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7 Early Warning Signs Someone Has Hidden Depression

Depression, anxiety, and mental health in general have been a hot topic of discussion in recent times, and for good reason. By being vocal about mental illness, people can see that they are not alone, that others suffer just as they do. Being open about mental health allows people to come together and talk about how they feel, and discuss possible solutions.

This mental illness is not something you can just put a bandage on and call it a day; it sometimes requires years of treatment and soul-searching to cure. Even so, a person may just learn to live with it. It’s a soul-sucking disorder that psychologists and doctors are still trying to understand. However, what makes the disorder even more difficult to live with is the constant shame and judgment people cast upon those suffering, as if they don’t have enough on their plate to deal with.

Because of the stigma surrounding mental illness, or out of embarrassment, many people choose to bottle up their feelings rather than admit that they need help, which can lead to deeper depression, self-harm, and even suicide.

Sadly, many people suffering from it don’t seek treatment and try to deal with the feelings alone. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 350 million people suffer from depression globally. However, this number is probably even higher.

If you or someone you know has depression, you’ll likely recognize these telltale signs. Remember, getting help doesn’t make you weak – it simply means you’re taking matters into your own hands and taking care of yourself.

Here are 7 signs someone might have depression:

“People think depression is sadness. People think depression is crying. People think depression is dressing in black. But people are wrong. Depression is the constant feeling of being numb. Being numb to emotions, being numb to life. You wake up in the morning just to go back to bed again.” – Unknown

1. Withdrawal from activities they once loved.

A key sign of depression is a loss of interest in activities that a person used to enjoy, because depression tends to zap one’s energy. All the person has energy for is getting up, getting dressed, getting to work, and getting back in bed. When you have it, your brain just cannot handle too many activities at once, so you start dropping one here and one there until all you have left is what’s necessary.

If you notice that you or a loved one is starting to miss out on life, then this is a sign of hidden depression.

2. Lack of energy.

It comes as no surprise that those with depression have very low energy levels. Due to the constant feelings of despair and hopelessness combined with sleep problems, poor appetite, and stress, there isn’t much energy left for anything. Even friendships and romantic relationships can suffer because the person may start to withdraw and spend more time alone.

3. Changes in appetite.

Many people with hidden depression will either have an increased or decreased appetite. Gary Kennedy, MD, director of geriatric psychiatry at Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, New York, says, “A sudden change in weight, either gaining or losing, can be a warning of depression, especially in someone who has other symptoms of depression or a history of depression.”

If someone eats or doesn’t eat due to emotional factors, this could signal depression.

4. Sleeping problems.

According to WebMD, 80% of adults with depression have trouble falling or staying asleep. Patients with chronic insomnia have a tripled chance of developing depression compared to those without insomnia. Many doctors believe that getting treatment will result in fewer depressive symptoms for those with insomnia. A sleepless night here or there doesn’t mean you have depression, but if you have difficulty falling and staying asleep most nights, it could point to hidden depression.


5. Substance abuse.

Many people with hidden depression use substances such as drugs and/or alcohol as a means to treat their symptoms or to escape the real world and their minds for a while. While understandable, this behavior can lead to addiction, which may cause further problems. However, someone with this diagnosis just seeks an escape from their troubled mind if even for a few moments. Indeed, they might see no reason to stop if they aren’t experiencing any health, work, or relationship problems.

6. Trying to put on a mask.

People with depression have become masters at disguising their emotions. They will fake happiness just to appease others or to cover up their own true feelings. Many with depression don’t want anyone else to know they’re struggling. As a result, they will put up a front to avoid embarrassment or judgment.

7. They put all their energy into their work.

You might not think of this as a common symptom of hidden depression. But those who suffer do so silently and use something in their life as an outlet. They often turn to work as a way to escape, because this way, they have somewhere to put all of those pent up emotions. If you notice a friend or family member staying at the office late into the night most days of the week, they might have concealed depression and not just be workaholics.

