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How to Make Turmeric Lemonade to Completely Relieve Stress And Anxiety

You may have heard of ‘curcumin’, a spice that is incorporated into many Indian dishes. What you may not know is that curcumin, which is derived from turmeric, is a very potent, all-natural substance.

How powerful?

Consider this short list of curcumin properties validated by science:

Strong anti-inflammatory properties: curcumin has proven effective in reducing symptoms of low-level, chronic inflammation – which plays a significant role in just about every chronic, Western disease.

A potent antioxidant: curcumin helps eliminate harmful free radicals from the body while stimulating the body’s antioxidant enzymes. (A twofer!)

Boosts BDNF: Curcumin can cross the blood-brain barrier, where the substance stimulates BDNF – a brain hormone that increases the growth of new neurons.

As a result of curcumin’s positive functional effects on the brain and body, it’s believed to serve a significant role as:

– An anti-aging substance

– A neuroprotective agent

– A natural treatment for arthritis

– An effective supplementary therapy for cancer

Turmeric extract may reduce anxiety, depression symptoms

“Turmeric may be the most effective nutritional supplement in existence.” ~ Kris Gunnars, Healthline

“Curcumin’s positive antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects are likely due to its ability to normalize specific physiological pathways,” says Adrian Lopesti, Ph.D., of Murdoch University in Australia, “It appears to elevate neurotransmitters such as serotonin, while lowering stress hormones, such as cortisol, and is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Curcumin also provides protection to the brain.”

Lopesti and his team published their findings in the June 2014 issue of Journal of Affective Disorders, where “Curcumin succeeded in reducing the overall symptoms of depression, functioning as an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety substance) as well when taken over a period of 8 weeks.”

As mentioned, curcumin increases the amount of the brain chemical, BDNF. Some studies have linked low BDNF levels with depression, and a “shrinkage” of the hippocampus – a brain area with roles in both memory and learning.

turmeric ginger tea

Turmeric Lemonade!

Okay, so now we’re well aware that turmeric and curcumin can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

So what now?

Well, now it’s time to make some turmeric lemonade!

Here’s what you’ll need:

– 5 cups of water

– 4 tablespoons of freshly grated turmeric root

– 3 tablespoons of raw honey

– 2 teaspoons of grated ginger

– ½ cup of fresh lemon juice

– ½ cup of orange juice (optional – for taste)

Here’s what to do:

(1) Bring the 5 cups of water to a boil

(2) Place the turmeric root and grated ginger into a jar (or other containers that can hold hot water.)

(3) Pour the boiled water into the jar. Allow the mixture to steep for a minimum of 10 minutes.

(4) Scoop the honey into the jar and stir until it is completely dissolved.

(5) Strain the mixture and add the lemon juice. After the liquid has cooled a bit, sip and then add lemon or orange juice; if desired.


15 Habits That Help People Stop Smoking Forever

You’ve heard it all before…but…How many times have you heard these words. “Smoking is sooo bad for you!

Yeah, like a bazillion or something.

While certainly true, this sentiment doesn’t help much.

On the other hand, providing specific reasons why smoking is bad is not only necessary but effective.

For example:

  • Smoking dulls the senses of smell and taste.
  • Smoking expedites the aging process.
  • Secondhand smoke is repulsive.
  • Smoking is linked to impotence in males.
  • Smoking increases the risk of illness and infections.
  • Cigarette smoke puts other peoples’ health at risk. (50,000 people die annually from secondhand smoke.)
  • Smoking is expensive.
  • Smoking impacts the ability to perform simple physical activities.

Most want to quit…

Smoking is not something people do “just for kicks.” Smoking is an addiction. The substance responsible for this addictive quality, nicotine, is one of the most potent, most accessible stimulants on the market.

Quitting smoking is awfully hard. Quitting is also something that most smokers want to do.

Which brings us to the point of this article!

Here are 15 (effective!) methods for helping you kick the habit:

1. Make a pros and cons list.

Ah, yes, the ole’ pros/cons list.

