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Burn Fat Quickly With This Workout That Takes Less Than 5 Minutes

“In a time where most people are searching for an efficient and effective workout, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) techniques such as Tabata are ideal.” – Kristina Earnest, PT, NASM

There have been so many “cutting-edge” workout routines produced in the last decade-plus that it’s hard to keep track. Most of these routines – usually sold as some type of product for a profit – soon head into the “bargain bin.”

Then there are fitness methods developed using on actual, objective science; high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is one such method. CrossFit is perhaps the most universally recognized name that incorporates HIIT training, and the company has been a tremendous success.

CrossFit was also developed 20-plus years after Dr. Izumi Tabata, a Japanese scientist at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, discovered a superior method of HIIT. It wasn’t until 2013 that Dr. Tabata licensed-out his method for commercial use – a home workout DVD simply coined “Tabata.”

The Tabata Method

The Tabata Method can be explained using a few bullet points:

  • Only one exercise is required, though you may choose to combine exercises.
  • Both strength and aerobic exercises are used.
  • The method integrates more intensity than traditional cardio.
  • The method targets more muscles groups than traditional cardio.
  • One workout takes four minutes.

The basic idea behind a 4-minute Tabata workout is:

– Choose any exercise (or combine exercises)

– Work out as hard as possible for 20 seconds, and rest for 10 seconds (this is one set)

– Complete eight sets

Research shows the effectiveness of just one 4-minute Tabata workout:

Tabata and his team conducted research on two groups of athletes. The first group trained at a moderate intensity level while the second group trained at a high-intensity level. The (first group) worked out five days a week for a total of six weeks; each workout lasted an hour. The (second group) worked out four days a week for six weeks; each workout lasted four minutes and 20 seconds (with 10 seconds of rest in between each set).

The results: Group 1 had increased their aerobic system (cardiovascular), but showed little or no results for their anaerobic system (muscle). Group 2 showed (a much higher growth) in their aerobic system than Group 1, and increased the anaerobic system by 28 percent.

In other words, a regular 4-minute Tabata regimen demonstrated greater aerobic and muscular benefits than a 60-minute regiment – all while exercising one less day per week.

Workout options

Another terrific aspect of Tabata’s method is in its flexibility; allowing the individual to choose which exercise(s) to perform.

As your fitness level improves (which it will), you may want to increase from four minutes to eight minutes; 8 to 12, 12 to 16, and so on. No problem. Simply add another exercise to your routine, and you’re good to go.

Here are a couple of pieces of advice before you get started:

(1) Choose an exercise that you’re comfortable with (have done before)

(2) Have a good, quality timer to keep track of seconds

(3) This workout is difficult – even at the 4-minute level. Your body will be “screaming” for you to stop. It helps to have a mantra/saying/quote to remember to keep yourself motivated.

Burn Fat Quickly With This Workout That Takes Less Than 5 Minutes

As mentioned, you can choose pretty much any activity you’d like. Pushups, mountain climbers, bodyweight squats, and burpees are all favorites. If you’re a lifter, you may incorporate weights into your workout; the same goes for kettlebell users. (Note: if lifting, choose a lighter weight as you’ll fatigue quickly).

First, choose whether you want to do cardio or lift. Second, get your circulation going by doing a light 5 to 10-minute warmup on a stationary bike (optional, but recommended); if no access to a bike, do some dynamic stretching or light calisthenics.

Here are some basic exercise recommendations:


– Mountain climbers

Bodyweight squats

– Burpees

Jump squats

– Lunges

Kettlebell swings

– Sprints

Here are some intermediate-to-advanced exercise recommendations (as these are easier to perform following video instruction, we recommend using a search engine to see appropriate technique):

Lateral lunge to knee drive

– Lunge Chop

Mountain climber to single leg pushup

– Skater to curtsy lunge

Squat thrust to lunge jump

– Russian twist

Plank with Row

As always, please be safe when attempting any new exercise program. Checking with your family doctor before beginning HIIT training is a good idea, as well.



– Please perform a light 5 to 10-minute warmup routine (stationary bike or light calisthenics), if possible.

– Hydrate before, during and after exercising.

– STOP if you feel pain (not explainable by muscle fatigue or “burn”)

– Go at your own pace. Start at 4 minutes and increase intervals when comfortable (if desired).

