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15 Ways to Reveal Love to Your Boyfriend (Without Saying A Word)

15 Ways to Reveal Love to Your Boyfriend (Without Saying A Word)

Telling your boyfriend that you love him is sweet, but there are other ways to show him. It is important to tell him how you feel, but it’s also essential to do things to reveal how deep your romantic feelings are.

Many think grand gestures or gifts are the best way to show love. However, many times the small things mean much more in a romance. Simple gestures are perfect whether you’re in a new or long-term relationship.

There are plenty of ways to tell your boyfriend how you feel without saying a word. These things can help you express yourself and build a healthy, happy relationship. If you’re looking for ways to reveal love to your girlfriend, you can read it in a separate article. Women, don’t hesitate to send it to your partner as a hint, either.

Romantic Ways to Reveal Love to Your Boyfriend


1 – Help Your Boyfriend Out

When your partner needs some help, don’t hesitate to step in. If you know they dislike a specific household chore, consider stepping in and taking care of it for them as a surprise.

You can also try to anticipate his needs and resolve a problem before he realizes it’s come up. It might involve keeping a towel in the bathroom for him if you know he always forgets his. Simple romantic gestures to help him out will mean so much to him, and they don’t take much time on your end.

2 – Support Him

When your boyfriend strives for something they’re passionate about, you must be their biggest supporter. Encourage them to go after their aspirations and help them if you can. Don’t push yourself into their journey but let them know you’re there if they need you.

If you have a skill they could use, let them know. Or, you can be a sounding board for them to bounce ideas off.

Encouraging and supporting your boyfriend shows him that you want him to succeed. It also shows that you care about his happiness.

You should also support him through hard times. When your partner worries about something, ask without waiting for them to bring it up. As he talks about it, give him space to vent without getting preachy or offering unsolicited advice.

3 – Do Something Kind for Your Boyfriend

Doing kind things for your boyfriend without him having to ask will reveal your love. You can pick up his favorite snack, make his favorite dinner, bring him breakfast in bed, or leave him a thoughtful surprise.

Kind gestures will make him smile and show how much he means to you. It also proves that you know him well, remembering his favorite things.

4 – Make Time for Him

Spending quality time with your boyfriend is best to show him how you feel. If It’s been a while since you had alone time together, make it a priority despite how busy you might be. It sometimes involves skipping other things you’re interested in, but showing your love will be worth it.

Skipping things doesn’t mean you can’t do what you enjoy without your partner. Make time for those things, but don’t put your partner last and make him feel unwanted. You can also include him in your plans sometimes, allowing him to be involved in your life and interests.

You can find ways to make time for your boyfriend when life gets busy. Consider meeting up on your lunch break, stopping by his work, or commuting together. You can fit these things into a busy schedule, giving you time together despite anything else.

5 – Celebrate Who They Are

Making someone feel accepted and appreciated for who they are can show them that you care. It makes them feel understood, cherished, and safe. They’ll let their guard down and be themselves, knowing they’re in a safe space with you.

Tell him you love his quirks and make him feel better about his insecurities. You fell in love with him, so cherish every part of who he is.

6 – Give Your Full Attention While Listening

There’s a difference between hearing someone talk and listening to them. Listening to understand requires giving the person your full attention.

Pay attention, ask questions, and participate when your partner talks. Showing your partner that you care about them enough to listen and understand benefits the relationship.

Giving your full attention also helps you see your boyfriend’s body language to reveal more about their feelings. Put your phone down, close your laptop, and stop thinking about your problems. Listening to your partner is essential and meaningful and will likely mean more to him than anything else.

7 – It’s Romantic to Engage in Physical Contact

Loving and playful touching can remind your partner that you love him and strengthens affection. Hold his hand, hug, or cuddle to show him how you feel. Research shows that positive physical contact helps you stay calm, promoting safety and security.

8 – Spend Time with the People He Cares About

Your boyfriend had people in his life before you dated him. He wants his significant other to get to know those he cares about.

Accept invitations to spend time with his friends and family, and it’ll show him you want to be part of his life. It also shows that you’re falling in love as you embrace the people who know him best.


9 – Surprise Them with Fun Activities

Spontaneity brings excitement to a relationship, and surprising your partner deepens your connection. They’ll be excited when you surprise them with fun activities.

Consider tickets to see their favorite team or band, a visit to a special exhibit, or a long-weekend getaway. Your surprises can be fun or romantic, and either way will mean so much to your boyfriend.

10 – Ask About Their Life

When you ask your partner how they’re doing, be specific. Ask how their recent project is going or how they like their new job. You can also ask if they resolved an issue they were worried about or anything else that’s going on.

Asking a specific question shows that you care about them and their life. It also shows that you want to be part of their daily routine and have deep feelings for them.

11 – Show Public Affection (in a Tasteful, Romantic Way)

Public displays of affection don’t have to be over-the-top and make people uncomfortable. Holding your partner’s hand or giving them a little kiss are good options that show your partner you care.

Making public gestures ensures you don’t care who knows about your romance. It can reassure your partner that you’re committed to and love them.

12 – Send Random Messages or Leave a Note

Sending random messages to your boyfriend throughout the day shows him that you’re thinking of him. It’s a sweet way to reveal your love and only takes a few seconds. Don’t bombard him with messages; a funny GIF, cute emoji, or sweet message will make him smile.

