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How to Lose Weight Without Gym and Dieting in 30 Days

The process of losing weight can seem agonizingly slow when you’re in the middle of it. You want to fit into your skinny jeans now, not in three months. But if you’re not a fan of restrictive diets, and if the gym isn’t exactly your favorite place to be, is there anything you can do to lose weight without gym or dieting?

Actually, yes. You can lose weight without gym time or crazy diets – and if you’re disciplined, you can do it quickly. There’s no completely effortless way to lose weight, but these tips will help you lose weight at home with as little suffering as possible.

How to Lose Weight Without Gym and Dieting – Fast

1. Avoid fast food.

If you want to lose weight without gym time, you’re going to need to focus on your food intake, and that means cutting out any obvious sources of empty calories. That includes fast food. Most fast food is loaded with fat and refined carbs, making it a bad choice while you’re trying to lose weight.

2. Steer clear of refined carbs.

Refined carbs – like white bread, table sugar, and white pasta – can cause your blood sugar to crash. This can make you feel ravenous and cranky – a bad combination when you’re trying to shed weight. Reach for whole grains instead.

3. Bring your own lunch.

You can save a lot of calories every day by packing your own lunch. Bring a meal that contains lean protein, vegetables, and whole grains to keep you full all afternoon.

4. Focus on veggies.

You can eat a lot of vegetables for very few calories, so make them a staple of your diet. Salads aren’t your only option – try grilling or roasting veggies, filling your sandwiches with greens, and making your own veggie-packed soups.

5. Get plenty of sleep.

When you’re rested, you’re less likely to give in to cravings. Aim for eight hours of shut-eye a night.

6. Work more physical activity into your routine.

The more you move around, the more easily you’ll lose weight without gym workouts. Try walking to the grocery store or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

7. Eat with friends.

When you chat with friends over dinner, you’ll naturally eat more slowly, and you’ll feel full more quickly.

8. Use small plates.

This old psychological trick can help you lose weight at home more easily: just stock your cupboard with smaller plates and bowls. Filling your plate up makes you feel like you’re eating more food, even if your portion is actually smaller than usual. Dieting is easier when you incorporate natural appetite suppressants.

9. Say no to that nightcap.

Alcohol packs a lot of empty calories. If you want to lose weight fast, you’re better off skipping that drink.

10. Stay hydrated.

Sometimes hunger pangs can actually signal that you’re dehydrated. Drink plenty of water every day to keep these false hunger signals at bay.

11. Fill up on fiber.

Fiber – which is found in vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts – fills you up and keeps you feeling full for a long time. If you tend to get hungry between meals, try eating more fiber-rich foods.

12. Keep healthy options close at hand.

Beat temptation by keeping healthy snacks with you all the time. If you have some fruit or nuts with you, you’ll be less tempted to visit the vending machine when hunger strikes.

lose weight without gym

13. Avoid sugary drinks.

Sugary drinks are a sneaky source of empty calories. Cut out soda while you’re losing weight – or, if you really love bubbly drinks, switch to diet soda. Drink your coffee black, or use a dash of stevia to sweeten it.

14. Try meal prepping.

It’s all too tempting to order takeout or hit the drive-through when you’re tired after work and don’t feel like cooking. To solve this problem, try prepping meals ahead of time on the weekends. It’s harder to make a bad food choice when you know you’ve got an easy, tasty meal waiting at home for you.

15. Take care of yourself in ways that don’t involve food.

Find some rewards for yourself that aren’t food-based. For instance, try de-stressing by writing in a journal or going to a museum instead of making a high-calorie meal.

Final Thoughts

Losing weight doesn’t have to be impossibly difficult. In fact, you can lose weight without gym workouts, meal delivery services, fancy workout clothes, or any of the other things that are “necessary” for weight loss. At the end of the day, losing weight depends on taking in fewer calories than you burn, and simple dietary changes can make a huge difference in how you look and feel.

If you follow all these guidelines for a month, you’ll definitely see improvements. Don’t forget to think long-term, though. In order to keep the weight off, you’ll need to stick with your new good habits for the long haul. Chances are good that after the first month, you’ll be so happy with your progress that maintaining your habits won’t be a hardship!


