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7 Things Men Think About Most in a Relationship

7 Things Men Think About Most in a Relationship

Regarding relationships, women aren’t the only ones with doubts, as men have them too. While they might not be as eager to voice their concerns, it doesn’t mean they’re not questioning and wondering about many things. Women tend to be more vocal with their insecurities, but men bottle up these feelings and let them fester.

Any healthy relationship allows both partners to be vulnerable and share the things that bother them most. However, the very makeup of the male species often prohibits them from being so open. Just because your guy hides his insecurities doesn’t mean it’s not a real problem. Men often overthink, which can cause them to doubt you or your connection.

NOTE: If you want to learn what women think about in their relationships, we address their desires separately.

Seven Common Thoughts of Guys in Relationships


Most men think about sex, as they’re known for their healthy libidos. However, an article from Ohio State University debunks these theories, as they’ve found women are just as apt to have a healthy sex drive.

Still, men think about things a lot regarding their relationships; some thoughts are healthy, while others are destructive. Here are some everyday things males tend to deliberate, which can lead to overthinking.

1. Will She Try to Change Me?

One of men’s and women’s most prominent fears in relationships is that they will try to change one another. The worst thing anyone can do is to think that these annoying quirks are something you can fix in the other person. Guys are scared and worry about a woman wanting to alter them somehow.

Maybe he likes having the guys over for poker night and wants to feel free to be himself in his home. He likely deliberates how a profound connection with a lady will alter him. Ironically, some alterations occur between males and females when they become a couple.

The difference is these changes happen without anyone poking or prodding you to make them. When you love someone, you want to become a better version of yourself, so you get a better job and strive to be all they want and need in a partner. These changes come naturally and differ from those because a spouse constantly nags.

2. Will We Lose the Spark Between Us?

You want to keep that magic alive when you find someone that makes your heart skip a beat. Women often worry that things will fizzle out and he will be drawn to another pretty face, but the truth is that guys worry about these things too.

The fire and passion that exists between you can quickly smolder. How can you survive when your once-burning inferno is nothing more than smoke and ashes? When the spark goes, it’s often the case that guys become bored.

Continuing in a tiresome situation is like pulling teeth, as no one wants to do it. The thrill and excitement they feel in the beginning aren’t going to last long, but they’re worried that their hot relationship might fizzle and become dull.

3. Is My Freedom in Jeopardy?

Remember being a kid and asking your parents before you went anywhere? Parents are overseers and try to keep you safe. When you’re older, freedom comes from making your own choices. Independence is beautiful, and many guys fear losing this when they become involved with someone seriously.

Everyone has significant parts of their life that are important to them, and you often won’t notice how essential they are until they are gone. There are some things as a couple you do out of common courtesy. For instance, if you’re going to be late for dinner, you call to let the other person know.

When you need to work over, you communicate with your partner, so they don’t worry when you don’t show up at your standard time. These things aren’t taking away your independence but are out of respect. However, there are some natural shifts in your freedom that occur.

Vacations are not just about you; you have another person to consider. No guy wants to answer to anyone, so they’re afraid you’re going to turn into that parent who wants to know where they are, who they’re with, and when you will be home. While they know some things will change, they don’t want to lose their freedom.

4. Will I Lose My Masculinity?

Many guys fear that women will steal away their masculinity. When a man settles down into life with a wife and kids, he doesn’t have time for hanging with the guys and doing the club scene as much. He’s afraid of how the outside world will view him when he’s snuggled up to a woman in public.

The once tough guy exterior can quickly be wiped away when Cupid’s arrow gets him right in the heart. Holding on to his masculinity is very important to a man, as he wants the world to view him as a leader and warrior. He may fear that letting his softer side and being in love might change things a bit.


5. Will She Leave Me for Someone Better?

No one wants to be scared that their partner will leave. Men fear you will find someone more affluent, nicer looking, and with a better personality. Ironically, an article published by Monash University states that men who are afraid of commitment also fear being dumped.

They further state that they fear ambitious women because they know their inner drive can be hard to manage. They may move on to something bigger and better, leaving them in the lurch. Breaking up is hard to do, and the pain that comes from losing someone you love affects men and women equally.

The critical difference is that men don’t often talk about the pangs from a breakup, and they bury the agony deep inside.

6. Am I Good Enough?

It’s common for guys to act macho and show off their tough exterior, but these outward displays can often camouflage insecurities inside. When a guy falls head over heels for a girl, he wants to impress her in any way possible. Sadly, it’s during these moments that he becomes aware of his flaws and imperfections.

Rather than looking at all the fantastic things they have to offer someone, they have doubts that creep in. They see themselves as “less than others,” and it’s damaging to their self-esteem. A woman often will admit her insecurities and talk to people she trusts about them, but a man often wants to protect those innermost parts of his heart. He has a reputation to protect and doesn’t want anyone or anything to mess with it.

