most people don’t know is that you don’t require these things to be happy.

Do you smile every time you see a young child or baby giggling? This should remind you that we are all born with an innate and natural sense of happiness –It’s actually your birthright. You only experience unhappiness and suffering as you grow old and as circumstances change. This post will share essential happiness tips.

Be positive

Generally, life doesn’t need negative things, and negative emotions don’t have a purpose in your life. You don’t require negative emotions to do something good. These emotions only lead to negativity and that’s not good for you –they destroy your life including everything in it. What should you do? You have to learn to think positively of you want to be happy. Try to cultivate positivity and work on positive emotions. Once you develop positive emotions, you’ll be less vulnerable to any negative influence that’s around you.

Cultivate inner discipline

Discipline can transform your behaviors, outlook, and attitudes toward life. By developing a calm mind you’ll start attaining the fundamentals of true happiness. You can accomplish this by learning to face your negative qualities and tendencies and then turn them into positives. This is how you achieve inner discipline. Note that you shouldn’t ignore any events that happen around you. It means that your focus and sensitivity are still present but you are in control of everything. This way, you will easily respond to any circumstance without showing bad emotions.

Keep smiling

Do you believe that smile is contagious? Well, it works wonders not only to your face but to the people surrounding you. When you smile, your aura changes and you become radiant. You become more attractive and approachable. Isn’t this what everyone desires? Create a habit of smiling always even if your day is not as productive as you wanted or things haven’t gone the way you wanted them to. Just smile and you will see people smiling back at you.

Love yourself 

The most essential relationship you can ever have is being happy with yourself. Unluckily, most of us always talk to ourselves with contempt and criticism. The key to being happy is to treat yourself the same way you treat a person you love or your best friend –with compassion, unconditional acceptance, and love. You deserve your affection and love.

Be thankful

The opposite contentment is greed. A happy person will always be contented and successful but it doesn’t mean that they are glamorous and very rich. In fact, people who are always grateful for everything they have are often simple people. This is because they are proud of their simple accomplishments and choose to share the little they have with their loved ones. By learning to be grateful, you will have no room for greed since you’re contented. It’s okay to push yourself a little bit harder when you want to achieve your goals provided you don’t step on others as you try to succeed.


Learn to give

Develop a habit of giving with love without expecting to get something in return. This behavior will keep you nourished and you will be more fulfilled just like the person you offered a gift to. You don’t have to give expensive gifts to be happy –try giving a silent blessing in your heart, a helping hand every time you come across a needy person, or kind words of support.

Learn to forgive

The opposite of happiness is suffering. Even though pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice. Often, we like prolonging our agony when we perpetuate our pain and keep it alive. Do you find reasons and ways to hate a person just because you have experienced an injustice? Do you play a victim by magnifying what has happened? You have a choice in any given situation in your life. Your suffering will depend on how you choose to respond to a misfortune. Instead of choosing to suffer, try to forgive yourself and others and you’ll be happy. Happiness quotes can help you learn how to forgive too.

Forget the past

You can never be happy if you dwell on the past. Don’t allow your past experiences to define who you are or haunt your presence. Instead, choose to free yourself from the guilt, shame, pain, and hatred the past has brought you. Don’t re-live the past. Instead of playing a victim, choose to move forward and you will find happiness tips that can guide you.

Happiness can only be real if you stop seeking transient and material things and choose to discover that lasting joy that’s within you.

Consider following these tips and you will live a happier life. Now fulfillment and happiness are within your grasp.

8 Inspiring Tips To Live Your Life To The Fullest

There’s a difference between living your life and living your best life. In a world that’s full of negative influences and depressing realities, it can be hard to break through and live the inspiring life you want, but it’s the only way to truly live.

Inspiring tips to Living a Life Fulfilled

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

If you’re not careful, you can find yourself going through the emotions of life. Wake up, go to work, go home, go to sleep, and do it all again for the rest of your life. If you find yourself caught in this routine cycle, longing for more out of your life, read on for eight inspiring life tips.

1. Start with Gratitude

Believe it or not, your attitude and perspective on life will change immediately when you realize how much you really have. Too often, we take our lives for granted and never really know how good we have it.

Today, make it a point to be grateful for your family, friends, and loved ones in your life. Be sure to let them know how inspiring they are and that you’re glad that they are in your life. Similarly, make a note of how fortunate you are to simply be alive and able to think.

2. Don’t Let People Take Your Energy

While you may not realize it, the people you keep around you can change your energy for the better or the worse. People that are constantly negative can bring you down more than you realize.

