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Avoid Depression: 8 Habits Never to Ignore

How can someone avoid depression? Is that possible by changing habits?

No matter where you are, depression can “affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working,” states a fact sheet published by the National Institute of Mental Health.

Depression can affect anyone, so it’s essential to know all the habits that can help keep depression at bay. For some people, depression can be best cured with medication. But, for others, you can lessen or entirely avoid depression by picking up a few good and healthy habits.

What Causes Depression?

The NIH fact sheet offers an overview of the primary roots of this mental state.

While that’s a fair question, it offers an explanation that’s as clear as mud. Researchers continuously study this state of mind. According to the fact sheet, it stems from several situations. They cannot pinpoint just one cause.

Some things that appear to contribute are the following:

  • Your genetic makeup
  • Environmental influences, like whether a person lives and works in a place that supports mental wellness.
  • Biological “misfires” in the body, such as hormonal imbalances
  • Psychological conditions.

Everyone experiences the mental condition differently and expresses it uniquely. No two cases are alike, so researchers find the illness perplexing.

Below, you will find eight frequent vital indicators of depression.

8 Habits To Never Ignore To Avoid Depression


mental illness

1. Avoid depresstion by getting enough sleep

Nothing will help you avoid depression, like getting enough sleep.

There’s also an argument against too much sleep. Consider the following. “While sleep deprivation has proven to be a useful tool in treating depression, it is ironically what most people suffering from depression already are experiencing,” says psychiatrist Sudhir Gadh.

You should always get at least eight hours of sleep a night or more. Going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning can significantly improve your mood. Good sleep habits are every therapist’s first suggestion for stabilizing things like depression that can seriously affect your mood.

2. Exercise

Even if you don’t exercise, moving your body daily is essential. Going for a walk in the fresh air is enough to help improve your risk of getting depression. Exercise releases endorphins, which help boost your mood. If you want to avoid getting depression, make sure to try and exercise every single day. Even if it’s just a short walk, moving your body is important.

3. Drink water

Our brains can be affected by all kinds of things, and dehydration can make our moods plummet. Depression can be alleviated or avoided entirely by ensuring your brain gets the nutrients it needs. That includes water! When your body and brain feel healthy, you’re much more likely to have the tools you need to fight depressed feelings and keep your mood up.

4. Meditation

Meditation is a great way to help your brain stay relaxed and stress-free, which is one of the best tools to avoid depression. Sitting in a quiet spot and letting your brain relax and mind process your daily events is a great way to avoid depression. Even if you only have time for five minutes in the morning, it still works. Most people find that meditation is a great way to stay stress-free.

5. Avoid depression with journaling

Writing out your thoughts and feelings is a crucial habit to pick up when you want to fight depression. It is a great way to process your emotions and lets you get everything out of your head and down onto paper. Most people find journaling to be an invaluable habit, and it can help people alleviate their depression symptoms.

6. Pick up a new hobby

Finding ways to fill your time is a therapist-recommended way to avoid feeling depressed. Find something you love to do, and then do it! “Engaging in a hobby you already love may be just the treatment you have been looking for,” says Dr. Mark Parisi.

Learning a new hobby will keep your mind busy, whether you’re into rock climbing, knitting, or painting landscapes. Also, doing things you love will help release chemicals in your brain that make you feel happy, relaxed, and stress-free.

7. Have a routine

Most people find that having a routine helps lower their falling into depression. That isn’t to say that you can’t break your routine every once in a while. But, for the most part, having a routine is a helpful habit. This means getting up simultaneously and scheduling your day to have a morning and nighttime routine. It will help you get the balance back in your life and avoid depression.

