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Here is How You Can Declutter your Home and Life for Better

A cluttered home is a major source of stress for many people. It is stressful to look for items you need in a messy home. It’s also difficult for children to learn to put things away properly. It is next to impossible to have guests in a cluttered home. People are too embarrassed to have friends over at short notice. Declutter your home and reap the benefits of a neater, more manageable living space.

The same principle can be applied to your life. Declutter life by removing people and activities that only cause stress and headaches. Having a more streamlined life will reduce stress and make you feel better about yourself. It pays to make small changes that add up over time. Here are 7 ways to declutter your home and life.

1. Declutter Your Work Area

In your home office or in your workplace, your desk is a great place to start in your decluttering quest. Clear off the surfaces and put everything in piles based on its importance. File all of the important documents in a filing cabinet or drawer.

When new items come in, do not put them on your desk. Deal with them as quickly as possible and either put them away or recycle them. If you keep your desk neat with only a few personal mementos along with your workday essentials, you will feel more productive and relaxed.

2. Declutter Your Kitchen

One of the best ways to declutter your home is to make sure you have enough storage space in the kitchen. If you don’t, consider getting rid of the items that do not fit in drawers or cabinets. This leaves attractive counter space with enough room to prepare food and keep essential kitchen appliances.

It’s also important to go through your refrigerator and make sure everything in it is edible. This will reduce your stress when you are preparing a meal.

3. Declutter Your Bedroom

When you declutter home, move to the bedroom. This has two important features: first, go through all of your clothing and linens and make sure you only have what you need. Donating any items that you have not used in a year is a good policy. Organize your closet so that you can hang things neatly. When you declutter your home, you will be able to use what you do have in a better way.

Next, clear off all of your surfaces and the floor. Dirty laundry should be kept in a hamper and washed regularly. Having an organized bedroom is more restful for sleep, and will give you a better start on every day.

4. Declutter Your Bathrooms

Everyone has unused prescriptions and over-the-counter medications clogging up their medicine cabinets. Take these drugs to authorized drug take-back days or dispose of them properly. Go through your household collections of personal care products and throw out all outdated bottles or those you have not used in six months.

5. Work On Your Finances

Use online banking to its fullest and eliminate the monthly hassle of paying bills. When you automate your bill payments, you don’t have to worry about mailing in checks on time. Doing all your banking online also reduces the amount of paperwork you need to deal with, bringing you a neater work space.

Go through your credit report and make sure there are no errors. Decluttering your financial life will give you as many benefits as decluttering your home and office.


6. Digital Decluttering

Another great way to declutter your home includes getting rid of digital mess. Spend an afternoon cleaning off your phone. Get rid of apps and programs you never use. Set up cloud backups for your important information like photos.

Work on getting off all the email lists you don’t use anymore. This can include catalog emails, notifications from social media sites, and news emails.

7. Declutter Your Home & Life

It may seem cruel, but decluttering your life includes saying goodbye to people and situations that only cause you stress. It may not be possible to cut yourself off from all sources of stress, but your enjoyment of life will be increased when you let go.

Final Thoughts

When you declutter home, it may seem like a huge task. It may be so overwhelming that you don’t know where to start. You can make small, positive changes to reach your goal. Start by decluttering just fifteen minutes a day. This will increase your satisfaction with your life and free you to have new experiences.

When you remove the excess from your life, you will live with less stress and be happier overall.

10 Simple And Fast Ways to Lose Weight without Gym or Dieting

Sticking to a restrictive diet is tough. So is hitting the gym every day. But if you want to lose weight, you’ve probably tried doing both – maybe for years. Many people simply can’t stick to a punishing plan that doesn’t allow them to eat their favorite foods. But if this scenario sounds familiar, it doesn’t mean that you can’t lose weight.

