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10 Things to Let Go of Right Now to Be Happy

It’s all too common to hang on to the pain and suffering we experienced in the past. We may pity ourselves and feel dissatisfied with our lives. We may dwell too long on lost loves, lost jobs, or lost friendships. How do we begin to let go and move on from these upsetting experiences?

Some people are so bound up in their past, they can’t let go of the pain. The pain has become part of their personal identity. The pain can even be comforting to some people. When you let go of past hurts and deceptions, you can begin to move forward with intention and peace. Here are ten things you can release from your mind and heart.

How to Let Go of Past Pain and Suffering

1. Give up control.

Many people are “control freaks” and only feel secure in themselves if they can influence how others think and feel. Control is an illusion and you can only hope to control your own feelings and reactions. You can’t change someone else, you can only change how you think and feel. If you can let go of the notion of controlling things and people in your life, you will be a happier person.

2. Stop feeling entitled.

Self-pity when things don’t go our way is a natural feeling, but it’s best to let this feeling go. We are not entitled to success and happiness, we must work our way toward them.

3. Let resentment go.

Resenting others comes at a price to our personal growth. Blaming others for our problems only leads to a hollow sense of self. Rather than resenting others, work toward forgiveness.

4. Don’t let guilt run your life.

It is hard to let go of past pain and suffering caused by guilt. When we spend time ruminating on guilt, we lose the ability to take responsibility for our actions. It is better to make amends and move on.

5. Try to hold back perfectionism.

When we push ourselves to be perfect, we lose sight of what is truly important. Pushing ourselves to an impossible standard only makes us unhappy. It is better to let yourself be “good enough” to get along in life. For example, let go of the idea that your home will always be perfect.

6. Let pride go.

Pride can restrict us from making amends in our relationships. Our ego can get in the way of emotional resolution. Pride can also keep us from admitting we have made a mistake.

7. Release yourself from negative thoughts.

We always have a choice in how we approach a situation. If we expect the worst to happen, it most likely will. If we have a better attitude, we may be able to create better things for ourselves. Negativity attracts negativity.

However, it’s important to allow yourself to feel your negative emotions. If you bottle them up, they will only be worse when they do come out.

be happy quotes for the optimist

8. Let go of bad influences.

Everyone has at least one person in his or her life that is draining to be around. If possible, let these people go from your life. If you have to continue dealing with them, try to distance yourself from their negativity. This is especially hard if the people who are a toxic presence in our lives are close family members.

9. Don’t fear failure.

Don’t restrict yourself from trying something just because you are afraid you will fail. This is a self-defeating measure and keeps you from taking risks and from experiencing all that life has to offer. Take the opportunity to do things that scare you and break out of your comfort zone.

let go

10. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Envying other people’s lives only leads to trouble. We often see only the surface of our friends’ lives, and not the struggles they go through every day. They may be looking at your life in return and envying how easily you get along. If you can be honest with your friends, do so. It will open your eyes.

Final Thoughts

When you learn how to let go of past problems, your life will seem clearer and easier. Using these ten tips will help you learn how to move on and recreate your life in a more optimistic way. The people and events that have disappointed you will be easier to deal with if you can change the way you look at your life.

Peace comes from within, and can be uncovered if you take some time to release yourself from the burdens of the past. If you can let go of past emotions and events, you will feel happier and more satisfied with your life.


Best Breastfeeding Positions: How to Breastfeed Your Newborn Baby

Breastfeeding carries with it the age-old pictures from nursery rhyme books, where the mother is sitting in her rocking chair, holding the baby, and breastfeeding it in both arms. Best breastfeeding positions always show this picture. This is such an idyllic picture that very few people think of the actual dynamics of this. Hold an empty glass jar out in front of you to demonstrate how tiring this can get. It can be a small glass jar, and it absolutely can be completely empty.

This is fairly simple, right? The jar is not heavy. It’s really no big deal. Now, continue holding the jar in front of you for ten minutes. After about four minutes, you’ll start feeling it in your muscles, even though it just an empty glass jar.

Try to hold the jar for twenty minutes.

Get the picture? As much as holding your baby in both arms while breastfeeding seems so perfect and sweet, the truth is, your arms will become very tired very quickly. Think you can give your arms a rest? Think again. Baby will need to be fed 8 or 9 times a day and 2 or 3 times throughout the night. What can you do?

The 2 Easiest Breastfeeding Positions of All Time

The Flat Reclining Position.

