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14 Positive Affirmations to Beat Negativity

Repeating positive affirmations can help you push away negative feelings and feel better about yourself and your life. You can shift your mindset by replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations. It reprograms your thinking patterns and helps you beat negativity.

Negative thoughts can lead to stress about things that may never happen in real life. They can interfere with your happiness and well-being, holding you back when you could be achieving your dreams. Positive affirmations can help you shift your thought process, increase your self-worth, and live the life you’ve always wanted.

You’ll always encounter negative people with bad things to say. They’ll see the bad parts of every situation and fixate on what went wrong. Despite people like this, you can focus on positivity and look for the good around you.

The statements you often repeat to yourself or run through your mind become your reality. If you let negative thoughts take over, you’ll attract more negativity. Shifting your mindset helps you attract the things you want and need.

How Positive Affirmations Help

positive affirmations

Positive affirmations can help reduce the effects of stress, depression, and anxiety. They can also help boost your confidence, increase your chances of success, and calm your nerves.

Pushing away negative feelings and replacing them with positive thoughts can encourage you on your journey to success and happiness. The more often you use positive affirmations, the better you’ll get at recognizing negative self-talk. Recognition allows you to replace it with uplifting self-talk consciously.

Self-talk loops through your mind and often stems from childhood. The things you hear from your parents or caregivers can stick in your mind through adulthood. When you hear demeaning comments, it impacts your brain and affects your thoughts until you learn to reprogram your self-talk.

Reprogramming your self-talk takes time and effort. It took many years for those thoughts to become engrained in your mind, and it’ll take time to push them away. The more often you turn to positive affirmations, the easier it’ll be for you to make a permanent change.

Repeating positive affirmations is the best way to reprogram your brain, but you can also do the following:

  • record yourself saying the phrase and play it back whenever you need a boost of positivity
  • write it repeatedly
  • ask someone close to you to repeat it to you
  • write it in a place you’ll see often

Using positive affirmations repeatedly and deliberately can help reinforce chemical pathways and strengthen neural connections. It helps shift your thoughts to focus on positivity and resist negative thoughts.

Your thoughts will become more aligned with what you want in life. You’ll begin to believe your positive self-talk and attract the good things you deserve.

Start by choosing one or two positive affirmations to repeat and practice for a few weeks. Then, move on to other ones or add them to your routine.

Fourteen Positive Affirmations to Beat Negativity

Using positive affirmations can help you beat your negative feelings and live the life of your dreams. Some phrases to start with include:

negativity detox

1 – I am a good person.

Everyone makes mistakes, and it can make you feel lousy about yourself. However, even when you make a mistake, you’re a good person and can learn to do better next time.

Your past doesn’t define you, and innocent mistakes don’t make you a bad person. If your negative thoughts tell you otherwise, this affirmation can help you push the negativity away.

2 – I focus on the positivity around me to feel good about life.

No matter what you’re going through, there’s something good in your life at any moment. So you can focus on the weather, birds chirping, or anything else that makes you think positively. Deliberately focusing on things that help you push away negative feelings can help you habitually shift your thought process.

3 – I am overcoming everything that comes my way.

You’ve overcome everything you’ve been through so far in life, and you’ll continue to persevere. This affirmation reminds you that you can get through anything and that you’re capable of overcoming obstacles. Thus, it can help you push away negative self-talk that tells you you can’t pull something off.

4 – I embrace positivity even when I don’t enjoy how things happen.

Things won’t always go how you want them to, but that doesn’t mean you must focus on the negative aspects. You can find positivity in the situation or another part of your life and embrace it. When you embrace positivity, you’ll learn to adapt and accept things you can’t change.

5 – I have choices and am in control of my life.

You’re the only person in charge of your life and can choose whatever you want. If you ever feel like life is out of your control or that you don’t have a say in your emotions, repeat this positive affirmation. In fact, it reminds you that you can change something about your life if you don’t like it.

You can decide to change many parts of your life, including your feelings. When you can’t control a situation, you can still choose how to address it.

6 – I am grateful for new experiences and opportunities.

This affirmation helps you beat negative feelings because it reminds you that there are always new experiences. If you don’t like your situation or want a change, you can find a different opportunity to explore. Additionally, if something doesn’t work out, there’s always another method to try.


7 – I use determination and hard work to bridge gaps in my skills.

There’s always more you can learn, and everyone has gaps in their skills. Instead of getting frustrated with the gaps in your skills, you can work hard to bridge them. This affirmation encourages you to work hard and keep learning to achieve your goals.

8 – I am surrounding myself with wonderful people.

The people you surround yourself with make a difference in your life. Spending time with negative people will attract negativity to your life.

However, surrounding yourself with positive people can help you focus on the good parts of life. Plus, with positive people in your life, you’ll have good people to turn to for advice or uplifting encouragement.

9 – I am doing what’s physically and mentally best for me.

You know what’s best for you, and you should feel good about prioritizing yourself. When you put yourself first, others might not like it, but it only proves that the person isn’t good for you. People who care about you want you to do what’s best for you, and they’ll encourage you to do so.

This affirmation can make a difference if you’re struggling with prioritizing yourself. Repeat the phrase each morning to encourage yourself to do what’s best.

10 – I achieve anything I set my mind to.

When you want to achieve something, you can make it happen. Using this affirmation reminds you of your inner strength and ability to overcome any obstacle. It can motivate you to push forward no matter what as you keep your focus on the goal.

11 – I am not afraid of failures or hardships because they get me closer to where I want to be.

When things don’t work out as planned, you might feel like giving up. You might tell yourself that it’ll never happen and that you should give up. However, this affirmation helps you persevere and get closer to your goals.

