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Science Explains How Pessimism Increases Anxiety

Science Explains How Pessimism Increases Anxiety

Certain lifestyle factors and circumstances can trigger anxiety, but personality traits like pessimism may also exacerbate nervousness. Our attitude about life colors every experience, so having a negative outlook will lead to more unpleasant outcomes. Of course, optimists also struggle with their mental health sometimes, but pessimistic people seem to get stuck in a rut more often.

They may eventually find it easier to dwell on negativity than try to move past the feelings. That way, nothing disappoints them since they’re already in a sour mood. There’s nothing wrong with accepting the darker aspects of life rather than running from them. But, it becomes a problem when people start to anticipate or wallow in despair.

Pessimism can affect everything from decision-making skills to physical health, proving that our thoughts and moods directly influence reality. Having a cynical personality can lead to inaccurate predictions and cloud judgment. That’s the premise of a recent study investigating how student expectations of exam grades can reveal their overall outlook on life.

“Whether we are conscious of it or not, we’re always forming expectations,” said Aaron Heller, senior author in the study and an associate professor in the Department of Psychology. “Whenever our expectations turned out to be wrong, they become a learning signal that we use to form better expectations in the future.”

Pessimistic people tend to have low expectations of themselves and others to avoid being let down. However, this usually sets them up for mental health problems like anxiety in the future.

The study authors wrote, “Individuals with elevated negative emotionality, a personality trait linked to the development of anxiety disorders, displayed a global pessimism and learning differences that impeded accurate expectations and predicted future anxiety symptoms.”

Below, we’ll discuss the study in greater detail and provide some coping mechanisms for anxiety.

Study Proves the Link Between Pessimism and Higher Anxiety


Earlier prediction error (PE) studies performed in a laboratory used simulations involving small financial rewards. However, since the tasks were relatively low-risk, researchers wanted to know if PE learning would occur with higher-stakes tasks. They investigated students’ expectations about their exam grades in a chemistry class at the University of Miami.

The researchers gathered data from 625 college students who agreed to share their grades for four tests taken during the semester. Following each exam, the students sent predictions about their scores to Heller and his colleagues, ranging from zero to 100. In previous smaller studies, the data revealed that many students exhibited an “optimistic learning bias,” meaning they learned more from positive and discounted negative experiences.

The current study published in the journal Science Advances had similar findings. Overall, most students tended to favor optimistic learning, absorbing more information when they performed well on tests. However, the students who reacted to the world with pessimism took a different approach.

“When the more optimistic students received a lower score than they anticipated, they changed their expectations appropriately, but did not overcorrect following these disappointments on the next exam. But the students who were more pessimistic tended to predict they would get a lower score on a subsequent exam even if their last grade was slightly higher than what they predicted,” said Heller.

Pessimism Leads to Inaccuracy and Confusion

“This led them to be more inaccurate in what they expected overall, and due to how they learned, predicted whether students would develop symptoms of anxiety later on in life,” he continued.

When the positive group performed worse than expected, they adjusted their expectations accordingly. However, they still believed they could earn good grades in the future. On the other hand, the students who displayed pessimism didn’t think they could replicate a high score on a test.

The study proves that exam grades alone did not influence the students’ emotions. Instead, their expectations about their scores seemed to have a more pronounced effect.

“Helping people to have more accurate expectations is an important treatment option for things like anxiety and depression,” said Heller.

Unfortunately, those who tend to be pessimistic may avoid adverse and unpredictable events. Since they are more sensitive to prediction errors, they shield themselves from future pain by relying on pessimism.

But this may backfire, leading to increased anxiety due to anticipation of a future adverse event. The study authors followed up with the participants three years later and found that pessimistic people had higher anxiety levels.

Three Ways to Reduce Anxiety

  • Practice mindfulness. That doesn’t mean you have to enjoy what’s happening around you. It simply means you have accepted the outcome, good or bad, and have a neutral outlook on the event. Studies show that yoga and meditation help balance the mind and reduce anxiety.
  • Get daily exercise. Flooding your mind and body with feel-good hormones by breaking a sweat can quickly quell anxiety. Even when you’re drowning in pessimism, try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate- to high-intensity exercise. You’ll feel much calmer and more capable of handling whatever life throws you.
  • Take adaptogens. Supplements called adaptogens can help you manage stress more effectively and feel more peaceful. One of the most popular is ashwagandha, a medicinal herb used in India for centuries. Countless studies have provided evidence of its powerful positive effect on mental health. In one study, sixty people took 240 mg of ashwagandha daily for two months and had dramatic reductions in anxiety levels.

These are just a few tips on ways to lower anxiety levels. Others include:

  • Getting enough sleep.
  • Eating a balanced diet.
  • Laughing with friends.
  • Spending time in nature.

You deserve to feel your best, so release pessimism and focus on the things that spark joy in your heart.


Final Thoughts on How Pessimism Can Make You Anxious

A pessimistic outlook means you might always believe the worst will happen. You can never enjoy life to the fullest. Pessimism causes you to live with constant fear and uneasiness about future events, taking you away from the present moment. While it isn’t easy to change your mindset, being more positive will help you see the world more clearly. Negative situations or experiences may happen, but they won’t ruffle your feathers if you have realistic expectations. Optimism means recognizing the darkness in life but being brave and confident enough to shine anyway.

How to Heal From a Breakup, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Off all the painful experiences you can have, going through a breakup is one of the worst. People deal with heartache in various ways, from seeing a therapist to hitting bars with friends. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the breakup, it can take a while to heal a broken heart. Some people can move on in a few weeks or months after breaking up, while others need more time to mend their hearts.

There’s no right or wrong way to get over someone, as it’s unique to each relationship and individual. However, no matter who you are, breaking up with someone never feels good initially.