6 Warning Signs You’re In A Toxic Relationship

Toxic relationships can come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them are easy to let go – you recognize the signs and you end it, and that’s that. Other times, a toxic relationship can grow so sneakily and steadily that before you realize it, you’re in a relationship that’s detrimental to both your physical and mental health.

Oftentimes, you may be thinking to yourself that a toxic relationship would never happen to you – that you would know immediately what’s wrong and be able to end the relationship. However, it’s not always that simple. Toxic relationships can happen to anyone, and sometimes there are signs that the relationship is not only unhealthy, but harmful.



Relationships are about loving your partner for who they are, without wanting to change them. A sign of a dangerous and toxic relationship is that you feel like you can’t be who you are. You may find yourself putting on a persona, or changing your personality until you don’t recognize yourself. This is a sign that you need to get out. Your partner should never make you feel like you can’t be who you are, or like you have to change to be with them.


Your partner has high standards, and it’s impossible to meet them. You never feel like you’re enough for your partner, and you never feel like anything you do is worthwhile. If you find yourself constantly thinking of ways to appease your partner, your relationship is already unhealthy. A dangerous relationship is one where one partner manipulates and controls the other – and it’s always easier to control people who have a low self-esteem. Don’t allow yourself to be brought down – you are good enough, and someone out there will be able to see it.

toxic relationship


Relationships are about uplifting one another. If your partner is constantly degrading you and talking down to you, then you’re not in a healthy relationship at all. Sometimes, this particular sign can be so slight you don’t even notice it. This can come in the form of constantly criticizing the things you do, like your house work or how well you cooked dinner. If your partner is unable to appreciate you or the growth that you go through, then they’re not worth staying for.


Arguments happen in relationships, even the healthiest of relationships. However, arguments are often meant to work something out and to come to some kind of compromise. In your relationship, however, you may find yourself fighting to “win”, rather than trying to come up with a solution to the problem. This means that you’ve become full of resentment for your partner – and resentment cannot build a happy relationship.


Instead of compromising and working out any issues that the two of you may have, you find that your partner would much rather shirk responsibility and shift the blame onto you. The end of every discussion always has you being the one to bend to your partner’s wishes and demands, or worse, apologizing for trying to come up with a compromise in the first place. Nothing about your relationship is working, but your partner refuses to work on it in any way. This is a sign that it’s just not working.

6. Abuse (mental, emotional, physical or sexual)

Whether it’s verbal, emotional, mental or physical, once your partner starts abusing you, it’s time to go. This can be anything from gaslighting you, calling you names, manipulating you and messing with your head, or physically harming you. If you’ve reached the point where you’re not longer safe with your partner, it’s time to leave. Even if your partner promises never to repeat the abuse, it can be a sign of further incidents down the line. You’re worth more than being abused, and taking yourself to a safer place is your top priority.

Sometimes, it’s so hard to see when a relationship that we once enjoyed has become a source of strain, stress and pain. It can even be tempting to want to try and work it out, even if every time you’ve tried, your partner has been uncooperative. Some toxic behaviors in a relationship can be worked on and fixed, and both partners can grow and move on from the experience.

Other times, a relationship can become dangerous to your well-being – and that’s the time to gather your resources and leave if it’s safe to do so. Build a support network of friends and family, people who can help you when you come to terms with the toxicity in the relationship. After all, you deserve someone who loves and cherishes you and brings nothing but positivity into your life.

15 Reasons To Love Your Partner In Public

A love in danger of failing might find benefit from one or more of these ways that public displays of affection can improve their romance.

15 Ways PDA Can Save Relationships

1. You give and receive love physically

As you touch your partner, you are giving them physical affection and also receiving their touch back. This is a small exchange of how giving can also be receiving at the same time and it mirrors other cooperative aspects of a strong relationship.

2. You feel desired

This isn’t necessarily about sex, but your partner is publicly showing that they chose you, that they want you over other possible partners. Knowing that they are willing to show that you are their choice feels good inside.

3. Your partner feels desired

To others, you are saying that you choose the person you are with. We can’t read their thoughts, but your partner is likely to feel happier knowing that you are comfortable in public with your choice.

