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10 Warning Signs Your Kidneys Aren’t Functioning Properly

Kidney disease is the 9th leading cause of death in the United States. An estimated 31 million people in the United States (10% of the adult population) have chronic kidney disease (CKD). – American Kidney Fund

Why Are the Kidneys So Important?

Our kidneys are always at work, and they have numerous life-sustaining responsibilities. The size of a large fist, their primary function is to filter and cycle blood, which it does at a rate of 200 quarts every 24 hours.

Here are some their other bodily functions:

– remove waste products from the body

– remove drugs from the body

– balance the body’s fluids

– release hormones that regulate blood pressure

– produce an active form of vitamin D that promotes strong, healthy bones

– control the production of red blood cells

They also ensure the body’s proper utilization of minerals by balancing the body’s acid, potassium, and salt levels. Other organs, including the liver, rely on them to produce and transport vital hormones.

Kidney Disorders

Most medical conditions that affect the kidney target the organ’s structures. These structures include the renal artery and renal veins (vessels that transport blood to and from the kidneys), its tissues, and the ureter, which moves urine from the kidney to the bladder.

Here, we’ll discuss ten potential warning signs that your kidneys aren’t working correctly. If you identify with one or more of the following symptoms, please consider seeking the advice of a medical professional.

10 Signs Your Kidneys Might Be Damaged

1. Blood In The Urine

When the filtering apparatuses are damaged, blood cells may permeate into the bladder. Blood in the urine is a severe symptom and may indicate the presence of an infection, kidney stone, or tumors.

2. Pain In Abdomen

As kidneys are situated in the rear of the abdominal cavity, where our digestive organs also rest, it’s challenging to differentiate kidney pain from common stomach pains. Generally, kidney pain concentrates around the edges of the abdomen and back.

3. Urine Irregularity

Poor conditions may lead to peeing too often or too rarely. Oliguria is the medical term used to describe when a person produces less than 16 ounces of water. Polyuria is when a person expels more than 100 ounces in a day. Sudden changes in urine frequency, especially with no changes to fluid intake, is a cause for concern.

4. Nausea Or Vomiting

Uremia or uremic syndrome is when waste products build up in the body because they are unable to eliminate them. Excess toxins must be removed from the body, which in this case, happens through vomiting. As vomiting may surface from a vast number of conditions, the best advice is to wait things out for a few days. If your symptoms worsen over time, it’s advisable to seek medical care.

5. Swelling Or Shortness of Breath

Swelling of the legs occurs when the body can not produce enough urine. Shortness of breath is due to the erraticism of the blood’s pH levels, which places an undue burden on the respiratory system. Any illness that suppresses the respiratory system is highly precarious and should always be considered a medical emergency.

6. Rashes or Itching

The accumulation of uric acid and waste products may produce itchy red patches on the skin. As the root cause of the symptom extends below the surface of the skin, over-the-counter (OTC) medications and other treatments are ineffective. Should such skin problems persist, seek the advice of your family doctor or dermatologist.

7. High Blood Pressure

These also serve as regulators of blood pressure. When they’re not functioning properly, they can not control high blood pressure. The rapid influx of blood stretches the blood vessels, which may cause further damage by scarring blood vessels in and around the kidneys.

8. Changes in Color

A healthy person who hydrates regularly will expel pale yellowish urine. Typically, urine coloration appears clearer the more water we consume. Dehydration, which can cause serious health complications, will produce urine of a dark yellow color. Brown, black, orange, pink, or red colored urine is highly abnormal and should be investigated by a doctor. Blood in the urine (hematuria) produces a red to pink-colored urine; which is a dangerous condition requiring immediate medical care.

9. Urine Odor

Most people produce urine of a musky, almost ammonia-like scent. That said, urine odor is highly variable, and is dependent on one’s diet, activity levels, and environmental temperature. A malfunctioning kidney may produce a fishy, sweet smell – and may be indicative of an underlying medical condition such as diabetes or liver disease. Certain supplements may also produce this odor.

10. Miscellaneous Symptoms

The kidney, as with many other vital organs, can produce seemingly unrelated symptoms. Some symptoms reported by medical professionals upon the diagnosis of a kidney condition include confusion, headaches, fatigue, muscle cramps, seizure, and skin discoloration.