This positive phrase helps you recognize that failure and hardship only show you how strong you are. It teaches you what you should do differently or still must learn. Failure and hardship get you one step closer to where you want to be, and positive thinking can make a difference.

12 – I am thankful for all the good parts of my life.

There’s always something good about your life. Thus, expressing gratitude can help you beat negative feelings. As you repeat this affirmation, think of what you love most. Some ideas include:

  • family and friends
  • food
  • shelter
  • clothing
  • good health
  • having a vehicle to drive
  • your job

Expressing gratitude for these things reminds you of the good in your life. It can also motivate you to do better and keep pushing.

13 – I am working toward my dreams no matter what happens.

Things might get hard, but this affirmation will help you persevere. You’ll experience obstacles, setbacks, and moments when you don’t think you can do it anymore. However, you can achieve your dreams despite anything, and this affirmation reaffirms it.

14 – I let go of feelings that don’t serve me so I can replace them with positivity.

You can make this affirmation more specific if you can identify your feelings. Consider whether you feel fearful, worried, angry, or anything else, and use it during your repetition. When you let go of negativity, you have space for positivity to move in and improve your life.

positive affirmations

Final Thoughts on Positive Affirmations to Beat Negativity

Using positive affirmations to beat negativity can help you on your journey to happiness and success. Of course, they can help you shift your mindset and feel more energized and confident. You’ll also feel less stressed or anxious.

Positive affirmations can help you enjoy life without negative self-talk ruining your moments of joy. Practice repeating the phrases daily, and you’ll notice that your life begins to reflect your thoughts.

8 Foods to Heal COPD (and 4 Things to Avoid)

Living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can make you struggle to breathe, but focusing on eating healthy foods can make a difference. Improving your eating habits can help you feel better and manage your symptoms.

Improving your nutrition won’t cure COPD, but it does offer benefits like fighting off infections that sometimes lead to hospitalization. Plus, improving your nutritional health can also help you feel better overall.

Eating better to manage your COPD doesn’t have to be complicated or tedious. You can find simple ways to improve your diet and consume various foods you love.

You can eat healthier when you plan what you eat and balance your meals. With the right information, you can make healthy changes that help you improve your condition and feel better.

The Importance of Nutrition With COPD

COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, is a group of diseases that include emphysema and chronic bronchitis. It makes breathing hard because it blocks your airways, but good nutrition can help.

When you eat, your metabolism changes food into oxygen, energy, and carbon dioxide. You exhale the waste product or carbon dioxide and use the energy on normal body processes and daily tasks.

The nutritional value of the food you eat determines how much energy you get and how much carbon dioxide gets eliminated. If you don’t have enough energy or eat nutritious things, you won’t have the energy to eliminate carbon dioxide. When this happens, and too much waste builds up, it can make you feel weak.

Carbohydrates produce more carbon dioxide for how much oxygen they use, and fats lead to the least. Those with COPD often experience breathing improvements when they consume fewer carbohydrates and increase healthy fats.


How Nutrition Affects Breathing

Breathing requires using more energy for those with COPD than for others. Their muscles sometimes use up to ten times more calories than someone without the disease.

Chest infections can be typical for people with COPD and often lead to hospitalization, but good nutrition can help fight them. Your body requires energy from food for normal functioning, including breathing and sleeping. It’s also necessary for performing daily tasks, exercising, and doing anything else.

Eating healthy won’t eliminate your need for medication, but it can boost your energy and strengthen your lungs. It’ll also help you maintain a healthy weight to prevent symptom flare-ups, complications, and difficulty breathing.

You must include a variety of foods in your diet to consume all the necessary nutrients. Consider taking a supplement if you aren’t achieving enough vitamins and nutrients. Discuss it with your doctor first, but adding vitamins to your daily routine can be helpful.

The Importance of Managing Your Weight for COPD

Consume enough calories for energy, so you don’t experience wasting or diaphragm and muscle weakening. However, don’t consume so many calories that you gain excess weight.

Being overweight causes your heart and lungs to work harder and make breathing harder. On the other hand, being underweight can make you tired and weak, increasing your risk of infection.

Symptoms of COPD include a lack of appetite, depression, and feeling unwell in general. These symptoms can lead to becoming underweight, making you weak, tired, and at a higher risk of infection.

Maintaining a healthy body weight is essential, so work with a doctor to determine a healthy weight. They can also help determine how many calories you should consume and assess other dietary necessities. Healthy eating and regular exercise can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Eight Foods to Heal COPD

Some foods can help your COPD or reduce the symptoms. These include the following:

1 – Complex Carbohydrates

Limiting your carbohydrate intake is beneficial for COPD, but you can consume some complex carbohydrates. They are often high in fiber, improving your digestive system function and blood sugar management. Complex carbohydrates include:

  • whole-grain bread or pasta
  • fresh fruits and vegetables
  • bran
  • lentils
  • quinoa
  • potatoes with the skin
  • beans
  • barley
  • oats

2 – Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Experts indicate that consuming omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce lung inflammation and reduce symptoms of COPD. The benefits are likely due to the anti-inflammatory properties that help open your airways. Research shows that diets rich in this nutrient make you less likely to experience chronic cough and wheezing.

Omega-3 fatty acids also contain high-calorie levels, making them beneficial to those who have trouble eating enough. You can consume these essential fats in:

  • salmon
  • Atlantic mackerel
  • canned light tuna
  • sardines
  • cod
  • walnuts
  • leafy green vegetables
  • flaxseed
  • canola oil
  • eggs

3 – Foods Rich in Fiber

Fiber is essential because it helps food move through the digestive tract. It can help you avoid constipation or bloating, both of which make it hard to breathe with COPD. A fiber-rich diet also helps decrease cholesterol levels and your risk of heart disease.

