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5 Signs Someone Is Falling In Love With You

Can you tell when someone is falling in love with you? Many people think they can, but the signs aren’t always as straightforward as people like to believe. While many people assume that the obvious, grand gestures of falling in love are all they need to be able to pinpoint it. But people aren’t always that predictable!

There are plenty of subtle signs that someone you know is falling in love with you, or that your casual partner is in it for the long haul. It’s always best to know when someone you’re with falls in love with you because you never know what the future might hold!

Here Are 5 Signs Someone’s Falling In Love With You (That You May Not Realize)

“You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.” – Albert Einstein

1. Always has an excuse to talk to you

No matter the time or the situation, if someone is in love with you, they will always have time to talk to you. You could call them up at three in the morning. They’ll be available to listen. Someone falling in love with you definitely won’t get enough of having long talks or even short conversations.

“Firstly, if a guy has gone out of his way to talk to you, it must be for a reason, so why shouldn’t that reason be that he wants to get to know you better? Secondly, even when a guy seems to be talking nonsense, it is still a sign that he is interested and is trying his best to keep the conversation going,” says relationship expert Zara Hairston.

You may find that they’re always finding excuses to chat, even if it just means dropping by for a few minutes or sending a text message.

falling in love meme

2. Their face lights up when they see you

When you walk into a room, they can be doing anything at all – but the moment they see you, their attention is all on you, and their face looks like a lit house on Christmas. They look like they were waiting for you to walk into the room. If you catch each other by chance on the street, their excitement will be obvious, since they weren’t expecting to see you. This is usually so obvious that everyone else in the room has noticed, and they try not to smile.

3. They’re always giving you gifts

These gifts don’t have to be extravagant or even expensive. But the point is that they’re always finding reasons to give you little gifts that will remind you of them. Whether it’s a book they think you’ll like, a to-go cup of your favorite coffee from the cafe, or even a cool rock they found outside (…yes, really!).

“If he’s given you a nice piece of jewelry then he’s seriously committed to your relationship. Men just don’t give the good stuff unless you mean something special,” says relationship expert Dr. Pam Spurr.

Little gifts will be their way of making you happy, seeing you smile, and ensuring that you’re always thinking of them like they’re always thinking of you.

4. They’re always helpful

Do you need help moving your apartment? Do you need a ride to the store? Are you lost on this week’s work project? A person falling in love with you will always be there to help you. You probably know you can always visit them when you need something. They’re always willing to help you. They always seem to be the first person to offer you their assistance. Sure, they might just be super helpful. But they’re always willing to spend all their free time with you and ensure you’re never inconvenienced.

5. They’re genuinely interested in you

You probably have a secret, nerdy hobby that no one else is interested in. You’ve probably learned to keep it to yourself and enjoy it alone. However, when that particular person finds out about it, chances are they’re genuinely interested in what you like about it and want to experience it with you.

“If a guy is interested in you, he’ll?take the time to get to know you. He’ll not only ask about your family, work, hobbies, and interests, but he will listen to your answers. For example, he’ll remember your favorite food or hobbies and make a date involving your interests to show you that he cares in a personal way,” add relationship experts Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher.

When someone falls in love with you, a telltale sign is that they’re genuinely interested in even the more boring stories you have to tell. They’re always listening and eager to ensure you’re listened to. They may even seem to get into what you’re saying, even if it’s boring.

love quote

Final Thoughts on Knowing the Signs of Love

Falling in love can be an exhilarating experience. However, being on the other side can often be confusing since we’re constantly second-guessing what someone else’s actions mean. However, you’ll probably see subtler signs rather than grand gestures when someone falls in love with you.

Science Explains The Cause of Nightmares (And How to Stop Them)

Nightmares affect people of all ages, even adults. They’re actually quite common in adults, with nearly 70% of adults having nightmares.

“Nightmares are a cry for resolution for finding a way to incorporate the terrible experience into our lives. Occasional nightmares are normal. But not nightly, and not over and over again,” says Rosalind Cartwright director of the sleep disorder service at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago.

