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Over 1,000 Studies Reveal: Relationships That Last Do These 17 Things…

When it comes to the question of how to make relationships last, most people would answer with “love,” “trust,” or maybe “understanding.” While all of these components are necessary for a healthy, long-lasting relationship, it’s a lot more complex.

One professor was so curious about what makes relationships last that he analyzed over 1,000 studies to uncover the answers. Brian Ogolsky, an associate professor in human development and family studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, analyzed all studies published since the 1950s about “relationship maintenance,” and then listed the most commonly cited strategies for making things work.

“Relationship scientists spend a large proportion of their time predicting why people break up and some of the more negative sides of things,” says Ogolsky, “and I really wanted to dedicate my career to understanding the positive sides of relationship as much as possible.”

He and his team sorted through the studies for two years and noticed a few common themes among the data. First, people used two different techniques to keep their relationships afloat: 1) stopping it from ending, and 2) nurturing the relationship. Couples also used techniques to avoid breaking up, such as making sacrifices and forgiving each other after a fight.

Ogolsky realized that in relationships, individuals and couples keep the bond strong because each contributes to the relationship differently. With those things in mind, let’s determine what keeps relationships alive! We’ll break it up into what couples and individuals do.

Here are 17 things that make relationships last, according to research:

What individuals do to avoid breaking up:

how to make relationship last

1. Ignore other potential partners:

People in a happy, healthy relationship tend to not pay attention to what else is out there. “Half of it could actually be I think that guy’s ugly,” says Ogolsky, “and another is actually trying to turn that off, and not attending to that guy at all.”

2. Think their partner and relationship is the best:

Partners often idealize their other half by thinking they are smarter or hotter than they really are, or thinking their relationship stands out in some way. Most couples like to believe that their connection is special, hence the reasoning to stay in the relationship. If either partner stops believing this, “the writing is on the wall,” says Ogolsky. The belief that your relationship is above average motivates you to stay in it.

3. Paint mistakes in a positive light:

People in relationships try to think of the positives when their partner does something hurtful. “For example if your partner cheats on you, you can make an number of attributions about that,” says Ogolsky. “You could say ‘My partner is a dirtbag and I really hate him. He’ll probably do that again.’” If the conclusion is the latter, then the relationship will likely fail. Sometimes, people give their partner the benefit of the doubt, he points out: “You could reinterpret it as that he’d made a mistake and it was one-time thing.”

What couples do to avoid breaking up:

1. Deal with conflict:

Couples who stay together for long manage conflicts by compromising, apologizing, or agreeing to disagree. Those who don’t engage with their partner or give the silent treatment have a much lower chance of making things work.

2. Forgive:

The concept of forgiveness is important to any relationship. But, Ogolsky says, forgiving too much can actually put a relationship on the rocks. “If you’re a constant forgiver, there comes a point where it’s not great for your relationship because someone is taking advantage of you,” he says. “That can actually erode mental health.” Being a doormat in a relationship only leads to resentment.

3. Sacrifice:

The decision “to forgo self-interest and desired activities for the good of a partner or relationship is an important aspect of maintaining relationships,” according to the research. But, Ogolsky says, this concept is a two-way street. “We want some balance in sacrifice. People don’t like to over-benefit in a relationship, either.”

4. Be there for each other:

In research terms, this is called “facilitation.” This includes anything your partner may need help with, such as time management or completing a project. Helping each other out helps to strengthen the relationship bond and make larger goals come to life.

5. Be each other’s stress reliever:

Rather than adding to the stress, couples that stay together attempt to reach a solution or simply provide comfort and support for their partner.

What individuals do to improve the partnership:


1. View the relationship as a team:

Once in the relationship, people who think of themselves as one team rather than two individuals last longer. Additionally, says Ogolsky “spending your own time thinking about your relationship,” will keep things going. “It can be spending time thinking about partner, it can be reminiscing, it can be thinking about the things you’re going to do.”

2. Show generosity:

This means “any random act of kindness toward your partner,” says Ogolsky. Examples of this would be taking out the trash when it isn’t your turn, or making dinner for your partner after a long day.

3. Express thanks:

Gratitude for both the relationship and partner have been shown to strengthen the bond between couples. However, this also has to be a two-way street.