Leaving a love note is sweet, too. Handwritten notes aren’t as common as they used to be and can be incredibly romantic. It shows that you fall in love as you think about them often.

Leave a cute note on your boyfriend’s pillow or somewhere else you know he’ll see it. It’ll be a nice surprise that makes his day and shows how you feel about him.

13 – Ask for Advice

You might not need his advice, but it’ll make him feel good if you ask. It shows that you value him and his opinion and want him involved in what you’re doing. Your desire to have him involved reveals your deep feelings.

14 – Take Care of Yourself and Encourage Your Boyfriend to do the Same

Taking care of yourself might sound selfish, but it’s not. It shows him that you want to be around to share life with him and don’t want him to experience grief from losing you.

Finding ways to reduce stress, improving your diet, and exercising regularly are essential to maintaining your health and well-being. Take time to pamper yourself because you must focus on yourself sometimes.

You can encourage your boyfriend to care for himself when you do the same for yourself. It’s hard to encourage him to do what he needs when you won’t take your advice. Suggest that he takes a day to relax and enjoy his hobbies or sleep in and relax for the day. He needs alone time to decompress and won’t always tell you.

15 – Show Appreciation and Tell Your Boyfriend What Makes Him Amazing

Telling your partner that you appreciate them can help you reveal your love. Be specific and tell him what you love about him and what makes him special. It’s also meaningful when you talk about your appreciation for him in front of others.

Your appreciation, praise, and compliments will help him see the positive things that make him different than others. It can also help him feel special, having a strong positive impact on your romance.


Final Thoughts on Hopelessly Romantic Ways to Reveal Love to Your Boyfriend

You have many options for revealing your love to your boyfriend. Telling him you love him is meaningful, but you must show him how you feel. Men need affection, and they want to know their partner loves them.

These ways to show your feelings can make all the difference in your relationship. It’ll strengthen your bond and build intimacy, allowing you to embrace a healthy romance.

10 Tips to Avoid Exhaustion As An Introvert

Introvert exhaustion, also known as social burnout, can occur when introverts spend too much time in social or stimulating environments. This leads to fatigue, irritability, and a decreased ability to function. As a result, introverts tend to recharge their energy by being alone or in small groups rather than in large, stimulating environments.

Introverts may get exhausted after being socially active because social interactions can be mentally and emotionally taxing. Introverts prefer quieter and less stimulating environments, and being in social situations for extended periods can be draining. In addition, being in a large group or participating in small talk can be overwhelming for introverts.

They may feel the need to be “on” and engaged constantly. As a result, they can become mentally and emotionally exhausted, leading to feelings of exhaustion. Additionally, introverts often rely on alone time to recharge their energy levels. When they cannot get enough alone time, they may become exhausted.

Introverts have a lower threshold for releasing the stress hormone cortisol than extroverts. Cortisol is released in response to stress and can cause physical and emotional exhaustion if the levels are too high for a prolonged period. If you are experiencing this, here are some tips to avoid introvert exhaustion.

10 Tips to Avoid Introvert Exhaustion

introvert exhaustion

1.      Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is an essential aspect of avoiding introvert exhaustion. It involves setting limits on the amount of time you spend in social or stimulating environments and saying no to invitations or requests for social interaction when necessary. By setting boundaries, introverts can create space to recharge and rejuvenate their energy levels.

Clear communication is essential when it comes to setting boundaries. It’s especially important regarding the amount of time you can spend in social or stimulating environments. This can help others to understand and respect your needs and limits and can also help to avoid misunderstandings or conflicts.

2.      Schedule Alone Time

Scheduling alone time is necessary for introverts and introverted individuals. It allows them to recharge and rejuvenate their energy levels. Alone time can include reading, meditating, journaling, exercising, or simply relaxing. During alone time, introverts can focus on their interests and hobbies and disconnect from the stimulation and demands of social environments. This can help reduce emotional exhaustion, fatigue, and irritability.

It is essential to schedule alone time regularly and to make it a priority. It can be helpful to set a reminder to schedule alone time and to be specific about what activities you want to do during that time. Creating a quiet space in your home where you can retreat when you need a break from social or stimulating environments can also be helpful.

3.      Practice Self-Care

Self-care is an integral part of life, no matter if you are introverted, extroverted, or an ambivert. But it’s especially important for avoiding introvert exhaustion. It includes activities that help to nourish and rejuvenate the body and mind, such as exercise, meditation, and reading. By engaging in self-care, introverts can reduce feelings of fatigue, irritability, and a decreased ability to function.

Self-care refers to the practices and activities individuals engage in to promote their physical, emotional and mental well-being. It is essential to maintaining overall health and well-being and can help prevent burnout and emotional exhaustion. To practice self-care, you can engage in physical, emotional, and mental activities.

On the physical side, you can exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and get enough sleep. Emotionally, you can start Managing stress, practicing mindfulness and meditation, and engaging in activities that bring joy and pleasure.

4.      Find Balance

Finding a balance between going out and staying in is essential for introverts to avoid feelings of isolation and emotional exhaustion. Both social interaction and alone time are significant for introverts, and it’s essential to find a balance that works for you.