Draw a line down the center of a piece of paper and write the “pros” (things you like) about smoking on one side, and “cons” (things you don’t like) on the other.

It’s important to be honest with yourself for the method to be effective.

2. Set a date.

A “quit date.”

There’s something about setting deadlines that helps the brain “tune in” to what needs to happen to complete your goals successfully.

3. Cut back

Quitting cold turkey works for some; not so much for others.

For the latter group, cutting back may be the best way to eventually kick the habit.

Try eliminating a couple of cigarettes each week (or whatever period you’re comfortable with) until you hit zero.

4. Do something else

Make a list of things you can do whenever a craving hits. Examples: take a walk, play a game, wash the car, clean up your desk, do some pushups, practice deep breathing … whatever works for you.

5. Hydrate

Drinking water during the day primes your brain to function at its best. We’re also way more relaxed when adequately hydrated.

For smokers – especially those trying to quit – drinking water is a must.


RELATED: 10 Signs You’re Dehydrated

6. Keep a money jar

This one is powerful, as are most financial incentives.

As you cut back on smoking, put the money you save in a glass and place the jar someplace conspicuous. Better yet keep two jars: one for home and one for work!

7. Cut back on caffeine

There appears to be a relationship between smoking and caffeine intake. This correlation is relatively unsurprising, as caffeine is also a stimulant.

Try cutting back on the java during your quitting period.

8. Remind yourself of obstacles overcome

As mentioned, quitting smoking can be a chore. During times of personal trial, it can help to remind ourselves of obstacle we’ve hurdled in the past.

Instant motivation!

9. Carry around healthy snacks

Fueling your body with protein-packed snacks (especially nuts) can help ward off cravings. Protein is a precursor to the brain chemicals dopamine (a “feel good” hormone) and GABA (the “rest and digest” hormone).

10. Voice your commitment

Number ten is not for the faint of heart, but letting people in on your attempt to quit smoking can be a powerful motivator.

Tell your colleagues, friends, and family about your decision to quit. See what your verbal commitment does for your confidence!

11. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the act of being consciously aware of one’s thoughts and emotions without judgment – and allowing them to pass.

Quitting smoking can tax our mind and brain. Moment-to-moment mindfulness – particularly during times of challenge – can help eliminate the stress.

12. Drink some tea

Actually, don’t just drink tea; turn it into a mindfulness exercise. When you’re preparing tea, focus on the task at hand.

When you sit down to enjoy the tea, pay attention to the flavor and temperature.

Then notice how you feel afterwards.


ways to quit smoking

13. Do something fun

Distractions are usually not a good thing. But when you’re trying to quit smoking, distractions can be your saving grace.

So whenever a craving strikes, permit yourself to do something you enjoy for whatever amount of time you have.

14. Change your routine

Novelty is a beautiful thing when experiencing hardship.

Making simple changes to your normal routine may stimulate the brain enough to ward off cravings.

15. Get gum or lozenges

Per a study published by the Wisconsin Medical Society, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) “has been shown to increase smoking cessation rates.”

Researchers cite nicotine gum and nicotine lozenges as effective measures.


5 Early Warning Signs of High Blood Sugar (And How to Reverse It)

Hyperglycemia is the medical term for high blood sugar. Per WebMD, there are two main kinds of hyperglycemia:

– After-meal hyperglycemia: A blood sugar readout exceeding healthy levels that occurs approximately two hours after eating.

– Fasting hyperglycemia: A blood sugar readout exceeding healthy levels that occurs after not eating or drinking for a minimum of eight hours.

The Risks of High Blood Sugar

Long-term hyperglycemia can damage blood vessels, nerves, and organs. High blood sugar can manifest into other physical conditions as well.

Frequently indulging in high-sugar foods increases the risk of obesity, which is the catalyst for numerous health problems. High cholesterol, coronary heart disease, stroke, asthma, and metabolic syndrome – a combination of diabetes and high blood pressure – can result.

