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10 Traits of Someone With True Integrity

Integrity, as defined by the dictionary, is “the quality of being honest or having strong moral principles.” People with integrity are generally known to be trustworthy, honest, and kind. This is a quality that everyone should strive for.

Everyone should strive to surround themselves with people who have true integrity. How can you tell that someone has what is considered true integrity?

It isn’t something that can be faked, but there are some ways to tell that someone has real integrity and are not just faking it.

10 Behaviors That Signify Someone Has True Integrity

Here are the main behaviors that reveal if someone has the kind of integrity you want in a friend or coworker.

true integrity

1. Taking responsibility for their actions

Integrity is all about having a high level of honesty. When someone takes responsibility for their actions, you know that they are an honest person. It’s not always easy to take responsibility for things that happen, but it is the right thing to do.

People with integrity choose to do the right thing, even when it’s hard.

2. Putting others’ needs above their own

In a world that is so focused on individualism, it can be rare to find someone who focuses on what’s good for the collective community. People who put the needs of others above their own needs or desires show true integrity. Of course, they don’t do this simply to get praise and recognition. Someone with true integrity is only interested in doing the right thing.

3. Offering to help others in need

Seth Meyers, Psy.D, says that volunteer work is a great place to find people who have integrity. This is because people with true integrity have no qualms offering their time to help people in need. They want to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. What is more, they do so happily.

Whether it’s working with others to build a house in a developing country, or helping out at the local food bank, someone with true integrity will be found helping those in need.

4. Giving others the benefit of the doubt

Seth Meyers also says that someone with integrity doesn’t jump to conclusions. They always give others the chance to explain themselves, and move forward considering those other points of view. Someone with integrity knows that things aren’t always as they seem and that each person has a unique point of view that deserves to be heard. As such, they choose to give the benefit of the doubt instead of doubting.

5. Choosing honesty in all things

Little white lies can be tempting, but someone with true integrity doesn’t give in to this particular impulse. Integrity means being honest, and someone with true integrity will live this quality every day.

You can always trust these kinds of people to give you their honest opinion, and it will be a point of view that you can value.

6. Showing respect to everyone

Respect is often considered something that must be earned, but someone with integrity gives respect to everyone they meet. Someone with true integrity knows that everyone deserves respect and deserves to be treated like a human being.

People with true integrity will never be caught being rude to waiters or customer service workers.

7. Manifesting humility

A person with integrity will be proud of their accomplishments, but they will at the same time be humble. In other words, they know the difference between confidence and arrogance. A person with true integrity will know their strengths as well as their shortcomings. They recognize their strong points, yet they’re always striving to better themselves in some way.

8. Being able to admit they’re wrong

Who likes to admit they have been wrong? It isn’t fun, and it can be a humbling experience. But a person with true integrity has no problem admitting when they’re wrong, or when they made a mistake. You will find they are always the first to stop, admit their mistakes, and apologize if need be.compassion for mental illness

9. Showing regular reliability

A person with true integrity will always show up to an obligation. When they say you can count on them for something, you know they will keep their word. Integrity is all about being the best person you can be, and reliability is part of that. People with true integrity will never flake on you if they can help it. You can confidently rely on them.

10. Conveying true kindness

Above all, people with integrity are kind. They’re not the type of person to say something they don’t mean. They won’t say something nice to your face and something cruel to your back. A person with true integrity knows that there is strength in being unrelentingly kind.

Final Thoughts on Identifying True Integrity

“Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.” – Oprah Winfrey

Integrity is a trait that everyone should strive for. These traits and behaviors will help anyone move towards becoming a person with true integrity. Of course, people with true integrity do these things because it’s the right thing – not to be praised for their integrity! That is part of the beauty of someone who lives a life of integrity.

How To Be Positive In 10 Easy Steps

When it comes to learning how to be positive, you may think that you should be happier more often. However, being happy and being positive are not always the same thing. There are several ways you can practice positivity even when you’re going through a challenging time in life. Researchers even suggest that we can cope with life more effectively by thinking positively and managing our emotions. It’s also important not to suppress your feelings and to work through negativity in order to live a more positive life. Here are some tips that could prove helpful when learning how to be positive.

