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Science Explains Why People Think Bald Men Are Highly Attractive

“Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man – there’s your diamond in the rough.” – Larry David

Men, fear not. If you ever worried about your receding hairline or the thinning out of your gorgeous locks, you no longer have anything to fear. Science is finally on your side. According to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, “men with shaved heads were rated as more dominant than similar men with full heads of hair.

Ladies, there’s a reason that you find men with less hair more attractive in some cases. That is to say, science has some proof as to why bald men are considered more attractive, more confident, and have more sex appeal than their full-haired counterparts.

The above-mentioned study has found that men who are bald are perceived differently than men who have a full head of hair, or men who have half a head of hair. What’s the deal? Why are bald men considered sexier than men who aren’t? Baldness isn’t entirely for old men any more. Studies show that 80% of men tend to have some amount of hair loss by the time they’re 50. Research has now shown that this isn’t a bad thing.

3 Reasons Why Bald Men Are More Attractive


1. Accepting baldness raises your confidence level

Men tend to become anxious and worried about their thinning hair. They try to cover it up or ignore it. However, a new study has found that it’s easier to just accept the balding or thinning hair and just shave it all off. By shaving off his hair, the man has accepted the fact that he is balding. With this acceptance comes a confidence that can no longer be wavered by societal pressure. After all, a bald head has become more and more accepted by the outside world.

Men, when pictured with shaved heads, are viewed as more dominant, more masculine and in some cases even physically taller and stronger than men with hair,” says Wharton Professor Al Mannes.

Confidence is one of the sexiest things about anyone, whether they’re a man or a woman. Many people know that confidence is key when it comes to sex appeal as well. When a man accepts his bald head by continuing to keep his hair shaved, he makes himself seem sexier by exuding confidence. Women often find confidence very attractive, which is one of the main reasons that bald heads are now considered far more attractive.

2. Women now notice a man’s face

When we look at people, sometimes the very first thing we notice is their hair, even if we’re looking right at their face. That’s why we tend to give people we don’t know epithets like “the blond one”, or in trying to jog someone’s memory we might say, “he had brown hair.” When a man no longer has hair, and he is bald, women tend to look directly at the man’s face. More specifically, they look right into his eyes.

… in the absence of hair, women look at the eyes instead and we know that first impressions count the most, therefore men with no hair whatsoever direct a lady’s attention to their eyes instead and if they are able to maintain eye-contact they can create rapport more easily,” states

Eye contact is an extremely powerful form of body language that many researchers have said exudes both confidence and attraction when done correctly. Women who must now look into a man’s eyes in the absence of a full head of hair find them more attractive due to the prolonged eye contact. By using eye contact, men and women can establish trust more easily, and with easier trust comes easier attraction.


gray hair

RELATED: 5 Reasons to Never Ignore Gray Hair

3. Motherly instincts

In another theory, the research suggests that men with shaved heads can often remind women of children or babies. This isn’t to say that they’re more attractive because of looking like children. Indeed, it happens because motherly instincts start to kick in for the woman. Not every woman has this same instinct, but many women do.

She looks at man with a bald head, her motherly instincts take over and she becomes endeared to him. This connection can spawn genuine attraction once the man and woman get to know one another. While this is only a theory, it’s still one possible reason that men without hair draw more women to them and are considered more attractive.

Final Thoughts on Why Bald Men Are Hot

Baldness is no longer considered the death sentence of a man’s attractiveness. Many men find that losing their hair makes them feel psychological distress. Thankfully, with the new trends in society, this no longer has to be the case. Men with bald heads are more common and more accepted than ever. In fact, many women prefer dating bald-headed men, finding them the most attractive.

Not only that, but research now supports what women have already known. Men with bald heads aren’t unattractive, but quite the opposite. They’re far more attractive than other men with hair. Whatever the reason, whether it’s because women can make easier eye contact, or bald men exude higher confidence, women, and science both agree.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Differences Between Loving Someone and Being In Love

Loving someone and being in love with someone are similar feelings with some key differences. Professional life coach and relationship expert Kemi Sogunle says the following:

Being in love with someone can stem from infatuation, possessiveness and obsession. Loving someone on the other hand, goes beyond the physical presence. You desire to see them grow, you see past their flaws, you see opportunities of building into each other and together; you motivate, encourage and inspire one another.

A lot of the time, people aren’t able to tell the difference between when they simply adore or admire someone platonically and when they’ve found their own special someone. This can lead to a lot of confusion to both parties. Thankfully, there are some important differences that can help everyone figure out what they’re feeling: whether it’s adoration, or whether they’ve falling head over heels into a lasting relationship.