Keeping insecurities bottled up inside is not healthy. Previously, society engrained in males that they should never show their vulnerabilities. However, it’s been proven that suffering in silence only leads to mental health issues.

7. Am I As Good as Her Ex?

Most women have a person who sets the bar high regarding relationships. It’s often the first love or man she had sex with, but this person holds the top spot in her heart. Even though these individuals may be long gone, they still hold them in high regard. Being involved with a woman lets you know about her past, and she’s likely vocalized what she loved about her ex.

Women often have nagging thoughts and compare the males in their lives, but guys often compare them too. They want to make sure they can measure up. Here are some questions about the ex-lover that roll through a man’s mind:

  • Am I as good in bed?
  • Can I give her the same financial security?
  • Am I as good-looking as him?
  • Do I make her laugh and have fun like him?
  • Does she like me as much?
  • Will I ever hold the same place in her heart?

Guys can’t help but compare themselves with their lady’s previous partners. No one wants to be the rebound man, so he might wonder if you’re using him to get over someone else. Though it’s not always warranted, many guys feel threatened by the men before them.


Final Thoughts on the Questions Men Ask Themselves in Their Relationship

Relationships must be symbiotic. A man knows the value of what they have, and they want you to see the value in them. He wants to please you, and he also wants to be happy. Still, he’s always going to have lingering doubts and questions that run through his mind that cause him to overthink.

Creating a safe space where your guy can talk to you about everything that bothers him is essential. Open communication can help keep your connection healthy. Staying connected can prevent any toxic misconceptions that may arise from a lack of interaction.

The best thing you can do for the man you love is to encourage him to show his vulnerabilities. He doesn’t need to keep things bottled up inside where they will fester and eventually explode. Both partners should have the freedom to be and express themselves as needed.

10 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’re a Virgo

Virgo, the sixth zodiac sign, celebrates its birthday from August 23 to September 22. Represented by a virgin or maiden carrying a bundle of wheat, this astrological sign symbolizes purity and service. Virgos may have a reputation for being too picky and judgmental, but they care deeply about others at their core. They desire to help however they can and often put their needs on the back burner.

Like any other zodiac sign, Virgos have their faults but possess many virtues. If you have this horoscope, you may feel misunderstood or unfairly judged most of the time. Virgos may seem cold and aloof on the surface, but they have so much love and wisdom to offer others. Those close to this zodiac sign can attest to their generosity and honesty, even if most people overlook their positive traits.

In this world, we’re often quick to notice the flaws and undesirable characteristics in others. However, it’s important to remember the love and light we all carry in our souls. So, today, we will honor Virgo by highlighting this zodiac sign’s beautiful, admirable traits.

Ten Things Only Virgos Can Understand


1. They pay attention to every detail.

Whether it’s a conversation or a complex project, Virgos doesn’t let any pertinent information slip past them. Their ability to dissect and understand minute details gives them a unique perspective. They can solve even the most challenging problems because they come at them from every angle.

Some might see them as tireless perfectionists, but Virgo understands the positive aspects of being thorough. They’d rather take longer to make decisions than cut corners and do a shoddy job.

2. Virgos are highly self-sufficient.

If there’s anything a Virgo can’t stand, it is waiting for someone else to accomplish a task. When a teacher assigns a group project in school, Virgos usually pick up the slack for their peers. They don’t even mind completing the project alone while still giving credit to their classmates as long as the work gets done.

Others might view this zodiac sign as controlling, but Virgos want to make a positive impression. They give their all in everything they do and have a strong work ethic. Therefore, they are fine with completing tasks independently to ensure precision and excellence in every step. Virgos strongly dislike asking for help because others often disappoint them, so they prefer counting on themselves.

3. They’re modest and humble.

A Virgo doesn’t like to brag, no matter how many accolades and achievements they have. This mutable earth sign prefers to work quietly in the background and shies away from the spotlight. Virgos feel fulfilled and complete simply by providing solutions and improving the quality of life for others.

They don’t need grand gestures or praise for doing the task they agreed to complete. Since they’re highly motivated by service to others, they humbly perform their duties and try to impact people positively.

4. They give fantastic advice.

Because of their practical, analytical nature, people view them as the voice of reason in their lives. Virgos don’t beat around the bush and always speak their mind tactfully. Their honesty and no-nonsense approach to life make them extraordinary, loyal friends. Earth signs live by their head rather than heart, so they apply logic to any issue they encounter. People may think they lack compassion, but they show care differently.

