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6 Health Warning Signs From Your Feet to Never Ignore

Our bodies will always tell us when something is wrong. Whether or not we know how to listen is another matter entirely! Sometimes, we can pinpoint when something is seriously wrong because of changes in our body, but other things are more subtle or easy to brush off. Our feet, for example, are a great indicator of health. They can tell us all kinds of things that could be wrong, but we need to know how to listen to them.

In fact, one of the first things that a health care practitioner will look at on an elderly patient is the condition of their feet because it can tell them so much. Your feet do far more than carry you from place to place. They give you a quick way of checking your overall health. They can tell you if you need more nutrients and if a serious medical condition is lurking in your body,” says healthy lifestyle expert Danette May.

Here Are Some Warning Signs From Your Feet That You Should Never Ignore

“I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.” – Joyce Meyer

1. Hairless feet or toes

Most people would kill to have hairless feet because of all the maintenance needed to remove the hair from your feet. But in actuality, having hairless feet can be a sign of blood circulation problems. If you’ve got heart issues or circulation problems, your body will have to prioritize, and getting enough blood to your feet to grow the hair there isn’t as important as your vital organs. That might also make it challenging for doctors to locate a pulse in the feet.

Orthopedic surgeon Lance Silverman, MD, states, “One cause of insufficient blood supply to the feet and toes is peripheral arterial disease, or PAD for short. When plaque builds up in the arteries of your legs, blood flow can be restricted and PAD can set in. If left untreated, PAD could lead to a heart attack or stroke, or even put you at risk for amputation.

While it may be nice to not have any hair on your feet, you’ll definitely want to keep in mind that it could be a sign of some other issue.

2. Sunken toenails

A lot of people don’t pay enough attention to their toenails. Feet come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Still, a sunken in toenail, with a spoon-like shape, is a sign of anemia, “hemochromatosis (overproduction of iron), Raynaud’s disease (which affects blood supply to the fingers and toes), and sometimes lupus (an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks cells, tissues, and organs), according to Reader’s Digest.

When your body doesn’t have enough iron, you may feel exhausted, weak, short of breath, and other symptoms. Sunken in toenails is a quick way to see if you may have any of the above-mentioned causes. Remember, anemia can be dangerous all on its own, so listen to your feet and get yourself checked out by your doctor.


3. Coldness

Do you have chronically cold feet? Are you always the first to break out the fluffy socks, even in the summer? Your feet may be trying to tell you something, namely that your thyroid may not be working correctly. It may also be a sign of poor circulation because you blood isn’t getting to your extremities. You may notice that your hands and fingers are much colder than others. It might be worth checking out if you’ve got constantly cold feet.

4. Yellow toenails

Your toenails should look a lot like your fingernails. If there’s any discoloration, it’s probably a sign that something else is going on. The most commonly discolored toenail is yellow, and a fungal infection usually causes that. You can get this from just about anywhere, from your shoes to the local swimming pool. Thankfully, a fungal infection is quick and easy to deal with. You can get over-the-counter methods of dealing with a fungal infection, or use home remedies so you always have something on hand.

Apart from a fungal infection, thickened or  yellowed nails might also indicate the presence of an underlying disease. Some diseases can include lymphedema (swelling related to the lymphatic system), lung problems, psoriasis, or rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Numbness

It’s never good when a part of your body goes numb, so hopefully, when you feel your feet going numb for no reason, you’re already on your way to the doctor to check it out. Numbness in the feet can be caused by nerve damage, or neuropathy. People with diabetes are at risk of having this numbness of the feet, so keep an eye out and get checked if this happens.

6. Flaky feet

Flaky skin isn’t a good thing, no matter where it is in your body. But for feet, specifically, flaky skin can be a sign of athlete’s foot, especially if the flakiness is coming from between the toes or it can signify problems with your thyroid.

If the skin around your heel or on the ball of your foot is dry, cracked, or flaky, it may be a warning sign of a thyroid condition. Your thyroid gland produces hormones that control your metabolic rate, blood pressure, tissue growth, and nervous system functions,” adds Dr. Silverman.

Athlete’s foot is a very common, but also contagious, fungal infection. Thankfully, it’s also one that’s pretty treatable, so make sure you look into over-the-counter methods for getting rid of athlete’s foot.


