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Early Menopause: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Menopause usually happens to women when they are in their late forties or early fifties. When it happens to women during their thirties, it is called early menopause. Even with these age ranges, a woman can start to change at any time.

Early-onset menopause causes many symptoms, and it can lead to other issues, too. The conditions it can cause include both physical, mental, and emotional problems. Most of the symptoms are the same as regular menopause, and knowing those signs can help.

When this change occurs, a woman’s ovaries stop producing eggs, leading to low estrogen levels. Estrogen controls the reproductive cycle, and symptoms can begin long before menopause officially sets in. The symptoms that occur before menopause starts are part of a period called perimenopause.

If you think you have early onset menopause, knowing the causes and symptoms can help you determine if you should see a doctor. Your doctor can diagnose you and come up with a treatment plan to control the symptoms.

What Is An Early Menopause In Women?

Anytime a woman goes through “the change of life” before the age of 45, it is considered early onset menopause. Sometimes, there is a medical or surgical cause for early-onset menopause, but that isn’t always the case. When it sets in early without a definite reason, it is called primary ovarian insufficiency.

There are three stages, including perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. During perimenopause, the ovaries make fewer hormones, and the symptoms tend to be worse. When menopause begins, a woman’s period stops, and the ovaries stop releasing eggs as estrogen levels become severely low.

Once a woman has gone twelve months without a period, she enters the post menopause stage. At this stage, the uncomfortable symptoms begin to fade away.

In rare cases, even teens can experience these changes.

What Causes an Early Menopause?

It can be hard to determine the cause of menopause in every case, but there are some common causes to consider, including:

  • Genetics: If there are no other definite causes, then genetics could be the culprit. The age that your mother started menopause sometimes determines when you’ll begin. Genetics doesn’t always cause early onset menopause, though.
  • Smoking: Smoking can contribute to starting to see these changes early because of its anti-estrogen effects. Studies show that regular smokers might start menopause up to two years earlier than others.
  • Chromosomal Defects: Some chromosomal defects prevent your ovaries from functioning correctly, causing menopause to set in early.
  • Autoimmune Diseases: Rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and other autoimmune diseases can lead to early-onset menopause. As the immune system mistakes your body for an invader, it can sometimes cause damage to your ovaries.
  • Surgery: If a woman has surgery to remove her ovaries or uterus, it leads to early-onset menopause. As the reproduction system no longer functions, hormone levels fluctuate. If you’re having either of these surgeries, your doctor will likely prepare you for early-onset menopause.

What Are The Symptoms Of An Early Menopause?

The symptoms of premature menopause are the same as when it usually occurs, with some additions, including these:

  • irregular periods or none at all
  • hot or cold flashes
  • decreased sex drive
  • vaginal dryness or discomfort during intercourse
  • mood swings
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • unexplained sadness
  • difficulty controlling your bladder
  • change in fat distribution
  • weight gain
  • dry skin and hair
  • hair thinning or loss
  • achy joints and muscles
  • night sweats
  • frequent urinary tract infections
  • insomnia
  • irritability
  • dry mouth or eyes
  • tender breast
  • racing heart
  • headaches
  • difficulty concentrating
  • memory lapses

Women That Are At Risk For Early Menopause

Now that you know the first signs of this change, you might wonder. What increases your chances of it happening to you?

  • Women With Epilepsy: Studies show that women with this seizure disorder are more likely to experience premature ovarian failure. If the menstrual cycle triggers the seizures, as in catamenial epilepsy, the risk is even higher. The increased risk comes from the seizures’ effects on the hypothalamus or pituitary gland of the brain.
  • Women That Went Through Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy: Chemotherapy and radiation can damage the reproductive system and cause menopause to happen early. These treatments affect the ovary and its tissues, increasing the risk of menopause occurring early.
  • Women With a Low BMI: Low body mass index can cause early onset menopause because fat tissue stores estrogen. If a woman doesn’t have much fat tissue, they won’t have as much of the hormone stored up. When the body stops producing as much, the estrogen from fat tissue depletes sooner.
  • Women That are Vegetarians: A study published by the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health found that diet plays a role in menopause. While the exact reason is unclear, researchers have found that it could be related to vitamin B6 and zinc deficiency.
  • Women That Have a Thyroid Disease: Thyroid disease causes abnormal hormone levels, causing menopause to occur early. Issues with the thyroid can also cause symptoms similar to menopause, so treating your thyroid can help. Treatment will alleviate the symptoms and prevent the onset of early-onset menopause.

early menopauseAre There Any Health Complications Associated with Early Menopause?