Social interaction can provide a sense of connection and community, but it can also be mentally and emotionally taxing. Alone time, on the other hand, allows introverts to recharge and rejuvenate their energy levels.

Introverts need to find a balance that works for them. That way, they don’t feel overwhelmed by social interactions or isolated due to lack thereof. In addition, introverts tend to recharge their energy by being alone or in small groups rather than in large, stimulating environments. So, finding the balance between the two can be crucial for introverts’ well-being.

5.      Avoid Overthinking

Overthinking can be a problem for anyone, regardless of whether they are introverted or extroverted. However, introverts may be more prone to overthinking because they focus on their inner thoughts and feelings. Overthinking can lead to mental and emotional exhaustion, which can consume a lot of mental energy and create stress and anxiety.

To avoid overthinking, engaging in activities that distract the mind, such as exercise, socializing, or pursuing a hobby, can be helpful. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and learning to focus on the present moment can also be effective in preventing overthinking.

introvert exhaustion

6.      Be Selective About Social Events

Being selective about social events can be beneficial for introverts. They may find socializing to be draining and in need of alone time to recharge. You should prioritize the most critical events, such as those with close friends or family. That way, you can attend the events that matter most while maintaining your energy levels.

It’s also helpful to set limits regarding how many social events you will attend in a week or a month. This can help you to avoid feeling overwhelmed and burned out. You can also consider the type of events you attend and whether they align with your introverted preferences.

If you enjoy small, intimate gatherings or one-on-one conversations, you may want to prioritize those events over large, crowded parties. It’s also important to remember that declining invitations is okay if you’re not feeling up to them. You don’t always have to be available for socializing.

7.      Find a Support System

Having a support system of people who understand and accept your introversion can be very helpful in managing introverted exhaustion. These people can provide a safe space to recharge and relax and help you set boundaries and prioritize self-care. They can also help you navigate social situations and communicate your needs to others.

Additionally, having friends or family members who are also introverted can provide a sense of validation and understanding, which can be especially beneficial if you feel like you’re the only introverted person you know.

8.      Take Breaks During Events

Planning and scheduling breaks during events can be an effective way to avoid introverted exhaustion. By thinking ahead and anticipating when you might need a break, you can proactively plan for those moments rather than waiting until you’re already feeling overwhelmed.

When scheduling your breaks, consider the type of event, the length of the event, and the level of social interaction. For example, if you know that a conference will be very social and you’re going to be in a lot of meetings, you might schedule more breaks throughout the day. You can also schedule breaks at regular intervals throughout the day, even if you don’t think you need them.

9.      Learn to Manage Stress

Managing stress is a crucial way to avoid exhaustion for introverts and anyone else. When we experience stress, our bodies release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, leading to physical and emotional symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. If stress is not managed, it can become chronic and lead to burnout and exhaustion.

By practicing self-care, finding alone time, and limiting exposure to over-stimulation, we can learn to manage stress healthily. Mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help introverts focus on the present moment and reduce stress. This can help to prevent stress from building up and leading to exhaustion.

Recognizing the signs of stress and taking action before it becomes overwhelming is also essential. If stress becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek help from a therapist or counselor. They can help you develop coping strategies tailored to your specific needs.

10.  Communicate Your Needs

Communicating your needs is an effective way to prevent burnout and exhaustion. By expressing your boundaries and limitations, you can ensure you are not taking on more than you can handle. You can build stronger relationships with others and create a more supportive environment by expressing your needs.

As an introvert, communicating your needs may be more challenging because introverts tend to prefer solitude. They may find social interactions draining. However, it is still important to communicate your needs to prevent burnout and maintain healthy relationships. Sharing your needs as an introvert can be challenging because introverts tend to be more reserved.

When communicating your needs, be clear and direct about what you want or need. Avoid beating around the bush or leaving things unsaid. Give yourself time to think about your needs and how to communicate them before having a conversation.

introvert exhaustion

Final Thoughts on Some Tips to Avoid Introvert Exhaustion

Introvert exhaustion is a common issue for those who are highly sensitive to social stimulation. Introverts tend to have a lower threshold for social stimulation and become easily overwhelmed and exhausted by prolonged social interactions or environments. They may find socializing and being in large groups to be mentally and emotionally taxing.

They need alone time to recharge their energy levels. Everyone has a unique level of introversion and extroversion. Some introverts may handle social interactions better than others, and some extroverts may need more alone time. To avoid introvert exhaustion, setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care is essential. This includes setting limits on social interactions, making time for solitary activities that bring you joy, and finding ways to recharge your energy levels.

Additionally, it’s essential to communicate your needs to others, whether it be asking for quiet time or expressing your preference for small-scale social gatherings. Remember, everyone’s experience with introversion is different, so it’s essential to listen to your own needs and be mindful of your limits.

UN Explains How the Ozone is Making a Recovery

According to a 2022 assessment by a United Nations-backed panel of scientists, the ozone layer should fully recover within four decades. Due to international efforts to phase out ozone-damaging chemicals, the delicate part of the stratosphere has slowly started thickening. (The stratosphere is a layer of the Earth’s atmosphere). Experts stated that if current policies remain in effect, most of the world’s ozone layer should recover to 1980 levels by 2040.