Final thoughts

Depression is not easy to deal with, and not easy to watch someone suffer from. No matter if you are going through it or someone else, getting help is vitally important. It’s your life and health. So don’t feel guilty or “lesser than others” for having a condition that you did not ask for but which requires treatment to heal from. We wish you health, happiness, and peace, and hope you find a cure that’s right for you.


11 Behaviors Genuine People Display Often

Being genuine in this world takes some real soul-searching; it takes losing yourself to all the chaos that surrounds you, and then going deep within yourself to cut through all the chatter and remind yourself who you really are. We often lose our way in this world, but we always emerge with a few more pieces of our soul than we did before. Genuine people can be anyone, but their most telling trait is that they stay true to themselves. They know who they are, what they are, and what they’re after, and don’t apologize for any of it.

Authenticity presents itself differently depending on the individual, but it all boils down to the same thing: being comfortable in your own skin.

Are you a genuine person? These signs will tell you.

Here are 11 behaviors of genuine people:


1. They stand firmly in their opinions.

“Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.”  – Brené Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

They don’t tend to follow the crowd when it comes to their perspective on the world; they take time to understand all sides and then form an opinion based on their gut feelings. That doesn’t mean they purposely go against the grain, but their thoughts on things tend to differ greatly from the masses, and they’re fine with that. They didn’t come here to follow blindly – they came to shake things up and not apologize for thinking outside the box.

2. Genuine people follow their heart.

These types of people don’t choose a career or major in college that makes them feel dead inside. They instead follow what makes them happy, not what makes their parents, siblings, distant relatives, or boyfriend happy. It doesn’t matter if following their heart means making less money than they would have in another job – nothing is worth losing your soul over in their eyes.

3. They bring their own energy into the world.

Authentic people don’t follow popular trends or become easily swayed by others; they emit their own frequency into the world and don’t allow all the noise and chatter to silence their inner voice. They know how to stand firmly in their roots and stick with their morals and beliefs rather than allow others to dictate their opinions and personality. Instead of looking to others to see how to act/speak/behave, they simply let the energy flow through them naturally, and don’t pay much attention to what others think.

4. They don’t care what people think about them.

Genuine people know that once you start caring what people think, a part of your soul dies. You can’t possibly stay true to yourself while living in fear of what others think. These people rise above the fragile ego that wants acceptance from everyone, instead choosing to do and say what they want regardless of people’s opinions about it. They also know that most people are too busy with their own lives and worries to notice every move they make and have a comment about it.

5. They feel comfortable in their own skin.

Genuine people might have battled with themselves in the past, but now, they’ve learned how to truly love the person looking back at them in the mirror. They have spent too many years hating themselves and wishing they were someone else, and have chosen to leave behind that destructive thinking pattern. Instead, they love themselves, treat themselves with compassion and grace, and don’t associate with anyone who wants to bring them down. Because they feel so comfortable with themselves, they attract others who do as well.


6. Authentic people don’t need attention.

They don’t spend hours posting status updates on Facebook or Twitter and checking their phone for likes or comments every second. In fact, they simply don’t care about attracting attention from others. They figure, “What’s the point?” As long as they focus on their own life and creating happiness from within, they don’t need validation from others. They validate themselves.

7. They have a thick skin.

Genuine people are used to others trying to bring them down, but it doesn’t bother them anymore. People always want to take you off the pedestal even if they have no desire of reaching it themselves. However, this doesn’t phase an authentic person. They just go on with their lives and let the haters keep on hating. Real people know that others’ words can’t hurt them unless they allow it.

8. They keep a positive mindset.

Authentic people know that a positive mind = a positive life, so they don’t spend much time dwelling on the negative. Sure, they go through hard times like the rest of us, but they don’t let them control their life and mindset. They take the bad with the good, using the obstacles as an opportunity to learn valuable lessons and practice perseverance.

