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10 Signs You Have Heavy Metal Toxicity (And How to Detox)

Millions of people are now thought to be dealing with heavy metal toxicity, or what’s also known as heavy metal poisoning. We’re so used to the conveniences of everyday life that we don’t often notice the materials that surround us and the way they affect us. However, toxins can enter our body in many ways – through the food we eat, the water we drink and even sometimes through our dental fillings.

But what are the “heavy metals”? Well, it’s nothing to do with heavy metal music. These metals are substances that can be toxic in very low concentrations. Examples of heavy metals that we can come across in our day-to-day lives (and can poison us) are mercury, thallium, lead, arsenic and many, many more.

Lots of the symptoms of heavy metal poisoning can be mistaken for other things – such as a common cold. Take a look at some of the most common things to look out for. As these can be both acute and chronic symptoms, don’t just focus on how you’re feeling at the specific moment. Make sure to monitor yourself (and ones you may be worried about) over time.

Here Are 10 Symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity

“Heavy metal toxicity is more common than you think. The symptoms of heavy metal exposure range from headaches to constant fatigue. Depending on your level of exposure, you might suffer from serious diseases.” – Dr. Jay Davidson

  1. Brain fog, which means having trouble focusing on things you were previously good at or having a poor memory.
  2. Digestive problems such as IBS and diarrhea, heartburn and indigestion, as well as stomach acids.
  3. Fatigue – both acute and chronic – that contributes to the aforementioned “brain fog.”
  4. Chronic mental health problems. Those can include (but are not limited to) depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.
  5. Migraines or headaches, both acute and chronic. This is normally one of the first symptoms people start to associate with heavy metal poisoning.
  6. Nausea and stomach cramps, often ignored because they’re attributed to something else, like food poisoning or a painful menstrual cycle with women.
  7. A blurry vision, or an inability to see as well as you had been before, either at a close or at a faraway distance.
  8. Numbness, tingling, and paralysis in your arms and legs. Those are known as nervous system disorders.
  9. A general feeling of upset and tiredness, an unwillingness to do anything the way you did before.
  10. A difficulty breathing normally or choking – this is a serious symptom that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.

All of these sound scary but you can still stay positive by considering what you can do to detox your body from the effects of heavy metals. Scientists suggest making a few key changes to your lifestyle to throw away all offending chemicals: here are a few things you can consider incorporating into your day.

Here Are 5 Ways to Detox from Heavy Metal Toxicity

Note: Always consult your wellness advocate before starting any new regiment.

1. A change of diet

You would be surprised just how many of the heavy metals can be found in something as common as your food. In fact, one of the main sources of mercury in our bodies comes from tuna. Yes, the canned tuna that you bake in your casseroles. To avoid this, make sure to eat as many raw or natural foods as you can. Whenever you can, choose unprocessed food over processed products. That choice alone can limit the number of bad chemicals you consume through your food. Another thing you can try to do is reduce the amount of sugar you consume.

2. Read the ingredients

fake foods

Another very common source of heavy metals is cosmetics. Many hand creams and face creams use aluminum bases or bismuth in their ingredients, both of which can cause heavy metal toxicity. Always read the ingredients list of any beauty product you purchase, if you want to lead a healthier life. Even better, consult with a dermatologist or look up some home treatments online. For example, you can make, at home, wonderful hair masks with some egg and an avocado. It’s cheaper and healthier for you, so why not try it?

3. Go through your kitchen cupboards

You wouldn’t think that kitchenware can be made from harmful materials, right? Well, not quite. In fact, aluminum and non-stick cookware are the main offenders, as they expose you to the carcinogenic nickel. Try replacing all your kitchen items with glass, enamel, cast iron, or titanium. Those are all-natural substances that don’t release poisonous gases when heated up – and we can guarantee that they’ll go a long way in reducing the level of heavy metals in your home.

4. Thermal products

Nowadays, it’s very popular to use a thermos or a thermal cup to bring your hot drink into work or school. While it’s not a bad idea, the stainless steel in thermoses can unleash heavy metals into your drink that can be hazardous to your health. Similar to the cookware, look for material that wouldn’t release those gases when exposed to heat. Glass is normally a good go-to, and while glass thermal products may be a bit expensive, it’s very much worth it for your health.