“True love doesn’t happen right away; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs, when you’ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together.” – Ricardo Montalban

6 Differences Between Loving Someone And Being In Love

1. Loving someone is a choice.

Falling head over heels is largely involuntary.

When you have a good relationship with someone, you make the conscious effort to continue loving them. Consider your family that you don’t always get along with. Or think of your best friend from grade school that you argue with as much as you get along. Those are the kinds of people that you make the choice to keep loving.

Entrepreneur Paul Hudson says, “You need him or her to be a part of your life in some way or another, not because you want to own a piece of this person, but because you want to give him or her a piece of yourself; loving someone is deeming him or her worthy of owning a part of you.

When you fall head over heels, you don’t really get a choice in the matter. Humans fall for people they expect to all the time because your emotional reaction isn’t a choice.

2. Finding your soul mate means putting them first.

When you adore someone, you want them to do well and wish them the best.

However, when you’re in love with someone, it means doing everything in your power to help them succeed. You put them first and help them reach their goals. This usually balances out, because if they reciprocate the feelings, then they’re doing the same thing for you.

… the only way to love is to be less egocentric – to put the needs and well-being of others ahead of your own. When you’re willing to put the happiness of another ahead of your own, you are taking the part in the phenomenon we call love,” adds Hudson.

You’re prepared to make sacrifices for one another in a way that you wouldn’t do for your best friend or someone you simply feel frienship for.


RELATED: 3 Differences Between Love And Attachment

3. Being in love is forever.

We adore many different people in our lives, and usually that feeling tends to fade. We admire our best friends from college, but as the years change we may only remember them fondly. “Falling in love may not necessarily last long since it is usually based on infatuation, lust or obsessing over the other party,” adds Sogunle.

Therefore, love is a thing that can fade – but being in love is forever. Even if those people aren’t in our lives anymore, we can still conjure up those same old familiar emotions for them. When we’re head over heels for someone, an argument doesn’t make those feelings disappear. We will want to be with them for the rest of our lives.

4. Being in love means letting them be where they are happy.

When you feel affection for someone, you want them around all the time. You feel good about having them with you, and you don’t ever want to say goodbye.

However, when you’re head over heels loving someone, it means you know when to let them go and be where they’re most happy. You’re ready to make the sacrifice of not having them around if it means that they’re going to be somewhere that they’re safe, healthy and happy.

When you truly love someone, in a clean, unattached way, there is an overwhelming sense of wanting the absolute best for them. True love is wanting the absolute best for someone, even if what is best for them is to not be in a relationship with you, says relationship coach Jordan Gray.

Having a happy, balanced life means that your special person occasionally has to spend time away from you. And you know and accept that.

5. Being in a special relationship is steady, not a rush.

When you are infatuated with someone it’s often quick and exciting. You’ll feel a rush of emotions that knock you off your feet. You get all those good feelings all at once and eventually, they start to fade.

These quick burn relationships are the ‘kindling’ relationships. They light ablaze quickly, and then burn off into short-lived ashes in a metaphorical matter of minutes,” adds Gray.

But when you’re truly meant to be with someone, those feelings don’t just come all at once and peter out. Instead, this relationship means that your emotions will be there constantly. Rather than having emotions that will have incredible highs and terrible lows, you will feel a steady stream of affection that never fades.

6. Being head over heels for someone is about partnership.

When you are in a platonic relationship with someone, it’s often about how they make you feel. Moreover, you feel entitled to those emotions. But when you are meant to be with someone, it’s the opposite. In fact, those emotions are all about how you make them feel and coming together to form a partnership. Neither of you owns the other, but you are your own people and want to build a life and partnership together.

Becoming partners is a process. It’s a combination of growing as a couple and growing as a human being on your own. It’s the reality of true friendship. It’s more than the fun parts of love. A partner means compromise. It means trudging through the muck of life knowing someone really has your back,” says Lexi Herrick, founder of

Final Thoughts on Loving Someone Versus Being In Love

Being head over heels and loving someone can feel the same, and you’re allowing yourself to simply focus on how good those feelings are. Loving people and finding your forever partner both have their own places in our relationships and lives.

Knowing the difference between being in an enduring relationship with a person and simply loving someone can help with a lot of relationships and make navigating them easier.

“Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being ‘in love’ which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away…” – Louis de Bernieres, Correlli’s Mandolin

7 Signs Your Partner Is Using You

Are you with a partner who is using you?