However, the world’s polar regions will take a bit longer to see improvements. The ozone should recuperate by 2045 over the Arctic and by around 2066 across Antarctic regions.

The UN-backed panel of experts presented their findings at the American Meteorological Society’s annual meeting in January 2023. During the assembly, they applauded global policies to gradually eliminate 99% of banned ozone-depleting substances (ODS).

Scientists first discovered the harmful impact that refrigerants, aerosols, and solvents had on the environment in the 1980s. These products contain chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, that contribute to ozone layer damage. When experts first noticed the hole in the ozone, they sounded the alarm about these chemicals.

Due to their findings, nations around the globe united in adopting the Montreal Protocol in 1987. It’s the first international treaty in the history of the UN to achieve universal ratification. Considered by many as the most successful environmental action to date, the landmark agreement banned nearly 100 artificial chemicals.

Allowing them to remain in production would cause further ozone damage, exposing Earth to more of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Nearly 40 years later, scientists have observed significant improvements in the ozone layer in the upper stratosphere. Furthermore, since 2000, the Antarctic ozone hole has begun to shrink and thicken, both signs of the Montreal Protocol’s success.

Scientists Explain How Controlling Pollution Positively Impacts the Planet and Atmosphere


According to the UN Environment Program (UNEP), ozone deterioration would have accelerated tenfold by 2050 without the Montreal Protocol. Due to increased UV radiation, this would’ve resulted in millions of additional cases of melanoma, other cancers, and cataracts. Experts estimate that the international treaty saves about two million people annually from skin cancer.

Plus, phasing out these chemicals aids in climate mitigation since many ODS artificially warm the planet. From 1990 to 2010, the treaty’s policies reduced greenhouse gas emissions from banned substances by eleven gigatons a year.

“That ozone recovery is on track according to the latest quadrennial report is fantastic news. The impact the Montreal Protocol has had on climate change mitigation cannot be overstressed. Over the last 35 years, the Protocol has become a true champion for the environment,” said Meg Seki, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Environment Programme’s Ozone Secretariat, in a press release.

“The assessments and reviews undertaken by the Scientific Assessment Panel remain a vital component of the work of the Protocol that helps inform policy and decision makers,” she continued.

Amendments to Montreal Protocol Protect Ozone Layer


The recent report by the Scientific Assessment Panel confirms the treaty’s unprecedented positive environmental impact. In 2007, the UN adopted the Montreal Amendment to address hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), potent gases used globally in air conditioning and refrigeration. Since they deplete the ozone layer and contribute to global warming, the Parties to the Protocol decided to accelerate the phaseout schedule of HCFCs.

Developed countries stopped using them in 2020, and developing countries agreed to eliminate them by 2030. Scientists estimate that the aggressive phase-out of HCFCs will avoid up to 0.5°C of warming by 2100 and over 80 billion metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions by 2050.

An additional 2016 agreement, known as the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, requires phasing out a group of substances called hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). While HFCs don’t deplete the stratospheric ozone, they are potent greenhouse gases estimated to account for 7-19% of global CO2 emissions by 2050. The Scientific Assessment Panel said this amendment will prevent 0.3-0.5°C of warming by 2100 (this does not include climate impacts from HFC-23 emissions).

“Ozone action sets a precedent for climate action. Our success in phasing out ozone-eating chemicals shows us what can and must be done — as a matter of urgency — to transition away from fossil fuels, reduce greenhouse gases and so limit temperature increase,” said WMO Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas.

Scientists Address Risks of Geoengineering to Control Climate Change

For the first time in their assessment published every four years, the expert panel investigated the possibilities of geoengineering. Many scientists have proposed injecting sulfur aerosols into the stratosphere layer of the atmosphere to deflect some of the sun’s intense rays.

Also known as stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), spraying aerosols into the stratosphere would reduce global warming, according to experts. However, the panel warned that the unproven technology “could also affect stratospheric temperatures, circulation and ozone production and destruction rates and transport.”

In addition, other studies have found that stratospheric aerosol injection techniques could cause extreme weather, droughts, and lower crop yields. Not to mention, it would require global coordination to ensure successful deployment. Other experts have cited concerns over costs, technological limitations, and the potential impacts on human and animal life. However, more research is necessary to determine the safety and feasibility of solar geoengineering.

The panel of experts involved in the latest UN-backed assessment included the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and European Union.


Final Thoughts on the Ozone Layer Making a Recovery of the Atmosphere

Since the late 1970s and 1980s, scientists have warned about the unintended consequences of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) to the atmosphere. They said that if we didn’t phase them out, harmful levels of UV radiation would reach Earth’s surface due to the deteriorating ozone layer. Fortunately, the world united to sign the Montreal Protocol, a landmark agreement to ban chemicals that damage the ozonosphere.

Scientists estimate that the ozone layer will fully recover to 1980 levels by 2040 for much of the world. Polar regions may take a couple of decades to see pollution prevention strategies’ positive impacts.

Scientists Use VR Games to Diagnose ADHD

ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, remains one of the most commonly diagnosed childhood neurodevelopmental disorders in the U.S. Children with the neuropsychiatric disorder may exhibit symptoms such as inattentiveness, impulsivity, hyperactivity, forgetfulness, and disorganization.

