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9 Acts of Kindness That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

With all the negative news out there, we can easily become cynical and miss out on all the positive things happening. While bad people will always exist, the good ones far outnumber them. However, you won’t see a lot of feel-good stories on the news, so today, we want to shine the spotlight on 9 selfless people who brought joy and happiness to someone else.

We hope that your faith in humanity will be restored by reading about these incredible humans.

Here are 9 acts of kindness that will make you love humanity again:

1. Instead of accepting birthday gifts for herself, this little girl decided to accept donations for The Happy Birthday Project, an organization that provides birthday parties for children in need.

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This little girl can teach us all the value of giving instead of receiving.

2. The woman pictured in the middle, Ms. Sandy, bought all of these police officers a Subway sandwich for lunch!

Police officers do so much to protect our communities, so it’s nice to give them something in return.

3. You have probably seen these before in a neighborhood near you. Not only do these Little Free Libraries encourage people to read, but they can do so for free!

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4. In honor of Anthony Bourdain, this lovely woman decided to create a movement called #Bourdainitforward, encouraging people to do a good deed involving food or mental health/suicide awareness.

She paid it forward by treating a single Dad with three kids to a meal!

5. These adorable, sweet boys are spreading kindness by handing out flowers at a local nursing home!

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6. These girls decided to take part in a random act of kindness by potting some plants and giving them away while spreading awareness about mental health!

7. This barber shop in Houston, Texas goes out in their community to give free haircuts to the homeless every Monday. What a beautiful random act of kindness.

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8. To make sure his blind friend crossed the finish line, the guy in the yellow tied a string to his hand and stayed with him the whole race!

9. You never know; maybe the person behind you is running late or in a hurry to get somewhere – letting them go first might turn their whole day around!

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Random acts of kindness can bring much-needed positivity to our world and make someone’s life just a little bit better. Always look around for people who need help, and don’t hesitate to offer your hand and heart; you never know how much your kindness means to them.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

11 People Who Lost 100 Pounds And Started Living A Whole New Life

We all know that losing weight isn’t easy; it takes hard work, dedication, and willpower. With all the unhealthy foods and lifestyle choices out there, sticking to your guns and losing the weight can prove quite difficult. Losing even 15 or 20 pounds is cause for celebration for most people, but losing over 100 pounds is life-changing. We bring to you 11 people who went on a 100 pound weight loss journey and totally transformed their lives. Hopefully, these people will inspire you to go on your own quest for a healthier, happier, more positive life, because if they can do it, so can you!

Here are 11 people who are over 100 pounds down in real life:

1. This girl put in the work and lost over 100 pounds in less than a year. You go girl!


post shared by Miriam | Down Over 100lbs ?? (@mir.onamission)

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2. One year after having gastric bypass surgery, this woman has lost 170 pounds!

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3. Following a keto diet helped this beautiful woman lose over 100 pounds. SO inspiring!

4. Rosie says she has more weight to lose, but has lost 102 pounds in the last two and a half years! Don’t forget to look back on how far you’ve come!

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5. Good job girl! Losing weight is NOT easy and you should be so proud of yourself!

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6. Don’t get fit to look good; get in shape to FEEL good!

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7. Weight loss is a journey – don’t rush it and remember to listen to your body!

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8. To all the guys out there, we see you too and acknowledge your weight loss journey. 100 pounds down and looking good, Paul!

9. A 100 pound weight loss journey is an amazing thing. This guy looks absolutely radiant in the after photo!

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10. 110 pounds down and looking fabulous!

11. Three years and over 100 pounds later, even Goofy can’t believe it!

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These people put in blood, sweat and tears to lose over 100 pounds, and it paid off! No weight loss journey comes easily, so take your time and stay consistent. You WILL see results as long as you keep on track, stay connected to positive people who support you, and give yourself some cheat meals every once in a while. You’re amazing already – always remember that – but getting fit will help you feel even more amazing!

lose weight

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Avocado Nutrition Facts (Most People Don’t Know About)

Avocados are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. In fact, they are so packed with nutrients that they’re labeled as a “superfood.” (Can you picture an avocado donning a red cape?)

