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8 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is Cold Hearted

What does it mean to have a ‘cold heart’? Usually, a ‘cold heart’ describes someone emotionally unavailable. They are not warm or loving type of people.

“…I perceive so-called “cold people” as, more than anything else, people who are shut-down, repressed, and out of touch with their deeper feelings. Further, emotionally alienated from themselves, they can hardly be expected to express to others feelings that they themselves are unable to access,” says clinical psychologist and author, Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D.

Getting involved with someone with a ‘cold heart’ can often lead to heartbreak for the individual in question. However, people with ‘cold hearts’ have certain behaviors that make them easy to spot.

“A person with a cold heart can only show their love by being cold.” – PureDragonWolf

Here Are 8 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Has A ‘Cold Heart’


1. They don’t ask you about yourself

A cold-hearted person doesn’t often show much interest in the person they’re with. Whether the relationship is romantic or platonic, a cold-hearted person has very little interest in other people. They won’t ask you questions about yourself. Or, if they do, it’s to learn information that is useful to them in some way.

2. Someone with a cold heart seems distant

Not just physically but emotionally. It may seem like they’re never really “all there” when you’re having a conversation. They keep a lot of their feelings to themselves. Someone with a ‘cold heart’ rarely ever opens up about their emotional vulnerabilities. They keep their distance, no matter what.

3. Something is always ‘missing’

You can’t connect with a person who has a cold heart. When you’re with them, it may always feel like a piece of something ‘missing’ from the relationship. Whether the relationship is romantic, platonic, or familial, a cold-hearted person will always have difficulty connecting with the people in their life. Something is ‘missing’, and it’s usually an emotional connection.

4. A person with a cold heart can be manipulative

Someone with a ‘cold heart’ will often try to control the people around them through manipulation. This is because they often lack empathy for other people. “Manipulators often voice assumptions about your intentions or beliefs and then react to them as if they were true in order to justify their feelings or actions, all the while denying what you say in the conversation,” says Darlene Lancer, JD, MFT.

A cold-hearted person will try to manipulate everyone around them. They may try to get close to people and find out information that is useful to them. They will often have skeletons in their closets and a list of people they have manipulated for one reason or another.

5. Someone with a cold heart struggles to maintain good relationships

Someone with a ‘cold heart’ will have no good relationships in the past. “Emotionally unavailable people see a relationship as a source of comfort — something to occupy their time until something better comes along,” says author and relationship expert Sarah Rusca Cline.

They may often characterize their ex-partners as “crazy.” They have a string of bad relationships left in their wake or can’t seem to settle down with one person. They also may have a disconnect from their family. A person with a ‘cold heart’ is also not likely to have very many close friends, either. Keep an eye out for this person’s past and present relationships.

cold heart

6. Self-centered

Me, me, me. Someone with a cooler demeanor will often be focused on how everything affects them – even when it doesn’t. “Unconsciously viewing others as “extensions” of themselves, they regard them as existing primarily to serve their own needs—just as they routinely put their needs before everyone else’s…” says Dr. Seltzer

They tend to be incredibly self-centered. This behavior manifests in playing the victim or trying to one-up someone. If you get a promotion, a cold-hearted person will somehow be able to make it about them. They might say they got a better promotion (even if they didn’t).

7. Lying

Lying is a behavior to watch out for when it comes to someone with a ‘cold heart.’ A lie is a part of manipulation, which a cold-hearted person uses to control the people around them. They may lie about things that don’t really matter, like what they did that day, or what school they went to. A cold-hearted person may also lie about big things.

Usually, someone with a ‘cold heart’ will lie about their past relationships, or any falling out with friends.  “…you’ll see a history of his fabricated storytelling and wonder to yourself how you could have ever believed some of those absurd lies in the first place,” says divorce recovery coach Cindy Holbrook. They lie to make themselves seem more sympathetic.

8. A person with a cold heart will often treat others poorly

Someone with a ‘cold heart’ will often show their hand. “They exhibit a constant need to talk about (display) themselves in flattering and egotistical ways, with frequent reminders of their superior and envy-worthy dispositions,” says professor, author, and private coach, Preston Ni.

In this case, keep an eye out for how they treat people they deem ‘beneath’ them in the social hierarchy. How they treat anyone in the service industry should be observed closely. You should also keep an eye out for how they treat homeless people. A person with a cold heart won’t have the empathy to treat these people as human beings worthy of respect.

