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10 Foods That Put Your Metabolism Into Fat-Burning Mode

When did you last hear someone say, “I’m trying to lose weight, and I need to eat in a way that supports my metabolism”? It seems we’ve drifted away from this balanced approach, instead focusing on weight loss as a process of rigorous “dieting,” often involving low calorie foods or fat restriction. There’s also an emphasis on exercise, despite the potential for low energy due to these restrictive practices. Finding the strength to work out when we’re not sufficiently fueling our bodies can be a challenge.

It’s essential to understand that our current perceptions of weight loss and dieting might be influenced by widespread misinformation. Unfortunately, the weight loss industry, worth billions, can sometimes propagate deceptive narratives. In some cases, this even includes misrepresentation of scientific studies.

Are Diets Even Effective?

The effectiveness of dieting is frequently brought into question, and for a good reason. The simple yet powerful truth is this: sustainable weight loss is about 80% dependent on eating the right foods. Furthermore, research has shown that conventional diets fail more than 95% of the time. This is a sobering fact that calls for a reconsideration of our approaches to weight management.

Portia de Rossi, in her book “Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain,” poignantly states, “The diet industry is making a lot of money selling us fad diets, nonfat foods full of chemicals, gym memberships, and pills while we lose a piece of our self-esteem every time we fail another diet or neglect to use the gym membership we could barely afford.”

This observation also highlights the high cost of gym memberships and personal training, which may not be affordable or sustainable for many people.

Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, an assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Ottawa and a contributor to the U.S. News & World Report, provides some compelling insight. He explains, “I believe that 95 percent of diets fail people … For at least the past 100 years (and likely many more), dieting has been synonymous with suffering. It’s been “die” with a “t,” where adherents to diets have been instructed to either suffer through hunger and cultivate the skill of white-knuckled willpower, or to consider food to simply be fuel and deny themselves either the dietary indulgences they love the most or eliminate entire food groups.”

Let us take these reflections as an opportunity to reevaluate our understanding of weight loss and nutrition, placing our focus on sustainability, balance, and overall well-being. Let’s remember that the journey to better health is not about punishing restrictions but about nourishing our bodies and minds in a meaningful, enjoyable, and maintainable way.


Eating to Boost Metabolism and Lose Weight

Dr. Freedhoff, unsurprisingly, is a staunch advocate of eating to lose weight. Like millions of other physicians specializing in nutrition and health, he understands the vital importance of incorporating foods that stimulate the metabolism.

10 Foods That Rebalance Your Metabolism So You Can Lose Weight

Here are ten such foods that put your metabolism into fat-burning mode:

1. Beans

Beans are rich in dietary proteins and require a fair amount of metabolic energy to digest properly. Additionally, beans are rich in fiber which – along with protein – is a catalyst for a fueled-up metabolism.

2. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein. Besides being terrific for both heart and brain health, omega-3’s regulate metabolic rate by affecting the fat-burning hormone leptin.

3. Egg Whites

Egg white, like chia seeds, contain concentrated amounts of fatty acids. Also, eggs whites include what are called branched-chain amino acids, which get your metabolism revved up. Finally, egg whites are packed with protein – and that’s always good for fat-burning!

4. Chili Peppers

Chili peppers contain a chemical compound called capsaicin, which boosts your metabolic rate. Merely adding a tablespoon of chopped chili peppers to your meals throughout the day is enough to obtain their fat-burning benefits.

5. Whole Grains

Unlike processed grains (e.g., white bread and pasta), whole grains break down slowly. This extra digestive effort requires a higher metabolic rate and, you guessed it, this added effort burns more calories. Fiber-rich foods, such as brown rice and oatmeal, are particularly effective.

6. Curry

This Indian specialty provides a few noteworthy benefits. The reason for its nutritional versatility is that curry contains a wide array of different spices – all of which have properties that help burn calories. Among these are ginger and turmeric.

7. Green Tea

Green tea supplements are top-rated for weight loss, although one can get the same benefits from fresh tea. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea extract boosts metabolic rate by as much as 4 percent.

