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Scientific Proof: Practicing Gratitude Every Day Can Change Your Life

Practicing gratitude is being thankful with intention.

Let’s discuss what we mean by “practicing gratitude.” It’s very simple and straightforward. Practicing gratitude deliberately bringing to mind things in your life for which you are thankful.

Some people choose to meditate on gratitude. Some take a few minutes to bring to mind life’s gifts. Others enjoy writing, so they keep a gratitude journal. Still others, like yours truly, take a few minutes in the morning and list three to five things they’re appreciative of. They keep the list on their desk for the day. (A list like this can help to remind yourself of the good things in the middle of a hectic day.) In short: it’s up to you how you want to practice gratitude.

“Why should I practice gratitude?”

 Alex Korb, Ph.D., in a piece called “The Grateful Brain,” discusses the conclusions drawn from a 2003 study:

…researchers assigned young adults to keep a daily journal of things they were grateful for. They assigned other groups to journal about things that annoyed them, or why they were better off than others. The young adults assigned to keep gratitude journals showed greater increases in determination, attention, enthusiasm and energy compared to the other groups.

On this note, please understand that gratitude is not about contemplating the disadvantages of others. Some people like to throw out statistics about poverty, hunger, or homelessness as if to instill some sense of guilt. This might serve a purpose, especially if it urges someone to do something to help improve the lives of the disadvantaged. Gratitude, however, has a different focus. Gratitude is more about bringing to mind everyday things that we may otherwise take for granted.

Now, here’s what science says about gratitude.

Gratitude promotes positive thinking

Focusing on the positive shifts your mind from the negative. Left to our own devices, the brain tends to ruminate on bad things – a lovely, cognitive quirk known as the negativity bias.  Brain scans of people who practice gratitude show more activity in areas of the brain associated with positivity and. More importantly, that area of the brain also links to happiness.

Gratitude may lessen anxiety and depression

In a 2012 Chinese study, researchers discovered that people who practice mindfulness-based gratitude might be less prone to anxiety and depression. On a neuropsychological level, this discovery is hardly surprising. People diagnosed with anxiety and depression often report ruminating on dark or otherwise negative thoughts. Mindfulness-based practices, on the other hand, can stimulate the growth of neurons in areas of the brain responsible for happiness and contentment.

Gratitude may promote healthier living

Researchers found that adults who kept a gratitude journal report feeling more optimistic. They also found this newfound optimism manifested into healthier life choices. For one, the participants reported better exercise habits (apparently encouraging motivation), an improved sense of well-being, and less frequent instances of common ailments such as headaches.gratitude quote

Gratitude increases the desire to help others

In a study conducted at the University of California-Berkeley, researchers found that “an attitude of gratitude” promotes the desire to help others. Researchers Joel Wong, Ph.D. and Joshua Brown, Ph.D., write, in part:

… we found that when people who are generally more grateful gave more money to a cause, they showed greater neural sensitivity in the medial prefrontal cortex, a brain area associated with learning and decision making. This suggests that people who are more grateful are also more attentive to how they practice gratitude.

Gratitude makes you happier!

 Two professors from University of California-Davis, Robert A. Emmons and Mike McCullough, assigned their students to one of three groups:

  1. Those who journaled about things they’re grateful for.
  2. The ones who journaled about things preoccupying their mind and time.
  3. A group who journaled about their day – good and bad.

After ten weeks, Emmons and McCullough discovered that students who kept a gratitude journal “felt 25 percent better than the other groups, and had exercised an average of 1.5 hours more.”

Final Thoughts

We rarely have to make an effort to resort to negative thinking.  That comes naturally. Between a biological predisposition to focus on the bad and the incessant barrage of negative information, it’s no wonder negativity affects us all.

That said, there’s little doubt that the practice of gratitude can counteract harmful thought patterns. Numerous studies demonstrate these effects, and the research mentioned in this article further expands upon the benefits of gratitude.