But with patience, compassion, and self-care, you can heal from a breakup and feel like yourself again. Believe it or not, you may deal with heartache differently depending on your horoscope and zodiac sign. Below, we’ll provide tips to overcome heartbreak based on your astrological sign.

Here’s How Each Zodiac Sign Handles a Breakup


Aries and Breaking Up (March 21st – April 19th)

Aries typically initiates a breakup rather than being the one broken up with. So, when someone finally breaks their heart, they don’t just sit in a corner and cry about it. In true Aries fashion, they will unleash their wrath on their ex by sending angry texts or making a scene in public. They won’t go down quietly and will make sure their ex feels their pain.

If you’re dealing with a breakup, redirect some of that energy into a productive, healthy activity like running or weightlifting. It will help you release your anger and feel more clearheaded, which may come in handy when you’re debating whether to drive by your ex’s house for a chat.

Taurus and a Breakup (April 20th – May 20th)

Like all earth signs, Taurus thrives on stability and routine in every aspect of life, including love. Taurus doesn’t just jump into a relationship; they take their time getting to know someone before committing to them. Therefore, heartbreak will devastate them since they put so much time and effort into their love interests.

Most Taureans handle splitting with an ex by becoming complete homebodies and ruminating over their past love. It’s not uncommon for them to spend days in bed trying to sift through all their emotions. This usually steadfast earth sign should break out of their routines and socialize with friends.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

Geminis live mostly by logic and reason rather than emotions. So, when someone breaks up with them, they may seem calm and collected on the surface. However, their minds start to run on overdrive, wondering where the relationship went wrong and what they could’ve done to save it.

Since Geminis tend to get lost in their thoughts, it helps them to channel their extroverted side and hang out with friends. This air sign loves to have fun, so they quickly forget their ex with the right people around.

Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

Because the sensitive, loving Cancer falls hard and deep in love, a breakup can seem like the end of the world for them. While they usually hide in their tough shell, this emotional water sign will open up when someone makes them feel safe and comforted. So, when a relationship comes crashing to a halt, it can feel like they’ve lost a part of themselves. Like Taureans, they may spend days in bed mourning their lost love, wholly wrapped up in their pain.

Cancers would benefit from spending time in nature or practicing self-care to feel more grounded after a breakup. This water sign tends to cling to their partners, so yoga and meditation can open their root chakra and help them feel more self-assured.

Leo and a Breakup (July 23rd – August 22nd)

Leos have huge hearts and give their all in romantic relationships. They do everything they can to ensure their partner’s happiness, even if it means sacrificing their own at times. However, they have no problem showing their true feelings when their relationship ends. Leos love the spotlight and may post the breakup details on social media or tell random strangers.

This passionate fire sign should consider discontinuing contact with their ex and refraining from using social media. Leos should immerse themselves in activities that lift their spirits, such as a relaxing spa day or mini-vacation.

Virgo Breaking Up(August 23rd – September 22nd)

Virgos lead with their head, not their heart, so they don’t get caught up in emotions after a breakup. Instead, they start overthinking about what they could’ve done differently or why the relationship ended in the first place. As self-critical beings, Virgos may blame themselves for the failed partnership and start picking apart their flaws.

Virgos should keep their minds busy with plenty of activities to avoid having a nervous breakdown. Being single again provides the perfect excuse to read that book you haven’t started or dive into a new project.

breakup signs

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Libras need balance in life and feel their best in romantic relationships. They take commitment seriously and remain loyal to their partner, even during hard times. Libras love deeply and only get involved with someone if they feel an authentic connection with them. So, when their partner calls it quits, it may feel like someone stabbed them in the heart with a knife.

This devoted air sign should indulge in self-care and honor your feelings. Allow yourself to go through the stages of grief, and don’t apologize for taking the time you need to heal.

Scorpio During a Breakup (October 23rd – November 21st)

Scorpios tend to fall head-over-heels in love, so they don’t like to get involved unless they can fully trust someone. This water sign feels intense emotions like Cancers, forming deep attachments to their love interests. Therefore, when the relationship ends, it can feel like someone ripped their heart out of their chest.

Scorpios can become vengeful and passive-aggressive about a breakup, so it helps to channel some of that energy into a creative outlet or physical activity.

Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st )

Sagittarians are fun-loving, free-spirited individuals who usually don’t brood about a breakup. However, they may have difficulty letting go when a serious relationship goes awry. This usually optimistic fire sign can become depressed and desperate for their partner to take them back. A Sagittarius should focus on restoring their inner peace with yoga or meditation to move on after a breakup.

Capricorn and Breaking Up (December 22nd – January 19th)

Like the other earth signs, Capricorns don’t get involved in serious relationships unless they see a future with someone. So, when someone breaks up with them, they may feel resentful and regret the time wasted with their ex. A heartbroken Capricorn can become moody, irritable, and cynical if they have nothing to distract them from their feelings.

Therefore, this ordinarily even-keeled earth sign should immerse themselves in work or family life to forget about heartbreak.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

This quirky air sign may seem aloof and unattached on the surface, but they have a deep emotional world. They may have a complete meltdown and become impulsive when breaking up. They’re generally flighty and unpredictable, so heartbreak only amplifies these personality traits. For instance, they might take a last-minute flight to a distant location or spend their whole paycheck on a new wardrobe.

Like Geminis, Aquarians also drown out their pain by throwing caution to the wind and having a good time. However, Aquarius needs to acknowledge their feelings instead of running from them to get over an ex. Grounding themselves with yoga, meditation, and breathwork can do wonders in helping them accept and move on from a breakup.

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

As one of the most romantic and sensitive zodiac signs, Pisces fall hard and fast in love. However, even though they wear their heart on their sleeve, Pisces don’t feel overwhelmed with sorrow after a breakup. They’re used to getting hurt, so they take it in stride and try to remain positive. They may cry behind closed doors, but they keep their heart open to new opportunities for love.

