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10 Cheapest Superfoods You Can Buy

When it comes to our health we know we should invest in quality foods, but sometimes it can seem like the cost of eating healthy is astronomically higher than that of eating a subpar diet, especially when you’re trying to eat plant-based or vegan foods. You know that eating healthier will have a positive impact on your life but you don’t want to spend your whole paycheck to do it! The good news is that eating healthy doesn’t have to break the bank and there are many cheapest superfoods that pack a mighty antioxidant and nutrient punch, while still staying kind to your pocketbook.

Incorporating some of the cheapest superfoods into your diet…

You’re bound to see the effects of better nutrition; from a better functioning digestive system to healthier skin. You’ll also have more energy and feel a nice mood bump. These foods work best for your health (and budget)


Tea tops our list as one of the best superfoods that money can buy because it packs a hefty dose of L-Theanine, which has a tremendous ability to tame anxiety. Tea is also chock full of antioxidants for your health. Some varieties have anti-aging properties. It’s also difficult to underestimate the restorative power of simply holding a steaming mug of tea in your hands after a long day. Green tea tops the charts as the most healthy, but you’ll also benefit from Chamomile or Lavender teas, both of which tame stress and aid with sleep.


Almonds are packed with Vitamin E, which is something that many people lack in their diets. Vitamin E is also known as the beauty vitamin because of its amazing ability to restore cells and give the user a more youthful glow. While Vitamin E is found in many foods, almonds are simply brimming with it making them a delicious and nutritious addition to your diet. Almonds are also endlessly versatile and you can use them to make a butter, add crunch to a salad or even chop them up and add them to your vegetable stirfry.


You’ve heard that old saying that an “apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Apples are one of the most cheapest superfoods and they accomplish a very important function; helping keep your heart working properly. Heart disease is a massive problem worldwide and incorporating apples into your diet could help keep your heart working at its optimum functionality for longer and improve your overall health. The pectin in apples could be related to its heart-healthy attributes. Either way, stocking up on a sack of these delicious fruits is a good idea!


Not just for St. Patrick’s Day, cabbage is a winner all year round and this versatile, budget-friendly cruciferous vegetable has one very important quality. It can help fight different types of cancer. It’s also full of anthocyanins, which help keep your brain sharp. As if you needed another reason to rush out and grab yourself a head of cabbage, remember that it’s very low in calories, so it’s kind to your waistline also! That’s a win, win, win.


Lentils are one of the least expensive and best dried foods you can buy. They’re filling and easy to infuse with flavor. If you’re eating an all vegetable diet they can stand in for many meat products and you’ll never leave the table feeling anything but satisfied. You can thank the megadose of fiber that lentils give you for that full feeling. Lentils can be eaten hot or cold, so toss them in a vegetable salad with a little apple cider vinaigrette or put them in your crockpot for a stick-to-your-ribs veggie stew that will last months in the freezer.


Kale is one of those incredible foods that you can do almost anything with. For people who are exploring a vegetarian or vegan diet, kale is a godsend because it’s packed with iron. Many times, iron is tough to come by for people who don’t eat meat, but kale can come to the rescue in that area! Additionally, like most super foods, it’s really high in antioxidants and Vitamin K, which you need for strong bones and overall health. Even people who swear they don’t like kale will gladly drink a kale smoothie made with orange juice and citrus fruits. Sprinkle kale with some olive oil and sea salt and roast for delicious kale chips. The options are endless.


Oranges are a great citrus fruit. They’re packed with vitamin C and fiber to keep you nice and full. They’re also extremely portable and economical, as long as you buy them in season. Oranges keep for a long time in your vegetable crisper, so even if you eat them a week after purchase they will still be fresh. Citrus is also an amazing secret ingredient in the kitchen. You’ll add no fat, but tons of flavor to your food when you squeeze an orange over one of your favorite pasta salads. Beets and oranges are a match made in heaven, so this is one of the super foods that can seamlessly transition from breakfast to dinner.