8. Lean Meats

Lean meat, such as that found in chicken and turkey, is packed with iron. As it turns out, iron deficiency is one of the most common in developed countries; which is strange considering the abundant mineral sources. (Fortified cereal is another excellent – and vegetarian/ vegan-friendly – source of iron.

9. Cocoa

Studies show that cocoa may help prevent weight gain by reducing the absorption of calories. Additionally, extracts of cocoa activate the genes associated with fat-burning. Dark chocolate containing over 70 percent cocoa (sometimes called ‘cacao’) is best.



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10. Water

No metabolism-boosting article would be complete without water. H2O prevents dehydration, which slows down metabolism; it also promotes proper digestive function – a crucial part of losing weight. Drinking cold water is best, as it forces your body to use more calories for digestion.

Final Thoughts on Eating to Feed Your Metabolism

Maintaining metabolic health is an essential part of our overall well-being. As we have learned, the process doesn’t have to involve grueling diets, expensive gym memberships, or harsh restrictions. Instead, it’s about nourishing our bodies with the right foods that support our metabolism.

The 10 foods highlighted in this article are not only delicious and easily accessible but also packed with the nutrients necessary to fuel our metabolism. Including these foods in our regular diet can help support energy production, aid digestion, and promote a healthy weight, among other benefits.

Remember, it’s not about strictly adhering to a diet but developing sustainable eating habits that nourish our bodies. The key is to have a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods, and these ten foods are an excellent place to start.

Let’s change our mindset from deprivation to nourishment, focusing on foods that will support our metabolism and contribute to our overall health. This shift in perspective might be what we need to sustainably manage our weight, enhance our well-being, and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

It’s your health, and you have the power to influence it positively. Every meal is an opportunity to provide your body with what it needs to function optimally. So, take this information to heart and enjoy the process of nourishing your body, knowing that you’re supporting your metabolic health with every bite.

Dentists Explain 7 Habits That Ruin Your Teeth and Gums (And How to Fix It)

Taking care of your teeth and gums is vital for overall health.

There’s a direct relationship between what goes on in your mouth and what goes on in your body. Indeed, maintaining good oral health can prevent medical disorders such as diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.

Poor oral care invites the accumulation of bacteria along the gum line, which creates a haven for bacteria. Additionally, not regularly brushing and flossing one’s teeth may lead to more severe conditions like gingivitis, periodontitis, and trench mouth.

Eventually, poor oral care begins to show. This may mean the loss of teeth, gum disease, or a severe medical condition such as cardiovascular disease. Those who have lost some teeth may replace them with dental implants.

Unfortunately, far too many of us have acquired some bad habits. Of course, most of us are unaware of the damage these behaviors cause – and you can cut yourself some slack. It turns out that unless you happen to be a dentist or dental hygienist, you wouldn’t know!

Here are seven habits that can damage your teeth – and what to do about them!

receding gums

RELATED: 5 Easy Ways to Heal Receding Gums Naturally

1. Opening things

Your teeth are not meant to replace a knife, scissors, or bottle opener! Most of us are guilty at some point or another of cracking something open (mainly nuts, bags, and soda bottles) with our chicklets. When we do this, we increase the odds of breaking or chipping one or more teeth.

2. Using tobacco

Not much of a surprise here. Mountains of research link tobacco use with an increased risk of gum disease and oral cancers. Besides potentially acquiring cancer (as if that isn’t a good enough reason!), snuffing and smoking tobacco can permanently stain your teeth.

3. Biting your nails

“Quit biting your nails!!” Does anyone else remember being screamed at for munching on your digits? Well, there are a couple of good reasons.

First, think about how many things our fingers encounter during the day. Throughout 24 hours, we’ll accumulate millions of bacteria on our hands and under our nails. So our chances of getting sick go way up, we may very well chip or otherwise damage a tooth.

4. Piercings of the cheek, lip, and tongue

While considered trendy among some youngsters, piercings anywhere around the mouth are risky. According to the Canadian Dental Association (CDA), these piercings can lead to ‘chronic injury to adjacent teeth and mucosa (inside of cheeks, lips, taste buds), including tooth fracture, and gum recession, which can lead to tooth loss.’

