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Researchers Reveal 3 Habits Intelligent People Have In Common

Think of two or three people in your life who you consider intelligent. Do they have any unusual quirks about them? If so, what are they? (Please comment! We’d love to hear from you!)

Intelligent people have certain habits in common that may be unorthodox, but it doesn’t stop their brains from working exceedingly well. In fact, multiple studies have shown that people who share these ‘fringe’ traits usually score higher on an IQ test and can intellectually function better than many of their peers.

So what exactly do they do differently? Here are 3 major traits and the science behind them…

3 Habits Intelligent People Have In Common:

intelligent people

1. They’re messy

Albert Einstein once quipped “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” Uhm… Burn! (That’s what one gets for egging on a genius…)

Einstein was known for his rather disorderly working space. Reading a bio of Einstein, the book included some photographs of Einstein at work. Piles of paper, no filing system, scattered books, and a contented genius.

There may be a reason that history’s most significant scientist didn’t give a crud (pun intended) about his working space. A 2013 study by professors at the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management discovered that frantic clutter might be a useful methodology for creative problem-solving.

Einstein, by the way, is not the only brainiac to relish an unkempt work area. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, and the former Roald Dahl, the artist who created characters such as Willy Wonka and Matilda, are famous for their muddled desks.

2. They curse a lot

Hey, don’t swear at the messenger!

Excessive swearing is still interpreted by much of society as an indication of low-level intelligence, limited vocabulary, and disregard for social customs. It turns out that this presumption may be completely false.

Come to think of it; this makes sense. You probably know someone who fits this description yourself.

Joking aside, a study by psychologists from Marist College discovered a relationship between how fluent a person is in English and a flowing harangue of curse words.

How did those folks in the lab reach this admittedly strange conclusion?

Well, they asked volunteers to list off as many unbecoming words as possible in one minute. Participants then received a verbal fluency test and, lo and behold, cursers tended to score higher on both. Verbal acuity, many believe, is one of the greatest benchmarks of intellect.

intelligent people

3. Intelligent people are night owls

The correlation between intelligence and a fondness for burning the midnight oil has been around for a long time. (And does makes a tad more sense than the other two habits.)

Basically, the theory that smarter folks tend to be night owls revolves around the fact that staying up later is original from an evolutionary perspective. Satoshi Kanazawa, a psychologist who has his fair share of loyal critics, provides his explanation:

“There is no indication in any of the (evidence) that any sustained (nighttime) activities occur in traditional societies, other than occasional conversation and singing … It is therefore reasonable to infer that our ancestors (limited) their daily activities to daylight, and sustained nocturnal activities are largely evolutionarily novel.

Kanazawa presents a childhood intelligence study wherein five groups of participants, categorized as “Very dull,” “Dull,” “Normal,” “Bright,” and “Very Bright,” and their average bedtime is represented graphically via a bar chart.

In the study, children whose IQ registered at or below 75 (“very dull”) went to bed around 11:40. Children whose IQ was recorded at or above 125 (“very bright”) went to bed around 10:30 am.

Hard to imagine readers of Kanazawa’s work being too thrilled with this one.

5 Foods That Make Kids Smarter

New parents are always looking for more and better ways to keep their child strong and healthy. The biggest factor that any parent faces is food. What should your child be eating to make s/he grow big and strong? Obviously, there is a lot of research into healthy foods and what growing, tiny humans need to get all the nutrition that they need to be physically healthy. But what about when it comes to their little growing brains?

While there isn’t going to be a magical food that will make your child a genius overnight, there are certainly kinds of foods that kids need to help their brains develop and strengthen their cognitive abilities.

… nutrients and food are a source of fuel for the brain. What you choose to feed your child can make a difference in the child’s learning, understanding, and memory,” says dietitian and childhood nutrition expert Jill Castle, MS, RDN.

We all know that kids are pretty picky eaters, too. So, you want to make sure the brain foods that you’re feeding them are something they’re going to want to eat! Here are the foods that parents will want to look for when shopping for their tiny human’s brain.

