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5 Deficiencies That Cause Numbness and Tingling

Have you ever experienced a case of ‘pins and needles’ or a subtle yet persistent sensation of numbness and tingling? If so, you might be more familiar with peripheral neuropathy than you think. While the term might sound technical and intimidating, it simply refers to the conditions affecting our peripheral nerves, which can lead to the unusual sensations we just mentioned. This article aims to provide a straightforward understanding of peripheral neuropathy, focusing mainly on how it contributes to numbness and tingling. Here, you’ll find a digestible explanation that de-mystifies this medical term, ultimately shedding light on what could be causing these sensations in your body.

Let’s talk a little bit more about peripheral neuropathy. Understanding the signs that reveal this condition, a common reason paraesthesia, the scientific word for numbness and tingling, is helpful. Then we will discuss the nutritional deficiencies that may cause this discomfort.

Seven Primary Symptoms of Paraesthesia

The symptoms of paresthesia can vary, ranging from mildly uncomfortable to severe, and each symptom comes with its unique set of characteristics:

  1. Aching or Burning Pain: This type of discomfort may be constant or intermittent. It can manifest as a dull, heavy ache or a sharp, burning sensation. This pain is often a result of nerve irritation or damage in the affected area.
  2. Sensations of a Part of the Body “Falling Asleep”: This sensation is usually temporary and is often described as a limb or body part feeling heavy, unresponsive, or difficult to move. It commonly occurs when pressure has been applied to a particular body part for an extended period, temporarily restricting blood flow. Thus, it impacts nerve function.
  3. Pins and Needles: This symptom feels like tiny pinpricks on the skin and is usually due to temporary nerve compression.
  4. Numbness: This involves a loss of sensation in the affected area. The area can feel dead or frozen. You might also experience difficulty perceiving temperature, pain, or other sensations. This symptom can be quite disconcerting and is typically due to disrupted nerve function in a specific area.
  5. Tingling: This sensation can be likened to a feeling of “crawling skin” or a mild, constant prickling sensation. This is usually a result of increased or irregular nerve activity in the affected area.
  6. Skin that feels hot or cold: In cases of paresthesia, your skin may feel unusually hot or cold. This is because the nerves communicating temperature to your brain may be impacted, causing your brain to misinterpret the signals.
  7. Stabbing Pain (Chronic Paresthesia): Chronic paresthesia can result in severe stabbing pain that comes and goes. This type of pain can be quite debilitating and is often a sign of long-term or permanent nerve damage.

Understanding these symptoms in more detail can help you better navigate and manage paresthesia, and seeking medical advice when these symptoms persist is always recommended.

Now let’s talk about some nutrient deficiencies that may cause one or more of the above symptoms – primarily, numbness and tingling.

5 Deficiencies that Cause Numbness and Tingling

“Peripheral neuropathy may occur as a result of malnutrition, of which there are many causes including poor nutrition caused by unbalanced diet and alcoholism.” – The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy

1. Calcium:

The body does not produce calcium, so we must obtain it via food and supplements. Calcium is critical for our health and well-being. Besides keeping the bones healthy and protected, calcium supports heart, blood, and muscle health. We lose amounts of this mineral through sweat, urine, and feces. And wouldn’t you know it, numbness and tingling are two of the most commonly reported symptoms of low calcium.

How to fix it:

Dairy products – for example, cheese, milk, and yogurt – are outstanding sources of calcium. However, plenty of other non-dairy foods are rich in the mineral. Soymilk, fortified cereals, bottled water, and breads are all good sources. You can also find plenty of quality calcium supplements on the market.

2. Magnesium:

Magnesium is involved in over 300 chemical reactions of the body, including the heart’s functions, muscles, and even hormones. As magnesium deficiency is known to disrupt nerve function, a shortage of the nutrient can lead to symptoms such as tingling and numbness.

How to fix it:

NIH estimates that only 48 percent of Americans get enough “Mg” in their diets. Good dietary sources of magnesium include cooked spinach, legumes, and pumpkin seeds. Supplements do suffice, though it is recommended not to take more than 350 non-dietary milligrams of magnesium daily. It is also worth mentioning that excess alcohol, caffeine, and soda speed up the loss of magnesium through kidney excretion.

