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10 Life Lessons for Getting Back Up If Life Knocks You Down

10 Life Lessons for Getting Back Up If Life Knocks You Down

Life lessons are important because they allow people to learn from their experiences and grow. Dealing with challenges can teach valuable skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and resilience. These lessons can also help individuals develop their sense of self, understand and navigate relationships, and make better choices in the future.

Life lessons can also provide a sense of purpose and direction, helping individuals to understand their place in the world and their role in shaping it. Learning from life lessons can help individuals lead happier, more fulfilling lives and become the best version of themselves. Life experiences, including successes and failures, shape individuals and influence their perspectives, behaviors, and reactions to future challenges.

Failure, in particular, can serve as a valuable learning opportunity and help individuals develop resilience, perseverance, and a growth mindset. As people navigate through their lives, they will encounter various obstacles. Staying motivated and maintaining a positive outlook can be challenging when life knocks you down.

However, it is essential to remember that failure is a natural part of life, and it is often through these difficult experiences that individuals learn and grow the most. Instead of letting setbacks define you, try to view them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Learn from your mistakes, and take responsibility for your actions. Then, you need to use the lessons you’ve learned to make better choices in the future.

10 Life Lessons for Getting Back Up When You Are Down

life challenges

1.      Accept responsibility for your actions

Accepting responsibility for your actions is one of the hardest lessons you will have to learn. But it’s also the life lesson that has the potential to help you overcome most hardships and move forward. Accepting responsibility for your actions is essential in taking control of your life and moving forward after a setback.

When you take responsibility for your actions, you acknowledge that you played a role in the outcome, good or bad, and can learn from it. This mindset allows you to identify what went wrong, make changes, and avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future. However, accepting responsibility doesn’t mean taking blame or feeling guilty. Instead, it’s about recognizing one’s role in a situation and learning from it.

2.      Keep a positive attitude despite those life challenges

Keeping a positive attitude is an essential life lesson when life knocks you down. A positive attitude can help you to stay motivated and maintain a sense of hope and optimism even in difficult times. It allows you to focus on the things that are going well in your life rather than dwelling on negative thoughts and feelings.

To cultivate a positive attitude, try to focus on the present moment and surround yourself with positive people. You can also try to reframe negative thoughts into positive ones and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Having a positive attitude doesn’t mean ignoring problems or being in denial. It’s about finding ways to see the good in difficult situations and to keep moving forward.

3.      Learn from life failures

Learning from failure is an essential aspect of personal growth and development. Failure is a natural part of life; it is often through these difficult experiences that individuals learn and grow the most. When you experience failure, it’s essential to take the time to reflect on what happened and to learn from your mistakes.

Learning from failure can help you develop a growth mindset, become more resilient, and make better choices in the future. It can also help you better understand yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and what you can achieve. Failure is not a setback but a step forward in your development journey and an important life lesson to be learned.

4.      Stay resilient

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and to keep going in the face of adversity. It is a key quality that can help individuals to navigate life’s challenges and to achieve their goals. When life knocks you down, staying resilient can help you to maintain a positive outlook, cope with stress, and keep moving forward. Resilience is not a trait that one is born with, but it can be developed over time through effort and practice. It’s a life lesson that will often have to be learned the hard way, but you need to make an effort to find meaning in adversity.

5.      Take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It is crucial to prioritize your needs and make self-care a routine. When life knocks you down, taking care of yourself can help you stay resilient and cope with stress.

You should try to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and have a balanced diet. Mental self-care is just as important. It’s essential to take time for yourself, to relax and unwind, and to engage in activities that bring you joy. It can also be helpful to practice mindfulness and meditation, which can help you stay grounded and focused during difficult times.

This might not seem like a life lesson, but it’s an aspect that too many ignore. When you experience failure, it can be easy to fall into negative thinking and behavior patterns and neglect self-care. Taking care of yourself is not selfish. It’s essential for your overall well-being and will help you be a better version of yourself.

life challenges

6.      Practice gratitude for the blessings in your life

Practicing gratitude means taking the time to appreciate and be thankful for the things you have rather than focusing on what you lack. It’s about recognizing the good things in your life, no matter how small they may be. When life knocks you down, practicing gratitude can help you maintain a positive outlook and to find hope in difficult situations.

It can also improve your emotional well-being, decrease stress levels and even improve your physical health. Practicing gratitude is a simple yet powerful life lesson that can improve your overall well-being and help you find joy and fulfillment. And some easy tips for this are to pay attention to the present, keep a gratitude journal and take time to help people.

7.      Stay true to yourself

Staying true to yourself means being honest about your values, beliefs, and desires. It’s about making choices that align with them rather than trying to be someone you’re not or following the crowd. It also means being true to your word, standing up for your beliefs, and being authentic in your interactions with others.

Staying true to yourself can help you get back up after failure because it gives you a clear sense of purpose and direction. Being true to yourself allows you to learn from your mistakes and grow from them rather than feeling defeated or discouraged. When you are grounded in your sense of self, it is easier to have the resilience to keep going and moving forward.

