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15 Vegetables to Never Eat if You Get Inflammation (And 6 To Eat Instead)

Inflammation can cause an array of ailments and physical symptoms. Most people believe that a healthy, vegetable-rich diet is all that is needed to prevent or reduce inflammation, but there’s much more to it than that.

Certain vegetables might contribute to inflammation. Yet, that’s right. It’s not just processed foods. Knowing which foods to avoid and which ones are best to eat can make a big difference with your total well-being.

What exactly is Inflammation and why is it a problem?

Inflammation: It’s a well-talked-about topic right now,  but do you know the real effects it can have on your health?

Yes, there is such a thing as a positive inflammatory response, and it acts as part of the healing process, and it helps the body battle foreign invaders. However, when it gets out of hand, several symptoms and ailments can occur.

One of the biggest consequences is arthritis which means the joints are inflamed. It is estimated that in the United States, approximately 54.4 million adults have some form of arthritis, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

When arthritis is severe, it can be hard to walk or complete daily tasks. The Mayo Clinic says that some people develop deformed and twisted joints.


The problems with too much Inflammation:

• Harming your gut:

A large amount of your immune cells that fight to keep you healthy are in your intestines. In fact, approximately 70 percent of your immune system is in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue, states a 2008 research paper published in Clinical and Experimental Immunology. These immune cells, under normal circumstances, will ignore the healthy bacteria so that it can thrive. However, the immune cells can start to attack your digestive tract when inflamed. Inflammatory bowel disease is an example of this.

• Heart disease:

A chronic inflamed state can be triggered by fatty plaque in your arteries. White blood cells are attracted to these plaques, resulting in blot clot formation. A heart attack can occur when this happens. Another factor at play is interleukin-6, a type of protein states a 2012 study in The Lancet.

• Higher cancer risk:

Cancer cells are ideal for growth when an inflamed state is present because immune regulation deteriorates. Harvard University did a study in 2014 that looked at obese teenagers and their risk of colorectal cancer in adulthood. When these teens had high levels of inflammation, their risk of this cancer was 63 percent higher than their thinner peers.

• Poor sleep:

Proteins related to inflammation were at higher levels in the blood among people who got less than 7.6 hours of sleep per night, according to Case Western Reserve University and a 2009 study.

• Reduced lung health:

Many significant lung conditions, such as COPD and asthma go along with an inflamed state. When it is present, breathing can become difficult due to airways narrowing and fluid accumulating.

• Difficult weight loss:

Obesity can cause an inflamed state, and then once it is present, it can reduce your metabolism and increase your hunger. Insulin resistance can also be triggered by it, increasing a person’s risk of diabetes, states the National Institute of Health NIDDK.

• Bone damage:

When present, it can potentially trigger bone loss and interfere with bone growth, per a study in the Journal of Endocrinology in 2009.

• Skin ailments:

When present, it can reflect on your skin. When in an inflamed state, your immune system may trigger your skin cells to grow rapidly, contributing to conditions, such as psoriasis. In fact, reducing the inflamed state could improve psoriasis, according to a JAMA Dermatology study published in 2013. An inflamed state might also contribute to premature aging.

15 Veggies to Avoid if You Suffer From Inflammation

The primary veggie choices associated with inflammation are those in the nightshade family. The veggies in this family contain alkaloids, a type of compound. One of the primary alkaloids is solanine. In large quantities, it can be toxic.

Several integrative health specialists and nutritionists state that joint and arthritis pain may be worsened by eating nightshade veggies. They believe that if you eliminate these vegetable choices from your diet, you will experience an alleviation in joint pain due to reduced inflammation in the body.

General practitioner Dr. Sherry A. Rogers has talked about her experience with nightshade vegetables and how they nearly incapacitated her and caused her to suffer. On the Arthritis Nightshades Research Foundation website, Dr. Rogers published a testimonial concerning her experience. Her testimonial said that her joint pain was so severe that she was almost completely unable to use her hands or walk. She states that once she dropped nightshade vegetables from her diet, she steadily improved since they were documented as food to avoid.

