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7 Signs Your Partner Is About to Propose to You

When you’re in a relationship for a certain amount of time, getting married is kind of expected by both you and everyone else around you outside of your relationship. Of course, everyone is getting ready to propose and make that commitment at their own pace. However, there are some signs that telltale when your partner is getting ready to propose to you.

“If you love someone then tell them right away; because after missing the train there is no use of yelling that you had a ticket” – Wrushank Sorte

Director of, Paul Dobransky , M.D., says, “when a man makes is clear how special you are (obviously), by saying you’re the only woman who’s ever done fill-in-the-blank for him or made him feel this way, he’s on his way to don the tux.”

If you’re trying to figure out whether or not your partner is getting ready to pop the question, you might want to check out these signs to see if your partner is looking to get down one knee.

Here Are 7 Signs Your Partner Is Ready To Propose You

1. They’re suddenly interested in your jewelry

If you notice that your partner is suddenly interested in the rings you own and the size of the jewelry you wear, they might be preparing to get down on one knee. This means they’re thinking about jewelry—more importantly, they’re considering the kind of jewelry you love. You might soon be receiving an engagement ring crafted by classic fine jewellery manufacturers, renowned for their exquisite craftsmanship and timeless designs. You can drop hints about wanting one of the canary yellow diamond rings at The Diamond Jewellery Studio.

2. They’re watching their budget

If your partner is suddenly watching their budget, they’re probably doing so for a reason. Especially if their job hasn’t changed at all, and they haven’t taken a pay cut. When your partner is being careful about money, it probably means that they’re working on making sure that their budget can last for a while. Especially if they plan on adding a new person into their family, via proposal.

3. They’ve been talking to your friends and family

It’s important that your family and your partner have a good relationship. However, it’s suspect when they start to chat with your friends and family more than usual, without your prompting. They probably are trying to gauge their reaction on your upcoming proposal, as well as trying to get your parents to give them a blessing for your hand in marriage.

4. They’re spending less time with their friends

Even when people are in a relationship, some people, especially guys, still tend to put their friends first before their significant others. Especially if your partner is real buddy-buddy with all of their friends, they probably are getting ready to leave the remnants of single life behind. They’re definitely getting ready to merge two lives into one. If they’re no longer making a big deal about hanging out with their pals or getting together for a “guys night”, then it’s a definite sign.

5. They talk about the future using “we”

Their future no longer consists of just themselves. When they say things about the future, they start including you in the decision making. They consider the future with you in it. They’re thinking of including you in all of their plans, which means that they consider you when it comes to moving, their job, and any other options that may come up. This is a sign that they’re ready to move forward in the relationship and get down on one knee. “Me” for them, is about to become “we”.

6. All of their friends are married or engaged

When all you do is hang out with people who are married or planning a wedding, it’s hard not to think about your life down the line. This is a red flag for a proposal when your partner’s friends are all suddenly married or getting ready to do so. That type of thinking will get their own gears turning. They’re definitely considering what it’s going to be like when the two of your tie the knot.


Relationship expert and author Andrea Syrtash says, “Does he roll his eyes at every wedding invitation he gets? Or moan about another double date with your married friends? This could be a giveaway that he’s not ready…yet. But if most of a guy’s network of friends is married already, he’s going to start feeling like the odd man out and be more comfortable taking the leap himself.

Therefore, when the last of his friends gets engaged, prepare yourself for the big question.

7. Everyone is acting weird

The thing about proposals, is that you’re going you to be the last to know! Your partner has already told your parents, your family, and all of your friends. So, people tend to start looking at you funny, and waiting expectantly for you to tell them the news so they can act surprised. But, everyone knows that your partner is getting ready to pop the question – so when their eyes start flicking to your hands, consider it a sign that it’s on the horizon.

Final thoughts

You don’t want to ruin the surprise and the feeling of getting proposed to – but if you’re wondering where your partner lies in wanting to spend the rest of your lives together, these are some signs that they’re getting ready to move forward with a proposal. Don’t try to tease it out of them, or put pressure on them! Just sit back and enjoy it. Let the proposal come to you. It’s more fun that way!