5. Virgos are reliable and trustworthy.

This earth sign always keeps its word even if they have a million things to cross off its checklists. They don’t like to disappoint people and have high standards for themselves, so they want to make a good impression. While this sometimes backfires when they forget about self-care, they genuinely enjoy making others happy. Their dependable, grounded nature benefits them in every aspect of life, from business to personal relationships.

vigo signs

6. They’re highly attuned to nature.

Earth signs like Virgo have a deep affinity for the natural world. They care immensely about the environment and do their part to protect nature. When the world around them becomes too overwhelming or chaotic, they find solace in the forest or mountains. Virgos are known as the healers of the zodiac, utilizing herbs and other natural remedies to relieve physical suffering. As such, they also practice self-care by reconnecting with Mother Earth to find inner peace.

7. They have a superb memory.

Virgos remember everything, from childhood memories to conversations they had at a party years ago. This doesn’t always work in their favor since they tend to overthink and judge themselves harshly. However, their sharp memory can also serve them well if they need to recall important details for work. Additionally, this ability comes in handy on stressful days since they can easily conjure positive memories to lift their spirits.

8. Virgos have remarkable communication skills.

Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, memory, and travel, Virgos have an excellent command of language. They also practice active listening to ensure they understand the information. This earth sign communicates in a precise yet thorough manner and often sheds light on problems that others overlook. Many people find their energy refreshing since they bring clarity and honesty to every conversation.

9. They’re incredibly predictable.

Some people might see this as a negative quality, but Virgos knows routine’s importance. Being predictable gives them a sense of control over their world and provides structure in daily life. Like the other earth signs, Virgos don’t particularly enjoy change and take a while to adapt to a new schedule. Since they’re creatures of habit, they try to keep their lives relatively stable and organized.

10. Virgos are wise beyond their years.

Some people might find Virgos stifling or dull, but this earth sign knows the benefits of discipline. While others go to parties or socialize, you can find a Virgo at home reading books or meditating. They prefer activities that expand their consciousness and understanding of the world, which usually require solitude.

virgo signs

Final Thoughts on Characteristics of Virgos

Virgos get a bad rap for being too critical and logical, but they also have plenty of noble traits. This earth sign brings clarity and wisdom to any situation, and many people appreciate their grounding energy. They also have excellent communication skills and don’t shy away from controversial or complex topics. If you’re a Virgo, hopefully, you can relate to this list of your positive qualities!

12 Things That Prove Positive Thinking Is a Choice

Since you can control your attitude, then positive thinking is also a choice. You actively choose an optimistic mindset and positivity instead of being pessimistic and attracting negativity. You can see the good in people or situations or focus on the bad. The power of choice is in your hands.

When you focus on optimism, your choices and attitudes are more geared toward logic than emotions. You’ll tend to think more with your head than your heart. Of course, optimism isn’t emotionally void because positive energy is abundant with joy, satisfaction, and peace.

Trying to maintain a positive attitude doesn’t mean you stick your head in the sand and are oblivious to adverse situations. You’re aware of the problems, but you don’t use them to define your being. Optimists work to find solutions and refuse to drown in misery and negativity.

Assume you’ve been laid off from your job. Of course, you’d be upset and wonder what you will do. Getting laid off is a negative situation that is beyond your control. Here’s how your power of choice comes into play.

You can decide to be laid off and be positive or laid off and be miserable. The situation doesn’t change, but you have control over your attitude toward it. You can see this problem with positivity as an opportunity to land an even better job.

You feel confident in your experience and abilities. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you make inquiries and submit applications for a new job expecting positive results.

Twelve Ways to Improve Your Positive Thinking Abilities

positive thinking

Positive thinking is a choice because you can improve your ability with practice. So, this practice must become a daily habit if you want to have more positive energy. A study published by the University College of London suggests that people may take 18 to 254 days to develop a new habit.

You’ll be happy to know that you don’t need a fairy godmother to wave a wand and grant you positivity. It’s a mindset that you can choose and improve as you go. Here are twelve optimistic mindset habits to consider.

1. Maintain an Optimistic Mindset

Remember the old song about accentuating positivity and eliminating negativity? It works when you put forth the effort. Isn’t it ironic how something can be 99% positive, and humans get hung up on the 1% negative aspect? According to a study published by Psychology Bulletin, this common mental phenomenon is called negativity bias.

Concentrating on the positive things in your life won’t make all the negative ones disappear. However, using positive thinking will lift your spirits. Plus, you may have more determination and clarity to find solutions to your problems.

2. Use Visualization to Increase Positive Thinking

If you know how to daydream, then you already know about visualization. Choosing positive thinking helps you visualize your goals and bring them into reality. Think of it as your inner GPS that maps the journey toward your destiny.

Let’s say you’ve always wanted to be a teacher. You visualize yourself in the classroom, sharing your knowledge and experience with the next generation. Keep this in mind as you complete college, earn your certificate, and begin working in a classroom.

3. Be More Solution-Oriented

Let’s face it, everybody has problems, regardless of who you are or what you have in this life. Getting caught up in your problems is easy, and soon you’ll be wallowing in despair. Positive thinking encourages you to go beyond your challenges and work to find solutions.