3. Vitamin D:

Not getting enough vitamin D disrupts our body’s absorption of dietary calcium. Calcium, of course, is essential to bone health. These problems may also spread to areas of the extremities, including the muscles, which may take on a feeling of numbness or tingling. Vitamin D deficiencies may also produce symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, and constipation.

How to fix it:

Sunshine is the best source of vitamin D. Cereals, milk, and soy products are good dietary forms of D. Supplements should be a last resort, however, as even minimal exposure to the sun combined with a well-balanced diet should do the trick.

vitamin d

4. Vitamin B12:

B-12 deficiency can produce symptoms such as depression, delusions, and memory loss. Physically, low B-12 levels can cause numbness and tingling, along with jaundice, joint pain, and a shortage of breath. B-12 is necessary for many functions, including the production of DNA, nerves, and cells.

How to fix it:

B-12 deficiency arises from one of two things: nutritional habits or an inability to absorb the nutrient. Further, plants do not produce the vitamin, putting vegetarians and vegans at risk. Regardless, the solution depends on the degree of severity. Mild deficiencies may be corrected with a simple multivitamin; serious deficiencies may require high-dose B12 tablets or other treatments.

5. Vitamin E:

As a potent antioxidant, vitamin E safeguards body tissue from free radicals. Aside from cellular protection, or perhaps because of it, “E” is known for its anti-aging properties. Vitamin E helps protects the nervous system. When the body has a low amount of usable E, we may experience numbness or tingling sensations in the hands, feet, and toes.

How to fix it:

Good sources of vitamin E includes broccoli, kiwi, mangoes, nuts and seeds (especially sunflower), tomatoes, and vegetable-based oils. Vitamin E supplements are generally regarded as safe. If you are pregnant, seek the advice of your doctor. High levels of vitamin E may pose a threat to the health of an unborn baby.

Final Thought: The essential nature of proper nutrition to stop numbness and tingling

The unfortunate fact is that far too many people are nutrient-deficient. This exists even though most of us are fortunate enough to live in an environment that provides an abundance of relatively inexpensive options for getting proper nutrition. Not only does a well-balanced diet help us feel better, but it can also can effectively fight off many of the conditions that plague us, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

In many ways, numbness and tingling sensations manifest poor health. Subsequently, poor health is too often the result of bad dietary choices and lack of physical activity. Indeed, improving upon these two lifestyle factors can make all the difference!

100 Positive Things to Say to Your Child

What words qualify as positive when directed towards a child? Obviously, words that are encouraging, supportive, and heartfelt are part of the equation, as are statements that instill a sense of determination, individualism, and self-esteem.

It is also important to keep in mind that what a parent doesn’t say is almost as important as what they do say. Words that are perceived as domineering, mindless, or authoritarian only serve to distance the child. At the other end of the spectrum is the parent who heaps unabashed (undeserved?) flattery onto their child, something that is both counterproductive and potentially damaging.

It is the opinion of experts that positive words to a child take on more meaning when they have the following characteristics:

  • Saying the child’s name first, as this gets their attention!
  • Speaking at the right volume and not speaking “over” the child.
  • Using regular eye contact.

With this in mind, here are 100 (!) positive things to say to your child:

  1. You are cared for and loved.
  2. I will always be here when you need me.
  3. I’m grateful for you.
  4. You are important.
  5. Your words matter to me.
  6. You should be so proud of yourself.
  7. I know you will do great things.
  8. Follow your heart.
  9. The world needs you.
  10. Always be kind, no matter what.
  11. Always try hard.
  12. Don’t give up.
  13. You are enough.
  14. You are beautiful inside and out.
  15. Always help those who need it.
  16. Everything good and positive comes back.
  17. You are doing so good!
  18. What you say matters.
  19. You can always try again.
  20. It’s just a mistake, and that means you can learn from it.
  21. Be respectful.
  22. That is really brave!
  23. Always say “Please” and “Thank you.”
  24. It’s okay to feel sad.
  25. Do something kind everyday.
  26. I feel that way sometimes too.
  27. I’ll always love you.
  28. I’ll stop what I’m doing if you need me.
  29. Pay attention when someone else is talking.
  30. There’s something to learn in everything.
  31. I admire that.
  32. You are awesome!
  33. Always try to be curious.
  34. What you’re feeling is normal.
  35. Work towards solving problems.