Even though Pisces tend to handle breakups well, they still mourn their past relationship. This emotional water sign benefits from artistic expressions, such as writing or drawing, to release painful emotions.

breaking up

Final Thoughts About How the Zodiac Signs Heal from a Breakup

Everyone handles a breakup differently according to their unique personalities and life circumstances. Some people prefer socializing to take their minds off the past and enjoy the present moment. Others would rather spend time alone to reconnect with themselves and process their emotions.

Fire and air signs typically deal with breakups outwardly, while earth and water signs turn inward. Of course, you can’t predict behavior based on someone’s zodiac sign alone; people are complex and deal with situations uniquely.

However, the most important thing to remember when dealing with heartache is to practice self-compassion and patience. If you prioritize healing and focus on finding your center, everything else will work out. Remember, if you can love and find peace within yourself, you already have everything you need.

How Mental Time Travel Helps You Make Better Decisions

Mental time travel is like a superpower that can help you get through some hard times, especially when it comes to decision-making. Mental time travel is the ability to simulate past and future events mentally. It’s the process of mentally reliving past experiences or imagining future scenarios. Mental time travel can positively impact decision-making by allowing individuals to reflect on past experiences and learn from them.

Through this trick, you can also consider the future consequences of your actions. By analyzing the future, you can decide whether some actions are good for you or not. Individuals can mentally travel to the past to recall past experiences, emotions, and decisions to help inform their present and future choices. For example, someone who has had a bad experience with a specific type of food may avoid it in the future.

This is done to avoid the same negative outcome they stumbled upon in the past. Similarly, mental time travel to the future can help individuals consider potential consequences and make more informed decisions. Someone considering a job offer may imagine what their life would be like if they took the job. Mental time travel can be a valuable tool for individuals looking to make better decisions by allowing them to reflect. By combining the lessons of the past with the considerations of the future, individuals can make more informed and well-thought-out decision-making.

How Does Mental Time Travel Helps You Make Better Decisions?


1.      By Reflecting on Your Past, You Make Better Decisions in the Future

As mentioned before, reflecting on the past is one of the best ways to improve your decision-making skills. By doing so, individuals can understand their past actions, emotions, and thought processes that led to specific outcomes. This understanding can help them make better decisions in the future by avoiding similar mistakes and utilizing successful strategies. By analyzing what worked and didn’t, individuals can apply this knowledge to make more informed and effective decisions in the future.

Reflecting on past experiences can help individuals learn from their mistakes and make more informed decisions in the future. Individuals can also process and work through negative emotions and experiences by reflecting on the past, leading to greater emotional well-being. It can also aid in personal growth and help them identify behavioral patterns.

2.      It Helps You Improve Your Decision-Making Skills

When you engage in mental time travel and imagine potential future outcomes, you simulate different scenarios and consider each option’s consequences. Mental time travel can improve decision-making by helping you anticipate the possible consequences of different options. By imagining different future outcomes, you can weigh the pros and cons of each decision and make a more informed choice.

For example, if you are considering taking a new job, mental time travel can help you imagine what life would be like in the new role. By doing so, you can make a more informed choice that aligns with your values, goals, and long-term plans. Mental time travel can also help you consider alternative perspectives and see a situation from multiple angles.

This can be particularly helpful when making decisions that impact others, as it can encourage empathy and help you consider the impact of your choices on others. And this is not even a complicated task. You’ll need to be consistent and have the wish to learn how to use this tool. But mental time travel is very easy to get the hang on. So, you’ll get better at making decisions in no time.

3.      It Helps You Learn How to Manage Your Emotions While Making Decisions

Mental time travel can help you learn how to manage your emotions by allowing you to reflect or even imagine future possibilities. You can focus on positive past experiences or envision a positive future to increase feelings of hope and optimism. This trick will also help reduce anxiety and stress.

This emotional regulation can help you make clear-headed decisions and avoid impulsive choices driven by negative emotions. For example, mental time travel can help you imagine a positive outcome if you feel overwhelmed or anxious about a situation. Instead of stressing about all the potential negative consequences, you can focus on one good one. This can boost your confidence and resilience.

Similarly, mental time travel can help you recall past successes and accomplishments if you feel down or discouraged. Ultimately, you’ll be able to regain a sense of perspective and improve your mood. In this way, mental time travel is a valuable tool for emotional regulation. It can help you learn how to manage your emotions more effectively, which will help you make better decisions.

4.      It Encourages Goal Setting at Part of Your Decision-Making

Mental time travel can be a powerful tool for goal setting and motivation. By visualizing your desired future and imagining what you want to achieve, you can create a clear picture of what you want to accomplish. This visualization can be a source of motivation and inspiration, encouraging you to set and work towards achievable goals. If you’re starting your own business, mental time travel can help you visualize what success in that venture would look like.

Imagine every little detail, from the type of business you build to the impact you want to make. This visualization can then serve as a roadmap, guiding you toward your goal and providing motivation along the way.

Visualizing your desired future can help you identify potential obstacles and challenges and develop a plan to overcome them. Doing so can increase your chances of success and improve your ability to achieve your goals. When you visualize your desired future and imagine what you want to achieve, you can create a clear picture of your goals. This will motivate you to work towards them, even when you feel like giving up.


5.      It Helps Build Resilience and Self-Awareness

Mental time travel is a pretty versatile tool. Amongst other things, it can help you build resilience and self-awareness. By reflecting on past experiences, you can better understand your values, goals, and tendencies, which can increase self-awareness. This increased self-awareness can help guide your decisions and ensure that they align with what is important to you.

Reflecting on your past can help you identify patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you. That way, you can make the changes necessary to live a happier, better life. Mental time travel can also help build resilience by allowing you to anticipate the potential consequences of different options.