Here Are 5 Foods That Create Smarter Kids

“You are what you eat.” – Victor Lindlahr

1. Berries

Any new parent knows how difficult it is to get a child to eat something they don’t want. Luckily, one of the top foods that can help boost your baby’s brain functions is delicious and nutritious berries. “In general, the more intense the color, the more nutrition in the berries… The seeds from berries are also a good source of omega-3 fats,” says consultant Sarah Krieger, MPH, RD, LD/N.

Both blueberries and raspberries have compounds that can help your memory function better. A child with a strong memory will undoubtedly do better in school and life. Not only that, but berries are so yummy you won’t have a problem getting your kid to eat them.

foods that make you smarter

2. Apples

Everyone already knows about the good health of apples, but not everyone knows that apples can be good for your mind as well as your body. What’s inside the apple that makes it so special? Well, it turns out that apples can help protect us from everyday chemicals that can cause damage to our brain cells.

They “contain quercetin, an antioxidant that may fight decline in mental skills,” says Anne Krueger on WebMD. If you start your kid off right with an apple a day, they’ll be able to resist the chemicals they come face to face with every day and keep a smart brain.

3. Eggs

Another food that will be easy to feed your child without any fuss; eggs are a breakfast staple, and for good reason! Researchers have found that fixing your child eggs for breakfast in the morning will give them a good, healthy serving of omega-3 acids that protect their brain and vitamin E that can help fight depression.

According to a recent study by a group of scientists, “Eggs are a good source of nutrients for growth and development. We hypothesized that introducing eggs early during complementary feeding would improve child nutrition… early introduction of eggs significantly improved growth in young children.

Their neurotransmitters will also get a boost, so make sure you give your kid some delicious scrambled eggs every morning to start the day.

4. Cayenne Pepper

This one might be a little tricky to get your child to eat, but if your kid is a fan of chili, then you’re right on track. Cayenne pepper is full of a compound that releases the heat and makes it hot in your mouth. That very same compound, studies have found, actually also releases endorphins and allows our bodies to relax after a stressful day.

In her book ‘Eat Smart, Live Long: There Is No Diet That Can Do What Healthy Eating Can’ author Alicia Merrell states, “The active ingredient called capsaicin comes from dried hot red peppers, with superior inflammatory and antioxidant effects… Cayenne peppers have very high levels of vitamins and minerals for something so small…

Stress can be a major strain on our minds and bodies and, yes, even kids can get stressed! Keep your kid’s head healthy and stress-free with a delicious helping of chili.


Read why some kids hate to eat veggies.

5. Dark chocolate

While much more bitter and less of a kid-friendly candy than milk chocolate, dark chocolate has its benefits if your tiny human has a taste for it. Dark chocolate is already well known for boosting our circulatory systems, giving our brains the blood flow they need to be healthy and smart.

Consumption of milk or dark chocolate showed improved impulse control and reaction time. These findings provide support for nutrient release via chocolate consumption to enhance cognitive performance,” says associate professor of psychology, Dr. Bryan Raudenbush, in his research.

If you have a child who just can’t get enough dark chocolate, you no longer need to feel guilty about letting them have that extra sweet (as long as it is also low in added sugar), because it’ll help make them smarter in the long run.

Final thoughts

There you have it! Food is a great way to make our bodies healthy in physical and mental ways. While you think about the foods to feed your child to keep their bodies healthy, make sure you keep an eye out for the foods that will keep their brains healthy as well. Getting your kids to eat healthy foods might be a hassle, but these will be on your list of things that are kid-friendly, even for the youngest of kids.


7 Natural Remedies That Eliminate Dandruff

Before we dig in to the article, someone asked, “what’s the difference between dry scalp and dandruff? Doesn’t dry scalp lead to dandruff?”

Celebrity Hairstylist and CEO of Hair Room Service, Michael Dueñas says, “Dry scalp happens a lot in the winter, and surprisingly in the summer too! Dry scalp is loss of moisture in the skin, and the dead skin cells flaking off. Dandruff is product buildup, and excess sebum buildup on your scalp. Dandruff is your scalp’s way of trying to clean itself!”