Relationships aren’t always cut and dry. Sometimes, we enter into a relationship with someone who doesn’t want the best for us, and wants us for what we can bring to the table. Whether it’s money, sex, or emotional labor, sometimes we can get with people who just want to use us. When that happens, we don’t always know it until it’s too late, and we’re left feeling used and unhappy.

Knowing the signs to watch out for when your partner is using you can help make sure you don’t walk into a one-way relationship. Here are some red flags for when your partner is using you.

Here Are 7 Signs Your Partner May Be Using You

“You can’t always be nice. That’s how people take advantage of you. Sometimes you have to set boundaries.” – Ritu Ghatourey

using you

1. They won’t talk about commitment

If you’ve been together for a while – a year or more – and your partner is still talking about “taking it easy” and “just having fun” then they’re probably not ever going to be ready to commit to you – at least, not any time soon. A person who can’t commit may have some deep-seated issues, but it’s also likely that they’re just using you for what they can get. Once you realize it and start pushing for more commitment, they’re gone.

2. They’re selfish in the bedroom

They want theirs but they don’t care if you get yours. What kind of fun is that? If you feel your intimacy is more about them using you to get off, rather than having a mutually fulfilling sexual experience, then it’s probably time to cut them loose.

Healthy relationships accept that you both might inherently have different levels of libido, and you work together so that your needs for both connection and physical intimacy are met,” says sex and relationship therapist Megan Fleming. A partner in the bedroom is bound to be selfish in other areas as well. They’re just using you for their physical gain, and no one deserves that.

3. You’ve never met their friends

Who is your partner’s best friend? If you can’t picture their face or name them off the top of your head, chances are you’ve never been introduced to them. If your partner doesn’t feel like letting you into other parts of their life, it’s probably because “the less information you have about him, the easier it is for him to ghost you. Or if you don’t know who he hangs out with, or where he lives, or what his last name is, he can disappear like a phantom into the night,” says Frank on Cosmopolitan.

This is a red flag that they’re just using you for something, and that they will split once you no longer serve that purpose.

4. They’re always asking for favors

Partners do favors for one another. It is normal and healthy for couples to help one another when needed. But, the trouble arises when you’re doing all the work and your partner can never seem to be found when you need something from them. If they’re constantly asking you for favors and don’t seem capable of giving you the same treatment, then it’s a big red flag that they’re just using you.

5. They’re not affectionate

Isn’t the point of a relationship to be loving and affectionate?! If your partner doesn’t seem to want to kiss, hold hands or snuggle, then what are they doing with you? Chances are, they’re using you for something else. Or, they only seem affectionate right before initiating something intimate and physical. That’s a red flag that they’re just using you, and they know that withholding affection will get you to comply when they do want something. If it’s not actively benefiting them, they won’t do it.

6. They only want to see you at odd hours

Is your partner always texting you to hang out late at night? Are they only available when no one else seems to be? This is a big red flag. If you never see your partner during the day or when other people hang out, it’s probably because they only show up when they have nothing better to do or want something.

Certified sexologist and author Dr. Sonjia Kenya says, “He’s always trying to see you, but never makes plans to do anything outside the bedroom, because he only wants to see you in the bedroom. Unlike last-minute ‘Netflix-and-chill’ texts, planning ahead shows he’s making you a priority.”

Ask yourself why if you can’t pin them down outside of 9 pm and 3 am.

7. They’re cheating on you

You may not know it, but you have your suspicions. If you have a gut feeling that your partner isn’t giving you all of their attention. They might have other people they’re seeing; this is a huge warning sign that you’re being used. In fact, you might even be the “side chick” in this situation. Don’t let someone use you. Cut ties as soon as you feel that there’s more than one person they’re hustling.

signs your partner is using you


Final thoughts on understanding when your partner is using you

Getting used isn’t a fun feeling. If you know the signs, you can stop the user right in their tracks. You deserve better; don’t allow yourself to get hurt. You can also watch for friends who might be getting involved with a user.

6 Signs Someone Is About to Leave The One They Love

In this day and age, we all know that marriage isn’t always the beginning of a long life together.

It’s important that both the husband and wife worked together to satisfy the needs and feelings of each other. Too much conflict in a marriage is one of the most common reasons men walk away from failing relationships. When couples are caught in cycles of criticism and defensiveness, this erodes their ability to feel safe, secure, and love,” says marriage counsellor Clinton Power.