8.      Learn to forgive those who wrong you throughout life

Another vital life lesson you must acquire is the grace to forgive and move on. Forgiveness is releasing feelings of resentment or vengeance towards someone who has wronged you.

It is an essential aspect of emotional and mental well-being, as holding onto feelings of anger and resentment can negatively affect one’s mental and physical health. However, forgiveness is not always easy and may take time; you must try to understand the other person’s perspective. It can also be helpful to focus on the present and future rather than dwelling on the past.

9.      Believe in yourself as you face challenges

Believing in yourself can be a powerful tool for overcoming failure. Failure is a natural part of life and can often be a valuable learning experience. When faced with failure, it’s essential to maintain a positive attitude and not let it define you as a person.

Instead, focus on what you can learn from the experience and how to apply that knowledge to future endeavors. If you look at it right, anything can become an important life lesson. Remember that failure is not a permanent state. Everyone experiences setbacks, but it’s how you handle them that matters.

Believing in yourself and your abilities can help you stay motivated and determined to keep moving forward. Set realistic goals and expectations for yourself. It’s easy to become discouraged if you’re aiming too high and not seeing progress. Setting smaller, more achievable goals can build momentum and confidence in your abilities.

10.  Seek help to overcome challenges when needed

Seeking help is a valuable way to overcome failure. Failure can be a complicated and overwhelming experience, and it’s essential to have support and guidance. The life lesson you need to learn is that needing help is nothing to be ashamed of. One way to seek help is to talk to a trusted friend or family member.

They can provide a listening ear and offer a fresh perspective on the situation. Another way to seek help is to seek professional support. A therapist, counselor, or coach can help you process your emotions and work through any underlying issues contributing to the failure.

They can also help you create an action plan to overcome the failure and move forward. You can even seek help in the form of mentorship or professional guidance. For example, if you are facing failure in your career, you can seek a mentor who can offer advice and guidance on navigating your challenges.

life challenges

Final Thoughts on Life Lessons for Getting Back Up After Life Knocks You Down

Whenever life knocks you down, your only options are to sink even deeper or to get back up and learn something from those experiences. The more life lessons you acquire, the easier it will be for you to get back up again. These lessons are hard to learn, but they are very rewarding.

One of the first steps is to learn to take accountability and have the desire to be better. But you must also have a positive attitude and be kind to yourself. Then, of course, you will need to work to fix what went wrong, but you still need to take care of yourself. And remember that asking for help is always a sign of strength during challenges.

9 Ways to Stop Taking Rejection Personally

Rejection leaves a sour taste in just about anyone’s mouth. But it will happen to you at some point in your life. Whether it’s friends, partners, or even family members, you will be pushed to the side at some point. This even happens in careers. You’ll be rejected left, right, and center when you start making a name for yourself.

Taking rejection personally can be a common and natural response, as it can directly attack one’s self-esteem and self-worth. It can be difficult to separate oneself from rejection, leading to feelings of hurt, anger, and disappointment. However, it is essential to recognize that rejection is a normal part of life and is not always a reflection of one’s abilities or character. It is often a matter of timing or circumstance.

People who struggle with taking things personally tend to personalize it. They make it all about them. They think rejection is because they are not good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, etc. It can affect their self-esteem and self-worth, leading to negative thoughts and emotions. Managing these emotions and thoughts is crucial to avoid them from becoming overwhelming.

9 Ways to Stop Taking Rejection Personally


1.      Understand That Rejection Is Normal

Rejection is a normal part of life because it is a natural outcome of attempting something new or different. It is a risk that comes with putting yourself out there, whether in a personal or professional setting. Rejection can happen in many other forms, such as being turned down for a job, a date, or not getting accepted into a school or program.

It is also expected because it is a common experience that many people can relate to, and it is a reminder that we are all human and make mistakes. Rejection can also be a valuable learning experience, helping individuals grow and improve.

When we try new things or put ourselves in new situations, there is always the possibility that we will be rejected or not succeed. Rejection is a natural part of the process of growth and learning. It allows us to see where we may have fallen short and will enable us to improve and try again. It also teaches us to be resilient and not give up even when faced with disappointment.

2.      Rejection Doesn’t Reflect Who You Are

Rejection should not be considered a reflection of one’s worth or value. It is essential to separate the rejection of an idea, proposal, or situation from one’s identity and self-worth. Rejection is a part of the process and does not define who you are.

It’s important to remind ourselves that rejection is just feedback. Because it doesn’t mean we are not good enough; it just means that the thing we were trying to achieve was not the right fit for us at that moment. It’s important to remember that rejection is not personal and is not a reflection of one’s abilities, intelligence, or character.

It may result from factors outside one’s control, such as timing, circumstances, or someone else’s opinion. It is essential to focus on the things you can control, such as your actions and attitudes, and work on improving yourself and your skills. Rejection is a natural part of life, and it is essential not to let it discourage you from trying again or pursuing your goals.