Having dandruff can be a totally embarrassing and frustrating thing to deal with. It can also be hard to get rid of. The shampoos don’t always work as advised, and it can mean that you’re left worse than you started off. Sometimes, the best way to deal with dandruff is using natural remedies. But, if you’re wanting to find a better way to get rid of your dandruff, it can be difficult to figure out where to start. Thankfully, there’s plenty of natural remedies for dandruff that are both good for your scalp and your hair.

Here Are 7 Natural Remedies To Help You Fight Dandruff

1. Aspirin

Not only is it good for headaches, but Aspirin is good for the rest of your head, too. If you go ahead and crush up some aspirin and mix it in with your shampoo, then you can keep your flaky dandruff in check. This is because Aspirin “contains salicylates, which is the active ingredient in dandruff shampoos that contain salicylic acid,” says Kristen Colòn, owner of On-Site Studio Hair Salon.

Leave the new mixture in your hair for about one or two minutes then rinse it out and you’ll have an easy time with your dandruff.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has so many at home uses, and people recommend it for all kinds of natural remedies. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Janet Prystowsky tells Bustle that, “Tea tree oil can be a good natural substitute for people who do not like traditional dandruff treatments. There’s a variety of shampoos with tea tree oil in them that you can choose from.”

For your scalp, tea tree oil will help you deal with dandruff. Shampoos they have just 5% tea tree oil help control dandruff, so it only makes sense to take that tea tree oil you already have hanging around your house and mix it in with your favorite shampoo.

3. Baking Soda

Another natural remedy that can cure everything from stains on your clothes, to dandruff on your scalp: baking soda. Rather than mixing it in with your shampoo, wash your hair like normal. Then, while your hair is still damp, take some baking soda and scrub it into your scalp. After, rinse it out completely. This will help you keep your dandruff under control.

This may dry your hair out a little at first, but once you keep at it the moisture will return. “Repeat as you would in your regular schedule of washing your hair,” adds Colòn.


4. Apple Cider Vinegar

This isn’t just good for getting rid of fruit flies. Apple cider vinegar is also a great home remedy for dandruff. The acidity inside the vinegar helps change the PH balance of your scalp, and this will help make sure your scalp has a hard time growing yeast.

Mix a quarter of a cup of apple cider vinegar with a quarter cup of water in a spray bottle and spray it on your scalp. Wrap your head in a towel and wait about fifteen minutes before rinsing your hair out. Dermatologist Geeta Shah, MD says, “You want to dilute it… I recommend a half and half solution of half vinegar, half water.”

5. Mouthwash

If you have a mild case of dandruff, using the mouthwash that you already have in your bathroom can often be the solution. Wash your hair with your normal shampoo, but rinse it out with alcohol-based mouthwash. Follow it up with your conditioner to keep the moisture in your hair. The antifungal properties that are in mouthwash will make it harder for yeast to grow on your scalp and prevent dandruff.

Celebrity hairstylist Daven Mayeda says, however, “Listerine may just work for treating dandruff. The ingredients in Listerine like menthol, eucalyptol, methyl salicylate, and thymol contain antifungal properties. It’s a great medication for minor cases, but might not be strong enough for moderate to severe cases.”

6. Lemon

Go into your kitchen and pick out some of the citrus fruit that you have hanging around, namely a lemon. If you don’t have a lemon, lemon juice will work all the same. All you need is two tablespoons of lemon juice. After you massage it right into your scalp, you’ll want to rinse it out. You can also mix lemon juice with coconut oil to massage your hair before rinsing it with water mixed with lemon juice every time you wash your hair. Repeat this until you are dandruff free.

According to ex-lawyer Megha Katheria, “Both lemon and coconut oil have anti-fungal properties. The acid from the lemon can cut through the layer of dandruff, thus aiding in better absorption of the coconut oil into the scalp and hair shaft.”

7. Salt

Women have already figured out the joys of a lemon salt scrub for their legs to exfoliate before shaving. Salt works just as well for helping loosen and get rid of dandruff before you shampoo. This can be used with other remedies to make sure you’re getting all of the dandruff off your scalp. While another remedy may help in the long term, salt will make sure you’re not stuffed with dandruff after your shower.

