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5 Early Warning Signs of Rosacea (and How to Treat It)

Many people don’t even know what rosacea is.

According to, in an NRS survey, 47 of almost 1,500 patients didn’t know what rosacea was before they were diagnosed. Rosacea is a skin condition that gives the skin an appearance of a blush or burn.

It can begin as a simple flush, but can last for long periods of time and, over time, develop bumps under the skin. It can also cause an itching, burning sensation and expose blood vessels. Thankfully, early warning signs of rosacea can help reveal the underlying cause so treatment can be sought out.

Here Are 5 Warning Signs of Rosacea


1. Small bumps on the face

In the beginning, many patients who suffer from rosacea develop small, pimple-like bumps on their face. These can often be mistaken for acne. As such, most patients and doctors overlook them in the beginning. However, if you’re past puberty and don’t have a history of acne, you might want to pay attention to what your face is telling you. These bumps will often feel warm to the touch, which is different from run-of-the-mill acne.

2. Flushed face

One of the biggest warning signs of rosacea is having a flushed face. It’s almost like blushing, but it comes on with no warning. Unlike a red face after a workout, rosacea flushing will happen anywhere, at any time. It usually comes on slowly, yet fades quickly. The skin will feel extremely feverish to the touch, and the redness can stay for ten minutes or longer before it begins to fade.

3. Red, swollen nose

Rosacea can cause swelling of the nose that might look similar to a severe sunburn, along with dry skin. If you’re not prone to being out in the sun for long, or don’t generally suffer from sunburns, rosacea might be the cause. The nose can grow red and swollen, with hard skin forming. The nose can also grow to look bulbous, so pay attention to this warning sign.

4. Inflamed blood vessels in the facehealth

Inflamed facial blood vessels is one of the earliest warning signs of rosacea, even before a flushed face or bumps under the skin. In the beginning, the blood vessels might be barely detectable underneath your skin. Over time, however, they can become inflamed, or raised up. Rosacea is almost always the cause of this symptom, so it’s important to take notice if this happens.

Swollen face

Swelling is never a good sign, and it can be a symptom of several issues. However, combined with redness, bumps, inflamed blood vessels, and hard skin around the cheeks and nose, a swollen face is one of the early signs of rosacea. The skin will get swollen, inflamed, and flushed. If your face has recently begun to swell up, as well as become hot and tender, you probably want to see a doctor about rosacea treatment.


Here Are 3 Ways to Treat Rosacea

Knowing the warning signs is important, but how does one treat rosacea? First, you’ll want to go to your doctor to get a proper diagnosis. After that, there are several ways that rosacea can be treated and relief can be found.

1. Topical medication

Doctors will often want to try a topical medication first (although medication is not the only route). They will tell you to apply these medications to the skin twice daily in order to control the redness and inflammation underneath the skin. Topical medications are very effective and can help control rosacea flare-ups and minimize the symptoms.

2. Laser treatments

For more severe cases of rosacea, “light pulse,” or laser treatments, can help control the redness and blood vessels in the face. While laser treatments can be uncomfortable, they do wonders to help improve the redness, complexion, and appearance of skin affected by rosacea, without medications that can affect you in other ways.

3. Sunscreen

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends sun protection whenever possible for those who suffer from rosacea. While using sunscreen isn’t the end-all-be-all treatment for rosacea, it can greatly help control flare-ups and keep the skin safe from the UV rays that can trigger the condition. Most people who suffer from rosacea have fair skin, so it’s important to keep that skin safe from harm. Applying daily sunscreen is usually recommended to reduce the redness and chances of flushing.

5 Behaviors That Reveal Verbal Abuse In A Relationship

In many cases, domestic or verbal abuse is something visible and physical – potentially causing physical injury. In some instances, however, it’s less obvious. At these times, recognizing verbal abuse isn’t always easy. How do you know if your feelings are valid when you’re feeling unsafe because of someone’s words instead of their actions?

