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10 Signs Your Partner Is Breadcrumbing You

What is breadcrumbing, first of all? It’s a new slang that means “stringing you along.”

Breadcrumbing is the conscious act of leading someone on for the thrill of the ego boost. It’s the ‘hot’ cycle in the game of hot and cold. Designed to lure in one’s prey through attention, flattery and sexual intrigue, breadcrumbing is completely self-serving. It’s a head trip, played for control and domination,” says author and relationship expert, Susan Winter.

Plenty of relationships have had this particular phenomenon occur. It’s sending noncommittal but flirtatious messages or giving someone just enough attention to keep them interested so the other person has someone on standby.

It’s not fun, and plenty of people might not realize that their partner is “breadcrumbing” them in the first place. Here are some signs that your partner isn’t as invested as you are.

“Breadcrumbing is worse than ghosting because it is more sadistic. Breadcrumbing is a slow and painful death of a relationship, whereas ghosting makes it clear — eventually — that the person is gone.” – Carole Lieberman, M.D.

10 Signs Your Partner Is Breadcrumbing You


1. They send sporadic messages

Are you getting messages from them every once in a while but not consistently? You might be getting breadcrumbed if you’re not communicating consistently with them. They send you a message every couple of days, but only on their terms because “their ego is fulfilled when they reach out to you after months and you accepted their previous behavior and continue in a cycle of a dis-satisfactory relationship. Your ego, on the other hand, begins to take a hit to your self-esteem,” says behavioral scientist and relationship expert Clarissa Silva.

2. The messages are meaningless

Sure, sometimes they send you messages with some substance, but usually, it’s just a message that says, “what are you up to?” or “what’s up?” The messages lack substance and pull you back when you feel like they’re drifting away.

3. The messages are vague

They always seem to have a vague message to them, but you never really know what they mean. They say you should hang out soon but never make concrete plans. This is a red flag that you’re being strung by someone who is breadcrumbing you.

4. They want to hook up

When someone is breadcrumbing you, it’s probably because they want to hook up without any commitment. “Sometimes the breadcrumbing happens due to circumstances in someone’s life and they have no idea that they are doing it. Other times, someone is just not ready for a commitment,” says psychologist and relationship expert Dr. Jennifer Rhodes.

Maybe the relationship started out great, you went out together, and had fun, but now you only hang out for late night happy hour and a quickie afterward. Don’t fool yourself: It isn’t a real relationship. They just want to see you once in a while for one reason, and you’re not they only one they’re doing this to,” says relationship expert April Davis.

When you do see each other, it’s usually to get physically intimate pretty quickly. This might be a red flag if you notice your partner is all about hooking up.

wasting time quote

5. They’re noncommittal

You can’t seem to pin them down for anything. They even like to pull the “I don’t like labels” line. While that may be true, it’s probably more likely that they’re breadcrumbing you. This is usually combined with sporadic messages and always wanting to hook up.

Breadcrumbers “… communicate via sporadic noncommittal, but repeated messages — or breadcrumbs — that are just enough to keep you wondering but not enough to seal the deal (whatever that deal may be). Breadcrumbers check in consistently with a romantic prospect, but never set up a date,” says author Jessica Bennett.

6. You don’t feel good

You don’t feel good about a message when you get it. Maybe there’s the initial excitement of getting in contact, but afterward, you start to feel not so great about it. Your heart is racing and you may feel anxiety about the next time they’re going to contact you.

7. You’re wondering what you did wrong

Every time you can’t seem to get ahold of them, or every time there’s a long period between messages, you’re left wondering just what you did wrong. Of course, it was never anything you did wrong in the first place, but the feeling still won’t leave.

8. They always seem to know just when you’re getting over them

While it’s not psychic abilities, it’s probably keeping up with your social media.

When you’ve finally given up hope, the breadcrumber psychically senses your absence. Suddenly, they resurface. Now, the game begins again with more flattery and alluring bait… also known as the breadcrumbs,” adds Winter.

Therefore, if it seems like you’re starting to leave them behind, the bread crumber will tend to reach out to you to make sure that you remember them. It can easily draw you right back in.