Final thoughts

Dandruff is a pretty annoying condition to have to deal with. Thankfully, it’s also pretty common. That means there are a plethora of ways for you to deal with the issues that you’re going through when it comes to a flaky scalp. Any of these remedies will help you with your dandruff issues and give you a smooth, clean scalp.


4 Signs Your Partner Is Ready For Commitment

Getting involved with someone who is afraid of commitment is the bane of every person’s existence. Everyone has a story about how their partner was with them just long enough to enjoy it. But that not-so-special someone split and ran when things got serious. It’s not unreasonable to want to know that your partner is totally committed to you and your love.

While you could talk to them and try and figure out where you stand with them, there are also some telltale signs that your partner is ready to stay with you for the long haul. Keeping an eye out for these signs can soothe any person’s worries about their partner being afraid of commitment and allow the relationship to progress naturally.

Here Are 4 Signs Your Partner Is Ready for Commitment

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans.” – Peter Drucker

1. They’re intentional

Partners who are very intentional about their language and wants are more likely than not ready for a commitment. Dating expert James Preece says, “If he chooses to see you rather than spend time with his friends, you know things are going well. He loves being with you and feels most comfortable when you are together.”

Say, for example, your partner wants to spend time with you. Perhaps they send you a message asking you out on a date. That’s intentional! They make it clear that they want to go out on a date with you. This is different than just getting a message asking if you want to “hang out”. Hanging out is vague, and can be anything from going to dinner and a movie, to just chilling at home. If your partner wants to be committed to you and explore a serious relationship, they’re more likely to ask you on a date.

2. Good communication

A partner who is ready for commitment is going to make it obvious in the way that they keep the flow of communication open.

Author and entrepreneur Tony Robbins says this:

“Communication in relationships, at its core, is about connecting and using your verbal, written and physical skills to fulfill your partner’s needs.”

Therefore, someone who texts you for a week and then stops texting you for another week, but then picks it back up again is probably not ready for a relationship that involves a level of commitment. On the other hand, if your partner has good communication, answers your texts and responds to your calls in a timely manner, and even reaches out to you to talk, it’s a big sign that they’re ready and willing to commit to your love and your relationship together.

signs your partner is committed to you

3. Talking about your relationship

People who are afraid of commitment will never want to actually sit down and talk about their relationship. You probably won’t be able to sit down and get them to have a serious conversation about your relationship without seeing the fear in their eyes. However, this makes it all the more obvious when your partner is totally committed to your love. They’ll sit down and talk about your relationship with open communication.

If he’s serious about you, he won’t be afraid to talk about where things might be headed,” adds Preece. Committed partners will willingly talk about the ups, downs, good times and bad times. They’ll be able to talk about what they want out of a relationship, and where they see the two of you going in the future. More than that, they’ll be thinking of a future that includes you.

4. They’re exclusive with you

If your partner seeks out time to spend with you, and only you, then it’s a sign that they will commit to you and your relationship. People who have a hard time committing may only see their partner if they hang out with them in group settings. While group dates can be a lot of fun, there’s still a time and place for being together one-on-one. In order to have a successful relationship, you need to be able to spend time together without any other distractions.

A person who is ready to commit won’t be afraid of being with you alone. This doesn’t just mean being together intimately, either. Being able to talk about your life, your ideas, your dreams and opinions is equally as important as physical compatibility. Being exclusive also means that they’re not dating other people while they’re dating you. If your partner never cancels on you to go out with someone else, then your partner is absolutely ready to commit.

Final thoughts

Knowing that your partner is ready for commitment can make a relationship thrive even more than it already is. On the flip side, knowing what to look for and not finding it can mean making sure you’re not wasting your time in a relationship that your partner isn’t committed to.

Miscommunications can arise where one person feels more committed than the other, and neither made it clear in the first place where they saw the relationship going. This is why open communication is important. It is also why it’s on the list of knowing whether your partner is fully committed to your love.

20 Questions You Absolutely Must Ask Yourself In Life

Would the world be a better place if we asked more questions? The case can indeed be made that it would.

The sad truth is much of society embraces the answer more than the question. Perhaps nowhere in the world is this trend more evident than in Western countries like the United States; where pretending to know the answer is sometimes enough to win people over.