What Causes Someone to Have a Cold Heart?

A person can have a distant or cold heart for various reasons, including:

  • Past experiences: Traumatic events or negative experiences in childhood or adulthood can lead to emotional distance or coldness as a way of protecting oneself.
  • Childhood trauma or neglect: Childhood experiences such as abuse, neglect, or trauma can significantly impact a person’s ability to form healthy relationships and connect emotionally with others.
  • Mental health conditions: Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or borderline personality disorder can lead to a cold or distant demeanor as a defense mechanism.
  • Difficulty with emotions: Some people may struggle with regulating their emotions and may withdraw emotionally as a way of coping.
  • Lack of attachment or bonding experiences: People who have had limited positive attachments or bonding experiences early in life may find it difficult to connect emotionally with others.

Of course, everyone’s experiences and reasons for having a distant or cold heart are unique and complex. Working with a mental health professional to address these issues and develop healthier ways of coping and connecting with others can be helpful.

cold heart

Final Thoughts on Someone With a Cold Heart

Getting mixed up with someone with an aloof or distant demeanor can be taxing. However, knowing the signs will put you ahead of the game. Don’t be afraid to remove yourself from the life of a person who is cool as ice. Everyone deserves to have healthier and happier relationships than ones with cold-hearted people.

Therapist Explains How to Clear Your Sinuses Immediately In Just Two Steps

You hear the words sinus and sinuses often, but do you know what they are and what they do?

Interestingly, sinuses are literal air pockets behind the bones of your upper face, between your eyes, and behind your cheeks, nose and forehead. That’s right; sinuses are just air spaces in your skull and facial bones! In total, we have four paired cavities, or sinuses.

It’s what the sinuses do that is far more important. See, the sinuses make up the upper portion of the respiratory tract, extending from your nose all the way down into your throat. Our paranasal sinuses, or air cavities in the cranial bones near our nose, help to moisturize and filter air inhaled through the nasal passages.

In otherwords, these simple air cavities actively filter and remove particles from the air we breathe!

Sinus cavities also allow for voice intonation and resonance. When we’re sick, mucus builds up in these hollow areas, which is why we sometimes sound “stuffed up.” Also, sinus cavities lighten the total weight of that brain bucket known as a skull.

Why Do Sinuses Require “Clearing”?

No doubt you’ve had a cold before. If you’ve had a really bad one, then you know what a “stuffed up” head feels like (“terrible” or “miserable” would be an adequate description here.)

Why do you feel this way? Because the common cold, or cold virus, attacks the upper respiratory tract. Yeah, that’d be the same upper respiratory tract where your sinuses are located. Anyway, this attack causes your sinuses to swell and kicks mucus production into overdrive.

(Side note: Believe it or not, this icky mucus that is the bane of any cold sufferer is crucial to our health. While gross, mucus is actually a useful substance that destroys bacteria and viruses, traps loose particles, prevents water loss, and lubricates air passages among other functions.)

take care of yourself quote

Naturally Clearing Your Sinuses

While over-the-counter (OTC) medicines may help alleviate stuffed sinus passageways, they aren’t well-tolerated by everyone. Besides that, OTC meds may be entirely ineffective (it really just depends on how your body is reacting to the virus.)

Fortunately, the techniques we discuss for clearing your sinuses involves nothing but your fingers!

No more science-ey stuff!

Here’s not one, BUT TWO, ways of clearing your sinuses au naturale!

1. Acupressure

How to:

– Push your tongue flat against the top of your mouth.
– Press the fingers firmly against the brow between the eyebrows.
– Hold for 20 seconds before stopping.

You may feel some slight movement around the back of the throat, which is what you want. This shows that the mucus is softening and draining a bit. You may need to repeat this process several times throughout the duration of your illness.

2. Lymph node stimulation

How to:

– Using your fingertips, push firmly against the area of your collarbone where the notches are found.
– Interjoin your fingers in a “v” shape.
– Using the open area between the palms from the V-shape, perform a “pumping” motion on each side of the neck until you feel some drainage.

This method works by stimulating the lymphatic system, which creates a “suction” area around the lymph nodes. This suction effectively opens up the sinus passages immediately below your brow area. It isn’t uncommon to feel quick relief when this movement is performed correctly!