 “Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.” – Robin Sharma

  1. Don’t think too much.
  2. Go play!
  3. Have fun!
  4. Make a difference today.
  5. I love your creativity.
  6. Let’s try it your way.
  7. You make me so happy.
  8. Give me a hug.
  9. Give me a kiss.
  10. Being with you is fun!
  11. Tell me all about it.
  12. I love how you tell stories.
  13. I appreciate your honesty.
  14. Reading is a powerful thing.
  15. It’s okay to say no.
  16. I’ll always try to understand.
  17. Tell me about your day.
  18. What are you learning in school?
  19. You look so nice today!
  20. You make my life better.
  21. Just be yourself.
  22. Don’t be afraid.
  23. Time will pass and you’ll feel better.
  24. Enjoy the moment.
  25. Learning is so powerful.
  26. Love everyone.
  27. Our family is better with you.
  28. You have so much to offer.
  29. Believe in yourself and your abilities.
  30. You are a good boy/girl.
  31. You are important to me.
  32. Always be truthful.

“Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don’t mean much to you, may stick with someone else for a lifetime.” – Rachel Wolchin

  1. It’s never to late to make a change.
  2. Tomorrow can always be better than today.
  3. Time goes fast, so use it well.
  4. Put your mind to good use.
  5. When an adult speaks, listen carefully.
  6. It’s not too late to change your mind.
  7. Start what you finish.
  8. There’s pride in giving your best shot.
  9. You don’t always have to win.
  10. You can learn from everything, good or bad.
  11. Knowledge is power.
  12. Treat every other kid with respect.
  13. Stand up to bullying.
  14. Don’t always follow the crowd.
  15. Put this money away for another time.
  16. Don’t worry, be happy.
  17. Let your mind settle down.
  18. Think before you act.
  19. If you mess up, be honest about it.
  20. Good things come to people who work for it.
  21. When someone asks for help, give it.
  22. Give your best effort in everything you do.
  23. Money is not the most important thing.
  24. Pay attention to how you are acting.
  25. Be smart with your words.
  26. Never try to hurt someone on purpose.
  27. Be generous and thankful.
  28. Sleep is important for being happy.
  29. You can do it!
  30. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does.
  31. Problems can be solved with the right effort.
  32. The world needs good people.
  33. I LOVE YOU!

5 Signs Your Soul Mate Will Never Leave You

Whether or not you believe in soul mates, you have to admit that a long-lasting relationship is something everyone dreams of. In fact, in today’s busy world of dating apps and flirting culture, it’s so hard to find a partner who is in it for the long run. But believe it or not they do exist – and you may have just found your soul mate. It’s not about what stage you’re at in your relationship, or whether you’re married or just living together. There are partners who will be committed to you forever.

These special loved ones never make you second-guess their intentions, nor do they feel the need for your constant reassurance. They’re just there, and their comforting presence brightens up your every day. Is your partner really your soul mate? Will they stay with you forever? Here are some signs that can assure you to believe the answer is a definite, resounding “yes”.

Here Are 5 Signs Your Soul Mate Will Never Leave You

“I believe everyone has a soul mate [and] that they can spend the rest of their life together.” – Ryan Lochte

1. They don’t shy away from confrontation.

Maybe having confrontations in the first place sounds counterintuitive to a good relationship; however, you want to hold on to a partner who is comfortable with finding the best resolution to your fights. It’s never pleasant when you’re actually having the fight; however, it’s all about how you recover from a disagreement that speaks volumes.