Contrast this with places like Japan; a country where acting with humility, admitting you don’t know, and asking questions is highly respected. Indeed, it is a badge of honor.

Relatedly, many of us neglect an essential component of personal discovery: self-questioning. How many of us proactively self-question? Not many. In part, this is because society “grooms” us in a way.

Have you ever heard one of your teachers’ say: “Okay, class, we’re going to spend the next hour asking ourselves these important life questions…” Uh-uh. We pour hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars into the educational system – and the vast majority of kids never learn the concept of self-questioning (or critical thinking, for that matter.)

So, what questions should we be asking ourselves? We can’t answer that for you, but we can provide some ideas.

For the ease of reading and avoiding overwhelm, we’ll break the following 20 questions into four categories: your person, your profession, your production, and your “other stuff.”

Here are 20 questions you should ask yourself in life:

“Knowing the answer will help you in school. Knowing how to question will help you in life.” ~ Warren Berger


Your Person

Without question (no pun intended), examining your person – or what makes you, well, you – is the most vital component of self-discovery.

That said, it’s natural not to have a clear answer to these questions at times. Life has a way of throwing emotional curveballs … so please do not be harsh on yourself.

1. Am I happy?

2. Am I continuing to learn?

3. Am I where I want to be?

4. Am I living my life how I want to live it?

5. Am I giving and receiving love?

Your Profession

We spend about half of our waking hours on this Earth working – which may be good or bad, depending on your perception. We’re not all fortunate enough to work in a job that we love – but this ought not to be the focus here.

In truth, regardless of whether you do something you love or not, a job and an income are things for which to be grateful (see questions #2 and #4.) Further, you can always make a professional change for the better.

1. Am I doing something that makes me happy?

2. Am I making a difference in my chosen endeavors?

3. Am I choosing to stick with this career path? Why?

4. I am grateful for this job and income because it allows me to…

5. Am I making an effort to improve myself professionally?

Your Production

‘Production’ in this context simply means things that you intentionally create. These things can be behavioral (emotions, actions, etc.) or something else (a product, a service that you provide, time volunteering, etc.)

In other words: What are you putting out into the world? (There’s a bonus question for ya!)

Production also describes how you manage your time and efforts – two things that are crucial to getting where you want to be – and leaving the world in a better place.

1. Am I giving something back to society? (Am I paying it forward?)

2. Am I properly managing my time and efforts?

3. Am I making a conscious effort to be kind, helpful, and generous?

4. Am I mostly engaged in life; or am I mostly adrift?

5. What do I want to leave behind for others? (What do I want to be remembered for?)


Questions About Your ‘Other Stuff’

Your ‘other stuff’ questions are inquiries arising from the depths of your soul. Questions that you – and only you – can ask and answer. For example, many subscribe to the school of thought that the Universe will query you from time to time – if you’re “tuning in” to it. (This is my view, which – in no way – is intended to influence anyone.)

In other words, there exist yearnings within the soul that require attention; and only through this attention can we tap into the immaterial – or what some say, the Universal – if such does indeed exist.

Though the nature of these questions is highly individualistic, here are some basic examples:

1. Am I a believer or destiny, fate, or free will?

2. Is the Universe capable of sending and receiving communications (e.g., signs)?

3. Is there more than one type of consciousness (e.g., collective consciousness)?

4. Is there a higher intelligence? If so, what?

5. Is there an immaterial component of the human experience?

Final Words of Wisdom…

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”

~ Albert Einstein

May you find the answers to all of your questions, forge your own path, and lead a life well-lived.

5 Ways To Unmask A Compulsive Liar

Compulsive liars sneak their way into people’s lives without them really knowing it. After all, they’re very good at what they do. But the question that arises in everyone’s minds – why do people resort to compulsive lying?

Counselor, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist Adam Szmerling says, “Compulsive lying is typically a superficial cover up of deeper problems, often rooted in attachment issues.”

When a compulsive liar comes into our lives, we may not realize it until it’s far too late. Compulsive liars can often make your life worse, and being able to tell who they are will make it easier to get them out of your life.

Getting a compulsive liar out of your life will make you feel much better, just as getting rid of any other toxic person might do. Knowing what you’re looking for is the first step, then being able to remove them from your life will come after.

