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How to Beat Depression Naturally Without Medication

Anyone who has experienced situational depression knows how intense it can be. More than just a low mood, it can sap you of any and all motivation or hope. It can make it seem like everything you touch is blighted. Your sleep, eating, and social habits can all be negatively affected by it. The good news is that there is hope. Thanks to a better understanding of mental illness, we now understand that people can sometimes beat depression naturally.

While medication is a popular means of treatment for situational depression and often a good course to take for clinical depression, it is not the only one. There are plenty of ways to beat situational, and sometimes clinical depression naturally without medication.

Sleep well

Being depressed can make it very difficult to get proper sleep. Depending on what sort of depression you go through, you could be getting far too much or too little sleep. You might be lying awake, lamenting your life and your decisions. On the other hand, you might find that sleep feels like the only refuge you have. In order to get healthy sleep, you must have healthy sleep habits. Have a set bedtime and wake-up time and follow through. Aim for seven to eight hours of consistent sleep every night.

Eat properly

As the saying goes, “you are what you eat.” If you aren’t putting the right foods in your body, you could increase your depressed mood. A healthy body means a healthy mind. You should be taking part in a balanced diet of things like fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates.

It’s also important to eat breakfast and to consume water throughout the day. Your body will thank you and you’ll feel all-around better.


When depressed, you can feel like a prisoner of your own mind. It’s easy to try and fight against your thoughts. However, doing so can be an ultimately futile gesture.

The more you try to resist these thoughts, the more powerful they can become. Mindfulness meditation is a practice worth taking up. It involves observing your thoughts without judgment.

Go outside

You might want to hide from the world when depressed. It can seem like everything around you is so daunting and unfriendly. However, being outside can have profound benefits.

For instance, sunlight can have a positive impact through increased dopamine and serotonin. It can also help you feel much less trapped inside your problems. Instead, you can remember how much the world has to offer and how much you have to offer the world.


You can’t expect to beat depression naturally if you aren’t treating your body properly. Exercise is a must for all able-bodied people and can help you to feel better. It doesn’t need to be anything too intense either. You can start slowly, with some basic aerobics in the morning. As you progress, you will be able to do things you previously weren’t able to. The further you go, the more you’ll see exercise as a treat.



It’s one of the most common ways to beat depression naturally, and for good reason. Professionals who have been trained in mental illness can unravel reasons behind mental illness. If you’re depressed, you should set up an appointment with a therapist. While they won’t be able to solve your problems themselves, they will work with you so you can find the tools you need to succeed. In therapy, it’s vital to keep up with all the necessary practices. This can include logging your thoughts and studying your thought patterns. Realize that you don’t have to be stuck in your ways for any longer, and that hope is available.

When you decide to deal with depression, you’re not giving in and doing nothing. Rather, you’re admitting that you have a problem and deciding to deal with it maturely. It can certainly be challenging, especially in the early stages. However, the road ahead is far less daunting when you take those first steps.

It’s also important to remember that you don’t need to suffer alone. Millions of people are going through depression at this very moment. Many of them will hide it due to fear of being judged. Remember that you can help them to beat depression, just as they can help you.

Science Explains Why You Need Negative Energy In Life

Vibrational energy comprises everything visible and non-visible. This energy gives birth to planets, stars – and, yes – human beings. It grants life and is transformed in death.

“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla

The Serbian-American engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla found these truths to be make perfect sense. So did Max Planck, perhaps history’s greatest physicist aside from Albert Einstein. Planck won the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of quantum energy, which many scientists believe is the lynchpin of consciousness.

Quantum and The Role of Consciousness 

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” ~ Max Planck

Quantum represents the smallest unit of mass, energy, or any other physical quantity in any object. Quantum energy exists as quantum particles in the form of protons and electrons (remember those?). Well, these particles provide energy to everything we experience through our five senses (as well as everything we don’t experience, of course.)

We can define consciousness as the state of being aware of internal and external events. Self-awareness, as well as empathy both exists as forms of consciousness.

What does quantum energy have to do with consciousness? Biologically, the brain, as a physical organism, relies on electrochemical signals. This transmission of signals is only possible through the electromagnetic properties of molecules, including quantum particles.

If we had to represent this relationship in equation form, it’d look something like this:

C = p(IE) = QE

Consciousness, the perception of internal and external events, is made of quantum energy.