If you need to increase your fiber intake, consider the following:

  • legumes, including beans, peas, and lentils
  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • whole grain cereals or pasta
  • oats
  • quinoa
  • whole wheat bread
  • brown rice
  • nuts or seeds

4 – Protein Rich Foods

COPD can make it hard to eat, causing weight and muscle loss. Consuming more protein can help you maintain stronger respiratory muscles and reach your suggested calorie intake. Skipping out on the essential protein intake can worsen your breathing problems because it weakens your respiratory muscles.

When you want to increase your protein intake, consider the following:

  • nuts
  • dried beans
  • milk
  • cheese
  • eggs
  • fish
  • meat
  • poultry

5 – Hydrating Foods

Staying hydrated helps your organs function properly. It also thins mucus in your airways, which is essential for those with COPD as they often experience an overproduction of phlegm. You can get hydration from healthy, caffeine-free fluids, fruits, and vegetables.

Some of the most popular hydrating foods include:

  • celery
  • cucumbers
  • watermelon

6 – Potassium

Potassium improves lung function, and a deficiency can cause breathing issues. Plus, some people with COPD take water pills and should increase their potassium intake. If you need to consume more potassium, you can consider consuming the following:

  • oranges
  • avocados
  • bananas
  • dark leafy greens
  • potatoes
  • beets
  • asparagus
  • tomatoes

unsafe foods

7 – Foods with Vitamin D

Experts indicate that many of those with COPD experience vitamin D deficiency. This issue could occur because many COPD patients take steroids that disrupt vitamin D absorption. Plus, if your breathlessness makes you tired, you might spend less time outside absorbing vitamin D naturally.

Without consuming enough Vitamin D, you might experience osteoporosis. It is a common disease in those with COPD, so increasing your Vitamin D intake is essential.

Increasing your Vitamin D intake can decrease your COPD flare-ups. Taking supplements can ensure you get the suggested amount, but talk to your doctor before trying them. Food sources of vitamin D include the following:

  • flounder
  • salmon
  • tilapia
  • light tuna
  • canned sardines
  • egg yolks
  • uncooked mushrooms
  • products fortified with vitamin d, including orange juice, milk, and yogurt
  • almond milk

8 – Mono- and Poly- Unsaturated Fats

These fats don’t contain cholesterol and come from plant sources like canola, safflower, and corn oil. They typically become liquid at room temperature, indicating a healthy option to add to your diet. Some of the best mono- and poly-unsaturated fats include:

  • nuts and seeds
  • coconut or coconut oil
  • olives and olive oil
  • avocados
  • cheese
  • fatty fish

Four Things to Avoid for Healing COPD

Now that you know what to eat to improve your COPD, it’s time to learn what to avoid.

1 – Sodium

Sodium can cause swelling and increase your blood pressure as it leads to retaining water. It’ll cause more trouble breathing, and your symptoms can worsen. Some ideas for avoiding it include:

  • removing the salt from your dinner table
  • Using natural herbs to flavor your food
  • read ingredient labels to avoid too much sodium
  • don’t add salt to your cooking, even when the recipe calls for it

2 – Not Getting Enough Fluids

Drinking water is essential to your well-being, and it’s even more important for someone with COPD. It can make mucus thinner, so you can get rid of it easier.

Consider filling a pitcher in the morning that you want to consume by the end of the day. Refill your water cup from the pitcher, so you know if you’re reaching your hydration goals.

3 – Foods That Cause Gas or Bloating

If you have COPD, avoiding foods that cause gas and bloating is essential. It can make you feel uncomfortable and worsen your symptoms. Some of the things that commonly cause bloating include:

  • fried or greasy foods
  • carbonated beverages
  • heavily spiced foods
  • brussels sprouts
  • cabbage
  • cauliflower
  • soybeans

4 – Alcohol and Caffeine

Alcohol can interfere with necessary medications and doesn’t add nutritional value to your diet. It can also disrupt your breathing and make it hard to cough up mucus. Caffeine can also interfere with medication, so it’s best to avoid it unless your doctor says otherwise.


Final Thoughts on Foods to Eat and Things to Avoid for Healing COPD

Being mindful of what you eat can help heal COPD or ease your symptoms. Your nutrition plays a big part in how you feel and your body functions.

Consider using these tips to help plan your meals and snacks to manage symptoms and feel better. Remember that you must consume various foods to achieve your nutritional goals. You can feel good with COPD if you learn what to eat and avoid.

7 Signs Your Brain Sends You When Something May Be Wrong

The human brain is a complex and fascinating organ that controls every aspect of daily life. It regulates your memory, thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. It constantly communicates with the rest of your body to ensure everything functions properly. When something goes wrong, the brain sends out various signals to alert you to the problem.

These signs can range from subtle changes in mood and behavior to more serious physical symptoms. One of the most common signs the brain sends when something is wrong is changes in mood and behavior. For example, someone experiencing high stress or anxiety levels may feel more irritable, impatient, or overwhelmed.

Struggling with depression or other mental health issues might make people feel more withdrawn, apathetic, or disengaged from their daily activities. Physical symptoms are another common way the brain communicates when something is wrong. For example, headaches, dizziness, or nausea indicate underlying health issues.

More severe symptoms, such as chest pain or shortness of breath, can be signs of a more serious medical condition. It is essential to recognize and respond to these signals promptly and effectively. Ignoring these signals or delaying medical treatment can lead to more severe complications.

