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Adopt These 5 Attitudes for a Perfect Work Life Balance

If you aren’t paying attention, too often you can lose your balance between work and life because you aren’t thinking about taking care of the small things at work and at home.

This means that just taking the time to think through some important daily plans and activities and how they affect you each day at work and at home will help you to be successful in both areas of your life. So, here are just a few work life balance tips to consider:

1. Know the Difference Between Respect and Judgment

Being afraid of what others might think of us will keep us from making important life decisions that affect our career as well as our personal life. Always keep in mind that there is a danger in over-valuing what others may think instead of what we feel is best for us.

Don’t equate respect with an actual fear of someone. We must know that we can respect others and still not always listen to them when it comes to our own personal intuition about what is best for us and our work life balance.

work life balance

2. Don’t Let Anyone Prioritize Your Time for You

Very often, we have overbearing bosses that demand our time beyond working hours. This could mean getting to work before your day actually begins and leaving for home well after the kids have gone to bed. That is not a realistic or healthy work life balance.

What you must do instead is set your own boundaries at work by making a daily assessment of your work activities and deadlines and setting up your calendar for the next day. So, when your boss insists on having you spend your personal hours at work, you can hand him a copy of your work priority schedule. Tell him he can expect daily updates from you before you leave each day. Then you can walk out the door and enjoy your personal time with family and friends.

3. Ask for Help

Sometimes trying and failing to find a work life balance has to do with attempting to be all things to all people. This usually means taking on more responsibility than one person can possibly handle. At work, this could mean doing the work of several people because you “want it done right.” Or it may mean that at home you don’t want to burden a spouse with extra duties, so you try to do them all yourself.

This is not healthy for your mind or your body. So, a brief meeting with a supervisor to go over your job duties may help as well as acknowledging that others can in fact do their job well without your input. At home, you can speak to your spouse about taking on some extra chores. They will more than likely acknowledge that you need help and do them without a fuss.

4. Always be Mindful of Learning Something New

We can find ourselves in a work life balance dilemma if we continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over again and don’t learn from them. This means we have to be open to other people’s perspectives when it comes to changing our ways or doing something in a different way that may benefit us at work or in our personal lives.

You may have to be ready to attend seminars on personal development, acknowledge some faults, and learn how to improve your skill set in those areas to either improve your job performance or your approach to being a parent or spouse for the balance in your life to improve.

5. Learn to Forgive and Forget

If we choose to hold grudges at work when a supervisor gives us a job to perform that we don’t like, or a peer receives a promotion over you, then at some point it will show in the way we conduct ourselves in our daily tasks and interaction with our co-workers.

work life balance - life quote

The same can be said for any resentment you might hold towards a spouse or other loved one that you allow to fester and not resolve. Letting go of these negative emotions allows you to take on a renewed attitude toward your job and your personal life for a work life balance that you may be missing.

These are just a few work life balance tips that you can follow to set your goals for a more stress-free existence both at work and at home.

You will see changes in positive responses from supervisors and co-workers about job performance. You will also experience more positive relationships with family members who see you more often and have gotten to know you much better.

10 Simple Self Care Practices to Live a Successful and Abundant Life

Learning how to practice self care will help you be a happier and more fulfilled person. When we work on self care, we are giving ourselves the gift of a more peaceful life. You don’t have to make huge changes in your life. Little tweaks to your routine here and there will have you feeling recharged and optimistic.

These ten tips are not an exhaustive list of self-care techniques, but they will get you started on the road to self-acceptance and calm.

10 Ways to Nurture Yourself with Self Care

Here are ten ways to dedicate time to making yourself a priority–every single day!

1. Let Go of the Past

Constantly going over our mistakes in our minds is a major source of stress and anxiety. Try to look forward in your life and anticipate the positive changes that are coming. When we visualize ourselves in the future, we are more able to work toward our dreams of a happy and fulfilling life.

2. Turn Off Electronics

Give yourself an hour when all of your devices are set to airplane mode. Put them away and live your life offline for a little while. The world will go on without you for an hour. You may feel panicky at first, but you will grow to look forward to your “unplugged hour” each day. It will give you a sense of calm and relaxation.

3. Change Your Routine

Something as simple as taking a new route to work is a nice form of self care. Give yourself opportunities to stretch your legs and do things a little differently. Do you always have certain meals on certain nights of the week? Change it up and you’ll look forward to the new meal routine.