4. It signifies your unity

You and your partner are a package deal. For the most part, it’s going to be hard for others to come between you two.

5. Bonding neurotransmitters are released

The neurotransmitter oxytocin is released when we receive affectionate touch. This brain chemical helps us to bond to our partner.

6. Small acts go a long way

Brushing hair from your partner’s eyes is a small act that can convey caring.

7. Touch helps process emotions

Touch is reassuring after a moment of frustration or upset because it brings our focus back to the physical present moment with a pleasant sensation. All is not lost, because you have each other.

8. Easily amp up the thrill factor

The meaning of “I want to kiss you all over” is a little more thrilling when said in public versus a private place.

9. It’s a secret fantasy

Being seen by others in an intimate moment is a common fantasy due to the additional thrill factor mentioned above.

10. It proves you’re more open-minded about love

Researchers studying attitudes toward public displays of affection had subjects read one of three scenarios depicting either a heterosexual, gay male, or lesbian couple engaging in an act of affection in a coffee shop. They found that the participants who had more liberal attitudes toward sexual expression and those who engaged in public displays of affection themselves were more accepting of the public display of affection that they read about.

11. Appreciation for dissimilar couples’ expressions of love

Couples who are comfortable with public displays of affection are more likely to be accepting of expressions of love between same-gender couples, mixed race couples, and couples who are less like themselves.

12. You know your partner’s comfort level

Public displays of affection should never push someone beyond their comfort zone. It’s important to know your partner’s level of willingness to be public. For example, respecting when they brush your hand away, demonstrates your understanding of their safe boundaries.

13. Reduces stress hormones

Cortisol is the stress hormone produced when we are upset, which is likely to be higher for relationships in trouble. Researchers studying Alzheimer’s patients found that therapeutic touch helped reduce levels of cortisol in the body. Lower levels of stress hormones are one way that public displays of affection help us to have longer, healthier relationships.

14. Return to dating mode

Young and in love couples can hardly keep their hands off of each other, even in public. Public displays of affection help you to remember when you and your partner were head over heels in love.

15. Less tech, more talk

Effective communication is so important in a strong relationship and touch is one way to communicate feelings in a way that texting could never replace.

The Effects of Gender and Sexual Orientation on the Acceptability of Public Displays of Affection
touch and cortisol levels The Effect of Therapeutic Touch on Agitated Behavior and Cortisol in Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease

Avoid An Unhappy Relationship: 8 Early Warning Signs to Never Ignore

“One of the hardest parts of life is deciding whether to walk away or try harder” – Anonymous

What happens when your relationship seems to be bringing more stress than it does happiness? Do you find that you have settled for a relationship that’s less than perfect? Perhaps you find yourself making excuses and simply hoping that you’re going through a rough patch, and things are going to get better.

While relationships can’t be all high, they definitely shouldn’t be all low, either! Here are some signs that your relationship is going through more than just a rough patch – and that maybe it’s time to get out.

8 Early Warning Signs of An Unhappy Relationship


While you can recognize that your relationship isn’t the best, you’ve convinced yourself that it’s good enough. You find yourself staying with your partner simply because they’re staying with you.

Any relationship is better than none, and you find that you would rather stay in a relationship that isn’t making you happy rather than endure being alone. If you find yourself thinking this, it’s a sign that your relationship is only going to be a source of stress, and that finding a way out will bring a joy to your life you didn’t know was missing.


If you find that you keep tacking on “eventually” to the thought of your relationship working out, it is a sign that your relationship isn’t working out at all. No matter what you do to try and fix it, it just doesn’t seem to be working, so you hold out hope that maybe it’ll all just work itself out… except this waiting starts to drag on and on, and you’re not sure if it’ll ever end.

This is a sign that the relationship would probably be better if it was over entirely. Don’t underestimate the stress that holding out hope for a dragging relationship can cause! You deserve a relationship that isn’t all waiting and hoping.


People can and do change. People grow into whole new personalities, opinions and ideas. However, if you’re staying with a partner who is making you unhappy in the hopes that one day they’ll finally grow into the person you need them to be, you’ll only be setting yourself up for hurt. You deserve a relationship where the other person is already who you need them to be! Waiting for someone to change, or trying to force that change, will only lead to more stress and destruction.