This position should be done with you lying completely flat on your back. Even sitting up in a lean-back chair can create enough angle to make it difficult for both you and baby. Instead, use your couch. Prop your feet or calves up on the armrest, lie flat on your back, and let baby find your breast. This is extremely easy because you don’t have to arch your neck down to check on things right below you, you don’t have to use your arm muscles in active engagement for hours of the day, and you can safely close your eyes and rest without having to worry about dropping baby if you get too relaxed. This is one of the best breastfeeding positions of all time.

The Flat Reclining Method.

This position is also known as the Biological Method because it is easiest for baby, too. Human babies are not designed to start straining their neck muscles right after birth. Instead, they can build these muscles up at their own pace by crawling around on your tummy. Trying to lift their neck and latch onto your nipple and then suck without getting too much stream going is incredibly difficult for baby. Instead, they can find your nipple, latch on, drink as much as they want, and then let go when they want a break. And they can do this every single time they want a break without fearing extra milk coming out. This is natural and organic for the way human babies are made.

The Side-Lying Position.

The side-lying position is perfect for couches, floors, and beds, as well as the Flat Reclining Method. You can actually lie on your side (with your baby between you and the back of the couch, just to be safe), and baby can latch on to either nipple while you watch or close your eyes for a brief nap.

Both of these positions are brilliant for sleeping, resting, joining baby on the floor, and for generally getting in naps throughout the day. The sleep deprivation caused by caring for a newborn is so intense that these two positions should be your go-to positions around the clock. This one is also at the top when talking about the best breastfeeding positions.

Cradle Holds and Side Holds

Cradle Hold and Cross-Cradle Hold. A list of best breastfeeding positions cannot be given without the standard cradle holds. These two cradle holds are virtually identical to each other but differ in the position of your hands. In the Cradle Hold, you hold your baby like normal, with your arms crossed underneath it. In the Cross-Cradle Hold, you hold your baby just as before, but this time you are using the hand closest to the breast they are feeding on to hold and manipulate your breast for baby’s convenience.

Side Hold (also known as the Football Hold). This is a great position if you have a pillow to put beside you for baby to lie on or if your baby is a small toddler now and can just sit beside, facing the other direction. You hold your baby under your arm (like you would tuck a football under your arm) and their head comes out and latches onto your breast.

best breastfeeding positions

All of These Positions Can Be Done in Public with a Light Blanket or Cloth Lightly Spread Over You

Just have a light cloth or blanket on hand, and you can do any of these breastfeeding positions in public by just generally spreading the cloth over your shoulder and breast. Do not tuck it in because your baby may get too warm or have difficulty moving around. All you need is a light covering. The best breastfeeding positions are perfectly natural, with a light coverup in public.

Breastfeeding is a bonding ritual and organic feeding routine which will be amazing for you. Get as much sleep as possible and Happy Baby!

8 Ways to Have A Better Work Life Balance

If you find yourself unhappy with your work, putting in long but unfulfilling hours and having strained relationships with friends and family, it might be time to rethink work life balance.

A better work life balance will ensure that you are energetic and productive at your workplace without compromising on other areas of your life. Here are work life balance tips that will help you achieve more in life.

Tips to Maintain a Better Work Life Balance

Know your Priorities 

Priorities vary from one person to another. For a newly married couple, priorities can be making more money and spending time together. For older couples, making money may not be the primary goal but to slow down and relax. Understand your goals and work hard to achieve them. Many people sacrifice family for work, and as a result, they never find fulfillment in life even if they achieve major success in their careers. You must always strive to prioritize both work and family to achieve a healthy work and life balance.

Create and Respect Boundaries 

If you do not have a proper schedule when you should start work and finish or when to create time for other activities such as dinner with family or an exercise routine you are likely going to mix things up. Boundaries allow you to attend to what you have to at the right time. It helps you build a healthy culture and lifestyle where you can predict all your days’ activities. Building and sticking to boundaries is not easy because there is always something extra to attend to just when you want to call it a day but stay focused. As actress Betsy Jacobson said,’work is not better time management but better boundary management’.

Learn to say no 

As much as you would want to help everyone and be there for them including your boss, it is not always possible. You will end up achieving less and getting frustrated in the end. Saying no is healthy and does not mean that you are selfish. Weigh every request and put aside those that will take too much of your time and energy or those that will interfere with your work life balance.

Learn to control Technology 

Technology can be addictive. Learn to survive without your phone or laptop for a day especially when you are on vacation. If you have time with family, refrain from checking emails or attending to office work. You can set time every day when you do not check your phone, answer calls or reply to emails. Within this time, focus on a better relationship with family, friends or have time to yourself without distractions.