4. Pray for their partner:

You might not think of this as a common way to make relationships last, but several peer-reviewed studies published in renowned journals suggest that prayer keeps relationships going. “The guys who are doing this work are pretty well-known in the relationship realm and are not at religious institutions,” says Ogolsky. “If you’ve had asked me what I thought about this five years ago, I would have said ‘ah no.’ This is not one of the things I would have ever thought would have been quite as robust as it is.” Praying may help the person engaging in the act think more lovingly toward their partner, because they want what is best for them and hope it comes their way.

What couples do in relationships that last:

1. Communicate effectively:

This means that every day, couples strive to listen to and understand their partner while communicating their needs. This includes “being positive, being open, providing partners with some assurance you’ll be around, splitting labor in the household and doing it together,” says Ogolsky. Yes, that means washing dishes from time to time.

2. Talk about their relationship:

Couples who plan to stay together for a long time discuss their relationship. They talk about any problems they’re having, what their plans are for the future, and how they think they’re doing in the present.

3. Actively listen:

This differs from #1 in that couples have to make sure not just to hear their partner, but listen.  When one person speaks, this means the other person needs to put down whatever they’re doing and give their partner their full attention.

4. Make each other laugh:

People who use humor often have a better chance of staying together. “It’s not about a funniness gradient,” says Ogolsky, “but whether or not that’s one of the tools in your tool bag that you pull out typically during stress. Those who demonstrate humor have a way of defusing the situation and making it easier to handle.” However, hurtful humor such as sarcasm and mocking can put a big dent in the relationship.

5. Plan fun things together:

A couple that never hangs out or enjoys their time together won’t last long. Being in a relationship requires both people to care about whether the other is having fun and doing things that make them happy. “Engaging in leisure activities with a partner is theorized to increase communication, define roles, and increase marital satisfaction when leisure satisfaction is high or when partners are positive and have strong social skills,” says the study. Having a good time with your partner is good for both of you.

Ogolsky stresses that his findings aren’t a one-size-fits-all prescription for success but rather, a research tool that couples might use as a reference. This is partly because most of the studies he and his team analyzed used college students, which means the same strategies may not translate into the real world.

However, since these techniques have worked in over 1,000 studies, you might want to try them in your relationship!

Researchers Reveal 5 Habits of People Who Hurt Their Mental Health

The above quote is a short but potent statement that asserts what many of us likely think on a daily basis but never say. We live in a world where we have almost everything at the push of a button or flick of the wrist, yet mental health issues have been on the rise. Compared to our ancestors, we have it pretty good. We have air conditioning when it’s hot and heat when it’s cold, delivery services that can pick up our dinner and bring it to our doorstep, and machines that wash our clothes for us. We really don’t have to work very hard for things anymore, but we have less leisure time and more stress. This paradox of having it all yet being unhappy can seem confusing, but it all makes sense when you look a little deeper.

We have created a world that we really don’t thrive in. As a result, our moods and physical health have begun to suffer. Because of technology, our lives have become easier, but easy doesn’t always equal better. Humans need fresh air, sunshine, food from nature, exercise, and human connection to thrive. Modern life doesn’t provide these things very easily, hence the mental health crisis.

We’ll go into more detail below about what habits and lifestyles can lead to poor mental health.

Here are 5 habits of people that hurt their own mental health and well-being:

“Modern life is not good for mental health.” – Jean Twenge, sociologist

mental health

1. They don’t move their bodies enough

We have more health care access, but less health than ever. You hear about people having heart problems, diabetes, and other health ailments at younger ages now, and our modern life is likely the cause. Years ago, before we had all this machinery and convenience, we would actually have to work to get food, water, and shelter. We lived closer to nature, which by default required us to move around to acquire what we needed. Now, we live in big cities where we don’t have to do anything but get in the car drive to a grocery store for food, and work long hours sitting at desks to pay for shelter.

Aside from causing poor physical health,  the lack of movement has also been shown to increase anxiety and depression. Exercise releases endorphins that help boost your mood, which can combat the most prevalent mental health problems we see today: anxiety and depression.