The 15 nightshade veggies to avoid include:

1. Banana peppers
2. Chili peppers
3. Eggplant
4. Jalapeno peppers
5. Pimentos
6. Sweet peppers
7. Tomatillos
8. Wax peppers
9. Cayenne
10. Habanero
11. Potatoes (sweet potatoes can be consumed)
12. Tomatoes (technically a fruit, but part of the nightshade family)
13. Wax peppers
14. Thai peppers
15. Artichoke (not a nightshade vegetable, but contains similar alkaloids)

Now that we know what to avoid, it’s important to know what veggies are the best options to help relieve inflammation in the body.


Top 6 Vegetables that Eliminate and Relieve Inflammation in the Body:

Now that you know which vegetables are a food to avoid, it is time to look at those that will fight the inflamed state. There are several viable health food choices that are easy to work into your daily diet. It is good to eat at least one of the following vegetables per day to reap the anti-inflammatory and other benefits.

1. Leafy greens:

Leafy greens are packed with antioxidants, especially polyphenols. Polyphenols are compounds and they have anti-inflammatory properties. They work to alleviate an inflamed state by fighting oxidative stress due to free radicals, according to a 2016 study in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Five leafy greens are superior to most health food options in reducing an inflamed state and these include:

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cauliflower

2. Garlic and Onions:

Both of these vegetable options are rich in anti-inflammatory substances. One of the most active is referred to as garlic organosulfur compounds. For centuries, these compounds have prevented and treated numerous health conditions, from cancer to heart disease. Some emerging research shows that the anti-inflammatory properties of these compounds may provide an anti-tumor response, according to a 2014 study in Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry.

3. Bok choy:

This is a type of Chinese cabbage and it is rich in minerals and vitamins that double as antioxidants. In this vegetable, there are hydroxycinnamic acids as well as approximately 70 additional phenolic substances, all of which act as antioxidants. These work hard to scavenge free radicals to alleviate the oxidative damage that can be done by them in the body, including reducing the risk of free radicals inducing an inflammatory state.

4. Celery:

Celery has positive anti-inflammatory properties. This is largely due to its polyphenol and flavonoid antioxidants. Flavanols, such as quercetin, and other antioxidants, such as caffeic acid, phenolic acid and ferulic acid, may help to benefit a number of inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, liver and kidney infections, urinary tract infections, gout, irritable bowel syndrome and certain skin disorders.

5. Beets:

This is one of the more nutritionally diverse vegetables available, as well as a prime source of anti-inflammatory antioxidants. One of these, known as betalain, is responsible for the rich hue of beets, but it also has potent anti-inflammatory properties. This vegetable is also rich in magnesium. Research shows that inflammatory conditions and magnesium deficiency are linked, per a 2018 study in the Journal of Inflammation Research.

6. Turmeric:

While not a vegetable, its have valuable anti-inflammatory properties. One of the primary uses for this spice is to combat the inflammation associated with arthritis. In a small 2012 study, it showed that turmeric had the ability to prevent the inflammatory process in the joints, states results published on the Arthritis Foundation website. With arthritis, it seems most effective for the osteoarthritis type. It is best to use the fresh version of this spice to ensure the greatest benefit.

Final Thoughts

If you suffer from inflammation and your favorite veggies are on the list for a high inflammatory response, it doesn’t mean you can’t have them at all. Every is different, consider this list, and experiment with how each food reacts to your body. You know your body best, and if you don’t, it’s time to start.

7 Symptoms of OCD (and How to Treat Them)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, otherwise known as OCD, affects approximately one in every 40 adults in the United States. According to the World Health Organization, this disease is a leading cause of illness-related disability globally.

Obsessive compulsive disorder OCD symptoms are characterized by a set of obsessions which relate to subsequent compulsions. However, some people may only experience one or the other. Although many sufferers may not realize it, these obsessions and compulsions can interfere significantly with their life. This article aims to explore some of the most common obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD) symptoms and what experts in the field say are the best ways of approaching them.