A true soul mate won’t hold grudges, nor will they hold anything you’ve said in anger against you in the future. They’ll try to talk through your concerns and theirs, and they won’t give up on trying to find a resolution that works for everyone. They’re dedicated to making things better and to keeping you around – and that should be your number one sign that they’re in it for the long run. If someone tries to run away at the first sign of difficulty, you’re probably better off letting them go, because they won’t last long with you anyway.

2. They make your problems their own and help you solve them.

Are you having problems at work? With your friends? With your mother? Even if you try and get through them on your own, a good partner will see those problems as their own as well. They will support you and offer you to help in any way they can. Even if they can’t help, they’ll do everything they can to be there for you. True soul mates share every part of their lives, not just the nice parts. If they’re your soul mate, they’ll help you stay positive through the hard times and encourage you to engage in positive thinking as much as you can. They’ll also live out your grief and help you through it so that you both emerge stronger.

3. They’re happy at your success.

Being a true soul mate isn’t just about being there for the hard times – it’s about reveling in the happy moments too and partaking in the joy with you. A devoted partner won’t allow jealousy to stand in the way of their happiness for you. If you get a promotion, or get really good news, or even win the lottery – a true loved one will be overjoyed for you, as if those things were happening to themselves. Many times, we’re envious of the successes of others. However, when it comes to soul mates, they accept that your success is a shared one – and they’re nothing but happy for you.

4. They don’t try to run away from home, or from you.

It’s a bit hard when you live together with someone and you feel like you’re joined at the hip. Many couples can develop cabin fever very easily, which could be a sign that they weren’t meant to be. Your soul mate will be happy to spend time with you and won’t feel forced to do so. Of course, we’re not talking about them being overbearing – that would just be frustrating. But if they’re the kind of person you can talk to from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed and not get bored, then hold on to them. Those are a rare breed. Such open communication is a sign of true affection, devotion, and commitment to spending a lifetime together.

5. They understand sacrifice and compromise perfectly.

A soul mate will always put you first, even before themselves. They will know what you need, and they will go to the ends of the earth to provide it. Your dreams will be their dreams; your aspirations will be theirs. If you find someone who’s ready to walk every step of the long path of life with you, that’s a sure sign they’re ready for strong, consistent commitment. They aren’t going to skip out on anything that makes you happy just to satisfy one of their own needs.


Final thoughts

All the above are sure signs that you’ve found the elusive “one.” At the same time, love and commitment aren’t a one-sided process. You can’t expect to thrive on the other person’s affection and not give any back. A positive, healthy relationship requires just as much of you as it does of the other person. Give as much as you take, love as much as you are loved, and treat the other the same way you want to be treated. That way you’re showing that you are also ready for a committed, serious relationship. You are indicating that this person is your soul mate. They will be looking for those same signs in you, so don’t disappoint them or let them get away.


25 Foods to Eat to Lose Weight in Stomach

Everyone’s looking for the right foods to eat to lose weight in stomach. Belly fat is common to everyone, including people with flat abs. Some belly fat is actually good for your body because it protects the organs inside your stomach.

If you’re rounder in the waist, however, experts say you might elevate your health risks. Deciding to trim down those “flabs” would be great for your well-being.

The good news is there are foods to eat to lose weight in stomach faster, along with physical activity and a few lifestyle changes.

Here Are 25 Foods to Eat to Lose Weight in Stomach

“Weight loss doesn’t begin in the gym with a dumb bell; it starts in your head with a decision.” ?Toni Sorenson

Note: Always consult your wellness advocate before starting any new regimen.

1. Whole Milk

If you’re looking for foods to eat to lose weight in stomach, a glass of whole milk is packed with nutrients and will keep your stomach full for hours. It’s better than drinking skimmed milk, which actually has less nutritional value.

2. Almonds

These. are rich in omega-3 and have low calories. Eat at least half a cup before your workout or if you’re craving a snack.

3. Avocados

An avocado contains healthy fats. Mash a batch to spread on your sandwich instead of using butter. Use avocado for your salads, too.

4. Beans

Beans are very effective for weight loss, as it’s a rich source of protein and fiber. Eating a cup and a half a day will keep you satiated and full.