So, what causes adult nightmares, and how do we deal with them? Sleep doctors have already answered these questions for us, and given us some ideas on how to help the sufferers.

What Causes Nightmares?

“A nightmare is a dysfunctional dream.” – Rosalind Cartwright

1. Medications

A lot of people have them start suddenly after they start a new medication. They’re a common side effect for many medications.

“A number of medications also are known to contribute to nightmare frequency. Drugs that act on chemicals in the brain, such as antidepressants and narcotics, are often associated with nightmares. Non-psychological medications, including some blood pressure medications, can also cause nightmares in adults,” adds WebMD.

If you’re struggling with them and sleeplessness from your medication, you may want to talk with your doctor about switching medications if you can. If you’re not able to change your medication to help with nightmares, there are other ways to stop your nightmares.

2. Traumatic events

People who suffer from trauma may often find that they also suffer from nightmares. Traumatic events can vary, from the death of a family member to experiencing abuse of some kind. Even just getting into a traumatic accident can cause them. Therapy can be a great help in working through a traumatic event and stopping nightmares.

3. Food

If you’re generally a fan of spicy food, you may find that you get bad dreams after eating it. Scientists aren’t entirely sure why the correlation with food and nightmares happens, but it happens often enough that many people are aware that spicy dinner the night before is bound to cause bad dreams.

“A related possibility is that food influences dreams indirectly due to poor metabolism or digestive intolerances. For instance, eating too late at night could negatively affect metabolism and sleep quality, thence seeping into your dreams. And, of course, dairy,?most often cited as altering dreams, is a very common dietary sensitivity,” says researcher Michelle Carr, Ph.D.

Switching out what you eat right before bedtime is a great way to make sure you’re having better dreams and less nightmares.

4. Stress

Stress is another common factor of nightmares. If you’re suffering from different kinds of stress, either life events or internal stress, you’re more likely to suffer through bad dreams as well. Your emotions often tend to work themselves out in your subconscious, and nightmares are far more likely if you’re under daily stress. Understanding when you’re under more stress than usual can be the easiest way to figure out where your bad ddreams are coming from.

Here Are 4 Ways To Stop Nightmares

sleep paralysis

RELATED: Have You Ever Woke Up In The Middle of The Night Unable To Move? This May Be Why…

Many people struggle nightly, with some people getting woken up by their bad dreams. But you don’t have to suffer through them each night. It may seem like an impossible feat to stop having bad dreams without some medical intervention, but it can be done. All you have to do is dedicate yourself to stopping those stressful dreams. If you’re struggling, here are some tried and true methods for getting them to stop.

1. Realize it’s just  a bad dream

When you’re asleep, it might be hard to recognize when you’re having a nightmare. However, this isn’t impossible. You have to dedicate yourself to realizing you’re having a nightmare before you actually fall asleep. It may take a few attempts, but you’ll eventually be able to recognize when you’re having a nightmare.

2. Stop your dream

Again, this is going to take several failed nights of practice before you get the hang of it. People are actually capable of stopping their dreams right in their tracks. Once you recognize that you’re actually dreaming, you become able to control the way your dream plays out. This includes stopping the nightmare.

3. Change your dream

A nightmare can’t continue if you’re no longer having it. Once you’re capable of recognizing when you’re having a bad dream and stopping the dream, you’ll be able to entirely change the ending of your dream. Conjure up images that are calming or happy, so you’re able to continue on having your dream without all of those stressful visions.