Despite the numerous health benefits of an avocado, the fruit still has its fair share of detractors. The main reason for this is its high fat content. Indeed, an avocado contains a lot of fat – healthy fat, which the body needs to survive. For clarification, there are two types of fat – unsaturated and saturated – otherwise known as “healthy” and “unhealthy” fat, respectively. (So, there’s a bonus nutritional fact, just for you!)

Let’s talk about ten other nutrition facts about the avocado that you may not know!

1. Avocados are unlike any other fruit.

“… the avocado is a food without rival among the fruits, the veritable fruit of paradise.” – David Fairchild, American botanist and plant explorer who introduced more than 200,000 exotic plants into the United States

Have you ever eaten an avocado? Does it smell or taste like fruit to you? No, it doesn’t. It’s kind of a weird fruit, actually.

Most fruits are loaded with natural sugars and carbohydrates; avocados are very low in both. While the main draw of most fruits is their sweet and juicy taste, avocados are creamy with almost no hint of sweetness. Beyond this, an avocado has nutritional value unlike any other fruit out there, which we’ll talk about a bit more.

2. Avocados may bolster weight loss.

In a study published in Nutrition Journal, researchers found that adding about 1/2 of a fresh Hass avocado increased feelings of fullness (“satiety”) in both overweight and obese participants – over a 3-to-5-hour period! In other words, just half of an avocado was enough to “hold over” the appetites of those who might otherwise snack between meals. Goodbye, cravings!

3. The avocado safeguards your eyes.

Containing what are called phytochemicals, avocados provide an effective and potent antioxidant. These antioxidants, spread throughout the eye tissue, can protect the eyes from ultraviolet (UV) light. Additionally, because of their potent nutrient-absorption properties, avocados may also reduce the risk of macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in individuals over 55 years of age.

4. Avocado aids nutrient absorption.

We must consume adequate nutrients, but we must also be able to absorb those nutrients. Fat-soluble nutrients must be combined with fats – ideally, healthy fats – to be properly utilized by the body. As avocados contain high concentrations of healthy, monosaturated fats, they complement other nutritious foods perfectly. Besides absorbing nutrients, avocado also helps absorb and utilize antioxidants!

5. Avocado improves heart health.avocado

Multiple studies show that avocado decreases the risk of heart disease, which is the most common cause of death worldwide. Some risk factors for cardiovascular disease include high cholesterol, inflammation, and elevated blood triglycerides. In an analysis of eight studies, researchers found that avocado:

  • Decreases blood triglycerides upwards of 20%.
  • Increases “good” (HDL) cholesterol and decreases “bad” (LDL) cholesterol.
  • Lowers inflammatory markers.

Benefits of avacado

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6. Avocados are high in fiber.

Besides improving digestion, fiber also supports the body in many other ways. It stabilizes blood sugar, promotes healthy gut bacteria, and lowers cholesterol levels. Per the USDA nutritional database, a small Hass avocado contains 10 grams of dietary fiber! Incredible!

7. Avocados have more potassium than bananas.

This one may be the most surprising. Not only do avocados outpunch a banana in potassium content, but they also outpunch darn near every other food, period. According to USDA databases, ½ of an avocado contains 487 milligrams (mg) of potassium. One cup of pureed avocado includes a whopping 1,116 mg of potassium!

8. Avocados span the nutritional spectrum.

You might be surprised by the sheer number of nutrients in an avocado. It contains 20 different minerals and vitamins. Just 3.5 ounces of avocado includes the following nutrients (and their recommended daily allowance, or RDA):

  • Vitamin K (26%)
  • Folate (20%)
  • Vitamin C (17%)
  • Potassium (14%)
  • Vitamin B5 (14%)
  • Vitamin B6 (13%)

Also making an appearance: vitamin E, A, B1, B2, B3, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, and zinc.

9. Avocados may fight arthritis.

Avocado contains substances called saponins, which are linked to the improvement of arthritis and osteoporosis symptoms. You find saponins in other plant foods, including soy. Researchers are currently studying the potentially enormous benefits of avocado extract on these and similar conditions.