Where would the world be if every inventor, entrepreneur, and leader in history couldn’t get beyond their challenges? These great men and women chose to face their problems and find a solution. You can do the same thing when viewing problems as an opportunity to grow and succeed.

4. Try to Be Patient for More Positive Thinking

We live in a world that demands instant gratification, such as fast food, drive-throughs, and instant credit. You have a whole list of aspirations on your dream board that you want right now. Remember that good things come to those who wait, so be patient and go one step at a time.

5. Don’t Give Up

Negativity whispers that you’ll never achieve your goals, so you might as well give up. You’re not attractive enough, intelligent enough, rich enough, etc. According to the law of attraction, speaking such negativity into the universe will only bring negative results.

When you adopt positive thinking, you realize you’ll have occasional failures. But instead of throwing in the towel, you use those setbacks as learning tools. You refuse to listen to pessimist conversations and don’t give up on your dreams.

6. Practice Optimistic Self-Talk

As you developed language skills during childhood, you became aware of the little voice in your head. It becomes a life-long conversation and forms your perception of yourself and your world. How would you feel if someone talked to you like you talked to yourself?

Choosing to be an optimist changes your self-talk and uses positive verbs. With practice, “can’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t, never, and won’t” turn to “can, should, could, always, and will.” You learn to face your challenges by being your own best cheerleader.

positive thinking

7. Add a Dose of Humor

The Ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus remarked that those who can laugh at themselves will always be amused. Sometimes, we all take ourselves too seriously. Adding a dose of humor to your life brings joy and laughter to you and those around you.

Try to find something every day that makes you smile or laugh. You could enjoy watching a comedy or spending time with one of your favorite witty people. Also, bringing humor to other folk’s lives can bring positivity to their day.

8. Surround Yourself People Who Exude Positivity

One of the best ways to cultivate a positive mindset and a brighter attitude is by surrounding yourself with like-minded folks. Notice how you feel when you’re around optimistic people. Their positive energy brushes off on you, and you soon develop their “can-do” language and spirit.

9. Avoid Negative People to Improve Your Positivity

Conversely, how do you feel when you’re around pessimistic people? No matter how positive you try to be, they rebut your statements with their chronic negativity. You’re trying to be the upbeat Winnie-the-Pooh, and they are raining on your picnic as the poor gloomy donkey, Eeyore.

Honestly, you can’t nix every pessimist from your life. There will always be someone in your circle of family, friends, and coworkers with bitter and negative attitudes. However, you can choose to be positive and minimize their presence and influence on your energy.

10. Practice Gratitude Every Day to Increase Positive Thinking

Being grateful is a choice that accompanies a positive mindset. Instead of fretting about life’s problems and frustrations, you focus on your blessings. As a wise person asked, what if you only had the things tomorrow for which you were grateful today?

Consider keeping a gratitude journal or making it a section of your daily writings. As you reflect on your blessings, your heart swells with thankfulness. Counting your blessings gives you a brighter outlook and encourages you to be more content.

11. Try to Be Present

Depression is often the result of lingering in the past. You may ruminate about past mistakes, broken promises, toxic relationships, and many regrets. When you fuss and worry about future problems, it only creates anxiety and negative energy.

Many religions and philosophies praise the empowerment of being present or mindful living. Not only does it boost your positive thinking, but it can strengthen your personal and professional relationships. You’re not stuck in the past or worried about the future, so you don’t fret about missing out.

12. Learn How to Relax

Choosing an attitude of optimism alone won’t get you where you want to be. It also takes determination and a lot of hard work. As you celebrate each small goal, you feel encouraged to continue the path to your bigger aspirations.

The good news is that success and satisfaction don’t mean all you do is work. In the twilight of their lives, nobody ever says they wish they’d spent more time in the office. You realize that the true meaning of your life is how you live it and your relationship with others.

So, learning to relax and have fun is vital to a positive mindset. Meditation is a great way to practice breathing, mindfulness, and relaxation. Also, you can benefit your body, mind, and spirit by playing your favorite sport or enjoying a fascinating hobby.


Final Thoughts About How to Choose Positive Thinking

While time and chance are always a consideration, you remain the author of your life’s book. You can’t always change circumstances, but your attitude is your choice. When you choose positive thinking, your outlook is brighter, and you feel empowered to choose positivity.

The 5 Best Keto Smoothie Recipes

You might crave a keto smoothie if you’re trying to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle. Unlike regular smoothies loaded with tons of fruit and added sugars, these have plenty of fat to keep you satiated–a must for those who follow a ketogenic diet.

Carbohydrates provide a quick burst of energy, but it rapidly wears off, leaving you hungry after a short time. Protein and fat will help you stay full for a longer period, making the ketogenic diet appealing to many.

