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5 Exercises That Boost Your Libido

When you are ready to boost your libido with minimal effort, try these 5 simple exercises to keep the fire burning in your love life. The libido, or sex drive, is what motivates us to engage in romantic behavior with our intimate partner. Having a low libido means we aren’t in the mood or just don’t have the passionate energy to get frisky.

Here are 5 exercises that can boost your libido:

1. Kundalini breathing

Those who practice yoga may be more familiar with the term kundalini, which refers to the spiral of energy at the base of the spine in the root chakra. The libidinous energy of kundalini can be aroused with deep belly breathing which releases the energy stored in the root chakra and allows it to move up the spine.

Salutogenic means something that promotes our health and well-being, rather than causes illness and disease (pathogenic). Moving the breath into the deep belly region of the lower lungs helps expand the oxygen capacity of our bodies, improving our energy levels for passionate activities.

2. Pelvic and abdominal exercises

Crunches are not fun, but those with abs and buns of steel most likely have the muscular strength and control to have a lengthy passionate session with their loved one. Our abdominal muscles support the reproductive organs, and we can gain control over the contractions experienced during orgasm by working those muscle groups and training them to respond to conditioning.

Kegel exercises, or pelvic floor exercises, are a type of muscle strengthening exercise that work the internal pelvic muscles that you feel when you release and then stop the flow of urine from your bladder. Stopping and starting the flow of urine allows you to gain greater internal muscle control, which could help boost libido power due to increased confidence and control over the muscles used in orgasm.

3. Stretching

If you think that vigorous exercise is best to boost your libido, think again. Three days a week of gentle stretching and deep breathing may be all the exercise it takes to boost your passionate drive. According to researchers, elongating your muscles through gentle stretching, as in yoga, or tai chi, has been found to increase libido and sexual satisfaction in men.

4. Lose your self-consciousness

Researchers found that being embarrassed about sex is often the biggest problem for libido and sex drive. For women particularly, exercises that focus on the present moment sensations of your body can help you boost libido.

The study published in the Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy found “The relationship between sex drive and sexual self-consciousness in men and women is negatively influenced by embarrassment. With regard to self-focus, only sex drive in women is positively affected. These findings could have implications for treatment in settings such as pelvic physiotherapy practice where sexual problems are often presented.”

5. Run (less often)

Most men are aware that low testosterone levels may affect the overall energy level and motivational drive of the libido. Having a high level of confidence and assertiveness in social situations can be important for both men and women to find a romantic partner, and testosterone levels are related to both confidence and libido. Researchers studied immunity and testosterone levels in male runners and found that, although runners had a naturally higher immunity, they also had lower levels of testosterone.

The researchers theorize that runners are using up available energy resources, which means they have less libido energy to use for mating-related behaviors. The body responds to the strenuous exercise of running by reducing the level of available testosterone. The advice here is certainly not to avoid running as exercise, but it is important to be aware that your marathon-like endurance can have a potential negative affect on your libido, due to the decrease in your testosterone levels. If low testosterone is a concern for your health, consider reducing your frequency of running exercise.

Libido-boosting exercises are gentle and relaxed, and they could help prevent the romantic relationship blues and blahs by revving things up. Being centered in your breathing and having an increased awareness of your body’s own natural passionate energy, or libido, can improve your romantic experiences.


Scientists Explain: Parents Who Raise ‘Successful’ Kids Do These 8 Things Differently…

“To paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson, who you are will speak more loudly to your kids than anything you say.” ~ Eric Grietens, former Navy SEAL and Governor of Missouri

Parenting is hard work.

Children, by their very nature, lack the emotional and cognitive resources to navigate life without help. They’ll whine, cry, shout, beg, and complain for no reason. We may feel anger, annoyance, frustration and even guilt for how our child behaves.

But kids will be kids, as they say.

Despite the inevitable challenges of parenting, it is our responsibility to teach and set the example. Not all parents embrace this responsibility – and the effects can be devastating.