5. Herbal remedies

This is probably one you weren’t expecting to see on that list, as how can herbal remedies contain heavy metals? Well, it’s all about where they were purchased. Some herbal remedies can be counterfeit and laced with things such as arsenic because of the way they were mixed. Always check the source of your herbal remedies before ordering them. Better yet, consult with your doctor before you take them!

heavy metal detox

Final thoughts

Those are just a few ways you can prevent yourself and your family from developing heavy metal toxicity. Stay aware of the signs and symptoms and take preventative action as much as needed. Start integrating these healthy habits into your everyday life one by one and you’ll see a change coming soon. Some people, who have started a heavy metals detox, have said it helps with their positive thinking, too. Who knows, maybe a good detox is all you need to see the bright side of life again. Stay positive and go natural – the fewer metals, the better!



25 Things You Can Do To Prevent Anxiety

Over the past eight years, Google searches that include anxiety have more than doubled. That’s right … doubled. In just eight years. This astounding fact begs the question: “What in tarnation is going on?” (Shout out to Yosemite Sam.)

We are hardwired for anxiety. While we’ve been around a shade over 200,000 years, our DNA hasn’t really changed that much. What does this mean for how we think? Well, mainly that we continue to operate out of the reptilian brain. And when the part of the brain responsible for impulsive behavior is at the helm, things can go wrong.

Enter anxiety disorders, the most common mental health condition in the world. In the United States alone, nearly 50 million people suffer from an anxiety-related condition (around 20 percent of the population). And that’s just those people who have been diagnosed.

Panic Disorder

The American Psychological Association (APA) estimates that as many as one in 75 people will develop the psychiatric condition known as panic disorder. Symptoms of this condition include:

  • rapid heartbeat (palpitations)
  • lightheadedness
  • vertigo and dizziness
  • sweating and trembling
  • feeling as if you’re going mad
  • feelings of asphyxiation

high-functioning anxiety

The Current State of Treatment

It seems as if every mental health condition is treated the same way; once the disorder is diagnosed (often, incorrectly), the doctor whips out a prescription pad. The patient is then given a steady diet of prescription medication to take for some indefinite period. Is this the most effective method of anxiety management?

It can’t be, because medications for mental health disorders merely mask the associated symptoms. That is, they do not treat the underlying cause. In fact, prescription medications for nearly every health problem work the same way.

This is not to say that there’s no place for pharmaceutical drugs, some of which are capable of greatly enhancing quality of life, perhaps even saving it.  Some are also capable of destroying life, as the opiate epidemic facing the United States shows every day.

One particularly dangerous type of medication that is commonly prescribed for anxiety are benzodiazepines, or “benzos.” Benzos manipulate the neurotransmitters responsible for cognition, consciousness, coordination, and memory. Xanax and Valium are two popular forms of this class of drugs.

Prevention and Coping Techniques for Anxiety Management

There are many prevention and coping methods that may counteract the panicky feelings associated with anxiety. They may also prove useful in curbing the frequency and severity of panic attacks. The best part is that you don’t need a prescription.

Without further ado, here are 25 anxiety management tricks that help to prevent panic attacks:

1. Get some exercise.

Aim for at least 20-30 minutes per day.

2. Do a head to toe “scan.”

Notice the areas that are tense, and then simply relax them.

3. Do not run away.

This is something with which many people have trouble. By staying in the moment, and facing your anxiety, you weaken the fear association.

4. Deep breathe.

You may effectively circumvent hyperventilation by holding your breath while counting to ten a few times.

5. Accept the panic.

Fighting feelings of panic is a surefire way to worsen the symptoms, so allow them to come and go.

6. Stay in place.

Forgo the impulse to get up and walk or run. If you are moving around rapidly, the symptoms of panic disorder can exacerbate.

7. Sing a song.

Music is darn near a cure-all. While this may sound nuts, belt out some lyrics.

8. Reassure yourself.

Remind yourself that panic is harmless and that it will pass.

9. Do some exercise.

Okay, so you could do the complete opposite of staying still by engaging in some sweat-inducing exercise. Your symptoms may quickly vanish!

10. Count backward by threes.

Make this one challenging by counting backward from 200.

11. Talk to someone.

If you have a trusted friend or family member that you can talk to, do it!

12. Force a chuckle.

Manufactured laughter shows to have many of the same brain effects as the real thing.