9. Late night texts

All day long they had the opportunity to send you a message, but they seem to always send you something late at night. 2 am, 3 am, or later, even. It’s always a message asking what you’re doing, as if you’re not lying in bed trying to get to sleep. This is usually an excuse to make sure that you’re thinking of them even when they’re not thinking of you.

Remember, he doesn’t actually want you – he simply wants to play. This new method is toxic and suffocating because it turns a tease into confusion and heartache. You don’t need to know that you’re being thought of at 4am. You need to be thought of at 4pm – when the sun is still up,” says publisher and stylist Stacey O’Keeffe.

10. Passive aggressive

If your partner always seems to get passive-aggressive or manipulative when you try to confront them about breadcrumbing you, it’s probably a sign that they’re doing just that “because breadcrumbing is passive-aggressive behavior,” says relationship counselor and Gestalt therapist Clinton Power.

People who get defensive and passive-aggressive about their behavior probably don’t want to be called out about it.


Final Thoughts on Knowing the Signs of Breadcrumbing

Being on the other end of breadcrumbing can be frustrating. It often makes a person feel worthless and depressed since they can’t understand why they’re not worth someone’s whole commitment. But, if you find yourself on the other end of breadcrumbing, you’ll be able to recognize the signs.

Call them out on their bad behavior. Clarify you know this game and you’re not interested. Walk away… and keep walking. There’s no rehabilitation for an ego in need of this level of compensation,” concludes Winter.

Cutting someone off and stringing you along will make everything much easier for you in the long run.

10 Signs It’s Time to Detox Your Soul

Detoxing for the body is pretty common. Our bodies take in so many things that aren’t good for us that sometimes we need to detox and get back to the basics. But, a lot of people don’t know that the same thing can happen to our souls. Our minds and bodies can both be filled with negatives and things that are bad for our health.

Many health professionals identify depressive rumination as the root cause of unhappiness,” says Dr. Andrew Weil.

These are some signs to watch out for when it’s time to detox your soul, and how to start letting things go and getting your soul back in order…

Here Are 10 Signs Your Soul Needs Detoxification

1. You seek negativity

As the old saying goes “misery loves company”. When you find yourself scrolling through various news feeds or reading things that you know will upset you, then it’s time to step back and think about detoxing your soul.

Negative people can drag you down over time, and you might not even realise it until it’s been happening for too long. It’s certainly worth mentioning that there’s a big difference between a negative person, and a person that happens to be going through a negative situation – so be mindful of that possibility,” says business mentor Bev James.

Turning off your device and connecting with people you love is a great way to stop seeking misery and feeding bad things to your soul.

2. You’re not mindful when you speak

Do you find that most of the time when you start to talk, everything you say is sarcastic? Do you tend to hurt people’s feelings or put them off without meaning to? That calls for a detox of the soul. You’re not being mindful of the things you say because you’re so full of negativity. Purposefully uplifting others and thinking of kind things can help with this.

3. Your friends don’t want to be around you

If you’re constantly giving off negative vibes, then it’s no wonder that your friends probably don’t want to hang around you as much. This is a major red flag that your soul needs some serious detoxing so that you can start connecting with your friends again. No longer seeking negativity and surrounding yourself with people who make you happy will do wonders.

4. You feel numb

Emotions are what make us human. No emotion is bad. Emotions are neutral, and it’s how we deal with them that make the situation better or worse. But when you start to feel numb, and nothing is either good or bad, it’s time to detox your soul.

We treat the chronic pain with pain medication. We treat the insomnia with sleeping pills. We treat the weight issues with diet and exercise. And most damagingly, we may label soul loss as mental illness, such as depression, and cover up the symptoms with psychiatric medications that may make things worse by slapping a Band-aid on a wound that’s not healing underneath the bandage,” says physician, speaker and author Lissa Rankin, MD.

Therefore, getting in touch with all of your senses can kickstart your emotions back into gear and help you heal that wound underneath the bandage.

soul detox

5. You enjoy other people’s misfortunes

Instead of feeling sympathy or empathy when things go wrong for other people, you find yourself being gleeful that something is going wrong for someone else for a change. How would you want others to react if you were in their shoes? Confronting the ugliness honestly is the best way to detox.