4. Deep Breathing

Practice deep breathing for 10 to 15 minutes each day. You don’t have to relax in a comfortable place; this exercise can be done anywhere and anytime, but you might find it more relaxing if you do have the opportunity to sit or lie down in a quiet room. Breathe in for six seconds and out for six seconds. This will calm your mind, lower your blood pressure, and foster happiness.

5. Get a Little Exercise

Exercise is a proven way to lift the mood and make life easier to cope with. The “runner’s high” is real, but you don’t have to run to get this feeling. Start small by taking the stairs at work or going for a brisk walk at lunchtime. As you build more endurance, you can exercise longer.

6. Make Small Changes to your Diet

Don’t go for a major change, but make an effort to change one meal a day to something healthier. This is a great way to practice self care. This will give your mood a natural lift and give you the feeling that you are taking better care of yourself. When you make gradual healthy changes to your diet, you will feel better overall.

7. Be Your Own Best Friend

Rather than being critical of yourself, imagine you are your best friend. What would your best friend tell you if you were having problems? Chances are, your best friend would be much more patient and caring than you would be with yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s damaging to continually beat yourself up about them.

self care

8. Start Journaling

It can be a huge help for self care to start a gratitude journal. Taking the time to be grateful is a nice way to practice self care. Do whatever feels right, and spend some time every day counting your blessings.

9. Declutter Your Life

It may seem like a chore, but doing a little decluttering each day can work wonders for your peace of mind. Spend just fifteen minutes a day on a targeted area of your home or your desk at work. Living in a cleaner environment reduces stress and anxiety.

10. Let Go of Negative People

This can be as simple as not engaging with a coworker who constantly complains, or muting or removing negative people from your social media accounts. Spend time with people who lift you up, rather than people who break you down.

Final Thoughts

When you are learning how to practice self care, you will find things that don’t work for you, and you will find things that greatly increase your quality of life. If you find that one of these tips isn’t working or makes you feel guilty, let it go and move on to something else.

When we practice self care, we learn to become our own best friend. Supporting yourself will help you go a long way toward being happy and fulfilled.

How to Move On : Finding your Recipe to Let Go & Move on For Better

It can feel as if it happens out of nowhere, and it strikes you like a bolt of lightning. Maybe it has built slowly over time and has now caused a dark cloud to loom over virtually every facet of your life. Whether your discontent stems from a dead-end job, a failing marriage or relationship, toxic friendships, a bad habit, family drama or your current location, learning how to move on and let go is the most difficult, yet rewarding, choice you can make to instantly transform and improve the quality of your life.

While it may seem impossible, the hardest part of taking back control of your life is to make the decision to change and take the first major step towards regaining your happiness. With change comes confidence, excitement, energy, growth, power and sublime happiness. You just have to push through the initial discomfort of trying something new; bliss awaits you on the other side. Here are some tips for how to move on in life.

Tips to Move On

Accepting The Truth And Showing Gratitude 

According to 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently, this may be the most important step to take to move on. When you reflect on your experiences, good or bad, from an open mind, you can see the merit and lessons they provided along the way. You can use these lessons to show you how to move on and help shape and mold your future. Smile, laugh, yell, cry and do whatever you need to do to process these emotions and experiences so that you can let the feelings go, learn how to move on and take from the lessons.

Be Flexible 

This is a hard one for many people. As you embark on your new journey, you will hit speed bumps. Things may not always go exactly as planned or work out as you envisioned. It can often feel like you are taking one step forward and two steps back at the beginning of your journey towards greatness. Setbacks teach you how to move on and are an important part of the process of change. You are growing, learning and navigating uncharted waters. You cannot expect perfection when embarking on a new path that has not been traveled. Be patient with yourself.

You need to be an ally and not your own worst enemy; beating yourself up over perceived failures or setbacks will only halt your success. Create a plan, and set up many other backup plans to ensure continued success. If you give yourself wiggle room and create multiple alternative scenarios and opportunities, you create flexibility that will help you move on and succeed.

Distance Yourself And Change The People You Keep Around You 

Going inward and taking some time to clear your mind and focus on your goals is a vital part of making a significant life change. If you have supportive friends and family who understand your struggles, they will be happy to give you the time and space you need to rectify your situation. If family and friends begin to question or judge your decisions or you are surrounded by negative people, a complete overhaul to your social circle may be necessary.