Balancing Positive and Negative Energy

“Genius is the ability to receive from the Universe.” ~ I Ching

Do you remember the proton, electron, and neutron jargon from 9th-grade chemistry? If so, you recall that ions (electrically-charged atoms) can carry a positive or negative charge. Under certain conditions, a positively charged element – a cation – can become an anion or a negatively charged element.

All light, matter, and antimatter in the Universe are positively charged, while the gravitational attraction between these particles is negatively charged. While our first instinct is to believe that the total energy in the known universe must be in vast quantities, this isn’t the case.

In fact, there’s likely no energy in the Universe at all. Because despite the countless number of positive subatomic particles in the vastness of space, there is an equally huge amount of negative energy. This comes in the form of gravitational pull on those particles. The result:  a zero-energy Universe.

Going Beyond the Physical

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Many scientists believe the debate between believers and non-believers, spirit-seekers and materialists, will one day be rendered moot. They claim that as we discover more about the Universe, we’ll one day have “no need” for any “alternate” explanation of the Universe beyond what is measurable.

The argument can be made, however, that the exact opposite is occurring. Scientific discoveries, such as the famous “double slit” experiment and the finding of quantum microtubules in the human brain, are confounding the materialist view. Those who subscribe to such a view are finding it more and more difficult to explain the vast complexities of the Universe.

Carl Sagan, the late great astrophysicist, once said, “We are a way for the universe to know itself. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return.” What was Sagan getting at? After the Big Bang, our Universe went into full-blown expansion mode. Particles became atoms. Atoms became stars. Massive amounts of energy flew out of nothing. It then collected and transformed into something. All of this transformation occurred through the delicate balance of positive and negative energy. Without this perfect balance, the birth of life and the Universe itself would not have been possible.

Each and every one of us consist of the stuff from which the Universe formed. Scientists estimate that stardust comprises over 90 percent of the body. Over 90 percent.

Final Thoughts: A Delicate Balance

“Everything that appears in the physical realm is always connected with energy flow at the invisible level.” ~ Nan Lu

A strong idea is that all material and non-material energy somehow in harmony goes back thousands of years. From the Yin-Yang symbol in the I Ching to Einstein’s E = mc² and the double-slit experiments, the Universe continues to remind us of this eternal truth.

Let us each do our small part to sustain and improve this beautiful planet and the Universe. Try and maintain a positive outlook by being grateful, acting with love, and doing no harm. Embrace the power of positivity. Let’s leave the world better off!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Things Couples Do to Survive Infidelity

One of the most devastating events that can occur for those who are in a relationship or marriage is if they experience infidelity with their partner. For many people, it can be difficult to recover and establish trust with their spouse. If you want to strengthen your relationship and survive infidelity, there are a few necessary steps to take to move on from the pain.

Have Patience

Recovering from infidelity takes time, and it’s an overnight process. You’ll need to have patience with your partner as you learn how to trust them again while going to therapy. You’ll also need to have patience with yourself. You need to accept the amount of time that it takes to heal from the pain and avoid thinking about the infidelity each day.

Avoid playing the victim or viewing your partner as a villain, which can make it impossible for the relationship to survive infidelity. Stay away from labels if you want to rebuild your bond. Expect that it will require baby steps instead of leaps to grow and move on from the event if you want to know how to survive infidelity.

Prepare for Growth

Growth is needed from both parties to ensure that you can move forward and strengthen your relationship. You’ll learn new facts about one another and about yourself, which is necessary to keep the marriage intact and have an even stronger bond than you did before the infidelity occurred. Even if you’re not the one who cheated, there are likely mistakes that you made that caused the other individual to make the mistake, whether they felt ignored or neglected. Remain humble and vulnerable to ensure that you can make the necessary steps and improvements to grow in the relationship and become the partner that your spouse needs.

Although you may not have been the one to have cheated, be ready to ask for forgiveness from your partner if you haven’t been treating them well in the relationship to ensure that they can also heal.

Obtain Therapy

Getting therapy is essential to ensure that you have the help of an outside party that can work as the middleman as you attempt to survive infidelity. Working with a professional allow you to have unbiased advice that allows you to each consider the other person’s perspective. Without therapy, it can be easy to become lost in the pain and have direction on how to move forward and heal. The professional will help you to discover underlying causes of the infidelity and how to avoid it in the future to ensure that you can survive infidelity. They can even assist with addressing other problems in the relationship and the necessary steps to take to resolve them.