Final thoughts

Our bodies always try to talk to us and tell us what’s wrong. Our feet are no different, but many people neglect them for one reason or another. But checking your feet for signs of abnormalities can be your warning sign to some different kinds of issues that your body can have. Whether it’s something as easy to get rid of as a fungal infection or something more serious like a heart problem, our feet are a great way to make sure our bodies are working right.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

11 Quotes to Remember When You Feel Like Giving Up On Your Relationship

The Power of Words

Have you ever stopped to think about how well phrases have stood the test of time?

Have you ever used one or more of the phrases, “As my _____ used to say,” “In the words of ______,” or “_____ once said” before following up with a quote? How about having one or more quotes that you remember and recite? (Please share!)

Words of the greatest Presidents, athletes, scientists, artists, and philosophers are forever engraved. Why is this? Because all of us need a source of inspiration. We look to the great minds of history with the hope of shaping the present and future.

This segues into today’s topic: quotes that inspire strength during relationships.

Here are 11 such quotes:

1. “There is no challenge strong enough to destroy your marriage as long as you are both willing to stop fighting against each other, and start fighting for each other.” – Dave Willis

Mr. Willis makes an excellent point. When we’re heated with our partner, our natural tendency is to put up a defense mechanism. We become irritable, unable to think clearly, and devoid of energy.

What if we focused instead on channeling our energies, redirecting them, and forming amicable solutions?

2. “Apologizing does not mean that you’re wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.” – Unknown

Apologizing when there’s a good chance you’re right about something takes guts. When you love someone, the need to be right all the time should take a backseat. A healthy relationship is all about compromise, even if you have to take a small hit to your ego every once in a while.

3. “Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home … it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.” – Chuck Palahniuk

Notice that Mr. Palahniuk uses the words find joy in everything that you choose. You (and your partner) have a responsibility to iron out the wrinkles in the relationship. Despite your best efforts, if you’re unable to either engage your partner or find joy, time to change things up.

4. “I am not telling you it is going to be easy – I am telling you it is going to be worth it.” – Art Williams

Imperfections prevent us from having a “perfect” relationship. Intimacy does not come easy – it can involve some hard work. What matters is that you keep your eye on the ball – the ball being a happily-imperfect relationship.

5. “You can’t just give up on someone because the situation is not ideal. Great relationships are not great because they have no problems. They are great because both people care enough about the other person to work on solving them.” – Unknown

Though lengthy and a bit confusing, this anonymous person hit us with some good common-sense wisdom. Idealism is a delusion and practicality matters in a relationship. Simplicity matters too. In this case, there’s a two-step process: identify the problem, and diligently work on a solution.


6. “Relationships end too soon because people stop putting in the same effort to keep you, as they did to win you.” – Unknown

To love someone is to be mindful of their thoughts and feelings. Love is an embodiment of human nature in that it’s dynamic, not static. Becoming smitten with someone is easy; respecting them enough to put forth the necessary effort to keep things going isn’t.

7. “He can’t read your mind. So take a moment to let him know how you really feel.” – Stephen Speaks

Have you ever brooded about your partner without letting them know why? You’re just sort of steaming like a teapot with no spout? Time to put on your big boy pants, do some thinking, and have a real conversation.

8. “It doesn’t matter who hurt you, or broke you down. What matter is who made you smile again.” – Unknown

Some people have a serious problem letting go of the past. It is important to remember that the individual you’re with now is not anyone you’ve been with before. Don’t allow the past to dictate your future.

9. “There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in the madness.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Let’s face facts: love is not easy. In fact, it can be downright frustrating; even maddening. But remember the reasons why you’re with a person. There is a reason behind the madness, even if it’s difficult to see.

10. “Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.” – Bob Marley

As we are all imperfect, it’s a certainty that we’ll hurt the people we love at some point, even unknowingly. As the dynamism of an intimate relationship transcends any relationship type, it’s possible you’ll feel more hurt by your partner than anyone else. But if true love is present and felt by both people, it’s definitely worth the suffering.

11. “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t they never were.” – Richard Bach

Sometimes we have to cut ties to learn of someone’s true feelings. Is this hard? Absolutely. But, what is the point of holding onto someone if they don’t want to be there in the first place? Let them “test the waters.” If they paddle their way back, it’s probably a good sign.