Researchers Explain 6 Reasons Why A Man Falls In Love

What is it that makes a man fall in love with a woman?

Who is the type of woman that a man falls in love with? Women all over the world have been trying to figure this out. Popular society’s opinion makes it seems like men don’t fall for women the same way that women fall for men. Of course, that’s not true.

Relationship Coach Bobbi Palmer says, “A man falls in love when he feels like he could be a super hero with you in his life. When he feels accepted, appreciated and understood, and knows he can make you happy…he will be yours. Oh…and throw in that he thinks you’re hot!

Women and men have the same emotions, and men will fall for women in their own unique way. Researchers have finally pinpointed several reasons men fall head over heels with women.

NOTE: We address the reasons why women fall head over heels in a separate article.

Here Are 6 Reasons Why A Man Falls In Love With Someone

“You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.” – Albert Einstein

1. He’s captivated by the whole package

The entire woman often enamors men. Her looks, personality, voice, and laughter – when men fall, they’re first captivated by the entirety of the woman.

The former CEO of eHarmony Grant Langston says, “The answer doesn’t sound sexy, but a man falls in love when his feelings for a woman reach a critical mass. He spends time with her and he sees that she is kind, loving, affectionate, loyal, fun, sexy, and of a positive spirit in quantities that reach a certain weight. One day he thinks, ‘Wow, I love this woman.’ He may not know why, but his mind/heart have taken a look at her in an in-depth way.

Men very rarely fall for individual parts of the woman before falling in love with all of her. Even the individual woman’s scent is part of the allure for the man falling head over heals.

2. He feels he can make her happy

One of the reasons that men fall in love with women is that he feels like he can make her happy. Men and women want the same thing when it comes to love. When a man looks at a woman, he feels he can bond with her. When two people bond, they can make one another happy – and when men feel like they can make a woman happy, they also feel like she can make him happy.

3. He falls in love when she’s open to love

As much as the media loves to push the idea of women playing hard to get, men fall in love with women who are much more open to the idea of love. Women who know what they want in a partner and who they are as a lover are the type of women that men fall in love with.

The things that makes a man fall in love really boil down to is a deep emotional connection. When you feel comfortable with being open and vulnerable with someone, you’re likely falling in love. Human beings as a whole need to feel connected to someone in order to let the walls down around them. We can only really feel anything, including love, when the walls are down,” says dating coach James Preece.

Men don’t want to fall for a woman who makes it hard to love her. Researchers find that men are more open to women who are open to them.

4. The way he feels around her

Men fall head over heels with a woman because of how he feels. When he’s around a woman, and he feels warm, happy, and full of love, it’s very easy for him to fall head over heels in love. When she makes him feel accepted and validated in his emotions, it’s precisely the feeling that makes him feel ready to take it to the next step. Men like to feel accepted and loved the same way that women do.

relationship quote

5. She says “Yes” to life

What’s better to a man than a woman who is ready to say “yes” to all the things life offers? She wants to try new and exotic foods, explore new places and travel to new cities and countries.

Finding a person who fits into his life without huge disruptions is important. Men may like to ogle high-maintenance women, but they’re not the women they marry. A willingness to say, ‘Yes, I’ll try that’—whether it’s trying exotic food he likes, sports he plays, places he wants to go—makes a man fall hard,” says editor Cathleya Schroeckenstein.

Women who aren’t ready to explore new things aren’t the kinds of women who men fall head over heels with.

6. He falls in love with her purpose and passion

Men who fall in love with a woman fall in love with both the passion and purpose that she feels for life and the passion and purpose that he feels when he is with her. When a man falls in love with a woman, he becomes filled with passion, and the more passion he feels, the more love he feels. When a woman feels purpose in life, men can envision living that life right alongside of her – which makes them fall in love.

Final thoughts on why a man falls in love

Many women are often left with the question of what causes men to fall hard, wanting to use those answers to embody those traits. Men’s emotions are often shrouded in mystery because men aren’t encouraged to express them by society. Of course, any man knows that isn’t true, and women often find out that men feel just as deeply as they do. This is why researchers have found the reasons that cause men to fall head over heels in love with women.