3.      Stop Dwelling on Feeling Rejected

Dwelling on rejection can be detrimental to one’s mental and emotional well-being. Instead, it’s essential to focus on moving forward and learning from the experience. Feeling upset, angry, or sad after a rejection is standard.

It’s important to acknowledge and accept your feelings of rejection. Allowing yourself to feel the emotions of rejection, such as sadness, anger, or disappointment, is a healthy and regular part of the healing process.

It’s essential to permit yourself to feel these emotions and to take the time to process them. However, it’s also important not to dwell on these feelings for too long and to focus on moving forward.

4.      Rejection is an Opportunity for Growth

Rejection can be viewed as an opportunity for growth. It can be easy to focus on the negative when rejected, but it’s important to remember that rejection can also be a valuable learning experience. Rejection can provide valuable feedback and insight into areas where we may need to improve or change our approach.

It can also help us to develop resilience and thicker skin, which can be crucial in dealing with future rejections and setbacks. Rejection can also push us to think outside the box and develop new and creative solutions, which can lead to new opportunities and growth. Instead of dwelling on the rejection, it’s essential to focus on what can be learned from the experience and how it can be used to improve.


5.      Practice Self-Compassion

Practicing self-compassion after rejection can be an essential part of the healing process. Self-compassion involves treating yourself with the same kindness, concern, and understanding that you would offer to a good friend. Being kind to yourself is an essential aspect of self-compassion.

Instead of criticizing or berating yourself, try to talk to yourself in a supportive and understanding way. Remind yourself that rejection is a normal part of life and that it doesn’t define you as a person. Do things that make you feel good. Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as exercise, reading, or spending time with loved ones.

These activities can help boost your mood and reduce stress and anxiety. It’s also important to remember that healing takes time and that it’s ok not to be ok, give yourself the time to process the rejection and take care of yourself.

6.      Understand the Other’s Perspective

Understanding the perspective of the person who rejected you can be difficult, but it can also help you move forward. It can be easy to take rejection personally, but it’s important to remember that rejection is not always a reflection of your worth.

It can be helpful to try and understand the reasons why the person rejected you. Sometimes rejection is not personal or simply a matter of circumstances or timing. For example, a job applicant may have been rejected because the company was looking for a specific set of skills that the applicant did not possess, not because the applicant was not qualified for the job.

7.      Take Time to Reflect

Taking time to reflect on your circumstances can help you understand why it happened and what can be done differently. It can also provide an opportunity to learn from the experience and grow as a person. Reflecting on rejection can also help to reduce feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy.

It can be helpful to talk about the rejection with a trusted friend, family member, therapist, or counselor. They can provide a different perspective and help you to process your feelings. Writing about the experience can also be therapeutic.

8.      Seek Support

Talking to people about being rejected can be a helpful way to process the experience and gain a different perspective. It can also provide a sense of support and understanding. You can talk to friends, family members, or a therapist or counselor about your experience of rejection. They can offer a different perspective and provide advice and support. Talking about rejection can also help to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Suppose you don’t feel comfortable talking about the rejection with people you know. In that case, you can also find support groups or online forums to talk to others who have gone through similar experiences. Talking about it with others can help to put it into perspective and make it feel less overwhelming.

9.      There Will Be Other Opportunities in the Future

It’s important to understand that rejection is not the end of the road and that there will be other opportunities in the future. Rejection should not be taken personally, as it often has more to do with the situation or the person doing the rejection than with you.

One way to look at rejection is as a stepping stone to something better. It can be a learning experience that can help you to grow and improve. Every rejection is an opportunity to learn and to become a better, more resilient person.

It’s also important to remember that rejection can open up new opportunities you may not have considered. Sometimes when one door closes, another one opens. It’s important not to let rejection hold you back or discourage you from pursuing your goals and ambitions. Keep pushing forward, and don’t give up on your dreams.


Final Thoughts on Some Ways to Stop Taking Rejection Personally

Not taking rejection personally is essential to maintaining a healthy mindset and self-esteem. It is important to remember that rejection is not a reflection of your worth and that it is a normal part of life. There is no way to avoid being rejected, at least not if you want to be able to leave the house. All you can do is handle it as healthily as possible.

One way to cope with rejection is to reframe it as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than fail. Reflect on why the rejection happened and what can be done differently. It is also important to surround yourself with supportive people who understand and can offer a different perspective on rejection. Talking to friends, family, or a therapist or counselor can help to process the experience and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Another critical aspect of not taking things personally is to keep things in perspective and remember that rejection is not the end of the world. Keep pushing forward, and don’t give up on your goals and dreams. Ultimately, it’s important to remember that rejection can be a valuable learning experience and help you grow and become stronger and more resilient.

8 Traits of the Most Memorable People

Memorable people leave a lasting impression on those they interact with. They possess unique qualities and characteristics that make them stand out, such as confidence, authenticity, passion, a sense of humor, empathy, resilience, and storytelling ability. They might be leaders in their field, have an inspiring or unique personal story, or have a magnetic personality that people are drawn to.