1. Learn to Accept Things 

Address the issues that you’re facing in life and accept where you are. Be honest about your negative feelings or thoughts and if you don’t enjoy what’s going on in your life, make the decision to change things.

Try not to be hard on yourself when you don’t feel your best. While you can’t control all the things that happen to you, you can control the way you respond to life’s situations. Become aware of the ways that you reduce stress and practice healthy habits. For instance, if you find that meditating or spending time alone is helpful, make time for this. If you are able to gain new perspective when you spend time with loved ones, make your social life a priority.

2. Set Goals

When you want to have a more positive outlook, it’s important to set goals. Making goals can make you feel hopeful about the future and will give you confidence about your purpose. This is especially true if you set goals that are in line with your values. Be as detailed as possible with your goals and remember to start small so that you won’t get overwhelmed. For instance, if your goal is to eat healthier, start by adding one vegetable side dish to your meals per week, then increase your intake of nutritious foods from there.

3. Meditate

Compassion meditation, known as “metta bhavana”, will help you to see the positivity in various aspects of life. With this form of meditation, you’ll be utilizing the love you feel for those who are important to you to others in the world. You’ll also learn how to effectively recover from tragedy or negative circumstances and you’ll likely see an improvement in your relationships after only a few weeks of practicing metta bhavana.

Meditation is good for your mental state as well. Studies have proven that meditation can help to reduce depression symptoms, and being compassionate toward others can help you to show yourself more compassion.

4. Write In a Journal

According to research, you need to balance your thoughts by having three positive thoughts each time something negative comes into your mind. Maintaining a journal can help you do this. Writing in your journal regularly will also make it easier for you to focus your energy on the positive things in your life. Writing things down will also help you to remember them.

Even if you write about negative experiences in your journal, don’t focus so much on the experiences themselves. Instead, write about your emotions regarding the situation as a way to help you process your feelings without holding on to the negativity.

5. Be Grateful

Remember that gratitude is an action word and isn’t just an emotion. Gratitude helps you to have a healthier mindset and can even improve your relationships, since you’ll learn how to see the bright side of things and become more patient with the people you love the most.

You can practice more gratitude by not feeling or behaving as though you are entitled in your relationships. Be grateful for the time that your friends and relatives invest in you, and do your best to show them mutual love and respect. It’s also helpful to be grateful for the little things in life so you’ll learn not to take the great things in your life for granted.

6. Affirm Yourself

It may seem a little corny to talk to yourself or to be your own cheerleader, but this can definitely help you to be more positive and feel happier day by day. However, when you speak positive words, you are more likely to think fulfilling thoughts. The more you affirm yourself, the stronger the “short-cut” in your brain, which means you will be more likely to default to positive thinking instead of having to work hard to make yourself see the bright side of life.

When learning how to be positive, repeating affirmations to yourself can also reduce depression and anxiety and enhance the function of the immune system. So, when you remind yourself that you are smart, capable and able to conquer anything that comes your way, you are actually improving your health.

7. Be Optimistic

Research from the 1970s found that people who were lottery winners weren’t any happier than people who didn’t have such good luck. This is due to the fact that humans have a happiness baseline, which means that after extremely happy or sad events take place in our lives, we return to our comfortable state of happiness.

It has also been proven that even if you have a naturally low baseline, you can learn to develop the power of positivity. When you learn how to be positive and are optimistic, you are likely to have a more enhance sense of well-being and increased self-esteem. This also changes the way you look at the world, and keeps you from blaming yourself for things that you can’t control. However, it’s important not to adopt blind optimism, since this could lead to disappointment later. For instance, when you’re just starting a new career or creative venture, don’t expect to be an expert right away. Rather, be upbeat about your potential and do your best, while being focused on your goals and being patient with yourself.

how to be positive

Change Your Negative Outlook to Positive

When learning how to feel happier and more positive, don’t use avoidance as a way to cope with negative experiences. While this may be natural to do because tragedies are painful and embarrassing, but when you ignore these situations, you cripple yourself and become less able to deal with the ups and downs of life. By adopting positive thinking, you can learn from your past and avoid certain mistakes in the future. Thinking about failures as an opportunity to try again and developing a positive attitude can also make you more determined, and you’ll be even more fulfilled when things actually work in your favor after you’ve put in the hard work.