Kidney Health 

Per, here are the top ways to promote and maintain organ health:

– regular physical activity

– lose weight, if you need to

– eat less fat

– keep your blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood fats under control

– stop smoking

– reduce stress

At-risk demographics for chronic kidney disease, according to

– the elderly

– diabetes patients

– those with high blood pressure (hypertension)

– having a family history of chronic kidney disease

– are of African American, Hispanic American, Asian, Pacific Islander, or American Indian descent.

Most of these conditions can be treated successfully. Per, diabetes and high blood pressure are the first and second leading causes of kidney failure, respectively. Prevention, treatment, and monitoring of the two conditions are paramount.


8 Signs It’s Time To Walk Away From A Love That’s Too Toxic

It’s never easy to admit that a relationship has turned toxic. It’s never an easy thing to walk away from an unhealthy relationship – even if it’s rife with problems. After all, we may still be in love with the person.

The truth is that many of us in a harmful relationship would rather live in denial.

The problem is, of course, that this is very unhealthy. In essence, we’re trying – in vain – to ignore a toxic relationship. But what we’re actually doing is unknowingly permitting the relationship’s negativity to seep further into our subconscious.

Is the relationship toxic?

First, we must be open to the idea that a relationship may be harmful. If we don’t acknowledge this vital truth, nothing else we do will matter much.

Here are some fundamental questions to ask:

– “Am I excited to be in this relationship?”

– “Am I happy and content?”

– “How’s my mood on most days?”

– “Do I get angry more often than I used to?”

– “Am I truly happy?”

Think about how you’re treated, and whether or not you’re proud to be around your partner. Do they lift your spirits or drag you down?

8 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

“I can’t control your behavior; nor do I want that burden … but I will not apologize for refusing to be disrespected, to be lied to, or to be mistreated. I have standards; step up or step out.” ~ Steve Maraboli

As you probably know by now, toxic relationships can harm your mental health. In turn, these effects can potentially diminish your ability to enter into another intimate relationship, if so desired.

Thus, it is essential to identify the signs of a noxious partnership and find the exit.

1. You’re more insecure in an unhealthy relationship.

Toxic relationships are turbulent and unpredictable. As a result, you may find yourself questioning whether or not you’re good enough, smart enough, or whether you’re even worthy of love.

Don’t fall into the trap of negative self-talk. Understand that what your brain is telling you is a lie. You are worthy of a fruitful relationship – and the faster you get away from the relationship you’re in, the faster you can recover your sense of self.

2. You have trust issues.

If you find yourself unable to trust anyone anymore, it may be a sign that it’s time to move on. Poisonous relationships are notorious for giving birth to a sense of distrust.

Depending on the degree of toxicity involved in the relationship, it may take some time to learn to trust another potential mate again. But you’ve already followed through on the hard part: walking away.

3. Your productivity suffers.

Our relationships take precedence over everything. When our relationships are in disarray, so is our life. Unsurprisingly, the psychological effects of a distressing relationship alter our brain’s ability to produce constructive thoughts.

Your bright future isn’t worth sacrificing for a relationship that likely won’t last.

4. During an unhealthy relationship, you become anxious.

Toxic relationships cause a lot of anxiety. You may be worried about being criticized, upsetting your partner, or something else. Regardless of the cause, prolonged anxiety can be extremely damaging to mental health and well-being.

Anxiety is already the most common mental health problem in the United States. One reason is that the human brain is very susceptible due to its natural chemistry. No reason to put yourself even more at risk.

unhealthy relationship

5. You become sick more often.

When we’re under mental duress, it’s common to experience physical effects. One prominent target of psychological stress is our immune system.

The immune system is responsible, of course, for fighting off infections, viruses, and other harmful agents. To ensure it’s health, we must understand it’s inseparable association with mental stress.

6. You become more negative.

We’ve said this numerous times: negativity is contagious. If you stick around it long enough, it’ll permeate into your being. Simply put, we can not continually subject ourselves to a toxic environment and not expect it to affect us in some way.

7. Your friends and family are concerned.

Listen, your inner circle will almost surely point out any apparent changes to your behavior. In extremely toxic relationships, a social “intervention” is very common. It may be, in fact, the norm.