8. Talk to someone to help avoid depression

For the most part, socializing is essential to help people avoid depression. But what’s even more important is having a support network you can talk to about your feelings. Having someone that you trust is key. Opening up and talking to someone is a healthy habit to pick up. Discussing your emotions and checking in on your headspace will help you avoid depression. That person could be a counselor, therapist, or friend.

avoid depression

9. Laugh Out loud

Studies found that laughing has positive physiological effects on your mind. The physical act of laughing causes chemical changes in your body and mind. It lightens your mood and can help reduce your pain levels. So whether it’s a good belly laugh or a simple chuckle, laughing out loud is a good habit never of ignoring if you want to avoid depression.

10. Own a sweet pet

Owning a pet lowers your stress and anxiety. Cuddling your dear little companion makes you feel less lonely and more secure. Pet owners have greater self-confidence and purpose in life. If you own a dog, you’ll meet more people in your neighborhood and get more exercise because your puppy will need to go out for walks. So whether you own a sweet kitty or cuddly pup, your adorable pet will make you feel happier about your life.

11. Find a community

When you’re involved in a community, it serves as a positive habit to fight depression. Hanging out with healthy-minded people helps you stay active and make better choices for your life. Finding a community allows you to be involved with people who will encourage and support you.

12. Stay busy to avoid depression

You may not think staying active sounds like a good habit to avoid depression, but keeping busy lowers depression and anxiety. There’s nothing worse than sitting around daily with nothing to do. It makes you feel useless and tired. Staying busy helps you feel better about yourself and your life. Keep a daily routine and find things to stimulate your mind and body.

13. Read a book

Did you know that reading can improve your mental health? One study with college students found that those who read every day for at least 6 minutes felt less stressed. They had better overall mental health and less psychological distress. Grab a favorite fiction book for a relaxing read and an easy way to help avoid depression.

14. Use music to avoid depression

Individuals who struggle with depression say listening to classical music helps lift their moods. Music has been used for centuries to raise people’s spirits. Harmonic music soothes your mind and soul and relaxes your body. Supposedly, the mathematical nature of music influences your mind to feel more relaxed. Studies found that listening to classical music helped patients’ overall sense of well-being, especially those patients suffering from heart disease, pain from cancer, dementia, and depression.

15. Play a video game

It’s been found that adults who struggle with depression found relief from playing video games. The games helped their brain function and improved their mood. Video games also help you stay socially connected with others, which helps fight depression. Of course, you should avoid violent games due to their harmful effect. But if you’re struggling with depression, playing a video game occasionally is a good habit of helping fight depression.


Final Thoughts on Avoiding Bouts of Depression

Depression can be scary, but no one has to go through it alone. Not only that, but simple lifestyle changes can help you avoid or alleviate depression entirely. These habits are crucial to helping you avoid those feelings. You’ll be amazed by how much good picking up even one of these habits will do.

“You largely constructed your depression. It wasn’t given to you. Therefore, you can deconstruct it.” – Albert Ellis

Psychologists Explain 7 Ways To Fall In Love With Your Partner Every Day

Relationships take time and effort. The honeymoon period doesn’t last forever. Sometimes, we have to fall in love with our partners more than once during our time with them. There’s no shame in it, and it’s ordinary in many relationships, especially long-term ones. Falling in love with your partner repeatedly will make the relationship strong and long-lasting. Psychologists who specialize in relationships have figured out the best ways to fall in love with your partner every single day.

6 Things That Cause the Initial Rush of Love to Fade

“A great relationship is all about falling in love with the same person over and over again.” – Unknown

  1. Lack of Communication: Open and honest communication is essential for any healthy relationship. When couples stop talking and sharing their feelings, the initial attraction can fade away, leaving both partners feeling disconnected and unfulfilled.
  2. Boredom: Couples must keep their relationship fresh and exciting by trying new things together, exploring new places, or simply enjoying each other’s company. When a relationship becomes predictable and routine, it can be easy for the initial attraction to wane.
  3. Neglect: Neglecting your partner’s emotional and physical needs can also cause attraction to fade. You might forget to make time for intimacy or be attentive to your partner’s feelings.
  4. Taking Each Other for Granted: In the beginning stages of a relationship, couples are often very attentive to each other’s needs and desires. As the relationship progresses, it can be easy to take each other for granted and forget to show appreciation for the little things. This can cause the initial phases of love to fade.
  5. Lack of Trust: Trust is an essential component of any healthy relationship. Once you break the trust, it can be difficult to regain. Thus, the initial attraction may fade as a result.
  6. Growing Apart: As individuals grow and change, their relationship may evolve. Couples may grow apart if they do not take the time to grow together and nurture their relationship. This can cause the initial attraction to fade, but it does not have to be the end of the relationship.