“The problem is that many bitter people don’t know they are bitter. since they are so convinced that they are right, they can’t see their own wrong in the mirror. And the longer the root of bitterness grows, the more difficult it is to remove.” – Craig Groeschel

6. Happy people annoy you

Being surrounded by others who are happy can make you feel even more miserable. You may feel cut off from your positive emotions.

A trait that many happy people share is the ability to accept things as they are. While we don’t have control over everything that happens in the outside world, we can control what happens inside of us: how we choose to think, feel and react to those outside situations. The quality of our lives is determined by those very thoughts and actions,” says story-teller and copywriter Dawn Gluskin

Meditating and keeping yourself surrounded by a support system of people you love will help lift this particular negative feeling and help you detox your soul. Happiness should be contagious, not upsetting.

7. You don’t sleep well

Either you have a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up. Maybe you have nightmares that wake you up in the middle of the night. This is your soul trying to tell you that you need to detox, immediately. Meditation can be a great tool to help if you realign your soul and get you more sleep so you can feel positive during the day.

8. You’re always the victim

At least, that’s how you see yourself. You’re always the one who has been slighted, or someone has done wrong against you. If you find yourself in situations where you’re always being victimized, it might be time to take a serious look at your soul, and ask yourself: are you really the victim here? Maybe the negativity has just caught up with you.

Negative thoughts give birth to negative words, which in turn create more negative thoughts. Train yourself to notice whenever you are thinking, speaking, or even behaving in a negative manner, and as soon as you notice it stop yourself and turn it around,” says author Dar Payment.

9. You avoid meditation or prayer

These activities are what force us to spend time with ourselves and our thoughts in our most honest and vulnerable moments. If you’re avoiding doing this, it’s probably because there’s something inside your soul that you don’t want to confront. Take it baby steps at a time and focus on meditating more and more each day until you can start the detoxing that your soul needs.

Meditation soothes the soul. Turning inward is a beautiful way to clear away the muck of spiritual junk food. Listening to your internal wisdom is a quick path to shedding that which does not serve you,” says inspirational speaker and yoga teacher Rebecca Butler.

10. You’re always bored

Nothing seems fulfilling. Your hobbies don’t entice you anymore and nothing sounds fun. Your soul is in need of some serious detoxing so that you can start feeling emotionally connected to the things that you love again. Reaching out to your support network and getting in touch with the things you love again will be a big help.

Final thoughts

When bad chemicals build up in our bodies, it causes a toxic overload. This can make us feel lethargic or even make us sick. In a similar way, negative emotions can build up in our bodies, too. This can weigh heavily on our minds, spirits and bodies when ignored,” say Dr. Eric & Sabrina Ann Zielinski.

Our bodies and our souls both need attention when it comes to negativity and things that are bad for us. Keep in mind these red flags if your soul needs a serious detox. It’s not just our bodies that can become sick – so can our souls and our minds.


Experts Describe 5 Ways to Handle Infidelity In A Relationship

Infidelity is horrible – there’s nothing worse than that; it’s devastating. – Jessica Capshaw

Relationship counsellor Lauren Sokolski says, “I think of infidelity or an affair as any sort of extra-‘marital’ relationship that detracts from either the emotional or physical/sexual relationship you are having with your significant other. What I mean by detracting from the main relationship is to do with the energy and attention that is being invested into another person at the expense of the primary relationship.

When infidelity arises in a relationship, our emotions can get the best of us. We may want to yell, scream and cry, but that isn’t the best, or most mature, course of action. There are ways to deal with infidelity in a relationship that doesn’t include letting yourself give in to your emotions. It may feel like the relationship and trust is forever broken, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. While things may feel impossible, it’s important to take a deep breath and focus your energy on what to do when adultery happens in the relationship.

Here Are 5 Ways To Handle Infidelity In A Relationship

1. Identify the problems in the relationship

Infidelity doesn’t show up in relationships out of nowhere – not usually. Sometimes we can pinpoint it to someone’s poor personality and lack of respect for their partner, but that isn’t always the case. When infidelity occurs, a key reason is that there is something wrong in the relationship.

… If there is a sincere change in behavior, and if the problems that led to the infidelity are addressed and corrected, and both parties approach the problem with a sincere wish to discover what went wrong and fix it, then forgiveness is an important part of the healing process, whether the couple stay married or not,” says psychotherapist and author Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D.