Here are 7 common OCD symptoms (and how to deal with them):

1. Obsessions

An OCD obsession is an unwanted thought that occurs persistently and repeatedly. These thoughts are intrusive to the sufferer, causing them anxiety and stress. Obsessions usually stem from a person’s fears, needs, aggression, or unwanted thoughts.

According to Dr. Debra Kissen, the clinical director of the Light on Anxiety Treatment Center of Chicago, the first step in treating the obsession is acknowledging the fears causing the obsession. ERP therapy, or exposure and response prevention therapy, is the best treatment of obsessions. This therapy requires the sufferer to increase their exposure to their fear slowly. Getting support to treat obsessions is also important, as voicing obsessive thoughts out loud can lessen the power of the thought.


2. Compulsions

Compulsions generally stem from an obsession, wherein the obsession triggers the compulsion. A compulsion is a repetitive behavior that the OCD sufferer feels strong urges to perform, with the belief that doing so will reduce or prevent their anxiety or fears of something bad happening.

Compulsions often take the form of rules or rituals triggered by obsessive thoughts. Experts in OCD say that preventing compulsions requires individuals to resist performing them. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the best treatment for OCD. ERP therapy is also generally is successful at helping people resist their compulsions. These therapies enable the individual to gradually build a tolerance to these thoughts and urges.

3. Obsessive Washing and Cleaning

Obsessive washing and cleaning is a very common among Obsessive compulsive disorder OCD symptoms. This can take the form of obsessively cleaning their home, or washing their hands until their skin becomes raw.

Among the best ways to treat this symptom is for individuals to relax before they engage in the compulsion. As the compulsion typically stems from a desire to reduce anxiety. Therefore, taking a moment to relax before engaging in the compulsion can significantly induce its impact. Additionally, the sufferer may examine their wider set of anxieties to target them at the core. This helps to eliminate the need for the compulsion. Doing so should be done step-by-step, as people who suffer from OCD may experience similar symptoms of withdrawal as individuals who are withdrawing from a substance addiction.

4. Checking

Repetitive checking is also quite common among obsessive compulsive disorder OCD symptoms. This may include repetitively and obsessively checking doors and electronic devices to make sure they’re locked or turned off. According to Paul R. Munford Ph.D., of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center for OCD and Anxiety, ERPA, or exposure ritual prevention and awareness therapy, is the best way to approach this symptom.

Dr. Munford says the sufferer should practice their exposure to the trigger both in real and/or imaginary circumstances, and then practice refraining from engaging in those compulsions. Lastly, the sufferer should practice acceptance of their thoughts and feelings, and be understanding the relationship between them.

5. Counting

This symptom often manifests itself by suffers feeling an urge to repetitively count to a certain number or in a certain pattern. According to Mark Dombeck Ph.D., this is a very common obsession among OCD sufferers due to its ability to effectively reduce their anxiety. These types obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD) symptoms can be rather complex, and therefore Dr. Dombeck recommends that people experiencing these symptoms seek the help of a professional psychiatrist. Treatment may involve medication and behavioral and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy.

6. Routines and Rituals

A routine or ritual may manifest itself symptomatically. For example in OCD suffered me repetitively repeat a phrase, prayer, or word. According to AnxietyBC, there are several key ways in which rituals and routines can be interrupted.

First, the sufferer can opt to change the ritual, which shows the OCD that the sufferer is the one who is in charge. This may involve changing how the ritual is done rather than avoiding it altogether. Another way is to shorten the ritual or working to delay the ritual. For example, the individual may choose to engage in the ritual, but opt to do it later rather than immediately, as the OCD demands. Lastly, performing the ritual at a slower rate may also help to build tolerance, as OCD sufferers typically feel rushed to perform these rituals.

7. Reassurance

According to the OCD center of Los Angeles, OCD compulsive strategies are typically implemented by sufferers. That’s because the behaviors make one feel reassurance and certainty that their fear or obsession will not manifest itself. However, seeking this reassurance can worsen OCD symptoms as they reinforce compulsive behaviors. This can create an endless cycle for the OCD sufferer. In a sense, reassurance creates an addictive cycle for the individual.