These risks are mitigated – and possibly reversed – by consuming the right kinds of foods. We will give you plenty of ideas for such foods in the final section!

The Signs of High Blood Sugar

After administering a blood sugar test, doctors categorize a person’s risk according to their readout.

The five signs of high blood sugar vary slightly according to classification (severity).

Mild high blood sugar

Individuals with mild hyperglycemia consistently have blood sugar levels higher than average. People who are mild hyperglycemic and non-diabetic may urinate more frequently when drinking fluids.

Those with diabetes may not notice any symptoms when their blood sugar falls within this range.

The five main signs of mild high blood sugar are:

  • Fatigue
  • Increased appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased urination

(Mild high blood sugar is defined as 200 milligrams [mg] to 350 milligrams per deciliter [dl] in adults, and 200 mg/dl to 240 mg/dl in children.)

High blood sugar (hyperglycemia) is most often seen in people who have diabetes that isn’t well controlled. The symptoms of high blood sugar can be mild, moderate, or severe. ~ WebMD

Moderate to severe high blood sugar

Moderate to severe high blood sugar is defined as above 350 mg/dl in adults and above 240 mg/dl in children. The symptoms of moderate to severe hyperglycemia are markedly different than those with mild hyperglycemia. Here are the five most common signs:

  • Blurred vision
  • Drowsiness, restlessness, or difficulties waking up.
  • Extreme thirst
  • Flushed, dry, hot skin
  • Lightheadedness

It’s important to note that, if the body is not producing adequate insulin, additional symptoms may surface. The four other symptoms listed by WebMD include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Strong breath odor
  • Vomiting

Eating Right is Critical

All of the evidence-based recommendations for the management and prevention of diabetes from all major worldwide diabetes organizations (in the UK, US, and Canada) “advise people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes to use the GI (as) part of the nutritional management of their condition.”

The University of Sydney’s GI group defines the glycemic index as “a relative ranking of carbohydrate in foods accord to how they affect blood sugar (glucose) levels after eating.”

Foods with a high GI value (70-100+) are rapidly digested, absorbed, and metabolized. These foods markedly increase blood sugar levels.

As a reference, here is a short list of high GI foods:

  • Fruit Rollup: 99
  • White Rice: 85
  • Rice cakes: 84
  • Pretzels: 83
  • Donuts: 76
  • Watermelon: 72
  • White Bread (slice): 70

On the opposite side of the glycemic spectrum are low-GI foods (0-55). Low-GI foods produce smaller fluctuations in blood glucose and insulin levels and are vital to long-term health, maintaining a healthy weight, and lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Unsurprisingly, nearly all fruits and vegetables are listed here.

  • Oatmeal: 55
  • Wheat pasta: 54
  • Corn on the cob: 64
  • Banana: 52
  • Brown rice: 50
  • Green peas: 48
  • Sweet potatoes: 48
  • Carrots: 47
  • Chocolate milk: 40
  • Sweetened yogurt: 33
  • Whole milk: 31

– Fruits less than or equal to 40 GI: blueberries (40), strawberries (40), apples (38), pears (38), raspberries (30).

– Veggies that are less than or equal to 20 GI: tomato (15), cauliflower (12), cabbage (10), broccoli (10), spinach (6), Brussels sprouts (6), kale (5).

Final thoughts on managing blood sugar

High blood sugar is something that you can monitor and mange.

While diet plays a crucial role in the mitigation and regulation of hyperglycemia, other factors (e.g., health status) must also be taken into account.

Individuals with a family history of diabetes are strongly encouraged to seek the advice of a medical professional before implementing any plan to manage their condition.

It’s important to remember that high blood sugar is a potentially dangerous condition; mainly because it can manifest in other states and worsen any underlying medical issues.

Regardless of where you may fall on the blood sugar ‘scale,’ you should consider implementing plenty of low-GI foods in your diet.