As with the first technique, you’ll likely need to perform this movement repeatedly until your illness passes. Hey, at least you’ll feel a heck of a lot better!


7 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is Silently Depressed

Do think you might be depressed?

Depression affects millions of people worldwide, and this number only seems to be growing. The World Health Organization puts the number of people who are depressed at around 280 million. However, this number only represents the people actually diagnosed. Those who suffer silently and choose not to get help out of embarrassment, shame, or pride might make that number jump significantly.

Maybe the person suffering doesn’t even know they have a problem, making silent depression even more dangerous. However, some people don’t know how to express their emotions or don’t feel comfortable doing so. This is why we all need to look out for the people in our lives and watch for the signs and behaviors that someone is silently depressed.

Here are 7 signs that someone might be silently depressed:

“People think depression is sadness., people think depression is crying, people think depression is dressing in black. But people are wrong. Depression is the constant feeling of being numb. Being numb to emotions, being numb to life. You wake up in the morning just to go back to bed again.” – Unknown

depressed person

1. Withdrawal from activities, work, or school

Withdrawal from activities is one of the key signs of depression; this occurs because the disorder takes up all of the person’s time and energy. Depression makes it very difficult to carry on with daily life, aside from what is absolutely necessary, because the pain becomes too great. Those who suffer silently might start dropping one or two activities from their schedule in hopes that no one will notice. Many who suffer don’t want to admit they have a problem and don’t want others to know about it.

If you notice that a loved one is starting to miss out on life, then this is a sign of silent depression.

2. No energy

No surprise here – depression zaps a person’s energy levels to the point where even getting out of bed can seem like running a marathon. The constant, intrusive thoughts of hopelessness and despair combined with high stress, poor appetite, and sleep troubles make life a daily battle. A person that suffers silently from depression might even start withdrawing from friendships and family life because they have no energy left for them.

3. Eating too much or too little

Increased or decreased appetite is a common symptom of depression. Gary Kennedy, MD, director of geriatric psychiatry at Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, New York, says, “A sudden change in weight, either gaining or losing, can be a warning of depression, especially in someone who has other symptoms of depression or a history of depression.”

If you notice unusual eating habits in a friend or loved one, they could be suffering silently from depression.

4. Trouble sleeping

According to WebMD, 80% of adults with depression have trouble falling or staying asleep. Patients who have chronic insomnia have three times the likelihood of developing depression compared to those without insomnia. Many doctors believe that treating insomnia will help reduce depressive symptoms in people suffering. If someone you know complains of sleep problems on a regular basis, he or she might have depression.

5. Substance abuse

Sadly, substance abuse is common among those with depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. While it’s understandable to want to escape reality and troubled thoughts for a while, addiction can cause even more problems down the road. If you know someone abuses drugs or alcohol on a regular basis, they might be silently depressed.

6. Faking emotions

A lot of people with depression don’t want to admit it, either to themselves or others. When in others’ company, they will appear overly happy or give vague answers when people ask about how their life is going. They only engage in shallow conversation because they want to avoid judgment cast upon them about their depression. If you notice someone has become distant or only makes small talk, this might point to hidden depression.

7. They have become a workaholic

You might not think of overworking as a symptom of depression, but some people use work to cover up their emotions. They see work as an excuse to escape how they feel, a distraction for the torment that their mind causes them. If you notice someone staying late at work most nights of the week, they might actually be silently depressed and not just a workaholic.


Final Thoughts on Depressed Feelings and How to Start to Heal

Depression seems like a monster in the minds of those who suffer from it. Of course, that makes it critical for them to get the help they need. If you notice someone showing any of the abovementioned signs, don’t hesitate to offer them a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. If we all look out for one another, we might just put the stigma surrounding depression to rest and make people feel more comfortable and willing to get the treatment they need.

Editorial note: Updated WHO statistics 09.06.2023, reflecting current published data on their website.

Researchers Reveal Why People With Brown Eyes Are Trusted More

The eyes have your attention from the moment you meet someone, but how much you are trusted may be as simple as being born with brown eyes. Research now reveals the reason behind our bias toward trusting brown-eyed people more than those with any other eye color.

Why we assess trustworthiness

Trust is huge when it comes to human daily social interactions. Whether or not we can extend our trust to share personal things about ourselves in conversation is something we assess in the first moments we meet another person. Will this individual be an ally or an enemy?