If you find that you are constantly brought down or depressed by the problems and judgments of others, it may be time to cut them out of your life. Remember, your energy is important and you need to protect your wellbeing at all costs.

3. Always Forgive, Even if it Hurts

There is truth to the statement that when you hold on to the hurt from the past, you’re only hurting yourself. While you don’t need to welcome back the people who have hurt you, you can let go of the pain.

Be the one who forgives and choose to say that what happened in the past has no hold over you today. Instead of dwelling anymore on the hurt and the pain, choose to spend your time and emotions inspiring and loving the ones that love you and want the best for you.

4. Be Picky When Choosing Friends and Lovers

It’s easy to have great relationships when everything is going well. However, when times get difficult, you may find that those great relationships can’t take the heat. As you choose your friends and lovers, make sure you have a solid connection with them.

5. Always Love Yourself First

“One day, I had to sit down with myself and decide that I loved myself no matter what my body looked like and what other people thought about my body.”—Gabourey Sidibe


Living your life to the fullest also means loving yourself as hard as you can. Just like you love all the people in your life despite their faults, you need to love yourself. Whether you are full of self-confidence or you find yourself struggling to get through each day, make a regular habit of encouraging and believing in yourself. You’ll realize that with a little bit of self-love, you can begin inspiring yourself to live fuller.

6. Focus on Building Your Future

Don’t let the routine of the day-to-day rob you of your inspiring goals or dreams. Remember that each day can either bring you closer to what you want or hold you back. If you aren’t headed where you’d like to be, take the time now to change directions and focus on building the future you want.

7. Enjoy Life’s Little Treasures

Just like finding gratitude in your life and loved ones, be sure to enjoy the little things in life. The way the ocean looks, how beautiful the sunset is– taking time to pay attention to what is so often overlooked will help bring happiness back to your life.

8. Schedule in Fun

Don’t let life rob you of having fun. While we all have to get our work done, you can only get so much work in before you get burnt out. Be sure to fill your days with fun activities so you have something to look forward to as you work, as well as fond memories to enjoy at a later time.

The Time is Now

We only get one life. This is why it is so important to do everything in your power to build the one that you want to live. There’s always time to reinvent yourself and to rebuild, so if you aren’t where you’d like to be, now is the time to change.

Use these eight inspiring life tips to help you find the life you’ve always dreamed of. Life is hard enough as it is, this is why you must choose to dedicate your time and energy to living the life you long for.


How To Learn The Art Of Self Acceptance : The Key To Happiness

It is human nature to seek acceptance. People have many goals in life, but most will admit that they are pursuing happiness. Recent studies have confirmed that the clearest path to happiness is to learn self acceptance. As logical and trite as that piece of information may sound, it is not as simple to accomplish as one might think on the surface.

The power of acceptance is unquestionably important to most people. With society, family members and friends weighing in with their expectations for you, it is not always simple to stay true to yourself and embrace self acceptance. It is far too tempting to fall prey to “people pleaser” urges that will take you off your path.
While accepting yourself for who you are sounds so simple, it is not that easy for most of us.

Proven Steps to Acceptance of Yourself

Be Kind to Yourself
Forgive Yourself
Release the Past
Acknowledge Your Strengths
Quiet Your Inner Critic
Establish a Support System

Treat Yourself Well

Most people are nicer to other people than they are to themselves. The power of acceptance means you must treat yourself with the same kindness as you treat your best friends and family. Edit the thoughts in your head. If you would not say those negative and cruel things to others, then you should not be saying them to yourself.

We all have an inner monologue that is critical and judging us for every thought and action. This voice undermines your self-esteem and makes acceptance of your actions difficult.

Be True to Yourself

From the beginning of life, we are programmed to be responsible citizens, good children, dedicated students, loyal friends and a loving brother or sister to our siblings. The pressure starts building at an early age to live up to the expectations of others. This explains why it is so difficult to listen to your inner thoughts that can guide you to your authentic self.

Acceptance of what our elders tell us early on causes us to doubt our own thoughts and desires. Schools often teach us how to conform. At an early age, children learn to repress their true nature so they will “fit in” as expected. If you want to be happy, you need to allow your true desires and personality to surface.

As adults, our lives become even more complicated placing many expectations on us. We are led to believe that we can find happiness by marrying the perfect person, having a family and working hard at a job that will reward us for that hard work.

Forgive Yourself and Others

We’ve all made mistakes. It’s called being human. Stop punishing yourself by thinking about all of your failures and disappointments in life. You have to quiet your inner cynic if you want to enjoy life.


Mother and teenage daughter giving each other a big hug.