Aside from potentially warding off hyperglycemia, a diet rich in low glycemic foods can also help by promoting healthy cholesterol levels and healthy body weight!


5 Reasons You Need to Make 2018 Your Selfish Year

“Self-care is never a selfish act – it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give the care it requires, we do it not only for ourselves, but for the many others whose lives we touch.”  – Parker J. Palmer

By simply being alive, we must take care of ourselves first. This isn’t selfish; it’s an act of survival. If we don’t look after both our basic and more complex needs, who will? We must live with ourselves our entire lives, so we have no choice but to do whatever is necessary to keep ourselves afloat.

However, life is more than just surviving; it’s also about thriving. It’s about taking time for yourself to figure out what you enjoy, and building a life that you can be proud of. Sadly, too many people are living well below their potential, or living for someone else besides themselves.

You deserve to be a little selfish this year and put yourself first for a change. We’ll explain how “selfishness” can benefit your life in more detail below.



20 Self-Care Mantras to Brighten Your Outlook on Life

You’ll learn to become your own best friend.

Out of all the people in our lives, we are often most disconnected and out of touch with ourselves. We spend a lot of time trying to make others happy and tending to their needs, all the while neglecting the person we’re with 24/7: ourselves. Many of us don’t even like ourselves and wish we could jump out of our skin into someone else’s life. We see people’s posts on Facebook or Instagram and compare ourselves to them and their “seemingly” perfect lives. We spend so much time hating ourselves, because we’re our own worst critic.

It’s no surprise that so many people feel this way, because we live in a world obsessed with progress. Nothing is ever good enough, including ourselves. However, you don’t have to fall into this vicious cycle. Believe that you’re good enough as you are right now, and truly take the time to get to know yourself. The greatest gift you can give yourself is self-love, because no one can take it away from you.

Being selfish will award you better relationships.

When you focus on self-love and care, the fog that clouds the vision of yourself will start to fade. You will have a totally new perception of yourself, and this positive self-image will attract the right people to you. When we start to operate from a place of love and acceptance rather than a place of hate and rejection, our relationships do a 180. We can give more love, and therefore, receive more of it in return. Being open with yourself and letting go of negative thinking patterns will feel like a breath of fresh air, and other people will definitely notice. 

You will realize what you deserve in relationships, and leave behind any that don’t serve your best interest any longer.

self care

Your physical health will improve.

Slowing down and taking more time for self-care will allow you to destress and detox your body from years of damage. When we don’t love ourselves, we tend to eat and drink the wrong foods, get into the wrong relationships, and simply live too fast. We don’t take the time to decompress and let our bodies heal from the wear and tear of everyday life.

However, putting yourself first will allow you the freedom to explore healthier living practices such as meditation, growing your own food, preparing more meals at home, exercising, etc. Nothing matters more than your health, and when you put in the effort, you’ll start seeing positive results in how you look and feel.

Putting yourself first means having the courage to follow your dreams.

Most people work jobs they hate to pay bills for things they don’t really want, just because everyone else does it. People want a safety net because it’s comfortable, not because it makes them happy. However, living a life full of security usually means giving up our dreams on the off-chance we might follow them later. Most of the time, later never comes. Countless people die with dreams still inside of them, untouched and undiscovered. Don’t just settle in life; follow your heart and don’t seek validation from others that it’s the “right” path – because no one truly knows but you.

Treating yourself better will change your mentality. 

So many people in the world suffer from mental disorders. We don’t claim that self-love and care is a one-size-fits-all answer to the mental health crisis plaguing mankind, but how can treating yourself better HURT? If anything, you’ll start to have a better self-image, which will make you feel more confident, increasing feelings of happiness and well-being. It does take perseverance and willpower, but doing activities that help to improve mental wellness will make you feel better overall. Working out, yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises are just a few things that improve mental health.

Final thoughts

We only wish the best for you in this new year, and hope that you live life to your full potential. The only limits that exist are the ones you place on yourself, so just believe that you’re unstoppable, and you’ll be able to do anything you set your mind to!