2. They buy a lot of stuff they don’t need

The habits of those around us easily influence humans, and sadly, many people buy things they don’t need, whether out of habit or to try to fill a void in their lives. However, studies have repeatedly shown that more “stuff” can never buy happiness. In fact, accumulating too many things we don’t need can cause anxiety and stress. Research shows that buying experiences, not things, can increase happiness because people connect more to things they do rather than things they can use. 

3. They don’t prioritize sleep, harming mental health

You guessed it: lack of sleep and anxiety/depression have a direct link with each other. We need quality sleep to function, but modern life doesn’t emphasize sleep very much. Technology, stress, lack of exercise, poor diet, and many other factors can contribute to inadequate sleep, exacerbating mental health issues. Not to mention, all of the caffeine we drink throughout the day to keep us alert can lead to poor sleep at night, too.

4. They overuse smartphones and technology in general

Unsurprisingly, when mobile technology began to increase, we saw an increase in mental health problems, too. One study found that people who spend extended social media time are more likely to develop depression.

Before smartphones, people would talk face-to-face more often and have deeper conversations because they didn’t have so many distractions right in front of them. Now, we have more distractions than ever and are less present and mindful in the real world. Because of our constantly plugged-in world, we are less connected with ourselves and the people around us. This disconnect between ourselves and reality has led to an epidemic of anxiety and depression, unfortunately.

5. They don’t spend enough time outdoors, decreasing mental health

We need nature to survive, yet we seem to have built a world that shelters us from it. This doesn’t make much sense. A lack of sunlight means less Vitamin D in your body, an essential nutrient that helps regulate your mood and immune system, among other things. Studies have also shown that people who walk through parks rather than city streets are calmer and less frustrated. That really comes as no surprise to most!

things that ruin our mental health


Final Thoughts on Avoiding Behaviors That Harm Mental Health

Our modern life may not paint a picture of perfect health, but that doesn’t mean you have to follow along with “the norm.” Make sure you allow yourself fresh air, sunshine, healthy foods, plenty of sleep, exercise, and a stress-free environment as much as possible. Take a “digital detox” day. Doing these things plus limiting technology use and buying things in excess will afford you a better outlook on life, and, therefore, better mental health!

Psychologists Explain 15 Ways to Make A Man Fall In Love With You

We all talk about love and how we felt it at one point in our lives, but how exactly is love defined?

According to scientist, psychologist and author Todd B. Kashdan, PhD, “Love is about an expansion of the self whereby another person’s interests, values, social network, and finances become part of your life just as you share your resources with them. Love does not mean that you give up everything for another person. Rather, you possess sufficient trust to give them the keys to everything that you can access.

Getting that special someone’s attention can be difficult. You want to show him you’re everything he’s ever wanted, but how? Actresses from romantic comedies have been doing it for ages, but translating that into the real world isn’t the same. There are some essential things to remember when you want a guy to fall in love with you. If you follow the right steps, you’re bound to succeed.

Here Are 15 Ways To Make A Man Fall Head Over Heels In Love With You

“Genuine and true love is so rare that when you encounter it in any form, it’s a wonderful thing, to be utterly cherished in whatever form it takes.” – Gwendoline Christie

1. Be yourself

In her book The Fully Lived Life, clinical psychologist Merry Lin writes, “Faking your way through life is believing that if you let people know the real you, they won’t like you. The tapes that play in your head say that if people really knew what was going on inside you, they would lose respect for you. While you play those roles, juggling those masks you have to wear and hiding your pain … the pressure increases to keep pretending you have it all together.”

Therefore, none of this will work if you’re pretending to be someone you’re not! You want the guy to fall in love with you, not someone you’re pretending to be. So, ditch your Sandra Dee from the end of Grease persona and just be who you are.

2. Look your best

You don’t have to go on a diet and change your hair to look your best. All you have to do is maximize your best features and ensure you look as good as possible. Your beauty is unique, and doesn’t need any changes.

3. Listen

Having good communication skills is about more than being able to communicate effectively. It’s also about being able to listen actively.

Writer and journalist Irma Kurtz says, “No matter how bad things are, give your partner a chance to speak. We tend to jump in with an opinion before we’ve heard each other out. Don’t scream, keep your cool: it makes a big difference. So often, things can be resolved by learning to listen.

