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Researchers Reveal What Happens To Your Body When You Use Epsom Salt Every Day

If you love hot baths after a long day at work or school, you’ll love them even more with the addition of some Epsom salt! Before we get into this unique salt’s benefits, let’s review history first. Epsom salt originates from a bitter saline spring at Epsom (where it gets its name) in Surrey, England, where it was first distilled from water. It differs from other salts because its mineral makeup contains magnesium and sulfate.

It has a variety of uses ranging from health and beauty to household cleaners and even gardening. Most commonly, people use it to relax their muscles and relieve pain. However, we’ll go over a few other benefits of this fantastic form of salt as well.

Here’s what happens when you use Epsom salts regularly:

1. Boosts Magnesium Levels

Most importantly and perhaps obviously, Epsom salts can boost magnesium levels in the body. Magnesium provides essential human benefits, including aiding in muscle control, electrical impulses, and eliminating toxins. However, it should be noted that, despite claims of people absorbing magnesium in Epsom baths, no research indicates this is true. Epsom salt needs to pass through your gastrointestinal tract to boost magnesium levels in the body. Even then, not all of the magnesium will get absorbed; this is highly variable and depends on factors such as body magnesium levels and the source of magnesium.

You can add a bit of Morton’s Epsom to a glass of water and increase your magnesium levels. However, make sure to pay close attention to the serving size, as a magnesium overdose can be just as harmful as a deficiency.

2. Lowers Stress

Another well-known benefit of Epsom salt is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Combine that with a nice soak in a hot bath, and you’ll be in absolute heaven.

According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, magnesium deficiency can make us more vulnerable to stress reactions. Another study showed that magnesium can reverse this reaction and lower stress levels, which makes Epsom salt all the more appealing. Magnesium helps with cell energy production, so adding Epsom salt to your bath or taking it orally can help you feel refreshed and de-stressed.



3. Relieves Constipation

Epsom salt has been FDA-approved as a natural laxative, so that it can help with constipation and bloating. It helps to increase water in the intestines and flushes waste from the colon. A review of studies published in Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology found that Epsom salt “has potent laxative effect in vitro through the release of digestive hormones and neurotransmitters.”

To take Epsom salt orally, mix in one serving with eight ounces of water. You can add lemon or other fresh fruit slices to your liking.

4. Reduces Pain & Inflammation

One of Epsom’s most common benefits and uses is its ability to relieve pain and inflammation. It can also help to heal cuts and reduce swelling; some people have reported that it helps relieve headaches and migraines.

Overall, increased magnesium levels from Epsom salt can help with inflammation since low magnesium has been linked with higher C-reactive protein (CRP), one of the leading indicators of inflammation in the body.

5. Improves Blood Sugar Levels

By supplementing with magnesium from Epsom, you can lower your risk of diabetes and help your body more effectively produce and utilize insulin. Regular use of Epsom salts can help lower blood sugar and increase your energy. Studies have shown that men and women who get the daily recommended amount of magnesium have a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, so Epsom salt can certainly help in this regard.

6. Flushes Toxins From The Body

Epsom salt can also help eliminate harmful agents from the body due to the sulfates in its mineral makeup. To allow the salt to draw toxins and heavy metals from your body, soak in the bath for about 40 minutes or add a serving to your water in the morning. You’ll feel rejuvenated and energetic once you add Epsom salt to your daily routine!

epsom salt bath

Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Epsom Salt

Epsom salt has the potential to be incredibly healing for the body, because magnesium is one of the most important minerals we need to function properly. However, keep the dosage in mind if you’re taking it orally, and if you’re using it in your baths, our only advice is to sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Harvard Researchers Reveal How Activating Your ‘Sirtuins’ Can Make You Healthier (And How to Do It)

The first question you’re all likely asking is “What in the heck are sirtuins?”

Sirtuins are a class of proteins that regulate our biological pathways. Biological pathways is a scientist’s way of saying “cellular changes.” Formation of new molecules or mechanisms that turn certain genes “on” or “off” are considered such pathways.