While you may not want to listen, it’s important that you do – not only for your health and well-being but for that of who you love.

8. You know something’s wrong.

Intuitively, you understand the harm that the relationship is causing.

It’s crucial that you: (a) accept the fact that the relationship is causing you harm, and (b) muster up the courage to call it quits.

Final Thoughts

If you take away nothing else from this article, let it be this: your mental and physical health are the most important things in your life.

You can not possibly progress in any other area of life if either fails. Nothing and no one is worth jeopardizing them over. Reach out to your support system, seek professional help – whatever is needed to help you move on from an unhealthy relationship.


Relationship Experts Describe The 7 Signs of A Dysfunctional Relationship

Knowing when a relationship has become dysfunctional can be a difficult task, especially when you’re in the middle of it. Experiencing your relationship turn from something that was once a source of love and support and comfort, into something that causes you endless anxiety, can be one of the worst feelings in the world.

However, recognizing the signs of a relationship that has gone dysfunctional is an important and healthy step to either fixing the relationship if both partners are willing to work on it, or leaving altogether. Relationship experts have put together the top signs of a dysfunctional relationship, which can be hard to spot.


1. The same argument keeps occurring

If you ever find yourself stuck in the same exact fight over and over against without any way to resolve it, your relationship may not be functioning in a healthy manner. Communication is key to all relationships. Once communication begins to break down, relationships begin to break down as well. The ability to agree and compromise is important in relationships, and they start to devolve and become dysfunctional when that ability becomes compromised.

Having arguments is normal, but only if those arguments get discussed, resolved and put away. If you find that you’re talking out the same exact arguments over and over, without any resolution, your relationship may be starting to dissolve. The key here is to either learn how to communicate and come to a compromise, or admit that something is wrong.

2. Partners in a dysfunctional relationship play the blame game

If your partner blames you for everything – every little thing that goes wrong – your relationship may face issues. Dysfunctional partners in a relationship will do anything and everything to avoid being held accountable for their own flaws or mistakes, including unloading the entirety of the blame onto the other person.

If you find that your partner is often rewriting arguments to fit their own narrative, or putting an unfair amount of emotional labor onto you and then finding fault when you cannot comply, your relationship may be tilting towards dysfunction. This type of behavior can escalate to abuse, so be alert and aware, and collect resources and support to get yourself out.

3. There’s an ever present sense of guilt

Does your partner constantly expect apologies from you, even when you’re not in the wrong? Are you the one extending the olive branch after every argument? Have you learned when to keep your mouth shut so as not to upset your partner, and to avoid being saddled with the guilt of another argument?

Do you find that you’re saying “I’m sorry” 9 times out of 10, even when all you’ve done is express a feeling or try to communicate? This is a sign of a dysfunctional relationship. If you’re unable to be yourself without apologizing, your best bet is to leave the relationship, because you deserve to be able to exist as your own person without feeling guilty for it.


4. You could cut the tension with a knife

This is a big red flag if you feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells around your partner. Even when things are calm, you’re constantly tense and waiting for the next round of fighting or yelling. Even the good times are tainted with the knowledge that they won’t stay this way, and that you’ll inevitably be back to arguing with one another for hours on end.

Tension in a relationship can lead to anxiety, depression and drop in self-esteem, because you’re constantly sacrificing everything about yourself in other to keep the peace in the relationship. You deserve better, and exiting a dysfunctional relationship that is nothing but fighting and waiting to fight is sometimes the only option.

5. You’re dealing with a compulsive liar

Do you find that you’re often lying to your partner about where you’ve been or who you’ve been with because you know that their controlling nature will cause them to start a fight? Or maybe, you find that your partner is lying to you. Or even still, perhaps you find that you’re lying to yourself and telling yourself that things will get better, and you’re happy, and the relationship isn’t that bad. Lying is a sign that a relationship is going south, and quickly. If you cannot be open and honest with your partner, something is wrong. Stop the cycle of lies by finally confronting the reality of your relationship – you can start by reaching out to your circle of friends and support network.