Or, rather, being alone is terrifying to you. Being in a relationship that makes you actively unhappy is better than being alone. This could show itself in a string of short, unhappy relationships. If you find that you’re too afraid of being alone that it makes you get into a relationship with the first person who comes along, regardless of how well that relationship works, you may need to take a step back and examine the source of that fear. Low self-esteem can make people become afraid of being alone for fear of not being able to find someone new. If your relationship is maintained only to make sure you’re not alone, there’s a chance to learn to heal from that fear before starting another relationship.

unhappy relationship


A sign of an unhealthy and unhappy relationship is feeling guilt for thinking about leaving your partner. Perhaps your partner is dependent on you for whatever reason: emotionally, mentally, financially. You know that the relationship isn’t working, but instead of walking away, you allow guilt to keep you. This isn’t a good reason to stay, not for you or for your partner.

Relationships should be founded on trust, love and communication – not guilt. It might hurt, but you can still help them get the support they need, just not as a romantic partner.


Sometimes, people stay in relationships that have long passed their expiration date because children are involved. If they’re quite young, this might seem like a good thing. However, the older they get, the more that children can realize what’s going on. Staying with a partner for the children can easily cause resentment, and will only create a messier split down the line.

According to Psychotherapist Sean Grover, “Staying in a toxic marriage is certain to cause children more damage than good. In many cases, children blame themselves, feeling their parents’ combative relationship is somehow their fault.” Children can be negatively affected by an unhappy relationship just as much as you can. Sometimes, making the decision to part ways is best for everyone.


If you and your partner don’t get along, don’t enjoy spending time together, and can’t seem to compromise, but the sex is phenomenal … this is probably a sign that the relationship just isn’t going to work. Physical intimacy is important, but it won’t fix a relationship that doesn’t have all the rest of the foundations. Luckily, this is an issue that can be caught early, so it’s important to keep in mind how you’re going to feel in the long run.


According to adjunct professor of psychology at Georgetown University, Andrea Bonior, “One of the first signs of a toxic relationship is when one partner is very controlling. It can simply be that you feel frightened to share your opinions—you’re constantly walking on eggshells because you’re afraid of your partner’s emotional reactions.”

In a relationship, compromise is important. In an unhealthy relationship, compromise is only met after an ultimatum. You may find that you’re constantly giving in to your partner’s demands and wishes because you don’t want to start an argument, or because your partner never seems to want to compromise on their end. If there’s no willing compromise, then the relationship isn’t equal. You deserve to have your thoughts and ideas acknowledged and your wants and desires considered.

Relationships can have both highs and lows. Not every relationship you have is going to have the honeymoon phase last forever, and that’s okay! Relationships change, people change, but the important thing is that the relationship stays healthy. Even through all the bad times, relationships are meant to be a source of strength and support. If you find that your relationship is hitting some, or all, of these points, it may be time to reconsider what is going to make you happiest in the long run.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
30 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship,,20976691,00.html#relationship-red-flags-0
4 Reasons Why Bad Marriages Are Worse for Kids Than Divorce

21 Easy Ways to Be The Reason Someone Smiles Today

“Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.” ~ Christie Brinkley

It’s easy to allow life to get us down. We’ve all got responsibilities – bills, jobs, kids, and so forth. We must also contend with the frequent and random obstructions along the way.

In the midst of life’s stressors, it’s all too easy to think “me, me, me.”

But these are the times we should think about others. More specifically, making others’ days brighter.

Simple acts of kindness have a positive and distinct reciprocal effect. Counterintuitive as it sounds, selfless acts build us up in a way that few things can.

After we’ve done something selfless, it’s common for us to feel an absence of ego. The greatest humanitarians in history – Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Desmond Tutu – have all discovered this truth: it is greater to give than to receive.

And all it takes is a smile.

Why a smile of all things?

Well, consider some of these fascinating things about grinning with teeth:

  • Smiling can reduce blood pressure.
  • It is “contagious.”
  • Smiling releases endorphins – our body’s feel-good hormones.
  • It is a universal sign of happiness.
  • Smiling can immediately lower others’ defenses (anger, jealousy, etc.)