They might also have difficulties following instructions and sitting for long periods in class. A child with this mental health condition may experience frequent problems in school, like making careless mistakes on homework or interrupting the teacher.

Young boys get diagnosed with ADHD almost twice as often as girls, with the average age of diagnosis being seven years old. ADHD affects approximately 1 in 20 people under age 18, and about two-thirds of people will exhibit symptoms well into adulthood.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 4-5% of U.S. adults have ADHD. Experts estimate that 8.1% of adults aged 18-44 will experience ADHD at some point during their lifetime.

The typical course of treatment for adults and children includes a combination of medication and therapy. Lifestyle changes such as a balanced diet, exercise, stress management techniques like meditation, and proper sleep can also help.

To diagnose someone with ADHD, doctors refer to the criteria in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth edition (DSM-5). People with ADHD must show a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity over six months to meet diagnostic criteria.

Doctors only diagnose children up to 16 years old with ADHD if they exhibit six or more symptoms in the DSM-5. Adults 17 and older must show five or more signs to meet diagnostic criteria. However, scientists have discovered a surprising new method to diagnose children with ADHD: virtual reality (V.R.) games. In addition to detecting attention deficit disorder, researchers say the tool could have viable treatment applications in the future.

Scientists Use V.R. Games to Detect ADHD in Children


ADHD affects about 6% of children worldwide, a relatively small portion of the population. However, it’s an increasingly common condition due to environmental factors, poor lifestyle habits, technology use, and increased awareness of ADHD. In recent years, doctors have become more adept at recognizing ADHD symptoms in children, which could explain the uptick in diagnoses.

Still, doctors rely on subjective methods to diagnose ADHD, such as questionnaires, interviews, and behavioral observations. Sometimes these techniques don’t accurately portray how children handle everyday life, making a diagnosis difficult. However, a research team from Aalto University, the University of Helsinki, and Åbo Akademi University in Finland may have found a more objective ADHD diagnosis method.

The researchers created a virtual reality game called EPELI that can evaluate ADHD symptoms in children by replicating real-world situations. Then, they tracked the children’s eye movements in the V.R. game and utilized machine learning to detect differences in those with ADHD.

The study included 37 children with a prior diagnosis of ADHD and 36 in a control group. The children played EPELI along with a second game called Shoot the Target. In the second game, the player must find objects in the virtual environment and “shoot” them by locking their eyes on the target.

“We tracked children’s natural eye movements as they performed different tasks in a virtual reality game, and this proved to be an effective way of detecting ADHD symptoms. The ADHD children’s gaze paused longer on different objects in the environment, and their gaze jumped faster and more often from one spot to another. This might indicate a delay in visual system development and poorer information processing than other children,” said Liya Merzon, a doctoral researcher at Aalto University.

Both Children and Psychologists Can Benefit From EPELI

Project lead Juha Salmitaival, an Academy Research Fellow at Aalto, said the game could help motivate children and improve their attention span. “This isn’t just a new technology to objectively assess ADHD symptoms. Children also find the game more interesting than standard neuropsychological tests,” he says.

Salmitaival collaborated with Professor Matti Laine from Åbo Akademi University and Erik Seesjärvi, a doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki and clinical neuropsychologist at Helsinki University Hospital (HUH), to bring EPELI to life. Neuropsychologists working in pediatric neurology and pediatric psychiatry at HUH have access to the game.

“Those who are interested can use EPELI as an aid in their clinical work,” says Seesjärvi. “The experience has been very positive. All of the neuropsychologists who answered a feedback survey after the first pilot said they had benefit from using virtual reality methods as a complementary tool in their work.”

Topi Siro, an Aalto graduate now working at Peili Vision Oy, led game development for EPELI.

“The game provides a list of tasks that simulate everyday life, such as brushing your teeth and eating a banana. The player has to remember the tasks despite distractions in the environment, such as a T.V. being on,” Siro said.

“The game measures everything: how much the child clicks on the controls and how efficiently they perform the tasks. Efficiency correlates with everyday functioning, whereas children with ADHD often have challenges,” he continued.

The V.R. Game Could Have Therapeutic Applications for Hyperactivity and Beyond

The researchers noted the potential for V.R. games to help treat hyperactivity or inattention in children in the future.

“We want to develop a gamification-based digital therapy that can help children with ADHD get excited about doing things they wouldn’t otherwise do. There’s already an approved game for ADHD rehabilitation in the U.S.,” says Salmitaival. Currently, the team is working with researchers at the University of Oulu to discuss treatment applications.

Linda Henriksson, a senior lecturer at Aalto University who participated in the study, also believes in the therapeutic possibilities of EPELI. “I see virtual reality as an interesting tool, because it can be used to precisely control what happens in the stimulus world while at the same time collecting information about behaviour in a natural situation,” said Henriksson, an expert in how the brain processes visual information.

In addition to detecting and treating ADHD, researchers have also suggested other potential applications for EPELI. They believe it could be a viable tool for assessing and measuring problems in planning activities for people with autism. It could also help detect language problems, brain trauma, adult ADHD, cerebral palsy symptoms, and memory issues in older people.

“Our partners in Geneva are studying aging-related diseases. Key opportunities on the horizon include early detection of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases,” said Salmitaival.