5. Broccoli

This is another effective belly fat-burning food. It has phytonutrients that increase metabolism and immunity and decrease inflammation and toxins.

6. Cauliflower

This vegetable helps your body burn calories faster instead of digesting it into fat.

7. Chilled potatoes

When a potato has been cooked, and allowed to chill, it has resistant starch content, which means that it passes through the intestines without getting digested into fat. After cooking the potatoes, flavor the dish with pepper, yogurt, and mustard, and keep in the fridge for 24 hours before eating.

8. Clear soup

This can be made from chicken broth, or with vegetable, or mushroom. It helps lessen your body’s caloric intake. Enjoy it before eating your main meal.

9. Coconut oil

This form of oil has belly fat-fighting properties that are good for the cholesterol and digestion.

10. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese has casein protein, which keeps the stomach grumblings at bay. If you eat this with whole grain crackers a few hours before you sleep, you’ll be less tempted at the thought of a midnight snack.

11. Eggs

Contrary to popular belief due to widespread concern about cholesterol, eggs have been proven to be an effective weight loss food.

12. Fish

Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, which increase your metabolism. In other words, you burn fat faster and gain less weight.

13. Green tea

A drink of green tea gives your body a metabolic boost and it’s a strong antioxidant.

14. Jicama

This Mexican root vegetable has loads of fiber that absorbs blood sugar. It’s also rich in minerals like magnesium and manganese that aids in digestion.

15. Kimchi

A Korean staple food, Kimchi is rich in probiotics. It’s made of fermented cabbage, scallion, and radish, and seasoned with spicy peppers, shrimp paste, and koji powder. You can easily find Kimchi at Asian stores.

16. Kiwi

Along with other citrus fruits like orange, lemon, and grapefruit, kiwi are fiber-rich, flavorful and sweet. You can prepare these in many ways — to give salads a kick, to eat as desserts, or to blend as a smoothie.

17. Leafy greens

Speaking of salads, think of adding kale, spinach, and bok choy. They contain natural chemicals that benefit your gut.

18. Mushrooms

They are rich in vitamin D. Researchers say that a diet full of vitamin D may help with abdominal obesity.

19. Oatmeal

While oatmeal is fiber-rich, it also has whole-grain carbohydrates that stop the hunger pangs. Choose the unflavored kind that does not contain sugar.

20. Oysters

These are rich in zinc, which levels of the leptin that regulates your body’s appetite.

21. Peanut butter

Peanut butter has high levels of amino acids that break down into phenylalanine. It’s a hormone that curbs appetite and burns fat.

22. Plums

Compounds found in this fruit limit the fats your cells absorb during digestion.

23. Pumpkin seeds

A serving or two of these can easily fill up your body’s daily magnesium requirements. Magnesium is the secret to shaving off that muffin top.

24. Spicy chili peppers

This exciting food contains a compound called capsaicin. It has an effective fat-burning property that also helps the stomach feel fuller after a meal.

25. Yogurt

You probably know that yogurt has probiotics, which has been known to help with weight loss. It fills the stomach with gut bacteria that helps with digestion – therefore, becoming one of the best foods to eat to lose weight in stomach.

Why You’re Likely Not Losing Weight in Your Stomach

lose weight

Sometimes, however, eating the right food and doing exercises aren’t enough to trim a wider waistline. According to experts, you could have a harder time losing weight around the belly if you experience the following:

  1. Do you run on the treadmill or participate in Zumba classes?

A cardio workout might help burn the calories but a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program is more effective in turning your fat into muscles, especially around the waist and hips. Start lifting weights to tone your body muscles.

  1. Are you stressed or depressed?

Researchers in Holland learned that stress and depression raise your cortisol levels. You develop unhealthy eating habits when you’re feeling bad emotionally, which triggers the buildup of visceral fat on your stomach. Adapting a positive mindset benefits your body mentally and physically. You might need to make an effort to let go of toxic elements and start the habit of positive thinking.

  1. Are you sleeping enough?

According to health experts, not getting enough sleep raises the body’s leptin level and lowers the ghrelin level, so you tend to eat high-sugar and high-calorie foods to sustain your energy. Start embracing good sleeping habits. Train your body to follow a sleep schedule. Importantly, keep your room orderly and minimize the digital stuff in the bedroom to make it conducive to sleep.