Work Smarter 

Throughout time, the need to work hard has been oversensitized and those who work for long hours and sleep less are deemed as hardworking and high achievers. In the new age, it is working smarter that matters. Output or quality of work should be your focus and not the many hours you put in. For instance, if you get to work early, spend most of the day checking emails and chatting with friends then take care of your responsibilities later after working hours. You will probably achieve the same with a person who came to work on time, focused on the day’s duties and left early to unwind. The only difference is, you will be more tired and disoriented.


Part of achieving a healthy work life balance is understanding that you cannot handle it all on your own. If there are tasks that can be taken care of by other colleagues, delegate. This will free up your time for other activities such as being with friends or taking care of yourself. At home, get someone to clean and take care of the shopping and other errands. It can be hectic coming from work only to continue with the house chores where you left off in the morning. You will never have time to relax or be with those you love.

Create your pace 

There are days when you have to put in every effort or spare time you have on work projects, and there are days you need to take it slow. There are days your body will demand you slow down and relax while on others, you will be super energized. Knowing your pace will help you achieve a healthy work life balance.

work life balance

Take Good Care of Yourself 

To achieve a good work and life balance, create time for yourself. Eat right, exercise and have days when you reward yourself for the achievements you’ve had. When you are happy, the happiness will flow to all other people around you because it is infectious.

These work life balance tips can be adopted by anyone regardless of what state they are in life. It is never too late or too early to start. As Hillary Clinton said,’do not mistake having a career with having a life’. Do not throw away your life at the expense of a job.

How to Build Self Confidence in Less than 5 Minutes a day

The word confidence is derived from Latin. It means with faith. Self confidence is the foundation of everything. We have different skills, but if we are not able to build self confidence, how good are these skills?

Choices made in our daily lives have a role to play too. A study has shown that we can control our thoughts. Thus, we have the power to build self-confidence and self-esteem by ourselves.

When you have self-esteem, empowered by positivity and courage, you will be able to face any challenge head-on. This article is designed to help you unlock your full potential and get over your short faults.

Some things influence your level of confidence. The genes you are born with impact the balance of neural chemicals in your brain, your environment, and the social pressures that come along with it as well as the choices you make on a daily basis.

Have an understanding that you are capable. Let’s go beyond the essential tips to look confident anywhere, anytime.

1. Picture your success before beginning any task

Listening to music with a deep base can give you a feeling of power. Music can lift your mood. Music is known to help the growth of plants. You can also strike a pose and even motivate yourself and help you build confidence.

2. Trust in your ability to improve

Be flexible in your thinking. Having a fixed mindset and thinking that you can’t improve your confidence wont help you. You will not be able to build self-confidence. Instead, have a flexible mindset that sees challenges as opportunities for growth.

People with a growth mindset have proved to be more successful and excel when faced with challenges and have improved grades.

3. Understand that you may fail sometimes

Face it. You need to fail sometimes; we ALL do. Joanne Rowling was rejected by 12 different publishers before one accepted Harry Potter; The Wright brothers had a history of failed attempts in flight before his plane experiment was succesful.

4. Stop comparing yourself

Anyone at one point falls prey to a feeling of inadequacy brought about by someone else’s achievements. Be your person. Learn to appreciate what you have to build self-confidence.

You don’t have to compare yourself to anyone. You are not competing with anybody, you are not above anyone, and you are not below anyone. Remember–you are good enough.

5. Use affirmations

Just list the qualities that make you feel good to be you. You can say to yourself:

  • I am a talented artist
  • I am strong, I’m kind
  • I’m capable
  • I am awesome
  • I am valuable.

Feel proud as you contemplate building confidence.

Focus on your positive qualities and not the negatives. We are perfectly imperfect. Everyone is good at something.

6. Nourish yourself with positivity

Think positive thoughts, especially when you feel down. Tell yourself life is short. Read books that stir your self-confidence. Watch funny and inspiring clips. Surround yourself with supportive people rather than relating to the people that make you feel dreadful about yourself.

To build the self-confidence you need to have a high opinion of yourself for others to reciprocate.

build self confidence


7. List your past accomplishments

Laze around in the light of your success. Celebrate your achievements.

8. Find your passion

Know your strength, know your talent, and know your skills. Use this to build self confidence and stay true to your character.

9. Be good to others

Be nice and care for others. Always make other people feel better about themselves. This is the greatest gift you can give to others and yourself. Loving others makes you love yourself thus you build self-confidence.

Anyone can build self confidence. You need to look strong and sure of yourself. Stand tall and be yourself. Know you are great and be the humble champion. You might need to work harder than others if you are committed to build self confidence.