9. Genuine people know how to listen.

This world is full of noise, but genuine people know how to tune out everything that doesn’t matter. When someone is talking to them, they give them their full attention. After all, they know how distracted people are nowadays, which contributes to the epidemic of loneliness and unhappiness. So, they stop what they’re doing and fully listen to the person talking to them. It doesn’t take much effort to stop talking for a few moments and give a fellow human the floor, does it?

10. They spend time alone.

Genuine people understand that gaining clarity happens when you quiet your mind and ego enough to hear your inner voice. They have spent hours in solitude in order to try to get in touch with their highest self, which allows them to present themselves as they are today: genuine, real, and unencumbered by the pesky ‘monkey brain’ that so many of us have.

11. They treat others as they would want to be treated.

Genuine people know that they are no better or worse than the person standing next to them; they are just trying to survive like everyone else. Authentic people don’t care for competition or any of the other silly games that humans play – they simply want to thrive alongside their fellow humans and see others live happily as well. After all, you’re only as strong as your weakest link, and we’re all players in this game of life.

Authentic people know that the only true loser is the person who chooses hatred over love, and they would never dream of doing that.

Final thoughts

Genuine people come in all shapes and sizes, but they usually have the above-mentioned traits in common. Being authentic just means staying true to yourself no matter what, and being comfortable in your own skin. We could all use a little more authenticity in our lives in a world full of fake, and one way of doing that is to BE authenticity itself. 🙂

10 Signs Your Partner Has A Passive Aggressive Personality

Everyone has been passive aggressive one time or another in their lives. We all do it! It could be ca complaint that you never get any help around the house, or writing a snide note to someone who parked poorly at a busy store. Passive aggressive things happen to all of us.

However, that shouldn’t be a core part of someone’s personality. Moreover, it can cause many issues in a relationship when your partner has a passive aggressive personality.

Professor, presenter, private coach, and author Preston Ni says, “Passive aggressiveness may be directed towards a person or a group. The root causes are complex and deep-seated. Whatever the reasons that may drive an individual to be passive-aggressive, it’s not easy to be on the receiving end of such veiled hostilities.

It may be hard to tell whether or not your partner has a passive aggressive personality, but here are some telltale signs that your partner is more passive aggressive than normal.

Here Are 10 Signs Your Partner Has A Passive Aggressive Personality

“Passive-Aggressive behavior consumes unnecessary time and resources. Say what you mean, let’s resolve the issue, and move on to more productive tasks.” – Izey Victoria Odiase

1. You’re uncomfortable around them

Your partner shouldn’t be someone that you’re uncomfortable to be around. It may be a sign that your partner has a passive aggressive personality if you find it hard to be around them sometimes because of how they act.

According to marriage and family therapist Andrea Brandt, Ph.D., “When the person you love is passive-aggressive, emotional honesty and open dialogue is difficult. Passive-aggression can be a hard game to play as a partner, even for the most emotionally healthy and stable individual.”

You may feel like you’re walking on eggshells around them because you know that anything can set them off. After all, they tend to bottle everything up until they burst.

passive-aggression person

2. They repeat their behaviors

Passive aggression is when the behavior is more persistent and repeats periodically, where there are ongoing patterns of negative attitudes and passive resistance in personal relationships or work situations,” says author Andrea Harrn.

Instead of talking about what bothers them, they tend to bottle things up and then blow up – even when this type of behavior never produces the results they want. However, they continue to repeat this behavior over and over. They refuse to change, always pointing to someone else as the culprit of their frustration, rather than their own inability to change.

3. They avoid responsibility

Nothing is ever their fault. Find yourself apologizing for being upset with your partner, or often on the other end of your partner feeling angry or upset with you. Your partner may have a passive aggressive personality. Even if something is their fault, your partner may find ways to twist and manipulate the situation so that everyone else is at fault.