13. Practice visualization.

Being able to visualize yourself in a different situation is a powerful antidote to anxiety.

14. Close your eyes.

When in an excited state, the brain is continuously processing internal and external stimuli. Closing your eyes reduces information overload. As such, it may calm you right down.

15. Recite a mantra.

If you have a quote or something that is meaningful to you, now is the time to recite it.

16. Take a cold shower.

Many victims of panic attack swear by cold showers, as they can be a powerful antidote.

17. Force a smile.

As with laughing, the brain has a hard time distinguishing between a real and manufactured smile, which makes it an effective method for anxiety management.

18. Practice “box breathing.”

Box breathing is a 4-step process that involves inhaling to a count of 4, holding to a count of four, exhaling to a count of four, and holding again to a count of four.

19. Try meditation.

Many experts find that meditation can create lasting changes in brain structure. One area that is positively affected is the amygdala, which is responsible for feelings of anxiety and panic.

20. Yell at yourself.

Seriously. Try yelling “Stop!” in the midst of a panic attack, which may shock the nervous system into submission.

21. Narrow your focus.

Panicky feelings make it extremely difficult to concentrate, which is exactly why you should try. Mindfully direct all of your focused attention onto a nearby object, noticing its color, texture, shape, etc.

22. Sniff some lavender.

Breathing in some lavender is shown to relax the brain. Keep some on hand!

23. Watch something funny.

When you feel anxiety creeping up, watch a ridiculous YouTube clip (of which there are plenty!).

24. Write in a journal.

Many of us keep our thoughts suppressed, or worse yet, dwell on them. When it comes to anxiety management versus panic attacks, this is not a good thing. Practice writing down what you’re feeling, doing, thinking, and so forth. Journaling is shown in many studies to improve mental health.

25. Keep a ritual.

When you find one or more of things that helps quell anxiety and panic, make it a routine. If you know that you know what to do when and if panic strikes, this may go a long way in preventing it.

deal with anxiety infographic

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3 Signs of Short Term Memory Loss (And What Causes It)

You may be wondering why someone can remember an event from 10 years ago but not remember an event from 10 minutes ago. This is because there are two main types of memory loss–short term memory loss and long-term memory loss. Here, we will be focusing on the short term memory loss causes and short term memory loss symptoms.

Memory loss is a condition that affects most adults in some capacity or another as a part of the normal aging process. Memory loss becomes a concern when it impairs daily functioning or when it is caused by a disorder or disease.

Short Term Memory Malfunction

The short term memory storage can only hold a very small amount of information for a small amount of time. When these short term memories are deemed important, our brain goes through a process to transfer them to our long term memory. In short term memory loss, there is a malfunction. The brain either can’t hold on to the short term memories or the short term memories can’t be transferred to the long term memory storage area and gets booted by new incoming information.

Short Term Memory Loss Symptoms

Short term memory loss usually starts off slow, unless it is due to an injury. Since it starts off slow, there may be symptoms in the beginning that is indicative of the condition. Some of these symptoms can include being confused often, not being able to remember things that should easily be remembered, or even trouble speaking logically.

Short Term Memory Loss Causes

There are a lot of short term memory loss causes. These reasons can generally be separated into three main categories. They are Outside Factors, Diseases/Disorders, and Injuries.

Outside Factors

Outside factors are causes that happen outside of the body but don’t fall under the injury category. Medications, drugs, and alcohol fall in this category. Drugs and alcohol have been proven to have drastic negative effects on all areas of mental functioning including memory. As for medication, there are some that can affect a person’s memory with continued use. Here are a few that affect short term memory:

  • Benzodiazepines
  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs
  • Dopamine Agonists
  • Antihistamines


Diseases/disorders are a big contributor to short term memory loss causes. Some of these diseases or disorders can directly cause it while others can be more of a secondary cause. Alzheimer’s is one of the more well-known diseases that causes memory loss. It is irreversible and slowly destroys memory and other cognitive functions over time. The effects can become so severe that people have a hard time performing basic daily functions. The disease causes abnormal lumps to grow in the brain called amyloid plaques and tangled masses of fibers called neurofibrillary grow in the brain also. The damage starts in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory. This is why the first signs of the disease is short-term memory loss.