4. Keep a dream diary

Keeping a journal beside your bed to write down your dreams will give you a better understanding of when you have bad dreams, and what surrounds your life when these happen. You’ll be able to develop a pattern of what’s happening in your life that causes these nightmares. You may find that stress is the major factor, or a new medication is what’s causing your nightmares.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Text Messages to Never Send Your Partner

“Most of us still haven’t grasped the fact that everything we commit to the digital space – not just our public blogs and broadcast tweets, but every private text message, email, and voicemail is likely to be stored and accessible. Forever.” – Douglas Rushkoff

Texting is how so many of us communicate nowadays that it seems just as normal as talking on the phone. It’s quick, it’s easy, and you don’t have to stop what you’re doing to answer a phone call. For a lot of people, communicating with their significant other through text is pretty commonplace. When we’re not together, we tend to text back and forth throughout the day. This goes double for people who are in long distance relationships. However, texting isn’t the same as talking on the phone, or talking back and forth.

Online dating expert Julia Spira says, “I’ve seen someone pen paragraphs of a ‘Dear John’ letter via text. If you were close enough to be naked with someone and talk about the future at some point, have the courtesy to call or meet in person. Sometimes there’s just a misunderstanding that could prevent a breakup.”

Therefore, make sure you don’t test these things to your significant other.

Here Are 5 Things You Should Never Do To Your Partner Via Text Message

goodnight texts

1. Sending emotionally loaded texts

You can’t accurately read emotions over texts. We have managed to figure out some ways to express emotions, but for the most part, tone gets lost through text messages. So, when you send your partner an emotionally loaded text, your partner may not get the full implication of the message. This can cause a lot of frustration and hurt feelings. This also leaves the message open to incredible misinterpretation.

“Some studies suggest that up to 93% of communication is non-verbal. So if you are sending an emotional message with a limit of 140-160 characters, this increases the chances of misunderstandings,” adds relationship counsellor and Gestalt therapist Clinton Power.

If you’re sending a text with strong emotions, ask yourself why. If it’s something that can better be communicated through a phone call or face-to-face where your emotions can be better expressed, then it might just be better to forgo a text message.

2. Reading between the lines

As dangerous as sending an emotionally loaded text can be, projecting emotion onto a text can be equally frustrating for both you and your partner. When your partner sends a text message, it’s important to just read the words that are there and try not to interpret things that aren’t there. If you’re not sure what a text message is supposed to mean, it’s better to just ask to clarify. You can do this either through text message or by giving them a call so you can hear the emotion in their voice. Projecting emotion into a text that isn’t there can cause a lot of frustration and hurt feelings that don’t need to be.

3. Venting via text

If you have a lot of pent up emotions, like anger or frustration, you might be tempted to vent to your partner via text. Especially if you’re upset with them, venting or dumping your emotions through texts can be pretty tempting. But this is another thing you want to avoid when texting your partner. Text messages aren’t secure and anyone can read them if the person happens to allow others to see it.

Nikki Martinez, PsyD says, “Never have an important, in-depth conversation via text because of tone—we are too easily misunderstood, and take the very large chance of making the problem worse than it was in the first place.”

Not all relationships last forever, and your partner may have ill intentions with your venting texts. Make sure you’re careful about what you say via text message. It’s better to just vent to your partner face-to-face, or wait for yourself to calm down.

“Not only are you stirring up old dirt, you’re doing it in a passive aggressive way that prevents someone from responding in any meaningful sort of way. Things get misunderstood over text all the time since there is no tone of voice or body language to gauge, making a text the worst possible way to bring up an old issue,” lifestyle coach Jaya Jaya Myra

4. Ending a relationship

When it’s time for a relationship to end, it can be both sad and freeing. Depending on if the end of the relationship is amicable, both you and your partner can have a lot of feelings that need to be processed. Ending a relationship with a text message can be cold, callous, and make your partner feel like you don’t really respect them or care about their feelings. Imagine how you would feel on the other end, and realize that your partner deserves to have a face-to-face conversation about the end of your relationship.

texting in relationship

5. Sexting

Who doesn’t like a little sexy texting? A lot of people feel like it’s a lot of fun and a way to spice up a relationship. Unfortunately, it might be something you want to reconsider doing. Sending a flirty message is okay, but when you send a photo of yourself, either scantily clad or completely naked, you’re giving your partner a lot of power over you. Sure, we all want to trust our partners with the pictures we send them, but you might not be with them forever. If you end up breaking up, your pictures will still be on their phones.

