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5 Behaviors That Make You Irresistible

“What makes someone irresistible, is not their looks, but the way they can make your mind tickle, your heart race and your soul smile, all at once.” – Drishti Bablani

Most people want to be irresistible every once in a while. Being irresistible can come naturally to some, but for the rest of us, it’s something that we have to work at. Being irresistible doesn’t always have to do with what you look like. Sure, there are some physical aspects to being irresistible, but for the most part, it’s all about the attitude. There are certain behaviors that can make just about anyone irresistible. Here are some of the best ways to make you irresistible, no matter who you are.

Here Are 5 Behaviors That Make You Irresistible

1. Keep away from drama

Negativity only draws negative people. Most people don’t want to hang out with someone who is always surrounded by negativity and drama. It’s a drain on their own emotional resources, but it’s also a drain on yours. According to relationship expert Tony Chatman, “… If you ‘bond’ with someone on a negative issue, they will feel that they have found a partner in their distress, and they will look for you every time they feel something negative.

When you keep away from drama, you’re giving other people a safe space around you. People are more likely to want to hang out with you, because they know they’re going to have a fun time. They’re also more likely to talk to you and open up. When you stay positive and keep the negativity to a minimum, you’ll be irresistible to just about anyone.


2. Allow vulnerability

To be irresistible, you have to connect with people on a personal level. If you keep yourself closed off, you won’t be able to do that very well. To connect with people, you have to allow yourself to be vulnerable. Open up and share your feelings and talk about the things that you believe. When you have vulnerabilities, other people will see you as a fully realized creation. You become three dimensional as soon as you allow yourself to be vulnerable. And to most people, vulnerability is incredibly irresistible. People love to be around people that they can connect with on a deep and soulful level.

3. Focus on other people

The key habit to making yourself irresistible is to focus on the people around you. It’s okay to take time to yourself when you need it, but irresistible people try their best to focus on helping others. This is a good habit for more than just being irresistible, too. Spend less time thinking of what other people can do for you, and spend more time thinking about what you can do for other people. You want to make sure you still have boundaries and know when to say ‘no’. Focus on the people around you and everyone will find you to be an irresistible presence in their lives.

4. Remember: Always be yourself

Sure, sure. We have all heard ‘Be yourself’ more times than we can count. But it’s a good idea to take this phrase and turn it into a habit. “Accepting your true self is the first step to being yourself,” says body language expert Robert Phipps. Being authentic is a way to make yourself irresistible to other people.

When we try to be someone that we’re not, we tend to slip up. If you try to make yourself out to be a different person, the truth will always come out. It’s better just to be authentic and true to yourself. When you are yourself, you attract the kind of people who like you for who you are, not for someone you’re trying to be.

5. Be respectful

Respect for yourself and for other people is a key behavior to being irresistible. People who are irresistible treat everyone with respect, especially people like service workers. Nothing is more irresistible than seeing someone treat a waiter or a bartender like a human being. Respecting yourself is another way to make yourself absolutely irresistible. This means taking care of yourself; mind, body and soul. It also means knowing your boundaries. Don’t let other people walk all over you.

Final thoughts

Being irresistible is about way more than just physical appearance. Getting a haircut or wearing nice clothes can help, but it’s all for nothing if someone doesn’t have the attitude to back it up. If you want to be irresistible, these are the best behaviors and habits to pick up. Being respectful, kind, drama-free and vulnerable will show the rest of the world what kind of person you really are. Other people will be drawn to you, and your behavior, habits and attitude will keep them coming back for more.


Psychologists Explain 3 Ways to Attract The Person You Want

On some level, we all desire to be seen, to be noticed, and to be understood. There are different levels to this desire, where at times we want fleeting connections with friends and acquaintances. Other times, we want to be noticed by the person we feel a strong, romantic connection with.

When we want someone, we tend to try to get their attention in a variety of ways. Psychologists have figured out ways for people to get noticed and grab the attention that they desire. Here are the top three ways that psychologists have said will help you get noticed by the person you want.