Find a licensed therapist who specializes in counseling couples to ensure they’re qualified to handle your case when you want to know how to survive infidelity.

Institute Open Communication

Communication is necessary to rebuild your relationship and to maintain intimacy as you work through the issue. Practice fluid speech by remaining open and honest with your partner on a daily basis. Share your personal feelings and also listen to your spouse’s expectations of what they need to be happy in the relationship. You’ll also need to revisit your feelings from time to time to ensure that you’re both satisfied in the marriage, which will require consistent communication to survive infidelity.

Schedule Date Nights

Make it a point to continue dating one another to ensure that you can thrive together and find the spark again that first made you fall in love. Consider a two-hour walk in the park or going on a picnic to keep the relationship exciting and romantic. You should be able to spend time alone together at least once each week to keep the flame arrive and rekindle your romance. You can also make it a rule to turn your phones off to avoid distractions and remain more focused on one another. Incorporating fun and romance into your relationship will make the relationship worthwhile again and can allow you to have hope when surviving infidelity.

Survive Infidelity

Set Aside Quiet Time

Surviving infidelity requires setting aside time to sit in silence as your reflect, pray, or meditate. The time alone or with your partner can allow you to work through the pain and hurt while quieting your mind. Make the decision not to judge your partner but to understand the cause of why they decided to remain unfaithful.

Knowing the right steps to take to regain your relationship and allow it to thrive after infidelity has occurred is necessary to recover with your partner. With professional help, you can also have accountability and the encouragement of an outside party to move forward and begin growing as a couple.


10 Signs Someone Needs Help with Addiction (And Doesn’t Know It)

Addiction and drug abuse is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Research shows that 10% of Americans have had a drug abuse disorder in their lifetime and those percentages are only growing every year. Prescription drug use has even claimed the lives of high-profile celebrities such as Prince and Tom Petty. But how do you recognize that someone needs intervention?

Whether it’s marijuana, alcohol, heroin or prescription drugs, there are several tell-tale signs to look out for in an addict. Remember, people with addictions are very good at hiding them because they’re well aware that if they’re found out, they will have to face the consequences. So, they have to be secretive about it or sometimes downright aggressive. Either way, they need help. Here are some signs to look out for to show that someone needs help with addiction.

Here Are 10 Signs Someone Needs Help with Addiction

1. Deteriorating appearance

This is only really visible towards the later stages of addiction, but it’s still a good one to look out for. You will notice an addict’s appearance rapidly changing throughout the course of their addiction. One day they’ll look like they’re going to a gala, and the next they’ll look like they’ve just crawled out of bed. Look out for disheveled clothes, unkempt skin, and hair (stubble for men). Women often try to hide an unkempt appearance with more makeup, too.

2. Isolation

If someone you know has started closing themselves off from other people, that may be a sign they need help with addiction. Especially if it’s a deviation from their normal behavior – if someone was, at one point, the life of the party, but then has suddenly started warding off all your invitations to meet you or others, that should be a big warning sign. An addict only wants to spend time and energy towards getting their next dose. Everything else takes a backseat to this supreme goal – including their relationships with other people.

high functioning alcoholic

Related article: 9 Warning Signs Someone Is A High-Functioning Alcoholic

3. Unhealthy friendships

Has your friend or family member fallen in with a bad crowd? Whether it’s other people who use drugs or not, a sudden change in the friend group can be a clear sign of a developing addiction. Addicts tend to band together and try and find kindred spirits, which, unfortunately in their case, are other addicts or sometimes even drug dealers. Those friendships encourage their habit and can only worsen their addiction.

4. Bad memory

This is very common with alcoholics, but it can also happen with other kinds of substance abuse. Commonly known as black outs or brown outs, those are episodes that addicts have where they won’t be able to recall certain moments – whether it’s a few hours or a few days. If you notice this symptom, get involved as soon as possible, because it’s a sign of serious addiction as the drugs are already meddling with their brain functions.

5. Neglecting responsibilities

A substance addict only cares about getting their next dose, so all other priorities in their lives start fading away. Absence from work is most commonly the way this goes, or a failure to pay taxes and household bills. Sometimes, it can even take on a dangerous facet of neglecting children and other dependents. If this happens, intervene straightaway. Do not wait because it might not just be the addict’s safety at stake.