With time, you will ultimately get there. Once you build the confidence you will enjoy it and when you are feeling down bring that feeling back into your mind and remind yourself this is a situation you can control.

We can all evolve and change for the better. You have to stop obsessing over whatnots and start focusing on what can. When you lose sight of yourself and your belief you become useless but with confidence no matter the odds, no matter the difficulty, no matter the adversity, you are able to accomplish any task. Have the belief that you can accomplish anything. Practice these life-changing tips every day and you will perfect it.

Researchers Explain The Health Benefits And Risks of Coffee

Do you wake up in the mornings needing caffeine to get your day started? If so, you aren’t alone. Millions all over the world begin their day with a cup of coffee. It’s the most common beverage besides water consumed in the United States.

Studies have shown both good and bad reasons to drink coffee. There are definitely some benefits, but are there reasons not to drink your morning cup (or cups)?

Is Coffee bad for you?

Research about Coffee

The American Heart Association’s research concludes that drinking coffee has its health advantages. There have been some concerns about the ingredient, acrylamide, a chemical found in the roasting process. However, studies regarding acrylamide haven’t linked it as causing cancer in humans yet. The dietary guideline for the Department of Agriculture has stated that three to five daily cups (about 400 milligrams of caffeine) can actually be healthy.

The American Heart Association also suggests anyone with an abnormal heart rhythm, such as arrhythmia or tachycardia, may want to seek advice from their doctor or health professional about how much caffeine they take in. For instance, one cup of coffee(about 8 ounces) has between 95-200 milligrams, while tea has between 14-60 milligrams.

Health Benefits of Coffee

  • Some of the nutrients found in coffee are: Manganese, Riboflavin, Potassium, Niacin, Chromium, Folate, Magnesium, Thiamin, Phosphorus, and Pantothenic Acid. Obviously if you’re drinking more than one cup, these nutrients increase.
  • Your risk for Type II Diabetes is lower. Studies have shown that the Magnesium helps the body’s use of insulin and may help to regulate blood sugar.
  • Your risk for developing kidney disease is lower.
  • Its strong antioxidant power helps to prevent tissue damage which is caused by free radicals. This aids in fighting cancer, especially colon and liver cancer, and cirrhosis of the liver. For some, this may be the largest source of antioxidants in their diet.
  • Your risk for developing Parkinson’s disease is lower, as well as dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease because of the reduction in inflammation. Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disorder, second behind Alzheimer’s.
  • Strokes (especially in women), heart attacks, and the risk of atherosclerosis are reduced because blood vessels are healthier.
  • You may live longer. It seems that the metabolic processes are slowed down, causing you to age slower. Also, by lowering your risk for other diseases, it increases your chances of living a healthier and longer life.
  • It may improve your energy levels since caffeine is a stimulant. By boosting your metabolism, more calories are burned making coffee for weight loss more probable. Even your exercise levels are increased.
  • Brain functions tend to improve, such as memory, reaction times, and your mood. It actually blocks the brain hormone called Adenosine.
  • Coffee for weight loss. It is possible that caffeine helps you to burn fat. Many fat burning supplements contain caffeine, which are also helpful in sending signals to your fat cells to break apart body fat.
  • It may actually make you happier and can help fight depression. Suicide rates could also decrease in numbers.

Possible Negatives

  • Your sleep may be interrupted and you may have some anxiety or panic attacks. You may need to stay away from caffeine late in the day to prevent sleeplessness.
  • Caffeine may raise your blood pressure and adrenaline.
  • For pregnant women, increased amounts may also increase the possibility for miscarriages
  • It may also increase your risk for heartburn due to the acids.
  • Caffeine is addictive and may cause withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, irritability, and fatigue if you miss a few cups.

Caffeinated or Decaffeinated

Are you wondering if you’re getting too much caffeine? Moderation seems to be the key. If you’re experiencing acid reflux, the acidity in the caffeine may be doing you more harm than good, so either try half and half or decaffeinated. However, some studies have actually found that the acid levels may be derived from the particular bean that is used. The average person can ingest about 200 milligrams of caffeine every day.



Although more studies will undoubtedly be made as to the pros and cons, there are definitely some very good reasons to drink your cup of joe every morning. Other factors, besides your caffeine intake, need to be taken into consideration. Are you a smoker or drinker? Are you overweight? Do you try to live a healthy lifestyle?

Until doctors actually find hard evidence that coffee isn’t good for you, continue drinking your morning cup, just do so in moderation. The pros definitely outweigh the cons!