Menopause is already bad enough on its own, but it also increases the risk of other health complications, including:

  • osteoporosis
  • colon and ovarian cancers
  • periodontal disease
  • tooth loss
  • cataract formation
  • loss of estrogen protection
  • infertility
  • high cholesterol
  • heart disease
  • dementia and other neurological diseases
  • premature death

How Is Early Menopause Diagnosed?

There are a few ways that your doctor can perform tests for this situation, including the following:

  • Diagnostic Tests to Check for Other Causes: If you have symptoms of early-onset menopause, your doctor will likely run several tests. You will get a blood test to check for other conditions, such as thyroid disease or pregnancy.
  • Estradiol Test: Your doctor will also do an estradiol test to measure your estrogen levels. If you have low levels of estradiol, which is a form of estrogen, it means that your ovaries are beginning to fail. When estradiol levels drop below thirty, it indicates menopause.
  • Test for Follicle Stimulating Hormone: Your doctor will likely want to do a test to determine the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in your blood. FSH promotes estrogen production from your ovaries, and when the FSH levels increase, it’s a sign of menopause.
  • A Physical Exam: During the physical exam, your doctor will look for other medical conditions that might be causing your symptoms. They’ll also ask about your family history and the regularity of your menstrual cycle.

How Is Early Menopause Treated?

While you can’t reverse this change, you can treat it to ease the symptoms and slow the progress.

  • Eating a Healthy Diet: If you eat a nutritious diet, you’ll feel better emotionally and physically. Focus on adding more calcium and vitamin D to your diet to make you less vulnerable to osteoporosis.
  • Exercising Regularly: Exercising can help you combat depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Plus, exercise can help prevent weight gain that often occurs during and after menopause.
  • Avoiding Foods that Trigger Hot Flashes: Spicy foods can increase the frequency of hot flashes and worsen the episodes. Surprisingly, caffeine and alcohol also cause hot flashes. Avoid these foods to ease your symptoms.
  • Hormone Therapy: Estrogen therapy can help ease your symptoms, specifically hot flashes. Hormone replacement therapy can help decrease the frequency and make any episodes easier to handle.
  • Staying Hydrated: These changes can cause dry hair, skin, and nails, but drinking plenty of water can help. If you stay hydrated, the dryness won’t be as damaging or uncomfortable.
  • Professional Counseling: Find a professional therapist if you don’t have friends or family you feel comfortable confiding in. They can help you work through the changes you’re experiencing, and you can find positive ways to overcome them. Since these changes in your body can cause depression and anxiety, finding a trusted outlet can help.

What Is The Outlook Of Women With Early Menopause Symptoms?

Menopause is unlikely to reverse once it has set in, so there is no cure for it. If these symptoms started early for you, there isn’t much you can do to prevent it from progressing.

You can treat the emotional and physical symptoms that accompany these changes in your body, though. By treating these symptoms, you will have an easier time transitioning through this life change.

Scientists are researching ways to reverse the effects and help women in this phase of life to have babies, but more research is needed. During the study, scientists injected women’s ovaries with platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

Initial results show that the PRP worked for nearly two-thirds of the treated women. With the small test size and lack of a control group, it can’t be confirmed yet.

menopause self careFinal Thoughts on Early Menopause: Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Premature menopause is life-changing, but with a good treatment plan, you can manage it better. Watch for the symptoms, and visit your doctor to determine a diagnosis and begin treatment right away. The sooner you seek professional help, the sooner you can start feeling better.

If you aren’t feeling terrible yet, starting treatment right away can make the transition easier and prevent worsening conditions. Plus, you can learn more about what to expect as you experience this stage of your life.

While it’s hard to determine the exact cause of early-onset menopause, consider the risks you have. You can make lifestyle changes to reduce and ease the symptoms. While there is no cure, you can get through it with the best care, treatment, and support.

12 Money Habits you Need to Instill in Your Life Immediately

No matter the amount of money you earn every year, you need to understand that saving is not for the fainthearted. Saving money requires discipline and determination. Deviating from overspending habits can help you to save enough money to purchase your dream car or dream home. Are you planning to buy a new car but you are looking for a car that features modern performance, reliability and drivability, then you may check out this vintage Ford Mustang site for more valuable info! Those who are looking for used cars for sale may visit online shops like AmericanListed.