Here Are 3 Ways To Attract The Person You Want

“If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s not being noticed.” – Steve Sabol

1. Show positive emotions

Positivity is something that goes a long way. There’s so much power in positivity. Psychologists have shown that even just thinking positive thoughts can improve someone’s mood. Positivity is also incredibly potent when it comes to making other people like you. Psychologists all agree that if you want to get noticed by someone that you want, then you’ll need to start showing positive emotions. Smile more often and laugh.

Smiling and laughter is known to be contagious. When you’re hanging around someone that you want to notice you, smiling and laughing will be sure to get them looking your way. Not only that, but the smiling and laughter will be a way to ensure that the person you want will associate you with positive emotions. When someone associates you with positive emotions, they’ll want to hang out with you more often.


According to a group of research, “The take-home message is that positive emotions are worth cultivating, not just as end states in themselves but also as a means to achieving psychological growth and improved well-being over time.

2. Talk about shared values

People want to spend time with other people who share their values. Someone who believes in being a good person and telling the truth will want to share their time with people who also believe in being a good person and telling the truth. Someone who has those values wouldn’t want to spend time with people who lie a lot or are rude to others. Likewise, someone who likes to gossip wouldn’t want to spend time with someone who has a moral issue with gossiping.

Ask yourself, what values do you have, and what values do you share with the person that you want to notice you? Be honest with your values, and don’t try to pretend you’re something you’re not. Talk about the values that you share with the person that you want to notice you. Psychologists agree that emphasizing your shared values will get someone to be more open to noticing you.

3. Use their name

Psychologists all agree that using people’s names is one of the quickest ways to get someone to notice you. Not only that, but it’s the quickest way to get people to keep on noticing you. When someone hears their own name, psychologists say that it helps validate their own reality, and makes them feel more endeared towards the person that is speaking.

So, if you’re looking to get someone to notice you, make sure you use their name. Not only will they notice you, but they’ll also associate you with positive emotions. Being associated with positivity will draw the person you want to you, again and again. Don’t be afraid to use their name, or their title if it’s applicable. Psychologists all agree that if you want to get a person to notice you, then it’s important to let them know you see them.

Final thoughts

If you want to get someone to notice you, then you have to know the way the human brain works. It may be tempting to use some gimmicks like dressing up, flirting, or making yourself seem more noticeable. This might work in the short term, but part of getting the person you want to notice you is keeping them coming back for more.

Psychologists have an understanding of the inner workings of the human mind. They have tons of knowledge on how to help people connect with one another by utilizing the human mind. These are some of the best tried and true ways to get the person you want to notice you. Not only will they get them to notice you, but they’ll make sure that they can’t look away, and keep coming back for more.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Early Warning Symptoms of Food Poisoning (And How to Prevent It)

Many different disease-causing germs can contaminate foods, so there are many different cases of food poisoning each year. CDC estimates that each year 48 million people get sick from foodborne illness, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die. Researchers have identified more than 250 foodborne diseases. ~ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Food poisoning, also referred to as foodborne illness, happens after consuming food that has been contaminated before or during its preparation. Generally, food becomes contaminated during the processing, production, handling, or cooking phase. Infectious organisms – including bacteria, viruses, and parasites – are the most common causes of food poisoning.

Upon consuming contaminated food, each symptom’s degree of severity depends on the person. Some experience only mild symptoms; others, more severe. Individuals who have a higher risk of food poisoning are known to be “at-risk,” and they’re more likely to experience more severe forms of food poisoning.

We’ll discuss a few at-risk demographics later on in the article, followed up by some useful tips on how to prevent food poisoning.

First, here are five potential warning signs of the illness:

1. Flu-Like Symptoms

For many, the first symptoms to appear resemble those of the flu: weakness, nausea, and fatigue. Some people develop fever and chills. If your fever level reaches or exceeds 103 degrees Fahrenheit, you should seek immediate medical attention.

2. Abdominal Cramping and Pain

Organisms that produce food poisoning irritate the lining of your GI tract; this can lead to painful inflammation of the stomach, which may cause pain in your abdomen. The body quickly realizes the presence of harmful organisms and contracts the abdominal muscles faster to expel them. Unfortunately, this effect also leads to (often severe) cramping.

3. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a common symptom of food poisoning; characterized by three or more bowel movements of loose and watery stools within a 24-hour period. The frequent urge to go to the bathroom is often preceded by abdominal cramps or bloating. Because of the severe nature of diarrhea typical of food poisoning, dehydration becomes a potential problem. It is necessary to sip water to fend off the potentially dangerous complications of a dehydrated body.

4. Nausea

Nausea that accompanies food poisoning may surface between one and eight hours of eating contaminated food. Nausea is commonly an early warning sign of food poisoning, as the body attempts to signal that we’ve digested something possibly harmful. Nausea symptoms may be exacerbated as the bowel slows – a natural response designed to keep the toxin confined to the stomach.

5. Vomiting

The “last early warning symptom” of food poisoning is usually a bout of vomiting. While vomiting (and diarrhea) are unpleasant, the body must expel bacteria and viruses from the body to prevent health complications. For some, episodes of severe vomiting throughout the illness (usually 3 to 5 days) is typical.

At-Risk Demographics

Food poisoning is similar to many other illnesses in that some groups of people are more at risk than others. The two differentiators are (1) odds of acquiring the illness, and (2) the body’s response once ill.

The groups most susceptible to food poisoning are:

Cancer Patients: As cancer weakens the immune system, they are more prone to the effects of infection-causing bacteria and other pathogens. Combined with symptoms of their cancer, a case of food poisoning can become rather severe.

Elderly Adults: Statistically, adults aged 65 and older are more likely to be hospitalized or experience severe complications from food poisoning. The primary reason is the slow decline of organ function as we age; including the immune system.

Pregnant Women: During pregnancy, it is common for the symptoms of food poisoning to become more severe. Also, some food groups dramatically increase risk: seafood, unpasteurized dairy, and eggs among them.

Young Children: The immune system is not fully developed until about four or five years of age. As such, a child’s immune system is not as able to effectively eliminate foodborne bacteria and pathogens.

fake foods

              RELATED: Foods You Should Never Eat

Preventing Food Poisoning

It is important that we all prioritize food safety, as it can not only impact our health but those for whom we care. Those considered at-risk should take additional safety precaution, and consult with their doctor concerning dietary recommendations.

Following the USDA’s “Clean, Separate, Cook, Chill” framework, there are actionable steps to help prevent food poisoning:

1. Clean and wash hands, surfaces, and food before handling food.
2. Separate raw meats and poultry from other food types, especially vegetables.
3. Cook all food at the appropriate temperature.
4. Chill leftover perishable foods by promptly storing them in a refrigerator or freezer.


(Please note that the following advice is not applicable to children. If you suspect that a child may have food poisoning, it is necessary to seek immediate medical attention.)

Most cases of food poisoning are treatable in-home. Courtesy of WebMD, here are a few steps to follow:

– Avoid food for the first few hours as your stomach settles.
– Drink water, broth, or an electrolyte solution to replace necessary minerals. (This is especially critical when diarrhea and vomiting are severe, as they increase the odds of dehydration.)
– Eat when you feel ready, but stick to limited amount of bland foods like bread, crackers, and soup.
– When not eating or drinking, make sure that you are resting.

If your symptoms do not begin receding within 2-3 days, call your doctor or visit a local health clinic.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Avoid An Abusive Relationship: 8 Habits to Never Ignore

An abusive relationship can happen weeks, months, or even years after first getting together. People who are trapped in abusive relationships often feel stuck and helpless. According to a group of researchers, “Intimate partner violence (IPV) is considered a human rights violation and public health issue throughout the world.

The good news is there are ways to avoid an abusive relationship entirely. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s important to get out as quickly and safely as possible. In order to know what to avoid, it’s important to know the most common habits of a relationship that’s going to go south. Here are the top habits to never ignore when it comes to an abusive relationship.

Here Are 8 Signs Of An Abusive Relationship

“An abuser can seem emotionally needy. You can get caught in a trap of catering to him, trying to fill a bottomless pit.” – Lundy Bancroft

1. Lying

Lying isn’t good. Relationships should be built on trust and communication. If your partner makes you feel like you can’t trust them, that’s a huge red flag. Even if the lies seem small, they will undoubtedly get bigger. Lying is a way to control and manipulate people. Abusers will use it in order to gaslight, manipulate and control their victims. If your partner starts lying, be on the alert. Trying to manipulate in a relationship is always a bad sign.