As our early human ancestors struggled for survival with limited food and resources, knowing who would help or hurt you could make the difference in being able to raise a future generation. Quick assessments of trustworthiness based on visible appearance were important to cave-dwelling warrior hunters, and snap judgments continue to be a social habit that we use in each interaction in modern society today.

But why would eye color affect whether or not we are trusted? If you yourself have a light eye color that was always previously complimented by others, do you now wonder if you are trusted less often than your dark-eyed peers or family members?

Here’s why people with brown eyes are trusted more

Researchers in an Australian study used personality questionnaires in their work, which revealed that dark eyed Northern Europeans are more agreeable and less competitive than their light-eyed counter parts. “The darker a North European’s eye color, the more likely they are to be altruistic, sympathetic to others and eager to help. Conversely, lighter eyed people are more likely to be observed as competitive, egocentric and skeptical of others intentions.” This bias toward brown-eyed people being trusted more may be simply a tendency toward being a more cooperative personality type than those who have light-colored eyes.

why people with brown eyes trusted more

Blue, brown, green and everywhere in between

It is noted from the moment we are born; eye color is one of the ways that government officials use to recognize distinguishing facial features. For example, they use eye color to identify us on state and federal photo ID cards and birth certificates.

In general, people with lighter colored eyes seem to be thought of as colder emotionally and less sociable than those with brown eyes. Blue and green are cooler colors compared with brown, which is a warm, earthy tone. People with lighter colored eyes are more genetically rare, so they tend to stand out, and as a result, they may be the victims of harmless staring.

Czechoslovakian researchers found that, although when surveyed, people rated brown-eyed people to be more trustworthy than other eye colors, but when pictures of faces were kept the same and only the eye color was changed, the level of trust was not different. Therefore, the researchers revealed in their conclusions that “the key to being perceived as trusting did not come from eye color but rather from facial characteristics that are shared by people with brown eyes.”

Men with brown eyes have a tendency to also have these facial traits:

• Wider chin shape
• Wider mouth
• Mouth has upward-pointing corners
• Wider, larger eyes
• More prominent eyebrows
• Eyebrows are closer together, may have connecting hair between brows

In general, the facial characteristics that were shared by men with brown eyes were considered to be more masculine and were rated more trustworthy.

The researchers note that people who have blue eyes share these common facial characteristics:

• Smaller eye size
• Eyes closer together
• Smaller mouth and lip size
• Mouth has downward-pointing corners

Cosmetic contact lenses might turn your blue, grey, hazel or green eyes brown, but it won’t likely make you trusted more. The lack of trust in light-eyed people seems likely due to a combination of competitive, dominant personality traits and smaller facial features that are less common among the larger population. We say love your eyes, no matter whether you are trusted, and see others with trust, the way you want to be seen.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How to Make Cinnamon Turmeric Tea to Flush Inflammation Naturally

If you don’t already drink tea, you will probably want to after learning about the many benefits, especially when combined with cinnamon and turmeric to flush inflammation. These two ingredients, plus green tea make for a nutritionally powerful drink. It really tastes delicious! Below, we’ll go over the main health benefits of each ingredient first and then get into what you really want to know: how to make the tea!

Disclaimer: We suggest not combining turmeric with medications or other supplements that have an anticoagulant effect (blood thinners). Check with your doctor or pharmacist before you try any supplements.

Health benefits (besides lowering inflammation)

green tea

Green tea

Green tea’s powerful health benefits come from its high concentration of polyphenols – a potent antioxidant. This helps to neutralize free radicals (cell-damaging molecules) and fight chronic disease. With that said, green tea helps with the following:

– stabilizes blood sugar levels and prevents diabetes
– reduces inflammation in the gut that can cause diseases such as IBS or Crohn’s
– helps to prevent cancer
– lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol
– lowers the risk of heart disease
– improves liver health
– aids in weight loss
– reduces inflammation
– improves cognitive functioning

These are only a few of the many science-backed benefits of green tea. Still not convinced that you should drink it? Well, read on to learn about cinnamon’s and turmeric’s benefits!


