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These 5 Steps Will Help You Survive Infidelity

Infidelity is a painful experience, and it can be cancerous to a relationship if the offended party doesn’t handle it with finesse. If you want to survive infidelity, you will probably go through every emotion and under the sun and feeling insecure about yourself and your relationship.

You can make it through the pain and even save your relationship if you can take steps to preserve your emotional well-being and reestablish trust. The following are five steps that will help you survive infidelity and come out of it stronger than before.

5 Steps Will Help You Survive Infidelity

1. Feel Your Emotions

The first rule of how to survive infidelity is to feel all of the emotions that will come to you. A breach of trust is a death of sorts. It will be painful for you to lose the trust that you had in your relationship, but you can get past it if you allow yourself to grieve.

You must experience all the stages of grief, and you must be mindful not to stifle yourself during any part of it. There is nothing wrong with feeling angry or sad or even being in denial over it for a little while. One day you will finish bargaining and get to the stage of acceptance.

You are a unique person so your healing will not occur in the same amount of time that someone else’s healing might occur. Don’t be hard on yourself, and don’t rush to make it happen.

2. Realize That It Isn’t Your Fault

The infidelity may try to affect the way that you view yourself, and you should not allow it to have such power over you. One of the best tips for how to survive infidelity is to refuse to blame yourself for the incident. Infidelity is mostly about the person who committed it and not so much about you.

You may have contributed to the relationship problems in some way, yes. However, you did not cause the other person to go to the arms of another person for comfort. That individual chose to handle the conflicts in such a manner, and there was nothing that you could do to stop him or her stop her. Tell yourself that it’s not your fault and that it is not a reflection of who you are. Say it until you start to believe it, and you can survive infidelity.

3. Spend Time With Supportive Members

Another thing that you can do to survive infidelity is spend time with some supportive people in your life. During this time, you need to have a support system around you that are willing to listen to you and comfort you as you heal. It can be friends, family members or a personal counselor, coach or pastor. Talking it out will help you get over it and survive infidelity.

4. Pamper Yourself

You’ve just gone through a lot as infidelity is taxing on your emotions. An excellent way to get through it is to pamper yourself. Pampering is one of the most effective survive tips you can get. The act involves engaging in activities that make you happy temporarily.

surviving infidelity

Examples of pampering activities are going on a shopping spree, exercising, listening to music, taking a cruise, watching a movie at the theater and so on. You can do any of those activities to improve your mood temporarily and forget what has happened. You’ll have to put in some grieving time later, but you should go out and have fun at least once a week until you start to feel the pain subside.

5. Forgive the Other Person

Forgiveness is a requirement for many reasons. Spiritually, it unties you from the bondage of having a negative entity control you. Psychologically, it removes compulsive negative thought processes. Emotionally, it stops you from beating yourself up and taking the pain personally. Forgiveness is on the top of the list of survive tips because you can’t survive without doing it.

Forgiving someone is not the same as condoning what they did, and it is not the same as forgetting what they did either. It’s the process of letting go of the anger, resentment and thinking patterns that can infest your soul so that you can receiving healing and cleansing. It will take time, but you do have to get to the point where you can release grudges and anger.

You can survive infidelity either with or without our partner. Take your time and try the steps mentioned above to heal from the incident and move on. Remember above everything else that time is a factor. Healing does take time, so you should not give up if you don’t see immediate results. Keep the faith and remember that you live in an imperfect world with other human beings. You can turn this unfortunate incident into a tool that can make you a stronger person. Keeping living and striving to become a better you.


The Most Common OCD Symptoms You are Ignoring But Should Not

Almost all human beings suffer from some form or level of mental health issue. Even the most balanced individuals will still have some tendencies towards certain behaviors that only become disorders under the right conditions. While millions of individuals may have some mild symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, only a relative few will experience obsessive or compulsive tendencies to the degree that it will actually become a legitimate disorder.

When obsessive or compulsive tendencies grow out of control and begin to interfere with an individual’s mental health, work or relationships, that’s when it might be time to seek treatment. Here are some of the most common OCD symptoms and how to tell if you or someone you know might need treatment for them.