Words can inspire and words can destroy. Choose yours well. ~ Robin Sharma

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Should You Follow Your Head Or Your Heart? Researchers Reveal Which One to Pick

For lack of better phrasing, heart-based decisions are those that evoke little resistance from your brain. The inner monologue you have with yourself isn’t based on rational thought. Heart decision-making, therefore, can be described as impulsive.

Compare this with your head, which tries – and often fails – to get us to think logically despite an influx of emotions. We face this situation a lot, but perhaps no more than when we really want something – clothes, electronics, food – whatever.

Here’s something most of us can relate to:

It’s rush hour. You’ve had a long day; you’re tired, irritable – and hungry. You see a billboard for your favorite fast food joint.

Heart: “Oh my GAWD…double cheeseburger…fries…”
Brain: “Terrible idea.”
Heart: “I really don’t want to cook…”
Brain: “We’ve got leftovers in the fridge. We’re trying to eat healthy, remember?”
Heart: “Leftovers suck.”
Brain: “…”

Is “Listen to your heart” the right advice?

“Emotion and time pressure are two important factors affecting risk decision-making … under high time pressure, two distinct cognitive pathways may function in human decision-making.” ~ Hu.Y, et al. “The effect of emotion and time pressure on risk decision-making.”

listen to head or heart

Should You Follow Your Head Or Your Heart? Researchers Reveal Which One to Pick

It’s an all-too-common expression, though most of us haven’t a clue what it really means. “Just follow your heart.” “Let your heart guide you.” “The heart knows.” And so on…

But if we think of the heart as the epicenter of emotion, which many do, such advice can be counterproductive at best, and disastrous at worst.

Perhaps there were instances when you threw caution to the wind, allowed your emotions to lead the way, and things turned out well. Generally speaking, however, this chain of events is the exception and not the rule.
So why do we insist on emotional decision making?

A couple of reasons:

(1) We tend to remember distinguishing events, particularly those when a positive outcome was realized.
(2) Positive outcomes produce positive emotions, which – as a result of cognitive biases – attributes these outcomes to random decision-making.

An interesting study

Scientists from East China Normal University conducted an experiment consisting of 72 college-age participants. The research was designed to mimic real-life scenarios involving the factors of time constraints, emotional arousal, and risk decision-making.

The research team implemented a ‘3×2′ experimental framework, consisting of three emotional states (positive, negative, and controlled), and two variations of time constraints (high time constraint and no time constraint.)
Here’s how the team conducted each experiment.

– Emotion induction: The research team exposed 24 students to positive emotions using a “feel good” motion picture” popular in China; 24 students watched a movie designed to produce the opposite effect, and the remaining 24 students didn’t watch anything.

– Following the emotion-induction phase, all students then took a high time pressure, multiple choice test.

– Lastly, the students took a Chinese version of the PANAS test – a psychometric scale measuring the levels of positive or negative emotions each student felt.

Under the time pressure condition, students were far more likely to make risky decisions when they were feeling happy – and far less likely to make risky decisions when they felt neutral or negative emotions.

With an unlimited time to consider risk, however, emotion made no difference when making risk-taking decisions.


gut instincts

Final Thoughts

Although we’re straying a bit, here’s something fascinating to consider:
Breakthrough research is being (and already has been) conducted on ‘heart intelligence,’ specifically, how the heart and brain work in cohort. As it turns out, the heart has its own neural network that is constantly in communication with the brain and body. (We’ll include a link in the ‘Sources’ section.)

The clever group of folks who made this discovery are quick to point out one thing: our heart isn’t just some “pump” that circulates blood. Indeed, the heart has “a mind” of its own.

So, no, you don’t make bad decisions because you “listen to your heart.” You make bad choices because you’re caught up in a barrage of emotions.

Susan Krauss-Whitbourne, Ph.D., wraps it up nicely:

“Listening to your (“heart) is something that will more likely hurt you than not, especially if you are under any kind of time pressure. Once you’ve had to time to sort through all the factors, both rational and irrational, your judgment should be clearer. Decisions to take risks may in fact benefit you, but just take your time, whenever possible, to gain the most fulfillment from those decisions.”