However, some people following the keto diet complain that it doesn’t provide enough variety. The ketogenic diet involves eating 20% or fewer calories from carbs and the remainder from fat and protein.

That means foods like meat, cheeses, seeds, nuts, and oils will make up most people’s calorie intake on a keto diet. Fruits and vegetables comprise a small portion of the meal plan to help maintain ketosis, a metabolic state where the body burns fat for energy instead of glucose.

The keto diet’s strict nature makes it difficult for some people to stick with it long-term. However, studies have shown that the ketogenic diet can promote weight loss, increase metabolism, and reduce blood glucose and cholesterol levels. The reward may be worth the sacrifice if you’re trying to lose weight and want to feel more energetic.

Here Are Five Keto Smoothie Ideas to Try

You don’t have to feel miserable or stuck in a food rut on a ketogenic diet — these keto smoothie recipes can add excitement to your meal plans.


1.             Green Ketogenic Smoothie w/ Avocado, Lime, and Mint

When you drink anything green, you know it’s full of healthy ingredients and nutrients. This flavorful keto smoothie’s rich, creamy consistency will make it your new favorite breakfast or snack. Plus, it only requires a few ingredients and provides essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, calcium, and Vitamin C.


  • 1/2 an avocado
  • 1/2 cup almond, soy, or cashew milk
  • 3/4 cup full-fat coconut milk
  • stevia, monk fruit, or other preferred sugar substitute
  • 4-5 mint leaves
  • 3-4 sprigs of cilantro
  • 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • one cup of ice


  1. Blend all ingredients in a high-powered blender for a few minutes until thoroughly combined.
  2. Feel free to add green vegetables like spinach, kale, or protein powder for extra protein.
  3. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

2. Blueberry Vanilla Keto Smoothie

This keto smoothie looks beautiful and contains plenty of essential nutrients and antioxidants. Blueberries have some of the highest antioxidant content of any fruit, along with Vitamin C, Vitamin K, folate, and manganese. The recipe also includes healthy fats from coconut oil and coconut milk and a decent amount of protein from whatever protein powder you prefer. So, let’s get to the recipe!


  • one cup of coconut, almond, or cashew milk
  • 1/4 cup blueberries (or blackberries, raspberries, or strawberries)
  • 1 tsp MCT oil or coconut oil (even avocados will work!)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • one scoop of protein powder (optional but recommended)
  • one cup of crushed ice


  1. Place all ingredients into a high-powered blender and mix for a few minutes.
  2. Add anything else you’d like, such as full-fat yogurt, greens, or extra protein powder.
  3. Garnish with a sprig of mint or shredded coconut flakes, and enjoy!

3. Strawberry Coconut Milk Keto Smoothie

This delicious keto recipe only requires four low-carb ingredients you probably already have at home. It’s the perfect combination of sweet, tart, and rich flavors that will easily make your taste buds dance! It contains vital nutrients like Vitamin C, potassium, and calcium. The keto smoothie recipe doesn’t call for protein powder, but feel free to add some if you’d like.


  • one cup of frozen or fresh strawberries
  • one cup of unsweetened coconut milk (not the kind in a can)
  • 2 tbsp almond or other preferred nut butter
  • optional low-carb sweetener


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and mix until you have a smooth consistency. Add some ice to make it thicker if you’re using fresh strawberries.
  2. Add any extra ingredients like greens, protein powder, or vanilla extract.
  3. Pour into a glass and savor this refreshing smoothie!

keto smoothie

4. Cocoa Mocha Ketogenic Smoothie

Don’t worry; we remembered all the coffee lovers out there. This recipe combines a few of the world’s favorite things to create a decadent yet healthy smoothie: chocolate, coffee, and avocado. You might think coffee and avocado sound strange together, but you won’t actually taste the avocado in the smoothie.

It contains a decent amount of Vitamin C, fiber, magnesium, potassium, and healthy fats. With 16g of fat per serving, it will keep you full throughout the morning and provide long-lasting energy.


  • 1/2 cup coconut milk (from a can)
  • 1 1/2 cups unsweetened plant-based milk of your choice
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • low-carb sugar substitute to taste
  • 2 tsp of instant decaf or regular coffee
  • 3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • one avocado


  1. Place all ingredients except the avocado into a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Next, scoop out the avocado and add until thoroughly combined. Pour yourself a glass and enjoy!

5. Chocolate Milkshake Keto Smoothie

Finally, you can enjoy a chocolate milkshake without guilt! Regular milkshakes have tons of sugar and additives, but this one contains only seven ingredients and no added sugars. This smoothie provides omega-3 fats, fiber, and antioxidants from the chia seeds.

Dark chocolate also contains powerful antioxidants, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Finally, you’ll get a good dose of healthy fats from the coconut milk and protein from the protein powder you choose. Let’s get to the recipe!