1. Fear of germs, dirt or contamination

One of the primary keys to understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is that it often manifests itself as a highly irrational and overwhelming fear. Most people develop a keen awareness of germs and bacteria during cold and flu season and may even at times take caution to the extreme, but there is a rationale behind their actions. They have a legitimate low-grade fear of a real potential threat. One of the key indicators of OCD is that it is a highly irrational fear taken to the extreme.

2. Overpowering need for order and symmetry

Individuals who are genuinely suffering from ocd symptoms have a complete and utter inability to relax unless everything is neat, tidy, and symmetrical. They often have difficulty going new places where things are out of their control. They prefer their own safe environments where they can keep everything exactly the way they need it to be. In addition, however, they will obsessively fix things that don’t need fixing. They may straighten the silverware in the silverware drawer numerous times, even though it is already perfectly symmetrical. Even when everything is perfect and exactly orderly and symmetrical, they still can’t relax. This utter inability to relax is one of many more serious obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms.

3. Recurring vivid, powerful thoughts about harming yourself or others

Doubt and guilt are two major drivers of ocd symptoms, which means punishment also plays a powerful role in obsessive-compulsive disorder. While the sufferer may not associate their violent fantasies with punishment, that is often the underlying motivator. While we all may have the occasional violent fantasies about our ex, our demeaning boss or our overly aggressive neighbor, most people are able to simply experience them and put them aside. The key underlying factor that sets obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms apart from more “normal” behavior is the constant, unceasing nature of the thoughts and images. They literally consume a person until they can think of nothing else. No matter what else they might do, those thoughts are always with them. They will often begin to distance themselves from others or anything that actually distracts them from their violent fantasies.

4. Inability to control thoughts around sexual, religious, or violent themes

Many people that grow up in religious environments may experience occasional bouts of guilt or shame over certain actions or activities. People that exhibit strong ocd symptoms, however, will be incapable of escaping, avoiding or controlling these thoughts. There is nothing they can do to overcome their deep-seated feelings of guilt or shame and that is where the compulsive tendencies come from. They may only feel “clean” if they scrub themselves relentlessly, so they will scrub themselves until they are sometimes raw and bleeding. The compulsive acts associated with OCD are most often the ways in which individuals with ocd symptoms will attempt to manage the obsessive thoughts that drive them.

5. Inability to not engage in certain actions

The obsessive thoughts that drive ocd symptoms are sometimes hard to nail down because they don’t always follow an exact pattern and individuals are not always aware that their own thought life is not “normal.” The resultant compulsive behaviors, however, are external signs of an internal condition. When people have to get up in the middle of the night to check and see if the cans in their cupboard are all straight or have a meltdown if the coffee mugs in the company break room are not all perfectly aligned, this is a good indication that professional intervention may be necessary.

ocd symptoms

OCD is, in some ways, a much more serious version of what we all did as children. OCD is a way of managing a world that seems largely out of our control. As children, we all had irrational fears such as monsters under the bed or in the closet at night. We might even have had vivid fantasies about the monsters eating us, ripping us apart or carrying us away. In response, most children devise a series of “rules” that will keep them safe from the monsters, such as keeping your feet up on the bed or keeping a night light on.

OCD is essentially these same behaviors carried into adulthood and taken to the extreme. While there is currently no “cure” for OCD, there are a wide range of coping strategies that sufferers of OCD can use to help keep their obsessive thoughts and the resulting compulsive behaviors at bay.

10 Simple Tips to Live a Purpose Driven Life and Be Happy Forever

Numerous people have different ideas on the definition of success. There is more to success than just having money, status, or power. Successful living also involves pursuing one’s maximum potential. Only after achieving one’s potential can a person be fulfilled. Failure to live a purpose-driven life leads to feelings of emptiness, confusion, yearning, discontent, and in some cases depression despite having immense success.

Human beings are not machines. You might have a wonderful job, money, power, and status but you should always ask yourself the question, “Is that it?” some people are driven by anger, resentment, fear, insecurity, money, possessions, and many other things. For a human being to be complete and in touch with living in the present, it is vital to have a sense of purpose. Life begins to make sense when an individual begins living a purpose-driven life.