It is common knowledge that we are a direct reflection of the people we choose to spend our time with; if you want to get ahead in life, you need to surround yourself with positive and successful people. Join some local meet-ups, connect with social media networking groups and attend community events to find a new like-minded tribe.

Focus On What You Can Do Today 

You may think you need a fail-safe plan that sees your change through to completion. While planning is great in many facets, over-planning is a setup for failure. Instead of viewing or working towards a life change as a whole entity, break up the goal into small tasks that you can complete daily. You will feel a greater sense of accomplishment achieving these tiny goals, and they will give you the confidence to move on in life and make it to the finish line.

how to move on

The single most important step to beginning your transformation is to accept responsibility and take ownership over your situation. It can be so easy to blame your parents, spouse or society for your problems.

You, and only you, are responsible for your happiness and success. You are the only one who knows how to move on and change your life.

We all get stuck in ruts from time to time. It is when these ruts begin to plague our thoughts and impact our interactions with others that a change becomes necessary. The main reason that people are afraid of change is because complacency offers stability.

We put so much time towards our jobs, interpersonal relationships and community that it can feel like failing to want to walk away from something that has garnered our attention and time for so long. Stagnancy, however, has a crippling and lasting impact on a person when endured for too long.

Trying to Lose Weight? Go for This Low Carb Diet for Fast Results

If you want to lose weight fast, a low carb diet might be right for you. For many people, cutting carbs results in fewer hunger pangs, more energy, and a slimmer figure. Could it work for you, too?

Low carb dieting isn’t a magic bullet, and it isn’t right for everyone. But if you’re interested in this diet, there’s never been a better time to try it out than right now. Here’s what you need to know about cutting carbs for fast weight loss.

Are Low Carb Diets Really Effective? Why Do They Work?

Many people report that cutting carbs helps them drop weight and maintain their new figure easily. But why is this?

Satiety plays a big role in the success of reduced-carb dieting. Many carb-heavy foods – think white pasta, white bread, and sugary desserts – are tasty but unsatisfying. Even if you eat a large portion of these foods, you’ll probably feel hungry again an hour or two later. This can lead to overeating and a cycle of carb addiction.

When you cut carbs, you’re forced to replace those foods with more satisfying alternatives. Meat, cheese, oils, and nuts are all more filling than processed carbs. When your diet consists of these foods, you’re less likely to get hungry in between meals, and you’re less prone to overeating.

The mechanism underlying all of this is your blood sugar. Processed carbs cause your blood sugar to rise rapidly and then to crash. That’s why you have an immediate spike of energy after eating a donut, followed by a period of low energy and irritability. Foods that are low in carbs don’t have this effect on your blood sugar, so they help to keep your hunger cues stable.

best low-carb foods

What Can You Eat on a Low Carb Diet?

At first, cutting carbs might seem to be a restrictive way of eating. But as you get used to following a low carb diet plan, you’ll realize that there are actually plenty of healthy and delicious foods you can eat. Various low carb diets have different guidelines for what you should eat, but in general, foods that are on the menu include:

  • Meat of all types, including beef, chicken, fish, and pork.
  • Cheese.
  • Eggs.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Healthy oils, such as olive oil.
  • Full-fat dairy products.
  • Plenty of non-starchy vegetables.

It’s not realistic for most people to cut out carbs entirely, so you’ll probably end up eating a small amount of carbs – between 50 and 150 grams – every day. Vegetables should be one of your main carb sources – it’s hard to eat too many fresh, colorful veggies, even on a carb-restricted diet. You may also be able to fit in moderate amounts of your favorite whole grains – for instance, a small bowl of oatmeal or a small portion of rice.

Is Low Carb Dieting Right for Everyone?

Going low carb is a useful strategy for many people, but it doesn’t work for everyone. People who are very active will probably not be able to get all the energy they need to fuel their workouts on a low carb diet. If you exercise a lot or work a physically demanding job, you should talk to your doctor about how much you can safely restrict your carbohydrate intake.

Some people also simply find that a low carb diet plan doesn’t agree with them. It’s normal to feel sluggish and foggy for a couple of weeks after you start cutting carbs, but if the feeling persists longer than that, it might be that your body simply functions better when you eat more carbs. There’s nothing wrong with quitting a low carb diet if it doesn’t work for you.