Our daily habits are the cause of poverty, wealth, bad health, good health, good relationships, happiness, stress, and many other things. It can take numerous years to develop excellent money habits. However, the benefits of taking control of your money habits are worth any effort. If you want to live an enjoyable life in the future, you should have better money habits than your friends. Keeping your financial habits under your control will help you maintain a strong credit score. Additionally, the strategy will keep your family members out of unnecessary debts.

In the modern society, people usually run into financial disasters due to bad money habits and decisions. If you identify your bad financial practices, you will be able to protect your future and that of your family members. Although some financial mistakes are inevitable, it is advisable to avoid making them habits. This guide provides 12 money habits that you need to instill in your life instantly.

Money Habits you Need to Instill in Your Life

1. Stop Impulse Buying 
Impulse buying is a bad financial habit that involves purchasing items or services that you do not necessarily require. It is not possible to track your impulse spending. The habit makes people spend thousands of dollars carelessly. If you want to be successful, you need to quit impulse buying immediately.

2. Come up with Specific Money Goals 
Many people in the society do not know what they want. This problem leads to financial challenges. You need to embrace better money habits tips than other people in the society. It is advisable to set financial goals in your life. For instance, if you want to purchase a home, you need to start saving as early as possible. However, when setting money goals, you need to be realistic.

3. Track Your Spending 
You should track every single coin you spend every day to ensure that you do not spend more than you earn. You can use a notebook or a spreadsheet on your computer to document all your purchases. If you want to build wealth, you should develop a habit of spending less money every day.

4. Surround Yourself with Successful and Goal-Oriented People 
If you want to succeed in life, the people around you should be smarter than you. You should not choose friends who love clubbing and overspending. It is advisable to stay close to successful people who follow strict rules to achieve their goals. When you select successful people to be your friends, you will start thinking and reasoning like them. They will help you have better money habits than before.

5. Cook at Home More Often 
It is healthy and economical to cook your own food. Therefore, when you arrive at your home from work, you should prepare a meal for you and your loved ones. If you buy expensive foods every day, you will experience financial challenges at the end of the month.

6. Invest in Yourself 
When making purchases, you need to prioritize on things that will boost your health and career. For instance, if you spend many hours sitting in the office, you should spare some time during the weekend to perform workouts. Performing exercises will improve your health and protect your body against deadly illnesses like diabetes.

7. Create a Budget 
After figuring out the amount of money you spend every month, you need to come up with a workable budget. Creating a workable budget will enable you to limit your spending.

8. Make Saving Automatic 
Today, many banks offer automated transfer services. You need to talk to your bank to be moving the agreed amount of money to your savings account every day, which will reduce the temptation to spend the money.

9. Eat a Healthy Breakfast to Avoid an Expensive Lunch 
Before leaving your house, you should eat a healthy breakfast. If you eat well in the morning, you will not have to buy an expensive lunch. Your body will remain energetic throughout the day. You will only require light food to keep your body active during lunch time.

money habits - healthy breakfast

10. Cancel Unnecessary Magazine and Newspaper Subscriptions 
Receiving promotions and unnecessary notifications of sales every day can cost you a lot of money every month. You need to unsubscribe all the sales notifications, promotions, newspapers, and magazines that do not add value to you.

11. Buy Energy-Efficient and Quality Appliances that Will Last 
If you want to build wealth, you need to stop buying poor quality appliances that consume a lot of energy. You should visit an authorized dealer and purchase high-quality apparatus that will last for decades without breaking down. Energy-efficient appliances will reduce your monthly bills.

12. Create Your Own Entertainment 
Although it is good to have fun with your colleagues, you should not spend all your earnings on entertainment. Instead of going out to a club with your friends, you can make your entertainment in your house and invite them. This strategy will enable you to stick to your entertainment and food budget.

In conclusion, if you want to achieve your financial goals, you need to have the right attitude. Additionally, you should save your change after buying goods or services. Investing your daily change will enable you to build wealth and limit your spending habits. If you embrace these money habits, you will not experience financial challenges in your future. Additionally, if you stick to better money habits tips than what your friends usually do and believe, you will keep your loved ones out of debts.

Psychology Explains 8 Ways to Feel Confident (Even When You’re Not)

Do you want to feel more confident–even when you doubt yourself?