5 Behaviors That Reveal Verbal Abuse

1. They take away your independence.

Signs of verbal abuse and manipulation can start off subtly. At first, it may not seem odd that your loved one is jealous when you’re with other friends or family members, but if they’re stopping you from leaving the house without them, you should step back and assess the situation.

According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, a verbally abusive loved one may also monitor your comings and goings. Additionally, they may tell you when you can or cannot leave the house, and even decide what you can wear. This controlling partner may diminish your independence in other ways as well, such as through overriding your choices or controlling your money. Sharing funds or a bank account is one thing, but your loved one should not be making all your financial choices or taking your money from you.

2. They intimidate or threaten you.

Unfortunately, some of the clearest signs of domestic abuse are the most dangerous. Threats and acts of intimidation from a loved one are unignorable. They are also unacceptable. You should never be in a position in which your loved one makes you feel unloved and unsafe. Even silent intimidation is considered verbal abuse. Body language makes up more than half of all communication, and intimidating body language is a major red flag in a relationship.

If a loved one is following or stalking you; looking at you or acting in ways that scare you; trapping you in your home; or damaging your things by throwing, kicking, or hitting when they are angry, seek help from someone you trust.

3. They pressure you into doing things you don’t want to do.

Coercion is another form of verbal abuse that may not be easily recognizable. Coercive loved ones might convince you that you owe them favors because of your relationship. If this is the case, you should look at the situation objectively and remind yourself that your first obligation is to yourself and your safety. If your loved one is pushing you to make a choice you don’t want to make or forcing you to have sex, know that they shouldn’t be making you do anything that goes against your personal comfort level.

4. They gaslight you.

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation used to make victims question themselves and their own sanity. If your loved one is gaslighting you, they may tell you blatant lies or say that you’re making up stories or imagining things. This exhausting, dangerous manipulation tactic takes place and grows over time. It might not be something that you notice at first.

We all occasionally feel we’re too sensitive or that we’re doing everything wrong; however, if you’re constantly second-guessing yourself because your abusive loved one questions your point of view, you may be the victim of gaslighting. Ask someone you trust for their objective opinion of the situation and remind yourself that you aren’t always wrong.

5. They make you feel worthless.

low self esteem

Offensive language and insults are more obvious signs of verbal abuse, but they aren’t the only routes your loved one may take to affect your thought patterns and sense of self. An abusive loved one may offhandedly tell you that you do everything wrong; or that you’re a bad child, significant other, or parent.

In addition, verbal abuse can be the absence of verbalizing. The “silent treatment” is a dangerous tool used to ignore the needs of another person that makes them feel as if they are not worth it.

This individual may also threaten to withhold attention or affection as punishment or humiliate you in front of friends and family. Try to remove yourself from these situations. Be positive about yourself and seek validation and refuge with supportive friends and family.
How To Deal With A Stubborn Partner In A Relationship

Final thoughts

“It amazes me when education, religion and family values fail to create a human being.” – Anum Sattar

Domestic or verbal abuse can be difficult for a victim to recognize, especially when it has yet to become physical. This is why knowing the signs of verbal abuse is so important. If you or someone you care about is in a potentially abusive relationship, seek out a path to safety.

Science Explains 10 Things That Cause an Overactive Bladder

What is an overactive bladder?

Overactive bladder, or OAB, is a group of urinary symptoms, the most common of which is a sudden urge to urinate that you can’t control. Many people with OAB also experience “incontinence” – the leaking of urine shortly after the symptoms surface.

The immediate need to urinate can be extremely disruptive to one’s life. For example, office jobs require workers to remain at their desk for an extended period of time, something that a person with OAB would surely find difficult to manage.

Overactive Bladder Affects Millions

Per the Urology Care Foundation, “Overactive bladder (OAB) is a common condition that affects millions of Americans … 33 million Americans have an overactive bladder (or) as many as 30% of men and 40% of women…” The Urology Care Foundation notes that most people who suffer from OAB do not seek help or treatment for their condition. If this is the case, it is likely that the actual number of Americans suffering from OAB are much higher.

overactive bladder

Understanding the Effects

Many people may downplay the effects of a condition such as OAB. This occurs despite research that shows the very real consequences of bladder disorders.