10. Avocados are a legit brain food.

Dr. Daniel Amen, renowned neuroscientist and author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, cites avocados as one of the healthiest brain foods in existence. One reason is the fruit’s high concentrations of vitamin K, which is known to neutralize free radicals and inflammation. Numerous studies have shown that vitamin K may reverse the early stage symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. In this respect, avocados may provide a neuroprotective benefit!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How to Make A Magnesium Drink To Help Anxiety in 1 Week

Magnesium is one of the most powerful antidotes to anxiety anywhere. This is certainly a pertinent fact, considering that most adults in the United States are deficient in this vital nutrient. The recommended daily intake or RDI is between 320 and 400 milligrams per day while the average American adult consumes less than 250 milligrams. Magnesium is required for an estimated 300+ biochemical bodily reactions.

Here is just a short list of our body’s processes in which magnesium plays a role:

  • Supports a healthy immune system.
  • Regulates heartbeat.
  • Strengthens the bones.
  • Aids energy production.
  • Regulates blood sugar.

Of course, magnesium is also critical to brain function. Magnesium may reduce brain inflammation, suppress the stress response, and promote the normalization of neurotransmitters. Magnesium may also have a calming effect on the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). While the SNS works with the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) to keep us alive and kicking, it is also responsible for anxiety.

“Simply taking a good magnesium supplement could pull you out of a downward spiral.” – Carolyn Dean, M.D., author of The Magnesium Miracle

Six Signs You Need More Magnesium to Help with Anxiety

Before we show you how to make a great “miracle” beverage, here are a few signs you may need more “Mg” in your life!

  1. You have trouble sleeping or insomnia.
  2. You’re irritable, often for no reason.
  3. You have a sensitivity to noise.
  4. You’re anxious, depressed, or restless.
  5. You suffer from sore muscles or muscle spasms, twitches, or tremors.
  6. You suffer from bone fragility or osteoporosis.

The relationship between magnesium deficiency and anxiety is a convincing one. In a 2017 study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers found magnesium supplements decreased subjective measures of anxiety in “moderately anxious individuals.” (By “moderately anxious individuals” do they mean everyone?!)

Did you know there’s a way to make an anti-anxiety drink using – you guessed it – magnesium as the main ingredient? And here it is.anxiety

Miracle Magnesium Anti-Anxiety Drink

First, here are the ingredients that you will need (and their magnesium count):

  • 1 cup of kale or spinach (157 milligrams).
  • 1 banana (32 milligrams).
  • A tablespoon (TBSP) of raw cacao powder  (27 milligrams).
  • A teaspoon (TSP) of agave nectar or organic honey (1 milligram).
  • 1 scoop of protein powder (optional; for additional nutrient benefits).
  • 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk (17 milligrams).

Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix thoroughly.

Total Mg count: 234 milligrams; 59-73% of recommended daily intake (RDI).

Magnesium-rich Foods

“I find it funny that more doctors aren’t clued in to the benefits of magnesium, because we use it all the time in conventional medicine.” – Mark Hyman, M.D., author of The Ultra-Metabolism Cookbook and The Ultra-Mind Solution

To close things out, here is a top ten list of our favorite magnesium-rich foods!

  • Dark leafy greens, 1 cup: 100-160 mg
  • Pumpkin seeds, 1 ounce: 150 mg (!!)
  • Black beans, 1 cup: 120 mg
  • Salmon, 1 fillet: 106 mg
  • Cashews, 1 ounce: 82 mg
  • Whole grains, 1 ounce: 50-70 mg
  • Dark chocolate (yay!!), 1 ounce: 65 mg
  • Avocado, 1 medium: 59 mg
  • Tofu, 3.5 ounces: 53 mg
  • Bananas, 1 large: 37 mg

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How to Release Emotional Attachments to Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back

Falling out of love with someone is an unfortunate part of life that all of us have had to deal with at some point – but it gets even more heartbreaking when the person who’s being fallen out of love with is you. Nothing in the world can prepare you for the feeling that someone towards whom you still feel immense emotional attachments to doesn’t love you back. You can feel left out, abandoned, and lonely to the point where you can end up convincing yourself you’ll never find love again.