6. There’s an obsession present

Is your partner obsessive about you? Are they watching everything you do, demanding to know where you are and who you are with at all times? This is a sign of a dysfunctional partner, and a precursor to a dysfunctional relationship down the line. You should be able to exist as your own person in a relationship. If your partner begins to show signs of obsession with you, you need to establish clear boundaries in what is or is not appropriate behavior. If they cannot respect these boundaries, it’s best to end the relationship before it becomes a trap. Make your support system aware of the worrying red flags in your partner’s behavior.

7. Your partner never wants to find common ground

A red flag for a dysfunctional relationship is definitely the inability to compromise. At all. Ever. If you find yourself in a relationship where you’re constantly deferring to your partner, and there’s no compromise for your feelings or what you want to do, your relationship is becoming – or has already become – dysfunctional. Relationships are about compromise.

Sometimes, we give something up for those that we love, because we know that sacrifice will be reciprocated. Unfortunately, relationships begin to dissolve when our partners take advantage of that sacrifice, and refuse to compromise on even the smallest of things – from where to go for dinner, to who you’re allowed to hang out with.

A relationship can become dysfunctional right in front of our very eyes, before we even notice what’s happening. Sometimes, these issues can be worked on and both partners come away with a better ability to recognize the things gone wrong in their relationship. Other times, the best thing for both people involved is to split ways. Recognizing the key red flags in a dysfunctional relationship is the first thing that will help people either be able to reinforce boundaries, or leave entirely. No one has to stay in a relationship that is unhealthy and unhappy – and having the tools to leave is the first step to doing so.

“Sometimes it’s better to end something & try to start something new than imprison yourself in hoping for the impossible.” – Karen Salmansohn

11 Questions Every Parent Needs to Ask Their Children

Did you know that by age seven, a child’s brain is almost fully-developed – at 95 percent it’s adult weight, and functioning at its peak energy consumption? Seven years. This short period determines how young one will look at the world around them.

Nancy Guberti, MS, and Bionutritionist states, “Caregivers need to provide a nurturing environment and daily individualized communication. Negative or harsh treatment may come with emotional consequences in the future.”

Children need a stable and nurturing environment and one that promotes learning and communication. Parent/child interaction is the single most important type of communication throughout a person’s life. This ongoing interaction between caregiver (parent, guardian) and the child continues to remain particularly important up until adolescence.

Part of a parent’s responsibility is to inquire about their child’s mental state. Up until a certain age, most children will gladly tell you what’s on their mind (sometimes more than you need to know!) But there’s more to asking questions than getting information.

Asking open-ended questions – which require more than a yes/no answer – is a powerful way to understand what your child is thinking. Further, it’s a wonderful way to strengthen the bond with your child.

In this article, we list 11 great questions to ask your little one – and the rationale behind them.

11 Questions For Parents To Ask Children

“Children are not resilient, children are malleable.” – Bruce D. Perry, M.D., PhD

#1 What’s something fun you did today?

The type of questions you ask your child (and how you ask them) depends on their age, but this question – in some form – is a great place to start.

Dr. Gail Saltz, a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Cornell University, states “Sharing what your child’s day was like and what is important to them grows your relationship.”

As your young one gets older, it’s a good idea to ask them about what they learned to cultivate a love of learning.

#2 What happened at school today?

When kids get finished with school, the last thing they want to do is talk about it. They’re probably a bit tired and want to play or do something else. Let them until dinnertime or so, and then ask them about their day at school.

If your child seems concerned or anxious about something, follow up with them.

#3 What are you grateful for today?

Research shows that teaching children how to express gratitude is essential to their development and overall well-being. Mealtime is an excellent opportunity to discuss ideas, principles, and values you think are important to instill in your kids – and teaching gratitude helps improve the child’s happiness and relationships.

#4 How are you feeling today?

It’s important that a child learns how to understand and manage their emotions. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to uncover what’s going on under the surface. Asking about your child’s feelings is powerful – and the best way to gauge if something isn’t right.


#5 What did you learn today?

Here again is a simple question that emphasizes the importance of learning. This question also encourages critical thinking skills, a talent that will continue to serve your child well into their adult years. This is also a good time to reemphasize the importance of continuous reading, learning, and studying.

#6 What do you think that person feels?