11 Habits of Couples With A Strong Love

Nick Hornby once said, “It’s no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn’t even speak to each other if they met at a party.” There’s all kinds of different levels of strength when it comes to relationships – and some relationships are stronger than others.

A strong relationship is one where you “Enjoy what others have to offer rather than trying to change them to fit your own template of how life and love should be,” according to author Kate Figes.

So, if you’re trying to evaluate how strong your relationship is, you may compare it to other relationships you see around you in your day-to-day life. But, there is an even better way to determine if your relationship is stronger than ever, especially if it has been through rough patches.

Here Are 11 Habits of a Strong Relationship

“In a strong relationship each person should support the other; they should lift each other up.” – Taylor Swift

1. Good communication skills

One of the biggest, most important things about relationships is knowing how to communicate with your partner. Whether it’s communicating about your plans for the day, or talking about deep, emotional things that can bring you closer together, communication is one of the most important things that a relationship needs to be strong. And more important, you also know how to listen to one another when you’re communicating back and forth, even if it’s about something silly.

Or as psychologist and relationship expert John Gottman pointed out, “The thing that all really good marriages and love relationships have in common is that they communicate to their partner a model that when you’re upset, I listen. The world stops, and I listen. And we repair things. We don’t let things go. We don’t leave one another in pain. We talk about it, and we repair.

2. Trust in each other

How can you be in a strong relationship if you don’t trust the other person? Trust is key to any strong relationship. If you trust your partner not to hurt you, cheat on you, lie to you, and to communicate with you, then you’re already ahead of the game for a lot of relationships. Trust is instrumental to any relationship; if you lack trust in your partner, it may be a sign that the relationship isn’t working. However, if you feel like you can trust your partner and know that your partner can trust you, then you’re doing amazing.

3. You don’t check out other people

Some people feel like this isn’t something that is a big deal in a relationship. After all, we’re all human and we all have eyes. If you don’t act on it, what’s the harm in looking at an attractive person? However, couples who have a strong relationship don’t even feel the desire to check others out, even if they find them attractive. Acknowledging that another person is attractive is different than ogling them when your partner isn’t looking.

4. You problem solve

Money problems? Relationship problems? Stress? Whatever the issue, you and your partner can solve those problems together. Even if the problem seems big and unmanageable, you know that you’ll be able to tackle anything with your partner by your side. A strong, successful relationship means being able to work together to solve problems, even if you disagree on the solution. Turning towards your partner for support in problem solving means that your relationship is strong.

5. You have fun together

What’s the point of a relationship if you can’t have fun together? “Schedule time together. Find things to do that each of [you] enjoy. Say no to other things that would keep you from having adequate time together,” says relationship psychotherapist Dr. Fran Walfish.

Even if things become stressful due to life stressors, you still have time to get together with each other and forget the rest of the world while you have fun. A good relationship always has time for you and your partner to enjoy being with one another. Learning when it’s a good time to just let go means that your relationship is strong and that you have a long future together.


6. You help each other grow

Being a person is all about growing and learning new things about yourself. In a relationship, you want to be with someone who can help you learn and grow, rather than hold you back. A strong relationship will always involve two partners who help and push one another to grow and become better people – whether that means giving them some tough love, or holding their hand when they need it.

After all, “It is clear that when we know someone has our back, we are more confidant and more adventurous. We achieve our goals more easily and are less derailed by disappointments,” says Dr. Sue Johnson. A partner who actively supports your goals and dreams strengthens your relationship.

7. Affection toward each other keeps growing

Affection is one of a few very important things in a relationship. Holding hands, sneaking kisses, affectionate touches, playing with one another’s hair, cuddling together on the couch… affection is our way of showing our love to our partners without words. It’s also a great way to release bonding hormones that make us feel more love for our partners. When you have a very affectionate relationship, you will have a stronger bond than relationships that are low on affection.

8. You’re still you

Being in a relationship doesn’t mean that you become one person. If you continue to retain your individuality, then your relationship is very strong. Your relationship and partner shouldn’t eclipse your personality and shouldn’t try to change you.