The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need to Use: Essential Oils for weight Loss

Let’s be honest, losing weight is hard. Sometimes the fat can be just as stubborn as your sweet tooth. No matter how much time you put in the gym or how much you cut back on food, losing weight just seems to impossible. While some doctors may suggest taking certain medications to promote weight loss, there are always side-effects to worry about. Sometimes those side-effects can be far more troublesome than the weight itself.

So, what can you do? For those who want to utilize a holistic approach, then you might want to consider using essential oils for weight loss. However, you might not be all too clear on what exactly essential oils are. At the very heart of it, essential oils come from plants. These oils have a long history of producing beneficial effects for individuals. They’ve been used for balancing hormones, boosting the immune system, fighting infections, supporting digestion, and yes, helping people lose weight. If you’re interested in a clean, holistic approach to losing weight, then follow this guide to properly utilize essential oils for weight loss.

Here’s how to lose weight with essential oils:

Citrus Essential Oil For Weight Loss

By following this recipe, you can create the perfect recipe of essential oils to stimulate weight loss. You’ll need essential oils of lemon, grapefruit, bergamot, sweet almond or coconut oil, a clear glass bottle, and a medicine dropper. Take the lemon essential oil and extra ten drops of it into the glass bottle. Do the same for the grapefruit essential oil. It is the grapefruit, in particular, that will help reduce fat since it contains limonene, which boosts the immunity and fights fat cells. From the bergamot essential oil, extra five drops and place them into the glass bottle. Then pour two ounces of either sweet almond or coconut oil into the glass bottle.

With the proper mixture in the bottle, you can then mix it up by shaking the bottle for thirty seconds. Once it has been properly mixed, you can use a cotton ball or soft cloth to apply the oil in areas where the fat is stored. Massaging it into the skin always works wonders. In addition to using essential oils for weight loss, you can actually use this particular cocktail to help reduce cellulite.


Appetite Suppressant Mixture

If you want to utilize the powers of essential oils for weight loss, then consider making a cocktail that actually serves to reduce periods of hunger. If overeating is a problem you face, this cocktail may be just what you need. You’ll have to gather the essential oils of peppermint, lemon, and similar to before, a glass bottle to mix it all in and a medicine dropper.

First, you’ll need to extract 20 drops of peppermint into the bottle. The same goes for the lemon. With the correct amount in the bottle, mix it by shaking it for thirty seconds. With the essential oils properly mixed, you can keep it with you for every meal time. When it’s time to eat, take the bottle out and inhale the aroma. It will serve to curb your appetite, so you don’t eat overeat. If you’re feeling the munchies for a snack, use the bottle to help your appetite wait until mealtime.


Essential oils can be ingested just as well! For tea lovers, use these essential oils for weight loss in a delectable beverage. You will require the essential oils of cinnamon, bergamot, and honey. Obviously, you will also require a tea or coffee mug, a bottle to mix the oils in, and a medicine dropper. Two drops of cinnamon are needed in your mixing bottle. Then add a drop of bergamot to the mixture bottle.


Now, it’s time to heat up the water. Fill the tea or coffee mug with water and place it in the microwave to warm. Or you can go old-fashioned and heat a pot up on the stove top. Once the water is hot or warm–whatever your preference–add in the oil mixture to the water as well as a teaspoon of honey. You’re free to drink it up! Again, besides adding a boost to losing weight, this little essential oil cocktail comes packed full of other health benefits to enjoy, too.

Make It Work For You!

Obviously, if you’re not the biggest fan of lemon or peppermint, you can easily substitute some essential oils for others. Do a little research and see what might be a better replacement for the specific oil. Each cocktail can be personalized to your own tastes.

The best thing about essential oils is that you can’t really go wrong either. Because they’re so packed full of health benefits, even if you don’t notice an immediate change to your weight, you’re involved with something exceptionally healthy and holistic.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

If You Have Low Self-Esteem, Repeat These 6 Phrases

Low self-confidence is one of the main problems people face in today’s busy life. It’s difficult to think highly of yourself when there are so many things you normally worry about. And normally, if you don’t engage in some positive thinking about yourself every now and again, you notice your self-esteem starting to wane. When that happens, a low opinion of yourself can affect many aspects of your daily life.