Perhaps others know them for their unique creativity, intelligence, and ability to connect with others. Overall, memorable people inspire, influence, and make a mark on the lives of those around them. Indeed, some memorable people might not always be the ones who are immediately recognizable or in the spotlight. They might be quiet, unassuming individuals who have significantly impacted their community or field but have not received widespread recognition.

So, your first impression of them might be a little bleak. This is why it’s essential to give people a real shot because making up your mind about them. That being said, there are some unique traits that most memorable people possess. And here are seven of these traits.

8 Traits of the Most Memorable People

memorable people

1.      Confidence Makes People Unique

Confidence is often considered to be one of the key traits of memorable people. This unique trait can take many forms and can be demonstrated in different ways, such as through body language, speech, and actions. People who are confident in themselves and their abilities tend to exude an air of self-assurance and positivity, which can make them more attractive to others. Confidence can also help people be more resilient in facing challenges and setbacks and more effective in achieving their goals. Additionally, confidence can make people more comfortable in social situations and help them establish meaningful connections.

When people are confident, they tend to make a strong impression on others, whether it’s through their presence, their ideas, or their abilities. Confidence can also help people be more charismatic and engaging, making them more memorable. Additionally, people confident in themselves and their abilities might be more likely to take risks and pursue their passions. This can lead to memorable achievements or experiences.

2.      Authenticity

When people are authentic, they are true to themselves and their values rather than trying to be someone else or put on a facade. This can make them more relatable and genuine, making them more memorable to others. Additionally, authenticity can help people be more confident in themselves and their abilities, making them memorable.

Authentic people tend to be more genuine and transparent in their interactions, which can foster trust and create deeper connections with others. They also tend to be more approachable and less intimidating, making them more memorable. Furthermore, authenticity can also inspire others to be more authentic themselves.

This can have a positive ripple effect and make the person even more memorable. Confidence and authenticity are closely related. People who are confident in themselves are likelier to be true to themselves and not try to be someone else. This can make them more memorable, as many do not dare to be themselves.

3.      Passion

Passion is often considered to be one of the key traits of memorable people. When people are passionate about something, it shows in their energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to what they care about. Passionate people tend to be more engaging, and their energy is contagious.

They tend to inspire others with their dedication and willingness to work to achieve their goals. Passionate people are usually perceived as having a sense of purpose, making them even more attractive to others.

Passionate people often have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and are willing to take risks and make sacrifices to achieve their goals. This can make them more determined and resilient, which can make them memorable. Furthermore, passionate people are often able to communicate their ideas effectively.

This can help them to inspire and influence others, making them even more memorable. Communication is something that will stick with people. When you first meet someone, they’ll remember you if they feel at ease talking to you.

4.      A Unique Sense of Humor

A sense of humor can help people connect with others and make them more relatable and approachable. People who can make others laugh and enjoy themselves tend to be more engaging and charismatic, making them more memorable. When people make others laugh, it can create positive memories and emotions, which can make them more likely to be remembered.

A good sense of humor can also help people connect with others and establish positive relationships, making them memorable. Additionally, being funny can also demonstrate intelligence and creativity, as it can take wit and cleverness to come up with humor that resonates with others.

A sense of humor can help people defuse tense or difficult situations and build stronger connections. It allows them to connect with people on a deeper level, and it can help to break the ice and build trust with others. Additionally, a sense of humor can demonstrate intelligence and creativity, making someone memorable.


5.      Empathy

Empathy refers to the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Empathetic people can put themselves in other people’s shoes, understand their perspectives and emotions, and respond sensitively and appropriately. This can make them more relatable and approachable, which can make them more memorable.

Empathetic people can understand and relate to others’ feelings, which can help build stronger connections and relationships. Plus, empathetic people are often able to provide emotional support and guidance. This can be comforting and make people feel more attracted to that person.

Empathy can also help people to build stronger connections with others. It allows them to connect with people deeper and can help build trust and understanding with others. Additionally, empathetic people are often seen as good listeners and have a good understanding of human nature, which can also make them memorable.

6.      Resilience

Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from adversity and challenges. Resilient people tend to be more adaptable and able to handle difficult situations calmly and composedly. This can make them more attractive and inspiring to others, which can contribute to their being memorable. Resilient people tend to have a positive attitude and approach to life, making them more attractive and memorable to others.

Resilience can also help people be more persistent in pursuing their goals and make them more determined to face obstacles. This can make them more admirable and inspiring to others, making them memorable. Additionally, resilient people are often seen as role models who can inspire others to be more resilient themselves. This can also contribute to them being memorable.

7.      Storytelling Ability Is Memorable

A good storyteller can engage and captivate their audience, making them more memorable. They can use descriptive language, imagery, and other techniques to create a vivid and engaging experience for the listener. This can evoke emotions in their audience, whether it be laughter, tears, or inspiration.

Ultimately, this will create an emotional connection between the listener and the storyteller. They can create a deeper connection with the audience by sharing personal experiences and emotions.