10 Super Tips for a Purpose-Driven Life

This article delves into the effective purpose-driven life tips known to bring happiness.

purpose-driven life

1. Prioritizing Time

With every passing moment, time becomes an ever-increasing invaluable commodity. Time is a precious asset; the way different people spend time makes the difference between success and failure. It is essential for each person to have a comprehensive plan of each day’s activities. Time should be spent achieving the day’s objectives.

2. Have Goals and a Vision

Any successful individual can attest to having a concrete vision of what they want to achieve. Evidently, noting down goals thus has the potential to lead a person to success; it is not enough to just think about your purpose, the vision has to be known and felt in your life. Additionally, a clear vision has to be driven by discipline. Discipline forms the foundation upon which a human being can apply purpose, effort, and talent in the quest to accomplish goals. Discipline also aids in making good decisions.

3. Relationships are Invaluable

Innumerable people have highly misinterpreted notions about happiness. Building meaningful relationships is a more effective source of happiness than having possessions. You should always seek to leave a legacy of relationships that can stand the test of time if you are to live a purpose driven life.

4. The Power of Giving

Serving others is remarkably fulfilling. Service to others is an effective way to seek happiness. In this regard, time is a more valuable gift than money. Using your time to serve others is a worthwhile investment. Appreciating others is known to be an uplifting experience. Making a difference in other people’s lives can create satisfaction and make life worth living.

5. Finding a Sense of Purpose at Work

Passion is vital if a person is to enjoy a career or their life’s work. Passion is driven by a sense of purpose. Research shows that without passion, it is impossible to be an effective leader or to be an inspiration to others. Upon finding a sense of purpose, one can attain happiness and a sense of energy that never wanes. Also, a passionate individual has a contagious energy and attracts like-minded, positive individuals.

6. Improving Every Day

Striving to improve every day is an effective strategy in the quest for happiness. If you attempted to improve yourself 1% every day, then by the end of each year you will always be 37 times better than you were at the beginning. Therefore, it is imperative to keep learning, seek feedback whenever possible, and reminisce about the successes of the journey.

7. Master your Craft

As the old adage goes, to become a world-class expert at anything, one has to put in 10,000 hours in mastering their craft. Successful people perceive failures to be learning opportunities and avoid castigating themselves over mistakes made in the past. Such individuals are always on constant reflection and learning. Therefore, it is important to focus on one thing at a time. In current times, it is possible to be distracted by the vast information sources. Focusing on one thing at a time leads to mastery and with it comes success and happiness.

8. Be self-aware

Self-awareness is an effective concept in making significant strides in life. Before one gets to a point that they are self-aware, one needs to evaluate themselves daily, a self-aware individual understands their strengths, weaknesses, personality, motivations, beliefs, dislikes, likes, and values. Consequently, such individuals do not waste time with activities that have zero potential to yield success. There are always numerous opportunities available to people every day but it takes a self-aware individual to know where to put their effort to yield a positive outcome.

purpose driven life

9. The Work-Life Balance

A common misconception about life with many people is that they can only begin enjoying life when they are immensely successful. Living in the moment is vital in living a purpose driven life. Not only is it important to put one’s heart in their career, but it is also important to develop meaningful relationships with friends and family. Further, it is crucial to reserve time for personal needs. Attaining a balance in life implies that one has time to live an all rounded life.

10. Being Content

One of the little-known purpose driven life tips is that having inner peace and contentment is an effective way to be happy. People who understand their purpose in life are content with what they have and how they are at a personal level. Even though goals drive ambition, contentment creates happiness. It is vital to differentiate between contentment and laziness. Even though it is important to be content, it is not advisable to give up hard work and discipline.

Evidently, living a purpose driven life involves simple achievable factors. Life’s challenges have the potential to deter personal and professional fulfillment. Taking charge of one’s life requires a succinct sense of purpose. Successful and happy people avoid living a life full of regret but seek to learn from their mistakes. Realizing that the value life lies beyond what the eyes can see, and understanding one’s sense of purpose can create the perfect environment for success and happiness.