However, that’s definitely not the case and you need to practice your positive thinking to remind yourself of that as often as you can. It’s very hard because you’re craving validation from someone who’ll never give it to you. Still, there are healthy ways of coping with the situation. Take a look at some tips on how to sever your emotional attachment to someone who doesn’t love you back. And remember, it’s always a work in progress, so don’t expect immediate results.

Here Are 6 Ways to Release Emotional Attachments to Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back

1. Get yourself back out there.

It doesn’t matter whether you feel ready or not – no one feels truly, fully ready to start dating again after their relationship has broken down. But the positive side to trying to find someone new is that you meet new people all the time. Even if it doesn’t progress into a relationship, you might still end up finding people you love to spend time with as friends. Besides, the more you surround yourself with new people, the more you’ll find that validation that you needed from the emotionally unavailable person. Rebounding is not always a great idea, though. What you need might be emotional, rather than physical, attachment. If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t know if you’re leading someone else on, take it easy. Enjoy the companionship of new friends as much as you can.

2. Give yourself time to become less emotional.

There’s a reason why people say that time is the greatest healer. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, things will get better once you let some weeks and months pass. You’ll see that life goes on, that you have work and family and friendships you can put all your energy into now instead. Don’t try to feel better straight away. Allow yourself time to grieve over the love you’ve lost. If you try and suppress those feelings, they will emerge stronger and more powerful. Feel what you have to feel, as it will allow you to expunge those emotions from yourself and you can move on.

3. Reminisce about the things that went wrong in your relationship.

“Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached.” – Simone Weil

These are all the things you want to avoid thinking about, right? Well, what better way to remember why you shouldn’t have any emotional attachment to that person than remember all the things they did to get you here? Do you remember your last argument? Or the annoying habits they had that kept building up until you couldn’t take anymore? It’s a great way of reconciling any residual guilt you have as well. It often happens that people coming out of failed relationships think the burden of responsibility is on them, which isn’t the case at all. Remember that this is a two-way process. In other words, the ending of the relationship should be a shared responsibility.

4. Be the best version of you.

After you’ve been in a relationship for a very long time, it’s easy to lose your individual identity. Remember what makes you unique and explore it – or find something new, like a hobby you’ve never considered picking up. Pottery? Stained glass? Pilates? Pole dancing? There’s a whole world of activities out there that you can get involved in. They will engage your mind in the best way possible, so you can forget about the person that you keep thinking about. Focus on you – because you probably haven’t done that in a long, long time. Remember that you are an individual with hopes and goals and dreams that you can now achieve.

5. Close the emotional chapter of your last relationship forever.

There’s nothing more tempting than trying to get back in contact with the person you love – even if they don’t love you. Casual texts to see how they’re doing, or pretending you’ve sent the text to the wrong person. All those things are your mind’s way of trying to implant a sense of false hope. Let go of that. Delete their phone number and stop stalking them on Facebook and Instagram. The more time you have to spend apart, the better you’ll feel. Stop living in the past and look towards the self confidence

6. Try to find love again.

It will seem impossible at first that you’ll ever feel a deep emotional attachment to anyone else, but you might be surprised. If your heart is open to new possibilities, you need to give it the opportunity to live them. Positive thinking is key here. If you give in to your apocalyptic thoughts that you’ve walked past your soulmate forever, you won’t feel any motivation to keep going. Instead, think about how you deserve to be loved with the same enormity that you, yourself, can love. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and allow yourself to feel love towards someone else. It’s a wonderful remedy for unrequited feelings.

Final thoughts on learning to release emotional attachment

At every step on the way, remember to always reassess your own feelings. Is that what you need right now? Are you making the right choices? Are you moving too quickly? Don’t force yourself into situations that you might feel uncomfortable in, just because you feel like you should. Healing from emotional attachment is a very individual process, so listen to your heart and you won’t fail. You’ll know when the right time comes to do some healing. Until then, be kind to yourself and don’t allow for the bad thoughts to enter your head. Settle for positive thinking and a good mindset instead.