2. Insults

Even if they start off as playful, insults stop being fun and games when someone gets legitimately hurt. Insults are another way for abusers to control their partners. The insults may start off small, but they will gradually get bigger. Don’t tolerate insulting in the relationship, especially if it has to do with your intelligence. An abuser will make you want to question your self-worth.


3. Passive-aggressive behavior

We all know someone that is a little passive-aggressive. This doesn’t mean that they are automatically an abuser. However, in an abusive relationship, passive-aggression is one of the main forms of communication. Instead of communicating and asking for what they want, an abuser will become passive-aggressive as a way to guilt their partner into doing what they want. There’s very little compromise in a relationship like this.

4. Anger problems

Someone who has a problem controlling their anger is a huge red flag when it comes to relationships. According to relationship expert and author Steven Stosny, Ph.D., “Angry and abusive partners tend to be anxious by temperament.

If your partner gets angry at other people at the drop of a hat, it’s probably a sign that they will do the same thing to their partners. Unchecked anger is a gateway to an abusive relationship, especially when things can become heated during arguments.

5. Aggression

If someone lets off steam by punching walls, slamming doors, knocking over lamps, shoving things off tables… that’s a bad sign. For most people, seeing someone let out physical anger can be paralyzing. This is exactly what the abuser wants. In almost most cases, the person who is punching walls or slamming doors is exerting their power over their partner. They are showing their partner the damage they can do. If someone is prone to slamming doors, avoid them at all costs.

6. Extreme jealousy

Jealousy by itself isn’t a bad thing. However, when the jealousy becomes extreme and starts interfering with the relationship, this is a problem. The first time your partner becomes over-the-top jealous over something as simple as seeing a friend, or going out with a family member, this is a red flag. Don’t take extreme jealousy lightly. This is a red flag, and a habit that should never be ignored.

7. Physical abuse

Not even once. This is one of the most important habits to never ignore. If your partner hits you, slaps you, pinches you, or hurts you in any way, it’s time to back off as quickly and safely as you can. It doesn’t matter if they promise never to do it again.

Domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose and one purpose only: to gain and maintain total control over you,” states HelpGuide. If someone has already demonstrated that they are willing to harm you, the relationship has already become abusive. By leaving at the very first sign of physical abuse, you’re avoiding a long road.

8. “If you ever left me, I would hurt myself.”

Relationships shouldn’t feel like nooses around someone’s neck. The end of a relationship might be hard, heartbreaking, and difficult to deal with, but they should never drive someone towards suicide. Be very wary of someone who says that they would die if the relationship ended. They might need emotional help, but chances are they are trying to control you through manipulation.

Final thoughts

Don’t get caught in an abusive relationship. Be aware of the signs, not just for yourself, but for the people around you as well. Knowing these habits and never ignoring even a single one will help countless people on the path to avoiding an abusive relationship. There’s always hope just around the corner, and safe and healthy relationships are waiting for you.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is Gaslighting You

What is gaslighting?

According to relationship expert Susan Winter, gaslighting occurs when someone tries to control someone else through manipulation by making them doubt themselves, their intuition and their reality. Note that the purpose is to make someone question their reality. It’s a specific form of abuse that can cause people to feel like they’re going crazy.

The term originated from a play called “Gaslight” in which a husband slowly drives his wife mad by turning gas lights on and off and then denying that anything is happening. Now, gaslight describes abuse that makes someone question their reality. Fortunately, there are several red flag behaviors that expose someone as a gaslighter.