Men have a lot to say, and when you show that you can listen, they’ll be more inclined to say what matters.

4. Laughter

It’s proven that laughter is contagious. So, when you’re laughing, you’re setting off chemicals in a guy’s brain to feel good. It can be totally addictive. If you’re trying to attract a guy, then laughter is the best way to draw him in and keep him wanting more.

5. Good attitude

People with poor attitudes are often extremely negative and not fun to be around. A good attitude about things, especially when things might not be going right for you, is desirable and charming. A guy is going to be drawn to your ability to stay positive.

Plus, by taking care of what you need to in your own life, you bring a more positive attitude back into the relationship. The other person will start to treat you differently—without you having done anything other than shift your energy into your own life,” says wellness coach and author Susan Biali.

6. Be sweet

Everyone can be a little mean – but there’s no reason to be! Turn off the part of your brain that wants to be catty and try being kind instead. Any guy will find that attractive. After all, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

7. Flirt

If you want a guy to fall in love with you, you need to show him you’re into him too! The best way is to flirt with him.

When it comes down to it, flirting is a mindset. It is saying to yourself, “I like them! I want to make them feel good by being nice, complimenting and letting them know that I like them.” You can twirl your hair, but if you are not projecting warmth or even looking at them in the eye, it doesn’t count,” says relationship expert and television host Rachel DeAlto.

Guys will be drawn to girls they know are already attracted to them. Plus, flirting is a fun way to be intimate with someone.


8. Be different

Being yourself is a great way to be different. It may seem like guys all like the same type of girl, but that isn’t true. If you allow yourself to be different and swim upstream rather than go with the societal flow, worthy guys will notice. And, they’ll fall in love with all of your unique differences.

9. Be witty

You don’t have to go along with everything he says and agree with him. It’s okay to have a few friendly debates and challenge one another – and being able to be witty and thinking quickly about your views will make him fall even more in love with you.

10. Get physical

Guys don’t always have to be the ones who initiate physical contact. Many guys love it when a woman wraps her arms around him, or leans in for a kiss first.

Many times people become increasingly shy with the person they love the more time goes by. Keep your ‘sex esteem’ alive by keeping up certain practices on a regular basis. This allows you to remain vibrant, sexy, and engaged in your love life,” says licensed individual, couples, and sex therapist Sari Cooper, LCSW.

Initiate the physical contact and he’ll be left wanting more.

11. Don’t smother him

It might be tempting to want to spend every waking moment with him, but remember that everyone needs alone time. Giving a guy the freedom to be himself will make sure that he’s always coming back to you in the end. If you prove that you’re not the type to get clingy, he’ll know you’re the right one.

12. Let him call you

Calling him is fine if you want to talk to him or need to tell him something! It’s normal! But sometimes, a guy needs to feel like he’s the one making the first move. So even if you’re dying to pick up the phone, let him come to you. He’ll be delighted by how happy you are to hear from him and fall even more in love.

13. Make eye contact

Eye contact is already proven to be one of the most effective body language techniques there is.

Eye contact and a smile are all it takes! Three to four seconds of eye contact, plus a smile and you are golden. Most guys like to hedge their bets of being shot down, and those nonverbal cues let him know the odds are in his favor,” adds DeAlto.

If you’re trying to get a guy to fall for you, ensure you’re giving him a lot of eye contact. He’ll feel more and more connected to you while you get to know one another more.

14. Don’t be desperate for love

Chill! Relax! Don’t feel like your whole life is hinging in this relationship. Make sure that you have your support network and hobbies. Being with a guy is amazing, and building a relationship is phenomenal. But if you appear too desperate, it will entirely turn him off the relationship.

15. Be trustworthy

When a guy falls in love, he will tell you a lot about his insecurities.

According to love and marriage experts Dr. Charles D. Schmitz and Dr. Elizabeth A. Schmitz, “Trust is not something all loving relationships start with… But one thing is for sure; happy and successful marriages and relationships survive and thrive on the basis of this trust. Trust is so pervasive in their relationship that they never give it a second thought. They expect it. It’s always there. It is part of the fabric of their relationship.