To conclude things, here is a short list of gratitude practices from which you may benefit:

  • Keep a gratitude journal and write something in it every day.
  • Take a mindful nature walk.
  • When a negative thought arises, try to think of something positive.
  • Make it a point to perform one act of kindness each day.
  • Jot down things for which you’re grateful on Post-It notes and leave them around the house.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

12 Signs You Are A Hopeless Romantic

Love, affection and romance are beautiful things that can really make life worth living. Being drawn to these things can both complicate and enrich your life, depending on the situation and intensity of feelings. You may very well be one of those people who find themselves caught up in the moment as they go through life, letting love connect them to people they come in contact with and searching for hopeless romantic tips along the way.

Getting swept up in emotion, chemistry and commitment may not be entirely coincidental. In fact, it could be part of your personality. There are those among us who are naturally drawn to the sweeter things in life and cannot help but indulge themselves in the areas of passion and companionship. Here are 12 signs that point toward you being a hopeless romantic.

12 Clear Signs you are a Hopeless Romantic

If you are spontaneous. 
Serendipity and chance can play a big part in romancing someone. The way we meet people and the things that happen when we are with them are often random chance and pure luck. Being flexible and knowing when to go with the flow may mean that you have certain romantic inclinations.

If you enjoy life through sensation. 
We experience the entire world around us with all five of our senses. Sight, touch, scent, taste and sound all play an important roll in our interactions with other people. Particularly in a romantic sense. If you are someone who is fascinated with and captivated by these more tangible experiences, you could be more likely to be a passionate romantic.

If you are a natural optimist. 
Looking at the silver lining can give you a whimsical and sunny outlook on life. It’s not entirely surprising that this quality would be appealing and exciting to those around you. Being able to see the bright side could mean you will make you an eternally hopeless romantic partner.

If you are nostalgic. 
Strolls down memory lane and inside jokes are tell tale signs of a romantic personality. Those who are nostalgic masterfully savoring shared moments and catalog their many experiences in order to remember them for years to come. Making lasting memories and meaningful connections can hint very strongly at a sentimental, romantic nature.

If you are committed. 
Not necessarily even in the relational sense of the word. Some romantic gestures or ideas may not go smoothly or perfectly the first time around. A hopeless romantic probably won’t easily abandon a labor of love.

If you are empathetic. 
Knowing how others are feeling can indicate that you have a truly romantic side. If you naturally want to try and understand the people you are interested in, you’ll likely be talented at pleasing them. Empathy can often inform romance.

If you enjoy aesthetic beauty. 
Appearance might not be everything, but it is certainly something. An affinity for beautiful things and gorgeous people can lead you to enjoy exciting and fascinating experiences with people from many different walks of life. It all depends on where you find beauty.

If you are creative. 
Coming up with ways to deeply impress someone and convey your feelings is no small task. While these projects take a certain level of dedication, the imagination in your ideas are the things that make them uniquely romantic. Outside-the-box approaches can make quite the lasting impression.

creative people

If you are a giver. 
Wanting others to be happy is always a pretty heavy hint at a romantic. Romantics who are giving tend to carefully think through their partners’ wants and needs. Sometimes even before they have fully thought through their own. This kind of closely paid attention doesn’t typically go unnoticed.

If you are ambitious. 
For an ambitious Casanova, the sky is the limit. If you are the sort of hopeless romantic who keeps your sights set high, grand gestures and proclamations are likely your forte. These are the things that help to set you apart from those around you while affording you their attention.

If you are adventurous. 
It is difficult to be a hopeless romantic without a little sense of adventure. Relationships and connections are all journeys we go on. Adventurous romantics enjoy the exploration, where ever it may end up leading them.


If you are organized. 
An organized romantic will never forget a birthday, anniversary or any other important event. While organizational skill might not be the first thing that comes to mind at the word “romantic”, they are typically a necessity for anything lasting a significant length of time.

Romantic people are fantastically mysterious and endlessly fascinating. Hopeless romantic tips can really vary depending on the exact type of romantic you happen to be. Regardless of the specifics, however, one thing seems to remain a cultural constant. Our steadfast craving for romance can certainly be interpreted as an indication of its importance and significance in the human experience.