There’s actually a better way to lose weight, and it doesn’t involve depriving yourself or forcing yourself to run on a treadmill. You can drop those pesky pounds and improve your health without counting calories by making small, sustainable changes to your everyday habits. In fact, this is the fastest way to lose weight, since you’ll actually stick with this method. Here’s how you can start your weight-loss journey today.

10 Quick and Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast Without Dieting or Going to the Gym

NOTE: This article does not suggest that you should be sedentary or make unhealthy choices. Instead, we offer common sense tips to shed unwanted pounds without the inconvenience of driving to a gym or making unrealistic food choices. Always check with your primary care physician to determine your current health status before implementing any changes.


lose weight1 – Practice Mindful Eating

Mindful eating refers to paying full attention to the experience of eating and drinking, both inside and outside the body. By savoring each bite, you cultivate awareness of physical and psychological sensations associated with eating, acknowledging responses to food without judgment. 

This practice encourages slower eating and a greater appreciation for the food, leading to a better understanding of your body’s hunger and satiety signals. When you pay attention to your food, you are more likely to notice when you’re full, which can prevent overeating. Distracted eating can lead to additional calorie consumption and could contribute to weight gain.

2 – Replace Sugary Beverages with Healthier Alternatives

Beverages such as soda are packed with sugar and can contribute many empty calories to your daily intake. These calories are not nutritional but can significantly contribute to weight gain. Instead of reaching for a soda, try swapping it with healthier alternatives such as black coffee, green tea, or water. 

Not only do these alternatives contain fewer or no calories, but they also offer numerous health benefits. For instance, green tea is rich in antioxidants, and black coffee may boost metabolism. Moreover, drinking water can help maintain proper hydration and suppress hunger.

3 – Maintain Proper Hydration

Hydration plays a crucial role in overall health and is essential when losing weight. Some people overlook the importance of hydration. But it is vital to burn calories and digestion. It aids in maintaining proper bodily functions and can help control your appetite by promoting feelings of fullness. 

Sometimes, the sensation of thirst can be confused with hunger, leading to overeating. Therefore, drinking sufficient water throughout the day can prevent this misinterpretation of signals, helping you stay on track with your weight loss goals.

4 – Incorporate Satiating Foods in Your Diet

Incorporating satiating or filling foods into your diet can aid in weight loss by reducing overall caloric intake. Foods high in fiber and protein tend to be more filling. Fiber-rich foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes contribute to feelings of fullness by adding bulk to your diet, slowing digestion, and helping control blood sugar levels. 

Similarly, protein increases feelings of fullness by signaling the release of hormones that reduce hunger. On the other hand, foods high in refined sugar quickly spike blood sugar and insulin levels, causing hunger to return soon after eating.

5 – Consume Your Meals Slowly

Taking the time to chew your food properly and eat slowly can improve digestion, reduce stress, and help you better recognize when you’re full. 

It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register feelings of fullness. As a result, eating too quickly can lead to overeating. Slowing down gives your body ample time to generate these signals, helping prevent overeating and promote weight loss.

lose weight

6 – Integrate Physical Activity into Your Daily Life

While diet plays a significant role in weight loss, physical activity is essential to a healthy lifestyle and weight maintenance. Exercise can increase the calories your body burns, aiding in weight loss and providing health benefits like improved mood, increased energy levels, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. 

Simple changes such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or cycling to work, and doing chores can significantly increase your daily physical activity levels.

7 – Enjoy Your Favorite Foods Sensibly

Completely depriving yourself of your favorite foods may lead to binge eating and other eating disorders. It is okay to indulge in your favorite treats, but moderation is key. You can satisfy your cravings without derailing your weight loss efforts by allowing yourself small, controlled portions of your favorite foods. 

Consider using smaller plates and bowls for these foods – this can trick your brain into thinking you’re eating more than you are, helping control portion sizes.

8 – Resist Temptation

Environment plays a significant role in eating behavior. If unhealthy food options are readily available and easily accessible, you’re more likely to consume them. Therefore, small changes to your environment, such as storing unhealthy foods out of sight, can significantly reduce mindless eating and snacking, promoting healthier eating habits.