6. Withdrawal symptoms

Nausea, increased anxiety, headache, sweating, fatigue – those are all classic symptoms of drug withdrawals. If you see someone exhibiting them all, keep a close eye on them because it might be something more serious than a common cold. A lot of times, addicts try to kick the addiction themselves, leading to debilitating withdrawals. This indicates a physiological dependency to the drug too, so it’s nothing but a desperate cry for help with addiction.

7. Increased number of accidents and injuries

This is especially common with addiction to alcohol and prescription opiates. Opiates are initially used to numb chronic pain. Once a person becomes addicted, they may manufacture injuries or complain of different pains to get their fix of opiates. Alcoholics are also prone to injury, as alcohol dulls the senses and makes pain less noticeable. They’re especially dangerous if they decide to drive under the influence, as then they put other people’s lives in danger, too.

8. Atypical behavior and poor judgment

Drug addiction may push people towards breaking the law or engaging in behavior that’s not typical for them just to get their drug. If someone’s life seems to drastically turnaround from one day to the next, keep a close eye on them, because it might be an aftereffect of their drug addiction and their need to get their fix as soon as possible. If you’re not careful, they’ll continue acting this way – and might even land themselves in jail.

9. Mood swings

If all addicts are one thing, that’s unpredictable. They may be acting like the nice, positive person you once knew and then turn into an aggressive, unfamiliar stranger the next second. Mood swings are incredibly common for substance abuse and are always dictated by their relationship with drugs. Withdrawals and hangovers will cause destructively negative moods, while a high will bring about elation and happiness.

10. Increased tolerance

The more an addict abuses a certain substance, the more their tolerance will grow and they’ll want more. Have you noticed your friend takes longer to get tipsy than others? Or that their headaches last longer and just one pain pill doesn’t do it? It might just be a sign of a serious addiction. Consider talking to them about it carefully and getting to the bottom of it.

Final thoughts

“Caring people help others not because they expect a reward, but because it is natural to show kindness.” – Anonymous

Addiction is a very serious problem that can’t just be solved with positive thinking. At the same time, make sure you remain positive about your ability to help. Addicts need real, physical solutions and interventions to help with addiction. This can only happen if the people around them recognize the tell-tale signs of addiction. If you’re worried that someone you know is developing an addiction, organize an intervention or contact a doctor for help.


How to Teach Yourself to Relieve Stress Naturally

Is stress controlling your life? If so, you’re not alone. A Gallup Poll conducted in December of 2017 found that as many as 44% of people today reported feeling stress often during their daily lives.  Stress may be the result of your facing too many demands every day or a need to shoulder a humongous workload. A worry about making ends meet or how to take care of your family causes lots of people stress. Stress may be making you feel as if you are constantly being attacked. However, you can relieve stress to prevent it from controlling your life.

Stress in your life is all too often perceived by you to be a threat. The problem of that is the perception of being threatened causes your hypothalamus to set off an alarm system within your body. This alarm system may stimulate your adrenal glands to set off a surge of cortisol and adrenaline hormones. Greater amounts of adrenaline may elevate your blood pressure and increase your heart rate. Both of these can be a health threat for you. The cortisol increase may set off an alarm system that could communicate with your brain’s region that controls mood and fear. Feeling fearful can also be a threat to your health. All of these factors add up to stress being detrimental to your well-being.

For that reason, you simply must decrease the effects of your stress. In just 15 minutes, any of the following practical ways to relieve stress will help you to avoid these threats to your health.

Ways to Relieve Stress

relationship quote

1. Meditation

Meditation is one of the best ways to relieve stress. You can control your stress by practicing meditation just 10 minutes a day. By increasing your capacity for relaxation with meditation, you can not only improve your cardiovascular health, but you can also decrease any anxiety you may be feeling.

When your body is faced with a sudden threat or stress, it responds with an adrenaline rush known as a “fight or flight” response. Up goes your blood pressure and pulse rate. In addition, you breathe faster and an increased amount of blood flows to your muscles.

Meditation instills a deep relaxation state in your body and reverses your body’s reaction to the “fight or flight” response. It slows your breathing, lowers your pulse rate and blood pressure and your metabolism is decreased. This state of relaxation will relieve your stress.