  1. Do you like diet soda?

This drink is still filled with sugar despite the “diet” label. A few studies have proven that the artificial sugar in diet drinks actually causes more weight gain in the belly.  Start drinking more water instead of diet drinks. If you must have juice, stick with real fruits and not canned drinks.

Final thoughts

Losing weight might not be a quick process but if you commit to the right foods to eat to lose weight in stomach, along with following healthy habits and regular physical activities, you will see the fruits of your hard work soon enough.

How to Tighten Loose Skin Naturally After Weight Loss

Loose skin is often a side effect of significant weight loss and can often be disheartening. Whilst the skin may never return to its original elasticity without surgery, there are many natural ways to firm up, tone, and help improve the elasticity of loose skin. A balanced diet, daily exercise, and moisturizer may all help to tighten the skin over time. The important thing is to be patient as it will take time for your skin to adjust to the size of your smaller frame.

Sagging skin after weight loss is quite common and is nothing to be ashamed of. The skin is the largest organ of the body and needs as much love and care as the rest of the body. The skin is extremely elasticated so that it can stretch with our bodies as we grow. Therefore, it makes sense that immediately after significant weight loss, there is likely to be some sagging of the skin. The most common places for loose skin after weight loss are on the underside of the arms, on the tummy, and underneath the chin. Whilst this loose skin may be upsetting, it is important to remember that your skin is able to change its shape and tighten up. It just takes time.

There are many factors that may also contribute to how well your skin is able to bounce back after weight loss. These might include a history of smoking, your age, the amount of weight you lost and how quickly, and genetics. This isn’t to say that you won’t be able to firm up your skin, just that it may take a little bit longer. There are many things you can do that are natural to help tighten sagging skin and maintain the overall health of your skin.

Here Are 7 Ways to Tighten Loose Skin Naturally After Weight Loss

“Take good care of your skin and hydrate. If you have good skin, everything else will fall into place.” – Liya Kebede

1. Slow down your weight loss.

The speed with which weight is lost is a huge factor in how well your skin adapts to your new, smaller size. By slowing the speed at which you lose weight, your skin more easily adjusts its elasticity levels to match the muscle tone of your slimmer figure.

2. Build more lean muscle through strength training.

Similar to slowing down weight loss, building more lean muscle helps to support the elasticity development of your skin along with your changing body. By reducing the amount of cardio and increasing strength training, you build lean muscle. Instead of bulking your frame, a good balance will help you tone your skin and overall figure.

3. Quit smoking.

Smoking not only is bad for overall health but it accelerates the aging of your skin. It does this by reducing vitamin A and moisture in your skin. Smoking also breaks down the elasticity of the skin and is detrimental to the texture and brightness of your skin. However, quitting smoking can rejuvenate the skin. According to a study from the International Association of Ecologic Dermatology, smokers of over nine years may see a significant age reduction in their skin within nine months of quitting.

4. Maintain a healthy diet.

Along with quitting smoking and changing up your workouts, maintaining a healthy diet is crucial. Our bodies crave certain nutrients to keep our entire body healthy, but certain foods are especially helpful to our skin. Foods high in vitamins A, C, and E have been shown to help improve skin elasticity and tightness. Vitamin C is particularly helpful in firming up skin. The body uses vitamin C to help create collagen, which plumps the skin and helps to give it that firm appearance. Foods that are high in all of these vitamins include citrus fruits and dark leafy greens. Also, increasing your daily intake of lean protein will significantly help support the production of collagen. Importantly, it will help restore the elasticated protein fibers of the skin.

5. Stay hydrated.

Our bodies are made up of around 75% water. For this reason it is incredibly important that we stay hydrated, both inside and outside. It is important that we drink approximately three liters of water every day. This will keep our bodies fully hydrated. Also, using an intensive daily moisturizer that includes vitamin E or collagen will maintain skin hydration. It will encourage the firming of your skin due to the moisture your skin requires to repair and strengthen itself.