An autonomous person has healthy self-esteem, is assertive, and can take a stand and keep commitments. Not so for someone passive-aggressive. Their behavior is designed to avoid responsibility for themselves and family, and sometimes they depend unfairly on their partner for support,” says marriage & family therapist and author Darlene Lancer, JD, MFT.

Even when they’ve done something to hurt you, you may find that you end up apologizing for being upset with them.

4. Negativity and pessimism

If your partner never seems to be able to see the positive side of a situation, you may be dealing with someone who has a passive aggressive personality. They’re usually negative and “glass half full” about many situations. They may often express the idea that the world is against them. Indeed, they feel that nothing ever goes right for them – even if they never do anything to try and change their circumstances.

5. They believe they’re underappreciated

And they complain about it all the time. For someone who has a passive aggressive personality, they believe that everyone around them doesn’t appreciate them enough. When you have a passive aggressive partner, this may come out in them passive aggressively insisting that you don’t appreciate them enough or keeping score on how much they do for you as a way to get you to do things for them.

6. They believe they’re being deceived

Someone with a passive aggressive personality may always feel like they’re being lied to. This can result in problems in the relationship where your partner may take compliments as backhanded, or believe that you’re lying to them about something important in the relationship. This can lead to many arguments where the passive aggressive personality insists they’re being lied to when they aren’t.

7. They procrastinate

A passive aggressive partner will rarely tell you “no.” This may make them seem accommodating and helpful. Instead, you will find that they often procrastinate until you give up asking them.

“Most of us are familiar with stubborn children. When kids reach a certain age—the terrible twos, the teens, or some other time during childhood or adolescence—they refuse to do what they’re told. But kids are kids. It is less easy to comprehend when a grownup behaves in this way,” says Berit Brogaard, D.M.Sci., Ph.D., a professor of philosophy.

You’ll find that your partner often has to be asked multiple times to do a task or favor for you, and they keep telling you that they will – but in the end, they just procrastinate until you have to do it for them.

8. They’re constantly criticizing

Whether it’s you, the show you like, your friends, family, your job – whatever is happening in your life, a passive aggressive personality is always criticizing something. There’s nothing that they like, and there’s always something wrong with everyone and everything. This can lead to feeling uncomfortable and upset around your partner a lot of the time. In time, you will start to keep things to yourself.

9. They half-heart everything

When you do manage to get your passive aggressive partner to do something for you, they do it in a manner that makes it clear that they really didn’t want to, and didn’t care about the outcome. If you ask them to wash the dishes, half of them will still have food and soap on them. If you ask them to fix something, they only fix it halfway. A passive aggressive personality will always make it clear that they’re upset that you even asked in the first place.

10. They dislike authority

Now, not everyone who has a problem with authority has a passive aggressive personality. However, if your partner seems to always want to challenge you on your boundaries, and never seems to be able to take ‘no’ for an answer, that is a high chance that they have a passive aggressive personality.

A passive aggressive person’s “… personality may include pouting or acting sullen, stubborn, or argumentative. They feel misunderstood and unappreciated and scorn and criticize authority. They frequently complain and envy and resent those more fortunate,” says certified hypnotherapist, marriage and family therapist Darlene Lancer, JD, MFT.

Whether it’s a cop, your parents, or their parents, a partner who has a passive aggressive personality hates any show of authority. They may not get along well with their in-laws as a result.

Final thoughts

Being with someone who has a passive aggressive personality can take a drain on both your positive emotions, as well as your relationship with them and all of the people in your life. Knowing the signs of a partner who has a passive aggressive personality can make it easier to understand how to deal with them, or to spot them so you can make changes in the relationship, or walk away if that is what needs to be done.


5 Early Warning Signs From Your Scalp To Never Ignore

The scalp is skin. And just like the rest of our epidermis, our scalp requires monitoring and care.

In this article, we discuss five scalp conditions you definitely shouldn’t ignore.