Storytelling can effectively share information, ideas, and experiences and help people connect with others on a deeper level. Additionally, storytelling can also be a powerful tool for persuasion and influence, allowing people to communicate their ideas and inspire others effectively. All these factors can make a person stand out and be remembered positively.

8.      Humility Is Unique in the Wolrd Today

Even though memorable people aren’t afraid to put themselves out there, they are also some of the humblest people you’ll meet. Humility refers to being modest and respectful and not thinking too highly of oneself. Humble people tend to be more approachable and relatable.

This can help them connect with others and establish positive relationships, making them more memorable to others. Humility can also help people be more open to learning and growth, making them more admirable and inspiring to others. They tend to be good listeners and are open to feedback, which can also make them memorable.

Humble people tend to be more open to learning and growth, making them more admirable and inspiring to others and helping them improve themselves. They tend to be more flexible and open to different perspectives, which can help them to make better decisions and solve problems more effectively.

Also, humble people tend to be more empathetic and understanding of others, making them memorable.


Final Thoughts on Traits of the Most Memorable People

Several traits can contribute to someone being memorable. They are confidence, authenticity, passion, a sense of humor, empathy, resilience, unique storytelling ability, and humility. These traits can make a person more attractive, relatable, inspiring, and admirable. In turn, this can make them more likely to be remembered positively.

However, it’s worth noting that being memorable is not based solely on any trait; it’s a combination of many factors that can make someone stand out and be remembered. Additionally, being memorable is subjective, and what makes someone memorable to one person might not be the same for another. If you find some traits more memorable than others, that doesn’t mean you are doing something wrong.

It just means that what you value or find out of the ordinary differs from the norm. That being said, you shouldn’t disregard any of the abovementioned qualities. They are all great qualities that show a person is memorable and a potentially great addition to your life. And, if you want to become a memorable person, you’ll need to adopt some of these traits.

4 Signs of a Vitamin K Deficiency Most People Ignore

You may not hear much about Vitamin K, but it plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being. This often-overlooked vitamin assists the body with coagulation (blood clotting), bone protein production, and cardiovascular health. It’s a fat-soluble vitamin, which is absorbed more easily with dietary fat and stored in the liver and fatty tissues. But do you have a deficiency?

This nutrient comes in two forms: Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone), found in leafy greens like spinach and kale, and Vitamin K2 (menaquinone), derived from fermented foods and naturally produced in the intestinal tract. Since the human body makes Vitamin K and we don’t need much of it in our diets, it’s rare to become deficient. It’s nearly impossible for healthy people who consume a balanced, varied diet.

For adults 19 and older, the adequate intake (AI) for vitamin K is 120 micrograms (mcg) daily for men and 90 mcg for women. Most adults can easily consume this in one serving of leafy green vegetables. However, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Dietary Supplements, only one-third of adults exceed the recommended intake.

But certain health conditions and medications can hinder its absorption, thereby increasing the risk of a deficiency. Below, we’ll discuss a few telltale signs of inadequate Vitamin K and common causes of deficiency. Also, we will list some of the best dietary sources of this vital vitamin.

What Causes Vitamin K Deficiency?

vitamin k

Some medical conditions and drugs can prevent the absorption and creation of vitamin K, such as the following:

  • certain antibiotics when taken for a prolonged period (beyond several weeks)
  • coumarin anticoagulants, such as warfarin and dicoumarol, which inhibit blood clotting
  • having malabsorption or other gastrointestinal disorders, like celiac disease or ulcerative colitis
  • having undergone bariatric surgery
  • following a diet extremely low in vitamin K

Coumarin anticoagulants like warfarin block its activity, which leads to blood thinning. Because of this, people who take anticoagulants must maintain adequate levels in their diets to avoid deficiency. Also, some antibiotics can destroy gut bacteria that produce vitamin K, causing lower levels in the body.

Finally, malabsorption and gastrointestinal disorders such as cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, and short bowel syndrome can cause low Vitamin K status. In addition, people who have had part of their intestine removed may suffer from a deficiency. Supplementation can help restore adequate levels in these cases. However, if you take medications, you should talk with your doctor before taking supplements or altering your diet.

Newborn infants also have a higher risk of developing Vitamin K deficiency for these reasons:

  • only small amounts of vitamin K pass through the placenta
  • breast milk contains trace amounts of the vitamin
  • newborns lack the good bacteria that produce this vitamin
  • newborns have poor storage of vitamin K in the liver (one-fifth the level of adults)

A vitamin K deficiency in newborns can lead to a potentially life-threatening condition called vitamin K deficiency bleeding, or VKDB. To protect newborns, neonatal physicians usually give babies a shot at birth.

Doctors may also prescribe vitamin K1 for adults with a deficiency or take anticoagulants inhibiting vitamin K metabolism.

4 Warning Signs of a Vitamin K Deficiency

Watch for these four early symptoms that might reveal you lack this essential nutrient; seek the help of a doctor who will do a simple blood test.