The Urology Care Foundation dispels numerous myths regarding OAB:

  • Affects both men and women, not just women.
  • Is not attributable to just “getting older.”
  • Doesn’t develop because of individual error.
  • Is separate from having an enlarged prostate.

The Foundation elaborates on complications of OAB that may arise:

“OAB can affect your relationships with your spouse and your family. It can (rob) you of a good night’s sleep. Too little sleep will leave you tired and depressed. In addition, if you leak urine, you may develop skin problems or infections.”

Contributing Factors to an Overactive Bladder or Similar Condition

Here are ten things that may cause or complicate OAB or a related condition:

1. Menopause

Menopause throws estrogen levels out of whack. More specifically, estrogen levels tend to plummet during menopause, weakening both the bladder and urethra muscles. The weakening of these muscles can cause urinary complications during menopause, including incontinence.

2. Pelvic Troubles

The pelvic floor consists of muscles supporting the bladder and urethra (among others). When the pelvic floor drops – usually the result of a medical disorder – bladder and bowel control problems often surface. Aging and childbirth are two leading causes of pelvic floor disorders.bladder

3. Diuretics

Certain over-the-counter pills increase the outflow of urine, causing symptoms similar to OAB. These include caffeine pills, water pills, sodium tablets, and others.

4. Bladder Fullness

If your bladder being full sounds like an overly-simplistic explanation, that’s because some people mistake it for an overactive bladder.  There are a few reasons why: drinking too much water, having a smaller bladder, too much caffeine or alcohol, or aging.

5. Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection (UTI) happens when bacteria from the bowel infiltrates the ureters, urethra, or kidneys. The result is an infection which causes inflammation and irritation of the bladder,  creating an intense sensation of needing to go to the bathroom.

6. Involuntary Contractions (SELF)

As fluids accumulate in the bladder, nerve signals from the bladder to the brain stimulates pelvic floor muscles and relaxes the urethra. The end result is involuntary contractions, causing the bladder muscles to expel urine, even when it’s not full. Leakages commonly result as well.

7. Pregnancy (HL)

Pregnancy causes expansion of the uterus, putting pressure on the bladder and causing an urge to urinate. Pregnant women often experience incontinence because of this pressure. Also, the woman may experience OAB symptoms after giving birth because the pelvic floor often weakens after pregnancy and childbirth. The good news is, these muscles can be strengthened again with regular exercise.

8. Diabetes (SELF)

A common symptom of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is the frequent need to urinate. Diabetes can trigger an overactive bladder because of a buildup of sugar in the blood, requiring the kidneys to work harder. Whenever the kidneys are in overdrive mode, the result is almost always more frequent visits to the toilet.

9. Urinary Obstructions (HL)

Blockages within the urinary tract may cause symptoms mirroring those of OAB. Bladder stones or an enlarged prostate can interfere with the normal functioning of the urinary stream. In rare cases, tumors may develop in obstructed areas.

10. Neurological Conditions

Certain neurological conditions can interrupt signaling between the body’s nerves and the bladder muscles. Multiple Sclerosis (MS), stroke, and Parkinson’s disease are three such disorders. Nerve damage – including trauma to the abdomen, pelvis, or spine, or brain or spinal cord infections – can also lead to OAB.

overactive bladder

Final Thoughts: Know the Triggers of OAB

Per Healthline, there are many possible triggers for OAB and the frequent need to urinate. These include:

  • constipation
  • consuming too much alcohol or caffeine
  • eating acidic foods
  • not consuming enough dietary fiber
  • not drinking enough water

Making healthy lifestyle choices helps you maintain a healthy bladder. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a well-balanced diet, and exercising regularly is vital. If your symptoms disrupt your daily life, seek the guidance of a medical professional.