5. Consuming too many acidic foods

Eating too many foods high in acidity (lemons, limes, oranges, etc.) may damage your teeth’ enamel (hard outer layer). Enamel damage dramatically increases the risk of cavities and oral diseases.

6. Clenching the jaw or grinding teeth

People who clench their jaw and grind their teeth generally do so out of nervous habit or stress. While widespread, dental experts claim that jaw clenching and tooth grinding increases the risk of a misaligned jaw and deterioration of the teeth. Furthermore, either habit may cause the surfacing – or worsening of – headaches and jaw pain.

7. High sugar consumption

As a rule, the more sugar eaten, the higher the presence of oral bacteria. As if this isn’t bad enough, sugar consumption also correlates with higher levels of bacteria and toxins in and around other body parts. Surprisingly, throat lozenges are considered products that should be avoided due to their sugar content. And don’t forget…bubblegum also contains sugar!


Final Thoughts: Reversing Damage to Teeth and Gums

Depending on the severity of any present condition, it may be entirely possible to reverse or limit damage to the teeth and gums. Here are a few pieces of advice, courtesy of the experts.

First, begin practicing excellent oral care. This means thoroughly brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing at least once. Proper brushing and flossing are your two primary tools to guard against damage.

Second, see a dentist if you notice significant gum recession. Receding gums are a common oral problem, and a dentist can prescribe various treatments that can both repair gum tissue and prevent further damage.

Third, abstain from any behavior or habit that may damage your teeth. Besides not engaging in any of the seven habits mentioned above, it is helpful to be aware of other patterns that may cause problems. According to the American Dental Association (ADA):

  • Binge eating
  • Brushing too hard
  • Chewing ice cubes
  • Drinking too much coffee or red wine
  • Eating too many snacks
  • Gnawing on writing utensils
  • Playing sports without a mouthguard
  • Snack on veggies. For example, cucumbers are a yummy, crispy snack that’s a great alternative to high-sugar or salty snacks and doesn’t harm your teeth. Consuming them also has many other health benefits.

Experts Explain What Happens to Your Body After Smoking E-Cigarettes

E-cigarettes, also known as e-vapors or vaporizers, are a battery operated, electronic nicotine system (ENDS) that simulates the experience of traditional smoking. These “vaping” devices emit vaporized nicotine which, instead of being inhaled by the user, is simply held in the mouth and released. E-cigs are heavily advertised products, with many ad campaigns focusing on the “benefits” of vaping over traditional smoking, but are they really healthier?

One of the United States’ leading market research firms, BIS Research, estimates that the global electronic cigarette (e-cigarette, or ‘e-cig’) will reach a total market value of $50 billion by 2025.

Competing directly with “Big Tobacco” and “Big Pharma,” e-cigarette products have become a major player. While the growth of tobacco companies has stagnated in recent years, e-cigarettes – despite stricter regulations in primary markets – is conservatively expected to grow by over 20 percent year-over-year.

Since the number of people smoking e-cigarettes are expected to continue to increase as people give up real cigarettes and look or a safer alternative, the question is, what happens to your body after you smoke an e-cigarette? Lets dive in and find out…

Experts Reveal The Dark Side Of Smoking Popular E-Cigarettes

What is the problem

Although most health professionals will concede that vaping is much safer than traditional smoking, it isn’t without risks.

As mentioned, e-cigs usually contain nicotine, and – aside from the health problems (which we discuss later) – are being used, in increasing numbers, by high school students and other minors.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the nicotine found in e-cigarette products may lead to continued tobacco product use among youth. 69% of middle and high school students were exposed to e-cigarette advertisements, according to a recent study.

As there’s nicotine in the products, minors – under current U.S. law – are prohibited (or supposed to be) from its usage. The selling of nicotine-containing products (e.g., cigarettes and dipping tobacco) is also illegal.

However, up until recently, there were no restrictions on the sale or use of these products to minors. And many people, rightfully so, had a big problem with this.

What Happens to Your Body After Smoking ‘E-Cigarettes’

Additional studies show that the products aren’t as safe as advertised.

Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden found “there was a significant increase in heart rate and blood pressure” in those who used e-cigarettes containing nicotine.

The study also found that arterial stiffness, the “generalized thickening and stiffening” of the arterial walls, is three times higher in smokers using e-cigarettes containing nicotine than e-cigs without nicotine.