6 Habits of Couples That Feel Secure


  1. uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.
  2. the state of being open to danger or threat; lack of protection.

~ The Oxford English Dictionaries

Insecurities are something we all have. Similar to any “weakness,” insecurity isn’t something we like admitting or talking about.

Whether our uncertainties stem from money, looks, achievement, or something else, feeling insecure is quite normal – as long as we know how to deal with these feelings.

Allowing insecurities to overwhelm us, however, can negatively affect just about every part of our life.

Including our relationships.

Some seek out relationships because of this insecurity, in hopes that the right partner will bring some semblance of stability and normalcy. Ironically, this desire for the possible security can manifest into its opposite without some due diligence.

How can we prevent insecurity from sabotaging our relationships? Here are six ways:

1. Do some soul searching

If you’re determined to make the relationship work, it’s essential to uncover exactly what’s bothering you. Without this realization, any relationship with be short-lived, unfulfilling, or both.

You must also be willing to acknowledge and work on rectifying your insecurities. We say “work on” because uncovering (if needed) and resolving deeply-rooted insecurities is a process.

Take some time to sit down, alone, and think about things. It may be a wise idea to get a journal where you can write down thoughts as they arise. It’s likely some behavioral thought patterns will emerge.

Another good idea is to consider talking to someone close to you. When it’s their turn to speak, listen attentively. While what they say may not be what you necessarily want to hear, understanding the problem from someone else’s perspective could help tremendously.

2. Understand your worth

Insecurity often causes us to focus solely on individual attributes we feel are lacking. If your partner accepts you for who you are – that which makes you lovingly unique – why overly concern yourself with perceived weaknesses?

The answer isn’t so simplistic, of course.

If we’re in an emotional funk (hey, it happens!), ask someone who loves you. Is this a deliberate attempt to boost your ego? Not from their perspective. You’re seeking honest feedback about the things that endear you to them.

It’s vital – for both individual and relational well-being – to remind yourself of the constituents that make up your self-worth.

3. Boost your self-esteem

Research shows that people with more relationship insecurities possess a lower self-esteem.

It’s human nature to seek external validation when we’re insecure. While this may be okay with friends and loved ones, it may be a bit disconcerting for your partner under certain conditions.

Building up self-esteem, while regularly viewed as very difficult, isn’t actually all that hard.

Make it a habit to practice mindfulness meditation. Even 10 to 15 minutes of (deliberate) daily meditative practice will help quiet your inner critic, bring forth self-compassion, and – perhaps most importantly – instill a much-needed sense of acceptance.


4. Be honest

Once you’ve figured out what you personal insecurity is, it’s time to have a conversation with your partner. Too often in relationships, repressed feelings manifest into superfluous arguing and bickering.

Remember the epic scene in Jerry Maguire when Tom Cruise’s character repeatedly pleads with Cuba Gooding, Jr’s? “Help me, help you!!”

Those four words have been repeated many times since that movie came out, and are indeed applicable in this situation.

It isn’t fair to keep your partner in the dark. And if you’re worried about being rejected or looking down upon, do it anyways. If your partner acts unsupportive or judgmental in any way, the relationship may not be worth it.

5. Fix what’s broken

Waiting for when you “feel like” doing something is never a good idea. No matter if this “something” is losing weight, quitting smoking, overcoming shyness, studying harder, whatever, procrastination always follows a Bell Curve (an upside-down ‘U’).

Let’s say ‘discomfort’ is on the Y-axis (vertical) and ‘time’ on the X-axis. As time moves on, the slope of the Bell curve sharply elevates along the Y-axis. After an action is taken – say at the midway point of the Curve – discomfort drops precipitously.

In short, take action, maintain momentum, and you’ll feel relieved.

6. Seek professional help

If insecurities are affecting your physical or mental health, it may be worthwhile to look into speaking with a professional. Consider talking to a counselor, therapist, or someone else who specializes in the area(s) with which you’re struggling.