For example, ignoring the signs of a heart attack can result in long-term damage to the heart or worse. So here are some signs you should be aware of if you want to ensure you stay on top of your health.

7 Signs Your Brain Sends You When Something May Be Wrong


1.      Headaches Can Indicate a Brain Issue

Headaches are among the most common signs of something wrong with the brain. Many headaches are caused by stress or tension. But severe or persistent headaches can indicate an underlying medical condition. There are different types of headaches, which may show different underlying causes.

For example, tension headaches are usually caused by muscle tension or stress and can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications. However, migraine headaches are more severe and can be accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound.

Headaches can sometimes indicate a more serious underlying condition, such as a brain tumor, aneurysm, or stroke. It is essential to seek medical attention if you experience persistent or severe headaches, especially when accompanied by other symptoms.

For example, brain tumors can cause headaches due to the pressure they exert on the brain tissue or surrounding structures. Depending on the location and size of the tumor, headaches can be accompanied by other symptoms. Amongst these are nausea, vomiting, seizures, and changes in vision or hearing.

2.      Mood Changes

Sudden changes in mood or behavior can also indicate something is wrong with the brain. Mood changes can include sadness or hopelessness, irritability, anxiety, or even unexplained episodes of anger or aggression. These mood changes can occur without any apparent cause or trigger.

Mood changes can be indicative of several underlying conditions. Depression is one of the most common causes of mood changes. And it is a serious medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Depression can cause feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities that were once pleasurable.

Anxiety is another condition that can cause mood changes. It can cause persistent worry or fear, interfering with daily activities and relationships. Panic attacks, sudden and intense fear or anxiety, can cause mood changes and other physical symptoms.

Other medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders, can cause mood changes. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism and energy levels. If the thyroid gland produces too little or too much, it can cause mood changes, fatigue, and other symptoms.

3.      Memory Problems

Memory problems can be a sign that something is wrong with the brain. They can manifest in several ways. For example, you can have difficulty remembering new information or with language or visual-spatial tasks. Or you might be forgetting things that you used to know. Memory problems can be indicative of several underlying conditions.

One of the most common conditions associated with memory problems is Alzheimer’s disease. This is a progressive and degenerative disease that affects memory and cognitive abilities. Dementia is another condition that can cause memory problems. Dementia is a general term that refers to a decline in cognitive function that interferes with daily activities.

It can be caused by several underlying conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and other conditions. Other conditions that cause memory problems include stroke, brain injury, and tumors. These conditions can cause damage to the brain tissue, interfering with memory and other cognitive functions.

4.      Vision Changes

Vision changes can manifest in several ways, such as blurry, double vision, loss of vision, or even visual hallucinations. The brain relies on information from the eyes to interpret the world. Any problems with the eyes or the visual pathways in the brain can result in vision changes. These changes may include blurred or double vision, loss of vision, or visual hallucinations.

One of the most common conditions associated with vision changes is migraine headaches. Migraines can cause a variety of visual disturbances, including flashing lights, zigzag lines, or blind spots. These visual disturbances are often accompanied by other symptoms such as severe headaches, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.

Sometimes, vision changes can indicate a more serious underlying condition, such as a brain tumor or an aneurysm. These conditions can cause pressure on the optic nerve, interfering with vision and other cognitive functions. Other neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis can also cause vision changes. They can also result from certain medications, such as steroids or antihistamines, or exposure to toxic substances.


5.      The Brain Signals by Wreaking Havoc on Your Sleep Schedule

Trouble sleeping, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, can also be a sign of more significant issues related to the brain. Lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep can cause various physical and mental health problems. These issues include depression, anxiety, memory problems, and impaired cognitive function.

Sleep disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea, or restless leg syndrome can also interfere with sleep quality and duration. These disorders are caused by disruptions in the brain’s sleep-wake cycle, which can lead to daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and irritability.

Erratic sleeping can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as a neurological disorder or a mental health condition. For example, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease can all cause sleep disturbances. These disturbances include excessive daytime sleepiness and restless leg syndrome.

Mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can cause sleep problems. Even some medications and substances can also cause sleep disturbances. For example, stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine, and some medicines used to treat ADHD can interfere with sleep. Similarly, alcohol and some medications used to treat anxiety and depression can cause sleep disturbances.

6.      Fatigue

It is normal to feel tired from time to time. But persistent or excessive fatigue can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease can all cause fatigue. In addition, other medical conditions such as anemia, thyroid disorders, and diabetes can also cause fatigue.

Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and chronic stress can also contribute to feelings of fatigue. Fatigue can sometimes be a side effect of medication or poor sleep quality. For example, some medicines used to treat depression, anxiety, or high blood pressure can cause fatigue as a side effect. Poor sleep quality or sleep deprivation can also lead to fatigue.

Fatigue can impact daily life by causing a lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, and decreased overall productivity. You must seek medical attention if you experience persistent or severe fatigue. This is true, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, or unexplained weight loss.

7.      Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms can mean a lot of different things. But some of these signs expressly point toward some more significant issues. Some common physical symptoms related to the brain include seizures, tremors, dizziness, balance problems, and difficulty with coordination or movement. These symptoms may be caused by neurological conditions such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, or a brain injury.

For example, seizures occur when the brain has abnormal electrical activity. They can cause various physical symptoms, such as convulsions, shaking, and loss of consciousness. Seizures may be caused by epilepsy, a neurological disorder that affects the brain’s electrical activity. Other conditions that can cause them include brain tumors, infections, or injuries.

Other physical symptoms related to the brain include changes in appetite or weight, digestive problems, chronic pain, and skin conditions. These symptoms may be caused by mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or other medical issues.