Ever had one of those moments when you’re hit with the intense feeling of impostor syndrome?  Some describe it as the feeling that you’re faking everything in your life and don’t feel good enough. It’s common in almost any professional environment. That uncertainty can sometimes get to you, no matter how positive you try to remain. However, there are ways to combat it. Sometimes, if you think you aren’t confident about something you have experience in, it’s all about positive thinking and convincing yourself that you’ve got it.

Science proves that the “fake it ’till you make it” method works in many facets of life. So, look at some ways to look like a pro, even if you’re not quite sure what you’re doing.

Here Are 8 Ways to Feel Confident, Even When You’re Not

“The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.” – Blake Lively.

1. Act Like You Own It

This is one of the most critical points. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, let other people believe you do. Avoid “empty” words such as “like” or “um” and control your talking speed. Look like a pro by keeping your voice even and authoritative. Please make sure everyone around you knows you’re the expert on whatever you’re talking about.

Most importantly, always think about what you’ll say before you say it. That way, you won’t get caught mumbling and stumbling over your own words, and it’ll be much easier to show you know what you’re doing.

confidence quote

2. Be sparing with your words

It’s a natural human reaction to seek validation for our actions. When we get caught up in this, we tend to babble a lot and get lost in our words. Try to avoid this as much as you can. Be one of the people who say a lot with few words. Besides, silence tends to make people at least slightly uncomfortable, so use it. Choosing your silence and your comments will make it seem like you’re fully confident and know exactly what’s happening.

3. Work on your critical learning skills

Knowledge is the best leverage you can have in any situation. Quick learners benefit from picking up on conversation points, rapidly synthesizing information, and forming an opinion. If you can, don’t be afraid to jump in with your topic. You’ll feel more confident, and no one will know you came up with it just a few minutes ago.

If you don’t have that ability, fill your free time with learning as much general knowledge and trivia as possible. You never know when it’s going to come in handy.

4. Stay positive

Has your boss asked you to do something you’re not quite sure how yet? Be honest yet optimistic about the outcome. Don’t just say “Yes,” because they will expect you to be an expert in it, and it’ll be hard for you to live up to their expectations. Instead, say something like, “I’m not quite sure how to do this, but I’ll put some research into it. Don’t worry. I’ll achieve those results.”

However, as we mentioned in point 2, please don’t overdo it in your response because you might come across as agitated and unsure about your abilities.

5. Don’t be confrontational

Many people think the best way to be confident is to prove someone wrong. That’s not necessarily true. Not many people look intelligent when they’re deep into an argument because the other person will constantly find something wrong with their points. In such a discussion, focus on trying to agree with the other person. It’s never easy, but when you try hard enough, you’ll see several points where you’ll find common ground.

Not only does that help show that you know what you’re talking about, but it also paints you as the bigger person who doesn’t let themselves be embroiled in petty fights.

6. Approach everything with a sense of humor

People are always attracted to someone who can make light of a difficult situation – even if they don’t quite realize it. Don’t take yourself too seriously and try to joke whenever appropriate. That way, you’ll show you’re not too bothered about making mistakes. This can lead people to conclude that you know more about your subject than you let on.

7. Stay humble but appear confident

Like a sense of humor, humility is another lovely quality in anyone. Don’t paint yourself as someone with a massive ego or can’t let other people have their place in the spotlight. If you stay on the down-low about your knowledge and keep it casual, it makes your intellect look even more believable.

bragging and hypocrites

8. Get the last word

That doesn’t mean stealing other people’s ideas. However, it has been proven that the person who speaks last in a conversation is usually the one who makes the biggest impression. Even if you have nothing important to say, rehash what has already been said and make a clear, concise summary to look like a pro and leave a good impression.

9. Inspire others

Be ready to inspire those around you in your community or at work. Your extra encouragement helps motivate and energize others. When you inspire others, it not only makes you feel more confident, but everyone feels good about their participation.

10. Be a good listener

Aim to be a good listener. Be aware of what others tell you. Look at them while they speak. Ask questions to clarify anything you don’t understand. Paying attention to what people say makes them feel heard by you. They’ll be likelier to share their ideas with you because they know you will listen.

11. Be a good communicator

You can feel confident as you strive to be a good communicator. Learn how to share your ideas effectively. Ask a trusted friend or colleague for input.  Ask them:

  • Did I share enough detail or too much detail?
  • Was my explanation clear? How could I have explained it better?
  • Were there words I used confusing?
  • Did I talk too fast? Too slow?