Parenting is an obligation that we must take on with the utmost sincerity. Indeed, how we decide to raise our children will profoundly influence the type of person he or she becomes.

There comes a time in every parent’s life when they question their parenting abilities. This is natural, and it is nothing for which to be ashamed.

Perhaps the most humble and righteous thing that a good parent can do is admit they don’t know everything. Being a parent is not something that happens – it is a process. Birth ‘happens’; parenting evolves.

This article focuses on eight science-backed methods of raising happy and prosperous children. As you read through, you’ll notice a diverse set of opinions and topics.

The common thread behind all of this advice is a scientific consensus, from psychologists, professors, social workers, and, most importantly, parents. The science of child development, while not perfect, provides a useful framework from which to operate.

Here are 8 things parents teach kids for success:

1. Develop Emotional Intelligence

Decades of research show that emotional intelligence is as critical to success– if not more so – than cognitive intelligence. Per a study conducted by TalentSmart, emotional intelligence (‘E.I.’) is the most reliable predictor of performance, blowing past I.Q. and personality.

E.I is the foundation of the following skills:

– assertiveness
– accountability
– anger management
– change tolerance
– customer service
– communication
– decision-making
– empathy
– flexibility
– trust
– teamwork
– social skills
– stress tolerance

The most important thing a parent can do to cultivate a child’s emotional intelligence is to model good behavior and E.I.-related traits.

2. Forget ‘helicopter parenting.’

Helicopter parenting, or overparenting, is one of the most significant problems parents have according to Julie Lythcott-Haims, the former dean of freshman at Stanford University.

Parents who hover around their kids (hence the word ‘helicopter’) aren’t doing them any favors. The same can be said of overprotection.

Giving your child more freedom can be difficult for parents. We love our kids and don’t want to see them get hurt. But, we must be willing to let our kids try new things, fail, and experience consequences; it is essential to the maturity process.

3. Learn how to give praise effectively

Continually praising a child for their innate gifts, like intelligence, makes it less likely that they will apply said gifts to bettering themselves. (They know they’re smart!)

Carol Dweck, professor of psychology at Stanford University, examined the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. She discovered that praising children for developing novel approaches to solving problems, even when unsuccessful, teaches them the importance of seeing things through, giving effort, and realizing their intentions.

4. Give them outside play time

The booming tech age is both exciting and novel. But the increasing reliance (addiction?) resulting from overuse of technology is troubling. There is perhaps nothing more disturbing than the child who comes home from school and spends the rest of their evening on an iPad, cell phone, or computer.

Research shows that overusing technology hampers a child’s social skill development, encourages a sedentary lifestyle, and inhibits a child’s academic growth.

When they want to go to a friend’s house, let them. If there’s space in front of your home, your kid should be spending at least an hour or two outside per day.

5. Give them chores

Lythcott-Haims found that one common trait among successful adults is that they reported having additional responsibilities (chores) as kids.

She says “By making them do chores – taking out the garbage, doing their own laundry – they realize I have to do the work of life in order to be part of life. It’s not just about me and what I need in this moment.”

6. Be a bit pushy about school

According to researchers in from the University of Essex in the U.K., parents who have high expectations for their children – and consistently remind them of these expectations – are more likely to raise academically-successful kids.

Researchers note in the study “The measure of expectations in this study reflects a combination of aspirations and beliefs about the likelihood of attending higher education reported by the main parent, who, in the majority of cases, is the mother.”

(Thanks, Mom!)raising kids

7. Teach them resilience

Resilience, or the ability to rebound from setbacks, is a common trait shared among successful people. A high level of resilience enables one person to survive and thrive in circumstances that may defeat someone else.

How do you teach resilience to kids? Set a good example, demonstrate commitment and follow through, practice gratitude, and act as a mentor.

8. Teach them about serving others

We live in a highly individualistic and cynical world. In fact, studies show that most people, given a choice, will commit an act out of selfishness rather than the common good.

We need more people who serve others and who act as servant-leaders.