Orange - cheapest superfoods

Peanut Butter

Vegans and vegetarians are always looking for protein, which makes peanut butter one of the best cheapest superfoods that money can buy. Pick up a jar at the store and your health will thank you because it’s absolutely delicious and can be incorporated into almost any dish. Spread it on celery sticks for a filling snack, or drop a dollop into your favorite vegetarian Pad Thai for an authentic kick. If you worry about preservatives or fillers, simply visit your local organic store to pick up a natural brand. You can also create your own peanut butter by blending peanuts, honey and some salt in your food processor. You’ll get the same nutritional punch either way.


It’s easy to see why carrots are a perfect food. Do you like what we did there? Budget shoppers will especially love that they can pick up these beta-carotene packed vegetables for a song. They’re full of Vitamin A and you can enjoy them raw, stirred into soups, heaped on top of salads or slow roasted to coax out their sweet, candied and deep flavor. Carrots are also a sure winner because they keep for a long time in your crisper.

Cheapest superfoods - Carrot


Oats are a powerful little food that are loaded with nutrients including such heavy hitters as Iron, and Folate. Get the steel cut ones for the biggest nutritional bang for your buck, and you’ll enjoy a creamy, delicious experience that you’d never get out of one of those little instant packets. Don’t have time to cook in the morning? Make yourself overnight oats by simply combining oats, liquid (yogurt or milk) and toppings of your choice in a mason jar. By the morning you’ll have a satisfying and healthy breakfast.

Getting superfoods into your diet can be easily done on a budget. You’ll benefit from the positive effects of quality food while keeping your wallet happy. Simply pick up a few of the options outlined here at your next grocery store trip and you’re on your way.


10 Best Foods for Weight Loss

Have you heard the term “superfood”? No, it isn’t what Superman eats (though that’s quite clever, and maybe he did enjoy these foods as well). Superfoods are nutrient-rich edibles that possess a ton of potential health benefits, including  overall weight loss. Here are just a few of those benefits:

  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Fortifies and strengthens bones
  • Helps you put on muscle
  • Improves health of the digestive system
  • Burns calories and fat

You will find many more health benefits related to superfoods, and this article focuses on ten nutritional powerhouses known to kick your metabolism into gear. In conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, adding several of these superfoods to your regular diet may help you shed some of those stubborn pounds.

Here are the 10 most potent foods for weight loss:

1. Blueberries

Blueberries are low in calories. What is more, they are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Also a great source of fiber, blueberries help keep you feel full for longer periods of time. As if these aren’t good enough reasons to grab a handful, blueberries are potent sources of antioxidants, which are crucial for helping your body fight off inflammation and get rid of toxins.

2. Boiled Potatoes

“Potato pride” has taken a bit of a hit, most likely because of the vegetable’s high carb content. Boiled white potatoes, however, are an optimal food for overall health and weight loss. They are rich in potassium, which also happens to be one of the most widespread deficiencies in our modern diet. Finally, white potatoes, when boiled, score the highest of all foods on what is called the “satiety index,” which measures the degree and duration of fullness after eating.

health quotes

3. Chili Powder

Chili powder contains capsaicin, a robust natural stimulant that can elevate body temperature and metabolism by as much as 25 percent! Scientists at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, found that adding just a half a teaspoon of chili powder to their breakfast led to people consuming fewer calories and experiencing fewer cravings throughout the day.

4. Coconut Oil

Yes, you read that right: Oil can help you lose weight. Coconut oil is an up-and-coming star in the world of health and fitness. The product is high in a particular type of fatty acid – Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) – shown to increase metabolic rate and increase satiety. Recent studies show that coconut oil may also be useful in helping to burn stubborn belly fat.

5. Leafy Greens

Greens such as collards, kale, chards, and spinach – called “leafy greens” –  are exceptional for weight loss because they are low in calories, high in fiber, and nutritionally dense. Many-a-dieter has binged on salad and other leafy veggies because they satisfy hunger and add nutritional value without the added calories. Leafy greens are also rich in antioxidants, which helps to maintain a healthy immune system.

6. Cruciferous Veggies

Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower are all considered cruciferous vegetables. In other words, they’re all part of “the cabbage family.” Cruciferous veggies are high in fiber, and they also promote satiety or feelings of fullness. As such, complimenting your lunch or dinner (or perhaps even a breakfast shake?) with a serving or two may help keep your hunger at bay.