Here are 21 ways to be the reason someone else smiles today! :]

1. Show them something funny

Show the person some celebrity fails on the interwebs; tell them about something dimwitted someone else (or you!) did.

And watch laughter ensue.

2. Give them a small gift

If you know the person, consider giving them a small gift. Wrap it up nicely, and it’ll probably make for a pleasant surprise.

3. Listen

This one sounds out of place, but sometimes all a person needs is for someone to listen to him or her. Your thoughtfulness may help produce a smile.

4. Be affectionate

If you know the person well, put an arm around them, give them a peck on the cheek, or otherwise show some physical affection.

5. Bring them a coffee or tea

Coffee and tea are the second and third most popular drinks in the world. One reason is that both can help us relax and enjoy each other’s company.

6. Tell a joke

Who doesn’t like a good (or bad) joke? Even better if you know the person’s sense of humor. So crack one.

7. Give a heartfelt compliment

Even the shy folk amongst us love to hear a warm commendation. Compliments are very powerful and can help make someone else’s day.

8. Reach out to someone who wants to hear from you

How many times do we think about calling someone we’d know would love to hear from us, yet forget? Think about a person who’d love to hear your voice and make their day.

9. Share a meal

There’s something so peaceful and comfortable about sharing a nice meal together. Ordering different items and sharing each other’s food is even better.

10. Tell someone how proud you are

Similar to words of encouragement, saying “I’m proud of you” has a way of lifting a person’s self-esteem.


11. Write a handwritten note or letter

Nowadays, it’s so easy to type out an email or text message. Do you remember the days when handwritten notes were a “thing”? While the written note may not be too popular anymore, they are assured to serve as a great pick-me-up.

12. Say “I’m sorry.”

Own up to your mistakes. While they may not smile in your presence, they could later when thinking of your honesty and courage.

13. Give a generous tip

Do you know how much crap people who work in a service-related job must deal with? Rude people and bad tips – enough said. If someone does a good job, leave a little extra. You may just make their day.

14. Speak some genuine words of encouragement

We all need some assurance once in a while. Life is rough sometimes. A few well-chosen words can go a long way in helping someone overcome their problems.

15. Be available for them, or let them know you’re there

As mentioned, sometimes we just need someone to listen. If they’re not quite yet ready to talk, that’s okay. Telling them you’re there may just bring a smile to their face.

16. Share an old picture

If you and the person are close, there’s probably a few old pics floating around. Find one of the funniest or most ridiculous and shoot it their way.

17. Bring some hand-picked flowers

Go out into a grassy field, grab a handful of flowers, wrap them up nicely, and give them to the person. While picking wildflowers is rare nowadays, it’s a super sweet gesture.

18. Bring them some food

Everyone loves food. Oh yeah, you already knew that. Anyways, bring them a nicely presented plate or fruits or veggies, or just stop by their favorite fast food joint.

19. Tell them “Thank You.”

Whether we consciously realize this or not, “Thank you” are two of the most cherished words for someone to hear. In essence, you’re saying “Thanks for your hard work, consideration, and care.”

20. Change their screensaver

When the person steps away from their computer, change their screen saver to something that will make them smile. Use your imagination.

21. Make a silly face

Sometimes we have to forget the whole “Act your age” thing. Funny faces have a way of cheering someone up. So peep through a doughnut or stick your tongue sideways and cross your eyes. Silly faces are always hilarious!

7 Signs Your Partner Is Too Clingy

“Love should not cause suffocation and death if it is truly love. Don’t bundle someone into an uncomfortable cage just because you want to ensure their safety in your life. The bird knows where it belongs, and will never fly to a wrong nest.” – Michael Bassey Johnson

Everyone likes to have their own space, even in a relationship. Spending time together is one of the greatest joys in a partnership. On the other hand, time to yourself is something that all people need. That’s true even if you love being around your significant other. Sometimes, though, our partners can hang around a little too much. Being clingy has a whole host of negative connotations, and you may not notice it until it becomes a problem, or when someone else points it out to you.

Relationship development expert AJ Harbinger says, “At some point, we’ve all exhibited needy behaviors. What’s worse, it can suddenly grip us from time to time in certain contexts, even if it’s not a constant characteristic, which is part of why feelings of neediness can be so scary, difficult and unpredictable to manage.