6 Ingredients to Never Put on Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can be difficult to manage if you don’t know what things can cause an outbreak. When it comes to skincare, you have to be careful about the things you put on your skin. If you have dry or sensitive skin, you might want to avoid a medley of things your skin might come into contact with every day.

While some things may seem good for your skin, people with sensitive skin could easily suffer an adverse reaction to these very products. Dermatologists list a variety of things that people with sensitive skin should avoid in order to keep their skin soft and healthy.

Here Are 6 Ingredients to Never Put on Sensitive Skin

1. Dyes

While most clothing contains dyes of some sort, you should do your best to avoid getting these dyes onto your skin. Make sure to wash all your new clothes when you get them from the store, as this will remove excess dye from the factory out of the fabric.

Not only should you avoid dye from clothing, but you should also avoid hair dyes. Permanent hair dye colors tend to have ingredients that cause irritation to sensitive skin. Dark hair dye colors, especially, can often cause an allergic reaction in someone who has sensitive skin. If you’re looking to dye your hair, consider hypoallergenic or natural hair dye methods. Natural dyes such as henna may not last as long, but they will be healthier for sensitive skin in the long run.

2. Essential Oils

Even though essential oils are supposed to be “all natural,” they can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. Essential oils are incredibly concentrated, and for this reason should never be used without first diluting them. This also goes for people who don’t have sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin or any form of allergy, you should avoid using essential oils, even if they’re diluted.

3. Exfoliants

If you’re looking to get excess matter or dead skin off your body, you would do well to be careful about the products you choose. Many dermatologists suggest that using gentle exfoliants can be good for people with sensitive skin, especially ones that have citrus in them. Chemical exfoliants can cause allergic reactions or other problems in skin that is sensitive. It might be better to use an exfoliating sponge along with soap and warm water, rather than using an actual exfoliant product.

4. Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil might work well on your skin, but if you have sensitive skin or pores that are easily clogged, avoid using Vitamin E oil on your face. When you have sensitive skin, Vitamin E oil might cause an allergic reaction, such as a rash. Vitamin E oil benefits the skin of some people, but you should still try to steer clear of using this product on the face.

5. Chemical Sunscreens

Did you know that you can find sunscreens that don’t include harsh chemicals? People likely don’t worry about the sunscreen they put on their skin, since it’s supposed to help them avoid getting burned in the first place. After all, how bad could skin protection be? For people with sensitive skin, the very products that they’re using to keep their skin safe might actually be causing problems. Dr. Ellen Marmur, a dermatologist, suggests avoiding sunscreen with chemicals like Oxybenzone, Avobenzone, Homosalate, and similar chemicals.

6. Fragrances

If you have sensitive skin, avoid products with fragrances. This doesn’t simply mean perfumes, either. Lotions, soaps, shampoos, and perfumes are frequently made with fragrances. The chemicals used to make our skin products smell nice can cause allergic reactions or other issues. Try to avoid scented skin products to keep your skin safe.sensitive skin detox

Final thoughts

Your skin is the largest organ on your body. Keeping your skin healthy is an important part of caring for your body. Healthy skin is just as important as eating right and exercising regularly. You might not have realized that so many things that should be “good” for your skin can cause issues if you have sensitive skin. The above list reveals the top things to avoid if you’re experiencing outbreaks, redness, or allergic reactions on your skin.

“Take good care of your skin and hydrate. If you have good skin, everything else will fall into place.” – Liya Kebede

Skin Care Tips You Need To Know About

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10 Early ADHD Symptoms to Never Ignore

ADHD isn’t just something that affects children. While it starts in childhood, ADHD is a developmental disorder that follows children into adulthood. What is ADHD, exactly and what are the signs? ADHD stands for “Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.”  ADHD comes in three different types: inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive. While it’s possible to have one, the other, or all three, all forms are underneath the ADHD umbrella.

It’s important to know the early signs of ADHD so that both children and adults can get help and treatment for it as soon as possible. While most adults learn to function with their ADHD without ever being diagnosed, it’s always best to know so that ADHD can be managed.