Tips for Making Your Low Carb Diet Successful

1. Eat nutrient-dense food.

You’ll feel clearer-headed and more energetic when you avoid processed foods and choose whole, nutrient-dense options instead. Steer clear of packaged food, even if it’s advertised as being low carb.

2. Be mindful of what you eat.

It can take a while to break the carb habit. Try writing down everything you eat for a week or two – by that point, limiting carbs will have become second nature.

3. Structure your carbohydrate intake around your workouts.

Your body needs more carbs when you exercise. Try to eat your carbs for the day either right before or right after your workouts.

4. Keep protein-rich snacks with you.

You’ll be less likely to crave high carb foods when you have some nuts or a cheese stick with you.

5. Explore new foods.

Don’t think of low carb dieting as a limitation. Instead, look at it as a way to discover new foods you love. Try a few new recipes every week, and you might soon find that you don’t miss your old way of eating.

low carb diet

Final Thoughts

Cutting carbs can be a very effective way to lose weight. Many people find that it evens out their hunger cues and helps them reduce their calorie intake effortlessly.

If you love high-protein, high-fat foods – like meat, cheese, nuts, and eggs – then following a low carb diet plan might be perfect for you. Give it a try and see how you feel. You might be surprised at how well a low carb diet works for you!

12 Proven Ways to Build Self Confidence & Self Esteem

Having low self esteem can cause us to sabotage our own lives, making it difficult to make any positive changes. When we are lacking self confidence, we are more likely to make decisions based on fear and unhappiness. If we don’t believe in ourselves, we feel that we are not worth others’ time or trouble.

It is possible to build your own self esteem and build self confidence. Taking the time to invest in yourself will pay off down the road.

Here are 12 great ways to build self confidence and boost your self esteem:

1. Take it One Step at a Time

No one expects you to be able to change your life overnight. As with many major life changes, it’s best to make small changes that over time will add up to positive change. Don’t be impatient with yourself when it is difficult to change your attitude.

2. Surround Yourself with Positive People

It’s very hard to have healthy self esteem when you are around people who are constantly bringing you down. Whether they disapprove of your life or your decisions, or whether they simply complain about their own lives to the point where they make you feel bad, it is worthwhile to limit the time spent with them.

toxic people quote

2. Let Go of the Inner Critic to Build Self Confidence

When we build self confidence, it helps to turn off the constant critical voice in the back of our heads that tells us we are unworthy. When you are talking to yourself in your mind, think of the way you would treat a friend. Would you tell a friend their ideas were terrible and that they were not worth people’s time? You wouldn’t, so why talk to yourself that way?

3. Give Yourself Rewards

When you do something positive for yourself, give yourself a treat of some kind. A day trip, a special dessert, or an afternoon binge watching your favorite show are great ideas.

4. Learn From Your Mistakes

Instead of beating yourself up when you make a mistake, build self confidence by viewing your errors as learning opportunities. When you make a mistake, think to yourself what caused it and what you would change next time. Then move on.

5. Use Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation are great for building self confidence. These put your body in touch with your mind and help you learn to understand the needs of your mind and body.

6. Visualize Yourself

To build a foundation for positive change, spend time imagining the person you would like to be. Take a realistic look at your strengths and weaknesses, then visualize the person you would like to become. This positive thinking will bear fruit down the road as you build confidence.

7. Have Persistence

When you run into an obstacle, don’t immediately turn away and think about what a weak person you are. Keep trying. You will find that you are more capable than you thought. Your persistence will help you build self confidence.

8. Avoid Comparisons

As much as you can, avoid comparing your life to others. For example, it is damaging to spend time envying others’ lives on social media. Everyone has their own struggles and battles. Understanding this will build your self esteem.

9. Have a Positive Attitude

This one can be more difficult than it seems. When you have low self esteem, you often spend time thinking of your life in negative terms: your personality flaws, your shortcomings, and your failures. Try to turn your thinking around and think of the obstacles you have overcome to be where you are.

10. Take Time to Volunteer

Volunteering in the community can build confidence by giving you a positive outlet for your energy. Helping to build your community benefits not only the organization you are helping, but yourself as well.