By imagining different future outcomes, you can weigh the pros and cons of each decision and make a more informed choice. This can increase your confidence and ability to cope with challenges and setbacks and help you bounce back more quickly from difficult situations.

6.      You Decision-Making Will Promote a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is a belief that your abilities and qualities can be developed and improved through effort and dedication. Using mental time travel, you can reflect on past experiences and imagine future possibilities. You can adopt a more optimistic outlook and focus on growth and development. By reflecting on past challenges and imagining how you could have handled them differently, you can identify areas for growth and improvement.

This can help you develop a more proactive and adaptive approach and increase your chances of success in the future. Imagining future possibilities with mental time travel can help you focus on growth and development. You can develop a better outlook by visualizing your desired future and considering the steps necessary to achieve it. That way, you’ll increase your chances of success.

Visualizing the benefits of your hard work and effort is also a great way to stay motivated, even when things aren’t going your way. Your abilities and qualities can be developed and improved. When you believe that, you are more likely to approach challenges as opportunities for growth rather than as insurmountable obstacles. This positive outlook can help you bounce back from setbacks more quickly and increase your overall well-being.

7.      It Increases Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most important qualities if you want to be emotionally balanced. And mental travel can help you achieve it. When you reflect on past experiences with mental time travel, you can recall instances where you received help from others. Or maybe you’ll remember when others helped you overcome challenges or achieved goals.

By recognizing these blessings, you can develop a greater appreciation for what you have and feel more grateful for your experiences. Mental time travel can also help you focus on the present moment and appreciate what you have in the present. When you think about the future, you can become preoccupied with what you don’t have or hope to have. However, mental time travel can help you shift your focus to the present moment.

It can encourage you to appreciate what you have in your life right now. It can also help you cultivate a positive outlook and an appreciation for the journey rather than just the destination. You can develop greater contentment by reflecting on your experiences and appreciating your steps to get where you are. You’ll find reasons to be grateful even if you have not achieved your goals.


Final Thoughts on How Mental Time Travel Helps You Make Better Decisions

Mental time travel is a unique tool to help you make better decisions. Visualizing potential future outcomes, reflecting on past experiences, and considering the impact of your choices, are all essential tools. And they can help you make informed decisions that align with your goals and values.

Mental time travel helps you manage your emotions, build resilience, and develop a growth mindset. If you start practicing it, you’ll be able to approach all challenges and opportunities with confidence and optimism. Mental time travel can increase gratitude and appreciation by reminding you of past blessings and encouraging you to focus on the present moment.

This not only helps enable better decision-making, but also contributes to your overall well-being and happiness. Whether you’re facing a personal or professional challenge, mental time travel can help you make better decisions. Ultimately, you’ll be able to achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.

40 Things Every Man Should Have by Age 40

Every man needs essentials to live the best life possible. Some things are tangible, while others can’t be held or touched. Perhaps it’s something to make the most of your free time, tools that you need for repairs, or they could even be things to help you advance your career.

Some guys love the bachelor life with modern furnishings, while others prefer a more rustic approach and skip the fancy stuff. Whatever the things you’ve collected, they’re there to enhance the quality of your life.

NOTE: Women also have certain things to achieve by this age. However, their goals often differ, so we address women separately.

Almost Every Man Needs These 40 Things by the Age of Forty

Do you wonder where you measure up with other men and their collection of essential items? Below are forty things that most men have acquired by the time they hit 40. Some items are popular gadgets, while others are things you’ve achieved through growth and wisdom.

As you read, understand that these are suggestions, not a rule. There’s no direct path to success, nor do the items you acquire necessarily reflect your place in life.


1. A Man Should Have a Steady Career

By reaching 40, you need to have a steady career path. Your focus should be on retirement, as you’re closer to retiring than the start of your journey. If you don’t have a stable career path, it’s still not too late to find your niche and start.

2. Men Need Retirement Savings

Retirement is just 25 years away, so you need some savings to sustain yourself in the golden years. According to Forbes Advisor, 21 % of the American population has no retirement reserves, while 75 % doesn’t have enough. This means that only 4% of the population has adequate savings.

As a rule, 15% of your yearly salary must go into a retirement account. Starting now will be beneficial if you don’t have this nest egg.

3. A Man Needs Companionship and Connection

When men reach their 40s, many have a committed relationship, finding value in sharing life’s journey with a partner. This might mean being married or cohabitating, being in a steady relationship, or creating a family. But there is not a single  universal rule. Companionship extends beyond romantic relationships. Some find it in deep friendships, strong community ties, or meaningful bonds with family. Regardless of one’s relationship status, having strong, supportive connections in one’s life can be incredibly enriching.

4. Sense of Purpose and Direction

You spend the first 25 years of your life trying to find your direction. You usually know where you’re going when you hit your fourth decade. Having a purpose and going the right way can bring satisfaction and fulfillment.

5. Education or Lifelong Learning

By the time men reach the age of 40, many have completed formal educational or training programs. This could mean holding a degree or finishing vocational or technical training. It might also mean accumulating years of hands-on experience in a chosen field. However, remember that learning is a lifelong journey. Some 40-year-olds might still be pursuing formal education, seeking new certifications, changing career paths, or investing in personal development in various ways. Life’s a journey, and every man will choose a unique educational pathway.

6. Men Need a Strong Network of Friends

What would life be without friends? Having a solid inner circle can be the very thing that helps you make it through the day. You may be one of the lucky ones that still has connections from your school days.

7. Control of Your Health

You know the importance of eating healthily, having regular check-ups at the doctor’s office, and exercising. Controlling your health is imperative to live another 40 years.

8. A Place to Call Home

Owning a home is a dream for any man, and whether it’s an apartment, condo, or modular doesn’t matter. When you reach middle age, you need a space to paint the walls the color you want and have pets.