Taking the time to identify what these problems are will mean that the couple will be able to move forward with healing, rather than just wallowing in the pain and guilt of the infidelity. Both partners need to be willing to listen about what the problems and difficulties are.

I’ve talked with plenty of people who say with pride that they never talked about the affair. That’s not healing. You need to reach the point where you can talk about it without pain. If you never, ever discuss it, you cannot recover,” adds author Peggy Vaughan.

2. Create opportunities to connect

Shutting your partner out is a snap decision for many people struggling with a partner who committed adultery in the relationship. In order to deal with an infidelity with maturity, not allowing yourself to give into the instinct of shutting your partner out is important. Both partners need to be given the opportunity to speak and connect with one another, which includes the partner who sought out the extramarital affair. In order to do this, you need to be able to spend time together talking about both painful topics, as well as spending time without discussing them as well.

If you’re serious about fixing the problems in your relationship, it’s crucial that you both begin to face each other honestly and openly…. It’s time to take an honest look at what went wrong…. it’s the only way to repair the damage done. Be willing to make the changes that will fix them,” adds Dr. Tessina.


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3. Accepting responsibility

As the offending partner, accepting responsibility is paramount to being able to move forward in the relationship after an affair. The person who had the affair is both responsible for their choices as well as their behavior. Trying to point fingers and say that there’s something in the relation that “made” them become unfaithful is not going to help move past it, nor is that dealing with it in a mature fashion.

The wounded partner will feel the stirrings of new faith only after multiple proofs of trustworthiness. Atonement cannot occur if the cheater insists that the victim take partial blame for the affair,” says Dr. John Gottman in his book titled ‘What Makes Love Last?’

The only way to deal with infidelity in a mature way is to accept responsibility for the things that you have done.

Forgiving each other doesn’t mean condoning what happened, or that it would be OK if it happened again. What it does mean, is that you’re willing to close that chapter and move on. Your therapist can help you understand and create mutual forgiveness,” concludes Dr. Tessina.

4. Cut off contact with the affair partner

This is important if the end goal is to reconcile the original relationship. The offending partner should not be continuing to have contact with the person that they had an affair with. To begin rebuilding trust, this is the first and foremost rule. Not only this, but the offending partner must be willing to tell their partner where they are going, so as to help rebuild the trust that was broken by the affair.

Accepting that the trust was once broken and now needs to be rebuilt is important in moving the relationship forward.

5. Therapy or counseling

To move forward from an affair, both partners must be willing to accept help. Some people tend to shut down at the thought of counseling. Perhaps they find it hard to be truthful and open. However, going forward with trying to heal from an infidelity can fall apart without a trained professional to help guide you forward.

Therapy can provide the opportunity for couples to address feelings openly and honestly in a safe place in order to be able to make some changes in their relationship,” says registered social worker and therapist Lauren Sokolski.

The mature way to deal with an infidelity is to accept help where it is needed, and allow someone to guide you through the steps to help heal. A counselor or therapist can be key, due to being an unbiased and outside observer to the relationship who will not judge either partner.

Final thoughts

When a couple faces an affair in their relationship, it can be something that tears a couple apart. The rift in the relationship can easily grow larger if the affair is not dealt with in a mature manner. Get the help early to prevent from burning bridges permanently. Giving into your basic instincts to fight and shut down will only break the relationship further.

The couple needs to let go of the parts of their marriage which were not working, and then move towards creating a new dynamic in the relationship. Couples can emerge from an affair with a better sense of who they each are and what they want from their relationship,” says licensed marriage and family therapist David Klow.

Accepting responsibility, allowing yourself to connect with your partner and identifying the problems in the relationship will allow the couple to move forward and heal.


Science Explains Why People Think Bald Men Are Highly Attractive

“Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man – there’s your diamond in the rough.” – Larry David

Men, fear not. If you ever worried about your receding hairline or the thinning out of your gorgeous locks, you no longer have anything to fear. Science is finally on your side. According to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, “men with shaved heads were rated as more dominant than similar men with full heads of hair.

Ladies, there’s a reason that you find men with less hair more attractive in some cases. That is to say, science has some proof as to why bald men are considered more attractive, more confident, and have more sex appeal than their full-haired counterparts.