Physical symptoms may sometimes indicate a severe or life-threatening condition, such as a stroke or a brain tumor. You must seek immediate medical attention if you experience sudden or severe physical symptoms.


Final Thoughts on Some Signs Your Brain Sends You When Something May Be Wrong

The brain is the most vital organ in the body. It coordinates various functions that help us interact with the world around us. It controls everything from our movements, thoughts, emotions, and senses.

Plus, it manages any issue that affects you and can significantly impact your health and quality of life. Thankfully, your brain often sends warning signs when something is wrong, and it’s up to you to recognize them and act. These symptoms can be headaches, changes in vision, dizziness, confusion, memory problems, changes in mood or personality, and more.

Recognizing the signs your brain may send is crucial to maintaining your health and quality of life. Knowing these warning signs and seeking prompt medical attention can help you detect and address potential health problems early. This can improve outcomes and prevent complications. Prioritize your health, pay attention to warning signs, and seek medical attention when necessary to maintain optimal health and well-being.

Strong People Don’t Give Explanations for These 20 Behaviors

Society often teaches that you should offer explanations for your behaviors. You’ll be happy to know that it’s unnecessary and that strong people don’t bother explaining themselves.

People will always question your decisions or judge your lifestyle, and that’s okay. You don’t have to try and make them understand because it’s your life, and you’re the only one who must be happy with it. Confidence in your decisions will help you feel good about your life, and you don’t have to justify it.

When you stop explaining yourself, you’ll experience freedom and worry less. Offering explanations makes you feel like people have the right to judge, making you question yourself.

You’ll experience times when an explanation would be ideal, but you don’t have to offer one for everything. Not every aspect of your life is another person’s business, and those things are what you don’t need to explain.

Why You Shouldn’t Offer Explanations for Every Behavior

You might think explaining yourself isn’t a big deal, and sometimes you’ll feel like it’s required. When dealing with an authority figure or boss, you might feel like you have no choice. However, explanations for everything you do can harm your life and well-being.

Explaining yourself for things that don’t affect others can hurt you because it gives the impression that you are indecisive. It can make others think your boundaries are weak and that they can push you to change your mind. Not explaining yourself can protect your time and energy because it makes it less likely that people will nag you about it.

strong people

Over-explaining can also be an issue because it sometimes confuses the situation. Your answer might be drowned out by other unnecessary information, interfering with communication.

Unnecessary explanations also interfere with your growth possibilities because they show that you require external approval. You get to choose what’s right for you, even if that means making a different choice than what others would do. Since you live with your decisions, external input shouldn’t affect your decision.

Behaviors Strong People Don’t Give Explanations for

You’ll know when keeping quiet is okay when those parts of your life don’t impact anyone else. An explanation is unnecessary if your behavior doesn’t threaten or harm anyone.

1 – Strong People Don’t Give Unnecessary Explanations if They Ask for Something

The best option is to ask directly without explanation when you need something. The person will know what you need, whereas explaining why might make it seem like there’s no obligation. You might not get what you asked for, leaving you in the same situation without your requirements met.

2 – Their Appearance

You’re the one who must live with how you look, so don’t explain yourself for it. If you like yourself, that’s all that matters, and you don’t need to offer explanations or apologies.

It goes for dying your hair, getting a tattoo, changing your style, or wearing the makeup you enjoy. You also don’t have to explain your weight or anything else about your physical appearance.

Your appearance is a masterpiece, no matter what it is. Stay true to yourself without explaining your reasoning to anyone else. The only thing that matters is feeling good and comfortable with your body.

3 – Your Living Arrangements

Everyone has different living situations, either because of personal preference or circumstances. Whether you live alone, with a partner, with friends, or with your parents, you don’t have to explain yourself.

If you want to ask someone for advice, you can feel free to do so. However, you don’t have to discuss it if you don’t want to, and you don’t have to give excuses.

4 – Strong People Don’t Give Explanations Regarding Religious  Beliefs

Differing religious beliefs can cause tension, even though everyone deserves to make their own choice on these topics. It’s part of your identity, and you don’t have to explain why you value those beliefs.

You can give as little or as much information as you want but don’t feel you must justify yourself. If someone can’t accept your beliefs, it’s their problem to handle.

5 – Working Toward Your Goals

No matter your goals, you don’t have to explain why you’re working toward them. It could involve your career, personal life, bucket list, or anything else.

All that matters is that your goals keep you moving forward and give you a sense of purpose. It doesn’t matter if someone else understands or would have made a different choice. This life is yours, so don’t waste time and energy forcing someone to understand.

6 – Where You Choose to Live

You don’t have to stay in your hometown if there’s something better for you. Likewise, there’s nothing wrong with choosing to stay in the area where you grew up. Either way, no explanation is necessary because you’re the one who must enjoy where you reside.

You might like the city, suburbs, or a secluded home in the country. Everyone’s preferences differ, and it’s okay if someone doesn’t understand.

7 – If They Want to Have Kids

Not everyone wants kids, while others want a big family, and some only want one or two kids. It’s your choice despite what others say about it. You don’t need to offer apologies or excuses for your decision because you’re the person who must live your life.

8 – Disagreeing

You don’t have to agree with everything someone says. Since everyone has different opinions, it’s natural not to have every thought as your friend. You don’t have to shy away from conflicting opinions, nor do you have to explain why you won’t agree.

9 – How You Raise Your Family

Everyone parents differently, and it’s okay if someone doesn’t understand why you handle things the way you do. What works for you and your family may not work for someone else. If someone questions your strategies or criticizes your parenting, ignore it and don’t waste your energy explaining.