Here Are 7 Ways To Fall In Love With Your Partner Every Single Day

Here’s the good news. Couples can restore that feeling and deepen their connection with effort and commitment.

1. Focus on the positive

Negativity can worm into your relationship before you even realize it. Things about your partner that you once liked might begin to irritate you. To fall in love with your partner every day, you want to take a step back and look at all the positives. What is it about your partner that you love? What drew you to them in the first place? Remember all the good, positive things about your partner, and you’ll fall in love daily.

2. Make time to talk every day

Relationships thrive on communication. Psychotherapist Franklin Porter, Ph.D. says this:

Relationships grow stale generally because the couple avoids confronting the issue…

Relationships tend to falter when there isn’t time to check in and talk with your partner. One way to fall in love with your partner daily is to talk with them. Check-in and talk about your days or how you’re feeling. Psychologists agree that sharing your feelings with someone can help you fall in love, and who better to fall in love with than your partner?

3. Do something to make them smile

Remember how much you loved seeing your partner smile when you first started dating? Smiling is contagious, and it can make people fall for one another. To fall in love every day, you should see your partner smile. And the best way to see them smile? Please do something to make them smile! Not only will you be doing something nice for your partner, but you’ll also be falling in love every time you do.

4. Stay intimate

Intimacy is one of the things that relationships begin to lack as the years go on. If you want to fall in love and stay in love, you have to keep working at intimacy. “Partners begin to take their love for granted and forget to keep themselves turned on and to continue to seduce their partner,” says Sari Cooper, LCSW, licensed individual, couples, and sex therapist.

Being with your partner should feel natural, not like a chore. Find time to spend together in an intimate and private setting. You’ll start falling in love with your partner more every day when you keep seeing them at their most intimate.


5. Address any issues right away

Don’t let things fester. A key to falling in love every day is ensuring you don’t let problems get bigger than they need to be. When an issue pops up, see if you can find a solution as soon as possible. You’ll find that compromising will help you fall in love with your partner repeatedly every day. Working through problems together is key to staying happy and long-lasting.

6. Give yourself time to miss them

Every relationship needs to have healthy boundaries, and everyone needs to have time to themselves. If you want to fall in love with your partner every day, you need to give yourself time to miss them. Spend some time alone, with friends, or with family.

Take a day trip without your partner so that “when you go home to Yours Truly, you’ll both be recharged and ready to come together even stronger,” says CEO of MeetMindful, Amy Baglan. You’ll be surprised by how much love you feel when you give yourself a chance to miss seeing your partner every day.

7. Flirt like teenagers

When you’re in a long-term relationship, you sometimes forget all the fun that flirting can be. Find time during your day to remind your partner how much you want them, and how attractive you think they are. Flirt throughout the day or send flirty text messages for them to find while they’re at work. Returning to the habit of flirting with your partner will make you both fall in love every day.


Final Thoughts on Falling in Love With Your Partner Every Day

Relationships are a lot of work, but they should also be fun. A partnership doesn’t have to be all about bills and the mortgage. Part of the fun is falling in love with your partner every day, over and over again. These tips should help anyone keep the love in their relationship strong.