Astoundingly, researchers found that out of twenty-six of the most popular herbs and spices in the world, cinnamon comes in at #1 for its medicinal benefits and antioxidant levels! Here’s what cinnamon can do for your body:

– great source of manganese and calcium
– great source of antioxidants
– contains anti-inflammatory properties
– improves heart health
– fights diabetes
– protects brain function
– lowers cancer risk
– can fight allergies
– is a natural anti-fungal and anti-microbial agent
– boosts immune system


Turmeric has been used for over 4,000 years to treat various conditions. Studies show that turmeric may help fight infections and some cancers, reduce inflammation, and treat digestive problems. – University of Maryland Medical Center

Here are the six main benefits of turmeric:

– reduces inflammation
– reduces cancer risk
– aids digestion
– promotes brain and heart health
– helps to alleviate arthritis symptoms

Now that you know about these powerful natural ingredients, let’s learn how to make the tea!

How to make cinnamon turmeric iced tea to reduce inflammation:

joint inflammation


  • 1-2 Tbsp. black or green looseleaf tea (or a tea bag, depending on how you want to make it)
  • 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp. turmeric
  • 1 tsp.+ stevia, honey, or any type of sweetener you’d like
  • lemon slices, optional

Instructions – how to make inflammation lowering turmeric tea

  1. Add the tea, cinnamon, turmeric, and sweetener to the bottom of a french press. (Or, if using a tea bag, heat up a cup of water on the stove or microwave, and add the tea bag to the water. Let steep for a few minutes, then stir in other ingredients.)
  2. Add hot water to about the halfway point of the french press and let steep for 3-5 minutes, stirring once, then press. Let the mixture cool off, and then add ice cubes to your cup.
  3. Once it comes to room temperature, pour the tea into your mug and drink up! Don’t forget to add the lemon slice, if desired.


3 Signs Someone Is Suffering From Post Narcissist Stress Disorder (PNSD)

Much like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PNSD is a disorder that occurs after living with a narcissist. Living with a narcissist can be extremely taxing on a person. Narcissists tend to be extremely manipulative and abusive. They will often gaslight their victims and make everything about their feelings.

After getting free of a narcissist’s influence, people can often experience a period of helplessness, anxiety, anger, or depression, much like what happens after a traumatic event. People with PNSD react much like people who have PTSD. There are three significant signs for someone suffering from Post Narcissist Stress Disorder.

What Is Narcissism?

Narcissism is a term from Greek mythology, where Narcissus, a beautiful but vain youth, fell in love with his reflection in a pool of water. In modern psychology, narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, and a need for admiration and attention.

A narcissist is someone who is preoccupied with themselves and their own needs. They may appear charming and charismatic, but a need for validation and attention drives their behavior. They have a distorted sense of self, seeing themselves as superior to others, and often believe they are entitled to special treatment.


The Harmful Impact of a Narcissist Causes PNSD (Post Narcissistic Stress Disorder)

Narcissists can be difficult to deal with, both personally and professionally. Their behavior can harm those around them, causing emotional distress, interpersonal conflicts, and a range of other adverse outcomes.

Some of the ways that narcissists harm their victims include the following:

  • Emotional abuse: Narcissists may abuse emotionally by belittling, criticizing, and demeaning their victims. They may use tactics like gaslighting to manipulate the victim’s perception of reality and make them doubt their judgment.
  • Manipulation: Narcissists are skilled at manipulating others to get what they want. They may use flattery, lies, or threats to control their victims and get them to do their bidding.
  • Exploitation: Narcissists often see other people as objects to be used for their own benefit. They may exploit others financially, sexually, or in other ways.
  • Gaslighting: Narcissists may use gaslighting to make their victims doubt their memories and perceptions. They may deny events that occurred or distort them in a way that makes the victim feel like they are going crazy.
  • Isolation: Narcissists may isolate their victims from friends and family members, making them dependent on the narcissist for social support.
  • Blame-shifting: Narcissists often blame others for their problems and shortcomings. They may make their victims feel responsible for their own mistakes and failures, even when the victim had nothing to do with them.
  • Lack of empathy: Narcissists are often unable to empathize with others, making it difficult for them to understand or respond to the emotional needs of their victims.
  • Jealousy and envy: Narcissists may become envious of their victims, seeing them as a threat to their self-importance. They may sabotage the victim’s success or try to control their behavior to maintain their own sense of superiority.
  • Rage: Narcissists may become enraged when their sense of self-importance is challenged. They may lash out at their victims with verbal or physical abuse, or engage in passive-aggressive behavior to punish them.