The research utilized the MAGICS infrastructure, a collaborative virtual technologies project involving three major Finnish universities. The Academy of Finland, the Aalto Brain Centre, and other foundations helped fund the research on using VR to diagnose hyperactivity. The paper appeared in Scientific Reports on November 24, 2022.


Final Thoughts on Scientists Using V.R. to Diagnose ADHD

Scientists developed a V.R. game called EPELI to help diagnose ADHD in children. The game provides various tasks to children to assess their skills and detect ADHD symptoms. In addition, the researchers utilized eye tracking and machine learning to evaluate visual system development and information processing. They hope that EPELI can also treat ADHD and other conditions in the future.

Experts Explain 6 Reasons Why Monday Is a Perfect Reset Day

With Monday as the unofficial start of your week, it’s the perfect day to reset to stay productive and successful. It’s the best day to make beneficial changes in your life. You can turn your intentions into action and inspire a fresh start at the beginning of your week.

While Monday can be stressful if you have a busy schedule, you can shift your mindset and turn negative energy into action and positivity. It’s a chance to feel better and reconnect with who you are and what you want. The start of the week offers an opportunity to form better habits, helping you get closer to your goals and make the most of your days.

Many people dread Mondays because the common perception is that it’s challenging. Coming off of two days off from your schedule can be tricky. But it’s easier when you embrace it as a chance to reset. Here are some of the reasons it is a perfect reset day:

Why Monday Is a Perfect Reset Day

When you view Monday as a reset day, you can focus on turning your intentions into action. It’ll help you have a productive week without feeling burnt out.


1 – Helps You Begin and Maintain Healthy Behaviors

Research shows that only 11% of people dread Monday, and others view it as an opportunity to develop healthy behaviors. 83% of people surveyed thought the things they did on Monday would help them maintain focus on their health goals. Likewise, after indulging during the weekend, it’s the best day for returning to healthier choices.

When you engage in healthy behaviors first thing in the week, it’s easier to maintain them throughout the rest of the week. If you got off track on eating healthy during the weekend, restarting on Monday can help you lose or maintain weight long-term.

People are also more likely to quit smoking on Monday than on another day of the week. Likewise, exercising, stress management, and a positive attitude can help you maintain those things throughout the week. It’s the perfect time to start a new routine or make healthy changes in your current lifestyle.

2 – You’re Refreshed and Revitalized

Using your weekend to relax and recharge can help you go into Monday with a fresh mindset. It’s the only day of the week this is possible because the other weekdays don’t come directly after time off.

Take time for self-care and wellness on the weekend to reap this benefit. It’ll help you make beneficial changes and start your week with renewed energy. You might notice that you’re more invested in what you can achieve and new opportunities that arise.

3 – It Increases Productivity and is a Good Day to Get Ahead

When you start your week, it gives you a fresh chance for productivity. You can regain your focus and prioritize what’s necessary to reach your goals.

Likewise, a productive Monday can help you get ahead for the week. You can focus on accomplishing as much as possible to have an easier time later in the week. It’ll prevent you from feeling overwhelmed from squeezing too much into Thursday or Friday.

4 – You’re More Likely to Stick to Resolutions

If you set resolutions for yourself, it’s sometimes hard to stick to them. Using every Monday as a chance to recommit to the resolutions can make all the difference.

5 – It’s a New Emotional Beginning

Monday is a good day for an emotional refresh because you can have an open perspective starting the week. Even if you had a crazy weekend, you can restart and let go of anything that happened. You can practice self-forgiveness, self-compassion, and mindfulness, reminding yourself that you can begin again.

6 – You’re More Likely to Follow Through on Your Goals

Experts indicate you’re more likely to achieve your professional goals if you start making progress on Monday. It can motivate you to follow through until you accomplish your essential tasks.

How to Use Monday as a Reset Day

If you often dread Mondays, you can shift your mindset and embrace why it can be the perfect day to reset.

1 – Consider What Makes You Dread Monday

If your job makes you dread the beginning of the week, you might not be able to quit without having something else lined up. However, if it’s only a few aspects of your job that cause negativity, determine if you can change those parts.

2 – Determine What You Want to Accomplish

Make a list of what you want to accomplish during the week. It can include personal and professional tasks, implementing healthier habits, or finishing something else.

Once you know what you want, plan by outlining what it’ll take to reach your goals. Then, you can tackle as many of those tasks on Monday as possible. You’ll feel better about your progress and find excitement at the start of each week.


3 – Give Yourself Time

Your first reset might not go as well as you hoped. It might take a couple of weeks of intentions and aiming to make the beginning of your week the best.

Making a difference is a process, so continue setting intentions and working toward your goals. Progress will occur if you give yourself time and resist giving up.

4 – Celebrate all Wins, Even the Small Ones

Any progress deserves celebrating, no matter how small. It’s all impactful and helps you along your journey. Celebrating your wins is essential to sticking to your new habits.

5 – Have Weekday Highlights

It’s easy to live for the weekends, counting the days and hours. Living this way causes you to lose joy during the week as you only focus on work. Make a change to this mindset and find joy each weekday.

Consider going to the movies with friends, doing activities you enjoy, or focusing on self-care on Monday. It’ll help you remain hopeful and joyful throughout the week and gives you a reason to embrace the beginning of your week. Making it fun will also encourage you to do more of it each day, not just on the weekend.