4 Behaviors A Narcissist Displays That Reveals Their True Colors

A lot of people think they might be able to pinpoint a narcissist if it ever came down to it – after all, they only care about themselves and being the center of attention, right? The thing about most narcissists, however, is that they’re quite able to hide their true nature from people who don’t know the correct signs to look for. In most cases, a narcissist only reveals their true colors when they’re in conflict, from petty squabbles to full-blown arguments.

Learning the key behaviors that a narcissist displays before showing themselves for who they are, can help many people learn when it’s time to stop investing time, money, or emotional energy into this person – because the only thing you’re going to be doing is feeding their need to be the absolute center of attention in any way they can get it. Here are some key behaviors that the person you’re dealing with is a true narcissist.

Here Are 4 Behaviors A Narcissist Displays That Mirrors Their True Colors


1. Emotional hot potato

Everyone knows the game “hot potato”. You pass a ball back and forth between a group of people, not wanting to be the last one to hold it when “hot potato” is called out. Narcissists play this same game, but with emotions. Consider, for example, that a narcissist is feeling angry, and getting irrational. Instead of accepting that these are feelings that they have, they assign those feelings onto the person that they’re speaking to – so, now you’re the one who’s angry and irrational, even if that isn’t true.

Author Peg Streep says, narcissists “can play consciously to manipulate you but it can also be unconscious behavior on the narcissist’s part. In any case, what emerges from hot potato is the narcissist’s vision of what really happened and it will all boil down to one basic theme: It’s always your fault and never his or hers. The inability and unwillingness to take responsibility for actions and words under any circumstances are also narcissistic hallmarks.

Therefore, taking responsibility for their own emotions will never happen, but rather they will project those feelings onto you, so they can scold you for how “you’re” feeling.

2. Demand and withdraw

This behavior involves a person demanding something from the narcissist – say, something important in the relationship has to change for them to be happy. At the demand, the narcissist will withdraw emotionally and physically: crossed arms, silent treatment, cold shoulder, stonewalling and ignoring the person issuing the demand. This will cause the other person to get increasingly upset, because the narcissist is refusing to engage with an emotional situation.

In the end, it becomes the other person’s fault for making the demand in the first place. If they hadn’t, then the narcissist wouldn’t be acting this way in the first place. It’s a form of manipulation that makes the other person think that all the problems in the relationship are their fault.


3. Vindictive behavior

Get into an argument? The narcissist will spread lies about who was right and who was wrong, eager to paint you as the person who had wronged them in every situation. A vindictive person is always trying to get back at those they have deemed wrong. If you notice this in a person but are lucky enough not to be the target, you may very well be dealing with a narcissist. However, you are not yet on their radar.

But why the lies?

Dr. Joseph Burgo states, “Because of his distorted, defensive relationship to reality, the Extreme Narcissist often believes the lies he tells, both to himself and other people. He doesn’t see himself as a liar but rather as an embittered defender of the ‘truth’ as he has come to see it.

The narcissist is always the one to paint themselves as the victim, no matter what, even if they are clearly in the wrong. Be careful if you are not on the receiving end of a narcissist’s revenge – one wrong move, and you very well could be.

4. Indifference to emotional outcomes

The narcissist doesn’t care about the outcomes of high-stress or high-emotion situations, so long as they come out on top. If some sort of argument or disagreement has escalated enough for them to lose their friends and family connections, it doesn’t matter, so long as they are the ones who are “winning” in the argument. They only want to feel as they have behaved in a way that seems reasonable and fair to them, even if they have done everything in their power to destroy the connections that they have made through life, through either friendships or familial relationships.

Final thoughts

Dealing with a narcissist can be very overwhelming, especially if you’re entirely unaware as to why someone is behaving the way that they are. Keeping an eye out for these behaviors in your relationships can make it easier to arm yourself against the manipulation and emotional abuse that a narcissist is capable of. While being aware of the behavior may not allow you to avoid being caught up in it altogether, it’ll give you a starting point on how to get yourself free of a toxic individual.