Sirtuins are linked to biological pathways that affect aging, apoptosis (cell death), caloric resistance, energy efficiency, inflammation, stress resistance, and transcription (genetic copying).

Why should I care?

Sirtuins are a biological and chemical phenomenon with a potential ability to impact the health and well-being of the human race.

Yes, we understand the previous sentence sounds like an intro to a sci-fi thriller, but it is nonetheless true.

The story begins with Dr. David Sinclair, an Australian-born Biology professor and founder of The Sinclair Lab at Harvard University. In a ground-breaking 2003 study, Sinclair and his team discovered the following:

Caloric restriction slows the pace of ageing and increases maximum lifespan…by increasing the activity of SIR2…evolutionary origins of this phenomenon suggest new lines of research into the therapeutic use of sirtuin activators. (We’ll discuss such ‘activators’ later on.)

It turns out that Dr. Sinclair was onto something, as his former company Sirtuis was purchased by pharma conglomerate GlaxoSmithKline for $720 million.

How Sirtuins May Be The Next Great Discovery

The Sinclair Lab, located within Harvard Medical School’s Department of Genetics states:

Though we are focus heavily on understanding fundamental mechanisms of aging at the genetic and biochemical levels, the more pressing goal is to find new and effective ways to treat common diseases including type II diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, heart failure and cancer.

You may notice  the diseases and illnesses cited by Sinclair’s team are the leading causes of death among human beings. As we age, the risk factors of the aforementioned conditions increase drastically; making Sinclair’s research all the more vital.

In short, Sinclair may have found the scientific “fountain of youth,” as it were: little protein enzymes called sirtuins.

Red Wine and Sirtuins: A fascinating link

We’ve all heard that red wine is beneficial for human health, which is absolutely true. What you may not know is why it’s so beneficial, and how it may play an essential role in slowing aging and age-related disorders.

(As with any type of alcohol, moderation is advisable. It is also necessary for maximizing health benefits.)

Red wine’s health benefits result from its high concentration of antioxidants called polyphenols. Polyphenols “help protect the linking of blood vessels in your heart,” which may reduce the risk of coronary artery disease, the condition that results in heart attacks.

The key ingredient – and the one linked to sirtuin – is called resveratrol. Resveratrol prevents damages to blood vessels, reduces LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and prevents blood clots. For these reasons alone, sipping on the occasional glass of red wine is worth it – and the benefits do not end there.

Resveratrol is also a potential catalyst for sirtuin activity. A 2013 Harvard University study concludes:

…resveratrol directly activates a protein that promotes health and longevity in animal models…researchers have uncovered the molecular mechanism for this interaction, and show that a class of more potent drugs currently in clinical trials act in a similar fashion.

Says Dr. Sinclair: “In the history of pharmaceuticals, there has never been a drug …to make (a protein) run faster in the way that resveratrol activates SIRT1 (a sirtuin, “Almost all drugs either slow or block them.”

In other words, Dr. Sinclair’s meticulous research provides, for the first time, convincing scientific evidence demonstrating the possibility of slowing the aging process – and, along with it – age-related diseases and illnesses.

Related article: 7 Things That Will Make You Feel Younger

Hening Lin’s sirtuin research

Hening Lin is a Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Cornell University. In a way, Dr. Lin has advanced Dr. Sinclair’s discoveries by focusing on other crucial health benefits of sirtuins.

Lin focuses on all seven sirtuin enzymes, and “follows on that of other researchers studying aging who linked some of these enzymes to longevity.”

But Lin has brought some new insight as well.

While Dr. Sinclair’s work focuses primarily on the anti-ageing functions of “primary” sirtuins (“SIRT1, SIRT 2, SIRT 3 SIR 4), Dr. Lin has discovered that the so-called “orphan” sirtuins have plenty of potential, as well.

Especially as a potential cancer treatment.

In collaboration with two of his colleagues, Robert S. Weiss and Richard A. Cerione (both Cornell researchers), Lin researched and developed prototype drug molecules capable of manipulating sirtuin activity. Results to this point have been extremely promising as the drug molecules have shown “excellent anticancer activity.”