Stiffening of the arteries strains the heart, reduces blood circulation, and may increase the risk of heart damage. Conditions associated with arterial stiffness include atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat), coronary artery disease, high blood pressure (hypertension), heart failure, and stroke.

Dr. Magnus Lundback, the leader of the study, says his team “found there was a significant increase in heart rate and blood pressure in the volunteers who were exposed to e-cigarettes containing nicotine.

Toughening the law

Findings such as those by the Karolinska Institute are having serious repercussions.

The European Commission of the European Union (EU) was the first body to crack down on the e-cigarette industry. The lawmakers consented to Article 20 of the Tobacco Products Directive in 2014, which issued wide-ranging safety and quality requirements, packaging and labeling rules, and enhanced regulatory oversight of the e-cigarette and vaping industry.

In 2016, the European Commission issued technical standards for the electronic components of e-cigarettes.

In August of 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), finalized a tobacco rule to include e-cigarettes. Mitch Zeller, director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, said:

“Before this final rule, these products could be sold without any review of their ingredients, how they were made, and their potential dangers. Under this new rule, we’re taking steps to protect Americans from the dangers of tobacco products, ensure these tobacco products have health warnings and restrict sales to minors.”

Generally, when the U.K. and U.S. take legal action, other countries do as well. To date, 79 countries have adopted laws regulating e-cigarettes; including minimum age laws, advertisement, labeling, packaging, promotion, safety, and classification legislation.

The Need for Transparency

While some studies show that vaping may help someone to cut back on smoking or quit, the companies – unsurprisingly – were taking advantage of lax regulations. Many find former promising and the latter unacceptable – particularly when minors are unnecessarily put at risk.

Lundback emphasizes this point: “Our results underline the necessity of maintaining a critical and cautious attitude towards e-cigarettes, especially for health care professionals.”

“E-cigarette users should be aware of the potential dangerous of this product, so they can decide whether to continue of quit based on scientific facts.”

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

15 Foods That Help Reduce Arthritis Pain

Arthritis causes joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and a limited ability to move easily. Although it can be mild to moderate, it often worsens as the years go by. Extreme arthritis causes chronic pain and sometimes the inability to do regular activities like walking up the stairs. Arthritis may cause deformed fingers, joints, and even organ damage depending on your arthritis.

You can reduce arthritic pain by staying active, having a healthy weight, and eating a healthy diet.

“Things that most people take for granted, for example sleeping, bathing, brushing one’s teeth, getting dressed, making meals, and even driving a car, are extremely challenging for me.” ~ Mrs. ‘K.D.’: “Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis.:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, arthritis affects nearly 55 million American adults. There are over 100 different forms of arthritis and relative diseases. The most common types being osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), fibromyalgia, and gout.

There is one common denominator between all of them: joint pain. Aching, dull, hot, throbbing joint pain. As anyone who has suffered from the condition can attest, joint pain is among the worst pain types in existence. The inflammation of intersecting bone, cartilage, and ligaments defines the aches and pains associated with arthritis.

Why Food May Be The Best Option for Arthritis

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates

care for your body

Prescription drug costs continue to soar. As a result of these exorbitant prescription drug costs, many seniors turn to high doses of over-the-counter meds (e.g., NSAIDs, aspirin) known to cause health problems ranging from headaches and dizziness to liver failure. Consider that many seniors are on a fixed income, and it’s clear that we have a big problem.

Perhaps the most feasible way to manage arthritic pain is through nutrition. According to The Brisbane Clinic of Nutritional Medicine, “Diet has been strongly implicated as a cause and therapy for many forms of arthritis. Unfortunately, this aspect is often overlooked and underestimated.”

What are the four types of arthritis?

Degenerative arthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common arthritis. It happens when your cartilage wears away so that your bones to rub against the bone at your joints. You also have swelling, pain, and stiffness. You’re more at risk for osteoarthritis if you’re overweight, injured your joints, or have a family history of arthritis. The best prevention is staying active, eating well, and using pain relievers as needed.