Love yourself first. Self-love is the first love. If we do not honor, respect, value and appreciate ourselves, no one else will. Our partner will only mirror back to us how we feel about ourselves. We must look within for our own happiness and fulfillment first and not make the mistake of relying on someone else to make us happy,” says life coach and author Patty Blue Hayes

If you feel you can be yourself and your partner loves you for who you are, your relationship is undoubtedly strong enough to last.

9. You share similar values

If you and your partner have entirely different values and ethics, you may find that your relationship isn’t as strong as it could be because “Although other differences can be accommodated and tolerated, a difference in values is particularly problematic if the goal is long-lasting love,” says Kelly Campbell, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology.

Even if you have entirely different personalities and interests, your relationship will be stronger than ever if you have the same ethics and values. Even if you don’t have the exact same values, your values should be complementary and work together without clashing.

10. You share habits

You share good habits, of course. If you’re picking up each other’s bad habits, it may be a sign that your relationship isn’t working for you. However, when you pick up your partner’s good habits and quirks, it’s a sign that your relationship is truly one of the good ones. When you pick up each other’s quirks, like their music, and enjoy their hobbies, it’s a sign that your relationship is good and strong.

11. You’re both committed to each other

If you’re afraid of commitment, you’re probably not in a very strong relationship. However, when you and your partner are excited and ready to commit to one another, it’s a sign that there’s nothing weak about your relationship. The strength in your relationship can be shown through your commitment to one another.

But what about when life stresses you out?

A successful career and exciting workplace can distract partners from their relationship, and from the family they have created. Each partner has to be able to trust that the other has his or her back, and that they intend to do all they can to understand and support one another. The relationship must come first,” says Dr. Mike McNulty, a Master Certified Gottman Therapist.

Final thoughts on Strong Love

Strength in a relationship cannot be measured by pitting your relationship against someone else’s. No matter what your relationship looks like from the outside, the strength of your relationship comes from within. There are several different habits that partners have to exhibit in their relationships for it to be considered a strong relationship. If you seem to be hitting all of these points, then your relationship is undoubtedly more vital than ever.


5 Signs That Predict Divorce, According to Psychology

The fascination with divorce rates. And oh, all the experts who try to predict divorce.

Social scientists have been interested in the rationale of why people get divorced for a long time. While many studies – some of which we’ll discuss shortly – possess some merit, there’s also plenty of misinformation out there. Here’s an illustration: For many years, scientists adamantly cited the “cohabitation effect” as irrefutable.

The cohabitation effect was a concept – supposedly “proven” through repeated studies in the early-2000’s – that living together before marriage increased one’s odds of divorce. In a 2012 study published in The Journal of Marriage and Family, researchers examined the link between premarital cohabitation and divorce by using a large sample of nearly 3,500 Americans.

63 percent of couples lived together prior to marriage. The divorce rate among these 2,205 couples? 20 percent.

So much for the “cohabitation effect.” (Sounds good though, right?) It’s not all the scientist’s fault, however; they were merely looking at (and analyzing) the wrong data. Further, they were downplaying a second, more critical variable. More specifically, researchers weren’t taking age into account. Youngsters tying the knot after living under the same roof did show a higher-than-average divorce rate, which skewed the “real” cohabitation numbers.

So why do people (really) get divorced?

Here are five signs that predict divorce according to recent research:

Healthy marriages are good for couples’ mental and physical health. They are also good for children; growing up in a happy home protects children from mental, physical, educational and social problems. However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. ~ American Psychological Association

1. They’re too young

While cohabitation may not influence the decision to divorce, the research discovered that the age at which a couple moves in together or gets married does.

According to statistics derived from Census data, 12 percent of individuals aged 30 years had already experienced a divorce. Graphically, the age range in which people are likeliest to get married is between 20 and 25. Shortly afterward – within 2-3 years – divorce rates disproportionately increase.

stages of divorce

2. Emotional instability

Neuroticism, or the long-term tendency to be in a negative or anxious emotional state, positively correlates with divorce statistics.

The tendency to overprotect often manifests into controlling behavior. Further, neurotic traits are common in anxiety and depression disorders, which can affect the long-term durability of marriage. While it isn’t known for sure, young age – and the immaturity that often accompanies it – may be at play to some extent here.