Here Are 5 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is Gaslighting You

“Some people try to be tall by cutting off the heads of others.” — Paramahansa Yogananda

1. Lying

Lying is a key behavior in gaslighting. In fact, gaslighting requires that the person in question tells blatant lies. If someone is telling you lies contradicting what you know, then it’s a red flag that they are trying to gaslight you. For example, if you know that you said something specific, and your partner tries to lie and say that you said something else, then it’s a red flag. For example, if you told your partner, “I’m annoyed right now,” and they try to change what you said to, “I hate you right now,” this is a form of gaslighting.

gaslighting in relationships

2. They project feelings onto you

Projection means someone is making out as you feel, think or want something that you don’t actually feel, think or want. Someone who is gaslighting you needs to be able to project something on their victim to control them. For example, if you give the abuser a neutral response, they may project an openly hostile response onto you. When someone says, “I don’t know” in response to a question, the gaslighter will project a more insidious motivation or feeling onto the person. Not only that, but they will tell you what you’re feeling, and insist that it’s true until you start to believe it.

3. They pit you against everyone else

A gaslighter wants you to believe it’s “you and me against the world”. They will make you believe that everyone else is lying to you and that they are the only person that you can trust. If a gaslighter starts to tell you that your friends and family are lying to you, this is a big red flag, especially if this is hard to believe. If your friends and family have never lied to you before, then they wouldn’t have any reason to start lying now. Someone trying to gaslight you wants you to believe that everyone else can’t be trusted.

4. They say one thing and do another

The greatest tool that a gaslighter has is confusion, and they are masters at controlling that confusion. If someone is telling you one thing, but demonstrating something else, then this is a huge sign that they are trying to gaslight you. For example, if someone tells you that they trust you but break into your phone, they don’t trust you. If someone tells you they love you but continue to berate and humiliate you, this is a red flag. If someone intentionally tries to confuse you, they’re trying to gaslight you.

5. Denial

Another tell-tale behavior of someone trying to gaslight you is outright denial. This goes hand in hand with lying. According to George Simon, Ph.D., “When they’re confronted, they don’t just deny, deny, deny — they deny adamantly. The script is simple: when you get confronted on something you know will expose you for the unsavory character you are, act offended and hurt, appear resolute, and question the sanity of your accuser. The script is not only simple, it’s also generally effective.

It doesn’t matter if you have video evidence of them doing something, they will bend over backward trying to prove to you that the event didn’t actually happen. However, this mostly happens in more subtle ways. If they insulted you yesterday, they will deny that they did today. If you helped them out with something, they will deny that you ever helped them at all. Be aware of denial, as this is a red flag of someone trying to gaslight you.


6. They distort your memory

Gaslighters have a knack for manipulating your memory. They will dispute your recollection of past events, making you question your memory, judgment, and sanity. This could involve them claiming that incidents you clearly remember never happened or insisting on an alternative version of events. Over time, this continuous distortion of your memory can lead you to doubt your own perceptions and believe their version of reality.

7. They trivialize your feelings

Gaslighters often dismiss or belittle the feelings of their victims to undermine their self-esteem and invalidate their experiences. They might tell you you’re being too sensitive, overreacting, or your feelings are unfounded. By doing this, they create a narrative where your emotions are irrational or wrong, making you second guess your feelings and question your reality.

8. They use your insecurities against you

Someone gaslighting you will be aware of your insecurities and fears and use them against you. They could make snide remarks or backhanded compliments at your weaknesses, making you feel inferior and doubtful about yourself. These remarks might be subtle enough not to seem like direct insults, yet powerful enough to chip away at your self-esteem.

9. They constantly change the goalposts

Gaslighters frequently change the rules or expectations in a relationship, making it difficult to feel like you’re doing the right thing. This creates a sense of instability and constant unease, as you never know what will be expected of you next. This constant change of expectations can leave you feeling perpetually off-balance and unsure of yourself.

10. They isolate you from your support system

Gaslighters will often try to cut you off from your friends and family. They may tell you your loved ones are bad influences, have ill intentions, or don’t understand your relationship. The aim is to isolate you so that they become your only source of information and emotional support. This isolation makes it harder for you to seek help or gain perspective on their behavior, ultimately making their gaslighting tactics more effective.


Final Thoughts on Gaslighting Behaviors

Gas lighting can be a terrifying thing to go through. However, these are the main signs to inform you if gaslighting occurs. Someone trying to gaslight you will try to make you question your reality. The most important thing to do is get as much proof as possible and figure out an exit strategy with your support system. Let others know what’s happening and use them as your reality check.