7. Whole Grains

While you need to remain cautious, you will probably be happy to know there are plenty of grains on the market that pack some serious fiber and other dietary goodies. Whole grains also contain a fair amount of protein, which – according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics – helps you to feel fuller. Oats may just be the best grain of choice, as they contain a high level of soluble fibers that both increase satiety and improve metabolic health. As a rule of thumb, avoid refined grains, including white flour, white bread, white rice, and de-germed cornmeal.

8. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are brimming with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein. Consider this statistic: one ounce of chia seeds contains 12 grams of carbohydrates, of which 11 grams is healthy fiber! In short, chia seeds are one of the best appetite-suppressant foods in existence. They’re also incredibly versatile in that they can be added to anything from smoothies to breakfast cereal.


9. Eggs

Eggs are one of the more underappreciated weight loss superfoods, which is too bad because they’re fantastic sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which help curb appetite. According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, people who ate eggs as a breakfast staple lost up to 65 percent more weight than those who didn’t!

10. Salmon

Like most freshwater fish, salmon is incredibly healthy. Regarding weight loss, salmon is an excellent choice as it’s brimming with healthy fats and quality protein. Perhaps most importantly, salmon contains the nutrient iodine, which is crucial for proper thyroid gland function. The thyroid, of course, helps keep your metabolism humming along.

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How To Stay Positive (When You Know Your Life Sucks)

From losing your job or getting diagnosed with a major disease to going through a divorce or losing a loved one, unexpected disasters can show up when you least expect them. Everyone faces difficult challenges throughout their lives, but some of them handle it better than others. The difference is that some people have trained themselves to stay positive when the universe tries to keep them down, and you can do the same. Following the right tips and putting in some effort will empower you to sty positive in almost any situation the world throws at you.

Take Inventory of Your Situation

When positive thinking is your goal, the first step is to take an honest look at your life and the problems you are facing. Ask yourself what you would change about your situation if you could make one wish, and you can then consider other things you would like to improve. If you are unhappy with your job and want to find a new one, have the courage to do so. Being stuck in an unhealthy relationship can take a toll on your emotional health, and breaking up could be the perfect solution.

These are just a few examples. You must review how things are going and decide how you would like to move forward.

Create Short- and Long-Term Goals

“Having goals is the fundamental key to success,” said Tony Robbins. Creating a list of short-and long-term goals is a nice step along the correct path for those who want to get and remain positive. When you know what you would like to achieve and how you wish to live, you can create objectives that will move you toward the desired outcome.

Achieving short-term goals will move you even closer to your long-term goals, and your motivation will improve along the way. Shaping the way you live and deciding what you want to do will help with positive thinking.

Reduce Stress

Since it can make it hard to be positive, stress is one of your worst enemies, and you can’t afford to overlook it. Controlling negative emotions helps you unlock the power of positivity and takes you far when you would like to gain a positive attitude. Meditating for a few minutes each day will do the trick, but you can also workout to improve your mood.

stay positive

Notice and Eliminate Negative Thoughts and Stay Positive

Nothing will restrict the power of positivity and destroy your positive mood as much as negative thoughts. If you are not careful, negative thoughts can consume your mind and stop you from living on your terms. Combating that issue is easy when you proactively address each negative thought that enters your mind. Rather than simply discarding negative thoughts, strive to turn them into positive ones so that you can be happy.

Final Thoughts

Taking an inventory of your life and making a plan to fix the things you don’t enjoy can help you achieve a positive perspective that will help you stay happy. The amount of time it will take for you to notice a difference depends on several factors, but you will gain a positive attitude in no time if you remain focused on the prize.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
 References :

How to Meditate To Relieve Anxiety (In Just 5 Minutes)

For ages, spiritual teachers and great sages encouraged people to meditate for peace and relaxation and to relieve anxiety.

The science behind meditation

When faced with a threat, the body activates your sympathetic nervous system giving you instant extra energy to address it. One way is by releasing the natural stress hormone (Cortisol) into the bloodstream. This, however, comes at a cost since prolonged exposure to cortisol is harmful to your mental and physical health.