1.             Excessive Bleeding

The most apparent sign of vitamin K deficiency is heavy bleeding from a cut or wound. Especially if it’s a minor injury, it shouldn’t take long for the blood to clot. However, if it’s bleeding excessively and taking a while to coagulate, it could point to a vitamin deficiency. If you have heavier menstrual bleeding than average, it’s also worth mentioning to your doctor.

2. Bruising Easily

Most people automatically think of an iron deficiency when bruises appear randomly on their bodies. However, a vitamin K deficiency can also cause bruises since the nutrient plays a crucial role in coagulation. Low levels of this vitamin weaken blood vessels, making them more likely to break.

3. Weakening Bones

Inadequate blood levels of vitamin K can cause hip fractures, low bone density, poor posture, and even osteoporosis. Unfortunately, this symptom often gets overlooked because it happens gradually over the years or decades. That’s why it’s essential to have regular blood tests to monitor your nutrient levels.

4. Black or Bloody Stool

Black stool doesn’t always signal a deficiency. However, if it’s accompanied by blood, it could mean you’re deficient since excessive bleeding is the most common symptom.

Best Foods to Increase Vitamin K

  • Natto

This Japanese superfood offers the best way to increase your levels. It’s made from fermented soybeans and contains 850 micrograms (mcg) per three-ounce serving, according to the NIH.

  • Leafy green vegetables

If you can’t find natto in your supermarket, leafy greens are your next best option. One-half cup of boiled collard greens provides 530 mcg of vitamin K, while a one-half cup of cooked turnip greens offers 426 mcg. In addition, one cup of raw spinach will give you 145 mcg, and the same serving of raw kale provides 113 mcg. Other vegetables with decent vitamin K levels include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage.

Nutritionists and health experts recommend adding some fat to your greens. Since the nutrient is fat-soluble, drizzling olive or avocado oil on a salad can improve absorption levels. Not to mention, a little fat makes vegetables more palatable!

Other foods also contain this nutrient, but natto and leafy greens provide the easiest way to meet your daily intake. One serving of either option should provide enough vitamin K to reach or exceed the recommended amount.

vitamin k

Final Thoughts on Signs of Vitamin K Deficiency

While most people aren’t in danger of developing a vitamin K deficiency, certain conditions can increase the risk. Having malabsorption or gastrointestinal disorders, undergoing bariatric surgery, and taking antibiotics can lead to low levels. Also, taking anticoagulants like warfarin can make you more susceptible to becoming deficient. However, eating foods like natto and leafy greens can ensure you meet the recommended intake for this crucial nutrient.

3 Causes of Golden Child Syndrome and How to Fix It

A developing child has to deal with some degree of pressure. But pressure is somewhat expected, and it can even be beneficial. For example, if you are a little stressed before an interview, that means you’ll prepare so you can do well. But this is not the case when it comes to golden child syndrome. It’s not just about being a little pressured.

And even though it sounds like a syndrome that causes people to be stuck-up and entitled, that’s not necessarily the case. Instead, most people with this syndrome are pretty closed-off and may even struggle with low self-esteem. This is because the golden child syndrome refers to the pressure parents put on their kids to become the best. Not to become the best version of themselves but to achieve that coveted golden child status.

Now, most parents mean well and are genuinely trying to help their kids. But internally, they want to prove they can be good parents by creating this seemingly perfect child. Often, in a family with more than one kid, that will even mean that the siblings are neglected. This is done so that the parents can focus on the golden child.

It’s pretty clear how this approach will eventually lead to a broken family. Even if the golden child might gain skills through this approach, it’s not worth the emotional turmoil they would’ve had to live through. After all, a parent’s job is to ensure their kids can be happy, not just successful. And the world is complicated enough without the parents putting this extra pressure on the child. So, what are the causes of golden child syndrome, and what can we do to fix it?

3 Causes of Golden Child Syndrome

golden child syndrome

1.      You Were Deemed to Be Exceptional as a Child

The parents aren’t always the ones who deem a child exceptional. Sometimes, this is the fault of teachers or other authority figures in the child’s life. These people usually mean well, but the actions that follow this statement aren’t always desirable. Most of the time, the parents get too excited about their kid’s newfound potential.

The thing is, many kids might seem exceptional at a young age. And everyone has talents that shouldn’t be ignored. But that doesn’t mean that all kids will grow up to discover something that will change the course of humanity. And there’s nothing wrong with just being ordinary. Everyone can do well in their chosen field or follow their dreams without having to be the best of the best.

But that’s not how parents think when someone tells them their child is extraordinary. On the contrary, it will make parents feel they have a point to prove. If their child doesn’t reach the highest level possible, that will reflect poorly on them as parents. It can be even worse if the parents are the ones to come up with the idea that their child is exceptional. That’s because they will often feel like their mission in life is to shape that kid into something extraordinary.

2.      You Were Always Expected to Be Perfect

Besides having abusive parents, there’s virtually nothing worse for a child than having parents who always pressure them to be perfect. People are inherently flawed and will make mistakes, especially kids. And these mistakes often end up being one of the best things to happen to someone because they help people grow.