The OCD Center of Los Angeles suggests that the best approach to treating this symptom is to acknowledge that this cycle is taking place. Then, work to stop it immediately once it is noticed. Cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, including mindfulness and acceptance, can help individuals learn how to cope with their uncomfortable thoughts and feelings without obsessively and compulsively responding to them.

Final Thoughts

The onset of OCD can happen at any time although often starts in a person’s teens or young adults years, and OCD symptoms can become more severe over time. Therefore treatment of this condition is imperative, as this condition can become disabling. A person who is experiencing obsessive thoughts and compulsions that are interfering with or negatively impacting the quality of their life should seek the help of a mental health professional.

If you are undergoing treatment for OCD currently, take caution not to change your treatment or alter your doctors plan without first consulting your healthcare professional.

Science Explains What Happens to Your Body When You Take Digestive Enzymes Daily

Digestive enzymes – proteins produced by the body – aid digestion and help break down the foods that we eat. The pancreas produces digestive enzymes, while the mouth, stomach, and small intestine produce lesser amounts.

Digestive enzymes may also be taken in supplement form, usually as a chewable tablet or pill. Supplement-based catalysts may consist of one or more enzymes, and some are packaged and sold along with probiotics (“good bacteria” that aids digestive health and is essential to the breakdown of foods.)

“(Digestive enzymes) are secreted with beautifully orchestrated precision by your digestive organs to accelerate the breakdown of food so your gut can extract and distribute the nutrients…” ~ Steven Lamm, MD, The Dr. Oz Show

Why are digestive enzymes important?

Put simply, our body could not break down foods (or nutrients, minerals, etc.) without supporting enzymes. Studies show that a lack of digestive enzymes causes the stomach to become more alkaline. When these enzymes become less abundant, it may lead to a host of digestive problems including bloating, excessive gas, food intolerance, and even food allergies!

Some evidence suggests that increasing one’s digestive enzyme intake may reduce abdominal pain. Multiple studies have found a relationship between pancreatic enzymes and the reduced risk of some severe medical conditions, including chronic inflammation and certain types of cancer.

Types of digestive enzymes

There are four classes of digestive enzymes, each with their respective functions.

Amylase. This converts carbohydrates into simple sugars such as glucose. The saliva in your mouth contains amylase, as does your pancreas. The breakdown process begins before you even swallow!

Lipase. This converts fats into molecular form, enabling it to pass through the intestines. Lipase is produced mainly by the pancreas, with the stomach and mouth taking a smaller role.

Nucleases, the building blocks of nucleic acids, break down acids such as DNA and RNA. As these acids reach the lower part of the small intestine, they are digested as sugars and phosphates.

Proteases, also stored in the pancreas, assist in the breakdown of proteins into amino acids. Amino acids are the central building blocks for many physiological functions.

Who should take digestive enzymes?

Optimizing digestive enzyme levels is not necessary for everyone. For normal, healthy individuals, your diet alone will suffice. (A bit of supplementation to be on the safe side doesn’t hurt, however.)

That said, certain people can benefit by taking active measures to boost their enzyme production. Individuals who should talk to their doctor about enzyme supplementation include:

People with liver troubles. A strong correlation exists between people with liver issues (including liver disease) and low enzymatic counts. If you have liver problems (about 15 percent of us do), then consider boosting your digestive enzymes.

People with digestive disorders. Those with conditions such as acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and others, may benefit from enzymes as they are known to alleviate the gastrointestinal stress of these conditions.

People who are aging. As we get older, the “triggering” mechanisms that help prevent acid from entering the intestine are less responsive. This can lead to a decrease in our normal digestive processes, yet digestive enzymes can help curtail this problem.

Improving digestive enzymeshealth quotes

“He that takes medicine and neglects diet, wastes the skill of the physician.” ~ Chinese proverb

Digestive enzymes are not only a crucial element of healthy digestion, but they also play an important role in for our health and well being. These enzymes help extract essential nutrients that we need to not only survive but thrive.