9 – Prioritize Adequate Sleep

Poor sleep or lack of sleep can interfere with your body’s hunger hormones, leptin, and ghrelin, increasing appetite and consuming more calories. Furthermore, inadequate sleep can lower your energy levels, which may decrease your motivation to exercise and lead to increased consumption of high-calorie foods for quick energy. Therefore, ensuring quality sleep is vital for weight control and overall health.

10 – Experiment with Color Psychology

While it may seem odd, some research suggests that the colors around us can influence our eating behaviors. Some studies suggest that blue might suppress appetite, while red may reduce cravings. This approach might not work for everyone, but experimenting with different colors in your dining area – like using blue tablecloths or red plates – could be a fun and unique approach to supporting your weight loss efforts.

lose weight

Final Thoughts on How to Lose Weight Without the Gym

Losing weight doesn’t have to be an ordeal. In fact, the fastest way to lose weight is to make small, sustainable changes you can stick with. Put these tips to work in your life, and you’ll be able to lose weight without gym time or calorie counting.

Most importantly, be kind to yourself throughout the process of losing weight. You might slip up sometimes – we all do, and it’s okay. Just start again the next day. If you persevere, you’ll lose weight fast and might even enjoy the process.

7 Things Nobody Told Me About Early Menopause (But You Should Know)

Early menopause is often misunderstood; many information sources portray a grim picture of the condition. Consequently, many menopausal women find the odds of living a high-quality life insurmountable. However, with the right information, menopausal women can live a high-quality life after understanding the condition and learning how to prevent it, and live with it.

The menopausal stage is a phase in life when a woman’s body ceases to ovulate, and subsequently, the monthly period stops. In normal situations, women reach the post-menopausal stage when they age 45 to 55. However, the average age at which the condition occurs is 51 years. In some instances, however, some women undergo the menopausal stage before they reach forty years resulting in a condition known as premature menopause/early menopause. Some cases of the condition may occur due to the surgical removal of ovaries or various medical treatments, including chemotherapy or radiation therapy. This article delves into things women rarely know about the condition.

Early Menopause Symptoms :

The condition has several symptoms, including the following:

  • Changes in the menstrual cycle affecting the normal bleeding cycles lead to irregular bleeding
  • Night sweats
  • Hot flashes
  • Disturbance in sleep patterns
  • Deterioration in sex drive
  • Dryness in the vagina
  • Urinary problems such as increased levels of urination frequency or incontinence
  • Aches as well as pains
  • Increase in mood swings

early menopause


For most women, approximately 60% of the cases, the causes of the condition are unknown. However, there are certain causes of the condition, including:

  • Autoimmune conditions account for roughly 10% to 30% of all cases. The autoimmune conditions include systemic lupus, Crohn’s disease, or hypothyroidism.
  • Some genetic conditions also provoke the condition. Research shows that approximately 5% to 30% of victims have a female relative affected by the condition. Some genetic conditions that lead to the disease include galactosemia and Turner’s syndrome.
  • Studies show that some viral infections, such as mumps, can cause the condition.
  • Premature ovarian failure is also a cause of early menopause, where the ovaries cease functioning normally before a woman reaches 40 years.

Lifestyle Causes

Some of the lifestyles individuals adopt also have the potential to cause premature menopause. For example, smoking is known to have anti-estrogen effects that often cause the condition. Long-term smokers are known to experience the condition earlier. Vegetarian individuals are likely to experience the condition. Also, the lack of exercise and minimal exposure to the sun can lead to premature menopause.

Diagnosis of the Condition

No special tests are needed to determine the absence of menstrual periods accurately. However, when a woman shows early menopause symptoms as well as irregular periods, there is a need to test for ovarian function.