“The issue here is if you choose to send a sexually explicit message to someone, even your partner, once that message has been sent it is out of your control. You have no say in where it goes, who sees it and where it is posted,” adds Power.

Keep those sexy pictures to yourself and let your partner enjoy the real thing.

Final thoughts

Texting can be a great way for couples to communicate throughout the day, or when they’re spending time apart. But texting isn’t always the best way to communicate some things. Keep these things in mind when texting with your partner and make sure you don’t make these common mistakes.


6 Signs Someone’s Relationship Is Falling Apart (And They Don’t Know It)

No one wants to admit that their relationship is falling apart, and that it might be time to move on. Many people often deny the obvious signs that their relationship is coming to an end. After all, we put so much of our time and energy into cultivating these relationships, it can be hard to admit when they’re no longer good for us.

“Some of the insurmountable ‘deal breakers’ in a relationship are one person pushing to make a more formal commitment and the other not being ready. Another is partners of two different faiths refusing to come to a compromise about what religion(s) to raise children in. Other common areas are when a spender marries a saver, and one partner is not willing to work on this issue to where both partners are comfortable,” says psychologist Nicole Martinez, Psy.D., LCPC.

Learning the signs of a failing relationship is important for everyone, and it can save people a lot of heartbreak in the end. Someone’s relationship might be falling apart, and they don’t even know it! That’s how subtle these signs can sometimes be. Here are ways to tell when a relationship is falling apart – even if no one else can tell.

Here Are 6 Signs Someone’s Relationship Is About To End

“It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.” – Paulo Coelho

1. Lack of communication

Relationships need communication like we need food and water. When there’s no more communication, a relationship starves. While couples may be talking every day, they’re not communicating like they used to. This means that arguments go on longer than they used to, misunderstandings are happening every other day, and people’s feelings are getting unintentionally hurt because they can no longer communicate with one another.

Sexologist and sex coach Amy Levine says, “Avoiding the conversation, whether it’s about sex or something else, can lead to one or both partners feeling a range of negative emotions even if on a sub-conscious level. And if they are in La La Land and putting up a front that all is OK at home, playing this game in and of itself can be exhausting and take its toll.”

When the communication starts to go, it’s a big sign that the relationship is falling apart.

2. Not spending time together

People are supposed to enjoy spending time with their significant other – that’s kind of the whole point!

“Arguments over how time is spent, is fairly common in relationships. But it becomes a problem when quality time is eliminated from the relationship. A lack of quality time over a period of months or years can lead to frustration, resentment and withdrawal. It can also cause feelings of neglect, which creates further emotional and physical distance,” says author and marriage and divorce transformation specialist Nicola Beer.

Sure, we all have our own lives, and often spend time apart with other friends and family members. But when partners aren’t seeing each other as much as they used to, and no life event has mandated they spend time apart, it can be a red flag that the relationship is falling apart. Especially if the time apart doesn’t bother them!

signs of failing relationship

3. Lack of affection

Affection and intimacy is kind of the reason that people decide to become significant others – otherwise, we’d all just be hanging out with our best friends. When the affection starts to go, the relationship can also begin to starve and fall apart. Affection is a great way to connect with our partners and let them know they’re loved and wanted. If the affection begins to wane, it can mean a disconnection.

4. Keeping secrets

Our partners don’t have to know every little detail about our lives and day – if they don’t know about that time you broke your leg in 3rd grade, it’s probably not a huge deal. However, when we start feeling like we don’t want our partners to know about certain parts of our lives, and start actively keeping secrets from them, it might be time to take a long hard look at the relationship and see what’s up.

“While trust is an essential element of an intimate relationship, it can be easily broken and hard to repair. When your partner withholds important information from you regardless of their reasons, it’s normal to feel betrayed. For many people any form of deceit can be a deal breaker. In other words, by keeping secrets or lying to your partner, you run the risk that you will lose their trust and put your relationship in jeopardy,” adds clinical social worker and college instructor Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW.