3. Demographic variables

Data from the National Survey of Family (NSOF) growth has found that divorce statistics are linked to several demographic variables, including education level and religious background.

Individuals who identify with a religious affiliation and higher education tend to have longer-lasting marriages. NSOF data also shows significant differences in divorce rates according to race/ethnicity.

4. Genetics

Studies have repeatedly shown that individuals are more likely to divorce if divorce “runs” in their family. More specifically, children of divorced parents have a much higher risk of getting divorced as adults.

Research published in the Journal of Family Issues found that parental divorce increased one’s risk of ending their marriage within the first five years by as much as 70 percent. Interestingly, some psychologists believe there may be a genetic predisposition for divorce.


5. Infidelity

Unsurprisingly, cheating doesn’t instill much confidence in the other person. Not only are marriages in which one person cheats more likely to end in divorce, couples who choose to stay together often experience much poorer relationship quality.

In a 17-year study published in The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, researchers analyzed data from a nationally representative U.S. sample of 2,033 married individuals. Results from the study reveal that those who scored highest on the measure of divorce proneness on the analyzed surveys were most likely to report cheating later in the study.


10 Things You Need to Start Doing Right Now If You Want To Ever Retire

Ah, retirement – a time that most people look forward to every single morning they hurriedly get out of bed and throw on their work clothes. For most people, retirement means freedom, relaxation, and travel. To retire means setting out on a new adventure, far away from bosses, desks, and paychecks.

However, in today’s increasingly expensive world, even retirement seems a thing of the past. U.S. seniors are employed at the highest rate in 55 years, with 19 percent of people age 65 or older working at least part-time. Not all of these folks need the money; some just want a job to keep them busy and have a place to socialize. According to a survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, or EBRI, 79 percent of U.S. workers plan to supplement their retirement income with at least a part-time job.

For millennials, the idea of retirement seems like wishful thinking at best, and absolutely unattainable at worst. However, there are some things you can start doing now if you want to retire at a decent age.

Here are 10 things to start doing now if you ever want to retire:

“I’m not just retiring from the company. I’ll retire from my stress, my commute, my alarm clock, and my iron.” – Hartman Jule

1. Set aside money each month in savings

Obviously, if you blow through all your paychecks, you won’t have anything left over to save. So, budgeting for what you need and putting the rest in a separate savings account will ensure you don’t spend all your money. Plus, you’ll eventually have a nest egg to move that money around to other places, perhaps in investments or a 401K. Even if you save just $10 a month, that’s better than nothing, and it can add up over the course of a few years.

2. Get a handle on expenses

Do you need that Starbucks drink every day before work? Can you sacrifice part of your Sunday to prep meals for the week so you don’t settle for take-out most nights? Most of us get so used to our habits that we don’t see how much money we throw away every month. You can also look at your bills and call up your cable/phone/internet provider to see if you can lower them. Or, think about switching to a cheaper company.

Take a look at your monthly subscriptions as well to see if there are any automatic debits that you forgot about. If you don’t have any use for them anymore, cancel them. There are so many ways to save money; you just have to be proactive and dedicated. It might take a little work up front, but it will be well worth it when you check your bank statement.

3. Pay down debts as soon as possible

You don’t want debt hanging over your head for the rest of your life, so it’s important to pay off loans and credit card bills as quickly as possible. You can see about possibly consolidating your debt, or looking at credit cards with cheaper interest rates. As a rule of thumb, always pay off the credit cards and loans with the highest interest rates first to get them out of the way. It takes patience to pay down debts every month, but the more you chip away at it, the quicker it will get paid off.

4. Sit and write down your retirement goals

Most young people don’t think much about retirement, much less the next five years of their lives. However, planning for the future is essential if you ever want to retire. How much money do you want to have when you retire? What age do you want to retire? How will you get from Point A to Point B? Who will you call on for advice to help you sort out your plans?

These are the questions you need to ask yourself, but don’t worry – you don’t need a plan set in stone just yet. You just need to get started on at least a rough outline of what you want your financial future to look like. You could even meet with a financial advisor who can help you sort out the details.