8. Get Active

When learning how to be positive, it’s important to realize that your body and mind are very closely connected. If you have a hard time feeling positive on a regular basis, try getting more physically active. According to Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist, your posture can even change the way your body processes stress hormones. Try the “power pose,” in which you stick your chest forward and hold your shoulders back, looking straight ahead.

9. Smile More

Research suggests that when you smile, even if you don’t feel happier, your brain gets the message that you’re in a good mood and motivates you into having a positive attitude. When you engage in the duchenne smile, which activates the mouth and eye muscles, you’ll get even more benefits. People who spent more time smiling while undergoing uncomfortable or painful medical treatments were even reported to feel less pain.

10. Look Your Best

Did you know that according to a study, people who put on lab coats before performing a simple scientific experiment did better on the experiment than people who didn’t? This means part of the power of positivity is finding clothing that makes you look and feel great to give yourself a boost of creativity and positivity. It’s also important for you to take care of your body to increase your confidence, but don’t get stuck on trying to reach a certain weight. As you see your body change for the better, remember that a number is not indicative of your worth.

Working  Out makes you feel happier

Your body releases endorphins when you exercise, and these chemicals make your mind and body feel great. Exercise also helps you to rid your mind and body of anxiety and depression. Even if you exercise moderately for about 30 minutes on a regular basis, you’re likely to feel calmer and more relaxed. Even tending to your garden can have this effect, of you can engage in practices like tai chi, yoga and meditation.

8 Sciatica Stretches That Prevent and Relieve Hip and Lower Back Pain

If you have lower back pain, you are not alone. Most people, especially those with sedentary lifestyles, sometimes experience lower back pain. In some cases this might be a result of sciatic nerve pain. This often leaves people debating the question, what is the most effective pain relief for sciatica? The best thing to do is talk to your doctor about various pain relief methods and physical therapy, but many stretches and sciatica exercises can significantly lessen sciatic pain.

The enjoyment of stretching may amaze anyone who has never tried it. The intense pain of sciatica may inspire a willingness to experiment with a new approach to pain relief. Your body’s longest nerve is the sciatic, extending from the spine through the buttocks and legs. Usually affecting only one side, it reacts negatively to tight and stiff muscles that press on it. These sciatica stretches make your muscles feel good, but you must stop doing anything that hurts.

1. Sciatica Mobilizing Stretch


The first of these sciatic nerve stretches is sciatica mobilizing stretch. Lie on a yoga mat with your knees bent and a cushion or hard pillow under your head. Bring one knee toward your chest and hold it with both hands. Slowly extend your leg upward for a count of 30 and return to original position. Straighten the leg that remains on the mat as much as you can comfortably do, or you may put a pillow under that opposite knee for support. Repeat three times for each leg while taking deep breaths throughout the exercise.

2. Both Knees to Chest Sciatica Stretches

sciatica stretch

Lie on a yoga mat with a cushion or firm pillow under your head. Place your hands on both knees and slowly bring them toward your chest. Hold the stretch for a count of 30 and return to the original position. Repeat the exercise three times, and make sure to take deep breaths throughout your exercise period.

3. Piriformis Muscle Stretch

piriformis stretch

Lie on your back on a yoga mat with comfortable support for your head. Bring both legs into a bent-knee position. Cross one leg on the opposite knee. Grasp the thigh of the leg that has a foot on the floor. Exert a gentle pull to move it toward your chest until you feel a stretch in your butt on the side of the elevated leg. Hold the stretch for a count of 30 and return to the original position. Perform this stretch three times for each leg.

4. Cat-Camel Poses


Straighten your arms directly below your shoulders from a position of all fours on your yoga mat. Align your knees with your hips. Exert pressure on your abdominal muscles and gently push your back upward to create an arch like a cat for the first part of the exercise. The stretch works best when your head points downward toward the mat. Maintain the pose for a count of 10 and return to the original position.Lower the middle of your back into a reversed arch for the second part of the stretch. Keep your head up to help deepen the stretch and hold the pose for a count of 10. The up and down movement of your spine provides the stretch, and you need to keep your arms straight. Repeat the cat-camel stretch 12 times.