10 – Strong People Avoid Explanations About Finances

Unless someone pays your bills, you don’t have to explain your finances to anyone. You might live paycheck to paycheck or have a hefty savings account, and either is okay if you’re happy.

People don’t have to know how much money you make or what you spend it on. They also don’t have the right to demand an explanation.


11 – Strong People Don’t Give Explanations for Saying No

Explaining why you don’t want to or can’t do something can make someone push you to change your mind. They’ll begin explaining why your reasons are invalid or detailing the benefits of changing your mind.

If you want to explain why you’re not going to do something, make it clear you won’t change your mind. However, don’t feel like you must tell anything.

12 – Being in a Relationship (or not)

You’re the only one who can decide if you want to be in a relationship. Plus, no one else should have input on who you choose to be with. It doesn’t matter if others agree with your decision, and you don’t have to explain yourself.

You know what you want and what makes you happy, and no one else should have a say. Even if you want to be single or haven’t found your match yet, you don’t have to justify it.

13 – Choosing a Line of Work You Enjoy

Whether you work at your dream job or do something else, it’s okay. You might have chosen a career based on location, benefits, or salary.

Whatever your reasoning, it doesn’t warrant justification. Offering reasoning can make someone think you want their input or opinions on your situation, causing you to question yourself. You don’t need that because you know what’s best for you and your life.

Likewise, if you want to switch careers, you don’t have to explain that either. Do what’s best for you without worrying about what others will think or trying to make them understand.

14 – Sexuality

As an adult, you don’t have to justify your sexuality to anyone. You get to decide how your life goes, and no one else has the right to question you.

15 – Not Wanting to Gossip

Gossiping has many consequences, but some people still love to join in. If you don’t want to gossip, you don’t have to explain why. You can shut down rumors or gossip without explanation, so don’t be afraid to let gossipers know you’re uninterested in the conversation.

16 – Strong People Don’t Give Explanations When They Need Some Alone Time

Taking time to yourself is essential to your well-being, and you don’t have to explain why you want it. You also don’t have to justify what you do when you’re alone.

Everyone enjoys different things, and all that matters is doing what you feel good about. Self-care is necessary for your mental and emotional health, and the people in your life should understand.

You also don’t have to explain if you want to skip social events to stay home alone. It doesn’t mean you’re antisocial or selfish, even if you enjoy alone time.

17 – Not Apologizing

You don’t have to apologize if you aren’t sorry or weren’t in the wrong. An insincere apology can cause people to form misguided ideas about your intentions. It can also make you question yourself, so stay true to yourself and don’t bother explaining your reasoning.

18 – What You Choose to Eat

If you don’t eat sweets, follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, or don’t eat something else, it’s okay. You can eat what you want or need without explaining your reasoning to others. Other people don’t have to live with it or choose the same eating habits, so it’s not worth your energy.

19 – For Not Wanting a Certain Friendship

You don’t have to be friends with people you don’t vibe with or who make you uncomfortable. Even if your friends or loved ones like the other person, you don’t have to explain why you don’t.

20 – Strong People Don’t Give Explanations About Being Positive

Some people don’t understand how you can be positive in certain situations. You might be a positive person or handle something better than others. Don’t explain why you maintain an uplifting mindset when others can’t because it can zap your positivity.


Final Thoughts on Behaviors Strong People Don’t Give Explanations For

Offering explanations for your behaviors can hinder your growth and happiness. Strong people don’t waste time and energy explaining themselves; you can follow suit. You’re strong and can live your life on your terms without justification.

If you explain these behaviors, remind yourself that you don’t have to. Your loved ones will understand, and others may try to interfere. Your well-being depends on staying true to yourself.

10 Warning Signs Someone is a High-Functioning Narcissist

Narcissism is a mental health condition involving an unreasonably high sense of importance. A high-functioning narcissist is good at hiding the signs by putting off an air of confidence.

Even when they seem confident, they are often unsure of their self-worth and become triggered by criticism. Their behavior affects their relationships, work, finances, and school matters. It often leads to unfulfilling and troubled relationships, causing people not to enjoy their company.

It’s sometimes easy to recognize narcissism, but it’s often harder to see than you’d think. A high-functioning narcissist often leads a good life and takes responsibility for their success.

What Is a Narcissist?

Many people think that a narcissist is someone who posts too many selfies on social media. They might also think of someone who constantly talks about themselves. However, that isn’t always the case because one factor is feeling superior to the point they believe they should receive special treatment.

high-functioning narcissist

Signs of Narcissism

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a narcissism diagnosis requires meeting five of the following criteria:

  • having a grandiose sense of self-importance
  • requiring excessive admiration
  • feeling that they’re unique and should only associate with other high-status people
  • lacking empathy
  • being preoccupied with fantasies of power, unlimited success, brilliance, beauty, or perfect love
  • entitlement
  • showing arrogant behaviors or attitudes
  • engages in exploitative behavior
  • constantly being envious of others

The severity of someone’s narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) can vary compared to others. There’s a spectrum, with some showing signs more severely than others. Plus, they’ll show signs in some settings while being high functioning in others.

NPD is more common in males, but it can happen to anyone. Signs often begin during the person’s teens or early adulthood.

Ten Signs Someone Is a High-Functioning Narcissist

Knowing the signs of a high-functioning narcissist can help you watch out for and handle them appropriately. It’ll help you recognize when boundaries are necessary.

1 – Gaslighting

A high-functioning narcissist will blatantly lie, accuse others, and spin the truth to make you question your reality. If they worry they’ll get in trouble or be left behind, they’ll gaslight you to manipulate your emotions and thoughts.