How to Meditate with the Relaxation Response Technique

• Find a pleasant and quiet place to meditate. Repeat a sitlent word or phrase to yourself. The word or phrase should have meaning to you. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and good posture for about 10 to 20 minutes. Breathe in a natural and free way.
• You should focus on the word or phrase. Any worries that burst into your mind should be either dismissed or ignored.
• Before finishing, open your eyes and allow your thoughts to return to everyday reality.

2. Massage Therapy

People have used massage to feel better for thousands of years. Any relaxation technique that has been around for so long must be one of the best ways to relieve stress. In 2007, the American Massage Therapy Association reported the results of a survey they conducted indicated that almost one quarter of American adults had at least one massage in 2006.

With a large variety of as many as 80 therapy styles, you can certainly find the best style to suit your needs. In order for your therapist to know the massage style you will need, you should decide your reason for wanting a massage. If you want a massage to control your stress and provide relaxation, you should tell your therapist. The style can then be determined to decide on the best movements, pressures and techniques for the therapist to use. In addition, an overall feeling of wellness can be gotten from massages.

According to Cathy Benninger, an assistant professor at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, another option for a massage could be your giving yourself one using a tennis ball. She suggests you should, “Place the ball between your back and the wall. Lean into the ball, and hold gently pressure for up to 15 seconds. Then move the ball to another spot, and apply pressure”.

3. Yoga

Yoga may be one of the fun ways to relieve stress you could enjoy. All yoga styles have only one common goal — to join your mind and body.

One way yoga may get you to relax is by its increasing your breath and body awareness. Yoga has also been found to be effective on a person’s mental health. It has been found to be a mood enhancer and an antidepressant as well. Being an antidepressant, it has been used to treat both anxiety and depression.

At this time, we don’t know how yoga is able to reduce stress and anxiety. However, it does appear that yoga has an effect on the stress response and the nervous system. Many studies have shown that yoga lowers your heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormones including cortisol, the primary stress hormone.

One study followed 24 women who saw themselves as being emotionally distressed. The women participated in a three month yoga program. At the end of the three months, their cortisol levels were significantly lower. Their levels of anxiety, stress, depression and fatigue were also lower. Besides learning yoga, they did learn that they can relieve stress while having fun.

4. Exercise

Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress. It may put physical stress on your body, but it does relieve mental stress. It has been found that regular exercise makes it less likely for a person to feel anxious than a person who doesn’t exercise.

Regular exercise can:
• Lower your body’s stress hormones including cortisol.
• Improve your sleep.
• Make you feel more confident and give you a feeling of well-being.

5. Listen to Music

Listening to music is one of the most enjoyable ways to reduce your stress. You can relax by listening to soothing music as it lowers your anxiety, blood pressure and heart rate. Listening to sounds of nature such as a bubbling brook, the ocean or birds may be even more soothing. A great way to blow off steam is to listen to upbeat tunes and rock with them. You can also sing along with them loudly. Isn’t music a great way to relieve stress?

Relieve stress

6. Laugh

Another great way to relieve stress is to simply laugh. Besides relieving your stress, laughing is good for your health. When you’re laughing, you can’t feel anxious. Lighten your load with a good belly laugh.

• Produces oxygen to your organs and body.
• Relaxes your muscles as it relieves your stress.
• Improves your mood and immune system.
• Lowers your cortisol, the body’s stress hormone.

Since laughing can be the answer to how to relieve stress, discover ways to make yourself laugh. Watch a funny sitcom, read funny comics, read a book of jokes or just talk with a person who keeps you smiling. All of these things can relieve stress.

Perhaps you would enjoy one of the above ways to reduce your stress. Meditation, massage, listening to music, exercise, and laughing can help you to “fight the flight” of stress.


5 Reasons To Stay Single Until You Find Someone Worth Your Time

If you take nothing else away from this article, let it be this: The emotional pendulum of a strained relationship is probably more difficult to endure than being single.

Some of you are undoubtedly shaking your heads in disagreement. There are also plenty of people nodding their heads in the opposite direction. Both groups have a good reason for how they think and feel.

Sharing your life with someone else is a human desire– when absent, it can create anxiety, isolation, and sadness. Similar to those who have been in trying relationships, these people also feel doubt, hopelessness, futility, and self-pity.