Emma Seppala, Ph.D., science director at Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, says “The best-kept secret to happiness is to be of service to others,” and that “Multiple studies have shown that happiness makes people 12 percent more productive.”

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Science Explains Why Women Are More Vulnerable To Stress Than Men

“You need to be able to manage stress because hard times will come, and a positive outlook is what gets you through.” – Marie Osmond

Stress – we all deal with it! No matter what our lives are like, we all deal with stress in one way or another. Whether it’s job-related, or stress from our families, or our relationships, no one is immune. However, women seem to be more vulnerable to stress than men.

According to a study by the National Center for PTSD, Boston VA Healthcare System, Boston, MA, “Substantial evidence indicates that women report greater fear and are more likely to develop anxiety disorders than men. Women’s greater vulnerability for anxiety disorders can be partly understood by examining gender differences in the etiological factors known to contribute to anxiety.

If you’re a woman, you may deal with stress in ways that are far different from your male counterparts. Have you ever wondered why? Science finally has an answer as to what causes women to be more vulnerable to stress than man.

Here Are 3 Scientific Explanations Why Women Are More Stressed Than Men

1. Hormonal levels

Harking back to eighth-grade science, women and men have completely different hormonal makeup. This is one of the main things that make women far more vulnerable to stress than men. Compared to men, women tend to experience more fluctuations in their hormones than men do, which can make women far more vulnerable to stress.

Compared to men, women experience much more fluctuation in hormone levels that are associated with symptoms of depression. In addition to premenstrual dysphoric disorder, up to 15% experience postpartum depression,” says global digital strategist, Kellie Marksberry.

While there’s no way to change your hormones, if you find yourself suffering from stress during certain times of the month, make sure to talk to someone who can help you deal with it and feel more positive.

2. Constricting blood vessels

Not only are women more vulnerable to a specific heart disease when they’re under stress, but women’s hearts don’t respond to stress the same way that men’s do. When under stress, the research found that women’s blood vessels constricted and tightened more frequently than men.

According to the American Heart Association, “… constriction of peripheral vessels during mental stress affects the heart circulation more than men’s, potentially raising women’s risk of heart-related events and death.

Stress causes women’s blood vessels to tighten and constrict more, which causes the lack of blood flow to the heart and can cause myocardial ischemia.

3. Myocardial Ischemia

Sometimes, what makes women more vulnerable to stress isn’t the stress itself, but what that stress causes. Chronic stress can cause damage to our bodies – most importantly, our hearts. Women are more vulnerable to stress because they are more likely than men to suffer from what is known as “myocardial ischemia”, which is otherwise known as having poor blood flow directly to the heart.

Instead of dilating and increasing blood flow to the heart during stress, in women the tiny blood vessels are constricted, leading to areas of reduced blood flow. Constriction of peripheral vessels can also induce ischemia in the heart indirectly, because the heart has to pump against increased resistance,” says professor of epidemiology and medicine, Viola Vaccarino, M.D., Ph.D.

When your heart doesn’t get enough blood, it naturally doesn’t get enough oxygen, which can cause a litany of serious problems. If you’re under a lot of stress, you want to be sure you talk with your doctor about the risk to your heart.

Here Are 3 Ways To Deal With Stress

Fluctuating hormone levels cause women to be more vulnerable to stress, which in turn causes women’s blood vessels to constrict, which can lead to myocardial ischemia. So, what do women do in order to keep themselves from being so vulnerable to stress in the first place?

1. Exercise

Experts all agree that physical activity and working out is the number one way to deal with the stress in our lives.

According to the American Psychological Association, “Biologically, exercise seems to give the body a chance to practice dealing with stress. It forces the body’s physiological systems — all of which are involved in the stress response — to communicate much more closely than usual… This workout of the body’s communication system may be the true value of exercise; the more sedentary we get, the less efficient our bodies in responding to stress.

Find a friend or family member who will go on a job with you or hit the gym, because working out with a friend is always more fun! Exercise isn’t just good for stress, either. It’s good for keeping your whole body and mind physically and mentally healthy. You’ll burn off some energy and keep yourself protected from stress.