5 Behaviors That Reveal Your Partner Trusts You’ll Never Cheat

“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” – Stephen Covey

When it comes to relationships, trust is one of the most important things two people can have for one another. In some relationships, distrust and paranoia run rampant, which can make the relationship strained. Both partners should feel like they can trust one another not to do something unthinkable, like deciding to cheat. But how do you know when your partner trusts you enough to know that you’re not going to cheat? Here are the behaviors that reveal your partner trusts you and isn’t afraid you’ll cheat on them.

Here Are 5 Behaviors Your Partner Trusts You Won’t Cheat On Them

1. They don’t check up on you

When you’re out with friends, how often does your partner text you? If your partner isn’t trying to pinpoint your exact location when you’re out with friends, then they probably aren’t worried about what you’re doing. Someone who has trust issues is more likely to keep tabs on what their partner is doing, which is bound to cause tension in a relationship where cheating isn’t happening. A partner who trusts you doesn’t need to constantly be checking where you are. Your partner may send you a couple of texts throughout the night just to make sure you’re safe, but they probably won’t be blowing up your phone throughout the night.


2. They don’t get jealous over friends

Someone who isn’t afraid you’ll cheat won’t get jealous at the drop of the hat. When you introduce them to your friends, they don’t shut down or start arguments over the people that you surround yourself with. In fact, when your partner isn’t afraid of you cheating on them, they’re more likely to be friends with your friends. When you say that you’re going out with a certain friend, they don’t get upset. People without jealousy issues are less likely to become worried or paranoid over possible cheating.

3. They have their own life

Strangely enough, having their own life outside of the relationship is a key behavior to a partner who isn’t going to be afraid of you cheating. When your partner has their own life and friends and family outside of the relationship, they’re much more likely to understand why you need those things as well. They’re going to be able to tell when you just need a night with your friends versus hanging out with them. Being with your partner is nice, and you always need to have time together. But being with your friends is important, too, and it’s key to have a partner who understands that need without becoming afraid of someone who will cheat.

4. They communicate efficiently

Communication is key to any healthy relationship. If your partner has a good grasp on communicating their needs, worries, and problems in a relationship, then this is a good thing. Having good communication skills is a behavior that most people who aren’t afraid their partner will cheat. Someone who isn’t good at communication is more likely to be susceptible to paranoia and anxiety surrounding what their partner is doing outside of the relationship, even if they have no reason to be.

… this leads to further issues in the relationship and is usually the root cause of most major disputes,” adds marriage coach Eric Hunt. If your partner has always been capable of voicing their needs in the relationship, then they’re probably not afraid of you cheating.

5. They have high self-esteem

Having low self-esteem can be a problem in any relationship, even ones that are built on strong communication and trust. A partner with low self-esteem can still become anxious and paranoid about a partner who will cheat. However, a partner with high or average self-esteem is less likely to become paranoid about those kinds of things, especially when there are no signs of cheating present in the relationship. When your partner has good self-esteem, then you’re going to see a lot more trust. They will take you for your word when you say that they have no reason to worry about a partner who will cheat

Final thoughts

Your relationship should always be built on trust. When there’s no trust, there are a lot of problems. Usually, the suspicion of a partner who may or may not cheat can cause issues, especially when neither partner is a cheat. These behaviors should let you know that your partner trusts you to stay faithful and has no fear that you’re cheating on them. On the flip side, the opposite of these behaviors might give you a clue to whether or not your partner is paranoid about cheating. It can help you get ahead, and make sure those issues are addressed right away.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

4 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is Rejecting Love (And They Don’t Know It)

Is someone rejecting love without realizing it?

Love is what makes the world go around. Scientists also insist that people need love to survive. From family to friends to romantic relationships, love is all around us. We receive it every single day. So, when it comes to love, it’s impossible to imagine someone rejecting the love that’s offered to them. Who would ever want to reject love? Most people don’t realize all the ways that they are subconsciously rejecting the love that surrounds them. Knowing how you reject love will make it easier for you to start accepting it and changing your life. Here are all the ways someone is turning away from love, even if unaware of it.