  • 1/2 can of full-fat coconut milk
  • one scoop of protein powder
  • 1 cup of preferred plant-based milk
  • one tbsp ground chia seeds
  • 1/4 tsp of vanilla stevia
  • 1/8 cup chopped dark chocolate (at least 85% cacao)
  • one cup of ice


  1. Blend all ingredients in a high-powered blender until fully combined.
  2. Pour into a glass and garnish with coconut flakes or mint. Dessert for breakfast never tasted better, right?!

keto smoothie

Final Thoughts on Delicious Keto Smoothie Recipes

If you’ve never tried a keto smoothie, you’re in for a treat! You don’t have to follow a ketogenic diet to enjoy these delicious smoothie recipes. Most of them only require a handful of ingredients and take a few minutes to whip up. And they have plenty of essential nutrients to give you the energy and brain power to get through your day.

Science Proves How Drinking Water Increases Longevity

Most people know the importance of drinking enough water to keep the body and mind functioning optimally. Water helps prevent dehydration and assists with body temperature regulation, joint lubrication, and waste elimination. In addition, it aids in balancing body fluids, controlling hunger, energizing muscles, and hydrating the skin. It also appears to increase longevity, says one study.

In summary, water makes life possible, but many people need to drink more of this vital beverage. According to the CDC, U.S. adults drank an average of 44 ounces of plain water from 2015-2018. However, this falls short of the recommendation to drink at least eight glasses of water daily.

That amount increases in hot, humid climates or for people doing strenuous exercise. Also, being sick with the stomach flu or having a fever increases the body’s hydration requirements. During both sickness and health, it’s clear that we couldn’t thrive or even survive without water. In addition to helping sustain life, studies show that this essential beverage may also increase longevity.

Research Now Confirms What Doctors Already Advised–Water Can Promote a Healthy Life and Increase Longevity


According to a National Institutes of Health study published in eBioMedicine, properly hydrated adults have superior health. They also tend to develop fewer chronic illnesses, like lung and heart disease, and outlive dehydrated adults.

Researchers compiled data from 11,255 adults over a 30-year timeframe for the study. They investigated the association between serum sodium levels – which increase when fluid consumption decreases – and several health measures.

They discovered that adults with the highest serum sodium levels were more likely to develop chronic conditions. The insufficiently hydrated adults also exhibited signs of advanced aging compared to those with normal serum sodium levels. Finally, adults with elevated sodium levels had a higher risk of premature death.

“The results suggest that proper hydration may slow down aging and prolong a disease-free life,” said Natalia Dmitrieva, Ph.D., a study author and researcher in the Laboratory of Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), part of NIH.

The Study About How Proper Water Intake Extends Lifespan

The study builds on the scientists’ prior research published in March 2022, which discovered a connection between higher serum sodium levels and increased heart failure risks. They utilized the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study, which includes thousands of U.S. adults, to support the conclusions from both studies.

The initial ARIC sub-study began in 1987 and gave researchers better insight into the various heart disease risk factors. The findings also improved clinical guidelines for treating and preventing heart disease.

For the most recent research, scientists analyzed health information that study participants shared during five doctor’s appointments. The first two medical visits occurred when volunteers were in their 50s. Participants were between ages 70-90 for their last three medical evaluations.

To obtain the most accurate findings, researchers excluded adults with high serum sodium levels or underlying health conditions at baseline. Next, they studied how sodium levels affected biological aging, which they assessed using 15 health markers.

These included measures like systolic blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol, which provided information about participants’ cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, renal, and immune system health. Researchers adjusted for age, gender, race, smoking status, and hypertension.

The Results of the Study on Longevity and Hydration

They discovered that adults with higher serum sodium levels showed more significant signs of aging. For reference, normal sodium ranges fall between 135-146 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L). To assess signs of aging, the scientists used indicators like metabolic and cardiovascular health, lung function, and inflammation.

For example, adults with serum sodium levels above 142 mEq/L had a 10-15% higher likelihood of being biologically older than their chronological age compared to ranges between 137-142 mEq/L. Furthermore, levels above 144 mEq/L correlated with a 50% increased risk of premature aging. Also, adults with sodium levels of 144.5-146 mEq/L had a 21% increased risk of early mortality compared to those in the normal range.

Likewise, adults above 142 mEq/L had up to a 64% elevated risk for developing chronic illnesses like heart disease, stroke, atrial fibrillation, and peripheral artery disease. They also had a higher risk of chronic lung disease, diabetes, and dementia. Not surprisingly, adults with normal serum sodium levels had the lowest risk of developing chronic conditions.

The Science Says: Drink More Water For Longevity

However, the researchers stressed that correlation doesn’t necessarily imply causation. They added that randomized, controlled trials are needed to confirm if adequate water intake slows aging, prevents disease, and increases longevity. But the study can still offer guidelines for the general public and help doctors advise their patients on proper health behaviors.