Inflammatory arthritis

Some arthritis causes your immune system to break down by attacking your joints, causing inflammation and damage. Researchers think this arthritis is an autoimmune reaction triggered by genetics or environmental situations. Inflammatory arthritis must be diagnosed early so you can get the proper treatment. Mediation can slow down your immune response.

Infectious arthritis

If a bacteria, fungus, or virus gets into your joints, it can trigger this type of arthritis. Salmonella (food poisoning), chlamydia, gonorrhea (sexually transmitted diseases), and hepatitis C can all cause infectious arthritis. If these diseases are caught early enough, they can be treated with antibiotics.

Metabolic arthritic

Uric acid is found in your cells and some foods. If you have too high of uric acid in your body or have difficulty getting rid of uric acid, you can end up with metabolic arthritis in your joints. People with too much uric acid are also prone to gout, which causes excessive pain and discomfort.

So, what are the best foods to help reduce arthritis?

It’s no secret that eating certain foods may help you stave off arthritis pain. Here’s a list of some of the best foods you can eat to help reduce arthritis

15 Foods That Can Help Reduce Arthritis Pain

reduce arthritis pain

First, it is crucial to be aware of and clear from “trigger foods.” Trigger foods produce an allergic or unfavorable bodily response (usually inflammation). Common trigger foods include dairy, red meats, wheat, corn, beef, and nightshade vegetables. Once you’ve identified and actively avoided your food triggers, you can focus on nutritional healing.

With that in mind, fifteen foods may help significantly reduce arthritis pain.

1. Apples

Apples are loaded with two powerful bioflavonoids, quercetin, and rutin. Both inhibit histamine release, protect the body from inflammation, boost blood circulation, and promote cellular health.

Other excellent quercetin and rutin sources include chamomile tea, celery, capers, citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime), cranberries, green peppers, and onions.

2. Almonds

Make that a second non-meat source! Almonds are the most abundant source of vitamin E at 7.3 milligrams (mg) per ounce. Vitamin E helps stabilize cell membranes and, together with zinc, promotes cartilage growth.

Other top vitamin E sources include spinach, sweet potatoes, avocado, wheat germ, palm oil, butternut squash, and sunflower seeds!

3. Coldwater fish

Coldwater fish contain abundant omega-3 fatty acids, which have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Omega-3’s contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), also known as marine fatty acids. EPA and DHA suppress the body’s inflammatory response by interfering with the immune cells and enzymes involved.

The best marine omega-3s are salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel. Vegans and vegetarians can acquire omega-3s through flaxseed, chia seeds, soy, kale, and other plant-based sources.

4. Eggs

The protein in eggs can significantly increase the levels of tryptophan in the blood. Tryptophan is the building block of serotonin; the brain chemical stabilizes mood and boosts the pain threshold. Tryptophan also raises endorphin levels in the brain and body!

Cheese, salmon, and turkey are also excellent sources of tryptophan. Vegan and vegetarian options include nuts and seeds, pineapples, and tofu.

5. Lamb

Lamb is an excellent zinc source, an essential mineral with many functional roles in the human body. According to the Arthritis Association, “Studies show significantly lower zinc levels in people with rheumatoid arthritis compared to those without it.” Individuals whose tests revealed “the lowest levels (of zinc)” tended to have it worse.

Other meat sources of zinc include seafood, red meat, and poultry. Fortified cereals, beans, nuts, seeds (especially pumpkin!), and whole grains are good non-meat sources of the mineral.

6. Fatty fish-Salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel

High in omega 3s, these fatty fish help your brain function, boost your immune system, and fight heart disease. Fatty fish also reduces inflammatory proteins that build up in your body.  Eat fatty fish often for the best results to lower your inflammation with added benefits to your heart and brain.

7. Seeds and nuts

Eating nuts and seeds are high in omega-3s. Almonds, flax seeds, walnuts, chia seeds, and pine nuts are also high in fiber, calcium, zinc, and vitamin E, which have many anti-inflammatory benefits. Nuts and seeds are also good for your heart.  Heart health is essential, especially for people who have rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers found that people with rheumatoid arthritis are at a higher risk of getting heart disease. Make a healthy trail mix with seeds and nuts sprinkled with olive oil and salt. Roast in a 350 oven for 20 minutes.