4 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is Rejecting Love Without Realizing It

“When we can identify what activates in us that causes us to retreat from being vulnerable and loving, we can start to understand why we act the way we do.” – Dr. Lisa Firestone

1. Starting arguments

When people feel too vulnerable in a relationship, it isn’t uncommon for them to start picking fights with their significant other. Most people experience arguments or mild disagreements in a relationship. This is a natural part of having a relationship. But, when someone rejects love, they start picking fights that don’t need to happen. Not only do people rejecting love start fights, but they also don’t let arguments resolve naturally. In order to start accepting love, it’s important to take a step back and get a reality check. If you find yourself starting arguments, look at the reasons why. You may find that you’re subconsciously trying to reject love.


2. Shutting down emotionally

How should anyone accept love without being in tune with their emotions? Shutting down emotionally is one of the ways many people reject love without even realizing it. When you start to feel vulnerable, cutting yourself off from your emotions may seem like the right thing to keep you safe because “we often convince ourselves that we don’t care that much about the relationship,” adds Dr. Lisa Firestone Ph.D.

But rejecting love will only ensure that you can’t experience it. Take notice of when you shut down emotionally. What triggers it? Take steps to be more open and honest with your partner. When you allow yourself to feel your emotions, you can accept the love in your life.

3. Settling for less than you deserve

We don’t always date the people who will treat us the way we deserve. That’s just a fact of life. But when you continue to settle for less, you’re rejecting the love of all the people who would treat you the way you deserve. This is usually due to someone feeling like they don’t deserve the kind of happiness that they desire most. Take a look at your past relationships and see where they don’t live up to what you deserve. Now, imagine that someone you love was constantly settling for less. What would you tell them? Try to take the advice you would give a loved one and allow yourself to seek out the relationship you rightly deserve.

4. Comparing self to others

When we compare ourselves to others, we often feel less than our best. But what most people don’t know that comparing yourself to others is a way of rejecting love. When you compare yourself to others, you’re allowing yourself to wallow in low self-esteem. And of course, when you have low self-esteem, you tend to reject the love that comes into your life. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on yourself. Focus on what you’re good at, and what makes you a unique person. Everyone has something to offer others, and you have good things to bring to every relationship. The moment you stop comparing yourself to others, you’ll be better equipped to start accepting love, instead of rejecting it.

rejecting love

Final Thoughts on People Who Are Rejecting Love

Do any of these things sound like you? Are you someone who picks fights in your relationship? Or maybe you’re constantly comparing yourself to other people? If so, you’re most likely rejecting love. Thankfully, there are ways to start accepting love instead of pushing it away. If you’re honest with yourself, and recognize these love-rejecting habits, you can start making some fundamental changes. Everyone deserves to feel love. Don’t be afraid to open up emotionally to your partner. Never accept less than what you deserve in a relationship. These are the first steps anyone can take to allow love back into their lives.

5 Foods That Increase Your Brain Power Naturally

“Once we hit our late twenties, the brain’s aging process begins and we begin losing neurons – the cells that make up the brain and nervous system. By our sixties, our brains have literally begun to shrink.” ~ Canyon Ranch Institute: ‘How Your Brain Changes With Age’

Not too long ago, most people – including brain experts – thought that loss of brain cells meant the loss of intellect and that loss of intelligence was both inevitable and irreversible. All of this, of course, was before the discovery of neuroplasticity, the almost superhuman ability of the brain to grow neural connections throughout life.

Dr. Michael Merzenich, one of the pioneers of neuroplasticity research, explains this incredible capability of the brain:

“Your brain is plastic. You have the power within, at any age to be better, more capable, continuously growing a progressively more interesting life. If you’re in (cognitive) decline, you have great resources that can help you sustain – indeed, even regrow – your neurological abilities in ways that can help assure that your active brain shall last as long as your physical body.”