Therefore, sometimes, marriages end. This isn’t a fun thing to think about, but the end of a marriage can sometimes be the best thing for both parties involved. Marriages don’t fall apart without warning, however. There are signs that people want to make sure they don’t miss when it comes to the potential end of a marriage. But why are people ending their marriages? What causes marriages to fall apart? Here are the main reasons that marriage falls apart and leads to divorce.

Here Are 6 Signs That Predict Failed Marriages You Should Never Ignore

“The wrong person isn’t breaking their back to make you happy. So, stop breaking your back for them.” – Sonya Parker

1. Unresolved conflict in the marriage

When men and women cannot resolve their conflict, it becomes a problem within the marriage. This can lead to all kinds of issues, while being a major issue in and of itself. Author Marcia Naomi Berger says, “Simply put, it is not the presence of conflict that stresses the relationship; it is the manner in which the couple responds. Positive, respectful communication about differences helps keep a marriage thriving.

Long-term and unresolved conflict can lead to cycles of defensiveness and a breakdown in communication. This can also make it hard for both men and women in the relationship to feel safe, secure and loved. When these things fall apart, the marriage falls apart as well. Being able to repair emotional conflict and communicate will make it less likely that conflict remains unresolved, causing rifts in the relationship.

2. Living parallel lives

What does this mean exactly? When you become a marriage and partnership, you’re taking two lives and creating one. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have your own life outside of your spouse, but simply that you now have a life together. When partners start to live parallel lives, it means that they’re drifting apart and not sharing their lives together. This can cause the intimacy and partnership in the marriage to fall apart. Working on keeping your friendship and intimate relationship with your partner strong will keep the relationship from falling apart and leading to divorce.

3. Sexual betrayal

Cheating is something that tears apart relationships and breaks down families. It’s something that happens more often than we like to believe, and it can be one of the main reasons that marriages fall apart. The betrayal of a loved one, especially sexually, can cause a drop in self-esteem, trust, and communication. Sexual betrayal doesn’t have to be the end of a relationship, however. Couples can, and often do, heal from the betrayal.

Many people think that affairs signal the end of a marriage. This is simply not true. Although healing from infidelity is a challenging endeavor, most marriages not only survive, but they can actually grow from the experience. This is not to say that affairs are good for marriages — they aren’t. Affairs are very, very destructive because the bond of trust has been broken,” says author and TEDx speaker Michele Weiner-Davis.

Remember, it takes a lot of work, and owning up for accountability. Couples therapy can really help put sexual betrayal in the past and heal a marriage.

inspirational quote

4. Feeling underappreciated

It seems almost normal in relationships that women work, take care of the house, and take care of the children. This workload can often lead to women feeling like they’re extremely underappreciated in the relationship, which can lead to contentions. Men can also feel underappreciated as well, especially if they’re the sole breadwinners of the family. Feeling underappreciated is what can cause people to start to look outside of their relationships for people who will appreciate them. This can cause sexual betrayal, which only worsens the relationship.

5. Ignoring the issues in a marriage

Marriages don’t just fall apart if there are any problems between the couple at all. Problems often arise within a relationship, because two people sharing their lives come with a lot different opinions and personalities. But, when there are issues within the marriage that just get ignored, it can cause resentment and contempt.

The opposite problem of having too much conflict in the marriage is not having enough. Couples that avoid conflict are in real danger of their relationship not surviving in the long-term. Women and men that leave these marriages have often been silently fuming inside for many years,” adds Power.

Therefore, avoiding conflict will just make a relationship fall apart quicker. It’s important to address any problems that arise before they get out of hand so that a marriage can stay strong.

6. Lack of emotional and physical connection

When you get married, it doesn’t mean that you no longer have to put effort into being emotionally connected with your significant other. In fact, it’s the beginning of a whole new phase of emotional connection. It is also the beginning of a whole new phase of physical connection. When you get married, being with your partner physically and emotionally is one of the best ways to nurture the relationship. If there’s a lack of connection, the relationship starts to wither. Partners can feel neglected and unloved, which can lead to all kinds of problems.

Final thoughts

Marriages can, and do, end in divorce, but a relationship on the rocks doesn’t have to end. When your marriage is starting to show these signs of falling apart, there are ways to turn it around and make your relationship stronger than ever.


Powerful Advice From A Dying 27 Year Old

We all know that life is a limited time engagement, but we often don’t treat it as such. Many of us live our lives on autopilot, not really aware of each passing moment. We exist, just waiting for life to get better but not giving thanks for everything we have in the present. We think of dying as some far-off event, but in reality, none of us truly know when our last day on Earth will come.