12. Be a learner

Have the mindset that says there is always something to learn. Be open to learning from anyone, no matter their age or experience. Don’t wait for someone to initiate your learning at work or school. Allow your curiosity to motivate you to ask questions or do research. As you learn, you’ll feel more confident and knowledgeable.

13. Be ready to deal with conflict

Conflicts are inevitable. When they arise, be ready to resolve them humbly and purposefully. If you allow a conflict to stay unresolved, it’s likely to lead to bigger problems. Talk privately with the people involved in the conflict. Ask questions to get everyone’s perspective. Speak kindly to those involved and withhold judgment until you’ve heard the story. Resolve the conflict the best you can without labeling anyone. Keep the conflict private so those involved aren’t embarrassed or cast in a bad light.

14. Be ready to help

A confident person is someone willing to step up and help. No matter whether it’s at home, at school, or work, be ready to volunteer to take on extra tasks. Being willing to take on responsibilities shows leadership and a caring heart.

15. Be honest

Honesty is an important character quality. Dishonest individuals get a reputation for not being trustworthy. Your honesty assures those around you that you have their best interest in mind and are safe.

16. Be self-motivated

Being confident means, you are self-motivated. You don’t wait for others to initiate but begin the task. Self-motivated people are ambitious and have their energy.

17. Take responsibility

Confidence means you’re willing to take responsibility for your actions. If you say you’re going to do something, you do it. You’re on time for your meetings or classes. People know they can rely on you because you’ve established yourself as responsible.

18. Be a team player

Having a strong teamwork ethic gives you opportunities at work or school. You’re willing to collaborate with others. Good team player skills mean:

  • You’re willing to follow other’s leadership
  • You value other people’s opinions and ideas
  • You take ownership of a project
  • You’ll  share your ideas humbly
  • You don’t interrupt others when they talk
  • You hold your suggestions lightly

19. Stay calm

Being confident means staying calm under pressure, whatever situation you’re in. Stressful situations show a person’s true character. Stay confident and poised, ready to help resolve the problem without getting stressed. Your calmness helps the people around you stay calm.

20. Be a problem solver

When there is a problem, be proactive in coming up with a solution. Don’t just point out the problem; be ready to brainstorm a solution. Being confident means you initiate the problem-solving task instead of waiting on someone else to do it.

confidentFinal Thoughts on Developing a Confident Vibe

Those are just some tips that can help you kick that annoying lack of confidence out of your life. Remember, no one’s 100% confident in what they’re doing at any time. Even if you don’t feel confident, you can make it seem like you do – and look great doing it.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How to Perform Sleep Meditation : 3 Simple Techniques to Try Tonight

We’ve all been there. A restless night with too much tossing and turning. Maybe stress from work is keeping you up or you just can’t get comfortable. No matter the reason, sleep deprivation is a leading cause for most of our classic bad days. In fact, sleep deprivation can lead to all-day bouts of irritability, anxiety, forgetfulness, lack of motivation, poor decision making capabilities, and even a lowered sex drive. Thanks to science, there is a solution that can be used anytime and anywhere to induce sleep that lasts all night to help create a more refreshed, better you. The answer is sleep meditation.

By meditating to fall asleep, your body is treated to a natural process that avoids medications and leads to feeling recharged and rejuvenated. Studies by leading medical research institutions have confirmed that sleep meditation benefits directly lessened insomnia, fatigue, and even depression in their test subjects. So, what are some sleep meditations to try?

Some simple and quick sleep meditation methods to try out for yourself

Guided meditation

Because guided meditation allows you to follow along to an audio recording of a professional, it means no worries when trying to figure things out on your own. Simply follow the directions on the track. It will be ideal to find a guided meditation audio track or CD that comes from a reputable source and to test it out once.

This way, you can ensure that there are no advertisements or broken audio before attempting to meditate with it. Finally, set your devices sleep mode or power saver to turn itself off after a set amount of time, relax, and enjoy!

Progressive muscle relaxation meditation

This technique is great way to enjoy more control in the process as you begin to spread your sleep meditation wings. During this process, you will repetitively tense and relax muscle groups in your body to promote relaxation and enhance your awareness of how your body feels.

This method is typically done by starting with muscles in your head and working downwards over your body. Tense your muscles without bringing on pain for about five seconds and move on to another one. Make sure to revisit any muscles that still feel sore. Enjoy your relaxed body and drift off to sleep!