6 – Limit Monday Meetings

Scheduling meetings on Mondays can cause you to dread the day. It also limits how much you can accomplish that day because you’ll be too busy to do anything meaningful. Limiting the meetings can help you get to the tasks that will help you start your week productively.

7 – Plan Your Monday Early and Prepare

The sooner you plan, the better off you’ll be. Consider the beginning of your week before you check out on Friday. It’ll help you prioritize the essential aspects and plan what it’ll take to finish your tasks.

When you plan your next week on Friday, you can go into the weekend with a clear mind for recharging. It also helps you feel like your week is complete, so you don’t spend time worrying during the weekend.

Aside from planning on Friday, consider preparing on Sunday night. Lay out your outfit for the next day, pack a healthy lunch, and find positivity in the coming week. Then, take time for self-care, including doing something relaxing that you enjoy and going to bed early for a good night of sleep.

8 – Focus on Positivity

When getting ready on Monday morning, focus on positivity and mindfulness. Repeat positive affirmations, listen to uplifting music, and do what makes you happy.

9 – Quotes For Monday Motivation

Remember these quotes when you need a gentle reminder.

“Success is to wake up each morning and consciously decide that today will be the best day of your life.” – Ken Poirot

You get to decide how each day will go, and it’ll help you get where you want to be. Remember that you’re in control as you start your week.

“Hey, I know it’s Monday. But it’s also a new day and a new week. And in that lies a new opportunity for something special to happen.” – Michael Ely

This quote reminds you not to dread weekdays. It’s a fresh start and a chance for something amazing to happen.

“Give yourself permission to envision a big life, a happy life. Accept your greatness. Don’t settle! You didn’t come here to play small or make someone else’s dreams come true. You’re meant for everything that’s written in your heart, but it’s up to you.” – Kristen Butler

Reading this quote as you start your week can help you remember that you deserve the life of your dreams. As Kristen Butler explains, it’s up to you to make it happen.

“Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier and healthier life.” – Germany Kent

What you do and think on Monday can affect your entire week. Give yourself the best chance for a good week by doing what will help you make progress.


Final Thoughts on Reasons Why Monday Is a Perfect Reset Day

Rather than dreading Monday, view it as a reset day. It can help you focus on your goals and be more productive early in the week. You can use it as a day to get ahead, limiting stress and making the rest of the week easier.

Remember why it’s the perfect day for a reset, and implement some methods of feeling good about it. You’ll notice positive changes in your life and find more contentment each day.

Dermatologists Explain How to Reduce Wrinkles Without Surgery

There’s nothing wrong with getting fine lines and wrinkles; it can even add character to your skin. However, you likely want to reduce their appearance if you’re like many others.

If you don’t like how the lines look, you don’t have to get surgery to reduce them. While surgery is an option for some people, many don’t like the idea. There are natural ways to remedy this sign of aging at home without permanently altering your body.

Aging is inevitable, but you can take steps and make lifestyle changes to reduce the appearance of fine lines. You can use these tips to make a difference and look younger.

How Wrinkles Form

Wrinkles are the fine lines that develop on your skin, specifically on the neck, face, arms, and hands. They’re a natural part of aging, which is why children’s skin looks much different than the elderly.

As you age, your skin loses elasticity because collagen production slows. It also becomes thinner and drier, making you more susceptible to wrinkles. This process often starts around the time you turn 25.

Aging isn’t the only cause, though, as wrinkles can worsen from many factors. These factors include pollution, sun exposure, facial expressions and muscle contractions, and lifestyle habits that you can easily change.

How to Reduce Wrinkles

While wrinkles are a natural part of aging, you have some control over the process. These methods can help you reduce the appearance and prevent new lines from appearing.


1 – Avoid the Sun or Protect Your Skin

Sun exposure is one of the biggest causes of wrinkles. Avoiding exposure is the best option, but if you can’t stay out of it, you should wear sunscreen. It will protect you from skin cancer while also slowing the signs of aging.

Consider sunscreen with an SPF of 30 and 50, even on cloudy days. The ultraviolet rays from the sun can penetrate clouds, so you shouldn’t skip sunscreen on those days. You can also protect yourself by wearing a wide-brim hat, light-colored clothes, and sunglasses with UV protection.

2 – Drink Plenty of Water

Your body needs water for almost all functions, which can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It keeps your skin healthy and hydrated, positively affecting the appearance of your skin.

3 – Don’t Sleep on Your Side or Stomach

Studies show that your sleep position can cause wrinkles. Sleeping on your side can increase the lines on your chin and cheeks. Laying on your stomach can cause a furrowed brow from the pressure it puts on your face.

You can reduce these effects by sleeping on your back instead. It limits the pressure on your skin and doesn’t push it in unnatural positions.

4 – Don’t Smoke Tobacco

Smoking cigarettes can quickly age your skin because it releases an enzyme that breaks down elastin and collagen. When these components break down, it causes your skin to wrinkle and become thinner because they’re responsible for elasticity and strength.

Nicotine in cigarettes also reduces blood flow and causes blood vessels to constrict. It limits oxygen flow and prevents nutrients from getting to your skin.

Additionally, the heat from cigarettes can cause or exacerbate wrinkles. The pursing of your lips can also cause premature wrinkling. A study comparing identical twins showed that the twin who smoked experienced more wrinkles than the one who didn’t.