9. Men Need Self-Control and Emotional Regulation

One of the most significant things you learn in life is emotional regulation. Learning to control your emotions is not obtained overnight, but it’s an asset for your career and personal life.

10. A Man Must Embrace Growing Older by Forty

Around 40, a man realizes he’s no longer a spring chicken. While you’re not a senior citizen, you become more comfortable seeing a few wrinkles and your changing appearance.

11. A Man Needs Hobbies

Hobbies are important because they help you escape the daily grind, meet new people, and enjoy life. It gives you something to look forward to, and you get some exercise in most instances.

12. Spiritual Mentors

Spiritual mentors, or someone like a Yoda in your life, are who you turn to in times of trouble. Now, you should have some trusted people who you know always have your back and give sound advice.

13. Bucket List

A bucket list is something most people start when they’re younger. By now, you should have crossed off many things from this list, and your goal should be to continue to achieve these dreams.

14. A Higher Purpose

Having a higher purpose means you know that your journey on earth isn’t to work the 9-5 shift and come home. You have things you should do and choose to work within your callings.

15. Men Need Cherished Memories

A collection of memories is among the most cherished. These are holidays spent with family, the birth of your first child, and seeing the love of your life on your wedding day.

16. To Know What True Love Feels Like

Whether you’re in a serious relationship or taking a break, every man should know what love feels like once they reach this milestone. You’ll feel like you’re floating on cloud nine.

17. A Man Should Embrace Aging With Confidence

As men reach their 40s, changes in physical appearances, like graying hair, become more apparent. The salt-and-pepper look can be a stylish statement for many. How one chooses to embrace these changes is deeply personal. Choosing to let the grays shine or coloring them is a personal choice. But what truly matters is feeling comfortable and confident in one’s skin. Age brings wisdom and experiences worth celebrating, regardless of one’s outward appearance.

18. Healthy Self-Esteem

You live the first part of your life trying to fit in and be a part of the crowd. By now, you know that people will love or hate you, and you can do nothing about it. However, you’ve learned that you’re special, and there’s so much to love.

19. Men Should Possess Basic Cooking Skills

While you might not be Robert Irvine or Bobby Flay in the kitchen, you have a few skills. You can cook a few good meals and may feel comfortable throwing dinner parties and showing off your culinary skills.

20. A Passport

A passport is more than just a document, as it’s your ticket to see the world. If you love to travel, you need these documents to help you make more memories and have fun stories to tell. Plus, consider all the exciting places you can visit and take pictures.


21. Knowledge of Basic Household Repairs

Every man needs to know how to do a few basic household repairs. You can do more than change a lightbulb, as you’ve been through the school of hard knocks. You embrace DIY projects and the ability to save money.

22. A Man Needs a Tactical Flashlight

Every man needs a good flashlight, as the one on your cell phone isn’t that bright. An LED flashlight is necessary for power outages and all those unforeseen events when you need a light.

23. Toolbox and Power Tools

All guys should have a toolbox to tackle those home projects. Whether it’s something simple like hanging a picture or something significant like repairing the plumbing, you can’t do anything without the proper tools.

24. Signature Cologne

A signature cologne is something special for a man to acquire. When you walk into the room, people know you’re there from the delicious smell of your fragrance.

25. An Understanding of Quality Over Quantity

When men reach their 40s, they often realize the value of investing in quality items that stand the test of time, over accumulating numerous lower-quality ones. This could be anything from a reliable piece of tech, a well-crafted tool, a favorite piece of clothing, or a cherished book collection. Whatever it might be, these quality items often serve a dual function. They are practical and add personal value or style to one’s life.

26. Men Need Good Socks

There are socks you buy by the dozens in a department store, and then there are ones that are pure luxury. It would help to have a few pairs of elegant socks free from holes to compliment your clothing. Even for the man who generally dresses casually, life occasions arise that demand a suit and tie – and those gym socks won’t do the trick.

27. Nice Cookware

By now, you’ve thrown out the aluminum pans that stick and opted for a nice cookware set. To create healthy meals, you need a nice set of dishes and cookware to accomplish this task.

28. A Pet

A pet can brighten your day and calm your blood pressure. A study by Harvard University found that having a dog can improve your heart health. There’s nothing like a pet to come home to. Even if it’s a goldfish, you can still enjoy being close to animals.

29. Quality Luggage Set

You need a quality luggage set to cross off your bucket list and use your passport. The seasoned jet setter knows you need a specific size to get through airport security, so you have an excellent set that works for your travels.

30. Good Skin Care

Who says skincare products are just for women? A man needs plenty of grooming supplies too. You’ve learned that maintaining soft and smooth skin comes down to your skincare routine, and you should stick to it diligently.

31. Manscaping Tools

Grooming is part of living, so you need the proper tools to manscape. Whether you’re growing a beard or just making sure your pubic areas are well-quaffed, you know that having poor-quality tools can be a disaster.

32. Fashionable Sunglasses

You want to make a fashion statement, and sunglasses are essential. These glasses can enhance your appearance and make you look GQ regardless of age.

33. Plants

Plants are an excellent addition to any room and can improve your home’s air quality. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, you should have a few artificial plants around your space.

34. Comfortable Mattress

A good night’s sleep is essential, so having a mattress that doesn’t cause back or neck aches is imperative. By now, you know that you need to rest to be fresh the next day, so you don’t mind investing in a comfortable mattress.

35. Art

Art makes your home come alive, and they become good conversational pieces. You should at least have one nice piece of art by 40.

36. Cash On Hand

While you likely have bank accounts, you always need a little cash on hand. You never know when a card will be declined due to an error, and you’re in a sticky situation. Cash can be a lifesaver.