2. Meditation

While any type of relaxation technique will work, meditation is one of the best to help deal with stress and keep your heart healthy. According to Harvard Health Publishing, “Mental stress can speed the heart and raise the blood pressure; meditation can actually reverse the physiological signs of stress.

All you need to do is find a quiet place to sit and take some time to yourself to focus all of your energy on feeling calm and relaxed. You can do it in the morning or right before bed. Whenever you do it, just make sure you allow yourself some time to de-stress and decompress.

emotional addiction to stress

3. Drink less caffeine or alcohol

If you’re one of those people who can’t start your day without coffee, you may want to start weaning yourself off your morning latte.

… when used too often or at the wrong time of day (in the evening, for instance), caffeine disrupts the regular rhythm of cortisol… caffeine may be affecting your hormonal balance. But in women whose cells are already insulin resistant, studies show that caffeine exaggerates their glucose and insulin responses,” adds Women’s Health Network.

Avoiding drinks like caffeine and alcohol can help you deal with stress a lot better since these substances can actually heighten the stress you’re feeling. You don’t have to give it up altogether, but reducing your use will give you a head start on dealing with stress.

Final thoughts

Ladies, even if you’re more vulnerable to stress than men, you can still arm yourself against the issues that stress can cause. Knowing the damage that stress can cause is the first weapon you need to fight it! Practicing healthy and positive ways of dealing with stress will keep you from becoming vulnerable.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Behaviors People Don’t Realize They Display Because They Are Intuitive

The world is full of intuitive people; many don’t even realize it. The ones who do usually use their gift in their profession or to guide their path in their day to day decisions. But, the ones who haven’t realized it, may just feel like they don’t truly fit in with society. So, what is intuitive?

Intuitive personalities are people who rely on their gut feelings when making a decision. They gather information based on abstract concepts rather than the concrete world around them. They are also creative and thrive on imagination and possibilities. An intuitive also displays these specific behaviors that they may not even realize…

5 Behaviors People Don’t Realize They Display Because They’re An Intuitive


1. An intuitive sometimes feels like they don’t belong here.

Intuitive people may feel like they’ve been kidnapped and brought to this planet against their will. They look around at all the human activities and just don’t really get it. They feel like they can’t fit in and really don’t see the point in trying. Intuitive folks have tried to make sense of the world, but they always come back to the “Why” behind most ideas. They have an idealistic mindset and get frustrated by the large gap between how the world is and how they think it should be. Are they wrong? Maybe not. Perhaps their way of seeing the world can help bring the change needed for a more peaceful planet.

2. Intuitive people live by their own rules.

Because they have a hard time understanding the world, intuitive people also don’t understand certain rules within it. So, they make their own, within reason. Maybe that means working for themselves instead of getting a normal job, or living off the grid instead of in a big city. If the rules seem to cause more heartache than bliss, they don’t really see the point of them. Intuitive people see most rules as ineffective and harmful to society as a whole, so they simply live in a way that makes sense to them.

3. An intuitive make decisions based on emotions.

Intuitive people don’t care much for logic; they’re much more concerned with how something makes them feel. They also tend to be opportunists; for example, if something great comes up, like a cheap flight to another country, they don’t even think twice. They simply start packing their bags and head to the airport to catch that flight. Intuitive people often see logic as boring and limiting; they would rather live in their own dream world where life feels like a carnival rather than a cage. Intuitives trust their feelings above all else, because no one knows them better than they do.

4. Intuitive people have big dreams and imaginations.

Intuitive people are the visionaries of society, always seeing what could be rather than what is. One well-known intuitive was Steve Jobs. No matter what you might think about him, you can’t deny that he had an incredible gift that allowed him to figure out what the world needed and then bring that vision to life. He highlighted the importance of intuition in this famous quote:

“Follow your heart and your intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Sure, intuitive people might always be elsewhere in their minds, but they aren’t just daydreaming – they’re putting together the pieces of a future they want to create. And that’s a very powerful ability, indeed.create life

5. An intuitive person like spending time alone.

Because intuitives like to live in their minds most of the time, the world’s noise and chaos greatly disturb them. They can’t even hear their own thoughts above the chatter of society, so they often choose solitary activities. They don’t see this as being antisocial; they see it as being selectively social. They go out with the people they feel like hanging out with, when they feel like it. Intuitive people like to spend time creating and dreaming first, so socializing becomes an activity they get around to when they have the time.