Now, because of aging’s cumulative effects on the brain, there is no possible way to regrow every neuron that’s ever spouted, but that’s not necessary. The most important thing, according to Dr. Merzenich, is that we continue to challenge, nourish, and protect our noggin.

If you do these three things, you’ll be able to care for your brain well beyond what is needed for healthy cognitive function.

The Role of Food

As you well know, pretty much everything that you put into your body has a physical and psychological impact. We’re either adding to our brainpower or subtracting from it. Wolf down four pieces of pizza, and you’ll probably feel a bit less sharp; eat an orange and you may experience a slight brain and energy boost.

If you’re interested in maximizing your intellectual capabilities and want to use food as a means for doing so, this article is for you. Only the foods that produce a significant (and well-documented) cognitive benefit are worthy of mentioning here.

Here are the best foods for your brain according to doctors and other experts:

1. Blueberries

A.k.a. “brain berries,” blueberries are perhaps the most potent brain food of all. First, foremost, and most importantly, blueberries protect your brain from the damage of free radicals and age-related cognitive disorders such as dementia.

In one interesting study, researchers conclude that blueberries increased “both the learning capacity and motor skills” of aging rats. These findings show that eating at least one cup of fresh blueberries per day may reap some serious brain benefits.

2. Avocados


Besides blueberries, avocados may just be the next best food for your brain. “I don’t think the avocado gets its due,” says Steven Pratt, MD, author of Superfoods RX: Fourteen Foods Proven to Change Your Life.

The most notable discovery is that the monosaturated fats in avocados significantly increase blood flow to the brain as well as also lower blood pressure. The former effect enhances thinking skills, while the latter safeguards them against decline. Healthy as avocados are for the brain, they’re pretty high in calories. Add just 1/2 avocado to one daily meal, maximum.

3. Nuts and Seeds

Per WebMD, an ounce of almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, flaxseed, filberts, hazelnuts, sesame seeds or sunflower seeds may help halt some of the inevitable cognitive declines of aging. Scientists attribute this neuroprotective effect to vitamin E.

Unhydrogenated nut butters, including peanut butter and almond butter, also work. If you are sensitive to sodium, buy unsalted varieties. As with other calorie-heavy foods on this list, enjoy nuts and seeds in moderation.

4. Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice is a convenient way to get a nice dose of antioxidants in a convenient package. Eating the fruit is also an option if you don’t mind separating the tiny seeds.

As pomegranate juice contains sugar, it is wise to drink just a bit. Two ounces of the stuff mixed in with some spring water will suffice just fine. Here’s another option: 1 ounce of pomegranate juice, a teaspoon of lime juice, and a healthy dose of club soda.

5. Dark Chocolate

We’ll go ahead and end this article with dessert. While indeed a tasty treat, dark chocolate is also a superfood! The reason? Antioxidants and more antioxidants! Dark chocolate also contains natural stimulants which help to enhance concentration. Of course, it is best to enjoy dark chocolate in moderation. Some tips: choose dark chocolate that is at least 70 percent cocoa (80 to 90 percent is even better, though considerably more expensive.) A few squares, or about a half ounce to an ounce, is plenty enough to reap the brain benefits of this treat.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Merzenich, M. (2013). Soft-Wired: How the New Science of Brain Plasticity Can Change Your Life. Parnassus Publishing. San Francisco, California.

7 Early Warnings of Liver Damage to Never Ignore

A properly functioning liver is vital to our health. Without it, you won’t feel well, and your health will severely suffer. If you recognize the signs of liver damage in yourself or someone you love, you must find a way to reverse the effects.

There are many potential causes of liver damage, including genetic predisposition, long-term liver diseases, and prolonged exposure to toxic substances. While you can’t prevent genetics, you can reduce the number of toxins you take into your body.

You must understand the potential signs of damage to preserve your health and well-being. Liver disease rates are steadily increasing and have become one of the most common causes of death. Understanding why your liver is so essential. So what can you do to keep it healthy can make all the difference in your life?