5 Signs You May Be A Psychic Intuitive

Have you ever witnessed someone accurately predict the future without any prior knowledge or facts about a situation? If so, you might have come in contact with a psychic intuitive. While research is scant regarding psychic abilities, you can read countless stories online about people who seemed to know about an event before it happened.

For example, in an article on, one woman’s frightening dreams led her to schedule a doctor’s appointment because she felt something was wrong. Her psychic abilities and intuition literally saved her life; it turned out that she had colon cancer, despite the doctors finding nothing wrong with her bloodwork.

After having several dreams where dozens of frail, ghostly looking people stood across from her at a barbed-wire fence, Trisha Coburn felt a sense of overwhelming foreboding. Finally, after the fifth dream where she heard a voice say, “Look deeper,” she scheduled a colonoscopy at her doctor’s office even though she had no history of colon cancer and no symptoms. During this visit, they discovered a black mass in her colon. The cancer was aggressive and the gastroenterologist told her that if she had waited just a couple months, Trisha would’ve had little chance at survival.

Even if you haven’t had such a life-altering experience, you might use your psychic and intuitive abilities every day and not even realize it.

Here are 5 signs you may be a psychic intuitive:

1. You’re highly empathetic.

Despite all the negativity going on in the world, you help people stay positive by giving them a safe place to run to when they need shelter. You can feel what someone else feels just by standing next to them or reading their body language.

This ability might drain you because you take on the emotions of others, but you have an incredible gift. You can relate well to people because you’re highly emotional and deeply care about how other people feel. When you can sit down and listen to someone’s story without interrupting or getting bored, other people trust you with their problems and deepest secrets.

2. You make decisions based on emotions rather than logic.

“I believe in intuitions and inspirations … [and] sometimes feel that I am right. I do not know that I am.” – Albert Einstein

Intuitive people rely on their gut instincts rather than analytical thinking when making decisions. They gather information based on abstract concepts rather than the real world around them. You will rarely meet a psychic person who thrives on logic and what is. Intuitive people get excited by what could be. They live inside their minds and construct a world based on their dreams. They may not always know how to transform those dreams into reality, but they firmly believe in the concepts they’ve created.

If you tend to make decisions based on gut instincts instead of concrete facts, you might be a psychic intuitive.

3. You need more alone time than the average person.

Psychic people need time to work on their gifts away from the chaos and hectic pace of modern life. They tune into their higher selves in solitude, which helps them to perfect their craft and help others when necessary. Intuitive people know the value of positive thinking, but unfortunately, all the negativity in the world can easily bring them down because of their sensitivity.

So, if you enjoy spending time alone more than being in crowds, you probably have psychic abilities.

4. You feel like you don’t belong here.

Somehow you just feel like you don’t relate to the cruel world out there. You see what’s below the surface and know that many people suffer due to the world we have constructed. So, you don’t really see the point in trying to fit in to an unjust, uncivilized, corrupt world. Sure, you relate to how people feel, but not the processes and concepts that make them feel this way. You desperately want to create a new world based on love and acceptance for all, but getting there seems impossible sometimes.

If your intuition is screaming at you that something is greatly amiss here, then you’re probably right.

5. Large crowds and noise make you anxious.sensitive

Usually, psychic intuitive people feel greatly imbalanced in chaotic environments. They thrive in peaceful, quiet places, which explains why many of them work from home or spend time out among nature whenever possible. It takes a toll on them every time they go out somewhere, so intuitive people must take time to recharge and decompress from their day.

Final thoughts

If you are psychic intuitive, you are needed on this planet now more than ever. Empathetic, sensitive people can help us heal as a collective and usher in a new, more loving, world. Being highly emotional and empathetic is not a curse; it is a great gift that can help others feel less alone and more understood. If you can feel energy and go by your intuition to make decisions, you have psychic abilities that you can use to guide yourself and others in this life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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