To wrap things up, we’ll discuss some methods of self-care for the scalp.

5 Warnings From Your Scalp To Never Ignore

1. Itchiness

If your scalp is feeling particularly itchy and sensitive, it may be because you aren’t cleaning it properly. Ideally, you should be cleansing your hair and scalp a minimum of four times per week.

When buying shampoo, look for products that have active ingredients and contain botanical extracts. Stay away from shampoos containing the chemicals paraben, silicone, and sulfate.

2. Breakouts

When we wash our hair, our scalp is submerged in water. If you have sensitive or reactive skin, not only can your scalp get really itchy, it can also break out into acne.

Acne of the scalp generally stems from one of three causes: dead skin cells, product (shampoo/conditioner) buildup, or clogging of the hair follicles.

Dr. Dendy Engelman, the director of dermatologic surgery at Metropolitan Hospital in New York City, recommends using a clarifying shampoo once a week. “Bacterial growth can lead to breakouts if the scalp and hair are not properly cleansed,” Engelman says.

3. Thinning

Thinning of the hair is part of aging. As we get older, the chances of balding, receding or thinning hair increase exponentially.

But aging is not the only cause of thinning hair. The use of chemical treatments; some brushes and styling tools, and individual lifestyle habits can also stimulate hair loss or hair damage.

Supplementing with vitamin B12, iron, protein, and zinc helps to support hair structure and growth. Additionally, these nutrients assist in the breakdown of carbs and fats, which moisturize the scalp and transfer oxygen to hair cells.

4. Scales

Scaling skin is a telltale sign of psoriasis, an autoimmune disorder caused by bacterial infections, stress, or skin trauma – such as the overuse of harsh skin cleansers, aggressive skin cleansing, or bathing too often with hot water.

Plaquing scales, or plaque psoriasis, typically involves patches of rough, red skin and silvery white scales. While there is no cure for psoriasis, it’s symptoms can be mitigated by the elimination or reduction of the following seven foods:

– alcohol

– chili peppers

– dairy

– gluten

– frozen meals

– sugary beverages and foods

– tomatoes

Advanced medical procedures also exist that may help neutralize many of psoriasis’ symptoms. To see what may work for you, schedule a consultation with a dermatologist.

5. Wider parting areas

Our hair naturally parts along certain areas of the scalp. Most likely, you’ve combed your hair bi-directionally from this parting area.

You may have noticed that this area is becoming wider. This happens as a natural effect of aging. We may lose density along the frontal hairline (resulting in a wider brow), or the middle of our head, for example.

Treating widening parts often requires advanced dermatological treatments due to underlying cause: the reduction of a certain type of hormone (called ‘FGF5.’)

Natural treatments for the scalp

Unsurprisingly, in researching this article, the majority of dermatologists recommended expensive and time-consuming treatments. While these recommended medical techniques may have some merit, they’re beyond the means of most ordinary people.

That said, there are natural treatments (including preventative) for the scalp.

The following is a short list of natural treatments that may help in alleviating some of the abovementioned conditions and symptoms:

– Tea tree oil

– Yoga, Tai Chi, and similar exercises

– Thoroughly cleaning your brushes, combs, and hair

– Using a hair and scalp mask

– Avoiding inflammatory foods (sugar, gluten, dairy, soy, peanuts, alcohol, among others.)

– Avoiding the use of hair chemicals

– Consuming antifungal, anti-inflammatory foods (apple cider vinegar, avocado, banana, coconut oil, flaxseed, garlic, and ginger are best.)


Reset Your “Heart Brain Connection” With This 3 Step Technique

What’s the connection between your brain and your heart?

“At the core of the HeartMath method of emotional regulation is the idea that, by focusing on positive feelings such as appreciation, care, or compassion, anyone can create dramatic changes in his or her heart rhythms.” ~ Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman, Ph.D.