Why a Healthy Liver is Essential

Your liver cleanses the body by metabolizing alcohol and drugs and neutralizing poisonous substances. It also manufactures essential body proteins, including those preventing blood-clotting, open pathways for nutrient delivery to the blood, and proteins that ward off infection.

Additionally, your liver produces cholesterol, converting it into essential substances used by the body. This organ regulates energy supply by manufacturing, storing, and delivering glucose to the body and brain. Plus, it helps balance hormones, including those found in the adrenal and thyroid glands.

Seven Possible Signs of Liver Damage

diseased liver

Watch for these red flags.

1. Fatigue

Research shows that chronic fatigue and exhaustion are the most common symptoms of liver damage. Medical professionals speculate that liver-related fatigue and exhaustion occur because of neurochemical changes in the brain and hormonal imbalances.

Exacerbating the feelings of fatigue and exhaustion are elevated levels of toxic byproducts in the blood, which an impaired liver cannot properly eliminate.

2. Dry or Irritated Skin

Irritated and itchy skin that persists is another potential indication of liver damage. Healthy skin requires moisture via the transmission of fluids within the body.

Without the fluid, the skin can take on a different appearance. The changes might include a reddening of the hands or feet, yellowing the mucous membranes, or inexplicable skin spotting.

3. Abdominal Pain

If the liver is damaged, it is common to feel pain around the abdominal area. It sometimes seems like a stabbing or throbbing sensation – a symptom often relieved only by properly treating the underlying issue.

Long-term use of some over-the-counter or prescription medications can result in long-term liver damage. Those experiencing persistent abdominal pain of the stabbing or throbbing variety – and have used drugs for a substantial period – should visit a physician for evaluation.

4. Nausea or Vomiting

One of the liver’s primary functions is to eliminate toxic substances from the body. When the detoxification function is impaired, it can cause sudden changes in normal digestion and metabolism.

The liver is a large organ within the digestive system. Therefore, any liver-related condition can manifest into digestive problems. Nausea and vomiting frequently occur due to the accumulation of toxins that the liver cannot eradicate.

5. Bruising

Another function of the liver is to assist in producing necessary protein enzymes to prevent blood clots. Changes to the appearance of your skin are common when this blood-clotting mechanism is impaired.

Experts explain that decreasing liver functionality causes bruising and easy bleeding. If you notice any unexplained bruising, don’t ignore it.

6. Abdominal Swelling

Liver damage disrupts normal blood flow to the organ. It increases pressure in the surrounding veins. These surrounding veins include those responsible for transporting blood from the spleen and intestines to the liver. Disruption of this process causes blood pressure levels to spike – a condition known as portal hypertension.

Portal hypertension causes fluid accumulation around the abdomen, a condition called ascites. Ascites may also arise from the liver’s inability to make other blood proteins.

7. Jaundice

Liver problems can cause discoloration of the eyes and skin. This discoloration happens because of the buildup of a bile pigment called bilirubin, which cannot be disposed of properly.

Yellowish hueing of the skin or eyes is called jaundice. Aside from altering the eye’s appearance, jaundice can cause other symptoms, including darkening the urine, full-body itching, and cognitive impairment.

10 Foods That Help Reverse Liver Damage

Eating nutritious foods can help reverse the damage and prevent worsening conditions. Feeding your body nutrients is the only way to achieve positive results.

1. Garlic

Garlic is a beneficial option for reversing damage because it is so versatile. You can use it on almost any food, improving the flavor while adding nutrients. It contains antioxidants and is a natural antibiotic, as well.

2. Bananas

This fruit is a perfect snack. Additionally, you can pair this fruit with your other breakfast foods. It contains oligosaccharide, which is prebiotic that feeds good gut bacteria. Bananas also lower triglyceride levels in your body, making them highly beneficial for your liver.

Studies show that the starch in bananas improves blood sugar levels and insulin response. They also contain B-6, helping regulate diabetes. Since diabetes can cause liver disease, controlling it is essential to your health.