Here Are 3 Signs Someone Is Suffering from Post Narcissist Stress Disorder

“Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated the silent screams continue internally heard only by the one held captive.” – Danielle Bernock

1. Flashbacks can reveal PNSD

Much like PTSD, PNSD can also cause the survivor of the narcissist to have flashbacks to their time with them. This can happen for any reason. There are things called “triggers”, which can be any range of things. These triggers cause people to “flashback” to their time with the narcissist.

According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists Public Education Committee, “You find yourself re-living the event, again and again. This can happen both as a ‘flashback’ in the day and as nightmares when you are asleep. These can be so realistic that it feels as though you are living through the experience all over again.” Triggers can be certain smells, certain places, specific behavior, or even certain sounds or words.

Many people suffering from PNSD may have difficulty dealing with other people’s emotions because a narcissist will often fly into a rage at the drop of the hat. Someone suffering from PNSD may be triggered into a flashback when they perceive someone as being upset or angry with them. The survivor may also get flashbacks to periods of manipulation by the narcissist.

This may lead to extreme paranoia, where they wonder if the people around them are manipulating them. It may feel like they’re playing a game they can’t win, even if no one around them has an ulterior motive.


2. Avoidance

Someone who is suffering from PNSD may become avoidant of any number of things. This avoidance may manifest in an avoidance of people, places, things, activities, or even emotions. Narcissists tend to control their victims, using manipulation and anger to keep someone under their control. Even once the survivor is free from the narcissist’s power, they may still exhibit PNSD in the form of avoidance.

Often, the survivor will avoid things that remind them of the narcissist’s anger or things they weren’t allowed to do while under the narcissist’s influence. They may also become emotionally avoidant. People who are victims of a narcissist will often be gaslighted into believing that their emotions are damaging to the narcissist. This may lead to someone with PNSD being distant from their emotions because they had to learn not to feel anything to survive the narcissist.

3. Difficulty returning to normal life

One of the major symptoms of both PTSD and PNSD is extreme difficulty returning to everyday life. For a person trying to return to day-to-day life after living with a narcissist, this may include anything from paranoia to panic attacks, to depression. Living with a narcissist can be extremely overwhelming, and someone who does so has to shift their expectations of day-to-day life.

They often have to learn to adapt to a “new normal.” Afterward, when they’re removed from the narcissist’s influence, the survivor may find it difficult to adjust to life again. They may have panic attacks or question their own memories and observations.

But there’s good news. According to Mayo Clinic, “Most people who go through traumatic events may have temporary difficulty adjusting and coping, but with time and good self-care, they usually get better.

How to Help Someone Suffering from PNSD

Knowing the symptoms of PNSD can be incredibly helpful, especially when trying to figure out what can be done to aid a narcissist survivor. Here are some ways to make a survivor’s life easier and help them transition from living with a narcissist to living their lives again.

1. Listen

Survivors will want to tell their truth as they remember it. Allow them to speak. Listen to them and validate what they’re saying. WikiHow states, “Use active listening. Don’t interrupt but try to repeat what you hear in order to make sure you understand. Let the conversation end if it becomes too intense.

Make sure they know that you hear them. It can be incredibly valuable to the healing process for a survivor to be heard.

2. Validate their emotions

They may be feeling all over the place, but the important part is they are feeling. Emotions aren’t “good” or “bad”. They’re neutral and important to our survival. If a survivor tells you that they’re feeling angry, or hurt, or afraid, listen to them. Then validate how they’re feeling. Even if the emotion isn’t appropriate for the situation, survivors often have to relearn how to use their emotions.

3. Support them

People who exit a relationship or living situation with a narcissist often have to build their support system from the ground up. “You can gently encourage and empower your loved one to start healing the rift by interacting with people and the world. Again, don’t push. Your loved one might resist, so simply promise to be there,” adds WikiHow.

Being there for them will mean more than you can imagine. Sometimes, all they need is someone to be there when things get rough. Even if you’re just there to offer a listening ear, you’ll make a world of difference.


Final Thoughts on Helping Someone Recovering From PNSD

Dealing with a narcissist is a challenge. But it’s essential to help someone escape their grasp–the situation is not your loved one’s fault. It’s also important to encourage them to gain the support of a mental health professional to recover from the mental abuse. With time and support, it is possible to heal from the harm caused by a narcissist and help the victim move forward.

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