37. A Suit

Men need a good suit, whether for funerals, weddings, or business meetings at work. If you’re only going to have one, get black or navy, as you can wear these colors to almost any occasion.

38. Collection of Jokes/Funny Stories

Think back to your grandparents and the stories they told. Once you reach 40, you should also have a collection of jokes and funny tales. You use these stories to break the ice when meeting new people or to bring humor to an otherwise dull occasion.

39. Gym Membership

Your age will start to catch up with you, and you may see love handles and a full belly. Thankfully, having a gym membership will help you to stay healthy. Gyms are motivating; nothing says you can’t look your best over forty.

40. An Established Routine

Going into your 40s, you usually have settled nicely into a routine. You don’t like to party on the weekends and prefer your dinner at the same time every night. You’ve become more systematic with age, which is good, as your predictable routine brings comfort.


Final Thoughts on the Things Every Man Should Have

How many things on the list have you acquired? Are there any things you don’t have that you think are essential? Reaching 40 is a significant milestone, and you should celebrate your achievements, but you still have plenty of time to adjust where needed.

15 Quotes to Help Reverse Anxiety

Reading quotes is motivating and uplifting for any part of life, including dealing with anxiety, worry, fear, and overthinking. Many people don’t think to turn to quotes for guidance or reassurance when anxious, but it can be incredibly beneficial.

Reading positive phrases from others can help whether you have a diagnosed anxiety disorder or experience unsettling feelings occasionally. It reminds you that you aren’t alone and can get through anything.

Reversing anxiety is essential because it disrupts your well-being, can be overwhelming, and affects your life at work and home. While easing the symptoms might seem hard, these quotes can motivate you to keep pushing.

The quotes can motivate you to reverse anxious feelings and focus on the present. They can help relax your mind, ease negative thoughts, and refocus your perspective. Not every quote will describe your feelings, so focus on the ones that resonate with you the most.

What is Anxiety?

It’s hard to describe the feelings anxiety causes, but it’s a natural sensation during stressful moments. Those with an anxiety disorder experience it more frequently, and it could feel like the feeling never leaves. These disorders are one of the most common mental health conditions, with nearly one-third of adults in the U.S. living with them.

Anxiety is overwhelming, but you can find ways to cope and reverse the negative feelings. When you find coping methods that work for you, you can manage your condition and feel better.

Those without a diagnosed disorder may experience occasional fear, worry, or nervousness. It’ll often happen during stressful times, like before a job interview, during a test, or when trying something new.

People with an anxiety disorder experience excessive fear or worry that interferes with their ability to function. It also disrupts their well-being as recurring thoughts and behaviors impact their work or school life, hobbies, and relationships.

anxiety quotes

Types of Disorders

Many types of anxiety disorders get diagnosed based on what causes the feelings and reactions. These include:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): There isn’t a specific focus for triggers, and anxious feelings could set in regarding health, social interactions, work, or anything else. It interferes with most days for at least six months.
  • Social anxiety disorder: This disorder occurs when someone experiences intense fear of social situations or speaking in front of others.
  • Specific phobias: Someone with phobias will feel anxious and fearful of certain items or situations.
  • Panic disorder: When someone has this disorder, they’ll experience frequent and unexpected panic attacks. Sometimes they’ll get anxious thinking about future panic attacks.
  • Separation anxiety disorder: Someone with this disorder will feel anxious about being away from people they love.
  • Agoraphobia: When someone experiences intense fear of situations that don’t have easy escape options. It sometimes includes fear of open or enclosed spaces and public transport. In extreme cases, the person might be afraid to leave their home.

Seventeen Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety

Feeling anxious can shift your behavior, and it’s an unpleasant experience that can impact your life. Some of the signs and symptoms include the following:

  1. strong feelings of fear or worry
  2. wanting to avoid specific situations or objects
  3. racing thoughts
  4. rapid heart rate
  5. dry mouth
  6. feelings of panic or dread
  7. tunnel vision
  8. muscle tension
  9. shortness of breath
  10. trouble concentrating
  11. confusion and poor memory
  12. dizziness
  13. upset stomach
  14. dissociation
  15. physical weakness
  16. restlessness
  17. sweating

Fifteen Quotes to Help Reverse Anxiety

1 – “When you feel overwhelmed, remember: A little at a time is how it gets done. One thing, one task, one moment at a time.”  Unknown Anonymous

When you feel anxious, it helps to plan and take things one step at a time. You can progress by doing things a little at a time rather than only considering the overall picture. Consider what you can do right now to help you get closer to your goals.

2 – “Actually spending ten minutes clearing off one shelf is better than fantasizing about spending a weekend cleaning out the basement.” – Gretchen Rubin

Your anxiety might cause you to think about doing something without making progress. When your negative thoughts kick in, consider taking the time to make progress on the tasks you’ve been thinking of. It’ll make you feel better and help reverse your anxious feelings.

3 – “Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.” – Arthur Somers Roche

When you let your anxious thoughts take over, it can affect every part of your life. Rather than encouraging those feelings, find a positive outlet so you don’t drain your resources.

4 – “Let your mind and heart rest for a while. You will catch up, the world will not stop spinning for you, but you will catch up. Take a rest.” – Cynthia Go

When you experience anxious feelings frequently, they can overwhelm your heart and mind. When this happens to you, take some time to recover and catch up. It’s okay to take a break to focus on your mental health.

5 – “Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible, that’s who you really are. Let go of any part of you that doesn’t believe it.” – C. Assaad

When you envision the best version of yourself, it’s who you already are. Some positive traits might get buried beneath negativity, but you can pull them forward and use them to your advantage. When you believe you’re who you want to be, you’ll begin living your desired lifestyle.

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6 – “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” – Epictetus

Worrying and overthinking won’t help you find happiness. Releasing your worry is how you can embrace the good parts of your life.