Whether you are a hopeless romantic in search of a hopeless romantic partner, or someone who is happy to let life connect them to people at random, there are plenty of ways to tell that romance is an important part of your life. At a time when people feel over worked and overwhelmed with daily life, romance can be the very thing that makes it all worth it.

10 Dreadful Signs of A Narcissistic Partner

If you look closely enough, movies and books are filled with characters with narcissistic tendencies. Scarlett O’Hara (Gone with the Wind), Daniel Cleaver (Bridget Jones’ Diary), and the manic kitchen towel straightener who was Julia Robert’s husband in Sleeping with the Enemy. Once you know these types of people exist, you will begin to see them everywhere.

Perhaps the most common trait of the narcissistic personality is the insatiable appetite for the attention of others. In a dating relationship, the narcissist secures your attention by means of “love bombing.” You will be made to feel very special and that your chance meeting was written in the stars. But behind this onslaught of compliments and affection is a deliberate attempt to harvest the “supply” he needs to feed his ego. Once the bombing has subsided, here are ten signs you have encountered a narcissistic personality.

Ten Signs of a Narcissistic Partner (Don’t Ignore These Red Flags)

Narcissistic Person

1. One-sided conversations

A narcissist will dominate date night and discuss his achievements and interests with subjects. In the beginning, there may have been two-way, heart-to-heart conversations, but those occasions fade like a mist of breath on a mirror. A true narcissist is only a good listener when it increases his dosage of narcissistic supply.

2. Isolation from family and friends

A narcissistic person will almost immediately set about isolating you from any support structure that he identifies as a threat to his control of you. In the early stages of dating, he may accompany you to gatherings with family or friends. After a short while, the narcissist withdraws from these activities and complains about you going without him.

3. Triangulation

To make you obsess over him, a person with narcissistic personality disorder will introduce other women into the mix. He may mention a woman from work who flirts with him or his ex-girlfriend who sends him messages through social media. Narcissists triangulate to create turmoil in your mind, solidifying his control of you.

4. Irritability and Aggressiveness

This may manifest in the form of road rage. A person with narcissistic personality disorder believes his world should be full of agreeable and adored people. His motto could be, “I’m the jerk that the world revolves around.” Even if it’s an elderly person who inadvertently drifts over in his lane, he will ride her bumper to let her know he won’t accept what is – in his mind – a personal insult.

5. The sound of silence

Has your dating partner given you the cold shoulder after an innocent remark meant to improve the relationship? He will apply the silent treatment to inflict maximum damage. Make no mistake: when ignored by the person whose attention means a lot to you, the reaction in your brain is similar to physical pain. Don’t ignore this sign. Normal people don’t do this.

6. Extreme, and often misplaced arrogance

This man has a grandiose sense of himself. He will exaggerate his achievements and talents and expect to be recognized as superior without proportionate achievements.

7. Crazy ex-girlfriends

A truly narcissistic man despises and diminishes women. He views all females with contempt and as inferior gold diggers. So, of course, every woman in his past is crazy. Narcissists are incapable of amicable breakups. Most will even go so far as to try to ruin the reputation of his exes.

8. Above the law

He can text his girlfriend, cut in line, and cheat on his taxes because the rules apply to everyone else. The narcissistic individual has zero consideration for others and is not afraid to question authority because he is convinced he is better than everyone else.

9. Irresponsible with money

Does your dating partner have a sob story about his lack of money? When it comes to his finances, narcissists often engage in the kind of magical thinking that leads to shortsighted behavior and eventually heavy debt and financial crimes.

successful people

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10. Future faking

The future faker will talk and often talk about his plans for the future, and these plans always include you. He may even speak of marriage after just a few weeks. This technique allows you to think there is a future so he can control you in the present.