5. Standing Hamstring Sciatica Stretches

sciatica stretches

The next of our sciatica exercises is a standing hamstring stretch. From an erect starting position with your feet together, stand in front of a sturdy table, bench or ledge that is about hip-width high. Lift one leg and let your heel rest on the object before you. You need to keep your legs straight without locking your knees. Bend forward at your waist while keeping your spine straight. You reach the right level when you feel a stretch in the back of the elevated leg. Maintain this pose for 30 seconds and then release to the original position. Repeat the exercise three times for each leg.

6. Frog Pose (Advanced)

sciatica stretch

Start by getting down on all fours on the width instead of the length of your yoga mat. Place your hands on the floor as you slowly widen your knees. Keep the inside of the calf and foot of each leg touching the floor. Gradually lower your body down to your forearms. Hold the pose for 30 seconds for a series of three stretches.

7. Two Knee Twist


Lie on your back on your yoga mat with your knees bent and a pillow to support your head. Spread your arms to each side to form a T shape and keep your shoulders flat. Slowly rotate your knees to the left and hold for a count of 60 before switching sides. Repeat the stretch three times.

8. Child’s Pose


Get down on your hands and knees with your hands out in front of the yoga mat. Slowly extend your hands forward as you lower your body into a crouch.

These top 8 sciatica stretches should help you with your sciatica pain, whether it is hip pain or lower back pain, if you maintain your stretching routine.

sciatica stretches back pain

Related: 5 Signs Your Back Pain Is Actually Sciatica Pain (And How to Reverse It)


5 Things You Should Keep Secret About Your Marriage

Some things that happen in a marriage should stay in the marriage. In other words, other people don’t need to be privy to the details. Sure, it can be tempting to tell your friends everything that happens in your marriage; however, sharing the secrets of your marriage can cause undue stress. It can even put an unhealthy strain on your marriage. Relationship experts have a helpful list of “secrets” in your marriage. These are things that should always stay between you and your spouse.

“The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.” – Henny Youngman

Here Are 5 Marriage Secrets to Never Tell Anyone


1. Private Photos

This one should be self-explanatory, but some people don’t realize that revealing photos should never be shared outside your marriage. Even if you think your spouse looks really good in the sexy selfies they send you, you shouldn’t be showing them to other people. There should be certain boundaries that you have with your spouse, as well as with other people. Secrets that should be kept between you and your spouse include anything that has to do with their body, especially on an intimate level.

2. Money problems

Nothing can put pressure on a marriage faster than money problems. Most people don’t want to admit that they’re having money problems. Even though it might be tempting to complain about financial issues to your friends, try to keep such matters to yourself. You and your spouse can work out a financial plan without having other people inject their opinions on your financial situation. While you might want to vent to your friends about money problems, this can cause more issues than it solves. Terri Orbuch, Ph.D., says that talking to your spouse about money issues is the best way to release related tensions. Set aside “neutral time” to talk about money problems, rather than setting aside “friend time” and discussing something that should remain confidential in your marriage.

3. Details of arguments

Arguments and disagreements are entirely normal in a relationship. You’ll likely agree that sometimes the arguments aren’t even worth the breath we use to fight them. But, that’s just life! The important part is knowing how to compromise and work through a disagreement. Once the fight is over, there’s no reason to drag it back to the surface. That includes talking about the argument with your friends and family and hashing out the details of the disagreement. Not only will it probably upset you all over again, but if your partner isn’t there to put up any defense, you could be giving the wrong perception of your spouse to friends and family.

4. Your sex life

Television and movies make it seem like everyone talks about their sex life with their friends. This is a marriage secret that should definitely be kept between you and your spouse. Again, this is an issue of boundaries. You want to ensure your spouse feels safe sharing all levels of intimacy with you. You never know if the things you tell your friends will get back around to your spouse. If so, this can cause a lot more issues than you might have anticipated. Don’t give in to the temptation to complain or brag about your sex life to your friends. If you and your spouse face issues in your sex life, Laurie Wilson, a certified sex therapist, suggests seeing a counselor for help. Sex therapy can be beneficial, as it is a form of talk therapy that can help couples navigate problems in their sex lives.