Studies show that practicing meditation to relieve anxiety turns on the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for lowering the heart rate and muscle relaxation. This thereby encourages the body to stop releasing cortisol hormones.


loving-kindness meditation

1. Find a quiet comfortable personal space

A quiet and comfortable personal space is recommended for beginners to relieve anxiety. This is because it is easier to concentrate and collect your thoughts when you are alone. This can be done at home.

All you need to do is to try and set up a special area in your home dedicated to meditation. You can decorate this area with things that are meaningful to you or that provide inspiration to you.

Set up something to sit on, for example, a cushion and create a personal sanctuary.

2. Sit up straight

Sitting up straight helps you to stay focused while you resolve. You can do this by sitting down on a pillow helps to keep your spine straight. Relax any areas of tightness to relieve panic.

3. Begin with small steps each day

Beginning the practice of meditation does not mean dedicating huge chunks of your valuable time to it. This can be inconvenient, especially if you operate on a busy schedule. Start small.

Starting small means that you devote a few minutes for example 10-15 minutes each day consistently. Staying consistent will help you commit to your meditation and achieve progress.

With this, you’ll get used to it and find yourself managing even longer periods. Stay as flexible as possible by only allocating time you can comfortably manage.

4. Consider setting up an intention

Thinking about a certain intention should be altruistic such that it will help you to stay focused on your reason to meditate. You may think how to resolve to help relieve anxiety at the moment rather than being nostalgic or worried about future events. This will stimulate good thinking towards relieving anxiety.

5. keep a personal journal

Keeping a record of a journal allows you to keep track on various techniques on resolving and how they felt. It also enables you to work through your personal feelings.

Using meditation as a means to combat your anxiety

1. Replace your thoughts of nervousness

Meditation works by trying to replace disturbing thoughts with calming peaceful ones. Someone suffering from anxiety will have many thoughts that disturb their inner peace. Being nervous makes you feel worried unnecessarily.

As you meditate, always focus on replacing disturbing thoughts with calm and positive thoughts. Meditating can be really helpful before or after being in a situation that makes you feel anxious. With time, meditation will help you relieve these thoughts and feel less nervous.

2. Don’t be tempted to think you’re not good enough

When you’re new to meditating, you may feel that you are not improving. This happens especially to people who suffer from uneasiness. This is because these thoughts will try and encroach them as they resolve.

Having these thoughts will limit your potential for mastering the art and enjoying the fun of it. Instead of focusing on your inadequacies, focus on improving with each session. Telling yourself you’re poor at meditating will only cause you stress and increase your anxiety.

3. Look for signs whether meditating is good for you

While to meditate helps you relieve panic, it may not be right for everyone as to some individuals, it may worsen panic. In case trauma or repressed memories surface during meditation, put it on hold. Consult a mental health professional.

Relieve anxiety

4. Stay committed

After choosing to resolve and realizing it is the right thing for you to do, commit to doing it on a daily regular basis. Doing this will help you to improve and help your brain adapt to change. This will also help you relieve your anxiety.


1. Find a quiet, conducive environment

It is important to find a quiet, conducive place where you’ll be sure to avoid being disrupted for fifteen to twenty minutes or even longer. You may sit cross-legged on the floor with a cushion supporting you. Alternatively, you can sit on a chair with your feet on the ground.

Maintain an upright posture by maintaining your body’s natural curve. Close your eyes and take deep slow breaths. Begin by inhaling with your nose and then exhaling with your mouth. At the beginning, your first air intakes will be shallow but as you settle you will begin allowing more air to flow to your lungs smoothly. This will make your breaths to be fuller and deeper.

Taking deeper breaths will make you feel more relaxed and calm.

2. Focus on the present moment

Bring all your attention to the present moment moment where you are in. This is done by preventing the brain from wandering to the past or thinking about the future.

In the beginning, it is normal to struggle to keep your thoughts from wandering.
Keeping your eyes open is also helpful in focusing on the current moment. To focus your mind on the present moment, you can also take deep breaths. This will calm your mind and keep your mind from wandering.

3. Integrate movement while meditating

Meditation can involve movement if you find sitting stressful. There are many yoga practices that incorporate movement that you may be interested in learning. Most of them can be done at home by watching this DIY tutorial.

You can also consider taking a walk as you reflect. Movement cannot prevent you from meditating as long as you stay focused.