5 – Eat Fish

Cold-water fish like salmon contains lots of protein, which is a building block for healthy skin. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids that nourish your skin and keep it plump. You’ll experience fewer lines and look more youthful.

6 – Increase Your Vitamin Intake

Aside from eating fish, you can increase your vitamin intake in other ways. Studies show that eating habits contribute to the appearance of your skin. Those who consume more red meat and unhealthy snacks have more wrinkles than those who choose healthier options.

Choosing foods high in anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties is the best option. They increase skin elasticity and protect you from skin damage and premature aging. These options include:

  • avocados
  • green tea
  • flax seeds
  • olive oil
  • pomegranates
  • fruits and vegetables
  • soy

7 – Get Plenty of Sleep to Avoid Wrinkles

Getting enough sleep is one of the best ways to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. When you experience a lack of sleep, your body produces too much cortisol that breaks down your skin cells. With plenty of rest, your body will produce more human growth hormone (HGH), keeping your skin thick and elastic.

8 – Wear Glasses to Avoid Squinting

When you squint often, it overworks your facial muscles and causes wrinkles. If you need glasses, wear them to prevent grooves from forming beneath the surface of your skin. Wearing sunglasses outside is also a good idea because it prevents squinting from the bright light.

9 – Relax

Frequent facial tension can cause wrinkles, and learning to relax your face can help reduce them. If you often frown, tighten your lips, or scowl, finding ways to relieve stress and relax your face can make a difference. Consider these stress management techniques:

  • yoga
  • meditation
  • mindfulness
  • deep breathing exercises
  • regular exercise
  • journaling

fine lines

10 – Use Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) at the First Appearance of Wrinkles

AHAs are natural acids that remove the top layer of dead skin cells, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It’s most effective around your eyes and increases overall skin strength and firmness. If you use a strong AHA, it can even stimulate collagen production.

11 – Don’t Wash Your Face too Much!

Overwashing your face can strip it of moisture and oil that protects it from fine lines. Each time you wash your face, it strips a little more of the protection.

Your face needs moisture, and that involves natural barrier oils. If you use soap on your face, ensure it contains moisturizer. Otherwise, switch to using a facial cleanser because it has moisture to protect your face.

12 – Apply Vitamin C to Your Skin

Cream or serum with Vitamin C boosts collagen production and protects your skin from ultraviolet rays. It reduces wrinkles and other signs of again, including redness, inflammation, dark spots, and uneven skin tone.

Not all types of Vitamin C will work, however. Look for L-ascorbic acid for the best results.

13 – Moisturize Your Skin

Using moisturizer keeps your skin moist, minimizing the appearance of fine lines. It nourishes and hydrates, a necessity because your skin dries out as you age. Experts indicate that using a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C is the most effective for reducing and preventing wrinkles.

14 – Drink Cocoa

Cocoa with the antioxidants epicatechin and catechin can help reduce wrinkles in the following ways:

  • protecting your skin from sun damage
  • improving blood flow to skin cells
  • keeping your skin moisturized and hydrated
  • helping your skin look and feel smoother

15 – Use Retinoids on Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Retinoids, sometimes referred to as retinol, are one of the best anti-aging ingredients, and they come from vitamin A. They increase collagen production and plump the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Retinoids can also increase skin regeneration and create new blood vessels, improving the overall appearance of your skin. Additionally, they can repair sun damage, improve skin texture, and increase hydration levels.

Start with a small amount to check your tolerance. Then, use it only every other day, or it can cause peeling.

16 – Idebenone

This chemical is a powerful antioxidant that can improve skin appearance after six weeks of regular application. Idebenone can reduce skin roughness and improve hydration, resulting in fewer wrinkles. It can also repair sun damage and other skin issues.

17 – Micro-needling

Also known as skin needling, micro-needling rejuvenates our face after being poked with a device with several tiny needles. It creates a small wound in the epidermis, the top layer of your skin. The wound heals quickly and triggers the production of new collagen and elastin.

18 – Chemical Peels

Using a chemical peel can dissolve imperfections by removing the top layer of your skin. With the top layer gone, it leaves room for healthy skin to grow, reducing wrinkles and other blemishes.

How Long Do These Methods Last to Reduce Fine Lines or Wrinkles?

The timeframe for how long each method lasts depends on which option you choose and the severity of your wrinkles.

Protecting your skin and practicing good skincare routines is a daily necessity. Likewise, you must maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated regularly.

You can’t do these things once and expect results. It must become a habit to reduce wrinkles and maintain youthful-looking skin.

However, micro-needling and chemical peels last up to six months before the results fade. Focusing on healthy habits and skincare routines between treatments can help it last longer. The severity of your wrinkles also affects how long the treatment lasts.


Final Thoughts on How to Reduce Wrinkles Without Surgery

While wrinkles are a natural part of aging, you can reduce and prevent the appearance. You don’t need surgery to achieve results. Your daily habits can make all the difference, but you may have to make positive changes.

Focus on a vitamin-rich diet, staying hydrated, and protecting yourself from the sun. Avoid smoking, use your moisturizer, and consider other options for reducing wrinkles. You can make a change and notice a difference in your appearance.

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