Final thoughts

Intuitive people don’t mean to be rebellious or “different” on purpose, but they live in a way that aligns with their core values and way of seeing the world. They are deeply feeling individuals living in a messy world, which often leaves them feeling like a mess. This takes a lot of energy out of them, so they retreat to the safety of their mind where their fantasy world full of possibility awaits. If this is you, let us know! <3

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

What Causes Migraines: Doctors Explain 5 Things That Cause Migraines (And How to Avoid Them)

Migraines are a common disorder that cause extreme pain, nausea, and blurry vision. According to Danette C. Taylor, DO, MS, FACN, “The exact cause of migraines is not known. Changes in neurotransmitter levels within the brain are thought to play a role. Migraine headaches usually are associated with sensitivity to sound, light, and smells. Some people have symptoms of nausea or vomiting.

For most people, this pain can be managed with medication and avoiding triggers. However, figuring out where most migraines stem from can be a great tool in figuring out how to best take care of them. Doctors have isolated some of the main causes of migraines. Check out this list of common headache triggers for something that could help you.

Doctors Reveal These 5 Things That Can Cause Migraines

“ Migraines are a result of specific changes within the brain. It causes severe head pain that is often accompanied by sensitivity to light, sound, or smells. ” – Danette C. Taylor, DO, MS, FACN

1. Medication

Medicine is supposed to help us heal from sickness or disease. Even so, some medication can have adverse side effects. For women, some forms of birth control can cause migraines as a side effect. Dr. Helen Webberley MBChB MRCGP MFSRH says, “Some sleeping pills, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) medications, and the combined contraceptive pill have all been named as possible triggers.

If you recently started a new medication and have migraines as a side effect, talk to your doctor.

2. Stress

We all know the things that stress can do to our body. Stress headaches are incredibly common. It’s no wonder, then, that doctors have pointed out that stress is one of the major causes of migraines. When your hormones get out of whack, muscles tense up and blood sugar drops; it becomes a recipe for disaster – and migraines. Chronic stress is one of the main causes of migraines in adults.

Chronic stress defaults the body into fight or flight mode and we are never in a relaxed state to repair and regrow. When we focus on a positive and let all the other worries melt away, our bodies begin to relax and repair,” says health coach Amanda Patrick.

3. Poor physical health

Our bodies are usually finely tuned machines. However, there are still ways for that machine to go a little haywire. When it comes to migraines, our physical health can be a root cause. Anything from poor sleep schedules to bad posture that puts unnecessary pressure on our bodies can be the cause. If you have many sleepless nights and poor physical health, you might be at risk for this pain.

4. Gluten intolerance


Gluten is in just about everything. If you notice that your migraines come on after a meal, this is a red flag. Doctors have found that people with gluten sensitivity or intolerances are more likely to experience migraines. People who have gluten intolerances, like Celiac disease, aren’t able to absorb gluten. This can cause all kinds of problems, like chronic migraines.

5. Sensory stimuli

One of the main causes of migraines is environmental stimuli. Sensory or environmental stimuli usually involves bright lights. According to a recent study by a group of scientists, “… exposure to visual, auditory and olfactory stimuli may trigger a migraine attack. These observations suggest a role for multisensory integration in migraine pathophysiology.

Loud sounds can also trigger or cause a migraine. Even extremely strong smells or temperature changes can be the culprit. Keep track of what’s going on around you at the onset.

Here Are 5 Best Ways To Avoid Migraines

With migraines, figuring out how to deal with the cause will help the condition itself. Doctors have also come up with the best ways to fix the root of the migraine.