Here again, it’s important to be honest with your partner if the decision impacts him or her.  Also, be sure to pay attention to their reaction.


5 Signs Your Spirit Guides Are Trying to Contact You

Have you ever felt a lightbulb go off in your mind after being stumped for days about something? Or maybe you intuitively were drawn to a certain decision all of a sudden, as if someone else was telling you the right thing to do. If you’ve ever experienced an “inner knowing” about something, it might have actually been your universal spirit guides pointing you in the right direction!

Guides can come to you at any time and for any reason, especially if they know you’ve been struggling and need guidance in your life. They can appear in all sorts of ways, usually through signs and a gut feeling you get when they’re trying to get in touch with you. We’ll go over some surefire ways to know if the universe is trying to communicate with you.


spiritual beings

1. More synchronicities happening in your life

One of the most telling ways that the universe talks to you is through synchronicity. What is this, you ask? Well, it basically means that everything just falls into place, the puzzle pieces start coming together, and you start feeling like you’re on the right track. Two events occur that have no causal relationship, yet seem to be related in a meaningful way. For instance, maybe you’ve been going through a breakup, and “Since You’ve Been Gone” by Kelly Clarkson blasts through your car speakers right when you turn the radio on.

Or, let’s say you have been feeling lonely, and one night, an old friend calls you up out of the blue to say hello. These events can happen at any time, so pay attention. Your universal guides just want to help you out and get you back on the right track. Especially pay attention to numbers, specifically repeating ones. Many mystics believe that seeing 11:11 on a clock, for instance, means your angels are watching over you.

2. You feel an otherworldly presence during meditation

If you meditate, you probably do it to quiet your mind and simply “turn off” the outside world for a while. However, did you know that this is one of the most popular ways to communicate with your guides? When you meditate, you start to increase your vibrational frequency, which literally takes you to greater heights, both spiritually and mentally. Guides operate on higher frequencies as well, which means you’re on the perfect road to cross paths with them. If you feel something “pulling” at you in your meditation practice, it might be your guides trying to contact you.

3. You have strange dreams

Guides love to talk through dreams, because it’s almost like you’re in another world entirely. This dream state makes it easier to contact you. Plus, dreams can get pretty vivid and intense, which allows the guides to use the full spectrum of creativity to convey their messages. They might send you someone in your dreams that you are destined to meet in real life. Or they might show you an image of you in the future. Your dreams are important, so keep a dream journal nearby so you can jot down your dreams when you wake up. You’ll likely have dreams that you can directly apply to your life to help you on your journey.

When you trust your inner guidance and begin moving in the direction of your dreams (aligned with your individual gifts) you will be cloaked in an armor bestowed upon you by your guardian angel.” ~ Charles F. Glassman

4. You face challenge after challenge

How many times have you felt like you just couldn’t catch a break? It happens to all of us, but if we look deeper, there’s a message within the madness. If it just won’t stop raining, maybe our guides want us to change direction, or learn to change our attitude. Challenges help make us stronger, but they often show us that we should change our path since the one we’re on seems to be littered with roadblocks.

5. Your intuition is getting stronger

One way to know if your spirit guides are near is to pay attention to your intuition. Maybe you have a date coming up this weekend, but something doesn’t feel right in your gut. This means that the universe is trying to tell you that the person either isn’t right for you, or that you could be in danger around this person. If something feels “off” to you, that’s your intuition trying to warn you about possible threats.

On the flip side, your spirit guides could also show you something positive in your life that you might’ve overlooked. Maybe you have some job opportunities lined up, and you suddenly feel drawn toward one more than the others. Your guides only want to help you, so keep your senses aware of their presence.

The universe talks to us all the time; we just have to quiet our thoughts and tune into its mysterious ways of communicating. So, pay attention to the signs all around you, because it just might be your guides trying to illuminate your path and help you steer clear of things that no longer serve you.

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