5. What your partner really thinks of them

marriage quote

If you’re in a relationship that your family might not approved of, there’s no reason to fuel the fire by sharing how your spouse really feels about them. The same goes for your friends. In a perfect world, everyone would get along with your spouse. But with different personalities clashing from time to time, it’s just not realistic that everyone will “just get along.” If your partner and one of your friends generally don’t see eye to eye, you probably don’t want to tell your friend what your partner said in confidence about them. The same also goes for keeping quiet about what your friends and family think of them. There’s only going to be unnecessary drama when that happens.

Final Thoughts on the Things to Keep Secret in Your Marriage

Secrets aren’t always a bad thing. Keeping them between yourself and your partner can ensure the relationship doesn’t face any more outside stress factors that will naturally arise in any committed relationship. Your friends and family don’t have to know every detail of your marriage. Some things are better left unsaid!


3 Differences Between a Narcissist and a Sociopath

Narcissist or sociopath?  Both of these words bring up ideas of villainous, abusive people that most people think they can spot just by looking at them. However, both narcissists and sociopaths are very good at hiding their true intentions. For the most part, people aren’t able to tell the differences between these kinds of people.

Today, the term sociopath is casually tossed around. It’s often used to describe someone who lacks a conscience or acts hatefully. Similarly, the term narcissist gets thrown around, labeling anyone who acts selfishly or aggressively. Maybe watching too many television dramas have contributed to people making these quick diagnoses. But, it’s important to understand the true meaning of these two terms before you label a co-worker, friend, or family member as having one of these personality disorders. So, let’s examine the definitions of a narcissist and a sociopath and see the difference between the two of them.

What is a narcissist?

Studies define narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) as having a pattern of self-absorption, grandiosity, a lack of empathy with the need for admiration. Common characteristics of a narcissist include

  • Over-inflated view of self: Exaggerates their achievements, need to be recognized above others, wanting praise for things they didn’t really do.
  • Feel they are unique: They need to hang out with special people or groups they perceive as like themselves. They feel like they are special people with unique looks, talents, and abilities.
  • Fantasizes about their power: Narcissists are reoccupied with beauty, success, and perfect love. They feel like they deserve these things in their life.
  • Must be admired: They have a strong need to be praised, and if they aren’t, they get angry and vindictive.
  • Sense of entitlement: A narcissist expects to be treated differently than others. They are unreasonable in their expectations of how they should be treated.
  • Exploits: A narcissist will exploit others to achieve their goals. They don’t mind cheating to reach their goal.
  • Lack of sympathy: Narcissists are unempathetic.
  • Envy: Assumes people are envious of them, but in reality, they’re envious of others.
  • Haughty and arrogant: They feel like they’re better than others.


It’s important to never jump to quick conclusions about someone being a narcissist. It takes years of evaluation to diagnose NPD truly. There must be a thorough examination of a person’s entire life and childhood to get an accurate diagnosis.

pop memeWhat is a sociopath?

The term sociopath is used to describe a group of antisocial behaviors. Sociopaths are unable to show loyalty to people or social values. They’re extremely selfish, hard-hearted, irresponsible, and impulsive. A sociopath feels no guilt or remorse. They rationalize their behavior, typically blaming others for what they’ve done.

Some other characteristics of sociopaths include the following:

  • Understand other’s feelings but don’t care how they feel
  • Angry, impulsiveness and easily angered
  • Raging fits or meltdowns
  • Know what they’re doing is wrong, but make excuses for this behavior.
  • Can’t function in a regular job
  • Can’t handle family life
  • Have the ability to have friends or lovers, but it’s hard for them.

Sociopaths clearly have an antisocial personality disorder (APD). Sometimes the terms sociopath and psychopath are used interchangeably, but they are totally different disorders. Here television has done a disservice because upon hearing the term sociopath, many people assume this person is a mass murderer.

High functioning versus low functioning sociopaths

Part of the confusion about sociopath terminology is that there are two sociopaths: low functioning and low functioning sociopaths.

Low-functioning sociopaths show little to no social skills.  They often lack education, interpersonal skills and can be deceptive. They’re given to threatening, manipulation, and intimidation to get what they want.