The above-mentioned study has found that men who are bald are perceived differently than men who have a full head of hair, or men who have half a head of hair. What’s the deal? Why are bald men considered sexier than men who aren’t? Baldness isn’t entirely for old men any more. Studies show that 80% of men tend to have some amount of hair loss by the time they’re 50. Research has now shown that this isn’t a bad thing.

3 Reasons Why Bald Men Are More Attractive


1. Accepting baldness raises your confidence level

Men tend to become anxious and worried about their thinning hair. They try to cover it up or ignore it. However, a new study has found that it’s easier to just accept the balding or thinning hair and just shave it all off. By shaving off his hair, the man has accepted the fact that he is balding. With this acceptance comes a confidence that can no longer be wavered by societal pressure. After all, a bald head has become more and more accepted by the outside world.

Men, when pictured with shaved heads, are viewed as more dominant, more masculine and in some cases even physically taller and stronger than men with hair,” says Wharton Professor Al Mannes.

Confidence is one of the sexiest things about anyone, whether they’re a man or a woman. Many people know that confidence is key when it comes to sex appeal as well. When a man accepts his bald head by continuing to keep his hair shaved, he makes himself seem sexier by exuding confidence. Women often find confidence very attractive, which is one of the main reasons that bald heads are now considered far more attractive.

2. Women now notice a man’s face

When we look at people, sometimes the very first thing we notice is their hair, even if we’re looking right at their face. That’s why we tend to give people we don’t know epithets like “the blond one”, or in trying to jog someone’s memory we might say, “he had brown hair.” When a man no longer has hair, and he is bald, women tend to look directly at the man’s face. More specifically, they look right into his eyes.

… in the absence of hair, women look at the eyes instead and we know that first impressions count the most, therefore men with no hair whatsoever direct a lady’s attention to their eyes instead and if they are able to maintain eye-contact they can create rapport more easily,” states

Eye contact is an extremely powerful form of body language that many researchers have said exudes both confidence and attraction when done correctly. Women who must now look into a man’s eyes in the absence of a full head of hair find them more attractive due to the prolonged eye contact. By using eye contact, men and women can establish trust more easily, and with easier trust comes easier attraction.


gray hair

RELATED: 5 Reasons to Never Ignore Gray Hair

3. Motherly instincts

In another theory, the research suggests that men with shaved heads can often remind women of children or babies. This isn’t to say that they’re more attractive because of looking like children. Indeed, it happens because motherly instincts start to kick in for the woman. Not every woman has this same instinct, but many women do.

She looks at man with a bald head, her motherly instincts take over and she becomes endeared to him. This connection can spawn genuine attraction once the man and woman get to know one another. While this is only a theory, it’s still one possible reason that men without hair draw more women to them and are considered more attractive.

Final Thoughts on Why Bald Men Are Hot

Baldness is no longer considered the death sentence of a man’s attractiveness. Many men find that losing their hair makes them feel psychological distress. Thankfully, with the new trends in society, this no longer has to be the case. Men with bald heads are more common and more accepted than ever. In fact, many women prefer dating bald-headed men, finding them the most attractive.

Not only that, but research now supports what women have already known. Men with bald heads aren’t unattractive, but quite the opposite. They’re far more attractive than other men with hair. Whatever the reason, whether it’s because women can make easier eye contact, or bald men exude higher confidence, women, and science both agree.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Differences Between Loving Someone and Being In Love

Loving someone and being in love with someone are similar feelings with some key differences. Professional life coach and relationship expert Kemi Sogunle says the following:

Being in love with someone can stem from infatuation, possessiveness and obsession. Loving someone on the other hand, goes beyond the physical presence. You desire to see them grow, you see past their flaws, you see opportunities of building into each other and together; you motivate, encourage and inspire one another.

A lot of the time, people aren’t able to tell the difference between when they simply adore or admire someone platonically and when they’ve found their own special someone. This can lead to a lot of confusion to both parties. Thankfully, there are some important differences that can help everyone figure out what they’re feeling: whether it’s adoration, or whether they’ve falling head over heels into a lasting relationship.

“True love doesn’t happen right away; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs, when you’ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together.” – Ricardo Montalban

6 Differences Between Loving Someone And Being In Love

1. Loving someone is a choice.

Falling head over heels is largely involuntary.