As with Sinclair’s research, Lin’s may lead to future development of cancer pharmaceuticals (among other promising drugs.)

In conclusion…

That sirtuin regulates certain biological pathways is a well-known fact within the scientific community – and has been for years.

However, it was not until Dr. Sinclair’s groundbreaking research, first published in 2003, that people began to understand the enzyme’s potential. Sinclair’s brilliance had become so well known that Harvard University gave him his own genetics lab. Not something that happens too often.

Just as important (and impressive), Dr. Sinclair’s research has inspired many other geneticists, biologists and chemists to continue his important work. As noted, Dr. Hening Lin is one such scientist, focusing his efforts on the anti-cancer properties of sirtuins.

In other words, reversing the neurological effects of aging and bringing cancer to its knees may well be within the near future.

Harvard Medical School. (2013, March 7). New study validates longevity pathway: Findings identify universal mechanism for activating anti-aging pathway. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 5, 2017 from
Howitz, K. T., Bitterman, K. J., Cohen, H. Y., Lamming, D. W., Lavu, S., Wood, J. G., . . . Sinclair, D. A. (2003). Small molecule activators of sirtuins extend Saccharomyces cerevisiae lifespan [Abstract]. Nature, 425(6954), 191-196. doi:10.1038/nature01960
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2016, November 12). Red wine and resveratrol: Good for your heart? Retrieved from
Stipp, D. (2013, March 07). Thinning the Fog around Sirtuins. Retrieved April from
Swift, J. (2015). Seven Sirtuins and Anticancer Activities. Retrieved from
The Sinclair Lab, Harvard Medical School Department of Genetics (2016, June 1). Research. Retrieved from
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Science Explains How Fasting Can Regenerate Your Cells And Fight Cancer

“Immune system defects are at the center of aging and a range of diseases. Here, we show that prolonged fasting … (leads) to … changes in long-term hematopoietic stem cells and niche cells that promote stress resistance, self-renewal, and long-age-balanced regeneration.” ~ Longo, V.D., et al.: Prolonged Fasting Reduces IGF-1/PK to Promote Hematopoietic-Stem-Cell-Based Regeneration and Reverse Immunosuppression

Whew … did you get all of that? If not, here’s a layman’s (my own) paraphrase: Fasting – abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink – promotes the birthing of cells while fighting against many of the things that cause aging, stress, and fatigue.

Not bad, eh? But let’s take a step back and more specifically discuss the study’s finer points.

Here are the benefits of fasting for your body:

In a nutshell, here’s what the scientists discovered:

Fasting and the Immune System

“Prolonged fasting (PF) lasting 48-120 (hours) reduces pro-growth signaling and activates pathways that enhance cellular resistance to toxins in mice and humans.”

A couple of things:

– Using simple math, we convert 48 to 120 hours to 2 to 5 days. (That’s a long time to go without eating, huh? More on this later.)

– Per the authors, someone must undergo an extended period of fasting to achieve the specified health benefits. Relatedly, restricting calories does not appear to be useful:

“The physiological changes caused by PF are much more pronounced than those caused by calorie restriction or fasting lasting 24 hours or less.”


RELATED ARTICLE: Science Explains How Fasting Helps You Lose Weight And Strengthen Your Body

Key Findings of the Study

First and foremost, this research has some serious implications for both healthier aging and cancer treatment. Length of life depends heavily on how well our cells hold up. Thus, we depend on the health – and sustained normal function – of our immune system. Consequently, immune system dysfunction is the catalyst for many potentially life-ending cancers and diseases.

Regarding immune system function, it tends to become less effective as we age. Some destabilization or inhibition of this system is to be expected as a consequence of life’s “wear and tear,” so to speak. Genetics, environment, and lifestyle all play a role here.

However, effective functioning of the immune system declines much faster when actively and continuously repelling harmful foreign agents (e.g., bacteria, toxins, etc.). Scientists call these toxic effects on the immune system response immunosuppression, as it inhibits normal operation of the immune system.