Rethinking the Heart

If you’re like everyone else, you’ve been taught that the heart is little more than a fancy pump that responds to signals sent from the brain.

But did you know that the heart sends more signals to the brain than it receives?

Furthermore, these signals have a profound effect on all sorts of brain functions – attention, emotional processing, memory, perception, problem-solving, and more.

As it turns out, our heart rhythms have a profound effect on our cognitive and emotional well-being. During negative emotions and distress, for example, the heart pattern is disordered and erratic. This inhibits our ability to think clearly, learn, reason, remember, and make good decisions.

Ever wonder why we always seem to make impulsive decisions while under stress? Well, abnormal rhythmic beating of the heart – also known as heart coherence – is the answer to this question.

The heart’s input to the brain during times of stress impacts the brain’s ability to process emotions normally.

On the flip side, a stable and ordered heart pattern produces positive emotions, which in turn enhances cognitive ability.

reset heart and brain

The information presented in this article will improve the health of your heart and mind – and maybe even save your life one day.

Also, we’re going to teach you a 60-second technique that instantly improves heart coherence!

What’s the Science behind Heart Coherence?

At one time, scientists believed that the heart, when at rest, beat each time at the same time interval (kind of like the second hand on a clock.)

However, both scientists and physicians now know that this isn’t true. Our heartbeats are always in flux – even at rest. The medical term for this is called heart rate variability, or HRV.

HRV and heart coherence have been studied extensively over the past four decades. However, early research primarily focused on HRV under physically-demanding conditions (e.g., running). Eventually, scientists caught on and began studying HRV under a variety of conditions, including sleep!

Then a breakthrough happened. Lew “Doc” Childre – a developmental psychologist and psychotherapist – discovered that people could voluntarily control their own heart rate. Dr. Childre would go on to establish the non-profit HeartMath Institute.

What This Means For You

Stress is the world’s leading killer. According to a study by the American Institute of Stress, approximately 70 percent of all doctor’s visits are related to stress.

A study undertaken at Harvard University discovered a link between generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), depression, and risk of heart attack:

“heart patients who have generalized anxiety disorder — constant, pervasive worrying, even about mundane matters — are more likely to have heart attacks and serious heart problems than heart patients who don’t.”

While this news may be grim, it reinforces the importance of not only caring for one’s own mental health but heart health. In fact, the two are much more intricately related that we once thought.

Understanding HRV – and more importantly, heart coherence – can dramatically improve your emotional, mental, and physical health and well0being. Further, you can start taking action now – and all it takes is 60 seconds.

Ready to learn how? Read on, friend!

The Quick Coherence Technique

The quick coherence technique is a simple, but powerful way to balance thoughts and emotions, increase energy, improve mental clarity, and align heart and brain function.

This technique can be used anytime, anywhere; but it is particularly helpful when feeling draining or overwhelming emotions such as anxiety, anger, frustration or irritation.

Step #1: Sit comfortably; in a place free from distractions and noise.

Step #2: Focus your attention on the area of the heart. Imagine that your breath is flowing in and out of your heart or chest. Breathe a bit slower and deeper than usual.

(Tip: It’s recommended to inhale for 5 seconds and exhale for 5 seconds, but it’s more important to discover a pace that works for you.)

Step #3: Make a genuine attempt to experience a renewing feeling such as appreciation, care, or love for someone or something in your life.

(Tip: Ideas for this “renewing feeling”: somewhere in nature, a child or parent, an accomplishment, a pet, or an overall sensation of calm and ease.)

Try practicing the Quick Coherence Technique once in the morning and again before you go to bed. If you experience a stressful event at work or someplace else, repeat the exercise whenever possible. You’ll feel much better, must faster!

(Readers, did you try the Quick Coherence technique? If so, what was your experience? We’d love to read your comments!)

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Science Explains 5 Things To Do Every Morning That Will Make You Happier

How many of you wake up in the morning, hit the snooze button a few times, then hurriedly jump out of bed and run out the door? Probably most of the people reading this, we would assume.