Other short term memory loss causes in the diseases/disorders category include:

  • Sleep apnea
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Poor nutrition
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Stroke
  • STDs


Head injuries can cause memory loss. Certain types of injuries could cause short term memory loss and others could cause long term memory loss. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), for example, is known to mostly cause short term memory loss. This injury can cause people to forget the circumstances surrounding their injury and they may also forget smaller future details such as appointments or phone calls.

short term memory loss

Concussions can also cause short term memory loss. In a recent study conducted by researcher Mark R. Lovell, PhD of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, high school athletes suffered from short term memory and cognitive impairment for up to a week after getting a concussion. Other studies have also shown that people will continue to suffer memory problems and cognitive impairments in the future after having a concussion.


Memory loss is a common condition that affects many people all over the world. Most of the time it is normal, age related forgetfulness but there is a large number of cases of memory loss due to medical reasons or injuries. Memory loss could be short term which can seriously debilitate a person’s way of life.

Unfortunately there is no cure for memory loss and the condition can’t be reversed. If the short term memory loss isn’t caused by a progressive disease or disorder, then there is a possibility that it may not get worse. The memory loss could be managed with effort, even if the person requires help from family, friends, or medical professionals.


How to Lose Weight On A No Sugar Diet

Losing weight is never an easy task, and perhaps the best way to lose weight healthily is to make a lifestyle change that includes exercise and diet changes. There are even a variety of diets out there that can help someone lose weight, but one diet that truly helps someone lose weight is the no sugar diet.

Through limiting and cutting out sugar, you can effectively lose weight and feel better overall. In this article, you will find several weight lose tips that involved the no sugar diet. By following these tips, you can work hard to experience that feeling of weight loss. Here is what you need to know.

Sugar is Everywhere

Before you can start a diet without sugar, you need first to understand what items contain sugar and which are safe to eat. Things like soda and candy are obvious places of sugar. The trouble comes when you don’t realize what other things contain sugar that is part of a regular diet.

For example, pasta sauce and even bread contain sugars that are hidden in the forms of other names. Sweetened drinks like sweetened tea and sodas are some of the biggest culprits, and most sodas have more sugar in one drink than the American Heart Association recommends a person to consume on a daily basis.

You should always note that natural sugars found in fruits are healthy sugars. While you should be avoiding added sugars, natural sugars are good for your body when eaten in moderation. Fruits are the biggest source of natural sugars, but some vegetables like corn might have natural sugars as well. Remember to keep these sugars in moderation as you start your no sugar diet.

Consume More Fiber

Aside from just cutting out sugar every day, you need also to be filling your body with better, healthier nutrients. Fiber is one nutrient that needs to boost when you eliminate most sugar for your diet. Fiber helps to fill you up and help curb those feelings of hunger. It can also help lower the impact that the dreaded added sugars can have on the body, lowering the blood sugar and preventing spikes as well as weight gain.

There are many foods that are high in fiber. Lentils, split peas, lima beans, and even broccoli are several vegetables that are high in fiber and healthy for your body. There are also several fruits that you can add to your diet that have natural sugar that is healthy for your body. Raspberries, blackberries, pears, and avocados are great for your zero added sugar diet, and they are high in fiber.

Avoid Fast Food

It should be a no-brainer, but fast food is a huge culprit when it comes to added sugar. Processed and fried foods have added sugars that go by different names on the ingredient list. These sugars are often the cause of weight gain in individuals.

Luckily, avoiding fast food and even cutting it out altogether can help eliminate sugars in your diet, helping with your weight lose. A great way to avoid fast food is to cook at home. Get whole foods like fresh vegetables and meats. When you cook at home, you can easily control how much sugar and calories are in your food, which is especially important for your no sugar diet.

Don’t Give Up

When starting a new diet, it is easy to get discouraged and let down, especially once the hunger cravings start up and the weight loss is slower than you expected. It is during this transition time when most people quit their diet and resume their past habits. However, just a little self-motivation and determination can help keep you on the right track.

no sugar diet

One way to keep up with your goals is to write them down and look at them every day. When you feel discouraged and worried about reaching your goals, you can look back at your goals to motivate you. If you feel discouraged about how far you are from your goals, writing down your progress and taking photos can help you see how far you’ve come.


When it comes to weight lose tips, going on a no sugar diet can help aid in your weight loss and more. Eliminating added sugar from your diet can help lower your blood sugar, reduce your risk of getting diabetes, and even help with the symptoms of diabetes if you already suffer from the disease. Reducing sugar can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack as well.