8. Dark leafy greens

Leafy greens are so good for you and are high in folate, Vitamin C, and calcium. Eating spinach, collard greens, or kale will help you fight off inflammation. Eating leafy greens also provides your body with extra collagen, an essential part of cartilage in your joints. Other benefits of leafy greens include

  • Improves brain function
  • Boosts your digestion
  • Removes toxins
  • Aids bone health
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Helps relieve stress
  • Relieves stomach bloat
  • Helps you age well
  • Manages blood sugar

Eat the leafy greens raw in a fresh salad or saute them with olive oil and serve as a side at dinner. You can also throw leafy greens like kale into your afternoon smoothie for a healthy snack.

9. Garlic and onions

Pungent veggies like garlic and onions have arthritis-fighting properties. These two have a long list of benefits, like

  • Fighting inflammation
  • Lowering cholesterol levels
  • Fights heart disease
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Protects against blood clots

Use garlic and onions in your cooking as much as possible. These two powerhouse foods add great flavor to stews, sauces, and meat dishes.

10. Berries

Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits. High in vitamin C, they boost your immune system, so you can fight off arthritic conditions and infections. Eat fresh berries by the handfuls, or use a berry mix in your morning smoothie. Berry’s other benefits include

  • High fiber for digestive health
  • Rich in antioxidants for fighting illness
  • Folate to fight depression
  • High in anthocyanins for good heart health
  • Manage blood sugar
  • Help urinary health

11. Whole Grain Bread and Cereals

Whole grains and cereals contain B vitamins. Researchers say eating food high in B vitamins relieves osteoarthritis joint stiffness and pain. Whole grains and cereals contain thiamine, folate, riboflavin, niacin, and minerals like iron, magnesium, and selenium, all of which help you fight chronic diseases. Instead of eating white rice, try whole grains like brown rice or quinoa. Buy or make whole multi-grained bread instead of white bread. These small changes will give you big health results.

12. Pineapple

Pineapple is an athlete’s best friend. Pineapples have an enzyme called bromelain that can reduce inflammation. It’s also packed with Vitamin C which boosts your immune system so you can fight off disease better. You can eat fresh pineapple or from a can. If you buy it canned, be sure it’s not packed in syrup. Put pineapple in your morning smoothie or grill slices next to your meat. You can also mix up a frozen pineapple treat with this simple recipe.

Frozen pineapple treat


  • 2 cups of frozen pineapple pieces
  • 1-1 ¼ cups of orange juice


  • Put the frozen pineapple pieces and orange juice into a blender. Blend on high until it’s whipped. Delicious!

13. Ginger

This pungent spice contains curcuminoids, which can fight inflammation and boost your immune system. Ginger can be used in a cream or oil applied to the areas of your body where you have pain. Additionally, you can make ginger tea or add fresh ginger to recipes to help your immune system.

14. Peanut butter

Another vitamin B-rich food, peanut butter, helps improve flexibility and fight inflammation. It’s rich in protein and healthy fat. High in fiber, eating peanut butter can help you lose weight.  It’s so satisfying you don’t feel hungry. So try making your peanut butter at home. Here’s an easy recipe.


  • Roasted peanuts around 2 cups
  • Sea salt (if preferred)
  • ½ teaspoon of honey (if preferred)


  • Put the peanuts into your food processor. Then blend them for around five minutes. Depending on your processor, it may take as long as 10 minutes. Wait until it completely creamy without ground peanuts in it.
  • Add salt if preferred.
  • Add honey if preferred.

Store your fresh peanut butter in the fridge for up to 3 months.

15. Orange Juice

Rich in vitamin C, folate, potassium, and magnesium, drinking orange juice isn’t just for your kids. A glass of orange juice a day boosts good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol. Vitamin C is known for its significance in developing good healthy cartilage. You can squeeze your fresh orange juice or eat the whole orange. Just be sure to save the rind for orange zest for dessert recipes. Throw the rind into a zip bag and freeze until you need it.

foods for arthritisFinal thoughts on reducing arthritis pain with an anti-inflammatory diet

Arthritis limits your ability to do the things you love. Eating healthy foods and staying active can help, but you need to find ways to fight the painful swelling and inflammation if you get arthritis. Researchers have found that many foods can help relieve the pain and swelling of arthritis. So include these foods in your regular diet to boost your immune system and relieve pain.