Tests can be done to initially rule out pregnancy and other reasons why one has missed menstruation. Also, the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level is determined to ascertain how close a woman is to the condition and determine the status of one’s ovaries. FSH is a hormone responsible for the production of estrogen. One indicator of the condition is when FSH levels reach above 40 mlU/ml. Further, low estradiol hormone levels can indicate susceptibility to the condition.

Transitioning to the Post-Menopausal Period

A woman must have the right knowledge to transition smoothly to the post-menopausal period. One can begin by ensuring they visit the doctor regularly for checkups. Being proactive about one’s reproductive health is an effective way to handle the condition. Additionally, it is recommended to visit a therapist to help cope with the anxiety associated with the disease.

Treatments for the Condition

While there is no cure for the condition, scientific research studies have found ways to help numerous women to cope with the condition and relieve the unpleasant symptoms. The condition should not be a deterrent to living a normal life. Innumerable women enjoy a fulfilling life despite the condition.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy can relieve symptoms such as hot flashes and dryness of the vagina associated with the condition. The hormone treatment can come from patches, pills, creams, and trans-dermal sprays. Some treatments can be administered via the intra-vaginal route.

early menopause

Oral Contraceptives

Oral contraceptive pills are sometimes used to help lessen menopausal symptoms.

Antidepressant Drugs

Researchers have found that various selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can be administered to control hot flashes. The compounds control the severity of flashes in around 60% of women.

Vaginal Lubricants

To prevent dryness in the vagina, women are advised to utilize non-hormonal gels or creams.

early menopause

Having Children in the Post-Menopausal Stage

Being in the menopausal stage should not be a deterrent to having children. Some menopausal women still desire to have children but lack the knowledge of how to do so. There are various options for women who hope to expand their families, such as egg donation, adoption, or having surrogate mothers bear children.

Additionally, some fertility specialists from a fertility clinic are adept at helping women at the post-menopausal stage to bear children. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an effective procedure that allows women to have children. Doctors can advise on the impact of one’s age and health on the chance of success or failure of the IVF procedures.

In conclusion, the condition is neither a death sentence nor a life-debilitating condition. Some mitigate the symptoms with self-care and a positive mindset. Adopting healthy lifestyles to prevent the disease’s occurrence and alleviate the discomfort associated with the condition is imperative. For example, eating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D can improve bone health in postmenopausal. Maintaining a healthy weight relieves symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. In addition, eating fruits and vegetables and maintaining an active life can help one steer clear of diseases associated with the condition, such as heart disease and osteoporosis. Early menopause should not be a constraint to a high-quality life.

Want to lose weight fast? A no sugar diet is the answer

When it comes to losing weight, for the majority of us, we tend to fixate on calories in versus calories out; we tend to avoid foods high in saturated fat, but what about foods that are high in sugar? These foods not only add to our waistline but also jeopardizes our overall health. According to a study published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), excess sugar can shorten your life.

The study explored how sugar contributes to cardiovascular disease as well as obesity and diabetes. Also, it further illustrates how adopting a low or sugar-free diet can help you simultaneously shed pounds while avoiding potential health risks. In this article, we will focus on some of the foods that you should abstain from in order to become a healthier you.


We’ve all been there, right? We’ve spent countless hours at the gym, doing the most intense workouts we have ever done, only to find that our physique looks the same as it did a month ago, two months ago. Nothing has changed, and worse, we are left feeling disheartened. It’s not a lack of conviction or dedication; it’s your diet. Here are a few of staples that you should include in your diet to will help you realize your fitness and overall health goals:

  • Lean meats
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Low-fat dairy products

health quotes

Is this an overarching list of food staples that will completely transform your life? Absolutely not, there are many more that did not make it into this article. However, these are some of the foods that have helped fast-track the health and fitness goals for those seeking to become the best version of themselves possible.