However, sugar is found everywhere, which is why weight lose is difficult for many people. Hidden forms of sugar in fast food, dipping sauces, and more can be a huge problem when it comes to dieting and trying to earn that weight lose. Reaching your goals and losing the weight can help you feel and look better, and reducing sugar in your diet can help you do just that.

7 Natural Remedies For Anxiety That Have Helped Me

My journey with anxiety began more than ten years ago. I felt so alone, but there are more than 27 million Americans taking antidepressants, so the problem was not just me. This horrible feeling came out of nowhere, and it nearly destroyed my life. It was if someone had punched me in the stomach and taken all my air. I was always on high alert. I was dizzy, exhausted, scared, and stopped driving due to overwhelming fear. A quick trip to my doctor, begging for relief, led me down the path of antidepressants. If only I had known about natural remedies for anxiety, I could have saved myself a great deal of heartache.

I could not find a medication that worked well because the side effects were worse than my original problem. I was desperate, and I began to study natural remedies for anxiety. At this point in my life, I would try anything. I liked the fact that holistic options produce little to no side effects. Nature provides us with so many beautiful ways to heal the body, and the Eastern ways are becoming more commonplace in our Western World. I did a lot of trial and error in my journey to find the right herbal treatment. Thankfully, you can use my advice, and you do not have to do so much experimentation. Here are the best natural remedies for anxiety.

(*Note: Even though I’m sharing 7 natural remedies that I’ve found, please always do your own consultations with your wellness advocate!)

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is like taking a happy pill. Did you know that more than one billion people around the world are deficient in this necessary vitamin? The leading cause is a lack of sunshine. There are five significant illnesses linked to an insufficient amount of this vitamin in the body, one of which is anxiety/depression. It can affect your bones, moods, and your overall health. When looking for natural remedies for anxiety, it is one of the best methods. Yet, so many people have no clue their levels are off. Just sit outside in the sunshine for at least 20 minutes each day. If sitting outside is not possible, then taking a supplement can help.

2. Magnesium

Did you know that if you are suffering from anxiety, it can be caused by a low level of magnesium? This vital element promotes heart and nervous system health within the body. A deficient level could be the cause of anxiety issues. Your doctor can check your magnesium levels, and a pure supplement can fix this issue. Natural remedies for anxiety are the best because there is no side effects.

3. Learn the Art of Deep Breathing and Meditation

You do not always need to ingest something to make you feel better. Often, it is what we exhale that does wonders. Anxiety causes your system to work overtime, including your breathing. When you feel like you cannot catch your breath, it is often caused from hyperventilating. That is why experts recommend breathing in a bag. Deep breathing exercises can cleanse the body of negative energy and provide adequate oxygen. It calms the heart when the racing beats of anxiety take over.

4. Get Rid of Carbs and Sugar

When considering all natural remedies for anxiety, you must understand that your diet plays a big part in the entire function of your body. Did you know that having a diet rich in carbs and sugar can make anxiety worse? For instance, if you must have a soda three times a day, caffeine can increase the heart rate as it stimulates the production of adrenaline. Anxiety is also known for making the heart race. So when a person with anxiety feels their heart begin to go a bit faster, it can send them into a full-blown panic attack. Some say there is a correlation between higher sugar levels and anxiety that cannot be denied.

5. Try a Massage

One of the best natural remedies for anxiety is a massage. Muscles often tense under the stress and strain that the body feels. Releasing that tension can work wonders for those suffering from constant unease. Best of all, a massage puts the entire body at ease. If you do not have time or the money for a full body massage, then try a mini massage. You can stimulate the temples and neck muscles as well as any other areas that are prone to hold stress and tension.

6. Exercise

One of the main reasons why you are experiencing anxiety can be because you have a chemical imbalance in your brain. You do not need to take medications when there are natural remedies for anxiety. Exercise naturally raises serotonin levels and makes you feel better. The benefit of a half hour workout can be the same as taking an antidepressant drug.

natural remedies for anxiety

7. Increase Eggs in Your Diet

Do you eat eggs for breakfast? If you do not have them as a part of your regular breakfast routine, then you should consider adding them. A recent study shows that low choline levels can affect the chemical messengers in the brain. Choline improves cognitive function and improves complete brain wellbeing. Low choline levels can be the cause of much of your anxiety. Eggs naturally raise these levels, and they can be beneficial to your overall mental health.