5 Early Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer to Never Ignore

“There’s been this myth about ovarian cancer being silent and people saying there’s nothing you can do about it. Well, that’s simply not true anymore.” – Dr. Barbara Goff

No one wants to think about getting cancer. Unfortunately, it’s a reality for so many. Ovarian cancer is something many women experience in their lives. Thankfully, there are early warning signs that can give clues to the onset of cancer. Many people refer to ovarian cancer as a silent killer, due to the fact that many of the symptoms can be mistaken for other issues by both doctors and women.

University of Washington cancer specialist, Dr. Barbara Goff added that, “There’s been this myth about ovarian cancer being silent and people saying there’s nothing you can do about it. Well, that’s simply not true anymore.

You should always speak to a doctor about any abnormal symptoms. That being said, it’s important to know the warning signs. Knowing the signs is every woman’s greatest defense against cancer. Here are some of the early warning signs of ovarian cancer that every woman should be aware of.

Here Are 5 Early Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer to Never Ignore

1. Abdominal pressure

It’s easy to confuse this symptom with other issues. Bloating, abdominal pain and pressure can be caused by any number of gastrointestinal issues. Likewise, bloating and abdominal pain can also be a symptom of the menstrual cycle. But abnormal abdominal pain, especially outside of your period, is a cause for concern.

In studies, almost half of patients reported abdominal pain/discomfort and abdominal swelling/bloating,” says Dr. Elizabeth Jewell. Talk with your doctor if you’re having bloating or pain in your abdominal area and you’re concerned that it has no connection to your period.

2. Painful intercourse

If you regularly have penetrative sex, one symptom of ovarian cancer that is common among women is painful intercourse. Ovarian cancer can cause cysts in the ovaries, which can cause sensitivity in the vagina and cervix. This increased sensitivity can cause intercourse to be painful. Many other things can also cause painful intercourse, from sexually transmitted diseases to yeast infections. If you’re having problems with penetration being painful during sex, you will want to speak to your OBGYN as soon as possible.

3. Irregular menstrual cycle

For most women, menstrual cycles come every 25 to 28 days. They usually last anywhere from 3 to 7 days each cycle. By adulthood, many women can set their calendars by their menstrual cycles. However, one of the early signs of ovarian cancer is an irregular menstrual cycle. This could mean missing a cycle, being late on a cycle, or your cycle coming early. This can also include abnormally long, heavy or irregular bleeding during your menstrual cycle.

According to a study by a group of scientists, “Our data suggest that moderate and severe pain during menstrual period is associated with increased risk of epithelial ovarian cancer.” Always keep an eye on your menstrual cycle and let your OBGYN know when there are irregularities or abnormalities.

4.Vaginal bleeding

For most women, blood is no surprise. However, there’s a difference between the shedding blood of the uterine lining and vaginal bleeding. Period blood is often thicker and darker in color. Vaginal bleeding will have a different consistency and may include pain. If you’re bleeding outside of your menstrual cycle, you want to contact your doctor as soon as possible, especially if the blood seems like a different color and consistency than your normal menstrual cycle. Vaginal bleeding is one of the most common signs of ovarian cancer. Keep an eye out and talk to your OBGYN if any abnormal bleeding occurs.

5. Loss of appetite


Most people don’t notice, or even know, that a loss of appetite is a common symptom of ovarian cancer. This is why ovarian cancer is so hard for women to notice in themselves without the help of an OBGYN, or without knowing the symptoms. However, loss of appetite is one of the hidden symptoms of ovarian cancer. Along with loss of appetite, women may also experience feeling full quicker, or only being able to eat small meals. Afterwards, most women feel swollen in their abdominal area. If this symptom shows up, along with any of the others, seek a doctor as soon as possible to make sure ovarian cancer isn’t the culprit.

Final thoughts

Ovarian cancer is a concern for many women. If you have a history of cancer in your family, you’ll want to be on the lookout for new or abnormal symptoms when it comes to ovarian cancer.