You may have noticed that fresh fruits were not part of the healthy food listicle; it’s for a good reason. Fruit can be part of your no sugar diet; they are naturally sweet, and they don’t cause the health problems typical of foods containing added sugars. Therefore, if you’re looking for a way to satisfy your sweet tooth, you’re encouraged to swap the pastries for an apple, orange, banana, or any fruit that your heart desires. Also, fruit contains vitamins, fiber, and nutrients that pastries typically do not.


Unbeknownst to many, there is sugar in many of the foods that we eat. So, while we are eschewing pastries and the like, we should reduce or avoid the following food items:

  • Barbecue sauce
  • Ketchup
  • Granola bars
  • Salad dressings

Again, is this an all-encompassing list of foods to avoid? The answer is a resounding no. This list is, moreover, are some of the more common food items that many people consume, thinking they’re doing right by their bodies. In actuality, it is the contrary; these food items can sabotage your health and fitness goals. How so, you ask? To help put all of this into context, let’s take a look at ketchup.

Although ketchup seems harmless, it can contain upwards of 40 grams of sugar per cup, and the same holds true for barbeque sauces, marinades, and many salad dressings. So, you’re encouraged to start reading the ingredient list on some of your favorite sauces before drizzling them on to your foods.


Eating healthy does not mean you have to resign yourself to a no sugar diet or flavorless, unsatisfying foods. You just have to be creative and choose foods that are naturally flavorful. I know, easier said than done, right? Well, it really is just that easy. The remainder of this article will be dedicated to providing you with a “full day of eating” sample that you can implement in your own life.


You’ve heard this time and time again; breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There is a whole lot of truth is that aphorism. Therefore, why not start your morning with some delicious scrambled eggs mixed with spinach and tomatoes. This breakfast provides you with protein, fiber, and natural sweetness.

Foods to eat lose weight


Okay, so you started your morning off on a good foot, but what about when lunchtime rolls around? You should continue with your no sugar diet plan, which can include a serving of lean meat (preferably chicken breast) and a small salad. However, instead of drenching your salad in sugar-ladened dressing, you can use vinegar and olive oil for added taste.


When dinnertime rolls around, there’s no need to derail a whole day’s worth of healthy eating. So, why not round out your day with some protein-packed salmon and steamed veggies for dinner. This delicious combo is satisfying and perfectly complements your no sugar diet weight loss regimen.

15 Most Inspirational Quotes About Life that Will Change the Way you Think

Sometimes, when you reflect on your life, you will decide you need to make changes. Everyone you meet is struggling with some aspect of their lives. If you feel like you have made too many mistakes and that life is not going your way, take heart. These inspirational quotes come from a wide variety of people. Some of these inspirational quotes are from historical figures and some are from famous people.

When life is difficult, we often feel ready to give up. Sometimes, when tasks are too hard, we sit down and refuse to try. Everyone has these feelings from time to time, and it doesn’t mean that we are failing. When you are feeling this way, it helps to read inspirational quotes and to receive some encouragement. When you are having problems, it helps to talk to a trusted friend.

15 Inspirational Quotes that will Change your Outlook on Life

1. “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.”
-Rabindranath Tagore

2. “Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.”
-Leo Buscaglia

3. “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”
-Norman Vincent Peale

4. “Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.”
-Oprah Winfrey

5. “When the past calls, let it go to voicemail, believe me, it has nothing new to say.”
– Unknown

6. “The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.”

7. “You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.”
-Woodrow Wilson

8. “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”
Wayne Dyer

9. “Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.”
-William Butler Yeats

10. “I learned that we can do anything, but we can’t do everything… at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything.”
-Dan Millman

11. “Love what you have. Need what you want. Accept what you receive. Give what you can. Always remember, what goes around, comes around…”
– Unknown

12. “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace & gratitude.”
– Denis Waitley

13. “For every minute you are angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

14. “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh

Inspirational quotes


15. “I think people who are creative are the luckiest people on earth. I know that there are no shortcuts, but you must keep your faith in something greater than you, and keep doing what you love. Do what you love, and you will find the way to get it out to the world.
–Judy Collins

Final Thoughts

When you put yourself first and realize your potential, you will be able to succeed in life. Life inspirational quotes remind us to keep our dreams and goals in mind, and to never give up on them. Believe in yourself and everything else will fall into place. These life quotes can help pick up your mood when you are feeling low and can help you push forward into a better life.