On the other hand, it’s difficult to balance having a good opinion of yourself without seeming self-obsessed or egotistical. However, you can teach yourself several mental habits that help you start thinking better about the way you look and the things you do.

It’s not all about a positive outlook on life; you also need to remind yourself why you’re worth other people’s love and affection. Luckily, practicing high self-esteem is just like exercise – the more you do it, the easier it gets. Take a look at some of the top thoughts that people with high self-esteem have often, and try integrating them into your own daily life as well.

Here Are 6 Positive Phrases That Boost Your Self-Esteem

1. “I am not the things I don’t own …”

In today’s capitalist-driven culture, it’s very easy to build your identity around objects. Of course, if you have these things, it’s absolutely fine to enjoy them. But you’re not the things you don’t have. You’re not your lack of relationship, your lack of a fancy car, or your lack of a high-paying job.

Material things are very fleeting. Money runs out, technology is broken, relationships end. So, it’s best if you don’t attach your identity to them because once they’re gone, you’ll feel lost and like you have nothing to help you define yourself (which isn’t true). Instead, invest in a hobby or a skill. Better yet, strive to get what you really want and what you know will make you happy for a long time.


2. “I am grateful for what I have …”

When things are going well, it’s easy to get ahead of yourself and forget how you got there in the first place. But never forget how you felt when you were struggling. Never forget to be grateful for what you have. Gratitude is a healthy practice to get into. It’s one of the defining characteristics of people with high self-esteem. Don’t just think how grateful you are, express your gratitude in all sorts of ways – and you’ll see even more good things coming your way.

3. “I am interested in myself …”

People who have a high sense of self-worth don’t just want other people to be interested in them, but they’re also interested in themselves. They keep a diary and go back to reread it regularly because it shows a part of them that they once cherished enough to put to paper. Follow that mindset to raise your own opinion of yourself.

That also encourages you to take better care of yourself and your mind. Find ways to explore the parts of yourself that you might have been afraid of beforehand. You’ll be surprised at what good things you’ll find.

“Self-esteem is made up primarily of two things: feeling lovable and feeling capable.” – Jack Canfield

4. “I don’t put up with mistreatment from others …”

A sign of having high confidence is that you value yourself. That means you don’t let other people bring you down with their actions. To foster high self-esteem, take a good hard look at the relationships you have. If your friends are bringing you down and are being overly critical, remind yourself that you don’t need those attitudes in your life. If your relationship is toxic, end it.

The sooner you surround yourself with positivity, the quicker you’ll learn to be more forgiving and kind to yourself.

5. “I am aware of my response to certain stressful situations …”

For people with high self-esteem, it’s not about what’s happening, yet it is about how they respond and think about the situations they find themselves in. A good habit to get into is to remind yourself that no one but you controls your reactions and to not get stuck in the victim mindset.

Don’t feel sorry for yourself or focus on what’s wrong; rather, focus on how you can make it right. Move forward with positive thoughts and you’ll feel much better about your life altogether.

6. “I don’t take myself too seriously …”

A good sense of humor is essential in overcoming some of the biggest challenges in life. If you look at everything with a smile, few things will be able to bring you down.

Laugh at your failures and mistakes, and when you smile often, the positivity will translate into your way of thinking, too. Learn to take jokes with a laugh rather than offense and you’ll be surprised at the difference it makes.

Final thoughts

These are just a few thoughts you can integrate into your daily life to raise your self-esteem. Don’t forget that sometimes the mind is more powerful than matter and the way you think can influence every part of your everyday life.

Positive thinking about yourself affects every aspect of you. When you take conscious steps towards raising your self-confidence, you’ll find that even doing things you normally dislike will be easier. Just make sure to retain your humility and sense of humor, too – they keep you from growing a big ego!

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11 Natural Antibiotics That Kill Bacteria in Your Body

Not too long ago, medicine looked a lot different. Our ancestors had to rely on the land to provide antibiotics and natural cures, yet today we can walk into a doctor’s office and walk out with a prescription. While we can thank modern medicine for rapidly increasing the human lifespan (no small feat!), there is still a place for natural cures.

In this article, we’ll discuss 11 of nature’s most useful antibiotics.