According to a group of scientists, “Ovarian cancer is not a silent killer… Recognition of the significance of symptoms described by women could lead to earlier and more appropriate referral.

Speaking with your doctor when symptoms come up will be your first line of defense against ovarian cancer. Most women aren’t able to catch the symptoms early enough. However, early detection can make remission of ovarian cancer extremely likely and change the tides.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Behaviors That Reveal You’re Breaking Your Own Heart (And Don’t Know It)

Human beings are complex creatures. Many people don’t realize that being broken hearted doesn’t only happen after the end of a relationship. In fact, other people don’t even have to be involved when a broken heart occurs. Breaking your own heart is entirely possible. We even do it without realizing that we are. The only way to stop yourself from breaking your own heart is to recognize the behaviors that you’re exhibiting. After coming to terms with heart-breaking behavior, anyone can get on the path to healing.

Here Are 5 Behaviors That Reveal You’re Breaking Your Own Heart (possibly without realizing it)

1. Checking up on your ex

There’s usually a reason that our ex-partners are no longer in our lives. If the relationship ended and you didn’t stay close friends, then there’s very little reason to continue to check up on your ex. This includes peeking at their social media, checking on their Instagram, or asking your mutual friends how they’re doing.

Sex and relationship expert, Dr. Megan Stubbs, EdD, ACS says, “You have to remove all traces of them because something as innocuous as seeing their name or a photo can trigger your brain into a wave of sad emotions.

If you found out that an ex-partner was constantly checking up on you, how would you feel about the situation? Try looking at it from their point of view, too. Letting go of our ex-partners makes room for new love in our lives. Constantly checking up on your ex to see how they’re doing will only further break your heart.

letting go

2. Following friends that no longer play a role in your life

Just like ex-partners, old friends are out of our lives for a reason. Maybe you had a falling out, or maybe you realize that they weren’t being a good friend to you. Whatever the reason, it’s just as important to let go of old friends as it is to let go of old lovers. Sometimes, friendship can be just as important and life-altering as romantic relationships. Stop checking up on friends that are no longer in your life and thinking of all the ways that things could have been different. It’s important to look towards the future.

3. Thinking poorly of yourself

Breaking your own heart can be as easy as looking in the mirror and being cruel to yourself. If you ever found yourself looking in the mirror and thinking you’re not good enough, you’ve already begun to break your own heart. Low self-esteem is always hard to handle. However, giving into the need to be less than kind to yourself is one of the ways that you break your heart every day.

Each and every person has worth, and is important, and learning to love yourself and the good things about you is one of the greatest things you can do,” says psychiatric intake clinician, Megan Hosking.

When you think of yourself, try to imagine yourself as someone else. That is to say, imagine you were talking to your loved one the way you speak to yourself. It will help you break out of the bad habit of thinking that you deserve anything less than kindness and love.

4. Not setting your boundaries

Are you one of those people who doesn’t ever seem to say “no”? Do you let people walk all over you in an effort to be the most helpful and accommodating person you can? While you may think you’re being kind, it’s actually a way that you’re breaking your own heart. The best way to keep your heart intact is to know what your boundaries are and exert them. Having boundaries and knowing when to say “no” is a virtue in and of itself. It will keep you safe and happy, and it will also stop you from breaking your own heart.

5. Being afraid to take a chance

If you’ve ever stopped yourself from asking someone out just because you think they’re going to say no, you’ve already begun to break your own heart. Being afraid of taking chances is what is going to stop you from experiencing life to the fullest. It’s also going to continually be what breaks your heart.

Take chances every once in a while, and you’ll be surprised by how many things actually go your way. Conquering that fear is the first step to healing an already broken heart. It’s also the first step to making sure that you don’t break your own heart all over again without realizing it.

Final thoughts

People break their own hearts every day without even noticing it. The best way to combat a self-broken heart is to remind yourself that you’re a person worthy of love. Stop checking up on people who have proven that they no longer care about you. Instead, focus on the people in your life that are there and who do care. Be kind to yourself, and make sure that you’re learning your boundaries. And most of all: don’t be afraid to take a chance in life.

“Stop thinking about everything so much, you’re breaking your own heart.” – Anonymous

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