While we can find a multitude of good digestive enzymes as supplements, we’d be wise always to try a natural way first. The “natural way” being, of course, through food.

Research shows that eating a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet may boost your body’s natural levels of digestive enzymes by 40 percent when compared to a high-fat diet, moderate-carb diet. A high-fat, low-carb diet also supersedes any other dietary alternative.

If supplements are your thing, you should know a bit about how they work. These helpful supplements come from one of three sources: fruits (pineapple and papaya), animals (ox and hog pancreatin), and plants (probiotics, yeast, and fungi.)

The top 3 brands of supplements we recommend are the following:

  1. Zenwise Labs
  2. Enzymedica Digest Gold
  3. Rainbow Light

Enzymes in pill form are a bit more fragile, as the coating is likely to be dissolved before the contents can be absorbed. Products that are enteric-coated, ensuring that they reach the small intestine, may help.


10 Proven Habits That Help Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a lot more common in the U.S. than we might think. It’s well on its way to becoming the leading cause of death by natural causes in the country. Research shows that one in three Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime.

We’re often under the impression that there’s nothing we can do to prevent cancer. In fact, it’s a widely spread misconception that genetics is the only thing that plays a role in the likelihood of getting ill. But there are a lot of our lifestyle choices that influence that, too. Genetics is just one drop in the big bucket of reasons why someone might get cancer.

If you are in a high-risk group – like someone who has a family history of the illness – these tips on how to prevent cancer might be even more important for you. Take a look at some things you can start doing in your everyday life to reduce your risk of cancer.

Here Are 10 Proven Habits That Help Prevent Cancer

1. Improve your diet

A majority of cancers are caused by a bad diet and unhealthy eating habits. Start by cutting our red meat, one of the main culprits in causing malignant growths. Instead, try some of the vegetables that have been proven to detox your body, such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, etc. Another great thing to add to your meals is garlic; it contains a lot of great ingredients that increases your body’s anti-cancer defenses. So, if you were considering munching on some garlic bread tonight, or worried you’re adding too much garlic to your pasta, don’t – it’s good for you!

health quotes

2. Start drinking green tea

It might not be your favorite kind of tea, but there are a lot of health benefits to green tea that most of us never even suspected. Green tea is a natural antioxidant, and it reduces the risk of lung, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer. This is only new to Western knowledge – the healing power of green tea has long been used in a lot of Asian countries, where rates of cancer are significantly lower. The hot drink also contains EGCG, which is considered a very powerful weapon to help prevent cancer.

3. Stop tanning

We don’t mean avoid the sun altogether, as a bit of Vitamin D can never be bad for you. However, excessive tanning or (even worse) going to the tanning beds on a regular basis can increase your risk of skin cancer. Some might think that spray tans are a lesser evil. On the contrary, they contain some very harmful chemicals that can also lead to various conditions if ingested through the nose or mouth by accident. Make sure you always wear appropriate protection against the sun and use the right sunscreen for you.

4. Use protection when having sex

Condoms don’t only protect you from pregnancy and STDs, but they can also help prevent cancer (some types of it). One of the most common cancers in women these days is cervical cancer, which is caused by the human papillomavirus, more commonly known as HPV. An HPV vaccine was introduced in 2006, however vaccination rates among girls are still quite low. If you practice safe sex, especially if you change your partners frequently, make sure you’re always protected.

5. Exercise regularly

No matter how much you work, or how much you’re telling yourself you have no time, always try to make some time for your exercise. Whether it’s jogging, hitting the gym, biking or even walking the dog a bit longer, every little bit helps. Scientific research has discovered that regular exercise can decrease the risk of cancer by over 30%.

6. Choose fish

We already talked about the importance of a good diet, however you might be wondering how to replace the red meat you crave so much. The answer is simple: fish. A good fresh salmon fillet, or another kind of fish, cooked from scratch and not from a tin, will do wonders for your health. Fish is rich in nutrients, and it’s a great replacement for red meat in your diet.