Having a clingy partner can cause issues in the relationship, even if you love them and understand where they’re coming from, whether it be abandonment issues or low self-esteem. Knowing the important signs that your partner is too clingy will help you be able to address the issue and deal with it before it starts to cause problems in the relationship.

Here Are 7 Signs You’re Dealing With A Clingy Partner

1. They’re always texting / calling you

This is one of the earliest and most obvious signs that your partner is far too clingy. The minute you two are apart they are texting you, constantly. They seem to get distressed or uncomfortable if they don’t know where you are or don’t have access to talk to you whenever they want to. If you’re out with your friends, you may notice that they’re constantly sending you messages and making sure that they’re always in contact with you.

But why?

Psychologist Nicole Martinez Psy.D., LCPC says, “People who are jealous and insecure will tend to cling to their partner as a means of keeping a closer eye on them.” The best way to deal with this is to let them know there are certain times that you can’t talk, and set a firm boundary. It may be difficult for them to adjust to, but it’ll make the relationship go a lot smoother.

2. When you don’t respond, they become distressed

If they send you a text message and you don’t respond within a certain period of time, it may cause them to get distressed, nervous, or upset. The reasons for this can be varied. For instance, they may catastrophize a situation, fear you’re angry with them, or feel insecure.

Toronto based dating coach Christine Hart says, Generally, being clingy and being insecure go hand in hand. Letting your partner know that there are going to be times that you can’t respond and that it doesn’t mean anything bad can help quell their fears. Your partner may also want to seek anxiety counseling.

3. They’re far too interested in your social media

If your partner likes to look at your Instagram, or tags you in things on Facebook, this isn’t too much of an issue. However, if they’re starting to dig through your social media and begin to ask you invasive questions about a comment that you received on an old Instagram post, or questioning the people you have on your friends list, it may be a sign your partner is a little too nervous and clingy. Discussing with them honestly what their fears are and why they feel the need to dig so much can help get to the bottom of the feeling that is driving the behavior.

4. They hate when you go out without them

Sometimes, people in relationships have different sets of friends. If your partner becomes upset or distressed when you go out with your friends without them, this is a red flag that your partner is a little too clingy – especially if you only go out occasionally, and they get upset every time. This could be due to your partner not having the same type of support system or friend circle. They may be feeling left out if they don’t go out as much. Encouraging them to find a group of friends that they can go out with will make them feel more at ease when you leave the house.

5. They adopt all your interests … and drop their own

An overly clingy partner will want to have as much in common with you as possible, even if this means abandoning things that they once enjoyed in order to adopt your interests, even if they don’t really like them.

Again, why?

That’s because “the basis around clinginess is the fear of not being loved and not being enough,” says Bernardo Mendez, a relationship coach for women.

The best way to handle this is to encourage your partner to continue to do the things that they like, and even engage in them with them. An overly clingy partner will want you to be the center of their world – and sometimes they have to be shown that you’re not!

6. They hold back their feelings or opinions

Clingy partners tend to be extremely self-conscious or have low self-esteem. This can result in them holding back their true opinions, or allowing your own worldview to become their own. Clingy partners tend to do this in order to make sure that they don’t drive their partners away. So ensure that your partner feels safe expressing their political, religious, or social beliefs around you can alleviate this desire to change their opinions to match your own.

7. They’re more into you than you are into them

This is a tough one to deal with. If you’re dating someone casually, it may be clear that they’re far more into you than you are into them.

Author Elizabeth Stone tells us why this happens. She says, “When we feel insecure and worry that someone is pulling away from us, often we try to pursue them for reassurance that they’ll never leave us—an insecure behavior and attitude that causes them to want to leave us.”

Making sure you set boundaries early in the relationship, especially if it’s a casual one. Indeed, this action will make it so that your partner doesn’t expect too much out of you, or expect more than you’re willing to put forward. It sucks when the lines of a relationship aren’t clearly drawn.

Final thoughts

If your significant other shows signs of being overly clingy. While you still care about them and want to keep the relationship going, it’s important to make sure that you communicate and draw clear boundaries. If your partner crosses those boundaries repeatedly, it may be best to let the relationship go. But, there’s an equally high chance that communication and understanding will help turn a relationship around and make it much more balanced.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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