However, mornings don’t have to start off in such a stressful, rushed manner. While not everyone is a morning person, we can all practice certain habits to improve the quality of our mornings and get the day started on the right note.

Yes, you might still need a couple cups of coffee to get moving and alert in the morning, but these habits might just add a little peace to an otherwise stressful day.

Here are five things to change about your mornings to make you happier:

early morning habits

1. Wake up earlier.

Yes, you read that correctly. It might be hard to incorporate at first, but you’ll quickly realize all the benefits of starting your day just a tad bit earlier.

According to a study by the University of Toronto, “people who wake up early in the morning are generally happier and have higher satisfaction overall in their lives.”

The early birds probably feel happier because they don’t rush so much in the mornings since they have more time to get ready and wake up before running out the door.

Try getting up just five minutes earlier for a week, and then ten minutes earlier the next week. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel having those extra minutes in the morning to yourself.

2. Fit in some exercise.

You probably know about all the health benefits of exercise by now, but did you know that working out in the morning helps you stick to a workout routine better? Researchers believe that since you don’t have any obligations in the morning, you’re more likely to commit to working out. Plus, those endorphins flowing through your body will get you in a positive mindset to begin your day, and you’ll simply feel more energized and alive!

You might find it hard to workout so early at first, but your body will adjust to the new routine.

3. Reach for the H2O before coffee.

We spend (hopefully) 7 hours asleep, and during that time, our bodies are fasting. Upon waking up, we’re dehydrated, which means we should be drinking at least a couple glasses of water in the morning. It can be tempting to go straight for the coffeepot instead, but your body will definitely thank you for the hydration before you get even more dehydrated from the coffee.

Of course, a couple cups of coffee in the morning won’t hurt, and in fact, can help protect against heart disease and lower blood pressure, among other benefits, but make sure you also guzzle down some water at some point.

what happens to your body when you drink coffee

4. Make some time for meditation instead of scrolling through your smartphone.

What’s the first thing you do in the morning, after using the bathroom? Stretch? Brush your teeth? Lie in bed for a few minutes before you start the day? Or, do you reach for your smartphone and scroll away?

Sadly, according to a study conducted by the Deloitte Global Mobile Consumer Survey of 2016, 61% of people check their phones within 5 minutes of waking up. 88% of people check their phones within 30 minutes, and even more disturbingly, 1 in 3 people wakes up in the middle of the night to check their smartphone. What are these people doing on their phones in the wee hours of the morning? Most commonly, checking text messages and social media notifications. Not good.

Smartphones have infiltrated society so that it has become a hindrance to other important activities, namely, sleep! Make sure you keep your phone at least away from your bed while you sleep, and even better, keep it on ‘Do Not Disturb.’ This will ensure that notifications don’t keep you awake during the night. You can even use an old-fashioned alarm clock to wake up instead of your smartphone, so you aren’t tempted to stay on it after you turn off the alarm.

As far as meditation, the benefits are so lengthy that we could write a novel about them. However, we will just keep it short and sweet and say that meditating in the morning will help you relax, destress, and start your day in a more peaceful way than sifting through endless (often useless) information on a tiny little screen.

5. Listen to music.

While you get ready in the morning, put on some of your favorite tunes and jam away. Not only will it put you in a good mood, but studies have shown it can even ease stress and anxiety. Aside from the benefits, who doesn’t love music?!

Final thoughts

Mornings might not be your favorite time of day, but they can be a little more enjoyable if you take time to slow down, breathe, and add a little mindfulness to the morning routine. Conversely, getting your heart pumping with a workout and some background music will energize you and motivate you to start your day. A combination of relaxation and stimulation is just what the doctor ordered, so let us know if these tips help you look forward to mornings just a bit more!

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love—then make that day count!”  – Steve Maraboli

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