Final Thoughts on the Red Flags That Show a Narcissistic Partner

You will find that normal, loving people do not raise any of these flags. If your dating partner consistently exhibits any of the traits listed here, run, don’t walk, away. A bona fide narcissist will deviously plot your downfall with an Oscar-worthy performance. Unless he seeks professional help, he cannot change and will only move on to the next target.

A quick disclaimer: Although women are not exempt from narcissism, we used the pronoun “he” because the male species is likelier to rate on the narcissistic scale. Also, the aforementioned red flags are associated with extreme narcissism – not the type related to healthy self-esteem.

How to Teach Yourself to Stop Letting Bad Things Bother You

One of life’s scariest truths is that there are many more aspects of life that you have no control over than areas where you do. Once you accept that you can’t stop bad things 100% of the time, there’s a great feeling of freedom to be found in it.

If you’re the type who lets bad events (big or small) bother you and ruin your day, we’re happy to present you with the following seven tips to help you “let it go.”

Here are 7 ways to stop letting bad things bother you:

1. “Do I have control over this?”

The famous Serenity Prayer asks for the “wisdom to know the difference” between what you can and cannot change.

This is easier said than done. It requires near-constant assessment of the events in your life. While you can’t control what someone says to you, you can control what you say to them. You cannot change the weather patterns in your region, but you can definitely buy a high-quality umbrella and a rain jacket.

You really only control your own behavior and reactions. If you allow events bother you too much, give thought to which aspects of the situation you can control, and what you can change.

2. Pinpoint Your Fears.

You understandably have fears about negative things happening in your life – particularly if you have children and other close family members. The fears hardly end there, though.

It’s important to think about your fears and think about what your strategy will be in the “worst case scenario.” This will give you a feeling of power that you can remain in control, and not suffer from the “whims of fate.”

3. Develop a Stress-Management Plan.

Bad things are going to happen. When they do, it’s important to continue taking care of yourself and your health – both physical and mental.

Effective stress-management programs need to be tailor-made. Some people read books, meditate, or exercise to relieve stress. Maybe some of these strategies will work for you, but they likely won’t all provide the same stress-relieving effects.

A stress-management plan should steer you away from unhealthy coping strategies like drinking, smoking, or other unhealthy “self-medication.”

4. Change How You Talk to Yourself.

Trying to cope with bad things is stressful; it’s even more stressful if you’re beating yourself up about things, or endlessly ruminating over events that have already taken place.

There’s a world of difference between developing a plan to solve the bad things in your life and merely over-thinking a problem. The primary differences are:

  • Thinking in concrete, actionable terms Vs. stressing out and repeating things over and over in your head.
  • Taking an active, positive role Vs. worrying about what will “happen to you.”

Long story short: you need to talk to yourself in a positive way. This might mean developing a mantra when bad things happen – maybe something along the lines of “What parts of this can I change?” or something even simpler like, “Let it go.” Even a line like, “I can handle this,” can help you get over the bad things and stop letting them bother quote

5. Keep Your Complaints at Bay.

It’s hard not to complain when bad things happen, but your complaints don’t stop those bad things. As a matter of fact, they make sure that these problems keep playing over and over again in your mind.

You relive the feelings of a bad event when you describe it to someone, and this is especially true if you complain a lot. Resist the temptation! Simple gratitude practice is helpful for individuals who have trouble letting go of their “complaining nature.”

6. Try to Be More Compassionate.

It’s easy to get annoyed trying to cope with bad things. While it’s more difficult to express compassion and love, it’s well-worth the effort.

When something bad happens to you as the result of someone else’s mistake, try forgiving them right away. No complaints, no anger, just compassion: give them the benefit of the doubt. It’s surprisingly powerful!

7. Change Expectations.

Many people have high expectations of life. It’s good to be optimistic, but over-optimistic people often feel let-down and put-out when things go wrong. Developing realistic expectations of yourself and others is one of the healthiest habits you can develop in your life. Think about your expectations every day, and consider how they might be unrealistic – then adjust them as you see fit.

These strategies are a good start for anyone who wants to start letting things go. It’s an uphill battle, but consider these tips your “walking sticks.”