11. Challenge Yourself

Don’t sit back and coast through life. Boredom will make you feel stuck and will drag down your self esteem. Give yourself small and manageable challenges at first, then work toward bigger and better things. This will reinvigorate you.

12. Learn from Friends

Learn assertive behaviors from the people around you. It’s great to have role models to look up to as you build confidence.

In Closing

Building self esteem and self confidence is something that needs to be done in changes. Begin by making small, positive changes in your life and build on these. Take the time to remove unnecessary negative influences from your life.

When you follow these 12 tips, you will find that building a more confident you is easier than ever.

The Right Way to Start a Keto Diet: Complete Diet Plan for Beginners

You’ve almost certainly heard of the ketogenic diet, often called keto for short. While keto isn’t a new diet plan (it’s been around for thousands of years), it’s become especially famous recently to lose weight, improve mental clarity, and treat specific health issues, among other things.

Are you thinking about trying a keto diet? If so, it’s important to do your research and preparation before you jump in. Keto can give you some remarkable benefits, but it’s not the most manageable diet plan to stick to when you’re just getting started. Here’s how you can give yourself the best chances of long-term keto success.

How to Start Your Keto Diet Plan the Right Way

1. Spend some time researching keto.

Make sure you understand what a keto diet food plan entails and what kinds of results you can expect to see. Keto is hailed as a miracle diet by many people, but the truth is that you’ll get out of it what you put into it. Read some keto blogs where other people write about their experiences with the diet, and see if it sounds like something you can realistically commit to.

2. Think about what you’ll eat on a daily basis.

Look up your favorite foods and see what their nutritional breakdowns are like. Then, think about how you can continue eating as many foods you like as possible while still sticking to your carb limit every day. Remember, a keto diet food plan is heavy on fat, moderate on protein, and light on carbs. You may need to start including new foods in your diet to hit your macronutrient goals.

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3. Get into the habit of reading nutrition labels.

Don’t assume that foods are low-carb just because they seem like they should be. Always read labels so you can be sure. Carbs can hide in a lot of sneaky places. You’re best off avoiding processed foods entirely and sticking to whole foods like meat, vegetables, and healthy oils.

4. Be aware that you might develop the “keto flu.”

Many people feel tired, foggy-minded, and easily distracted during their first couple of weeks eating low-carb. This phenomenon is called the keto flu, and it happens because your body is switching from burning primarily carbohydrates to burning fat for energy. When your body becomes fat-adapted, the flu-like feeling will disappear, and you’ll probably feel more energetic.

5. Measure your ketone levels.

Keeping an eye on your ketone levels can keep you on the right track with your diet. It’s especially important to monitor your ketones when you’re first getting started. You can get a breath meter, a blood meter, or urine tests to check your ketone levels regularly.

6. Track your micronutrients as well as your macronutrients.

Many people develop micronutrient deficiencies when they start following a keto diet plan. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with the keto diet – it just means that many people don’t eat a balanced enough diet to get all the nutrients they need while doing keto. Keep an eye on your micronutrient levels, especially magnesium and potassium, and take supplements if you aren’t getting enough micronutrients from your food.

7. Get enough sleep and avoid stress.

Adapting to keto can be rough, and if you try to do it while you’re feeling stressed and tired, you might go back to your old way of eating. Make things as easy on yourself as possible by starting keto at a time when you don’t have any looming deadlines, family stress, or travel coming up. Make sure to get eight hours of sleep every night, too.

8. Avoid temptation as much as possible.

If you stick with keto long enough, you’ll stop craving carbs. Until then, though, it’s important to avoid temptation so you aren’t tempted to backslide. Don’t keep any high-carb foods in the house if you can help it, or store them somewhere you won’t see them. Let your friends and family know that you’re starting a keto diet, and ask them to support you by not offering you any high-carb foods.


Things to know before going on a keto diet

Final Thoughts on the Keto Diet

Adjusting to a keto diet is entirely possible, even if you’re currently hooked on carbs. The transition might be a little challenging for many people, but if you stay strong through those crucial first few weeks, you’ll find yourself feeling sharper, more precise, and more energetic on the other side.

Planning to start your keto diet soon? Preparation is your best friend. If you come up with meal plans, track all your nutrients, avoid stress, and keep an eye on your ketone levels, you’ll be well on your way to making your keto diet a part of your permanent lifestyle.

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