You might not identify a high-functioning sociopath right away. They’ve adapted well socially and can function at work or school. Characteristics of a high functioning sociopath include

  • Every intelligent: They are brilliant, with an incredibly high IQ. Because of this, they are good at manipulating and persuading people to do what they want.
  • Lack of empathy: They may be confused with narcissists, and they could have some narcissistic tendencies. They don’t like worrying about how people feel and don’t really care how they affect others.
  • Driven and determined: Sociopaths have a strong will and value their knowledge and ability. This is, again, similar to a narcissist.
  • Secretive: High-functioning sociopaths don’t reveal much about themselves to others.
  • Charmers: They don’t like to be around people, but they can be charming when needed. They have good social skills and use them to manipulate.
  • Defensive: These folks are highly sensitive, quick to be angry if they don’t feel like others give them the approval they need.
  • Addictive behavior: High functioning sociopaths lean towards addictive behaviors. They can be compulsive gamblers, alcoholics, drug users, and sex addicts.

Is there a difference between a narcissist and a sociopath?

Researchers say NPD and ASP have a few overlapping characteristics, but they are really distinct conditions. The biggest difference is that narcissists tend to be more grandiose and exaggerate their abilities by seeing themselves as superior. This isn’t the case with sociopaths. Sociopaths aren’t necessarily violent people.

Once again, it’s unhelpful to give an off-the-cuff diagnosis of a sociopath to a co-worker, friend, or family member. Doctors who professionally diagnose these conditions take their time giving tests, looking at their lives and childhood. Everyone’s body has quirky characteristics of some sort. Be sure you’re not giving in to work gossip or quick judgments about others.

Here Are 3 Major Differences between a Narcissist and a Sociopath

Relationships with both narcissists and sociopaths can skew towards abusive. As such, it’s important to be able to tell the differences between these harmful personalities. Psychologists who have been studying these kinds of behaviors enable us to understand the differences between a narcissist and a sociopath.

“While sociopaths qualify as narcissists, not all narcissists are sociopaths. What drives them differs.” – Darlene Lancer, LMFT

1. A narcissist has an inflated sense of self-worth or importance

Whether or not the narcissist’s self-importance is apparent, they believe they are the most important person to walk into a room. They feel that everyone should respect them (usually above all others) and that everything they have to say is worth hearing. Narcissists often talk over people, forcing their narrative into a conversation. What is more, they clearly consider theirs the most important viewpoint.

In their own mind, the narcissist is the only one whose opinion matters. Anyone who dismisses them has not been “enlightened” to their truth.

A sociopath is more likely to want to get to know you.

The sociopath is much more likely to want to talk about you instead of having an inflated sense of self-importance. This is because a sociopath thrives on their ability to manipulate other people. They need to know all of your vulnerabilities to manipulate you. In this way, sociopaths can be incredibly charming. They are very good at making themselves seem interested in what other people have to say.

They will often choose to minimize or downplay their own issues or accomplishments as a tactic to appear more concerned about others than themselves.

2. Narcissists experience “narcissist rage” or “narcissist injury.”

Mark Goulston, M.D., explains that the rage of a narcissist rises due to a lack of admiration from the rest of the world. To the narcissist, Goulston explains, anything less than total admiration and obedience is “an assault” to the narcissist’s ego. When the narcissist feels their sense of self has been challenged, they often experience “narcissist injury,” which causes them to lash out at the people who caused the injury to their sense of self.narcissist

Sociopaths experience short-lived emotions.

Unlike the all-consuming rage of narcissist injury, sociopaths tend to feel emotions in a very “shallow” sense. They tend not to be particularly in touch with emotions in the same way other people generally are. At the same time, they can use emotions to manipulate the people around them. Sociopaths have the ability to mimic emotions when it’s convenient for them to make someone else do something they want.

In both cases, the narcissist and the sociopath use emotions to control their victims.

3. Narcissists will manipulate you with anger and threats

When it comes to manipulation, a narcissist will use anger; they will also employ various threats. Narcissists often use shaming as a tactic to manipulate, especially when a confrontation is in public. This is because the narcissist has been careful to surround themselves with people who already uphold their worldview. To effectively manipulate, the narcissist will try to shame someone publicly, so the victim feels compelled to go along with whatever the narcissist says or thinks.

Sociopaths will manipulate you using flattery and vulnerabilities.