The research team studied the role of multiple cycles of prolonged fasting on both age-dependent and chemotherapy-induced immunosuppression. As the study notes, chemotherapy drugs are known to induce cell death and DNA damage in bone marrow – a side effect that effectually prevents, to a large extent, cellular genesis.

Promisingly, prolonged fasting was found to protect the system that helps produce new cells – not just for chemotherapy patients, but for otherwise-healthy individuals!

The Hematopoietic System

The hematopoietic system, consisting of the lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, and thymus, is responsible for producing the blood components of cells. In other words, it creates necessary components of the blood that permit life.

It is this system that “(provides) a rich source of stem cells used to treat a variety of cancers, anemias, AIDS, and sickle cell disease,” according to Columbia University.

This brings us to perhaps the most poignant statement on the possible consequences of this groundbreaking study. Valter Longo, professor of gerontology and biological sciences at the University of Southern California (USC) Davis School of Gerontology and the Director or the USC Longevity Institute, says:

“We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the hematopoietic system.”

Why Fasting?

“When you starve, the (body) tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged,” says Longo.

Extended periods of fasting (“prolonged fasting”) puts the body in a state conducive to cellular recycling. Besides obliging the body to burn fat, glucose, and ketones as energy, the process of fasting also breaks down old white blood cells (WBC’s).

Through the fasting cycles, the elimination of WBC’s is followed by a regeneration phase; specifically, the birthing of new immune system cells. Besides creating new immune system cells, prolonged fasting also reduced IGF-1, which Dr. Longo, his colleagues, and others link to aging, cancer risk, and tumor growth.

Final Thoughts

Accelerated recycling of immune system cells could make a big difference when it comes to preventing and treating diseases and other medical conditions. Extended periods of fasting, as it turns out, might be the answer.

Keep in mind that fasting is not deemed safe for everyone. It is particularly dangerous if your diet is unhealthy or if you have a liver or kidney condition. Those on prescription medications would be wise to consult with their physician before going on a fast.

Per WebMD, a 24 to 48-hour fast is otherwise “rarely a problem if you are healthy.”

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Early Warnings of Leaky Gut Syndrome (And How to Fix It)

Leaky gut, or “intestinal permeability,” … is a condition in which the lining of the small intestine becomes damaged, causing undigested food particles, toxic waste products, and bacteria to “leak” through the intestines and flood the bloodstream. ~ Samantha Parent-Walravens

The gastrointestinal system, also known as the gut, includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, colon, and rectum. Home to the microbiome – a complex ecosystem of “good” and “bad” bacteria – the gut is one of the most intricate parts of the human body.

Donald Kirby, MD, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic, says, “Physicians don’t know enough about the gut, which is our biggest immune system organ.”

Immune system organ? Wait a second. Doesn’t the gut have to do with food, liquids, digestion and all that stuff? Indeed it does, but that’s just one (albeit, critical) function of the gut.

Dr. Kirby calls the gut the most important immune system organ in part because it houses about 70 percent of the immune system’s cells. Besides being an inextricable part of the immune system, the gut is an extension of the brain! Here’s Scientific American:

“Technically known as the enteric nervous system, the second brain consists of sheaths of neurons embedded in the long tube of our gut …”

Few scientists will disagree with the statement that the gut influences mood and well-being just as much – if not more so – than our immunity! In fact, the enteric nervous system uses more than 30 neurotransmitters; with the gut housing 95 percent of the body’s serotonin – the neurochemical responsible for mood stability, appetite and digestion, sleep, memory, and sex drive! It is also the neurotransmitter found to be deficient in people diagnosed with depression.

unhealthy gut

What exactly is leaky gut?

Our gut holds more than 4,000 square feet of intestinal lining called mucosa. Healthy intestinal mucosa create a barrier between the intestines and our bloodstream; when damaged, the intestinal wall can develop cracks or holes, permitting the release of bacteria, toxins, and food particles.