How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking in Just 1 Week

Fear is an emotional trigger that every living creature is somehow rather too intimate or familiar with. It is a survival instinct that can be managed but only with regular practice. Therefore, the moment you tend to feel fear especially the fear of public speaking, then remind yourself that you are in control. Slow, deep breathing is among the many effective ways of calming yourself down in the face of fear. You can also overcome fear by constantly reminding yourself that good things are found on the other side of fear.

The prior analysis of the worst-case scenarios can also help a great deal because the fear of the unknown is what bars many from achieving their life goals. Doing so will help you understand that failure isn’t the end of the road but an opportunity to learn. And this auspicious realization is what will set you free from the mental chains tethering you from reaching your full potential. Without further ado, here are four ways you can overcome your fear of public speaking like the champ you were born to be:

Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking in Just 1 Week

Prepare for Your Speech Beforehand

One of the best ways of overcoming your public speaking fear is through rigorous preparation. When you get in the habit of preparing beforehand, you’ll build a lot of confidence way before taking the podium and addressing your audience. One way you can do this is by reading extensively on the subject you are about to talk about a week later.


Once you feel adequately prepared, feel free to gather a few close friends and engage in a mock speech. Make them understand that by the end of your mock speech, you’ll need their honest feedback on how you performed. Take their honest feedback with a pinch of salt and apply it because that’s the only way you’ll grow as far as public speaking is concerned. Do this for a week and you’ll definitely gain the confidence to shine like the star you are meant to be.

Engage the Audience

Another effective way of overcoming the fear of public speaking is by actively engaging your audience. It is important for them to be a part of the whole speech since they’ll make things much easier for you. Feel free to throw in a few jokes as long as they are related to your speech.

Jokes have a way of easing up the crowd and at the same time smoothen the few bumps you might hit along the way. Another incredible way of engaging the audience is by telling a short, relatable story related to the subject of your speech. If you aren’t good at engaging the audience, don’t worry much because a week is enough as long as you have your mock audience back at home.

Find Healthy Ways of Reducing Stress

It is quite unfortunate that the contemporary society, more often than not, equates stress relieving with the constant use and abuse of drugs and alcohol. therefore, if you want to get rid of the public speaking fear in a week, then stay away from alcohol and drugs. This is because getting high will only exacerbate the feeling of fear, adding anxiety on top of that. And this is why you’ll need to hang out with positively motivated friends and do something fun like playing soccer or working out before your big day.

And while blowing off some steam the healthy way, you can open up about your fear of public speaking and ask for their advice. You’ll be surprised with how much dimes your high-quality friends will have for you. Good friends will always be willing to lending a hand whenever and wherever they can just so they can see you succeed. And that, in itself, is a good stress reliever.

Write A Few Pointers to Organize Your Speech

A scientific study carried out by an Indiana University Associate Professor and Research Scientist, Prof. Nicole R. Keith, reveals that being organized has a plethora of benefits. Among the top benefits of being organized is lower stress levels and being at peace.

fear of public speaking

The palpable conclusion was reached after carefully studying the lifestyles of 988 African Americans between the ages of 49 and 65. In her comprehensive report, Associate Prof. Nicole R. Keith concluded that the organized people tend to be happier and healthier than those who weren’t. Emphatically, the same can be applied in your quest to conquer the fear of public speaking by being organized.

Final Word on Overcoming Public Speaking Fear

Before allowing fear to cripple you, remember one thing: You are the most amazing person in the whole wide world. This is so simply because you are and your uniqueness is indeed your superpower. Keep reminding yourself of this until it becomes a mantra. And once you believe this truth about yourself, you’ll be able to do anything you put your mind to.

Also, avoid memorizing your speech or read too much into it because that’s a recipe for panic. Instead, keep reading on the subject and do so as extensively as you can. Finally, learn to relax and take it lightly because, when all is said and done, everything will always be alright.


7 Life Changes That Can Help a Thyroid Condition

Do you have a thyroid condition? You can make some simple adjustments to help you decrease the symptoms.