Here Are 10 Early Warning Symptoms of ADHD to Never Ignore

“Living with ADHD is like being locked in a room with 100 Televisions and 100 Radios all playing. None of them have power buttons so you can turn them off and the door is locked from the outside.” – Sarah Young

1. Trouble focusing

According to the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH), having trouble focusing is one of the biggest indicators that someone has ADHD. In children, this often manifests as trouble focusing on school work or other activities that the child doesn’t consider to be fun. In adults, most people with ADHD tend to have trouble focusing on their workload. If you notice that your child has issues keeping their attention on one thing at a time, it might be best to see about ADHD testing. The same goes for yourself.

2. Doing poorly in some subjects but excelling in others

For children who are still in school, one of the biggest warning signs of ADHD is inconsistencies with their school work. Most children who have ADHD excel in things like art, history, and English. They also tend to need extra help in subjects like math and science. Most people think that children just need to apply themselves, but there may be another reason for poor grades and low scores in tests.

3. Daydreaming

Spacing out or daydreaming is one of the classic signs of ADHD in both children and adults. If your child is having trouble staying focused and seems to always be off in their own head, then it’s possible they might have ADHD. Again, the same option should be considered for adults who have ADHD. If you find yourself constantly daydreaming and using escapist fantasies to make it through the day, you might want to talk to someone about the possibility of ADHD.

4. Hyperactivity

While this is only applicable to people with either combined-type ADHD or hyperactive ADHD, this is still a major warning sign. In children, this often includes being unable to sit still, jiggling legs, acting disruptive in class, or constantly having to be told to sit down and pay attention. In adults, this can include constantly jumping from task to task, or a consistent need to always be multitasking.

5. Problems following instructions

NIMH says that children with ADHD usually have problems following their teacher’s instructions in class. Adults may have the same issue as well but tend to be able to manage better than children. If teachers are having a hard time getting a child to follow the instructions, it’s probably because that child is having a hard time paying attention.

6. Auditory processing issues

Auditory processing issues happen in both children and adults with ADHD. It’s similar to being hard of hearing, but there are no physical problems with the ears. What this means is that a child may have trouble hearing or understanding what someone is saying if they are in a crowded or loud environment. However, they will be able to hear perfectly fine in a quiet space. According to the NIMH, this may look like a child ignoring an adult when being spoken to directly, but this is not really the case.

7. Sensitivity to criticism

Rejection-sensitive dysphoria is a term used for people who experience extreme distress when giving criticism. This is especially common in people who have ADHD. If you notice that your child becomes upset beyond the reasonable amount when criticized or corrected, this very well might be the reason.

8. Extreme emotions

Along with sensitivity to criticism, one of the early warning signs of ADHD is extreme emotions. They may have trouble regulating their emotions, which can cause an outburst of anger or sadness. Compounded with hyperactivity, an ADHD child may throw tantrums at a much higher rate than a child without ADHD.adhd

9. Hyperfocus

On the opposite end of being unable to focus, people with ADHD have a tendency to hyperfocus on things that they find enjoyable. A child with ADHD may watch the same cartoon over and over or listen to the exact same song for hours on end. Adults with ADHD will do the same thing, and many don’t even realize that it’s a symptom of ADHD.

10. Disorganization

Both children and adults with ADHD will display this sign. Children with ADHD will often have a difficult time staying organized. Their rooms may become messier than normal, and they don’t have a system of organization. Adults with ADHD will have messy desks, rooms, and houses. There’s very little ability to organize in people with ADHD.

Final thoughts

Being the parent of a child with ADHD can feel daunting, especially before you know the warning signs. Likewise, growing up without knowing why your brain behaves the way it does can make everyday tasks seem monumental. The truth is, ADHD is entirely manageable – both with and without medication! All it takes is knowing the right tools to work around a brain that works just a little differently than others.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Easy Ways to Remove Mucus and Phlegm Naturally

Here’s something interesting to get us started: did you know that phlegm and mucus are not the same? It’s true.