Let us know if you have any questions, or if you find success from these methods – we love to hear from our readers.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Drinks to Lose Weight Faster (That Are Good For You)

Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a magical elixir that could effortlessly burn your unwanted fat away? If you’re in the weight loss game, it’s hard not to daydream of such things. Actively trying to lose weight can be very frustrating, especially if you’ve been at it for an extended period and have yet to see any noticeable results.
There is no getting around a proper diet and consistent exercise, but there are some beverages that can move things along with a bit more zeal. Utilizing drinks to help lose weight is an excellent alternative to taking dangerous diet pills or fasting. The following list includes the eight best drinks to lose weight naturally.

Coffee Talk
Not only is a fresh cup of coffee a great pick me up to start off your day, but it also acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Coffee is one of the best drinks to help lose weight because it is so accessible, as well as motivational. It will quell a craving and also perks you up and encourages the mind to fire off with all cylinders.

Cider House Rules
Apple cider vinegar is one of my favorite drinks to lose weight. There are weeks where I’m eating great and exercising every day, and I still feel bloated. When this happens, adding two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water always does the trick. The vinegar works by alleviating extra water weight that a lot of women inadvertently put on at least once or twice a month.

Green Machine
A green smoothie is a great workout motivator. Adding spinach or kale to your daily smoothie will instantly boost your iron levels and increase your fiber intake. Fiber is key to losing weight as it supports the progress of the digestive tract.

Tea Time
If you’re not a coffee drinker, green tea is an excellent alternative for drinks to lose weight. Green tea is full of antioxidants and polyphenols that help to reduce inflammation. It is also a natural fat burner that can be found as a top ingredient in many fat cutting supplements because of the way it increases the body’s metabolic rate.

Simply Liquid
Consuming the recommended eight glasses of water every day probably seems like a daunting task. It doesn’t have to be though. Starting off the day with a glass of water is a great way to jump-start your metabolism and show it who’s boss! In addition to beginning the day with a glass of water, you may also try drinking a full glass before a meal and then after you’ve finished your meal. The water will act as a filler so that you may enjoy smaller meals more often throughout the day without the added calories.

Drinks to lose weight

Adding Lemon
Including lemon in any beverage instantly increases the feeling of being full. It also boosts your metabolism somewhat, which can help with weight loss. Adding lemon to your morning glass of water can fast-track your weight loss progress. Water with lemon is one of the best drinks to lose weight with.

Doing the Body Good
Not only is calcium a great bone benefactor, it may also help you lose weight faster. Calcium helps to suppress calcitriol which is a hormone that fat cells feed off. Without the added calcitriol hormone, your body can break down the fat cells quicker. Calcium has also been proven to be a natural appetite suppressant for some people, making milk one of the best-kept secret drinks to lose weight with.

A Spoonful of Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a great heart disease risk reducer. It is also known for lowering blood sugar levels and increasing the metabolism rate. Adding a teaspoon of cinnamon to a cup of hot water is one of my absolute favorite drinks to help lose weight! Not only does it taste great, it also fills you up and reduces the urge to overeat.

Drinks to Lose Weight By
Choosing the healthy alternative to caffeine-filled energy drinks is crucial to your weight loss journey. Just because a drink promises energy, it may not be in your best interest to drink it. Energy does not guarantee weight loss or burned fat.
Using drinks to lose weight is an excellent option before hitting the gym, pushing through the mid-day grind, or just before turning in for the night. With the best drinks to lose weight in your arsenal, you’ll indeed be unstoppable!

10 Signs of an Anxiety Attack (and How to Deal with It)

The term “panic attack” is often used loosely to describe nervousness or stress, but a real panic attack is very acute and it can be very frightening — especially if you don’t know what it is. Anxiety attack symptoms can mimic many of the same signs as a heart attack and come on without warning. You don’t need to have a history of anxiety disorders to have an anxiety attack; they can strike anyone.