7. Positive thinking

Scientists have confirmed the link between stress and cancer. Stress makes your whole body’s defenses drop and it makes you a lot more susceptible to all sorts of illnesses, including cancer. The best way to battle it is to practice mindfulness and take control of situations that normally stress you out. If you’re worried about a deadline, focus on how you’re going to get the best of it rather than on your thoughts about how you’ll fail it. Give yourself positive reinforcement and slowly eliminate stress from your life.

8. Drink beer and wine in moderation

It might sound counterintuitive, but moderate amounts of wine and beer can protect you from a bacterium called H. pylori, which is one of the leading causes of stomach cancer. However, you shouldn’t overdo it either. Consuming too much alcohol can just as easily increase your risk of cancer. It’s always best to speak to your doctor for any advice if you feel like you’re high-risk.

9. Reduce your sugar intake

We’ve heard a lot about why sugary drinks are bad as they are one of the leading causes of diabetes and obesity in the US. However, they can also be a cause for endometrial cancer. The bad thing about sugary drinks is that they’re highly addictive and it’s hard to ignore them, because even “zero” sugar products still have an artificial sweetener in them. Read the ingredients of all products you buy to make sure you aren’t consuming too much sugar.

10. Get tested

The best preventative measures against all cancers are to know your body well and to get tested often. If you know there’s a danger because of your family history, don’t skip your mammogram or your cervical smear. You never know when a test will come back positive and 20 minutes of inconvenience may mean that your life will be saved. The earlier cancer symptoms are caught, the more treatable they are – so don’t miss your tests.

Final thoughts

“You do what you can to prevent cancer, and [if] you get it, you do what you can to fight it.” – Paul Molitor

No one likes thinking or talking about cancer, however knowing ways to prevent it is more important than ever in today’s hazardous world. Don’t ignore those tips and make sure you’re doing everything you can so that you and your family can stay safe.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Scientists Explain 5 Ways to Get More Done (Without Extra Work)

For better or for worse, emotions are a fundamental part of why human beings do what they do. One reason for this is that feelings are impossible to ignore, as evolution dictates that we auto-direct our focus onto whatever it is pulling at us. Emotions also have plenty to do with our productivity – or lack thereof. When motivated, we’ll get more done and crush our to-do list. When bored, we may revert to our not-so-good habits (YouTube binge, anyone?)…

How many times have you made a sweet to-do list, only to put it off until tomorrow? Or resolved to get your butt to the gym just to sit around because you didn’t manage your time well? How many times have you made a schedule only to abandon it soon after?  In each case, you allowed your emotions to supersede your logic.

Don’t fret – we have all done this. Why do you think there are a bazillion “productivity” books out there? How much money do you think publishers make off of indecisiveness? Check out the self-help section of your local bookstore if you want to be floored.

The Science of Getting Things Done

Enter the scientists. While it is easy to get frustrated with their monotonous ways, a scientist’s methodical and uber-logical brain is a perfect example for those who want to be more productive. One reason is that scientists are trained to minimize (ideally, eliminate) emotional subjectivity.

Scientists also have a lot to teach us about getting more done. For one, they are a resilient bunch. You have to be perseverant to trudge through an experimental study despite having failed umpteen times before. While they may be “nerds,” research scientists must also have thick skin; this is often needed to take the criticism that accompanies their work.

Let’s shift our attention to what these same scientists have to say about how to get more done in your work and at home.

5 Ways to Get More Done in a Day

1. Get rid of distractions

Our brain is not only wired for distraction – it rewards itself for it! How many times per day do you drop what you’re doing and check your emails and text messages? Each time you do, your brain produces a bit of dopamine – its primary “feel-good” chemical. Absolutely unfair!

Action Step: It’s time to muster up some self-discipline and put your cell phone away. Designate specific times to check your email and stick with these times. Clear away all visual clutter (this includes digital stuff) while working.

success quote

2. Work During Peak Hours

Research shows that we are at our most alert 2.5 to 4 hours after waking up. We can attribute this increased alertness and productivity to the brain’s natural circadian rhythms – natural cycles it goes through as the day progresses.