Once their charm wears off, they will manipulate you for their benefit. They prioritize their needs no matter the expense to others.

Gaslighting is a way for them to gain superiority over you. Someone might be gaslighting you if you:

  • frequently make excuses for their behavior
  • no longer feeling like yourself, especially after spending time with them
  • feel anxious or less confident than before
  • feel like everything is your fault when something goes wrong
  • apologize more often than you used to
  • question your responses to your partner
  • notice that everything you do feels wrong
  • question if you’re being overly sensitive
  • sense that something’s wrong, but you can’t identify it

2 – The Narcissist Is Arrogant

People with narcissism often are arrogant and become abusive or rude when they don’t get treated how they think they should. Since they believe they’re superior to others, they condescend to those they think less of.

Their arrogance can make them believe they’re never wrong and won’t apologize for anything. If they offer an apology, it’ll be halfhearted and only as a last resort to win you again.

When arrogance is an issue, it’ll seem like the person doesn’t hear or understand you. They won’t take responsibility for anything, and they won’t be willing to compromise. Instead, they’ll keep pushing until you agree with them.

3 – Entitlement

Someone who acts like they deserve special treatment or something they didn’t earn might be a narcissist. They think everyone else should comply with their desires and that they can bend the rules without consequences.

4 – Seemingly Charming Behavior That Quickly Changes

A high-functioning narcissist often seems charming and charismatic early in a relationship. They don’t show their negative traits until later, and then they let their true personality show.

Some can maintain long-term marriages or relationships because of their false sense of charm. It often leaves their partners or friends feeling like they’re the problem, although that isn’t the case.

If you start a romantic relationship with someone like this, they’ll constantly compliment and love bomb you. You might think they come on too strong, and you shouldn’t ignore that gut feeling. Giving into this experience can leave you vulnerable to toxic behavior when your partner gets comfortable.

5 – A Narcissist Demands Frequent Compliments and Admiration

Narcissists often need constant admiration from those around them. They spend time with people who compliment them often and make them feel validated. Their lack of self-esteem leads to needing attention and admiration to feel better.

6 – Constant Teasing That Becomes Mean

A narcissist will be mean to you and play it off as teasing. Sometimes this behavior starts innocently, but before you know it, they negatively comment or react to everything you do or say.

They’ll say hurtful things to diminish your self-esteem and claim they were joking. It makes the person feel powerful because they know they can affect your emotional state. When you do something worth celebrating, they might say something rude or spew insults to make you feel better than you.

7 – They Won’t Let You Get a Word In

If you know someone who hogs the conversation and constantly discusses how great they are, they might be a narcissist. Their inflated sense of self-importance leads to exaggerating their achievements and one-upping everything you say. They want to feel more intelligent and self-assured, so they want to keep talking about themselves.

Narcissists won’t listen to others because they’re too busy thinking about what they can say about themselves next. They won’t want to talk about you, so they don’t ask follow-up questions or act interested when you bring something up. Instead, they’ll turn everything around and talk about themselves.

8 – They Make Unethical Decisions

Everyone makes mistakes, but when someone habitually makes unethical decisions, it could indicate narcissism. They often joke about the behavior and will try to encourage you to join in. Their unethical decisions might involve illegal behaviors, lying for monetary gain, or cheating.

high-functioning narcissist

9 – A Narcissist Is Often Unable to Keep Many Long-term Friends

Those with narcissism have frequent conflicts with others, making them unable to keep friends. They tend to be hypersensitive and insecure, leading to lashing out at those close to them.

Narcissists want to surround themselves with people who feed their egos and make them feel superior. It often leads to superficial relationships, contributing to their inability to maintain long-term friendships.

10 – The Narcissist Lacks Empathy

A narcissistic person experiences deep self-involvement and ignores the needs, wants, or feelings of those around them. They also don’t understand that their behavior affects others and dismiss other people’s problems. This lack of empathy is often a leading sign that someone has narcissistic tendencies.

Someone lacking empathy might make it seem like they don’t see, understand, or accept you and your feelings. They won’t care if you had a bad day, a disagreement with a loved one, or struggled with something else. Sometimes it’ll seem like they’re bored as you try telling them about your situation.

How to Handle a High-Functioning Narcissist

Recognizing the signs can help you address harmful relationships in your life. Once you identify the issue, you can look for ways to handle them without letting it influence you. If you don’t find healthy ways to address them, it can affect your mental health and well-being.

Set Clear Boundaries

Setting boundaries is the best thing you can do when dealing with a narcissist. Be clear about the behaviors you’re not okay with and enforce them without warning. Tell them the specific behavior you won’t tolerate and what you’ll do if they continue.

Build Your Self-esteem

Improving your self-esteem can help you cope with having this selfish person in your life. How they treat you is detrimental, so focus on positive self-talk and self-care to feel good about yourself. It’ll help you build resilience and gain confidence.

Rely on People You Trust

Building a solid support system can make a difference. Close friends, family, and professionals can help you overcome the experience. You’ll likely feel emotionally drained by the narcissistic treatment without a support system to turn to.

Consider rekindling old friendships and building new ones. You can also spend more time with close family.

Ask The Narcissist If They’re Willing to Seek Help

If you’re close to someone with narcissism, you can continue your relationship if they’ll get help. They might not want to do it because it requires admitting that they aren’t perfect. However, they may want to improve their lives and be better for those around them.