Mindfulness meditation

This meditation technique requires a little more thought and focus, but the sleep meditation benefits can still be easily achieved. To begin this sleep meditation, start taking several long breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. People will typically imagine events and worries of the day leaving the body with each exhalation. While breathing, reflect on every sensation in your body and every feeling in your mind. After allowing yourself to focus on the sensations of your body and the feeling of the bed or the room around you, begin to imagine “switching off your body.”

The way this works is to picture each individual part of your body, starting with your toes, and giving it “permission” to switch off. The feeling of your body at rest should allow your mind to enter into a state of deep relaxation and restful sleep should soon follow.

sleep meditation

Congratulations! You now have some of the most successful sleep meditation tips at your disposal. Although, you may still be wondering how does it actually help? Throughout studies done by Harvard and the University of Massachusetts, it has been found that sleep meditation can enhance and activate the brain waves that promote deep sleep. Anxiousness, depression, or general alertness lead to an excess of something called beta brain waves.

This brain activity is associated with preventing you from achieving the needed relaxation to fall asleep. With meditation, the brain waves that promote calmness and deep sleep are activated. Even better is that these relaxation promoting brain waves actually cancel out beta waves, insuring that you stay asleep throughout the night.

Meditation has also been proven to boost melatonin, the chemical in our bodies that brings on sleep and usually peaks just before we go to bed. Research has found that those who engaged in these sleep meditation tips had significantly higher melatonin levels than those who didn’t. So, daily sleep meditations can be a great way to kick your melatonin into high gear and provide the sleep you need. Now, go forth and never fear sleepless nights again.


Strong Women Quotes – Inspirational Quotes for Strong Women

Being female in today’s world isn’t always easy, but that’s why there are so many strong women quotes out there to give you extra confidence.

It’s well-known that positive thinking has a big impact on success. Reading these quotes strong women and other major thinkers have said over time will help train you to see your world differently so you can make a big impact – for yourself and the other remarkable ladies out there!

Quotes for Strong Women that Honor Your Womanhood:

“We should be celebrating women. Women are wonderful.” —Stephen Colbert

“Girls aren’t beautiful, they’re pretty. Beautiful is too heavy a word to assign to a girl. Women are beautiful because their faces show that they know they have lost something and picked up something else.” —Henry Rollins

“You are a woman. Skin and bones, veins and nerves, hair and sweat. You are not made of metaphors. Not apologies, not excuses.” —Sarah Kay

“Femininity is depicted as weakness, the sapping of strength, yet masculinity is so fragile that apparently even the slightest brush with the feminine destroys it.” —Gwen Sharp

Strong Women Quotes about Fashion & Beauty

“If a girl looks swell when she meets you, who gives a damn if she’s late? Nobody.” -J.D. Salinger

“When a woman says, ‘I have nothing to wear!’, what she really means is, ‘There’s nothing here for who I’m supposed to be today'” —Caitlin Moran

Quotes Strong Women Have Said About Perseverance

“I’ll say to her never forget what they did to you, and never let them know you remember.” —Nicole Blackman

“You just do it. You force yourself to get up. You force yourself to put one foot before the other, and God damn it, you refuse to let it get to you. You fight. You cry. You curse. Then you go about the business of living. That’s how I’ve done it. There’s no other way.” —Elizabeth Taylor

“A woman should be two things – who and what she wants.” —Coco Chanel

“It is interesting to note that among wolves, no matter how sick, no matter how cornered, no matter how alone, afraid, or weakened, the wolf will continue…She will put her all into taking breath after breath.” —Clarissa Pinkola Estés

“Watch me. I will go to my own sun. And if I am burned by its fire, I will fly on scorched wings.” —Segovia Amil

Strong Women Quotes about Love & Relationships

“To me, there is no greater act of courage than being the one who kisses first.” —Janeane Garofalo

“Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I’ve got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?”
—Maya Angelou

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” —Lewis B. Smedes

Strong Women Quotes about Creativity

“For me, a woman who is absorbed in her work, who does not care about gaining one’s favour, strong yet subtle at the same time, is essentially more seductive. The more she hides and abandons her femininity, the more it emerges from the very heart of her existence.” —Yohji Yamamoto

“If you ask people what they’ve always wanted to do, most people haven’t done it. That breaks my heart.” —Angelina Jolie