While there is a time and place for medication, many people can decrease their anxiety naturally. Some of the all natural remedies for anxiety worked for me, and they can work for you too. You do not have to suffer in silence. You can take control of your health starting today!


How to Change your Life from Negative to Positive in Just 7 Days

One does not need to look far to find negativity. Some contend the media thrives on it and that validates the theory that somehow negativity gets them more readers and viewers. While this may be true to a certain extent in much the same way a car accident gets “viewers,” the reality is the human mind and heart do not thrive in a negative environment. If a person gets advice seeking to “change your life for better,” it will almost always include some encouragement towards positive thinking.

Everyone can think of someone they know who at least seems to be happier when they are complaining or focusing on setbacks. But even cursory observation will almost always reveal the fact their happiness only corresponds to the energy they invest. When the shouting and arguing is over, people who focus on the negative are just as miserable as one might imagine.

The reason positive attitudes are so powerful is because they help reveal opportunities. Positive people who listened when they were told to change your life for better react to opportunity in productive ways. Negative people do not. This is one of the many reasons it often seems positive people accomplish their goals and negative people are more frequently frustrated in similar attempts.

Change your Life from Negative to Positive

Small Obstacles

Ask 100 people who have faced frustrating problems in their lives, and a fair percentage of them will tell you it will not take an Earth-shaking effort to change your life. Far more often than not with these folks, the adjustment they made was very small, but it was something they overlooked because they were so busy fighting an epic war against an imaginary dragon.

Like any martial arts teacher will tell you: A man cannot fight when he can’t find his opponent. Positive thinking makes it possible for a person to put “change your life” advice into action and to see the details and the small adjustments that a negative thinker will miss because they have built the problem into a towering imaginary monster.

This is something that shouldn’t just be considered and then set aside. Positive thinking applied to obstacles and frustrating problems is second only to compound interest as one of the most powerful forces in the universe. It creates a rare commodity called “insight” that is responsible for many of the greatest advances in human history. Change your life indeed.

Big Opportunities

Positive thinking has a lot in common with forward momentum. Negative emotions often cause people to stop and then to become unusually concerned with what’s going to happen next. Positive thinking, on the other hand, causes people to explore, accomplish the “change your life” imperative and move ahead because they believe whatever comes next might be an even bigger opportunity than the last.

These kinds of emotional dynamics are vitally important for anyone facing challenges in their lives. With the proper application of forward momentum, the opportunities that all of us encounter in our lives and the ability to recognize those opportunities through thinking of them in terms of how they might help instead of the danger they might pose, a person can take huge strides forward in a relatively short amount of time.

The negative alternative is a person who is investing all their energy into obstructing themselves. Freedom in a lot of cases is being set free from the limitations a person puts on themselves rather than being let out of a metaphorical cage constructed by someone else.

In order to take full advantage of the opportunities encountered in day to day life, a person must be able to apply the energy from their own positive outlook. When that energy combines with forward momentum, great things can happen.

The Science

According to Barbara Frederickson, the question a person should ask when facing a challenge is “What is the positive outcome that we’re aiming to create here?” This dovetails with her advice to avoid narrowly focusing on problems instead. Frederickson’s work on positivity ratios seems to support her hypothesis that positive thoughts should outnumber negative thoughts.

While the data may or may not be conclusive in either direction, common sense tells us that a person’s outlook is likely to be negatively impacted if their negative emotions and thoughts outnumber the positive. Kevin Eikenberry connects this positive outlook to leadership, and his points are all well taken. A leader cannot succeed for any appreciable length of time without some kind of positive outlook. People rarely follow someone who does not inspire them in some way, and negativity does not strengthen bonds between people and their leaders.

change your life

The key to the “change your life” goal and mastering the relationship between positive thinking and success is to understand how one affects the other and to recognize the dynamics of emotion. From an objective standpoint, it is easy to see how negativity can bring someone down. From a subjective standpoint, on the other hand, recognizing negative thinking can be as big a challenge as anything else and it can lead to the same kind of stagnation as any other setback.

However, once the relationship is clear, the path from positive thinking to success becomes much more clear.

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