A big part of any relationship is trust, and when that trust starts to fade, secrets start to come out to play.

5. No more patience

The things that our partners did at the beginning of the relationship used to be so charming! The way they were a picky eater, or the strange rituals they had before bed time. It was all new and exciting and charming and every little thing got us to fall more and more in love. But, once a relationship is at its end, those little habits start to become more and more annoying. As a result, we no longer have the patience to deal with them. When the patience runs out, partners start to argue more and more, and it can only turn into a disaster. If the things about your partner you once loved now annoy you, it might just signal that the relationship is falling apart.

6. Escape plans

When an escape plan becomes fully formulated, from either one or both partners, this is a time to step back and realize that the relationship is no longer healthy, and is falling apart at the seams. When there’s a clear strategy of getting out of the relationship, along with a whole break-up speech and having a place to stay if there’s cohabiting involved, then there’s a reason for it.

“It’s easy to get enveloped in these thoughts — sometimes they are escape outlets when you feel particularly trapped. But if such fantasies arise more and more frequently, and with greater detail, your subconscious may be sending you strong messages that it’s time to get out,” says Robert Taibbi, L.C.S.W.

People don’t make escape plans for relationships that they’re happy and committed to. This is a red flag that the relationship is in trouble.

Final thoughts

Watching a relationship fall apart, especially if it’s your own, can be frustrating. Sometimes, it’s best to let that relationship come to its natural end. Other times, these red flags can be just the wakeup call we need in order to become a better partner, or to demand the respect we deserve out of a relationship. Either way, these signs will let anyone know that a relationship is falling apart before they even realize it.


Doctors Explain How OCD Is Caused By Inflammation In The Brain

Inflammation is the body’s defense mechanism that is meant to protect us from internal and external threats. We are exposed to a myriad of potentially damaging toxins daily–food, water, cigarette smoke, polluted air, dtc.–and it may cause OCD, say doctors.

And we produce toxins internally. Chronic stress, anxiety, negative thinking, bacteria, and viruses – all of these things contribute to the toll that toxins take on our bodies and minds.

Well, the inflammation response helps to heal these things. In fact, without the inflammatory response, we wouldn’t last very long!

Here are a few quick facts on inflammation:

  • The body attempts to self-heal and is designed to eliminate harmful stimuli.
  • Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response.
  • Inflammation heals bruises, cuts, infections, tissue damage and wounds.

Things start to become a problem when the inflammation response becomes long-term – otherwise known as chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation causes the following health disorders:

  • active hepatitis
  • asthma
  • chronic peptic ulcer
  • Chron’s disease
  • periodontitis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • sinusitis
  • tuberculosis
  • ulcerative colitis


Dangers of Neuroinflammation

Neuroinflammation is  “inflammation of the nervous tissue,” and can be stimulated “in response to a variety of cues, including infection, traumatic brain injury, toxic metabolites or autoimmunity.”

Per Medical News Daily, “Growing evidence suggests that certain psychiatric conditions may involve neuroinflammation, some of which include major depressive disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar.”

And, according to a recent study, scientists may soon add Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, to that list.

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

OCD “involves unwanted and disturbing thoughts, images, or urges (obsessions) that intrude into a (person’s) mind and cause a great deal of anxiety or discomfort, which the (person) then tries to reduce by engaging in repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsion).”

OCD is more common than most people think. The website estimates that the condition affects 1 in 40 U.S. adults and 1 in 100 children. These numbers add up to about 2.3 percent of the U.S. population – or roughly 7.4 million children and adults.

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and prescription medication are the two most common treatments for OCD. Currently, prescribed treatments are successful at about a 70 percent clip.

How OCD connects to inflammation:

In a research study, subsequently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association: Psychiatry, scientists discovered a link between brain inflammation and OCD.

The team recruited 40 participants for the study, comprised of 20 individuals diagnosed with OCD, and 20 non-OCD participants.