“Thyroid inflammation is caused by a foul-up in the immune system, and women seem to be more affected by autoimmune diseases like lupus, M.S. and rheumatoid arthritis.” – Dr. Lawrence C. Wood

Many people don’t bother to learn about what their thyroid does until something goes wrong with it. The thyroid is a gland critical to the health of your entire body, including your musculoskeletal and digestive systems, metabolism, and heart. So, when you find out that your thyroid may be producing abnormal levels of hormones, you want to start working to restore the gland’s health. Altering your regular diet and routine can work wonders for the health of your thyroid.

Here Are 7 Life Changes That Can Help A Thyroid Condition

thyroid disease

1. Adjust Your Sleep Schedule

You may feel run down and exhausted when your thyroid isn’t doing what it should. Under- or over-working thyroids can cause exhaustion, long-term fatigue, and even insomnia. Getting on a regular sleep schedule is important. It will increase your energy levels and prevent your thyroid from worsening.

According to Natural Endocrine Solutions, running on too little sleep can exhaust your adrenal glands. This can throw your thyroid into overload, making it even weaker. Aim to get eight hours of sleep and go to bed simultaneously every night.

2. Get Gentle Exercise

An exhausted thyroid becomes ineffective at managing your metabolism, affecting your weight and overall happiness. Regular exercise stimulates your thyroid to do its job. At the same time, over-exercising can exert your thyroid too much. Choosing the right exercise routine is essential. Low-impact aerobic exercise is ideal for healing your thyroid. Walking, swimming, and yoga are fantastic exercise choices for people with thyroid problems. The endorphins released during exercise help keep you happy and your thyroid healthy.

3. Practice Stress Management

In addition to helping you relax enough to sleep properly at night, stress reduction is important to the health of your thyroid. Stress causes the chemicals cortisol and adrenaline to be released, which can cause many problems such as low blood sugar and digestive problems. The chemicals can also directly affect your thyroid.

Managing stress can take a lot of positive thought and experimentation; one technique may work for some people but not others. Practices like breathing exercises, meditation, and even hypnosis work for many people.

4. Change Up Your Diet

Food is one major thing that affects the thyroid. Because one of your thyroid’s primary purposes is metabolizing food, what you eat can take a major toll on the gland’s health. Special diets like the Autoimmune Protocol Diet (AIP) have been created specifically for people with autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, or “autoimmune hypothyroidism.” However, you may not need a strict diet to help you feel better.

Certain foods are of major concern for people with thyroid disorders: soy, gluten, and high-fat foods. These foods may interfere with thyroid medications. What is more, they can negatively impact the thyroid itself. They can stop your body from absorbing thyroid hormones as well. So avoid this food in high quantities.

5. Try Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies are becoming a more popular treatment plan in this day and age. Many leafy herbs and tinctures can benefit your thyroid, but be sure to speak to a doctor before trying them, especially if you’re already taking thyroid medication. Licorice is a popular herbal supplement used to decrease inflammation of the thyroid.

It also helps support the adrenal glands, which are essential to the functionality of your thyroid. People with hyperthyroidism may benefit from trying bugleweed, an herb that can inhibit an over-functioning thyroid.

6. Ask About Supplements

thyroid condition

Vitamins and other supplements are also popular in treating a thyroid condition. The thyroid needs many different vitamins and minerals to produce its hormones, so anyone with a thyroid condition might need an extra vitamin boost. Just make sure to talk to your doctor before starting any supplements, because you don’t want to make any changes that might hurt your thyroid instead of helping it.

Vitamin D is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies and is easy to treat with just a daily pill. In fact, a vitamin D deficiency may even increase the risk of a thyroid problem. People with hypothyroidism may also have a vitamin B deficiency. However, that’s easy to treat through supplements from your local pharmacy or natural foods store.

7. Consider Medication

Though many people are against synthetic medications, in some cases, you might need it to help a dysfunctional thyroid. If your doctor has diagnosed you with a thyroid condition, especially if it is autoimmune, you should consider taking supplemental medication. This may turn out to be a temporary fix as you begin to change your lifestyle to accommodate your new needs. There is a medication called Nature Throid, which is an excellent choice for people looking for a more natural medication solution for their thyroid condition.