In the middle of an anxiety attack, you may feel like you’re dying or you may be very fearful. The good news is recognizing the signs of an anxiety attack. Knowing what’s happening can help you calm down and potentially seek treatment if your doctor determines you have panic disorder. Here are 10 key anxiety attack symptoms to watch for and strategies that can help you feel better.

10 Signs of an Anxiety Attack

A panic attack is usually a very sudden sense of terror that comes with no warning. Panic attacks can happen anywhere, even while you’re sleeping or have no prior history of panic disorders. When you are having a panic attack, you will probably have several of these symptoms.

1. Terror or a Sense of Impending Doom

One of the hallmark signs of anxiety attack is an overwhelming terror, feeling that you’re dying, or a sense of impending doom. This terror can be almost paralyzing and it’s the result of your body being flooded with adrenaline due to a perception of danger. Your body produces adrenaline to help you prepare to fight or run away but this adrenaline rush is also responsible for the intense fear you experience.


2. Dizzy or Faint

If it feels like the room is spinning, you may be experiencing a panic attack. Extreme anxiety can cause dizziness, faintness, and weakness as the blood rushes from your brain to your limbs. This is a natural fight-or-flight mechanism that helps you defend yourself or run away. You may even experience nausea if the dizziness is severe.

3. Chest Pains

The chest pains of an anxiety attack can be severe and choking. These chest pains are also one reason that panic attacks are frequently mistaken for a heart attack.

4. Feeling Out of Control

The seemingly out-of-nowhere physical symptoms you experience during a panic attack combined with intense fear can make you feel like you’ve lost control of your body and the situation. This can heighten the fear you’re already experiencing and it may make you feel disconnected from yourself or the environment. Your surroundings may seem foggy or distorted and you may feel robotic.

5. Difficulty Breathing

During a panic attack, you may feel like you’re gasping for air or struggling to breathe properly. Feeling that you can’t get enough air happens when high levels of anxiety cause you to hyperventilate, or breathe too quickly. This causes an imbalance in your carbon dioxide levels which also leads to dizziness and other symptoms.

6. Racing Heartbeat

Your body responds to a panic attack as if you are in imminent danger. Nervous signals activate the amygdala region of your brain (its fight-or-flight center) and produces a rush of adrenaline. This hormonal surge causes many physical symptoms such as a pounding heart, which can make you feel like you’re suffering a heart attack.

7. Sweating

Heightened anxiety tends to cause excess sweating, a natural mechanism. You may break into an uncontrollable hot or cold sweat in the middle of a panic attack, seemingly for no reason.

8. Shaking or Trembling

Many people feel trembling sensations during a panic attack, especially in the legs, feet, arms, and hands. As with other physical symptoms, trembling and shaking you can’t control are caused by the fight-or-flight reaction.

9. Flushed or Chills

Your body temperature can increase when you are faced with a sense of immediate danger or you may get the chills when you’re scared. Anxiety can constrict your blood vessels and cause hot flushes. You may alternate between feeling very hot and very cold.

10. Symptoms Lasting 10 Minutes or Less

In addition to these symptoms, panic attacks are marked by several other conditions. Most panic attacks are fairly brief and last no more than 5 to 10 minutes. This is because the body can’t sustain the fight-or-flight response for longer than 10 minutes. Unfortunately, you may feel the effects of an anxiety attack for hours. After a panic attack, you may feel exhausted and drained for many hours or the rest of the day. It’s also possible to suffer several attacks over a period of hours.

Dealing with an Anxiety Attack

The symptoms of a panic attack are much the same as the classic fight-or-flight response that people experience in dangerous situations, but the symptoms seem to come from nowhere during a panic attack. They also occur in harmless situations such as while you’re at the store or asleep. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can try to alleviate your symptoms.

Focusing on the fact that you are experiencing a normal physiological response may help you overcome the panic attack and sense of doom or terror. Because some of the physical symptoms you experience are caused by hyperventilation, learning mindful breathing techniques can keep your anxiety from escalating and allow you to breathe normally. If you have recurring anxiety attacks, professional help may be a good idea. Panic disorder is often treated with cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, and anti-anxiety medication.

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