To test their theory, the research team had to have a way to measure inflammation activity in the brain. Eventually, the team was able to effectively “color code” the brain cells responsible for immune defense (Microglia) by using dye.

After administering the dye, the team measured microglia activity within six regions of the brain thought to be responsible for OCD using Positron Emission Tomography (PET scan).

After analyzing the differences between OCD and non-OCD PET scans, researchers found that those with OCD had 32 percent more inflammation in the six brain regions associated with the disorder.

Dr. Jeffrey Meyer, head of the Neuroimaging Program in Mood and Anxiety at the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Canada – and the study’s lead author – says, “This finding represents one of the biggest breakthroughs in understanding the biology of OCD, and may lead to the development of new treatments.”


       RELATED: 6 Signs Your Partner Has Relationship OCD

From OCD Research to Treatment

Given that inflammation is the cause of numerous diseases, plenty of drugs – both over-the-counter and prescription – exist to correct it.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (Advil, Aleve) cross the blood-brain barrier, which, instinctively, would make the drugs at least marginally effective in reducing inflammation within the brain.

Whenever the brain is the subject of a research study, scientists, public health officials, and physicians demand additional proof – including verification of treatment efficiency.

Meyer, of course, understands this. “Medications developed to target brain inflammation and other disorders could be useful in treating OCD.” Meyer cautions, “work needs to be done to uncover the specific factors that contribute to brain inflammation, (and) finding a way to reduce inflammation’s harmful effects and increase its helpful effects could enable us to develop a new treatment much more quickly.”

Scientifically validated treatments may be a way off, but Meyer’s study provides hope to those suffering from a problematic mental condition.


7 Early Warning Signs of A Bad Thyroid to Never Ignore

The term “bad thyroid” refers to an underactive thyroid gland known as hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped organ in the neck that produces hormones that regulate metabolism and other critical bodily functions. When the thyroid gland is not functioning correctly, it can produce too little of these hormones, leading to a condition known as hypothyroidism.

Diagnosis of hypothyroidism is typically made through a blood test to measure levels of thyroid hormones and the pituitary hormone TSH. Treatment involves taking a daily hormone replacement pill, typically levothyroxine, which replaces the hormones not being produced by the thyroid gland. With proper treatment, most people with hypothyroidism can lead productive and healthy lives.

What is the Thyroid?


Our thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped organ at the base of the neck, releases hormones that help regulate our metabolism. Other vital functions the thyroid influences include the following:

  • Body temperature
  • Body weight
  • Breathing
  • Central and peripheral nervous systems
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Heart rate
  • Menstrual cycles
  • Muscle strength

Lying near the front of the throat and beneath the Adam’s apple, the thyroid comprises two sides called lobes. These lobes are connected by a strip of tissues called the isthmus.

The total size of this glandular powerhouse? Two inches.

How Does the Thyroid Gland Work?

Thyroid: a large ductless gland in the neck that secretes hormones regulating growth and development through the rate of metabolism. ~ Oxford English Dictionary

The thyroid is a constituent of the endocrine system – a collection of glands responsible for producing, storing, and releasing hormones into the bloodstream. The thyroid gland uses iodine from our foods to manufacture two critical hormones, ‘T3′ and ‘T4′.  (‘T3’ hormone is short for the hormone Triiodothyronine; ‘T4’ for Thyroxine.)

Thyroid hormone production is regulated via a feedback loop between the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland – two deeply entrenched, tiny brain areas.

The production of T3 and T4 hormones is a complex process. And as with anything complex, it’s not uncommon for thyroid problems to surface.

Seven Early Signs of Thyroid Troubles

It’s estimated that as many as 25 million Americans have a thyroid issue. Of this 25 million, roughly half (12.5 million) don’t realize it. Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, accounts for 90% of all thyroid conditions.