It’s natural for a child to place their thoughts and feelings above anyone else’s. Their brain is still developing the ability to understand emotions, including empathy. As a mature adult, you can help your child by asking them to wonder about how someone else may feel.

#7 Isn’t it beautiful outside today?

(Hint, hint)

Okay, so this is a closed-ended question, but an important one. However you may feel about a kid having an iPad, computer, and video games, cultivating an appreciation for nature is important. Taking your child outside, walking through a park, or joining them on a playground is a great way to encourage physical activity and interaction with nature.

#8 Who is your best friend? Why?

Yes, even as a youngster, the company they keep has an impact on their attitude and mindset. Asking this question helps to figure out what your child values in their peers. As a parent, you can make a choice whether or not this influence is positive or negative.

#9 How can you help someone today?

It goes without saying that we need more nurturing and empathetic people in the world. In reality, there isn’t a way to completely shield a child from the facts of life. Encouraging your child to think about others; in this case, carefully thinking about how they can help someone, is incredibly powerful. Follow up with them on this commitment to reinforce the importance of empathy.

#10 What are you most interested in doing?

Yes, this question is designed to stoke your child’s passions. We still have an education system that prioritizes rote memorization and testing. As such, it’s important to take the reins and encourage your child to do whatever makes them happy. (Creative thinking will become one of the most valued assets in the “new economy.”)

#11 What can you be doing better?

Your child knows when they’ve done something wrong or haven’t given their full effort. This is a brilliant question because it’s not judgmental or prodding in nature. You want what is best for your child – and, by asking this question, your child will know this.


Scientists Explain How Selfies May Be Linked To Narcissism, Other Mental Illness

Before delving into the science of selfies, we understand the skepticism many of you may have regarding this article. Indeed, we remain cautious (and suspicious) about claims that, on the surface, appear to be a bit outlandish.

Putting aside one’s biases about “selfies” – a camera shot of oneself (usually with a smartphone) – the study’s proclamations are nonetheless interesting.

Little doubt exists that society places a disproportionate and unfair amount of emphasis on physical appearance. One might ask: “What would a study proclaim about Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets effects on mental health?” After all, some of the comments on Twitter (primarily) are meant to inflict a sense of hurt on the recipient.

As it turns out, the study discussed focuses on social networking websites (SNSs) as part of the process. We’ll elaborate on the study’s methodology in this regard a bit later.

Digression aside, we are in the business of entertainment and education. Let’s take a look at what some researchers found out about selfies.

“In this study, the authors examined self-objectification, along with three traits, known as the “Dark Triad”: narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. They’re called “dark” because they have an almost evil connotation and are associated with a callous and manipulative way of interacting with other people.” – Gwendolyn Seidman, Ph.D.

The “Dark Triad”


What’s the dark triad?

As a reference going forward, it is important to briefly describe Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy. Each description comes directly from

  • Machiavellianism: “characterized by subtle or unscrupulous cunning, deception, expediency, or dishonesty.” (Example: He resorted to Machiavellian tactics to get ahead.)
  • Narcissism: “inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity. Synonyms: self-centeredness, smugness, egocentrism.
  • Psychopathy: “a mental disorder in which an individual manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.

Scientists Reveal Selfies Could Link To Narcissism, Other Mental Illness

Published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, researchers designed and implemented an:

“online survey of a nationally representative sample of U.S. men aged 18-40 assessed trait predictors of social networking use as well as two forms of visual self-presentation: editing one’s image in photographs posted on social networking sites (SNSs) and posting “selfies,” or pictures users take of themselves.”

In addition to examining the Dark Triad as they relate to how frequently one posts selfies on SNSs, researchers also used self-objectification personality tendencies to potentially influence the study’s results.

Researchers defined self-objectification, as defined in the study as “sociocultural forces (that) promote the sexual objectification of people such that they are depersonalized and judged as objects with solely sexual worth.” Objectification theory posits that when one is subjected to a culture valuing the exhibition of sexual allure, some individuals will attribute more value to themselves based predominately on their appearance.

Out of 1000 surveys administered, the final sample consisted of 800 men with an average age of about 29. The survey included 12 statements. In each, the participants evaluated themselves on a 5-point Likert Scale (1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree).