7 – “Feel the feeling but don’t become the emotion. Witness it. Allow it. Release it.” – Crystal Andrus

You can’t avoid negative feelings, but you don’t have to let them define you. As Andrus explains, acknowledge your emotions, let yourself experience them, and then let them go. When you release it, you can reverse your anxious feelings.

8 – “Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression…It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.” – Grenville Kleiser

Finding something to laugh about can help reverse your anxious feelings. Laughter will help you find joy in the present rather than fixating on things you can’t control.

9 – “Some days, doing ‘the best we can’ may still fall short of what we would like to be able to do, but life isn’t perfect—on any front—and doing what we can with what we have is the most we should expect of ourselves or anyone else.” – Fred Rogers

You won’t always accomplish everything you strived to do, and that’s okay. You can’t expect perfection, and Mr. Rogers explains that doing what you can is the only thing that matters.

10 – “I will breathe. I will think of solutions. I will not let my worry control me. I will not let my stress level break me. And it will be okay because I won’t quit.” – Shayne McClendon

Focusing on your breathing can help you take control of your feelings. You can focus on finding solutions rather than fixating on negativity. While your anxious feelings attempt to creep in, you can keep finding positive ways to push through.

11 – “Instead of planning for the worst case scenario and feeding your anxiety, how about expecting the best case scenario and restoring your peace.” – Kristen Butler

When you feel anxious, you might think of the worst-case scenario. As Butler explains, shifting your thinking to the best-case possibility can make a difference.

12 – “Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest taken between two deep breaths.” – Etty Hillesum

It’s hard to accomplish anything when dealing with anxious feelings, but it’s not the big steps that count. You did enough if all you did was take deep breaths to refocus your thoughts. Remember this quote so that you focus on your breathing next time you feel anxious.

13 – “Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe. You’re strong. You got this. Take it day by day.” – Karen Salmansohn

Taking things one step at a time can help reverse your anxious feelings. You don’t have to figure everything out at once. Focusing on one thing at a time and managing your daily life can help you alleviate your negative thoughts and emotions.

14 – “Fear thrives in a place of inaction. Overcome your anxiety by taking one small step forward.” – Sarah Boyd

When you won’t do something because you’re afraid, it doesn’t allow you to overcome the fear. Making progress and taking steps toward the thing you’re scared of can make a difference.

15 – “At the end of the day, tell yourself gently: ‘I love you, you did the best you could today, and even if you didn’t accomplish all you planned. I love you anyway.” – Unknown

Practicing self-love can help you reverse anxious feelings and involves acknowledging your love for yourself. Even when you don’t accomplish everything you hoped for, this quote can remind you of the love you deserve from yourself.


Final Thoughts on Quotes to Help Reverse Anxiety

Living with an anxiety disorder is overwhelming and disrupts your well-being. Seeking professional help is essential if it begins affecting your life, but these quotes can help you push through. Positive quotes can give motivation and encouragement to reverse your negative feelings and focus on the present.

These encouraging phrases can help you think clearly and understand the situation better. Don’t lose hope because you can live a fulfilling life despite living with this disorder.

If you need more help, there are many treatment options to consider. You can visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) website for information on getting the help you need.

10 Ways for Highly Sensitive People to Accept Criticism

Criticism can be hard for everyone, but highly sensitive people have more trouble accepting it. It affects them in many ways that others often don’t realize. As a highly sensitive person, you likely try hard to do your best and care about how things turn out.

When someone criticizes you, it can make you feel like your effort wasn’t enough and make you question everything. You’re not alone in how criticism makes you feel, as many other highly sensitive people experience the same feelings. There are ways you can learn to accept criticism better without letting it tear you down.

These methods can help you learn to accept criticism and reduce the stress it brings. While it might intensely affect an HSP, you can use these ideas to make it easier.

Identifying Highly Sensitive People

An HSP describes those more sensitive to physical, emotional, or social stress. They have a sensory-processing sensitivity (SPS), leading to strong reactions to internal or external stimuli. Many people believe HSPs are too sensitive, but their sensitivity comes with strengths that others don’t experience.

Highly sensitive people get deeply affected by violence, tension, and overwhelming feelings. They often try to avoid situations that might involve these experiences.

HSPs also find deep inspiration in beautiful signs or sounds. It could involve art, nature, music, or anything else. They experience deep thoughts and intense feelings, leading to a rich inner life.

Highly sensitive people can become overwhelmed by sensory stimulation. Crowded places, bright lights, and loud noises can negatively impact them. They often need time alone to unwind, especially after becoming overly stimulated.

highly sensitive people

Why Criticism Affects Highly Sensitive People More Than Others

Those with high sensitivity react strongly to criticism, affecting them more than it impacts others. They develop deep connections, have exciting dreams, and find joy in creativity. Because of that, they put their heart into everything they do, pay close attention to detail, and strive for perfection.

Criticism makes them feel like their efforts are meaningless, making them question everything about themselves. Their deep connections to the things they do and the people in their lives make them more emotionally and mentally stimulated by negative words about their efforts.

They begin thinking with their limbic system, where triggers, past emotional memories, and shame get stored. It leads to ignoring logical thoughts that tell them they shouldn’t take criticism personally.

Instead, the painful memories and feelings make them feel like they aren’t good enough. These negative feelings make them want to avoid criticism, leading to people-pleasing behaviors. They attempt to meet people’s expectations at the expense of their happiness or well-being.

Criticism is also hard for HSPs because they pick up on things others don’t. They assess body language and tone or read between the lines of an email. It allows them to see what others miss and leads to assuming the other person means something else entirely.

Highly sensitive people are also more empathetic than others. When they receive critical feedback, they start thinking of how they let the other person down. They become ashamed and take longer to process the comments.