Here are seven of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism–if you have these ongoing symptoms, reach out to your doctor for testing and guidance:


1. Fatigue

Our body’s energy production requires a certain amount of thyroid hormones. Therefore, a significant drop off in this production leads to diminished energy levels, producing a strong sense of fatigue and weakness.

2. Weight gain

A shortage of thyroid hormones slows the body’s metabolic rate. When this happens, we don’t digest as many foods. As a result, fewer calories convert into energy. A lack of or insufficient treatment makes weight loss nearly impossible for many thyroid patients, even with proper diet and exercise.

3. Recurring sickness

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease, is the most common type of hypothyroidism. As we all know, a suppressed immune system makes it much more difficult to ward off harmful viruses and bacteria; this results in more frequent illness. Most worrisome is that Hashimoto’s causes the immune system to attack otherwise healthy organs and tissues.

4. Loss of coordination

Hypothyroidism that goes untreated can damage the peripheral nerves. These nerves relay information from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body, including our arms and legs. As a result, damage to these nerves may cause numbness, pain, and tingling in the affected area(s).

5. Brain fog

Our brain houses a particular type of immune cell called microglia. 10-15% of all brain cells are microglia, stimulating the body’s immune defense within the central nervous system (CNS). Brain fog stems directly from brain inflammation, a byproduct of irritated microglia cells. So forgetfulness, an inability to concentrate, and diminished cognitive ability are all telltale signs of brain fog.

6. Anxiety or depression

The brain is susceptible to inflammation. Besides experiencing a general loss of mental acuity (“brain fog”), our neurochemicals, i.e., neurotransmitters, are thrown out of whack. As the human brain is already susceptible to anxiety thanks to the fight-or-flight response, further imbalances increase the risk of anxiety and depression.

7. Various “under the surface” symptoms

Sometimes we intuitively know when something is wrong with our bodies. Relatedly, thyroid troubles are notorious for creating a mess of subtle yet distracting symptoms.

Here’s a “short list”: mood swings, excessive sleep, muscle and joint pain (including tendonitis and carpal tunnel), cold hands and feet, brittle nails, dry skin, hair loss, constipation, and neck swelling.

Maintaining Thyroid Health

Being the intelligent people you are, you quickly grasp the importance of thyroid health. But the truth is that many people downplay the importance of a healthy thyroid gland. Some are utterly unaware of what the thyroid is and what it does.

Here’s one case in point for why thyroid health is critical:

Myxedema, an advanced form of hypothyroidism, is rare, but it can be life-threatening when it occurs. Signs and symptoms include low blood pressure, decreased breathing, decreased body temperature, unresponsiveness, and even coma. In extreme cases, myxedema can be fatal.


Final Thoughts: Ten Things You Can Do to Improve Thyroid Health

Dr. Amy Myers, a board-certified physician and a survivor of Grave’s disease, recommends the following ten things to improve thyroid health.

  1. Make sure you take a high-quality multivitamin with Iodine, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin D, and B vitamins.
  2. Take a tyrosine supplement such as this one by Thorne Research to help with the FT4 to FT3 conversion.
  3. Go gluten-free! If you have Hashimoto’s, try going ultimately grain and legume free.
  4. Deal with your stress and support your adrenal glands. That’s because the adrenal glands and thyroid work hand and hand. So try restorative yoga and adaptogenic herbs (which) support the adrenal glands in coping with stress.
  5. Get eight to ten hours of sleep a night.
  6. Have a biological dentist safely remove any amalgam fillings you may have.
  7. Watch your intake of raw goitrogens. There is a bit of a debate surrounding this.
  8. Get fluoride, bromide, and chlorine out of your diet and environment.
  9. Heal your gut. A properly functioning digestive system (gut) is critical to good health.
  10. Find a functional medicine doctor in your area, have them run the above laboratory test. Then ask them to work with you to find the root cause of the thyroid imbalance.

Incorporating the right amount of iodine in your diet also helps! So eat iodine-rich foods, including sea vegetables, cranberries, yogurt, fish, eggs, whole-grain products, and unpasteurized dairy products.

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