Action Step: Save your most demanding work for periods when you’re most alert. When full of energy, plow through your tedious tasks and get them out of the way. As your workday comes to a close, save this time for easy, routine tasks (catching up on email, cleaning your desk, checking voicemails, etc.)

3. Optimize Your Breaks

Breaking away from work is critical to recharging your physical and cognitive energy. A study conducted by the US Army Research Institute found that people work better when taking 15- to 20-minute breaks every 90 minutes. This time frame also happens to match your body’s natural rhythm for alertness and rest.

Action Step: Most companies do a poor job of managing their employee’s break times. Do not settle for a 15-minute break every four hours. If you’re unable to rearrange your break schedule to accommodate for 15 minutes every hour and a half, try a “mini-break” of five minutes every hour. (You have to go to the bathroom, don’t you?)

4. Track Your Time

Robin Sharma, a world-renown writer and motivational speaker, said “Whatever gets measured gets improved.” He’s right. When it comes to productivity, tracking your time can be a godsend. The harsh truth is that many (most?) of us aren’t good at tracking our time. This difficulty in keeping tabs on those swiftly-passing moments can lead to frustration and even burnout.

Action Step: Use a reputable desktop program to track your computer usage. If you don’t like that idea, go old school and use a paper and pencil. Write down when you get distracted and find yourself doing something other than what you should be working on. Review your notes at the end of the week and make necessary adjustments to help you get more done next week.

5. Review Your Daily “Wins”

Listen, it’s not easy to get what needs to be done among the daily din of distractions. So celebrate what you’ve accomplished! You maintained personal discipline while mustering the grit required to get through a long, tough day. How does it feel? Pretty darn good, right?!

Action Step: Go through your “to do’s” and celebrate what you accomplished today! Self-motivation is part of staying disciplined, and the best way to acquire this is by giving yourself props when you deserve them. Honor your wins and inspire yourself to get more done. Then keep it going!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

9 Couples That Prove Soulmates Really Do Exist

Soulmates have been a topic of debate and discussion for centuries; do we all really have one person meant for us on this planet whose soul makes up half of ours? Or, could we have many soulmates who come into our lives to teach us different lessons?

No matter your stance on soulmates, these couples show us that maybe we do have a Mr. or Mrs. Right after all.

“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soulmate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

Here are 9 real life couples who prove that soulmates do exist:

1. They make the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland look so romantic.


IG: @amielynn_fit

Who wouldn’t want to kiss and cuddle with their soulmate at this beautiful spot?

2. These soulmates make a great couple, don’t you think?


IG: @rockbottom_fit

You can definitely see their connection by the way they look at each other.

3. Aww, what a beautiful photo!


IG: @madesann

If this isn’t proof of soulmates, then we don’t know what is.

4. Soulmates + beach = true paradise.


IG: @samantha_mariette

Nothing says romantic like a day at the beach!

5. You can’t help but smile at the love these two clearly have for one another.


IG: @peternguyenstudio

The genuine smile on his face could make anyone believe in love again!

Soulmates help each other improve and have fun no matter what they’re doing.

6. The love this couple shares is written all over their faces.


IG: @love_pic____

You can’t fake a smile like these! Pure love is a beautiful thing indeed.

7. A power nap from time to time helps keep the love alive!


IG: @drunk_off_your_love

We all know that commitment takes a lot of hard work and dedication, so a nap is sometimes just what the doctor ordered.


8. These two ambassadors for love bring that unconditional love into their relationship, too.


IG: @prestonsmiles

The true love soulmates share can help heal the world, like this power couple does.

9. A relationship with the right person can bring pure joy to your heart.


IG: @date_relationships_

We wish them a lifetime of happiness as soulmates!

We hope that these pictures show you that finding your soulmate is possible and that everyone deserves love and happiness. Even if it hasn’t happened for you yet, don’t give up; the one meant for you could be just around the corner. Maybe meeting your lifelong love means stepping out of a toxic relationship or getting involved in more hobbies that you enjoy so you can cross paths with the one.

No matter what, just keep doing you and the right person will come into your life when you least expect it.

Have you met your soulmate? Let us know in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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