None of us counts on dying before we turn 30, but for one Australian woman who died of cancer just a couple of weeks ago, that was her reality. Just 27 when she passed away, she wrote a beautifully moving post on Facebook before her death that has since gone viral. The young woman asked friends and family to share it on social media after she died.

Holly Butcher from Grafton, Australia, suffered from a rare form of cancer called Ewing’s sarcoma, which attacks the bones and soft tissues surrounding it.

advice from dying 27 year old woman

Credit: Facebook/Holly Butcher

In her relatively short time on Earth, she learned valuable life lessons that she shared in her Facebook post, such as not getting mad over little things, spending time with the ones you love, and remembering to give more than you get. Great advice!

Powerful Advice From Dying 27 Year Old Woman

Below is an excerpt from her post, which you can read in full here.

“Be grateful for each day you don’t have pain and even the days where you are unwell with man flu, a sore back or a sprained ankle, accept it is shit but be thankful it isn’t life threatening and will go away.

Whinge less, people! .. And help each other more.

Give, give, give. It is true that you gain more happiness doing things for others than doing them for yourself. I wish I did this more. Since I have been sick, I have met the most incredibly giving and kind people and been the receiver of the most thoughtful and loving words and support from my family, friends and strangers; More than I could I ever give in return. I will never forget this and will be forever grateful to all of these people.

It is a weird thing having money to spend at the end.. when you’re dying. It’s not a time you go out and buy material things that you usually would, like a new dress. It makes you think how silly it is that we think it is worth spending so much money on new clothes and ‘things’ in our lives.

Buy your friend something kind instead of another dress, beauty product or jewellery for that next wedding. 1. No-one cares if you wear the same thing twice 2. It feels good. Take them out for a meal, or better yet, cook them a meal. Shout their coffee. Give/ buy them a plant, a massage or a candle and tell them you love them when you give it to them.

Value other people’s time. Don’t keep them waiting because you are shit at being on time. Get ready earlier if you are one of those people and appreciate that your friends want to share their time with you, not sit by themselves, waiting on a mate. You will gain respect too! Amen sister.

This year, our family agreed to do no presents and despite the tree looking rather sad and empty (I nearly cracked Christmas Eve!), it was so nice because people didn’t have the pressure of shopping and the effort went into writing a nice card for each other. Plus imagine my family trying to buy me a present knowing they would probably end up with it themselves.. strange! It might seem lame but those cards mean more to me than any impulse purchase could. Mind you, it was also easier to do in our house because we had no little kiddies there. Anyway, moral of the story- presents are not needed for a meaningful Christmas. Moving on.

Use your money on experiences.. Or at least don’t miss out on experiences because you spent all your money on material shit.

Put in the effort to do that day trip to the beach you keep putting off. Dip your feet in the water and dig your toes in the sand. Wet your face with salt water.

Get amongst nature.

Try just enjoying and being in moments rather than capturing them through your phone’s screen. Life isn’t meant to be lived through a screen nor is it about getting the perfect photo.. enjoy the bloody moment, people! Stop trying to capture it for everyone else.

Random rhetorical question. Are those several hours you spend doing your hair and make up each day or to go out for one night really worth it? I’ve never understood this about females ????.

Get up early sometimes and listen to the birds while you watch the beautiful colours the sun makes as it rises.

Listen to music.. really listen. Music is therapy. Old is best.

Cuddle your dog. Far out, I will miss that.

Talk to your friends. Put down your phone. Are they doing okay?

Travel if it’s your desire, don’t if it’s not.

Work to live, don’t live to work.

Seriously, do what makes your heart feel happy.

Eat the cake. Zero guilt.

Say no to things you really don’t want to do.

Don’t feel pressured to do what other people might think is a fulfilling life.. you might want a mediocre life and that is so okay.

Tell your loved ones you love them every time you get the chance and love them with everything you have.

Also, remember if something is making you miserable, you can change it – in work or love or whatever it may be. Have the guts to change. You don’t know how much time you’ve got on this earth so don’t waste it being miserable. I know that is said all the time but it couldn’t be more true.

Anyway, that’s just this one young gals life advice. Take it or leave it, I don’t mind!


Oh and one last thing, if you can, do a good deed for humanity (and myself) and start regularly donating blood. It will make you feel good with the added bonus of saving lives. I feel like it is something that is so overlooked considering every donation can save 3 lives! That is a massive impact each person can have and the process really is so simple.

Blood donation (more bags than I could keep up with counting) helped keep me alive for an extra year – a year I will be forever grateful that I got to spend it here on Earth with my family, friends and dog. A year I had some of the greatest times of my life.

..’Til we meet again.



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