Be a trustworthy partner and keep his secrets safe. If he can trust you, he’ll fall in love with you no problem.

Final thoughts on making him fall in love with you

Getting a guy to fall in love with you is more about being yourself and showing positive qualities than any gimmick. As long as you make sure that you’re being a good and kind human being, and guy of your choice will fall for you.

Science Explains How Many Steps You Need Daily To Lose Weight

Did you know that walking is one of the healthiest forms of exercise you can do to lose weight? Per the Mayo Clinic, here are just a few benefits of walking as exercise:

– Maintain a healthy weight
– Prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes
– Strengthen your bones and muscles
– Improve your mood
– Improve your balance and coordination

In no way is the above list all-inclusive. Here are some other known benefits:

– Relieves arthritis pain
– Boosts the immune system
– Tones your leg muscles
– Improves respiratory function
– Stimulates circulation
– Relieves symptoms of PMS
– Improves our memory
– Boosts libido

For this article, we’re going to discuss how walking can help a person lose weight. We’ll also provide some helpful tips for getting the most out of your walking experience.

Walking to Lose Weight: How much?

To start with, 30 minutes of brisk walking is a great goal. When beginning any exercise regimen, it’s important to progress at the rate that your body adjusts.

While 30 minutes may not sound like a whole lot, consider just how far you walk in a half-hour period:

– 1.5 to 2 miles (2.5 to 3.3 km)
– Approximately 3000 to 4500 steps (!)

It is helpful to set realistic, achievable goals for yourself; the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week (brisk walking falls into this category.)

lose weight

When you add it all up, walking between 15,000 to 22,500 steps a week may help you to either (a) lose weight, or (b) help maintain a healthy weight range.

There are many devices available (some have gotten cheaper!) that can help you count the steps and lose weight; although, it works just as well to keep track of time – provided that you walk at a swift pace for a full 30 minutes each time!

Walking, although a relatively simple form of exercise, still requires some technique. Here are a few tips:

– Walk smoothly, rolling your foot from heel to toe.
– Slightly tighten your stomach muscles
– Keep your back straight, not leaning forward or backward
– Swing your arms freely and naturally, with a slight bend at your elbows. (“Pump” your arms if you prefer to get a bit more upper-body exercise.)
– Keep your back, neck, and shoulders relaxed at all times
– Keep your head up, looking forward, not at the ground.

As you prepare to get your walk on and lose weight that you are ready to release, here are a few important things to keep in mind:

– Get the right gear. Choose shoes with proper arch support, a firm heel, and thick flexible soles to cushion your feet and absorb shock.

– Wear comfortable clothes and gear appropriate for various types of weather. If you walk outdoors when it’s dark, wear bright colors or reflective tape for visibility.

– Choose your course carefully. If you’ll be walking outdoors, avoid paths with cracked sidewalks, potholes, low-hanging limbs or uneven turf. If the weather isn’t appropriate for walking, consider walking in a shopping mall that offers open times for walkers.

– Warm up. Walk slowly for five to 10 minutes to warm up your muscles and prepare your body for exercise.

– Cool down. At the end of your walk, walk slowly for five to 10 minutes to help your muscles cool down.

– Stretch. After you cool down, gently stretch your muscles. If you’d rather stretch before you walk, remember to warm up first.

While 30 minutes may sound like a lot of time, it can easily be broken up throughout the day! Here are some tips for getting in your 30 minutes of daily walking:

– Walk to work and elsewhere instead of driving
– Park farther away from your work office or building
– Take your dog for a longer-than-usual stroll (they’ll love it!)
– Keep a stopwatch (keep track of every minute)

It’s also very important to stay motivated if you really want to lose weight. Beginning a walking program takes initiative and a bit of self-discipline. Here are a few motivational tips:

– Make walking pleasurable: ask a friend or neighbor to tag along; put together a playlist of some of your favorite music.

– Take small steps: don’t fret about not getting in “exactly” 30 minutes every day. Set a mini-goal, such as “I’ll take a 10-minute walk during my lunch break.”

– Vary your routine: plan a few different routes to keep the walk engaging and enjoyable (always walk where it’s safe and well-lit.)