How Highly Sensitive People Can Accept Criticism

As a highly sensitive person, you’ll experience feelings that others don’t, and that’s okay. Your thoughts and feelings aren’t wrong, and you can decide how you want to handle them.

How you handle your emotions after experiencing criticism can make a difference. Here are some of the things you can do to learn to accept critical comments:

1 – Highly Sensitive People Should Use Feedback to Build Self-Esteem

Building your self-esteem can help you accept critical things other people say because you’ll know what to believe. When you have self-esteem, the harsh words won’t sting as much. It also encourages growth, allowing you to see that what someone says might be beneficial.

Building self-esteem takes time, but continually working on it can help you with acceptance. It allows you to learn to let go of the pain and decide how to proceed.

Holding onto critical comments can hurt, and the negative feelings won’t ease unless you can use them to your benefit. Rather than harboring the pain, you can use it to work on yourself and build self-esteem. It promotes healing and helps you find ways to better your life without toxic people belittling you.

2 – Let Go of Your Desire for Perfectionism

When you let go of your need for perfection, it’s easier to accept criticism. You can use it to improve your skills or recognize it as destructive and let it go. People-pleasing behavior often leads to the desire for perfection, so it also requires doing things for yourself instead of others.

Striving for perfection or wanting to please others can make critical words hurt more. It’s a reminder that no one is perfect, no matter how hard you try. Accepting that you’ll make mistakes and that other people won’t always be happy with your work is beneficial for learning to accept criticism.

3 – Consider Whether It’s Constructive

One of the best ways for highly sensitive people to accept criticism is to determine if it’s constructive or deconstructive. Constructive criticism respectfully points out faults and involves tips for improving next time. Destructive criticism uses harsh words and may leave you feeling attacked. It also doesn’t include advice for improvement.

After considering whether it’s constructive criticism, you can decide how to handle it. You can either accept it as positive advice or a way to grow. Or you can recognize it as deconstructive and let it go without harboring the negative feelings you experience.

Ask questions to gain clarity if you’re unsure whether it’s constructive. You don’t want to misinterpret anything, and there’s nothing wrong with inquiring.

4 – Highly Sensitive People Must Build Self-Compassion

Having self-compassion during these experiences can help you accept them. It helps validate your feelings and overcome negative emotions.

Experts indicate that self-compassion improves psychological well-being and promotes happiness, optimism, and connectedness. It also decreases anxiety, depression, fear of failure, and rumination. With self-compassion, you can recognize your worth despite critical words.

Practicing self-compassion helps you remember your values and intentions. While criticism might hurt, compassion can help you focus on the good things about yourself.

Then, you can accept criticism without letting negativity consume your thoughts. Consider telling yourself some of the positive aspects of yourself to neutralize the negative words.


5 – Know That Their Opinion Doesn’t Matter

Remember that criticism is one person’s opinion, and others might feel differently. Understanding that you can choose what to believe can make all the difference in your ability to accept things.

You can’t force everyone to like you; naturally, some people won’t. However, you have people who love you, and you can learn self-love and how to support your sensitivity.

6 – Remember It’s More About Them

Sometimes the person who criticizes you says untrue things, and it’s not entirely about you. They do this when experiencing emotional pain, frustration, or lack of courage to try something themselves.

Remember that sometimes you’ll do a great job and still receive comments from critics. They might point out what you need to work on or want to spread negativity and make you feel bad.

What people say can help you recognize how they see the world. Their experiences may differ from yours, and their wounds can lead to them offering unwarranted criticism. The critical statements aren’t always about you because they can indicate that the person can’t relate.

7 – Highly Sensitive People Should Take Time Before Responding

Sometimes the best way to accept critical remarks is to take some time before responding. It’s easy to want to become defensive and say intense things, but you’ll likely regret it later.

Instead, take a step back and allow time to process before you say or do anything. It can help you think clearly, and you may find it’s best not to respond.

Highly sensitive people often think they must respond to everything, explaining themselves or their intentions. However, it’s not always worth the effort and can make you feel worse.

Taking time before responding might allow you to see the positive aspects of the critical remark. Rather than viewing it as a personal attack, you can recognize it as an opportunity for growth.

8 – Practice Self-Care

Self-care is one of the best ways to accept criticism because it helps you remember all the good things about yourself. Plus, you can release the negative words easier when your health and well-being are cared for. Doing what makes you feel good can make all the difference in comforting yourself and regaining balance.

9 – Set and Implement Boundaries

Setting boundaries is essential in your professional and personal relationships. Many people think they can’t have limits at work, so they internalize harsh words. Then, when they get home, the negativity takes over and can cause them to snap at those in their personal life.

Rather than letting critical words affect your personal life, set boundaries so you can leave them at work. Your mistakes at work or what people say about you don’t portray your character.

10 – Highly Sensitive People Must Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness helps you deal with things positively as it promotes keeping your emotions in check. Some of the benefits include:

  • developing inner strength
  • calming your thoughts
  • overcoming insecurities
  • developing self-awareness to recognize your strengths and weaknesses
  • increased ability to assess the validity of the criticism
  • transforming your inner critic
  • building self-esteem
  • seeing personal development possibilities
  • preventing others from controlling you
  • calming your mind
  • being more open-minded
  • improving intuition

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Final Thoughts on Ways for Highly Sensitive People to Accept Criticism

Everyone can offer criticism, but it doesn’t always mean you’ve done something wrong. Some people say things to hurt you rather than to help you improve. However, assessing whether you’re receiving deconstructive or constructive criticism is essential.

Constructive criticism can help you grow and get better at what you’re passionate about. Deconstructive remarks should be accepted and released as unhelpful. Taking the time to think it through can make all the difference.

Learning how to accept critical remarks is valuable and can improve your life. You’ll feel better and learn not to let it affect you as hard.

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