Once you stop looking backwards, then you can open yourself up to an exciting future where you can shine. Tap into your strengths and passions so that you can offer your unique gifts to the world and live the meaningful life you were meant to live. Approach your future with a positive attitude, always remembering to honour who you are and what you want.

Create a Positive Support System

If you crave acceptance and happiness, then you have to surround yourself with positive people. It is far too easy to fall into relationships without deliberately selecting the people you want in your life. Work associates and family members aren’t typically hand picked by you.

All you need to remember to manage these key relationships is to limit the time you spend with negative people. If you have family members who bring you down, then you should limit your time around them, or in the worst cases, eliminate them from your life altogether.

Carefully select friends and romantic partners based on how they make you feel. Do they build you up, or tear you down. If you want to be happy, you have to spend time with happy people who make you feel good about yourself. It’s that simple.


Self acceptance and happiness go hand in hand. We all deserve happiness, but we often are the very person who is unintentionally pushing those good vibes away. By taking some deliberate action and following some of the tips above, you can transform your life.

While happiness is something we all want, it is important to distinguish between being able to accept yourself and wanting the acceptance of others. Happiness is at your fingertips always, when you follow your own path and do the things you love. Spending time with upbeat and supportive friends and family members rounds out a pleasurable life experience.


How to Plan for Keto Diet the Right Way

The ketogenic diet is all the rage amongst those that are trying to shed some pounds and get their bodies in shape. The keto diet is designed to put your body into a metabolic state called ketosis so that your body burns fat and not sugar. To achieve this goal, you have to limit your intake of carbohydrates while increasing your intake of proteins. There are certain things you should do ahead to time to prepare for the keto diet for weight loss so you can avoid some common mistakes and achieve your weight loss goals.

Tips to Plan for Keto Diet

Stock Up on the Keto-Friendly Foods: 
You should go to the grocery store and purchase foods that are high in protein and good carbs like green leafy vegetables and berries. You will want to have plenty of lean meats on hand including chicken, beef, and pork along with fish and other seafood like tuna and salmon. You can eat cheese and eggs along with chicken and beef broth. Nuts make a great snack to ward off hunger between meals. The traditional ratio of macros for your intake is 75 percent fats, 20 percent protein, and only five percent carbs.
An example of a typical day’s worth of meals would be eggs and bacon for breakfast (no bread), a salad topped with chicken and cheese for lunch, and for dinner, a steak with roasted vegetables will leave you feeling full and satisfied.
You must eliminate certain foods from your diet including bread, rice, and pasta along with sugar laden foods such as cakes, pies, and candies.

Planning Ahead 
Many people on the keto diet for weight loss plan their meals and snacks ahead of time to ensure that you are able to stick to the plan. Nothing derails a diet more than when you are starving and simply grab the first thing you see in your cupboard. Get rid of the foods you will no longer be eating and replace them with the foods that you can eat on the keto diet. Plan your meals a week in advance so you do not become stressed out while trying to figure out what you are going to eat.

Avoid Carb Flu 
Some people will experience some nausea and tiredness when they first start the keto diet for weight loss. To avoid this, be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water per day and exercise. Walking is a great way to burn fat and is not overly strenuous like jogging or running. Choose an exercise video you enjoy to keep your heart rate up for at least 25 minutes per day at least three times per week to burn even more calories and fat. Pilates or yoga is also a great way to get in shape and reduce stress. Also, keep your sodium level up by drinking broth and take a multi-vitamin to ensure that you are receiving the plenty of the necessary vitamins you need to stay healthy and on-track with your weight loss program with the keto diet.

Water is Life 
Many people fail on this diet because they do not drink enough water to promote ketosis. To do this, make sure you have a water bottle with you at all times. If plain water becomes too drab for you, add a little lemon or lime to give it some flavor. You should try to drink at least one ounce of water per each pound that you weigh. In other words, if you weigh 178 pounds, you will need to drink at least 178 ounces of water each day to stay on track.

keto diet

Share Your Goals 
Share your weight loss goals with others to help you stay on track and explain to your relatives and friends that you absolutely cannot break your diet. If you are invited to a family birthday party, for instance, let the hostess know ahead of time that you will not be partaking in the cake and ice cream. Some people will come up with a keto-friendly recipe to accommodate you or you can bring your own dessert and share it with others. You may inspire the people you love to get healthy with you!

Enjoy the Journey 
After you get everything in place to stay organized with your new diet, enjoy your weight loss journey. Not only will you soon be looking better, you will be feeling much healthier and full of energy!!

Things to know before going on a keto diet

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