– Practice mindful walking: mindfulness has the amazing effect of keeping our brain and senses immersed in our environment. While your body is getting fit walking, your brain is getting a bit of a workout, too!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Researchers Reveal Blood Test That Finds Cancer Early

Can you imagine walking into a doctor’s office and asking for a simple blood test to catch cancer early?

This may soon be the new reality thanks to the efforts of scientists at The Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins University.  Early detection of cancer reduces cancer deaths, as cancer is far more easily treatable when the tumors are localized. In other words, the tumor is not in the process of spreading (metastasizing).

Earlier detection is key to reducing cancer deaths. Here we describe a blood test that can detect eight common cancer types. ~ The Research Team

Let’s talk some more about this exciting, potentially lifesaving study!

An Important Note About Detecting Cancer Early

First, given the extremely high stakes – and the sensitive nature – of discussing a potentially life-changing subject like cancer prevention and treatment, we checked out the validity of the study’s claims. Per the University’s press release, the test’s “median overall sensitivity” – or the ability to find cancer – was 70 percent.

Please understand that we take the information that we provide about studies very seriously. We will only relay information from highly reputable sources. (We provide a list of these sources at the end of the article.)

Researchers Reveal Blood Test That Finds Cancer Early



What exactly is this test?

This groundbreaking, non-invasive (non-surgical) blood test is called CancerSEEK. The test detects and evaluates the levels of eight different cancer proteins and the presence of potentially cancerous gene mutations in the blood.

What does the test measure?

Per Nickolas Papadopoulos, Ph.D., senior author and professor of oncology and pathology, CancerSEEK measures selected biomarkers. Of these, the researchers painstakingly investigated and selected for test usage.

(In genetics, a biomarker [or ‘genetic marker’] is a DNA sequence that causes disease or is associated with susceptibility to disease.)

How is this cancer early screening test different?

Of the “several hundred” genes and 40 markers initially considered, the research team chose 16 genes and eight markers. Usually, molecular tests “rely on analyzing large numbers of cancer-driving genes.” In essence, the team at Hopkins greatly simplified the screening process.

Cristian Tomasetti, Ph.D., associate professor of oncology and biostatistics, delves into the innovative approach of CancerSEEK:

“A novelty of our (method) is that it combines the probability of observing various DNA mutations together (and) the levels of several proteins in order to make the final call.”

Who received this cancer early detection test?

Researchers received blood samples from 1,005 individuals diagnosed with cancers of the breast, colon, esophagus, liver, lung, ovary, pancreas, and liver. Additionally, they took samples from another 812 participants without a cancer diagnosis.

What cancers does CancerSEEK find?

So far, CancerSEEK is “aimed at screening for eight common cancer types that account for more than 60 percent of cancer deaths in the U.S.”

These include “nonmetastatic, stages I to III cancers of the ovary, liver, stomach, pancreas, esophagus, colorectum, lung, or breast.”

Here’s something noteworthy. Five out of the eight cancer types detected by the test currently had no screening test before the study. That is, CancerSEEK is the first test that detects cancers via a screening test successfully.

Is this cancer early detection test really groundbreaking?

According to scientific literature, CancerSEEK is a groundbreaking discovery in the field of cancer screening technology. The vast majority of successful cancer “screening” occurs in the later stages of disease progression. As mentioned, this is a problem, as late detection dramatically increases the risk of death from most lethal cancer types.

Aside from being (by far) the most accurate early screening tests, CANCERseek blood work successfully detected, in the early stages, five cancer types that previously went undetected. Second, although the test doesn’t pick up every cancer, it identifies many that would likely go unnoticed.

cancer early

Final Thoughts on Detecting Cancer Early…It Saves Lives

Bert Vogelstein, M.D., co-director of the Ludwig Center, Clayton Professor of Oncology, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, summarizes the importance of this research. But note she also issues a caveat:

“Many of the most promising cancer treatments we have today only benefit a small minority of cancer patients, and we (still) consider them breakthroughs. If we are going to make progress in early cancer detection, we have to begin looking at it in a more realistic way, recognizing that no test will detect all cancers.”

Still, says Vogelstein:

“This test represents the next step in changing the focus of cancer research from late-stage disease to early disease, which I believe will be critical to reducing cancer deaths in the long term.”