  • Four statement items were used from the Narcissistic Personality Inventory. For instance, “I tend to want others to pay attention to me.”
  • They took four from the Psychopathy Scale. For instance, “I tend to not be too concerned with the morality of my actions.”
  • Four items came from the ‘Mach IV’ scale, which measured Machiavellianism. For example, “I tend to manipulate others to get my way.”

All responses were averaged using established benchmarks for analysis.


  • After analysis and validation testing, the scientists made the following conclusions:
  • A correlation exists between one’s propensity to inhabit ‘Dark Triad’ and self-objectification personality characteristics in predicting men’s social networking site use.
  • Traits of self-objectification and narcissism correlated most strongly with the amount of time spent on SNSs.
  • Narcissism and psychopathy associated most strongly with the number of selfies posted on SMSs.
  • Narcissism and self-objectification correlated most strongly with edited selfies posted on SMS.


The final analysis reached by the researchers includes the following:

“Men who self-objectify spent more time on SNSs than those lower in self-objectification…more narcissistic individuals reported spending more time on SNSs. Those higher in narcissism and psychopathy reported posting selfies more frequently. Narcissists and individuals high in self-objectification more frequently edited photos of themselves that they posted on SNS.”

In a surprising proclamation, researchers suggest that the study predicts “those high on Dark Triad traits may employ SNSs to execute “cheater strategies” to help them achieve their interpersonal and social goals despite their antisocial personality traits.”

The study’s participants were all male. The researchers, based on prior studies, have found that women exhibit fewer Dark Triad characteristics than males at the expense of higher self-objectification.

6 Traits of Highly Charismatic People

Researchers who created this 6-question test studied the impact of charisma on perceptions of persuasiveness from people’s recorded voices and found that the average person understands and can identify charisma when they hear it. Researchers also say that charisma is measurable, observable; and that measurements of charisma predict real world outcomes.

Rate yourself on the following six personality traits on a scale of 1 to 5.

Do you have a lot of charisma?

1. Influential. People often ask my opinion and I can guide them to see my perspective.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie may be the single most recognizable book on the topic of charisma. The point of the book is that if you can influence people to believe you, the world is yours for the taking and you can become wealthy as a result. If people want to know what you think, rate yourself high here.

2. Smile. I make good eye contact and smile, even at strangers.

There is no one who doesn’t deserve to see the best of you, and that includes your smile. Charismatic people give their smiles away freely and frequently to demonstrate positivity and openness to all.


3. Leadership. In a group where no one will take the lead, I often am the first one to step forward.

Score yourself high on this measurement of charisma if you are the one who steps forward when your all-talk, no-action partners aren’t doing what they need to do. Moving people toward a common goal is why charismatic leaders are desirable.

4. Relatable. I can put people at ease.

People feel comfortable around you, so they like being near you. You seem like the common woman or man, the average Jane or Joe who can understand and relate to anyone who is trying to connect with you. Even if you seem very different from another person, you can find something in common that unites you rather than divides you.

5. Respect. I can get along with anyone, even if we have different views or experiences.

Research on charisma theorizes that charismatic people come from backgrounds that resulted in “times of psychic, physical, economic, ethical, religious, [and] political distress.” By having experienced distress, charismatic people are able to respect the difficult places that others have come from. A history of adversity may be a possible condition from which charisma arises. The ability to empathize with others allows charismatic people to respect the stories of their fellow humans.

6. Presence. People generally gravitate toward me in a crowd.

Of course, you can wear revealing, high-fashion, or vivid clothes and draw attention, but people with charisma know how to turn heads naturally, even fully clothed. If you tend to attract others, you have high charisma. Wallflowers who shy away from the crowd should rate very low here. This doesn’t mean you are the life of the party either, but you make people notice you by your posture, presence, and confidence.

Now, to measure your charisma, total your score for the above six questions. Take the total and divide by 6. According to this measurement, 3.7 is the average score, so higher than that is a higher-than-average charisma. The researchers in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology concluded that even though it can be hard to nail down, the misunderstood trait of charisma is in fact, measurable.

A wonderful conclusion from the research on measuring charisma is that we can practice these traits to increase our own charisma to help influence the way people to perceive us. Smiling more often, making meaningful eye contact, and volunteering to take the lead are just a few ways to increase your charisma measure.

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