If everything were easy, people wouldn’t be incentivized to improve. But this incentive always has to come from the inside. Of course, that doesn’t mean that parents should never help their kids and just let them make mistake after mistake. But there’s a big difference between supporting someone and pressuring them to be perfect.

An intense amount of pressure almost always causes golden child syndrome. When a kid feels like they have to be perfect, they will probably start working harder to achieve some goals. But that will come at a very big cost: their mental health. As a result, these kids are very likely to fall into depression. And even if that’s not the case, they will be deeply unhappy.

Plus, they will learn that the only way to achieve happiness is by making others happy. When they do well, their parents will be happy and proud of them. But when they don’t, they will have to face some consequences. This is a very dangerous narrative to instill into a kid’s mind at a young age. And these kids will likely grow up to be people-pleasers.

3.      You Were Forced to Do What Your Parents Wanted

A common cause of golden child syndrome is when kids are forced to do whatever their parents want. And as a result, they are forced to stop doing what they desire. This means that they have to ignore their passions and inclinations. Many golden kids might be great artists or good at something more non-conventional. But that will never be something their parents will accept.

They will likely have to learn sciences and even languages. Some might even be encouraged to do more artistic things, like painting or dancing. But, even then, it will not be because the kids want to do that. They will do it to please their parents. There’s also a lot of guilt associated with golden child syndrome. And it’s one of the main reasons why these kids are subservient.

Because their parents tend to guilt-trip them and constantly remind them how much they invested. No kid would want to quit doing something if they knew their parents gave everything they had to support them. But because your parents might have invested all their savings in your education, it doesn’t mean you owe them anything.

Though, explaining that to a kid is more complicated than it seems. And most kids feel like they have to prove they are worth those investments. So, if they fail, they feel like they’ve let their parents down. They will feel guilt and shame, and their parents’ words and actions will probably exacerbate those feelings. They will likely even be chastised in front of the whole family or otherwise made to feel inadequate.

How to Fix Golden Child Syndrome

golden child syndrome

1.      Acknowledge You Have It

Many kids with golden child syndrome develop into perfectionist adults who beat themselves up over every little mistake. And it can be hard to accept that you are allowed to be flawed. The first step towards healing is to take some time from introspection. Look into your past and try to pick up on any signs that your parents might have had a toxic parenting style.

Most kids who have tried all their life to please their parents will be too afraid to say anything negative about them. But neither you nor your parents are perfect. And there’s nothing wrong with accepting that how you were raised affects you as an adult. The first step towards healing is to accept that you are still holding on to a lot of guilt and you are a people-pleaser.

If you don’t identify the signs, you will never be able to let go of all the stress on your shoulders. Understand that feeling a crippling need to be perfect is not the same as doing things well. There’s a difference between shaking at the thought of making one little mistake and being meticulous. And, if you feel the former, you are dealing with something much worse than a bit of perfectionism. The sooner you acknowledge that you have golden child syndrome, the better.

2.      Set Boundaries

As a golden child, setting boundaries and learning to say no is vital. Unfortunately, one of the effects of being raised as a golden child is that you’ll want to please everyone. And this need will follow you into adulthood. But this is not healthy, and you’ll soon find that people will take advantage of you any chance they have. If you are a people-pleaser, others will get used to asking for your help without much regard for your well-being.

They will even ask you to help when they know how to do their job but don’t want to. This is why it’s essential to learn how to set strict boundaries. Learn how to say no and make sure that you always have time for yourself. And, probably even more important is to set boundaries with your parents. Don’t let them micromanage everything you do. Sometimes, it even helps to limit contact with them.

3.      Get Professional Help

The best way to manage the effects of golden child syndrome is to see a therapist or psychologist. The range of emotions associated with this syndrome is extensive, and they can help you manage them all. They can also help you understand that you don’t need to be perfect and are allowed to make mistakes.

And they’re someone you can talk to without worrying about being judged. Talking to someone does more than you could ever imagine. And it will help you let go of the insane pressure you feel and move on to a better life.

golden child syndrome

Final Thoughts on Causes of Golden Child Syndrome and How to Fix It

Golden child syndrome is way too common, and its effects can be seen even through adulthood. Contrary to popular belief, being raised as a golden child doesn’t make you a narcissist. It may have that effect on some people, but most of them end up being people-pleasers. Being a golden child comes with tons and tons of pressure and expectations.

These kids are expected to be perfect and excel in everything they do. And they don’t even have a say in whether they want to do an activity. They do it because it’s expected of them. If you have the golden child syndrome, you probably live with a crippling fear of failure. But there are ways to heal. You need to acknowledge that you are struggling and learn to care for yourself. Set boundaries and get professional help to manage all your emotions and struggles.

Science Explains How Pessimism Increases Anxiety

Certain lifestyle factors and circumstances can trigger anxiety, but personality traits like pessimism may also exacerbate nervousness. Our attitude about life colors every experience, so having a negative outlook will lead to more unpleasant outcomes. Of course, optimists also struggle with their mental health sometimes, but pessimistic people seem to get stuck in a rut more often.