1. Garlic & Onion

Garlic and onion share common medicinal properties. Both also contain natural antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-cancer agents. According to the journal publication Pharmacognosy Reviews, “At the time when antibiotics and other pharmacy products did not exist, a bulb of garlic itself represented a whole pharmacy industry due to the broad spectrum of effects.”

2. Ginger Root

Ginger, an incredibly versatile plant, can be eaten fresh, powdered, or dried as a spice. You can also consume it as an extract, oil, capsule, lozenge, or tincture. Ginger helps relieve nausea, loss of appetite, and motion sickness. As an antibiotic, ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory and a decent general-purpose pain reliever.

3. Coconut Oil

Speaking of versatility, consider coconut – or in this case, coconut oil. It is a natural antibiotic that helps cure coughs, candida, inflammation, and even warts. Due to its antimicrobial properties, coconut oil can also prevent harmful pathogens from entering your digestive system. Coconut oil is also a good antibiotic because of its antiviral and antifungal properties.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

You might consider Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) the most popular item on this list – and for a good reason. Containing acetic acid, ACV is one potent anti-inflammatory. It helps reduce the symptoms of many conditions, including acne, arthritis, and gout. Besides helping ease pain, ACV also provides a good dose of probiotics.

5. Honey


Winnie The Pooh’s favorite food also happens to be an excellent antibacterial. Honey contains hydrogen peroxide, the stuff our parents loved to splash on our cuts (to our dismay!). Also related, research shows that common honey kills over 60 different types of bacteria. Additionally, honey serves as an excellent alternative treatment for wound care.

6. Grapefruit Seed Extract

The use of grapefruit seed extract goes all the way back to the 16th century. At this time, it treated gastrointestinal (GI) tract infections. Besides its natural antibacterial properties, GSE helps boost circulation, reduce joint inflammation, and protect our skin from UV damage.

7. Oil of Oregano

Oil of oregano has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antifungal properties. If added to nature’s medicine cabinet, “Triple-O” can treat the common cold, infections, and parasites. Taking oil of oregano as a supplement may help protect the skin against harmful bacteria.

8. Cloves

Massive research efforts are underway to discover cloves’ relatively newfound medical properties. A particular area of interest to scientists is using the spice to maintain and improve oral health. Studies show that cloves effectively kill off bacteria, gingivitis, and plaque, which may help reduce inflammation of the gums. In one study, a homemade mouth rinse consisting of clove, basil, and tea tree oil killed a greater number of oral bacteria than store-bought mouth rinse!

9. Thyme

Thyme, an essential oil, is commonly used in many commercial household cleaners – that’s how powerful this stuff is. Health-wise, thyme is a natural antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. It can even be used to prevent skin conditions such as acne and eczema. Because of its potency, thyme should be diluted with coconut or olive oil before applying to the skin.

10. Echinacea

A sunflower family member, echinacea flower works as one of the best natural antibiotics for the common cold. Studies show that using flower supplements can reduce the severity of cold symptoms by up to 50 percent. Other natural antibiotic uses include: ear infections, athlete’s foot, sinus infections, and hay fever.

9 Signs of Depression in Women to Never Ignore

Anyone with signs of depression knows it’s more than just a prolonged sadness. While sadness can indeed hurt, depression is all the more painful with how it drains you of any feeling whatsoever. It can feel like you’re a stranger to everyone, including yourself.

This article isn’t meant to invalidate men’s mental health experiences in any way. Mental health does not discriminate. Though men and women may experience depression differently, we have chosen to write this article about women. If you are a man or know a man who is also experiencing these symptoms, we hope that you take note, practice self-care, and get professional help if needed.

There are a variety of factors that can be the reason for depression, from heritage to environmental causes. No matter the cause, you need to be aware of the signs of depression.

8 Main Causes of Depression in Women

Depression is a complicated mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. While depression can impact anyone, women are more likely to experience depression than men. 

depression in women

1 – Hormonal changes

One of the leading causes of depression in women is hormonal changes. Women’s bodies undergo hormonal fluctuations throughout their lives, including during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. These changes can lead to fluctuations in mood and increase the risk of depression.