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” —Anais Nin

“…beauty and grace are performed whether or not we will or sense them. The least we can do is try to be there.” —Annie Dillard

“Everybody needs a passion. That’s what keeps life interesting. If you live without passion, you can go though life without leaving any footprints.” —Betty White

Trust Quotes for Strong Women

“I want to get more comfortable being uncomfortable. I want to get more confident being uncertain. I don’t want to shrink back just because something isn’t easy. I want to push back, and make more room in the area between I can’t and I can.” —Kristin Armstrong

strong women quotes

“I get worried for young girls sometimes; I want them to feel that they can be sassy and full and weird and geeky and smart and independent, and not so withered and shriveled.” —Amy Poehler

These strong women quotes remind you that you can get back out there and achieve anything you set your mind to. No matter what industry you’re in, know that you are incredible.

And who knows? Maybe people will be reading your quotes someday!


8 Signs You Are Getting Barley Eye

Despite being really unpleasant to deal with, barley eye – more commonly known as a stye – is extremely uncomfortable. Having barley eye feels like having a pimple right on the edge of your eyelid. And like any mark or skin condition that appears on your face, it’s hard to hide, so getting it can be unpleasant. However, the one positive thing about barley eye is that it’s not dangerous to your eyesight at all.

It normally goes away on its own within a few weeks – and you can speed up the process with some homemade treatments – but it can be quite painful as it heals. The most important thing is not to try and burst the little pocket of pus in the “barley,” as that can cause a bad infection. It’s also important to catch barley eye early.

Here Are Eight Symptoms That Reveal You May Have Barley Eye

1. A lump on the top or bottom eyelid

A lump is the most common symptom of barley eye. But there are different kinds of lumps: some are more localized, like a pimple, while others can be spread out. If you have a spread-out lump or swelling, you might be dealing with something else like chalazia, which is a different type of eye infection. If there’s a small dot of pus that you can see in the mirror, it’s most likely a barley eye infection.

2. Crusty eyes

You know that feeling when you wake up and your eyes feel kind of scrunchy and unpleasant? Because it’s an infection of the secretion glands in your eye, barley eye can cause this symptom. Make sure to keep your eyes clean and avoid wearing contacts or eye make up until the stye has healed.

3. Droopy eyelids

The swelling of the eyelid that causes a stye can make it feel very heavy, especially if it’s a big stye. Even if you can’t feel swelling on the outside yet, a droopy eye may be a sign that you’re about to get barley eye.

4. Redness

Redness is another common symptom of other eye diseases, so you have to be discerning, but barley eye is red and painful. If your eye is red and uncomfortable but not as painful, you may be dealing with conjunctivitis instead. Either way, as tempting as it is, make sure not to cover up the redness in eye makeup, as that can hinder the healing process.

5. Tenderness to touch

Normally, the area around the stye will be tender and painful to touch until the small pocket of pus bursts naturally. Experts recommend not touching the area at all because it might spread the infection, and to not use contact lenses until the stye is fully healed.

6. A scratchy, itchy feeling on the eyeball

Barley eye can cause itchiness and scratchiness because it’s often related to dehydration of the eye as well. (This might also be a sign that the infection from the barley eye is spreading.) Make sure to keep the spot clean and wash it every night with warm water to prevent that from happening.

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7. A feeling that you have something in your eye

This is, in fact, one of the first symptoms of barley eye that people notice. It’s often why the infection has a chance to spread, because of the repeated attempts you make to get something out of your eye. If you have the feeling of an eyelash or another foreign object in your eye, make sure to examine your eyelids for any swelling, as you may be dealing with barley eye instead.

8. Blurred vision

This is one of the rarer symptoms of barley eye, but it can happen with some severe cases. If the infection spreads more, or if the droopiness in your eye increases, it may cause blurred vision and other problems seeing. It still doesn’t mean that your eyesight is in danger, but if the feeling persists, make sure to see a doctor.

Final thoughts

These are just a few of the symptoms related to barley eye. There are several things you can do to prevent yourself from getting the infection. As it’s a contagious condition, make sure not to share towels with anyone who does have barley eye. Also, if you use contact lenses, always wash your hands before you put them on or take them off.

Barley eye infection can be caused by the slightest decrease in personal hygiene, so make sure to stay on top of it to avoid this painful inconvenience. Thankfully, styes go away on their own after a few weeks. But if the swelling gets worse, don’t be afraid to look for a doctor’s opinion, too.

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