5. Look at ways to earn passive income

Have you ever thought about writing a book? Starting a website? Selling a product? These are all excellent ways to earn passive income, and who doesn’t want to earn money while they’re not working?! This is the age of opportunity, so take advantage of it. Don’t just settle for a job you hate that you’ll be stuck at until you’re 80 with a dismal retirement fund – get out there and follow your dreams because it just might mean you get to retire while you’re still relatively young.

how to retire early

6. Put your money into investments

Now, we don’t claim to be financial experts here, but investing is undoubtedly a great option if you have the extra funds. If the stock market scares you, you’re not alone, but you don’t have to start out with high-risk investments immediately. Instead, you could start with investing apps that take a portion of your income each month and do all the heavy-duty work for you. We recently had some success when we bought Coinbase shares through an investing app that has yielded pretty sweet dividends thus far. Or, choose a low-risk mutual fund, certificate of deposit, or dividend-paying stocks to get your feet wet. You might want to take some courses on investing or meet with a financial advisor if you choose this option.

7. Keep tabs on your credit score

Most people cringe at the thought of checking their credit, but it’s important to know your score so you can either a) improve it if need be or b) pat yourself on the back a little bit. If you want to buy a house or car, they will check your credit score and minor things such as buying an apartment or trying to finance a MacBook. Making sure you have a good credit score will help you later on if you can’t pay up front for something and need to rely on credit to make the purchase.

There are many free ways to check your credit score, such as through your bank or on sites like Credit Sesame.

8. Practice minimalism

This isn’t just some New-Age, “woo-woo” idea to reach enlightenment and rid yourself of emotional baggage forever – this can actually help you retire younger, too! Think about it: how much money could you save if you bought a used car and a one-bedroom older home as opposed to a new, 4-bedroom home? Assess what you really NEED in life versus what you want, because if you give into your every desire, you won’t have much money left over. Maybe set aside a little spending money each month in the form of cash so that you aren’t tempted to just swipe your card wherever you go.

9. Sell stuff you don’t need

Expanding on the point above, gather up some things around your house you know you don’t use anymore. That dress you haven’t worn in months? Sell it at a garage sale. What about your old laptop or gaming systems that are just collecting dust? You might not make a lot of money on this method, but it could be used toward investments or even starting your own business. Every little bit counts.

10. Choose credit cards with rewards

Who doesn’t want to be rewarded for buying something? Most credit cards today offer rewards every time you make certain purchases, or if you spend a certain amount within a few months. Some even offer huge sign-up bonuses that give you thousands of points! The choices are endless, so do a little research on what card is right for you. Some are geared toward specific purchases, such as flights and hotels, while others are more universal. However, any money you can save with rewards is worth it.

Final thoughts

Retiring might be the last thing on your mind, but planning for the future is vitally important, especially in times of financial uncertainty. It doesn’t have to be rocket science; simply make a plan, budget, and figure out how much money you want to set aside each month in savings. Meet with as many financial planners as you need to in order to feel confident and knowledgeable about your finances. They can help remove some of the confusion and fear that goes along with investing and saving money.

With these tips, we sincerely hope that you can retire at whatever age you wish with plenty of money left for the things you enjoy!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Early Warning Signs of Cervical Cancer

“Cancer is awful. It took 10 years until I didn’t think about it every day. Nobody should go through this. Nobody.” – Hans Rosling

Like all other cancers, cervical cancer happens when there are abnormal cells that develop. In this case, these cells develop in the cervix. All women can be at risk of developing cervical cancer, and when these cells grow out of control they can be managed or detected with a Pap smear test.

According to Mayo Clinic, “Various strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, play a role in causing most cervical cancer. When exposed to HPV, a woman’s immune system typically prevents the virus from doing harm. In a small group of women, however, the virus survives for years, contributing to the process that causes some cells on the surface of the cervix to become cancer cells.

When it’s discovered early enough, cervical cancer can be treated with success, like many other cancers. The important thing is to be aware of the signs of cervical cancer so you can get checked out and improve your chances of getting successful treatment.