1. Diet change

When it comes to migraines, making sure there’s not an underlying gluten intolerance is important. This can be easily ruled out with a two-week diet change and food trial. “Take 2 weeks and eliminate gluten and dairy. Keep track of how you’re feeling. After cutting out gluten and dairy for 2 weeks you can slowly add them back in one at a time and continue to track your symptoms,” says Patrick.

Talk with your doctor about the best way to go about cutting gluten out of your diet to see if this is the cause of your migraines.

2. Switch up your medication

Of course, you never want to go off your medication without consulting your doctor. However, if one of the side effects happens to be migraines, you may want to talk about changing your medication. For a lot of medicine, there are several different kinds. Doctors are often willing to switch it up, especially if one of the side effects.

3. Stress relief

Chronic stress can cause all kinds of issues, so it’s best to start dealing with your stress right away. According to Web MD, “During stressful events certain chemicals in the brain are released to combat the situation (known as the ‘fight or flight’ response). The release of these chemicals can provoke blood vessel changes that can cause migraine headaches.

This is why it’s important to be able to unwind from a long day, especially if migraines are an issue for you. Getting into meditation or yoga can be a great way to learn how to release tension and stress from your body, both mentally and physically.

4. Sleep and exercise

Sometimes, the best thing to avoid a migraine is simply making sure that you’re getting enough sleep. According to a group of scientists, “Consistent with prior studies on chronic migraine, poor sleep quality is uniquely associated with episodic migraine, and this relationship is not solely attributable to comorbid psychiatric symptomatology.

You might also want to make sure that you’re getting exercise and keeping your body in good physical health. You’d be surprised what a consistent sleep schedule will do for migraines!

5. Know your triggers

When it comes to sensory stimuli, sometimes the best preventative measure is to simply know what triggers the pain. If you know that bright, flashing lights or loud noises set off your migraines, then be prepared. You may also have other underlying causes that can be setting off your pain. So, make sure you speak to a doctor about what else could be going on in your body.


Nutritionists Reveal 10 Foods That Help You Sleep Better

“Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” – Thomas Dekker

A good night’s sleep is essential for our bodies. “The consequences of sleep deprivation are being increasingly recognized. These problems range from car crashes and workplace errors to immune dysfunction. Insufficient or poor quality sleep has been linked to heart problems and to obesity,” says Dr. Wallace E. Johnson, director of the Center for Primary Care at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

We need to be getting at least eight hours of sleep a night to function properly. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Some of us have trouble getting to sleep, or staying asleep. Nutritionists know a natural way to help our bodies sleep better: food. There are foods that are perfectly designed to help us sleep better. Here are the top foods that nutritionists suggest in order to get a better night’s sleep.

Here Are 10 Foods That Will Help You Sleep Better Tonight

1. Milk

Milk (Almond, Soy or Dairy, whatever your preference) often is a great source of calcium. This night-time snack has just the right amount of calcium that you need for your brain to unwind at the end of the day. The calcium helps your brain produce melatonin, which is the hormone that tells your body it’s time to sleep.

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith says, “Calcium is effective in stress reduction and stabilization of nerve fibers, including those in the brain.” The next time you have trouble falling asleep, grab some cheese and a glass of milk.

2. Rice

Rice is a quick and easy meal that will help you fall asleep. Rice is a food that has a high glycemic index. This basically means that it helps your brain tell your body that it’s time for some shut eye.

Studies have shown that people who eat certain types of rice, like Jasmine rice, often report having an easier time falling asleep at the end of the day. “These kinds of foods may boost tryptophan and serotonin, two brain chemicals involved in sleep,” said Dr. Chin Moi Chow.

3. Fish

Fish have a natural sedative chemical in them known as tryptophan. According to a group of scientists, “Fatty fish (>5% fat) is a good source of vitamin D and omega-3 FAs, nutrients important for the regulation of serotonin and therefore sleep regulation.

Tuna, halibut, and cod all have the highest levels of tryptophan, so after a delicious fish meal you’ll probably feel the urge to lay down and take a nap. These fish will make it easier for you to fall asleep naturally without having to take any kind of medications.