When it comes to sociopath’s manipulation, they’re going to do everything they can to get you on their side. Even if they are abusing you, they’re going to manipulate you using flattery. This is why many domestic abuse situations have a “honeymoon period” in which the victim is drawn in by flattery and affection. In this way, sociopaths using places where their victims are vulnerable. Sociopaths manipulate in a way that will benefit them best.

This will often differ from person to person. Unlike the narcissist, the sociopath doesn’t worry that their sense of self is shattered when their tactics don’t work.


How to avoid falling into the traps of these people

You never want to allow yourself to be controlled or abused by another person. This applies to all people, not just those people who are diagnosed as narcissistic or sociopaths. Working with someone like this can be difficult, but you can follow some tips to avoid falling into their traps. Here are the best ways to avoid falling into a sociopath and narcissists trap.

How to avoid sociopath’s manipulation

Here are some strategies to avoid being manipulated by a sociopath.

  • Don’t think you can change them: This is a pitfall, especially if you find yourself drawn romantically to this person. It does happen. Sociopaths can be very charming, especially if they’re high functioning.
  • Avoid them if possible: This cannot be easy at work. Some sociopaths do well in certain jobs. It’s tough to avoid them entirely, but steer clear as much as you can.
  • Please don’t share personal things: Because they can be charming and very polite, it’s easy to befriend a sociopath without knowing it. Please do not share personal stuff, especially not your fears or worries, with them. They can turn this back on you to manipulate you.
  • Please don’t believe everything they say: They lie to get what they want, and they’re compelling.
  • Tell others if you feel threatened in any way: Keep a record of negative experiences or conflicts with this person. Get help if you feel threatened in any way.
  • Keep your poker face on: Don’t reveal your feelings or emotions. It can be used against you.
  • If you must talk with them, turn it to them: Are you feeling okay today? Then get away, so you’re not alone with the person.
  • Please don’t share your plans, where you live, or any other personal information: The less they know, the better.

You may find yourself trying to relate normally, but a sociopath can’t do this, so they manipulate to come across as normal. They will use any weakness against you to control you, so don’t feel bad about not being friendly. Don’t feel sorry for a sociopath. Don’t forget they’re manipulators and won’t feel sorry for you.

How to avoid narcissists manipulations

Dealing with a narcissist can be similar to a sociopath but, in many ways, very different. They are more social and able to interact with others.

  • Don’t allow yourself to be vulnerable: Narcissists love to manipulate and humiliate, don’t share personal weaknesses that they can use against you.
  • Don’t believe everything they tell you: Image is important to a narcissist. They lie about their successes, who they know, and what they’ve done. Reputation is everything to them, and they work hard to make keep it.
  • Don’t argue with a narcissist: They can get you on the defensive with sarcasm, so you’ll try to defend yourself. A narcissist will bully, mock, and call you names in the argument.
  • Don’t minimize their bad behavior: Narcissists are self-absorbed and crave attention. They have no problem getting what they want. Don’t make excuses for their selfishness.

It’s important that you realize that lying, bullying, and mean sarcasm is unhealthy. You can overlook some of their immaturity, but don’t allow yourself to be drawn into their need for attention.

quotes for motivationFinal thoughts on telling the difference between a narcissist and a sociopath

The similarities between the narcissist and the sociopath are numerous, but so are the differences. It’s important to know what kind of behavior you’re dealing with. If you realize you are involved with one of these personalities,  make a solid plan to exit any relationship with them.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is often misunderstood for a sociopath, an antisocial personality disorder (APD). There are similarities, but they are also very different. Never allow yourself to be manipulated or controlled by anyone. If you feel threatened, avoid people with these tendencies and never get into a personal relationship with them. Never assume you can help them change or feel sorry for them or try to give them counsel.

Be sure you aren’t quick to diagnose individuals you work with or know with one of these disorders just because they’re difficult or have a hard to deal with personality. Everyone has their quirky ways, so be sure you’re too quick to judge.

There’s always hope in getting these kinds of toxic people out of your life. What is more, avoiding them is vital to your emotional health and well-being.

5 Behaviors That Reveal You’re Putting Too Much Pressure on Yourself

Are you putting too much pressure on yourself?