4. Ending your meditation

Once you are ready to end your meditation practice, stand up slowly that is if you were sitting down or lying down. Open your eyes if they were closed.

5. Practice makes perfect

To meditate for about five minutes helps to relieve oneself. With time, there’s need to increase time and thus increase your benefits from meditation.

As they say, Time is a master healer, all you need is patience as you relieve anxiety. You will begin to feel peaceful, positive and happy if you stick with it.Relieve anxiety


11 Easy Ways to Tighten Skin Naturally

The health and firmness of our skin depend on two structural proteins: collagen and elastin.  Because of environmental toxins and pollutants, sun damage, and the aging process, these proteins naturally break down. When this happens, our skin may appear aged and wrinkled.

It is unrealistic to expect our skin to remain supple and firm throughout life. Some wrinkling is inevitable. As they say, “Nature always wins.” Be that as it may, there are some natural ways to help keep your skin appearing healthy – and maybe even tighten it up some.

Here are 11 things that can naturally tighten skin:

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is best known for its ability to heal damaged skin. It is a natural moisturizer that has a ton of other health benefits, depending on how it is applied or consumed.  There are two main ways to use Aloe Vera: as a prepared gel or extracting the liquid manually.

You can find numerous Aloe Vera-based recipes; however, the plant may be most effective when applied without combining it with other ingredients.

2. Coffee Scrub

Ground coffee contains potent antioxidants that can both tighten the skin and slow the appearance of aging. When used in cohort with other substances, coffee can also serve as a natural exfoliant.

Here is a quick recipe:

In a bowl, combine these ingredients: ¼ cup of coffee grounds, ¼ cup of brown sugar, ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Using a circular motion, scrub the concoction onto your chest, face, and neck for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Apply once a week for best results.

3. Egg White and Honey

Egg white contains the protein albumin, which improves your skin’s elasticity, rebuilds skin cells, and promotes a healthy glow. Honey is a powerful antioxidant and antitoxin. When used together, they can produce some serious benefits, helping to tighten skin.

Mix one egg white with two tablespoons of honey and apply to your chest, face, and neck. After 15 minutes, rinse off with warm water.

4. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt helps to promote skin circulation and skin hydration. Both benefits are crucial in limiting skin sagging.

Add two cups of Epsom salt to a tub of warm water. Soak your body for about 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat twice a week.

5. Cucumber Juice

Cucumber is one of the best natural skin treatments in existence. It helps with skin re-hydration and can give life to even the most tired-looking skin.

To make a simple cucumber juice mix, grind half of a cucumber (including the skin) in a blender. Pour the mix into a strainer and collect the juices. Apply the juice to your body and leave it for 15 minutes. Repeat whenever desired.

6. Olive Oildetox your skin

We can trace the use of olive oil for medicinal purposes back to the ancient Egyptians. There’s a good reason for this; olive oil is an excellent antibacterial agent, cleanser, and moisturizer.

After your shower, massage olive oil onto your chest, face, and neck for a few minutes.

7. Witch Hazel

The plant witch hazel can help heal both aged and sun-damaged skin. When used regularly, it can help tighten skin by shrinking the pores and slowing the breakdown of restorative proteins.

Soak a cotton ball with witch hazel and apply liberally to your chest, face, and neck. Allow the product to dry for a full five minutes and repeat daily.

8. Yogurt Mask

Yogurt is rich in lactic acid – a natural skin-tightener and skin smoother. If you try this recipe, make sure to use a quality, sugar-free yogurt.

To create a good skin mask, combine 2 drops of lemon juice with 2 tablespoons of plain, sugar-free yogurt. Apply the mix to your chest, face, and neck and leave it for 10 minutes. Repeat twice per week.

9. Honey and Olive Oil

Combine the powerful antioxidant and moisturizing properties of honey and olive oil for some real health benefits that will also help tighten skin!

Mix three teaspoons of honey with three drops of olive oil and apply it to your chest, face, and neck. (You may also warm the mix for a few seconds in the microwave if you prefer.) Allow the mix to remain on your body for 15 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

10. Honey, Sour Cream, and Turmeric

Per Healthline: “[Turmeric’s] anti-inflammatory qualities can target your pores and calm the skin. [It] is also known to reduce scarring…” Sour cream is yet another dairy product that is rich in lactic acid and fat; it also stimulates collagen production.