3. Avocado

Avocados are a great addition to salads, sandwiches, tacos, and anything else you feel like adding them to. They contain compounds that improve liver health more than many other foods.

If you’re skeptical about the high-fat content of avocados, don’t worry about it being unhealthy. The fats are almost all monounsaturated, helping reduce cholesterol levels. Avocados also contain vitamins E and C, fiber, potassium, and folate.

avocado pancakes

4. Fish

Omega-3 fatty acids are optimal for reversing liver damage, and fish contains high amounts. Salmon, sardines, and tuna are best for reducing scarring in the liver. Experts suggest eating fish at least twice a week, but you can do it more often.

5. Ginger

This root is highly beneficial to the liver, reversing damage from jaundice and bile duct blockage. It also contains properties that protect the liver from further damage. Scientists used a microscope to evaluate ginger’s effect on the liver and found that it resulted in noticeable improvements.

Ginger protects the liver from fibrosis, degenerative scars on the organ. It contains antioxidants that restore and treat the disease.

6. Oatmeal

Starting your day with oatmeal gives you a healthy dose of fiber, including beta-glucans. Beta-glucans are a specific type of fiber that helps fight inflammation and reduce obesity. Because of these benefits, beta-glucans assist with decreasing fat in the liver.

When choosing your oatmeal, avoid the processed options. You won’t receive the same health benefits, and quite a bit of pre-packaged oatmeal is unhealthy.

Consider pairing your oatmeal with probiotic yogurt, bananas, or chopped nuts. Not only will your liver benefit, but you’ll have plenty of energy to start your day.

7. Probiotic Yogurt

This type of yogurt is full of good bacteria that promote gut health. It can also reverse liver damage, allowing you to live a healthier life. Probiotic yogurt benefits the gut microbe and gut-liver axis and boosts liver enzymes.

8. Coffee

In moderation, coffee is one of the most beneficial things you can consume. That’s because it decreases your risk of developing liver disease and helps reverse damage that has already occurred. Drinking coffee also reduces your risk of developing hepatic fibrosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer.

Coffee decreases gut permeability because it boosts the hormone Zonulin in your body. High gut permeability contributes to liver damage, so minimizing it is key to keeping your organ healthy.

9. Artichoke

Artichoke is delicious in dips. But you might not realize how good it is for your health. It protects your liver by fighting hyperlipidemia and high-fat levels in the blood. Artichoke also enhances bile production, helping remove waste and giving your liver a break.

Artichoke not only protects the liver but encourages healing, too. It also promotes the growth of new tissue, keeping your organ healthy.

10. Carrots

Carrots are rich in antioxidants and contain high amounts of fiber. They support the health of all of your organs, but they’re highly beneficial to your liver. Carrots contain beta-carotene, stimulating bile production and promoting waste removal.

Because beta-carotene and bile help your liver remove waste, your liver can recharge. It’ll regenerate liver cells instead of continually working to remove toxins from your body.

Foods That Can Increase the Chance of Liver Damage

When eating liver-friendly foods, you should consider eliminating a few things from your diet. Some of your favorite foods can cause or worsen the damage. These foods include:

  • Sugar and candy
  • Flour
  • Cookies
  • Muffins
  • Bagels
  • Donuts
  • White bread
  • Industrial seed oil (and foods fried in it)
  • Fast-food
  • Pizza

If you do consume these foods, do so in moderation. Because you increase the risk of liver damage, please don’t make it a daily habit.

diseased liver

Final Thoughts on Knowing the Early Signs of Liver Damage

The great news is that the liver is a highly adaptive and resilient organ. When treated, it is often capable of healing itself. So under the guidance of a medical professional, most liver-related illnesses receive a favorable prognosis.

Therefore, it is wise to consult with a medical professional if these symptoms persist. As with most medical conditions, the earlier the underlying cause is determined, the more streamlined and efficient any treatment will be.

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