12 Things That Help You Lose Weight Fast Naturally

Recent government statistics site that at least 1 in every 3 American adults is obese. No wonder so many people are jumping on the fad diet bandwagon. They often see fast short-term weight loss; however, it usually does not last in the long run, and the crash dieters end up gaining it back—plus more.

Are you tired of the dieting roller coaster? Would you like to lose weight fast and keep it off? Mother Nature has many remedies that have helped people lose weight naturally for generations. Many of these home remedies are common ingredients you keep in the pantry. Discover how to lose weight fast naturally with these twelve home remedies:

1. Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar

Naturalists have long known the benefits of taking honey and apple cider vinegar daily to lose weight fast. Purchase organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar that has the “mother”. Mix two teaspoons of it with two teaspoons of raw, organic honey in a glass of warm water, and drink it every morning. This mixture may reduce fat cells and lower bad cholesterol levels.

2. Green Tea

You have probably read about the many health benefits of drinking green tea, such as calming the nerves. Did you know that green tea is also an excellent home remedy to lose weight naturally? The essential ingredients in green tea can boost your metabolism, which burns off fat. The caffeine may also give you a little pep of energy during the day.

3. Cayenne Pepper

If you are researching ways on how to lose weight fast naturally, consider cayenne pepper. Not only does this potent spice kick up the heat in your cooking, but it may help you lose weight fast. Capsaicin, its active ingredient, may build up your metabolism, decrease your appetite, and curb cravings. Use a teaspoon of it to make a hot tea or sprinkle it on your food.

4. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is the quintessential home remedy with many benefits. People who are learning how to lose weight fast naturally have found that lemon juice can help. The natural chemicals in lemon juice may detox your body and reduce fat cells. Try adding the juice of one lemon to a glass of water, and drinking it first thing in the morning.

5. Crunch On An Apple

An apple a day may keep the doctor away and may help you lose weight naturally. First, they are filled with dietary fiber, which can give you a feeling of satiety. Apples may help stabilize your blood sugar level and keep you from reaching for snacks. Eat a daily apple with the peeling for maximum benefits.

6. A Bit of Dark Chocolate

As you modify your lifestyle and find how to lose weight fast naturally, you probably put chocolate on the naughty list. Surprise, because a little dark chocolate may benefit your weight loss efforts. An ounce of chocolate three days a week might inhibit insulin resistance, and make you eat less. Be sure it is at least 70% cocoa chocolate.

7. Try Some Flax Seed

For centuries, various cultures have consumed flaxseed to assist with their digestion. The fiber in flaxseed can may you fill fuller quicker, and it has heart-healthy fats and protein. These ingredients may help you lose weight quickly. Sprinkle flaxseed in your morning yogurt, or blend some up with a smoothie.

8. Eat Slower At Mealtimes

When deciding on how to lose weight fast naturally, you may learn ways of changing your eating habits. Can you remember the last time you put the fork or spoon down on the table, and savored each bite of your meal? When you eat slower, your stomach can be satisfied with less food, and you may lose weight. Make it a point to lay your silver wear down after each bite and enjoy the moment.

9. Drink More Water

Many people gulp down sugar-free sodas and think they are helping their waistline. Instead, these drinks may cause you to gain weight. When you drink water, it flushes your digestive and urinary tract. If you enjoy a glass of water before a meal, you may eat less, and lose weight.

10. Sleep On It

If you do not get enough sleep, your whole body can be affected, and it may resist losing weight. Try getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night. It can reset your body’s natural rhythm and will let your food digest more efficiently.

how to lose weight fast naturally

11. Switch To Coconut Oil

Although coconut oil is a saturated fat, your body digests it differently than other fats in the same category. Its molecules are sent to the liver, where it is converted into energy. The extra boost of energy can burn more fat and help you to lose weight quickly. Of course, coconut oil is still a fat that should be consumed in moderation.

12. Have A Stick Of Gum

Do you experience a case of the munchies throughout your day? Instead of reaching for the bag of chips, pop a stick of sugar-free gum in your mouth. The act of chewing and the sweetness of the gum might satisfy your urge to munch. You may consume less empty calories and lose weight.

Learning how to lose weight fast naturally is not a magical cure. However, many old home remedies for weight loss have shown promise in scientific studies. They can be a safer alternative to fad dieting and diet pills.

Before you begin any diet regiment or consider a dieting home remedy, talk to your doctor about what is best for you. He or she can offer you other ideas that can help you lose weight. When following a healthy lifestyle, you can feel better and more confident.

lose weight without gym

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