Inspirational quotes can give you direction. They can help focus your mind on what is truly important. When you are facing difficult times in your life, turn to these inspirational quotes to inspire you to keep moving forward. These 15 life inspirational quotes will help you get through difficult times and inspire you to look at life in a more positive manner.


What Does A Personality Type Test Reveal about You and Your Life?

Self-awareness is one of the first steps toward a happy and fulfilling life. Almost everyone has been through a phase of emptiness and pain. Similarly, it’s not uncommon to make repeat mistakes. Unfortunately, these feelings and patterns are often a result of poor habits or an inability to recognize negative cycles and cope with life’s challenges.

Luckily, there is good news in store. There are many personality type test on the market that can assist you with the self-discovery process. These tests can be eye-opening and can help you acknowledge and correct any negative patterns that may be inhibiting your journey to peace and happiness. Here are a few tings a personality type test may reveal:

What does this Personality Type Test Reveal about You

Communication Style
A type personality test may uncover your most frequently used communication style. This insight can be important because it can reveal how you are perceived by others. Poor communication is one of the leading causes of conflict and your inability to adjust your style may have major consequences to your relationships and your overall wellness. A personality type test will explore how you communicate as well as how you best receive information. This knowledge will not only help you communicate your points better, but it will also help you communicate your needs.

Energy Flow
Most personality assessments will also measure the natural flow of energy for each personality type. Individuals are unique in how they are energized throughout the day. Many people gain energy from others. They love being busy, interacting, and thrive on high levels of stimulation and activity. Contrastingly, introverted personalities gain energy and confidence from a place of introspection. These personality types prefer a quiet setting and need time alone to recharge. Many people fall somewhere in between these two extremes, but understanding your energy flow helps in many areas of life including finding a good job fit, settling down with a compatible mate, and engaging in hobbies that bring you joy and satisfaction. In summary, it’s important to understand your needs so you can be energized and motivated year-round.

People Preference
A type personality test might also help you determine what kind of company to keep. A personality type test not only provides insight into your own preferences, but it also offers some insight when it comes to compatibility. As expected there will always be personalities that complement each other and personalities that completely clash. The conclusion of each test will generally offer participants the chance to review all personalities on the spectrum. The summaries of each personality type will allow you evaluate the people in your life (spouse, coworkers, family members), place them in a personality category and determine if these people cause stress and chaos or create comfort and calm. You’ll be able to better choose your circle from the information.

Work Wishes
Our personalities are strongly tied to our skill set and work preferences. Employees who must routinely engage in work that forces them out of their natural personality type may experience high levels of stress in the workplace. It’s important for company’s to recognize the importance of personality when defining a role and selecting candidates. In fact, many organizations are a step ahead of the game and regularly use personality assessments in their hiring practices. This is a best practice that can save a lot of time and trouble if done properly. However, if you are already in a role at work that creates anxiety and stress, it may be due to poor fit when it comes to personality. Taking a personality type test can help you discover your desires for the workplace and will help you better communicate these needs to your employer.

personality type test

Decision Making Process
A personality assessment will also lend insight to your decision making process. Most people fall somewhere along the spectrum of logic and intuition. Logical thinkers tend to require large amounts of data and concrete evidence before making a decision whereas more intuitive decision makers rely on a feeling or gut instinct. Regardless, understanding how you make decisions will help you make better choices in the long run.

These are just a few of the many insights you’ll examine when taking a personality assessment. With a little more self-awareness and direction you’ll be able to better interact with the world and you’ll be one step closer to finding the peace and happiness you deserve.

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