For example, women may experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms during menstruation, such as irritability, mood swings, and anxiety. Some women may also experience premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a severe form of PMS that can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.

Pregnancy and postpartum periods can also lead to depression. Many women experience a type of depression called postpartum depression, which can occur up to a year after giving birth. The hormonal changes during pregnancy and childbirth can contribute to this depression.

2 – Trauma and stress

Traumatic events and chronic stress can also contribute to depression in women. Women are likelier to experience sexual assault, domestic violence, and other forms of abuse than men, and these experiences can lead to depression.

Chronic stressors, such as financial difficulties, work-related stress, and caregiving responsibilities, can also increase the risk of depression. Women are more likely to perform caregiving responsibilities for children, elderly parents, and other family members, which can lead to chronic stress and increase the risk of depression.

3 – Genetics

Genetics can also play a role in the development of depression. Women with a family history of depression are likelier to develop the condition. Researchers have identified several genes that may increase the risk of depression, although the exact role of genetics in depression is not yet fully understood.

4 – Body image and self-esteem

Body image and self-esteem issues can also contribute to depression in women. Women hear constant messages about how they should look and act, and these societal pressures can lead to the ideation of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Women who struggle with body image issues or have experienced negative comments about their appearance may be more likely to develop depression.

5 – Lack of social support

Social support is critical for maintaining good mental health. Women who lack social support may be at increased risk of depression. Women who are isolated, live alone, or lack close relationships with friends and family may be more likely to develop depression.

6 – Chronic illness and pain

Chronic illness and pain can also contribute to depression in women. Women are likelier than men to develop autoimmune diseases like lupus and multiple sclerosis, which can lead to chronic pain and other symptoms. Chronic pain and illness can impact a person’s quality of life and lead to hopelessness and depression.

7 – Hormonal contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives, such as birth control pills, can also contribute to d a mental health decline for females. While research on the link between hormonal contraceptives and depression is mixed, some studies have found that women who use hormonal contraceptives are likelier to experience depression.

8 – Substance abuse

Substance abuse can also contribute to depression in women. Women who abuse drugs or alcohol may be more likely to develop depression as a result of the substance abuse. Additionally, women who have a history of substance abuse may be more likely to develop depression in the future.

Nine Signs of Depression in Women that you Should Not Ignore

depression in women

1 – Low energy

Depression can be downright exhausting. When you’re going through depression, it can be easy to feel fatigued, even after a full night’s sleep. It’s no wonder, though. Depression is stressful and stress saps us of our energy.

2 – Unhealthy sleep

One’s depression might make them stay up all night or it might make them throw away their whole day in bed. A sign of depression in women is this inconsistency. These unhealthy sleep patterns can wreak further havoc on their mind.

3 – Despair

Feeling hopeless about the past, present, and future is a large sign of depression in women. When one is depressed, they ruminate on things that are out of their control. They try to not think of these things, but that can lead them back to the thoughts.

4 – Irritability

Not only does depression make one feel sad, it can also make them feel angry. When depressed, one can develop a particularly short fuse. You might not mean to lash out, but the stress on your mind overwhelms you. This sign of depression can make relationships very difficult to maintain.

5 – Eating difficulties

Just like with sleeping, eating habits can shift with depression. Some find themselves eating much more in order to fill some void, while others have no appetite to speak of. Depression in women can cause eating habits to become very inconsistent and unhealthy.

6 – Loss of interest

A large sign of depression is when things that used to excite you no longer do. Previously enjoyable activities such as creative arts or sex can become mundane and difficult. This is a sign of depression in women that is particularly difficult to deal with, as many can worry they’ve lost their love for their passions forever.

7 – Suicidal thoughts

When depressed, one can feel like no hope is left for them. The world can seem so bleak and uninviting that they believe suicide is their only viable option. Even if one doesn’t attempt or have any serious intention to commit suicide, they might still find their thoughts shifting to what it would be like if they were no longer around.

8. Feeling empty

Depression can feel like a part of you has been permanently excavated. You can seem like everything that made you who you are is gone. Because there’s such a pall of discontent riding over you, everything can seem worse than it is.

9 – Trouble focusing

Are you spacing out in conversations, unable to remember what the other person said a minute ago? Depression can make concentration extremely difficult. One might want to distract themselves from negativity, but it’s easier said than done.