RELATED: 10 Signs You’re Dehydrated

6. Consider taking supplements.

As mentioned before, increasing collagen production in the body helps to tighten and firm skin through improved elasticity. Increasing the daily intake of gelatin, borage oil, and collagen have been shown in numerous studies to help improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

7. Be patient!

Just as it takes time to lose the weight, it takes time to tighten muscles or sagging skin. The recommendations above can help in helping your skin improve texture and tone at a faster speed, but unfortunately, it won’t happen overnight. So be patient and take the time to enjoy your new body!

Final thoughts 

It is entirely possible to tighten sagging skin naturally after weight loss. It will take time and patience, but you can do it. By changing certain factors in your life, you can support your skin, improving elasticity and overall firmness over time. The important thing to remember is to love the skin that you are in and enjoy your body for all that it is.

Best foods for weight loss

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5 Supplements for Heart Health if Coronary Disease Runs in Your Family

Heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. We have no established culture of taking better care of our cardiovascular system. The average age for heart attacks is dropping because many heart defects are carried in the family. Genes are the one thing you can’t help when it comes to your health. Fortunately, you can help reduce the odds of coronary disease by taking supplements for heart health.

Positive thinking alone won’t cut it. You will need to take certain measures to make sure your heart is in a good state. Aside from keeping generally healthy and fit, the best step is to provide your body with vitamins that will look after your heart. Many natural ingredients are easily accessible and fairly cheap. So don’t hesitate and add these five supplements for heart health to your next shopping list!

Note: Always consult your primary care physician before starting any new regimen.

Here Are Five Supplements for Heart Health Never to Overlook

“Small changes in diet don’t have much effect on preventing coronary heart disease and cancer. But bigger changes in diet and lifestyle may prevent heart attacks in almost everyone.” – Dean Ornish

1. Magnesium

supplements for heart healthAn article published in Hippokratia identifies hypomagnesemia or a shortage of magnesium as a significant factor in coronary health.

Lots have been written about the almost magical powers of magnesium; however, a magnesium deficiency is a lot more damaging than you might think. As a natural relaxer, magnesium widens your arteries, making it easier for your heart to pump blood through your body.

Therefore, the strain on your heart lessens, as does your blood pressure. You can find many natural magnesium sources, but scientists are unanimous that no one gets as much magnesium as they should. So, invest in some magnesium supplements. Even better, take a long, relaxing bath with magnesium salts, and you’re certain to improve your cardiovascular health!

The National Institutes of Health warns that a magnesium deficiency can also contribute to the following negative health consequences:

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Migraine headaches
  • Osteoporosis

How Much Magnesium the Body Needs

How much magnesium do you need to prevent these problems? That same NIH article recommends the following daily intake:

  • Birth to 6 months: 30 mg/male; 30 mg/female
  • 7 to 12 months: 75 mg/male; 75 mg/female
  • 1 to 3 years of age: 80 mg/male; 80 mg/female
  • 4 – 8 years of age: 130 mg/male; 130 mg/female
  • 9 to 13 years old: 240 mg/male; 240 mg/female
  • 14 to 18 years old: 410 mg/male; 360 mg/female
  • 19 to 30 years of age: 400 mg/male; 310 mg/female
  • 31 years of age an greater: 420 mg/male; 320 mg/female

Also, note: You may need greater amounts of magnesium while pregnant or lactating, but you should consult your doctor before supplementing. That’s because most prenatal vitamins will cover this extra care you need.

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

No one likes the taste of fish oil. But the word among the scientific community is clear. Omega-3s fatty acids are one of the healthiest vitamins for your heart.

Natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fish and flaxseed. However, you can also get supplements in tablet form from any pharmacy. The most important quality of omega-3s is their anti-inflammatory effects. Inflammation can be very dangerous for your heart and can cause many other degenerative diseases as well. Besides, a regular high intake of omega-3s can also help manage other conditions such as ADHD.