Here Are 5 Ways To Unmask Compulsive Liars And Get Them Out Of Your Life


1. They lie about everything

This should probably be a no brainer, but it’s pretty much the first thing that anyone notices when starting to uncover a compulsive liar. According to Good Therapy, “People with this condition may simply be more comfortable telling lies than telling the truth. They may lie repeatedly about important as well as unimportant matters.

They don’t just lie about big things or little things – they lie about literally everything. They’ll lie about things that don’t even matter, like what they had for breakfast or what they did the night before.

They may lie about who their parents are, where they went to school, even about things they like. People who are compulsive liars aren’t able to stop lying.

But why?

They may lie to gain personal attention—to appear more admirable or more helpless than they actually are. Even self-harming lies may provide some form of internal gratification,” adds Good Therapy.

2. They don’t have a conscience

Most people get that little guilty feeling in the pit of their stomach when they lie. That is their conscience that is telling them right from wrong and helps guide their morals. On the other hand, compulsive liars don’t have that; otherwise they wouldn’t be able to lie the way they do.

Research has shown that compulsive liars tend not to have this same reaction that non-compulsive liars do, and it’s often paired with a personality disorder of some kind.

They lack a conscience that tells them not to lie or makes them feel guilty for doing so. You may notice that they’re able to do other cruel things without feeling bad about it, like making fun of people or spreading rumors.

What about the consequences?

The very fact that a lie could be found out does not affect the pathological liar. They have an inability to consider the consequences or even fear being found out. It’s as if the pathological liar believes they are smarter than everyone and will never be found out,” says therapist and certified trauma professional Támara Hill, MS, LPC.

3. They’re angry when you question them

If you try to catch a compulsive liar in the act of lying, they immediately become angry with you. In fact, they’ll get so angry that they might shut down entirely, making it seem like you’re the one at fault for questioning them.

Even if you have proof that they’re lying, they’ll still act like you’re the one who’s in the wrong. They become angry the minute that their lying is brought into question. Research and science have pointed to a correlation between outbursts of anger and compulsive lying.

4. They change their story

In the same conversation, you may hear six different versions of the exact same story. “Plagiarism is a key factor in the life of a compulsive liar. This often involves twisting and warping stories heard from peers, acquaintances, or movie plotlines into plausible adventures that could have occurred in the liar’s life,” says clinical research coordinator Lexis Clark.

It’s not that they can’t keep it consistent, but rather that they don’t care and can’t keep themselves from continuing to lie. They’re very good at making you believe each new variation of the lie they told before it, because they’re so good at talking that they make even the most outrageous lies sound completely rational and believable.

5. Little lies become huge lies

Something that may have started out as a small lie suddenly turns into a huge one. Something as simple as lying about where they graduated high school may turn into a lie about what college degree they had, complete with fictional professors and classes that they didn’t really take. Compulsive liars tend to start with small lies in order to see if the can get away with it, but before you know it, nothing that this person says is true.

But why?

Clinical psychologist and author David J. Ley, Ph.D., says, “It may not feel like it to you, but people who tell lie after lie are often worried about losing the respect of those around them. They want you to like them, be impressed, and value them. And they’re worried that the truth might lead you to reject or shame them.”


Final thoughts on detecting a liar

A compulsive liar may not stop lying, so trying to get them to stop may be fruitless, however, “… to function effectively in the real world, we also need people to learn to be more honest. Communicating empathy for a person’s desperation can be a valuable tool to give them permission to tell the truth,” adds Dr. Ley.

Apart from trying to motivate a compulsive liar to say the truth and helping them believe that “the truth is not scary, and that the world won’t end when the truth comes out”, the best thing to do is cut them out of your life if they refuse to change.

When a compulsive liar refuses to say the truth, remind yourself that everything they say will be a lie, and not to give in to their manipulative tendencies when they try to get you to stay in their lives. Once you’re free of a compulsive liar, you’ll be able to foster relationships in your life that are positive. There is always something good on the other side of a relationship that is toxic.

“Just like bad eating habits and not engaging in a consistent exercise routine, compulsive lying creates harmful habits.” – Adam Szmerling

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