“Those parts of yourself that you desperately want to hide and destroy will gain power over you. The best thing to do is face and own them, because they are forever a part of you.” — Janet Mock

Let that quote sink in for a second. The world’s obsession with scrutiny and perfection can become quite a damper on our self-esteem. We strive for perfection, yet can’t see the flawed logic in doing so. We can never achieve perfect flawlessness simply because humans were made to be fallible. We learn by making mistakes; if we never failed, we couldn’t absorb the lessons or grow from our experiences.

By design, humans are imperfect, so please stop being so hard on yourself! Yes, you should have goals and standards for your life, but beating yourself up for mistakes will only set you back. Putting too much pressure on yourself only adds stress to your life, which can easily lead to a nervous breakdown if you continue to see yourself in a negative light.

Below, we’ll discuss some key behaviors that signify you’re being way too hard on yourself. If you recognize these behaviors in yourself, you can start today with changing your thinking patterns to more positive ones.

Here are 5 behaviors that reveal you put too much pressure on yourself:

1. You let your failures stop you from trying

We all have to fail at some point. In fact, failing is perfectly normal and healthy! Without failures, we wouldn’t know success. No one achieves their goals and dreams by snapping their fingers. Sometimes we need to put in high levels of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

True success also requires a certain level of risk-taking. Limiting yourself to the familiar won’t get you beyond your comfort zone, and it is only beyond that where you can see a limitless horizon. So many people live within the limitations they set for themselves, and therefore see limited results. If you’re only looking at where you’ve failed and not maintaining healthy pride in how far you’ve come despite the setbacks, then you’re putting too much pressure on yourself.

Remember: failure is nothing to be ashamed of. Just because you didn’t hit a home run this time doesn’t mean it won’t happen next time. If you keep trying, your efforts will be rewarded in due time.

2. You don’t think you’re good enough

In an article from Psychology Today, Andrea F. Polard Psy.D., says that we often lose our ability to extend compassion when it comes to ourselves. In other words, we talk down to ourselves all the time but would never utter those same words to a good friend. We truly are our own worst critics at times, failing to give ourselves the love we so easily give to others. Why is self-love so darn difficult?!

Well, take a look around you. As we touched on in the beginning of this article, society seems to thrive on negative judgment of ourselves and others. Many businesses would literally fail if we all decided to love ourselves. The beauty industry, for example, couldn’t survive if people didn’t believe their appearance was flawed somehow and that a cream or a surgery could make them more beautiful.

However, just because the world runs on negativity doesn’t mean that you should constantly berate yourself and put so much pressure on yourself. So many people think they’re inadequate and deeply flawed, largely because the consumerist culture in which we live profits from our self-doubt. So, be a rebel and love yourself!

relationship quote

3. You feel stressed out all the time

Stress levels around the globe have reached an all-time high. Some stress can help us achieve our goals and keep moving when we feel like quitting. However, too much stress can literally kill us. Stressing about anything will not solve the problem; in fact, it usually just makes the problem worse.

Stress often arises from overthinking, which also has become quite an epidemic. If you fixate on all your perceived flaws, you will only feel worse about yourself and start stressing out about all the things you think you need to change. Practice being gentle with yourself. Learn to take things one day at a time, which is all we can really do anyway.

4. You have unrealistic expectations

Putting too much pressure on yourself will cause you to have unrealistic expectations, and when you don’t meet them, you’ll only harbor self-hatred. This quickly develops into a vicious, negative cycle. We all let ourselves down from time to time, but feeling disappointed in yourself the majority of the time isn’t healthy for your self-esteem.

If you want to start a business, for example, don’t expect to have it up and running in a month. You have to set small, achievable goals and break things down into smaller steps if you want to succeed. If you tend to set a high bar for yourself and then get angry when reality doesn’t match your dreams, you are probably placing too much pressure on yourself.

5. You always want more

Wanting more for yourself is commendable, but losing sight of all the good in your life by focusing solely on what you don’t have is a recipe for disaster. The world never seems content, and this angst can cause us to view ourselves and our lives as inadequate. If you never feel satisfied in life, this means you’re putting too much pressure on yourself.

Final thoughts

Just because modern society operates in a constant state of dissatisfaction doesn’t mean you have to follow suit. If you notice the above behaviors in yourself, take a step back and really find out why you put so much pressure on yourself. Once you get to the root of the problem, extending love and compassion toward yourself will become second nature.

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