Walk Away

Sometimes it’s best to walk away from a narcissist if they won’t get help. That might be the case for you if you experience:

  • verbal or emotional abuse
  • physical abuse
  • manipulation or control
  • threats
  • isolation
  • harmful mental or physical health affects

high-functioning narcissist

Final Thoughts on Signs of a High-Functioning Narcissist

Dealing with a high-functioning narcissist is complex and can negatively impact your life. You might not realize the issue immediately, but identifying these signs can help. Once you know you’re dealing with narcissism, you’ll know which steps to take to handle it. It’ll help you improve your life and find satisfaction without detrimental interferences.

Science Explains What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Alcohol

Many people enjoy drinking alcohol because it helps them relax and unwind after a stressful day. It’s also popular because it makes people feel more uninhibited and confident in social situations, like parties or bars. While alcohol can temporarily alter your emotional state, it also has many downsides.

When you drink, you probably don’t consider the dangers of alcohol since you’re having a good time. Or, you might brush aside any possible negative consequences and believe they won’t happen to you. However, it’s worth considering the health risks of alcohol so that a drinking habit doesn’t develop into substance abuse or chronic conditions like heart disease.

Plus, many people don’t like having a crutch to help them forget the world’s stresses and daily lives. It may feel exhilarating and euphoric initially, but like any addiction, it eventually becomes a sweet poison. They realize they would rather face issues head-on than drown their problems in alcohol and other vices. In a way, giving up drinking feels freeing because your desires and bad habits no longer control you.

So, if you’d like encouragement to quit drinking and begin a healthier lifestyle, read on to discover the positive impact it will have on your mind and body.

7 Positive Mental and Physical Effects of Quitting Alcohol

drinking alcohol

1. You’ll enjoy deeper sleep.

Have you ever noticed you wake up groggy after a night of drinking? While alcohol may help you fall asleep faster, it also can cause insomnia later in the night. This occurs because alcohol spikes your insulin levels, initially making you sleepy but wired and restless later. It also negatively affects your circadian rhythm and prevents deep sleep, which is crucial for health and well-being. So, by quitting alcohol, you’ll feel more alert and rejuvenated each day, and you won’t have to deal with those awful hangovers any longer!

2. Quitting alcohol will help you think clearly.

You’ve probably noticed that alcohol causes brain fog and forgetfulness, especially if you’ve had more than a few glasses. It slows your reaction time and puts you in a haze, which explains why getting behind the wheel while drunk causes accidents or even death. Alcohol impairs several parts of your brain that govern memory and information processing, such as the hippocampus, frontal lobes, and cerebral cortex.

When you abstain from alcohol, you’ll notice an improved mood and mental alertness because you’ll feel less tired. Your memory will also bounce back, and your emotions will stabilize as your brain heals.

3. You may lose weight when you stop drinking.

Since alcohol slows your metabolism, it can lead to weight gain over time. Your body considers alcohol a toxin, so your liver metabolizes it before other nutrients. Therefore, drinking causes you to store more fats and sugars as your liver struggles to keep up.

Not to mention, alcohol is high in calories (around 160 calories for a glass of red wine and 210 or more for a pint of beer). In addition, many of the “fruity” drinks mixed with vodka or tequila are loaded with sugars.

All these excess calories get stored as fat, which can cause numerous health conditions. So, when you stop drinking, you may inadvertently lose weight without having to change anything else about your routine.


4. Giving up alcohol will improve your digestion.

Alcohol impairs nutrient absorption and hinders digestion because it irritates the gastrointestinal tract and stomach lining. Also, drinking causes you to produce excess amounts of gastric acid, which can lead to indigestion and acid reflux. In severe cases, alcohol consumption can cause gastrointestinal disorders like esophagitis and gastritis. When you stop drinking, however, your stomach muscles will begin to relax, and your body can absorb more nutrients.

5. Your immune system will function more efficiently.

People who drink alcohol tend to get sick more often because of an impaired immune system. Drinking lowers your immunity by reducing antibodies that fight infections, increasing inflammation, and negatively affecting gut bacteria. But when you stop drinking, your body can recover, and your immune system will get better at detecting harmful bacteria and viruses.

6. You’ll feel more hydrated.

Alcohol is a diuretic that promotes water loss through greater urine output. You’ve probably noticed that you need to use the bathroom more frequently after a night of heavy drinking. That’s because alcohol causes a decrease in the antidiuretic hormone, or ADH, which signals your kidneys to retain water. So, your kidneys will increase urine output when your body produces less of this hormone.

Therefore, abstaining from drinking will help you feel more hydrated since you won’t lose as much water.

7. You’ll have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

According to an American Heart Association (AHA) study, heavy drinking increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and cardiomyopathy. That’s because alcohol weakens the heart muscles over time, constricts blood vessels, and causes water retention, all of which contribute to poor heart health. In addition, drinking increases inflammation in the body, which puts immense pressure on the heart and other organs.

But just a few weeks after you stop drinking, you’ll notice lower blood pressure and perhaps weight loss, which will also improve your heart health. Your heart rate will also decrease, making you feel more relaxed and allowing your nervous system to heal.

drinking alcohol

Final Thoughts on What Happens When You Quit Drinking

While light-to-moderate drinking likely won’t harm your health, excessive alcohol consumption can cause serious issues. For one, drinking leads to dehydration and insomnia, depleting your energy levels and causing electrolyte imbalances.

Also, alcohol abuse may lead to other alarming health problems like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and digestive disorders. Some research has even shown that drinking can increase the risk of certain cancers like breast, liver, and esophageal cancers. Finally, heavy drinking can cause brain fog and contribute to neurodegenerative illnesses like Alzheimer’s.

You may reverse chronic conditions and have a new lease on life by giving up drinking. It may seem challenging initially, but a robust support system and healthy coping skills can ensure success. You can quickly transform your life if you keep your eye on the prize (positive mental and physical health).

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