It is estimated that a CancerSEEK test will cost about $500. No specifics about insurance coverage are available. However, most assume that most major health insurance plans will cover the costs of the test. The test is still undergoing studies and further development.

Any test that can rescue someone from the clutches of the dastardly, gut-wrenching experience of this disease is a win in our book.

4 Signs You’ve Found A Love For Life

“True love doesn’t happen right away; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs, when you’ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together.” – Ricardo Montalban

Throughout life, we go through many different romantic relationships in an effort to find the person that is going to be with us forever. While some people are lucky enough to marry their high school sweethearts and still be in love 40 years later, some of us have to search a little harder. And that’s okay!

True love, what is it exactly?

There are many kinds of love. Passionate, romantic love is very important, but long-term couples also engage in deliberate acts of love that nurture their partner and their overall couple relationship,” says licensed marriage and family therapist Mudita Rastogi, Ph.D.

Clinical psychologist Yana Dubinsky, Psy.D, however, states that true love goes beyond feelings! According to her true love is “an act of will and judgment, intention and promise.

Finding someone that you know is going to love you forever is worth the time and effort it takes. When you find that special person, you may not know it right away. That’s why there are signs that you should look out for to let you know that you’ve found someone who is going to love you for life.

Here Are 4 Signs You’ve Found Love For Life

1. You have good communication

Communication is always important, in any kind of relationship! Whether it’s romantic or platonic, being able to effectively communicate will make any relationship strong. One of the biggest signs that you’ve found someone who will love you for life is to see how well you communicate together.

Marriage coach Eric Hunt says, “Many individuals find themselves in relationships where they have ‘fun together,’ but are unable to openly communicate their feelings, desires and wishes… Often this leads to further issues in the relationship and is usually the root cause of most major disputes…

Therefore, are you able to talk about things that are difficult while still maintaining an open flow of communication? Are you able to settle disputes or arguments without it blowing up in your face? Do you tell each other how you’re feeling? These are all signs of good and honest communication, which are some of the most important things in a relationship for life.

how to make relationship last

2. You have amazing compatibility

Not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually, too. Physical compatibility is important when thinking about someone who will love you for life. You need to be able to be intimate with one another and have it be fulfilling for both parties. But not only that, being emotionally and spiritually compatible will bring so much warmth and happiness into your lives.

What does being emotionally and spiritually entail? Well, it’s much like being on someone’s same wavelength. You understand each other’s emotions and can tell when they’re feeling happy or sad just by being near them. When you have someone who can practically predict your mood, then you’ll know that you’ve found a love for life.

3. You are looking towards the future

A sure sign that you’ve found a love for life is suddenly finding yourself excited and eager for what the future holds. When you think of your life, you’re now thinking a few years down the line and that person is always going to be in it with you. Before, maybe you never thought beyond the next few months.

Now, you might find yourself thinking about what kind of house you’ll want to buy and the kind of schools you want to put your children into, if you’re considering having children at all. Whatever you imagine your future to hold, you’re no longer afraid to look into it. In fact, you’re more excited than ever to see what the future will bring, as long as you have your partner by your side.

4. The rest of your relationships are improving

The thing about finding a love for life is that this relationship will actually help improve the rest of your relationships as well. When you find a love that is so empowering and energizing, you may find that your friendships and your relationships with your family also benefit from all of that love you’re feeling.

Taoist Master Shunya Barton says, “Whatever we align our vibration and frequency with, that is the vibration and frequency we become. When we speak beautiful and positive words, we become beautiful and positive.

Therefore, when you have a great source of compassion, kindness and positivity in your life, then you’ll be better able to extend that same positivity onto the other relationships in your life. The same way that bad relationships tend to suck the life out of the other relationships in your life, good and fulfilling relationships do the exact opposite. Take a look around at the other relationships you have with people in your life, and you’ll find that they’ve grown stronger and more positive.

Final thoughts

Throughout our lives, we can go through many different relationships – some good, some bad, some neither. We may look back on our relationships fondly, while still knowing that they weren’t the person who was going to love us forever. These are some tried and true signs that you’ve met the person who is going to love you for life.

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