Please bear in mind that the purpose of this article isn’t to persuade you to feel one way or another! No doubt there are difficulties associated with any relationship decision.

The Goldilocks Marriage Theory

One researcher described marriage data as The Goldilocks Theory of Marriage.

This term refers to the children’s fable Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

But in this context, it points to finding a partner or a relationship that is “just right” for an individual, much like the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In the story, Goldilocks finds three bowls of porridge, three chairs, and three beds, each belonging to a different bear. She chooses the one that is not too hot, cold, big, or small but just right.

As you read on, remember that the Goldilocks theory of marriage is an informal concept and not a scientific or research-backed theory. Ultimately, a successful marriage is unique to each couple and depends on their needs, preferences, and circumstances.deserve


What could a “Goldilocks” marriage look like?

Here are some factors that many people desire in a spouse or partner:

  1. Communication: Open and honest communication is key to understanding each other’s needs and addressing issues.
  2. Emotional support: Providing emotional support to one another and being there for each other during both good times and bad.
  3. Shared values and goals: A strong partnership is built on shared values and goals, which help to guide decision-making and provide a sense of unity.
  4. Flexibility and adaptability: Life is full of changes and challenges, and adapting and growing together as a couple is essential for maintaining a strong relationship.
  5. Trust: Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship. Both partners should feel secure in their commitment to one another.
  6. Balance: Striking a balance between togetherness and individuality while respecting each other’s personal space and growth needs.

Here are five good reasons to stay single until you find someone worth your time:

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” –Joseph Campbell

1. They’ll Accept Your Weaknesses and Strengths

Relationships often end because one person cannot accept the other’s shortcomings. While the other person’s positive attributes were enough to spark attraction; they weren’t enough to override their weaknesses in the long run.

Every one of us has our flaws. Part of a good relationship is having someone who accepts that weakness is part of the human condition. Someone who sees your shortcomings and loves you regardless is worth waiting for.

2. The Relationship is More Likely to Last

This one is kind of a no-brainer: mutual chemistry correlates with relationship longevity. When you have the strength of spirit to wait it out for someone with whom you have good chemistry, the odds that the relationship will last are excellent.

Contrast this stance with someone desperate enough to try and force compatibility. First, forcing chemistry is impossible – whether it is there or not. Second, it’s an exhausting, fruitless, and joyless endeavor. Finally, the relationship is bound to end in heartbreak. Don’t put yourself through misery.

3. The “Cons” of Being in a Relationship Instead of Staying Single

While one may have fanciful dreams about finding his or her soulmate, what’s less appealing is acknowledging some uncomfortable truths. First, when their dream becomes a reality, the amount of freedom they once enjoyed takes a nosedive. Second, fantasy is often much more satisfying than reality.

Do the “pros” outweigh the “cons”? Well, it depends on what kind of person you are.

If you are highly individualistic, the chances are good that the sacrifices required in a relationship will be a challenging lifestyle change. As with anyone, individualists get lonely too – and this is understandable. A fair warning is for everyone, however: those days of spending money as you like, living as you want, and enjoying unbridled freedom are reigned in once in a committed relationship.

4. The Stigma of Singlehood is Ending

We are arguably experiencing the most progressive period in human history. Gay marriage is legal; a woman nearly became president; yes, the perceptions surrounding us are evolving.

Data from Pew Research found that the median age for men and women to marry is at an all-time high, with men getting married around 29 and women at 27. The likelihood of getting hitched before 30 is also at its lowest point in history.

Finally, consider this: According to an 8-year meta-study by sociologists at the University of Utah, people who marry between the ages of 28 and 32 are far less likely to get divorced than those who marry earlier.


5. It’s Worth the Wait to Stay Single Until You Meet the Right One

Consider the example of a trusting young couple who marries because both partners want marriage so badly. They made the egregious mistake of marrying without complete compatibility. The devastation of divorce, preceded by nearly three years of continual misery before calling it quits, was enough to send them reeling big time.

Long story short: each partner thought they would never find someone else – the thought hadn’t even crossed either of their minds And they were entirely at peace with it.

Then, that special someone appeared. There is entirely no rhyme or reason – it just happened. Unlike his first love,  the new partner showed love without condition and accepts their human faults. Lesson learned: it is worth the wait.

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