When you have a good relationship with someone, you make the conscious effort to continue loving them. Consider your family that you don’t always get along with. Or think of your best friend from grade school that you argue with as much as you get along. Those are the kinds of people that you make the choice to keep loving.

Entrepreneur Paul Hudson says, “You need him or her to be a part of your life in some way or another, not because you want to own a piece of this person, but because you want to give him or her a piece of yourself; loving someone is deeming him or her worthy of owning a part of you.

When you fall head over heels, you don’t really get a choice in the matter. Humans fall for people they expect to all the time because your emotional reaction isn’t a choice.

2. Finding your soul mate means putting them first.

When you adore someone, you want them to do well and wish them the best.

However, when you’re in love with someone, it means doing everything in your power to help them succeed. You put them first and help them reach their goals. This usually balances out, because if they reciprocate the feelings, then they’re doing the same thing for you.

… the only way to love is to be less egocentric – to put the needs and well-being of others ahead of your own. When you’re willing to put the happiness of another ahead of your own, you are taking the part in the phenomenon we call love,” adds Hudson.

You’re prepared to make sacrifices for one another in a way that you wouldn’t do for your best friend or someone you simply feel frienship for.


RELATED: 3 Differences Between Love And Attachment

3. Being in love is forever.

We adore many different people in our lives, and usually that feeling tends to fade. We admire our best friends from college, but as the years change we may only remember them fondly. “Falling in love may not necessarily last long since it is usually based on infatuation, lust or obsessing over the other party,” adds Sogunle.

Therefore, love is a thing that can fade – but being in love is forever. Even if those people aren’t in our lives anymore, we can still conjure up those same old familiar emotions for them. When we’re head over heels for someone, an argument doesn’t make those feelings disappear. We will want to be with them for the rest of our lives.

4. Being in love means letting them be where they are happy.

When you feel affection for someone, you want them around all the time. You feel good about having them with you, and you don’t ever want to say goodbye.

However, when you’re head over heels loving someone, it means you know when to let them go and be where they’re most happy. You’re ready to make the sacrifice of not having them around if it means that they’re going to be somewhere that they’re safe, healthy and happy.

When you truly love someone, in a clean, unattached way, there is an overwhelming sense of wanting the absolute best for them. True love is wanting the absolute best for someone, even if what is best for them is to not be in a relationship with you, says relationship coach Jordan Gray.

Having a happy, balanced life means that your special person occasionally has to spend time away from you. And you know and accept that.

5. Being in a special relationship is steady, not a rush.

When you are infatuated with someone it’s often quick and exciting. You’ll feel a rush of emotions that knock you off your feet. You get all those good feelings all at once and eventually, they start to fade.

These quick burn relationships are the ‘kindling’ relationships. They light ablaze quickly, and then burn off into short-lived ashes in a metaphorical matter of minutes,” adds Gray.

But when you’re truly meant to be with someone, those feelings don’t just come all at once and peter out. Instead, this relationship means that your emotions will be there constantly. Rather than having emotions that will have incredible highs and terrible lows, you will feel a steady stream of affection that never fades.

6. Being head over heels for someone is about partnership.

When you are in a platonic relationship with someone, it’s often about how they make you feel. Moreover, you feel entitled to those emotions. But when you are meant to be with someone, it’s the opposite. In fact, those emotions are all about how you make them feel and coming together to form a partnership. Neither of you owns the other, but you are your own people and want to build a life and partnership together.

Becoming partners is a process. It’s a combination of growing as a couple and growing as a human being on your own. It’s the reality of true friendship. It’s more than the fun parts of love. A partner means compromise. It means trudging through the muck of life knowing someone really has your back,” says Lexi Herrick, founder of

Final Thoughts on Loving Someone Versus Being In Love

Being head over heels and loving someone can feel the same, and you’re allowing yourself to simply focus on how good those feelings are. Loving people and finding your forever partner both have their own places in our relationships and lives.

Knowing the difference between being in an enduring relationship with a person and simply loving someone can help with a lot of relationships and make navigating them easier.

“Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being ‘in love’ which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away…” – Louis de Bernieres, Correlli’s Mandolin

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