5 Easy Ways to Heal Digestion Problems Naturally

Healthy digestion is crucial to taking in, absorbing, and transporting nutrients throughout the body.  You may not think about it, but digestion is constantly going on in your body.  Your digestive system covers all things in your body that have a primary function of taking care of what you eat and drink.

In total, seven parts make up the digestive process: the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, pancreas, and liver.

Before we get into all of that, here are a few interesting (and subsequently relevant) truths about digestion:

– We produce about 32 ounces of saliva every day. Saliva has numerous functions, including neutralizing acids, digesting food, and carrying minerals to the enamels of the teeth.

– Our brain communicates with the digestive system through the ‘gut-brain axis.’ As such, our emotions (including stress) directly affect how the body digests food!

– The small intestine is approximately 23 feet long; the large intestine is only about 5 feet. (Kinda ironic, eh?)

– Our stomach can hold as much as 4 pounds of food at once.

– Gastrointestinal distress can be caused by something as simple as drinking just one cup of a carbonated beverage.
This last fact is the perfect segue into the article’s topic: digestion problems – and how to rectify them naturally. (Cutting back on soda is a great place to start, by the way!)

Common Symptoms and Conditions of digestion problems


As you already know, a healthy digestive system is crucial to overall health and well-being. But due to the sensitive nature of such issues, many people are hesitant to discuss their symptoms. The result? An unprecedented number of clinic visits and hospitalizations. This, despite the fact that most digestive problems are both preventable and, in many cases, require nothing more than some natural care.

According to the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting are some of the most commonly reported symptoms. ACG indicates the following conditions as being common:

– Abdominal Pain Syndrome
– Chronic Diarrhea
– Gallbladder Disorders and Gallstone Pancreatitis
– Gallstones in Women
– Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
– Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
– Peptic Ulcer Disease
– Rectal Problems in Women

5 Easy Natural Fixes For Digestion Issues

There are literally dozens of over-the-counter and prescription drugs designed to treat digestion difficulties. While stronger medications are sometimes necessary for more severe conditions (e.g., bowel disease, Crohn’s disease), many are naturally treatable.

Here are a few quick and natural treatments:

1. Add some probiotics

Your digestive system contains a balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria. Probiotics are considered “good” bacteria, as they help to maintain gut health through boosting immune function, increasing resistance to infection, and repressing harmful bacteria.

Sources of probiotics include yogurt, miso, kombucha, kefir, kimchi, pickles, soybeans, tempeh, and sauerkraut.

2. Change your eating habits

Making some simple changes to how you eat can save you digestion troubles later on. The way you consume food has a significant impact on the health of your digestion system.

Here are some tips:

– Chew slowly: Deliberate chewing breaks food down into smaller particles, making them much easier to digest. Remembering to chew food properly is perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects of digestive health.

– Eat in a neutral or positive state: Remembering that your brain and gut are connected may save you a few stomachaches. Your mood has a profound effect on digestive health.

– Turn off distractions: Disconnecting from the T.V. and interwebs makes it easier to focus on eating mindfully. Bonus: this allows you to enjoy tasty food that much more!

3. Drink plenty of water

H2O is critical to proper digestion. Even slight dehydration can cause all sorts of tummy troubles; especially when eating. Adequate water intake promotes healthy digestive function while fending off stomach pain and constipation.

We should be drinking a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day – or about half of a gallon. When experiencing digestive troubles, you should consider increasing your intake to 10 glasses, or 80 ounces.

4. Eliminate inflammation-causing foods

Inflammation can wreak havoc on your digestive system, causing troublesome symptoms like abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea. As mentioned, balanced gut flora is critical to proper digestion, and certain foods throw off this balance.

Replacing the following food types may just ease your troubles: artificial sweeteners, gluten, heavily-processed foods (i.e., pretty much anything in a box), and soy protein.

5. Raise stomach acid levels

Despite popular belief, elevated stomach acid levels do not instigate heartburn. In fact, low levels of hydrochloric acid are to blame. Despite being well-chewed and saturated in saliva, food still requires stomach acid to transition into a liquid form for proper digestion.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice, raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar, and, of course, proper chewing, are all simple and easy ways to elevate your stomach acid.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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