“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm, but the harm [that they cause] does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” – T. S. Eliot


7 Signs Your Relationship Is Draining You

How do you feel about your relationship? Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel like you can wake up to a brighter, better day? If so, then this probably doesn’t apply to you. However, if you can’t say the same about your relationship, then it may be that your relationship has a few issues that could be worked on. It may also be a sign that your situation is toxic and it isn’t good for you.

A toxic relationship is “like taking a shot of battery acid every day: The drink itself burns, but the single dose isn’t enough to kill you—it’s only after weeks or months of this poisonous diet that you realize you’ve destroyed your stomach lining and your faith in love,” according to

You could be in a relationship that is sucking the life out of you without even knowing it. If you find that you are more anxious, depressed, and tired than you used to be before you got into your current situation, it might be a sign that your relationship isn’t working. Look at these signs that your relationship is sucking your life out of you.

 7 Signs Your Relationship Is Draining You

relationship standards

1. They’re hostile

Is your partner angry a lot? Do they seem hostile all of the time? If your partner seems to always be on the edge of becoming furious, and it feels like you’re walking on eggshells to make sure that you don’t upset them, then it might just be a toxic relationship sucking the life out of you.

Life coach Kali Rogers says, “If you feel like sharing your own feelings or relying on your partner emotionally will rock the boat, chances are you feel emotionally drained. If you feel like relying on them in the slightest bit will cause an implosion, it’s best to reevaluate the stability of your relationship.”

Remember, living with a lot of anger and tension can cause a lot of anxiety and depression, which can suck your life out and make you feel worse and worse.

2. They put you down

Your relationships are supposed to make you feel good. Your partner should be supporting you, and when that doesn’t happen, it can turn into your partner putting you down for things that you like, or for your appearance, or for your intelligence. If your partner makes you feel worse about yourself and not better, then it can be a sign that your relationship is truly sucking the life out of you.

“Relationships are supposed to make you feel good. Relationships are not supposed to make you feel bad.” – Laura Bowers

3. They refuse to talk about problems

Communication is one of the most important things in a relationship, and when communication breaks down it can cause a lot of problems. When problems arise in the relationship, it’s important to be able to talk them out. However, when your partner refuses to talk about those problems and work them out, it can be a sign that they don’t want to change or put any effort into the relationship. This can cause the relationship to feel like it’s sucking the life out of you.

Psychoanalyst Sue Kolod, PhD, says, “When it is not possible to discuss the issues in the relationship there’s a huge problem. One patient has told me that if she tries to talk about her expectations for the future with her boyfriend, he disappears for several days. This is a toxic pattern because it results in my patient feeling afraid to bring up concerns with her boyfriend.

bad relationship

4. They fight dirty

There’s no way to avoid arguments in a relationship. Every once in a while, every relationship will experience a disagreement or an argument. However, most couples can settle fights without ‘fighting dirty’. This means you can talk through the argument without name-calling, or bringing up old arguments that have already been resolved. If your partner tends always to call you names, belittle you, or try to gaslight you with things that have happened in past arguments, then it will indeed suck the life out of you.

Ken Page, LCSW, a psychotherapist and author says, “Every couple has what I call a ‘good conflict.’ Don’t run from that conflict. It’s supposed to be there. In fact, it’s your key to happiness as a couple—if you both can name it and commit to working on it together as a couple. If you approach your ‘good conflicts’ with bitterness, blame, and contempt, your relationship will turn toxic.

5. You don’t act like yourself

Did you used to be outgoing, happy, and likeable? Has your personality changed somewhat? Are you more withdrawn, anxious, depressed, and unhappy? It might have to do with the relationship that’s sucking the life out of you. When you no longer act like yourself because of a relationship, it’s a sign that it is not good and toxic to you. Your partner may also have subtly tried to change your personality and how you act, until you don’t even recognize yourself.

If you’re starting to have thoughts like, ‘This is not like it used to be,’ ‘This is not what I signed up for,’ or ‘This doesn’t feel good anymore,’ it is possible that what was a good relationship has turned toxic,” says relationship expert Sofia Milan.

6. They guilt trip you

Everything you do is inconvenient to your partner. They are good at making you feel guilty over staying out late, talking to your friends, standing your ground or trying to assert your boundaries. This is a red flag that your relationship is toxic and that it’s sucking the life out of you.