This, in essence, is leaky gut. Wouldn’t it would be just groovy if things were that simple? Alas, it is not. Many doctors and scientists do not recognize the expression “leaky gut,” much less identify it as a medical condition.

But it is very real. Here’s what Marcelos Campos, MD, contributor to Harvard Medical School, has to say: “(Leaky gut) may trigger inflammation and changes in the gut flora (normal bacteria) that could lead to problems within the digestive tract and beyond.”

Dr. Campos’ observations speak to common sense. After all, the intestinal wall is not impenetrable; and when bacteria and toxins “leak” into the bloodstream, the results can’t be altogether favorable.

What are the signs of leaky gut?

1. Fatigue

While it is difficult to explain precisely the mechanisms of leaky gut that cause fatigue, it is clear – from both medical observation and personal anecdotes – that intestinal troubles trigger fatigue. The most likely explanation is the GI tract’s ties to the nervous and immune systems.

Generally, the body does not react favorably to perceived threats – and leaky gut releases plenty. The different bacterium, compounds, and other elements not recognized by the immune system forces the body into overdrive, which invariably leads to fatigue.

2. Diarrhea

The symptoms of leaky gut are comparable to those of Crohn’s and Celiac disease. Diarrhea that lasts over an extended period, typically one month, maybe indicative of a leaky gut.

Put simply, when the digestive system is thrown through a loop, a bad case of diarrhea is soon to follow. Nausea may also surface from time to time.

3. Brain Fog

Brain fog is the umbrella term used to describe “memory problems, a lack of clarity, and an inability to focus.” The sufferer experiences a sensation of mental clouding, or a “foggy” feeling.

As we’ve discussed, the gastrointestinal system and nervous system are inextricably connected. The functions (or misfunctions) of one will typically affect the other. When it comes to leaky gut’s effects on the brain, the likely explanation is a disruption to the vast network of neurons that connect them to one another.

4. Digestion Problems

A rather obvious inclusion to this list, increasing permeability of the intestinal walls will cause problems with digestion and produce unwanted digestion troubles.

The symptoms of digestive troubles include abdominal pain, cramps, diarrhea, nervousness (“butterflies in the stomach”), and constipation.

5. Frequent Illness

Leaky gut can lead to feeling sick more often. The physical toll that the condition takes is very real, as are the symptoms that it produces. Sickness may be experienced as primary illnesses and symptoms, such as stomach and digestive troubles. Thus, as immunity is adversely affected, secondary illnesses (e.g. cold or flu) and symptoms may arise.

“Fixing” Leaky Gut

Physicians that recognize leaky gut as a legit condition state that lifestyle management is the key to controlling and (hopefully) eliminating it. Managing stress levels and maintaining a healthy diet appears to be perhaps the two most important factors. Additionally, identifying and eliminating foods that trigger flare-ups is critical to managing leaky gut.

Regarding stress, Linda A. Lee, MD, a gastroenterologist and director of the Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center, says, “You need to tend to your stress, whether through medication or meditation. So that’s what you need to focus on,” adding, “Chronic health problems are so often due to lifestyle, and we don’t have pills for those. We’re talking about the way we live and the way we eat.”


Health Experts Reveal 5 Tricks To Eliminate Extra Sugar From Your Diet

Too much sugar can put us all at risk for obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Having sugar in moderation is fine, but many of us don’t know when enough is enough.

“The only things that smell good are fat and sugar. Tofu being boiled doesn’t smell good. Anything that smells good is fattening.” – John Madden

Cutting sugar from your diet can be incredibly beneficial for your health. Pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig says, “We need to wean ourselves off. We need to de-sweeten our lives. We need to make sugar a treat, not a diet staple.

Most people tend to have a bit of a sweet tooth and think cutting out soda and candy will suffice. This is a good start, but there are even better tricks to getting sugar out of your diet. Health experts have all kinds of ways to help you eliminate sugar from your diet and give your body a boost. These five tricks will make your diet well-rounded and sugar-free.