They may eventually find it easier to dwell on negativity than try to move past the feelings. That way, nothing disappoints them since they’re already in a sour mood. There’s nothing wrong with accepting the darker aspects of life rather than running from them. But, it becomes a problem when people start to anticipate or wallow in despair.

Pessimism can affect everything from decision-making skills to physical health, proving that our thoughts and moods directly influence reality. Having a cynical personality can lead to inaccurate predictions and cloud judgment. That’s the premise of a recent study investigating how student expectations of exam grades can reveal their overall outlook on life.

“Whether we are conscious of it or not, we’re always forming expectations,” said Aaron Heller, senior author in the study and an associate professor in the Department of Psychology. “Whenever our expectations turned out to be wrong, they become a learning signal that we use to form better expectations in the future.”

Pessimistic people tend to have low expectations of themselves and others to avoid being let down. However, this usually sets them up for mental health problems like anxiety in the future.

The study authors wrote, “Individuals with elevated negative emotionality, a personality trait linked to the development of anxiety disorders, displayed a global pessimism and learning differences that impeded accurate expectations and predicted future anxiety symptoms.”

Below, we’ll discuss the study in greater detail and provide some coping mechanisms for anxiety.

Study Proves the Link Between Pessimism and Higher Anxiety


Earlier prediction error (PE) studies performed in a laboratory used simulations involving small financial rewards. However, since the tasks were relatively low-risk, researchers wanted to know if PE learning would occur with higher-stakes tasks. They investigated students’ expectations about their exam grades in a chemistry class at the University of Miami.

The researchers gathered data from 625 college students who agreed to share their grades for four tests taken during the semester. Following each exam, the students sent predictions about their scores to Heller and his colleagues, ranging from zero to 100. In previous smaller studies, the data revealed that many students exhibited an “optimistic learning bias,” meaning they learned more from positive and discounted negative experiences.

The current study published in the journal Science Advances had similar findings. Overall, most students tended to favor optimistic learning, absorbing more information when they performed well on tests. However, the students who reacted to the world with pessimism took a different approach.

“When the more optimistic students received a lower score than they anticipated, they changed their expectations appropriately, but did not overcorrect following these disappointments on the next exam. But the students who were more pessimistic tended to predict they would get a lower score on a subsequent exam even if their last grade was slightly higher than what they predicted,” said Heller.

Pessimism Leads to Inaccuracy and Confusion

“This led them to be more inaccurate in what they expected overall, and due to how they learned, predicted whether students would develop symptoms of anxiety later on in life,” he continued.

When the positive group performed worse than expected, they adjusted their expectations accordingly. However, they still believed they could earn good grades in the future. On the other hand, the students who displayed pessimism didn’t think they could replicate a high score on a test.

The study proves that exam grades alone did not influence the students’ emotions. Instead, their expectations about their scores seemed to have a more pronounced effect.

“Helping people to have more accurate expectations is an important treatment option for things like anxiety and depression,” said Heller.

Unfortunately, those who tend to be pessimistic may avoid adverse and unpredictable events. Since they are more sensitive to prediction errors, they shield themselves from future pain by relying on pessimism.

But this may backfire, leading to increased anxiety due to anticipation of a future adverse event. The study authors followed up with the participants three years later and found that pessimistic people had higher anxiety levels.

Three Ways to Reduce Anxiety

  • Practice mindfulness. That doesn’t mean you have to enjoy what’s happening around you. It simply means you have accepted the outcome, good or bad, and have a neutral outlook on the event. Studies show that yoga and meditation help balance the mind and reduce anxiety.
  • Get daily exercise. Flooding your mind and body with feel-good hormones by breaking a sweat can quickly quell anxiety. Even when you’re drowning in pessimism, try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate- to high-intensity exercise. You’ll feel much calmer and more capable of handling whatever life throws you.
  • Take adaptogens. Supplements called adaptogens can help you manage stress more effectively and feel more peaceful. One of the most popular is ashwagandha, a medicinal herb used in India for centuries. Countless studies have provided evidence of its powerful positive effect on mental health. In one study, sixty people took 240 mg of ashwagandha daily for two months and had dramatic reductions in anxiety levels.

These are just a few tips on ways to lower anxiety levels. Others include:

  • Getting enough sleep.
  • Eating a balanced diet.
  • Laughing with friends.
  • Spending time in nature.

You deserve to feel your best, so release pessimism and focus on the things that spark joy in your heart.


Final Thoughts on How Pessimism Can Make You Anxious

A pessimistic outlook means you might always believe the worst will happen. You can never enjoy life to the fullest. Pessimism causes you to live with constant fear and uneasiness about future events, taking you away from the present moment. While it isn’t easy to change your mindset, being more positive will help you see the world more clearly. Negative situations or experiences may happen, but they won’t ruffle your feathers if you have realistic expectations. Optimism means recognizing the darkness in life but being brave and confident enough to shine anyway.

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