4. Chamomile

Tea is definitely one of the best ways to get yourself to fall asleep when sleep is hard to come by. Specifically, chamomile tea is pretty much every nutritionist’s go-to drink that can help you fall asleep. Chamomile is a natural remedy for sleepless nights that has been in use for hundreds and hundreds of years. Plus, it’s fairly inexpensive and delicious.

According to a group of doctors, “Chamomile is widely regarded as a mild tranquillizer and sleep-inducer. Sedative effects may be due to the flavonoid, apigenin that binds to benzodiazepine receptors in the brain.

5. Turkey

You know how you feel ready to pass out after a big Thanksgiving dinner? That’s because turkey is actually helpful when it comes to making you feel sleepy. Just like fish, turkey is high in tryptophan which is important for digestion, nerves, and serotonin.

Registered dietician and author Elizabeth Somer, MA says, “When levels of serotonin are high, you’re in a better mood, sleep better, and have a higher pain tolerance…” Therefore, if you’re having trouble falling asleep, try making a turkey sandwich for your bedtime snack. With any luck, you’ll feel like you just had a delicious Thanksgiving meal.

6. Bananas

Looking for another source of tryptophan? This natural sedative can also be found in bananas. There’s also a good amount of magnesium in bananas, which is a vitamin that can also help you fall asleep. Nutritionists suggest having a banana before bed because they’re such a good source of vitamins that our bodies need to function.

Bananas are an excellent source of magnesium and potassium, which help to relax overstressed muscles. They also contain tryptophan, which convert to serotonin and melatonin, the brain’s key calming hormones,” says Dr. Dalton-Smith.

7. Whole grain bread

When you’re looking for something to eat with your turkey sandwich, make sure you’re picking whole grain bread.

Registered dietician Amy Jamieson-Petonic says, “… different types of carbs affect sleep differently. Choose complex carbohydrates—the type found in 100 percent whole grain breads and pastas, oatmeal, brown rice, and dried beans and peas. On the other, avoid simple carbohydrates…

Carbs will give you a spike of glucose, but then once they get digested, you’ll be left feeling sleepy. Put together whole grain bread with turkey, and you’ll feel a good dip in your energy levels so you will be able to drop off to sleep at the end of the day.

8. Fiber

Foods that are rich in fiber are a great way to get better sleep at night. According to a group of doctors, “Low fiber and high saturated fat and sugar intake is associated with lighter, less restorative sleep with more arousals.

Fiber helps your body resist spikes in blood sugar, which often hinder your body’s ability to produce melatonin. When you eat food that is rich in fiber, you’ll find that it’s a lot easier to fall asleep at night – and stay asleep – since fiber is associated with deep sleep.

9. Nuts

Nuts like almonds and walnuts are rich in tryptophan and magnesium, two vitamins that help your body produce melatonin.

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum says, “Almonds are a winner. They contain magnesium, which promotes both sleep and muscle relaxation. And they have the added benefit of supplying proteins that can help maintain a stable blood sugar level while sleeping, and help promote sleep by switching you from your alert adrenaline cycle to your rest-and-digest cycle.”

Like bananas, nuts are a great bedtime snack to help our body know when it’s time to fall asleep. You can also use nut butter and pair it with jam and whole grain bread so you can make the perfect, sleepy time meal.

10. Honeycare for your body

Cut sugar off of your menu!

Honey is the perfect food to add to your milk or tea. You can even add some honey to whole grain toast. Honey is full of natural sugars that make it easier for your body to send tryptophan right to the brain, which will help your brain tell the rest of your body that it’s time for sleep, says nutritionist Lindsey Duncan, ND, CN. Take some chamomile tea with a touch of honey right before bed, and enjoy a long night’s sleep.

Final thoughts

Nutritionists all agree: these foods will make falling asleep and staying asleep much easier. What’s better is that many of these foods make a perfect bedtime snack. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, check out these natural foods that nutritionists say help you fall asleep.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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