For this recipe, mix one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of sour cream, and one teaspoon of turmeric powder. Apply the mix to your chest, face, and neck, and let it dry for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat down with a dry towel.

11. Weight training

Okay, so we’re stepping away from the kitchen and into the gym. Why? Because strength and weight training can improve the appearance of aging skin by hardening the muscles that support it.

Ideally, one should aim for a minimum of three days of weight training per week. It is not necessary to overexert yourself, as 30 minutes of simple, light exercises will suffice in tightening up your muscles.

Skin Care Tips You Need To Know About

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How to Teach Yourself to Stop Hating Exercise

Do you like to exercise? If so, you know that reaching this stage of enjoyment didn’t come naturally. After all, exercise requires extra will and effort – two things that 99 percent of us are short on. (Since work pretty much takes all the will and effort we can muster!)

The good news is, if you stick with it long enough, exercise hooks you. In fact, after the habit is established, we become pretty miserable if we don’t get our workout in. That’s because working out literally changes the neural pathways of the brain, resulting in a body that craves feel-good hormones released during exercise.

So, how do you teach yourself to like exercise?

“Fitness is my release from the stress of school and everyday life. If I am frustrated, angry, or just under a lot of pressure, working out helps calm my nerves. It gives me an outlet for all my emotions and makes me generally happier. It also gives me confidence…but also after I survive a really tough workout, I feel like I can accomplish any task put in front of me.” – ‘Jessie E.’, Portola Valley, California

1. Do something that you enjoy.

One of the most frustrating things that some fitness “experts” say is that you need to do specific exercises to stay in shape. This isn’t even remotely  accurate. Now, if you have the goal of, say, adding 10 pounds of muscle, a strict weight training regimen is in order. Likewise, if you want to run a 10-kilometer marathon, it’s a good idea to run according to a set schedule.

But if you merely want a lean and healthy body, playing a sport or finding an exercise routine that you enjoy is totally fine. Play basketball, go mountain biking, walk your dog, hike a trail, take tennis lessons. In short, staying active doesn’t require a gym membership or a personal trainer.

exercise quote

2. Look at the benefits

Even moderate physical activity provides a ton of health benefits. Physically, exercise improves muscle strength and boosts endurance. Regular exercise also increases blood circulation, delivering much-needed nutrients to your organs and strengthening every primary organ – especially the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Mentally, there is no better stress-buster than exercise. Working out enhances cerebral blood flow, improves memory, strengthens focus and concentration, and accelerates learning. Moderate exercise also provides us with a steady stream of “feel-good energy” to get us through the day.

3. Find the right environment

If you want to enjoy exercise, it is crucial to find the right workout environment for you. Some people swear by the gym; some love to get out into nature; others really don’t care about the environment as long as they break a sweat. Some people like working out alone. Others want an exercise buddy. You get the picture.

Also, don’t underestimate the importance of finding a comfortable place. Working out in the right environment for you will make exercise that much more enjoyable.

4. Listen to music

If you see a person exercising, there’s a good chance you’ll spot them wearing earplugs. It turns out that there’s a good reason: listening to music while working out is like gifting your brain with a double dose of dopamine.

Brain research shows that music affects your mood by stimulating the formation of brain chemicals in the pleasure-reward system (PRS). The PRS provides those butt-kicking feelings of drive and motivation we need to get through a tough workout.


5. Challenge yourself…but not too much

Some people start off way too fast, and then get discouraged when they can’t keep up with themselves. A few others start off way too slow, meandering around the gym without doing anything strenuous and then going home.

Begin at a pace that is challenging but doable. To the meanderers, you do know you’re paying for that membership, right? At least get on the treadmill and walk or something!

6. Stick with it

While we’ve given you some tips on how to learn to enjoy exercise, they won’t help unless you apply a bit of self-discipline. Even doing something you enjoy can be hard when you’re lying in a comfy bed within arm’s reach of the snooze button!

Keep it up, and before you know it, you won’t need an alarm clock. Your body will be up before your alarm – just aching to get your workout on!


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