A report by the National Institutes of Health explains how researchers in the 1970s started to notice how native Alaskans enjoy a lower rate of deaths from coronary diseases. They attribute that reduced risk to their consuming a diet rich in fatty-acid-dense fish. Since then, one research team after another drew the same conclusion.

Omega 3s Are More Than Just a Supplement for Heart Health.

Besides being an excellent supplement for heart health, fatty acids can help fight these other concerns:

  • Metabolic disorders
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Renal disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Asthma (research is ongoing, but it’s worth noting that it’s worth a try while scientists investigate)


omega 3

3. Vitamin K2

We’ve all heard of vitamin K as the vitamin that encourages blood clotting. Perhaps you’ve also read that hemophiliacs have a dangerously low level of vitamin K. Still, not many people know that blood clotting is a function of Vitamin K1. At the same time, Vitamin K2 regulates the spread of calcium in the body.

According to research, calcification or an excess calcium build-up can be a predictor of arterial disease. Thus, this calcification is a prevalent reason for heart disease.

It’s important to keep a good level of Vitamin K2 in your body; make sure to eat eggs, where you can find it naturally. Other natural foods that contain Vitamin K2 are organ meats, such as liver, leafy greens, and vegetable oils. But if you don’t consume these frequently enough, you might have to take them as a supplement as well.

A Warning About Taking Vitamin K as a Supplement for Heart Health – Interactions With Other Medicines

The NIH warns that Vitamin K can cause negative outcomes for people who take specific medications. If you take any of the following medicines, check with your doctor or pharmacist before you start supplementation:

  • High blood pressure medications, like Warfarin
  • Specific antibiotics
  • Cholesterol control medicine
  • Weight loss pills or supplements

How Much Vitamin K the Body Needs Each Day

  • Birth to 6 months: 2.o micrograms (mcg)
  • 7 to 12 months: 2.5 mcg
  • 1 to 3 years of age: 30 mcg
  • 4 to 8 years old: 55 mcg
  • 9 to 13 years old: 60 mcg
  • 14 to 18-year teens: 75 mcg
  • Adult males over the age of 19: 120 mcg
  • Adult males over 19 years old: 90 mcg
  • Pregnant or lactating teenager: 75 mcg
  • Lactating or pregnant adult women: 90 mcg

4. Coenzyme Q10

Also known as CoQ10, this is one of the most common supplements that promote good cardiovascular health.

In fact, one clinical trial studied people who survived myocardial infarction. They found that the control group taking CoQ10 was far less likely to suffer an additional cardiac event within a year than those who did not supplement for heart health with this enzyme.

Heart Specialists Offer Advice on This Supplement for Heart Health

The Cleveland Heart Lab team advises you to keep these expert tips in mind when taking Coenzyme Q10:

  1. Always take this fat-soluble with a meal. This habit helps your body absorb it.
  2. Ask your doctor for a blood test before you try supplementation. They can only determine if you need this through testing.
  3. If your HDL, or “good cholesterol,” runs low, you’re more likely to need to supplement with CoQ10.
  4. Stay consistent with your supplementation routine.

5. L-carnitine

Like CoQ10, L-carnitine is one of the vitamins that heart attack patients are treated with during the immediate aftermath. Its function is to transport important vitamins like omega-3s and K2 into the cells. In other words, all the other vitamins and supplements that you take to improve your health will benefit from L-carnitine.

In addition, it also helps with tissue damage and with the consumption of fats. L-carnitine is significant because, without it, the vitamins you take won’t reach their intended destination – the heart. Consider it the highway, which the other vitamins will take to help you get better.

Here’s how it works for cardiovascular health, according to science.  L-carnitine helps to nourish your myocytes, tiny cells that occur in your heart. That function is essential because the myocytes send out the electrical signal that makes the heart muscle contract. In other words, healthy, well-function myocytes support a good, strong heartbeat.

supplements for heart healthFinal thoughts on Using These Supplements for Heart Health

Many products advertise themselves as being good for your heart, so don’t just trust anything. Natural products are always good, but some companies are out there just for profit. The five vitamins we listed are by far the best of the best to look out for. And remember, if you have an existing condition, always consult your doctor before starting a supplement.

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