Final thoughts on coping with a thyroid condition

A thyroid condition may seem like a major burden But people can often maintain a healthy and happy life even with hyper- and hypothyroid conditions. Consider some of the above lifestyle changes and you’re well on your way to a healthier thyroid.

7 Signs Someone Has Social Anxiety Disorder

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

A social anxiety disorder (SAD) is also referred to as a social phobia (SP). This constitutes an individual’s deep-seated and sometimes irrational concern of having their actions or other aspects of themselves judged by people while they are in a social situation.

This is different than general anxiety (GAD) because it is specifically triggered by fear based on social scenarios as opposed to GAD which is anxiety that has a broader scope of reasons for existing. SAD also differs from a common panic attack that can come about through any number of factors. Although many SAD sufferers have these, they only come about when a person is enveloped in a social environment that is overwhelming to them and they feel they cannot control.

Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

According to Peter Lang, a social anxiety expert at the University of Florida, social anxiety disorder symptoms can be produced during certain social situations that are common triggers for social anxiety such as the following types:

• Public Speaking/Presentations
• Parties
• Dating
• Reading out loud in a classroom or office meeting
• Debating or stating an opinion
• Eating in a restaurant
• Being the center of attention at a special event
• Speaking to a supervisor
• Meeting someone new

All of these situations can result in the following signs of social anxiety:

• Blushing
• An inordinate amount of underarm or forehead sweating
• Stuttering
• Intermittent or no eye contact
• Dizziness
• High blood pressure
• Blackouts

Psychologically, SAD sufferers tend to feel that they are being purposely left out of social conversations and other social situations. This leads to low self-esteem, feelings of shame, depression, and a cycle of self-criticism.

Some research has shown that the onset of SAD tends to be childhood trauma that occurred in connection with a social situation. This would include bullying, physical assault, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse.

There is also a possibility that social phobia can develop as a result of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). In one study, a teenager who had been the victim of an accident began to exhibit the symptoms of SAD less than a year after the incident.
Some research has shown that there can be gender-specific symptoms that cause SAD to occur. One such study showed that women of all ages are more prone to exhibit symptoms of social phobia then males based on the differences in social treatment that occurs based on gender.


In order for a proper diagnosis of SAD, individuals should consult with a medical professional who can rule out any physical reasons for the disorder first, and then can properly administer one of the following tests to determine if social phobia exists and can be treated:

• Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale- Self-Report (LSAS)
• Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN)
• Social Anxiety Institute SAD test
• Social Anxiety and Acceptance Questionnaire

Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment


CBT Therapy 

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) consists of training for the individual who suffers from social phobia in specific social skills and understanding what triggers their social phobia in these specific social situations and how to deter it from happening.

MBSR Therapy 

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) teaches a social phobia sufferer how to be more aware of the social situations that trigger their social phobia and then how to use specific techniques to accept the environment in a more cognitively logical manner. The effectiveness of such programs for SAD is simply giving them the cognitive tools they lacked to combat unrealistic fears and paranoia about groups of people or specific social interaction.

VRET Therapy 

One of the biggest fears of people who suffer from social phobia is that they will be thrown into social situations without a lifeline. The virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) solves this problem as it gives a social phobia sufferer the opportunity to “practice” their social skills training in an environment that mimics a real social situation almost exactly and allows them to make mistakes without consequences.

Hope for the Future

There is hope for those suffering from social phobia if they follow some important steps that will lead to a proper diagnosis of SAD. This means being mindful of chronic and debilitating symptoms of social phobia that are keeping you from doing the things you want in life.

Once you have established that you may have an issue with SAD and have a medical diagnosis, speak frankly with a doctor about what type of social anxiety disorder treatment is best for you as well as what programs are available within your local area to eliminate additional stress. This includes getting involved in SAD support groups and connecting with volunteers who will help to guide you through social situations as you practice your techniques for successful social interaction for a lifetime.

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