Toxic relationships ruin your life as they most dangerous poison your self-concept, eroding your self-confidence like drops of rain wear away at a canyon wall,” says communication & relationship expert and author Susie Miller.

Your partner may also use this guilt trip power to remind you of all the lovely things they have done for you to guilt you into doing things for them.

7. Your hide your relationship

Your friends and family don’t like your partner, and it’s probably for a good reason. They don’t like how your partner treats you, and they don’t like how you act when you are around them. Because of this, you may find that you hide your relationship and all of the upsetting details from your friends and family. It might be toxic if you can’t tell your family the truth about your situation.

Final thoughts

Relationships should make you feel good and happy. There’s no reason that your relationship should make you feel anxious or depressed, nor should it make you feel like you can’t tell your friends and family the truth. If you find that your relationship is hitting some or most of these signs, it very well could be that the relationship is sucking your life out of you. Everyone deserves to have a partnership that makes them feel happy and fulfilled in life. Toxic relationships can be hard to spot if you’re in the middle of one, but once you recognize the signs, you can get out and find someone who treats you the way you deserve.


4 Questions Every Couple Must Ask Themselves If They Plan to Grow Old Together

We’re living longer and longer lives. And that’s a good thing. Right? Well, it should be a good thing. Every moment we’re given on this Earth is a gift – but it can be something else if we’re not prepared.  But that also means we need to ask some hard questions for couples who want to age gracefully together.

As a couple, you’re never too young to discuss these topics, especially because, the truth is, most partners do not live to be the same age.

According to a publications archive, “Couples age 65 today have a 97% chance that at least one of them lives another 10 years and an 89% chance that one experiences their 80-year birthday.”

While many people get around to saving enough for retirement, few consider the emotional and lifestyle implications that retirement has on a relationship, according to Miriam Goodman, a San Francisco-based writer who has interviewed couples for seven years.

Since the lack of communication between partners regarding growing old together, is a real problem, we researched four main questions that you and your partner can discuss that will help you to prepare yourself better to grow old together happily.

Discuss these considerations as you (and your relationship) ages…

Question 1. Are we prepared financially?

questions for successful people

RELATED: Financially Successful People Do These Things Differently…

In a world that revolves around money, couples must have their financials in order if they want to grow old together happily. Here are just a few questions you can ask each other to be sure you’re ready.

  • What will be our estimated monthly living expenses?
  • Is an annual budget prepared?
  • Have we settled our pension, social security affairs, and Medicare?
  • Do we each have an updated Will and an Enduring Power of Attorney?

Question 2. How will we occupy our time after retirement?

We place so much emphasis on the financial aspects of retirement that far too few of us consider the emotional implications of such a drastic life change. Here are the questions you must ask…

This isn’t to say financial planning isn’t important, it is, but what about staying busy?

  • What life goals have you set for after retirement years?
  • Do you want to travel? If so, where and when?
  • What activities (hobbies, interests, sports, etc.) will you do to stay active?
  • Do you wish to continue working to some degree?

Question 3. What can we do together to stay healthy?

Preventative care is everything when it comes to health. You absolutely do not want to retire and then fall ill. What can you both do to take care of the temple of your soul right now?

  • When is the last time you both received a thorough physical exam?
  • Have you both undergone the necessary age-related health checks recommended by your doctor?
  • Is there a contingency plan in the event one of you becomes ill for a period?
  • What steps, if any, have you taken to improve your health?

Question 4. What will be our living arrangements?

It is likely that the living arrangements you have now, may not be the same ones you have later on. You may want to downsize into a smaller house, retirement community, assisted living or even an independent living facility. How will you manage this life transition?

Whatever you decide to do, it’s better that you and your sweetie talk about these questions right now so that you are both on the same page when the time comes.

  • What will be the 24/7 living situation together upon retirement?
  • What if someone gets ill?
  • After retirement, which one will handle the day-to-day tasks?
  • Besides each other, who else will be the POA?


Final Thought: Have you and your partner considered these challenges yet?

In closing, if you and your partner are serious about growing old together, it’s important to discuss these retirement questions. You both worked hard and will earn the rewards of retirement. With a bit of planning, negotiating, and the occasional hiccup, you’ll both enjoy happy and peaceful end years together. 🙂

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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