Here Are 8 Signs Of Cervical Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

1. Leg pain with swelling

Not all leg pains can be attributed to cervical cancer, this is true. However, barring a recent workout or injury, leg pain that cannot be attributed to something else may very well be a sign of cervical cancer, especially if the leg pain comes with swelling.

According to Unity Point Health, “As the cancer grows and becomes more advanced, it may start to press against nerves in the pelvic wall, resulting in leg pain and sometimes swelling.” Therefore, if there’s unattributed leg pain, it’s important to get checked out.

2. Abnormal vaginal discharge

Any abnormal discharge should be looked at by a gynecologist as soon as possible. All vaginal discharge should be colorless and mostly odorless, though you may very well smell some faint ‘body’-like smell. However, if the discharge is a strange color or smells strongly, it’s important to get that checked out.

But why does this happen?

According to Unity Point Health “If cervical cancer lacks oxygen, some cells may die off, infecting the tumor. The infection creates a foul smelling vaginal discharge which serves as another symptom of cervical cancer. This continuous discharge may be pale, watery, brown, or mixed with blood.” It may not be cervical cancer, but strange discharge isn’t normal in the first place.

3. Vaginal bleeding

Those who don’t keep track of their menstrual cycle may confuse vaginal bleeding with normal spotting or period blood. However, bleeding outside of the normal period cycle isn’t normal. Women who bleed after sex, or who are postmenopausal, may want to get checked out for cervical cancer, or abnormal cervical cells. Vaginal bleeding is a red flag to something being wrong.

4. Uncomfortable urination

Women who are prone to urinary tract infections may mistake uncomfortable urination with a UTI. Normal urination should not be uncomfortable, and it should not sting or burn in any way.

Based on Unity Point Health, “Blockage of the kidneys can occur from cervical cancer. This blockage will cause urination to become uncomfortable and sometimes difficult. You may even experience frequent urges to use the restroom without cause.”

Therefore, if urination becomes uncomfortable or painful, getting checked out with a physician is the first step. While it may be nothing as serious as cancer, it’s still a sign of cervical cancer that shouldn’t go ignored.

5. Sex is less enjoyable

This doesn’t have to do with your libido, but rather has to do with how comfortable, enjoyable or painful sex is. If sex suddenly becomes painful, it could be an indication that you have cervical cancer. If painful intercourse happens abruptly and with no other explanation for it, you may just be experiencing an overgrowth of cells in your cervix.

6. Pelvic pain

When women have their menstrual cycles, pain from cramps that radiate out from the pelvis is rather normal. Pelvic pain in and of itself isn’t an immediate sign of cervical cancer. However, when the pain becomes extremely intense, or lasts for longer than the menstrual cycle, this could be a red flag for cervical cancer.

According to MD Anderson Cancer Center, “Ongoing abdominal pain or discomfort — including gas, indigestion, pressure, bloating and cramps — can signal ovarian cancer. And, constant pelvic pain or pressure can be a sign of endometrial cancer.

You will want to get checked out for an abnormal pain in the pelvis, especially if other symptoms are arising.

7. Weight loss and fatigue

If you’re not trying to lose weight, then you will always want to get checked out for sudden or extreme weight loss, especially if there has been no change in your diet. Coupled with fatigue that you can’t quite seem to overcome, it could be a red flag for cervical cancer. Any change in weight or energy levels should always be checked out by a doctor, especially if you’re having other symptoms that could be attributed to cervical cancer.

8. Infrequent menstrual cycles

Most women have pretty regular cycles. Ever 25-28 days seems to be the average for most women going through their cycle. While there may be other reasons, including other health issues, medication or diet, that can cause irregular menstrual cycles, this is also a sign of cervical cancer. Especially if the menstrual cycle has always been regular before, suddenly skipping a month or bleeding longer than usual can be a red flag.


Final thoughts

While the idea of having cervical cancer can be scary, it’s important to remember that if the cancer is caught early, there’s a high chance that it can be treated successfully. Being aware of your body’s natural rhythms, and when something seems wrong or out of place can give you the heads up for when to make an appointment with your doctor and get checked out for any abnormalities in your cervix.

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