The mucus gives us that dreaded sinus congestion when we suffer from a nasty cold. Phlegm settles in the respiratory system and makes its presence known when we cough or wheeze.

While undoubtedly gross, both substances serve essential (relatively similar) purposes, especially regarding safeguarding our health. Mucus is responsible for cleansing and moisturizing the nasal passages, humidifying the air we breathe, and filtering out particles such as dust and dirt. Both slimy concoctions are critical for protecting our respiratory organs, such as our lungs. They also contain antibodies and are natural anti-bacterial – both essential for fighting infections.

Although the only time we think about mucus is when we’re sick, our body produces about one-and-a-half liters of the stuff every day. Some illnesses boost mucus production and alter its consistency, making it all but impossible to ignore. (The miserable, stuffed-up feeling that colds provide is the physical manifestation of such alterations.)

What Causes the Overproduction of Mucus and Phlegm?

Illnesses are not the only thing that causes mucus and phlegm output. A variety of factors that might increase your body’s production of mucus and phlegm include:

  • a cold or flu
  • certain foods and beverages; dairy products, caffeine, soy, and spicy foods are the most common.
  • a post-nasal drip
  • pregnancy
  • seasonal allergies
  • throat disorders

Although a nuisance, having excess mucus and phlegm is rarely a serious medical problem. While there is no shortage of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, you can also naturally cut down the mucus and phlegm your body produces.

Here are five simple ways to remove mucus and phlegm naturally:

excessive mucus

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

For the unaware, apple cider vinegar (for brevity, ACV) is one of the most powerful, natural antibacterial agents. A couple of tablespoons throughout the day can help prevent excess phlegm production and promote a healthy pH balance. As ACV tends to be potent, mixing the product with water may help it be more palatable.

2. Air Humidifiers

Dry air can produce a whole bunch of nasty sinus and throat symptoms. As outside temperatures drop, we use our heating systems a bit more – which comes at a cost (literally and figuratively). Heaters dry out the air, producing symptoms such as dry eyes, skin, a sore throat, and even asthma!

Air humidifiers counteract dry air’s effects, allowing us to be a bit more comfortable. We’re also less prone to illness. Oh, if you don’t have an air humidifier – don’t worry – take a nice, hot shower or soak in a tub.

3. Ginger Tea

Ginger is an incredibly versatile ingredient. It’s a natural antioxidant, anti-bacterial, and – for this article – excellent decongestant.  Ginger helps to soothe your chest and throat by drying out the water-laden mucus and phlegm. Research also shows how it supports lung health.

Here’s a quick four-step ginger tea recipe:

  1. Start with a 2-cup measuring beaker, and put in some grated ginger.
  2. Fill to the 1 ½-cup line with boiling water.
  3. Allow to sit for 10 minutes.
  4. After ten minutes, strain the water into a large mug. (You may want to add a bit of honey, sugar, or a similar substance for sweetness.)

4. Honey and Lemon

Both honey and lemon are great for fighting mucus and phlegm overload. Lemon is packed with vitamin C, which also boosts the immune system. Secondly, vitamin C can serve as an excellent preventative measure for congestion.

Honey is a favorite of cold sufferers because it adds flavors to every beverage, and you don’t have to worry about any adverse effects of refined sugar. Honey also contains potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which are excellent when battling congestion.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric is a fantastic spice. The bioactive ingredient of turmeric – curcumin – provides over 150 potentially therapeutic properties including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and cancer-fighting elements.

Perhaps curcumin’s most potent effect is as an anti-bacterial. Relatedly, mucus and phlegm are heavily concentrated with bacteria (and viruses), making adding curcumin a great choice. Curcumin is most commonly sold as an additive in turmeric but can also be purchased individually as a supplement.

health quotes

Final Thoughts on Eliminating Mucus So You Will Feel Better

While it’s nice to know that the phlegm and mucus in our bodies are working for our benefit, we can all appreciate knowing we have the option to reduce the number of times we have to pull out that handkerchief or tissue to stifle a sniffle. Stay happy and healthy!

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