“People whose serum sodium is 142 mEq/L or higher would benefit from evaluation of their fluid intake,” Dmitrieva said. She added that most people could safely consume more fluids from water, juices, and fruits and vegetables to meet general recommendations. The National Academies of Medicine suggests that women drink around 6-9 cups (1.5-2.2 liters) of fluids, and men consume 8-12 cups (2-3 liters) daily.

However, those with underlying conditions might need to consult their doctor before increasing their water intake. “The goal is to ensure patients are taking in enough fluids, while assessing factors, like medications, that may lead to fluid loss,” said Manfred Boehm, M.D., a study author and director of the Laboratory of Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine. “Doctors may also need to defer to a patient’s current treatment plan, such as limiting fluid intake for heart failure.”

Unfortunately, about half of the global population doesn’t meet the guidelines for daily water intake, according to research cited by the authors. This alarming statistic highlights the dire need for proper health education and public campaigns to increase awareness about the issue.

“On the global level, this can have a big impact,” Dmitrieva said. “Decreased body water content is the most common factor that increases serum sodium, which is why the results suggest that staying well hydrated may slow down the aging process and prevent or delay chronic disease.”

The Division of Intramural Research at NHLBI helped support the research. Research contracts from NHLBI, NIH, and the Department of Health and Human Services helped fund the ARIC study.


Final Thoughts on the Link Between Proper Hydration and Longevity

When most people guzzle down a cup of water, they don’t think about how it could help them live longer. However, scientists found proper hydration could extend lifespan, lower serum sodium levels, and reduce disease risk. We need water for every bodily function, but many people fall short of the recommended daily intake. However, carrying a reusable water bottle to work or school could help you meet or exceed these guidelines.

You’ll also feel refreshed and energized by increasing your water consumption, so give it a try. It will improve your well-being and add longevity to your life!

Defensive Parents Usually Display 9 Traits Without Realizing It

Defensive parents are those who tend to react defensively. This is especially true when they feel that their parenting skills or child’s behavior are being questioned or criticized. They might feel a sense of vulnerability and insecurity in their role as a parent and perceive any criticism as a personal attack on their ability to raise their child.

This can make them defensive and resistant to feedback or improvement suggestions. Being a defensive parent can have negative effects on the parent-child relationship. It can create a barrier to open communication and make it difficult for the child to receive guidance and support. It can also make it harder for the child to take responsibility for their actions and learn from their mistakes.

Defensive parenting is not always intentional, and many parents might not be aware of their defensive behavior. Understanding the reasons behind defensive behavior and learning effective communication and problem-solving skills can help defensive parents to improve their parenting and strengthen their relationship with their children.

Defensive Parents Usually Display 9 Traits Without Realizing It

defensive parents

1.      Defensive Parents Are Overprotective

Defensive parents often tend to be overprotective of their children. They tend to go to great lengths to protect their child from perceived harm or danger. They might have a hard time allowing their child to experience the natural consequences of their actions and might intervene and try to fix problems for their child instead of allowing them to solve them independently.

This overprotectiveness can prevent the child from developing problem-solving skills, responsibility, and independence. Overprotectiveness can also make it difficult for the child to learn from their mistakes and make their own decisions. This can lead to a lack of trust in the child’s abilities and make the child dependent on the parent for decision-making.

They might not allow their child to explore, take risks, or learn from their mistakes. This can prevent the child from developing problem-solving skills, responsibility, and independence.

2.      They Lack Self-Awareness

A lack of self-awareness is usually a sign of defensive parenting. When parents lack self-awareness, they might not be aware of their own behavior and how it is impacting their children. They might not realize that their actions or reactions harm their relationship with their child and the child’s well-being.

A lack of self-awareness can make it difficult for parents to identify the reasons behind their behavior and make changes to improve their parenting skills. Additionally, parents who lack self-awareness might not be able to recognize the impact of their own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors on their children.

They might not be able to regulate their emotions, making them react impulsively and negatively.

3.      They Don’t Accept Feedback

A sign of defensiveness in parents is the refusal to accept feedback, which can happen for various reasons. One reason could be that they have a strong attachment to their parenting methods and feel that criticism threatens their belief system. They might also have a fear of being judged or criticized, which can lead them to become defensive when receiving feedback.

Additionally, they might tend to see things in black and white and interpret feedback as an attack on their ability as a parent. It might also be that they have a high level of insecurity or low self-esteem, which causes them to be more defensive when receiving feedback. It is important to note that everyone is different. Thus, it is impossible to generalize why some parents might be more defensive than others.

It could be because of past experiences, emotional or psychological issues, etc. In any case, approaching the conversation with empathy and understanding and framing feedback as a suggestion rather than a criticism can help. But it isn’t the kid’s responsibility to fix their parents’ issues. Ultimately, this defensiveness can only be solved by the parent.