Health Experts Reveal 5 Ways To Eliminate Extra Sugar From Your Diet

1. Fresh fruits over dried fruits

Fresh fruits have sugar in them, but they’re way better for you than fruit juices, or dried fruits. Dried fruits are basically pure sugar. “Since it is dehydrated, the sugar [and the] calories are concentrated in a relatively small amount of food, which means it can be very easy to eat a lot of them without really realizing it. This is the reason why it only takes 1/4 cup to make up a serving,” says registered dietician Andy De Santis.

Apple juice, grape juice, and other juices are also pure sugar. While they’re delicious, it’s all because of the sugar. If you’re looking to eliminate some of the sugar from your diet, opt for fresh fruit instead of dried fruit or juice. Apples, berries, and grapes are great fresh fruits to add to your diet.

2. Switch to dark chocolate

Dark chocolate isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. It’s an acquired taste. But, if you’ve already acquired a taste for dark chocolate, you’ll be able to cut some sugar out of your diet. Milk chocolate is full of sugar, and most people don’t realize how much sugar they’re actually getting.  Not only does dark chocolate have less sugar, it also has many other health benefits for you.

Very dark chocolate could crank down your appetite by turning down levels of the hunger hormone,” says author, neurophysiologist, neuroscientist, and nutritionist, Dr. Will Clower. It’s a little more bitter than milk chocolate, so you may have to become acclimated to the taste. However, if candy is your weak spot, the dark chocolate is a great substitute.

care for your body

3. Buy “unsweetened” food and drink

There’s a medley of things that come in both “sweetened” and “unsweetened”, like almond milk, canned fruits, different nut butters, and apple sauces. The “sweetened” versions of these usually come with a whole load of added sugar. Because they’re not foods we usually associate with sugar, we tend not to notice. But, our bodies sure do. When shopping for these specific foods and drinks, it’s best to go with unsweetened. You can also get “no added sugar”. Either way, you’ll be able to cut a lot of sugar out of your diet by choosing “unsweetened.” And to be honest, you probably won’t even notice the taste difference!

4. Drink tea

If you’re not a tea drinker, it might be time to start, especially if you’re looking to help control your sugar cravings. Eliminating sugar from your diet can be hard, especially when you get those constant cravings. Pouring yourself a cup of tea is a great way to soothe those cravings without cracking open a sugary soda. Chai or cinnamon tea can give you that delicious, sugary flavor without filling you up with sugar. If you need more sweetness, try melting some honey into your tea. It’s healthy, delicious, and has less sugar than soda or juice.

5. No more “low fat” or “not fat” foods

When fat gets moved from a type of food, usually so does a lot of the flavor. What food companies do in that case is to focus on adding sugar to give some flavor back into the foods.

When you have fresh foods like fruit and vegetables, they don’t even claim to be low fat because it’s self-evident. It’s the manufactured foods that are the problem. The food industry has worked out that saying a product is ‘very low in fat’ or ‘non-fat’ sells,” says Professor Kerin O’Dea.

If you’re trying to watch your weight, don’t get tricked into using low-fat foods. The sugar will do the same thing that the fat would have. So, enjoy the great taste of the full-fat foods and help cut sugar out of your diet at the same time.

Final thoughts

Sugar is tasty, but it isn’t the best thing for us. If you’re looking to cut sugar out of your diet and lower your risk of obesity or heart disease, these five easy steps are the right place to start. Everyone knows about cutting out  candy and soda, but these tricks will put you ahead of the game. Health experts all agree that these tips will keep you healthy and put you on the path to eliminating sugar from your diet.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Ways to Love Your Partner (Without Having Sex)

Showing love to your significant other is more than just being physically intimate. Small gestures, besides sex, help you form closer ties and develop emotional intimacy.

But what is love? Here’s a definition from a leading psychologist

There are many definitions of love, but my favorite is to describe it as a deep and intense feeling of affection,” says clinical psychologist and author Barbara Greenberg, Ph.D.

While being intimate is a great way to express and show affection to your partner, there are hundreds of different ways to love (without having sex!). Here are some ways to show your partner you adore them that have nothing to do with making love.