Final Thoughts on Recognizing the Signs of Depression in Women

Now that you know how to recognize a sign of depression in women, the most important thing to do is to understand and accept them. If you believe you are depressed, you should seek professional help. A trained therapist will provide the absolute best in helping you cope with your depression.

Recognizing each sign of depression in women should not make you feel any further guilt or shame. Instead, it should help you realize how much strength you have. By taking the time to understand your mind, you’ll be even closer to recovery. Just ensure you are willing to go through vital self-care, such as eating properly and getting enough exercise. Depression can feel like it will forever consume you, but you can learn to keep it at bay.

7 Phrases to Remember When You’re Overstressed

If emotions built modern society, then stress would be considered the foundation. No one seems to question the fact that we’ve created this stress; most people just accept it. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) named stress “The Health Epidemic of the 21st century.”

If left unchecked, stress can cause numerous physical and mental health problems. Even though we experience stress as a survival mechanism, modern living seems to have most of us in a near-constant state of stress. When we lived out in nature in eras past, we usually would only experience stress in the form of running from a wild animal or feeling frustration and fear when we couldn’t find food or water.

Now, this stress branches out into other facets of our increasingly complicated lives, so it’s no wonder that stress is at an all-time high around the globe. However, just because we live in a chaotic world does not mean you have to allow this stress to rule your life.

Here are 7 quotes to remember the next time you feel overstressed:

1. “You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.” – Timber Hawkeye

In life, storms are always brewing because problems never stop. However, you don’t have to allow these problems to control you. Simply accept the stress, breathe deeply, and create a sanctuary in your home and within yourself to retreat to. As long as you remain calm, there’s nothing you can’t face in life. Keeping your composure and quieting your mind will take practice, so have confidence you can learn new behaviors that will help you manage stress better.

2. “The less you respond to negativity, the more peaceful your life becomes.”

What we give our energy to expands and multiplies, so if you find yourself focusing on mostly negative people and thoughts, you will only see more of them reflected in your life. However, when you focus on positive thoughts, people, and ideas, you can watch your world transform into a peaceful paradise. Managing stress starts with eliminating negative thought patterns and people who only bring you down.

3. “Take life day by day and be grateful for the little things. Don’t get stressed over what you can’t control.”

Stress happens partially because we try to control the uncontrollable. We cannot change the world, but we can change ourselves. Focus on the things in your life you can change, and you’ll notice the stress starting to melt away right before your eyes.

4. “You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.”

Much of our stress is self-imposed. We expect perfection out of ourselves so we never truly allow ourselves to grow because we criticize ourselves to death. How can we accept our greatness if we can’t accept our flaws, too? Take it easy and extend compassion to yourself; you’ll only add stress to your life by expecting the impossible out of yourself and others.

5. “Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.”

When we feel overstressed, sometimes we can’t see the bigger picture. We have tunnel vision and feel like we will never get out of a bad situation. This can lead to you spiraling into a negative mindset just because of one bad period in your life. Next time you feel overstressed, try to put things in perspective and think about what you learned from negative experiences rather than dwelling on how awful they made you feel.

6. “The older I get, the more I realize no one has any idea what they are doing and everyone is just pretending.”

While we all take different paths in life, and none of us truly knows all the right answers. Every one of us is doing our best to survive here. The next time you feel overstressed, remember that everyone is in the same boat. They have to deal with the exact same issues as you, so keeping this in mind can help you feel less alone and more in control.

7. “Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe. You’re strong. You got this. Take it day by day.” – Karen Salmansohn

As we’ve mentioned before, we can easily add quite a bit of stress to our lives by thinking we need to figure everything out right now. Remember to breathe and focus on your goals. No one goes from the bottom floor to the top overnight, so don’t expect this from yourself. Getting too wrapped up in all the issues in life can overwhelm you, which can lead to feeling overstressed.

Final thoughts

Next time you feel overstressed, remember these simple steps:

  • Breathe.
  • Focus on the present moment.
  • Bring your attention to solutions instead of problems.
  • Practice gratitude.

Implementing these ideas into your daily life will help you manage stress and remember all the good things in your life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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