4.      Defensive Parents Aren’t Open-Minded

Defensive parents might not be as open-minded as other parents because they might be more resistant to new ideas or different ways of doing things. They might have a strong attachment to their current parenting methods and might not be willing to consider alternative approaches.

Additionally, they might focus more on protecting their beliefs and ideas rather than being open to new perspectives. Being defensive can make it difficult for them to be open-minded, as they might dismiss or refute new information or ideas without fully considering them.

Being defensive is a natural and normal part of human behavior, and it doesn’t necessarily mean a person is closed-minded. Defensive behavior is often a response to feeling threatened or attacked. So, if you want to show them that their approach is wrong, you need to tread lightly.

5.      They Find It Difficult to Set Boundaries

It can be hard for defensive parents to set boundaries because they might focus more on avoiding conflict or criticism. They might also be more focused on protecting their own beliefs and ideas rather than being assertive and setting boundaries. Additionally, they might have a fear of rejection or of being perceived as unapproachable.

This can make them more likely to give in to the demands of others rather than standing up for themselves. Defensive parents might find it hard to set boundaries because they might have difficulty saying no. They might have trouble distinguishing between their needs and wants and those of others.

They might also have difficulty communicating their boundaries effectively due to a lack of assertiveness or confidence. This can lead to difficulty standing up for themselves, making setting boundaries more challenging.

defensive parents

6.      They Aren’t Consistent

Consistency is something defensive parents struggle to achieve. This is because they might be more reactive to external stimuli. They are more likely to respond to the immediate situation rather than sticking to a consistent plan or approach. Additionally, defensive parents might have difficulty following through with consequences or discipline because they might focus more on avoiding conflict or criticism.

They are also more prone to giving in to the demands of their children to avoid an argument. Defensive parents might not be consistent because they might have difficulty making decisions or sticking to them. They might be easily influenced by others or have trouble trusting their instincts.

This can lead to a lack of consistency in their parenting, as they might constantly change their approach to different situations.

7.      They Aren’t Flexible

Defensive parents might not be as flexible in their parenting approach because they might be more attached to their beliefs and ideas. They might be less willing to consider alternative methods or to adapt to changing circumstances.

Additionally, defensive parents might have difficulty adjusting to new situations or challenges because they might focus more on protecting their beliefs and ideas. They might also be more resistant to change and more likely to cling to familiar patterns of behavior.

Another reason defensive parents might not be flexible is that they might be more rigid in their thinking. They might have difficulty seeing multiple perspectives or being open to new ideas. This can make them less adaptable and unable to adjust to new situations or changing circumstances.

8.      Defensive Parents Lack Trust

Lack of trust is a severe issue, especially in close relationships. Defensive parents might have difficulty trusting their instincts and abilities as a parent, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. They might also have trouble trusting their children to make decisions or take responsibility for their actions, which can lead to over-controlling or micromanaging behaviors.

Additionally, defensive parents might have difficulties trusting others, such as family members or professionals, to provide support or guidance in their parenting journey. They might be more likely to question the intentions or expertise of others and might be less likely to accept constructive criticism or feedback. This can make it difficult for them to build meaningful and supportive relationships.

9.      They Don’t Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is essential to any relationship, including the parent-child relationship. Parents must communicate effectively to provide guidance, set limits, and build trust and understanding with their children. Defensive parents might have difficulty communicating effectively.

This might be because they are more focused on protecting their own beliefs and ideas rather than understanding the perspectives of others. They might also have difficulty expressing themselves clearly and assertively, making it challenging to communicate their needs and boundaries effectively.

Additionally, defensive parents might have difficulty managing their emotions, leading to them becoming defensive or aggressive when communicating with others. Another reason defensive parents might have trouble with effective communication is that they might be more prone to avoid or avoid confrontation.

They might have difficulty bringing up sensitive or difficult topics and tend to sweep things under the rug. This can make it difficult for them to communicate effectively and address essential issues on time.

defensive parents

Final Thoughts on Traits That Defensive Parents Usually Display Without Realizing

Defensiveness is not necessarily a sign of a bad person. Many people become defensive in response to past trauma or other issues. That being said, parents shouldn’t be content in being defensive, as that kind of behavior can harm their kids.

And this behavior can leave much deeper scars than any parent could imagine. It can make kids question their every move. Plus, it robs kids of the possibility of learning vital skills and learning from their mistakes. Even though every parent wants to shield their kids, there is such a thing as pampering them too much.

Defensive parents tend to be overprotective and aren’t very open-minded. They don’t take feedback well, and they lack self-awareness. They can’t set healthy boundaries, which is why they end up hurting their kids even though they don’t mean to. There are more signs of defensive parenting that it might be helpful to be aware of. But ultimately, defensive parenting is about shielding kids from the world, no matter the cost. Even though this is a nice sentiment, it won’t ever help a kid properly develop and grow.

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