“There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.” – George Sand

Here Are 10 Ways To Love (Without Making Love)


1. Communication

Talking with your partner is a great way to love them. “Communication in relationships, at its core, is about connecting and using your verbal, written and physical skills to fulfill your partner’s needs. If there’s miscommunication, you’ll miss the opportunity to build trust and intimacy, and you’ll both feel frustrated within the relationship,” says entrepreneur and author Tony Robbins.

Keeping the lines of communication open shows them that you trust them and that they can trust you. Every relationship, big or small, is built upon the ability to communicate. That’s why it’s a great way to love.

2. Spend time together

Nothing shows someone you love them quite like quality time together. Spending time with your partner, even if it’s just hanging out at home for the evening, is one of the best ways to show them that you care. Loving someone means spending time with them, even if it’s nothing exciting.

3. Helping them get something done

Lending a helping hand is a great way to show someone you care. If your partner needs help, ensure you’re the first to offer your services. Whether they need help going grocery shopping, picking out a new outfit, or cleaning the house – being helpful is one way to show you care. Being there for your partner and being supportive is a way to love them without making love.

4. Holding hands

Who doesn’t like the feeling of walking down the street holding their partner’s hands? Being intimate doesn’t always have to mean making love. Intimacy can come in all kinds of forms. Showing you are proud to be with your partner by holding their hand when you’re out together is one way to love them.

5. Affection

Being affectionate with your partner is a great way to show your love physically without making love. Sharing kisses, hugs, cuddling, and light touches on their arms and shoulders can say all you need to say.

Saying and doing small, simple expressions of gratitude every day yields big rewards. When people feel recognized as special and appreciated, they’re happier in that relationship and more motivated to make the relationship better and stronger,” says professor and author Terri Orbuch, Ph.D.

Don’t underestimate how much love and caring you can pack into some simple, chaste affection throughout the day.

how to make relationship last

6. Respect them

Your partner has moments where they need time and space to themselves. One of the best ways to show them that you love them is to respect the time they need to themselves. It doesn’t mean they don’t want to be with you – just that they need time to themselves! Giving them all the time they need to be alone means that your time together will be all that much sweeter. Plus, they’ll be able to tell how much you adore them.

7. Be forgiving

We all make mistakes in life. Even our partners, who love us, make mistakes. Psychotherapist, counselor, and author Judy Ford says, “A relationship is working and playing together, it’s finding delight, joy and comfort in each other. It is about facing difficulties and eventually becoming wise.

Tapping into that forgiving energy will show your partner you love them unconditionally. When things get tough in a relationship, being forgiving is a skill. Forgiveness can be one of the ways to love your partner in a deep and meaningful way.

8. Date nights

Sometimes, you have to get dressed, go out and show each other off. Don’t underestimate how good a ‘date night’ can make your partner feel, and how much you can love them like this. Spending time together is nice, but having a specified time to enjoy the romance like you were dating again is amazing.

9. Surprise them

Unexpected, pleasant surprises to show your affection will never go unappreciated. Sneak into your partner’s apartment, clean the kitchen, or send flowers to their work. Surprise them with a drive to the countryside or maybe just a bottle of wine after a long day at the office. Whatever you do, make sure it comes from the heart and they’ll be able to feel your love for days afterward. Surprises will show that you’re always thinking about them.

10. Flirt

Everyone likes to be flirted with. “Keep your ‘sex esteem’ alive by keeping up certain practices on a regular basis. This allows you to remain vibrant, sexy, and engaged in your love life,” says licensed individual, couples, and sex therapist Sari Cooper, LCSW.

If you’ve been with your partner for a while, you’ve both probably fallen out of the habit of flirting with one another. If you want to show your love in a new and inventive way, why not try flirting again? Sending a flirtatious text or leaving them a flirtatious voicemail will show your love and brighten their day.


Final Thoughts on Showing Your Partner Some Love

Loving your partner without having sex is easy. You have to know how to show your feelings and maybe be creative! Hopefully, something on this list has given you an idea of ways to love your partner without making love.

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