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Why People Need to Get Off The Couch (Before It’s Too Late)

How much time do you spend sitting on the couch?

Ponder this question for a couple of minutes – and be honest with yourself. Let’s do a bit of sampling from the U.S. population. All of these numbers are averages derived from reputable sources, e.g., Gallup.

“41 percent of Americans (do) less than 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times per week. About a third of males are physically inactive, compared to 47.4 percent of women – a difference of almost 14 points.” ~ The Lancet

  • The average commute time in the U.S. is approximately 25 minutes one-way, or 50 minutes total.
  • The average American logs around 35 hours of work per week (~ 7 hours per day)
  • If you’re keeping tract, the total is (so far):  ~ 8 hours sitting (minimum)
  • 36 percent sit for another 1-2 hours watching TV
  • 10 percent play video games for 1-2 hours
  • 25 percent lounge around for 1-2 hours
  • 29 percent use their P.C. for 1-2 hours
  • Average time sitting: ~ 13 hours
  • Average time sleeping ~ 7 hours

Total amount of sedentary (inactive) time: ~ 20 hours

Reality Check Time

“I’m doing this for your own good.” Remember your mom or dad saying this before talking some sense into you? (Or trying to.)

Well, we’re saying this for your (and our) own good. You are (again, including us) probably sitting on your butt for much longer than is healthy.  It’s much better to grudgingly accept this fact now than wait for some ailment to threaten your quality of life.

So, first, we will go over why you should get off of your derriere. Second, we will provide some excellent (if we may say) and time-effective ways for doing so.

Let’s do this!

Health Experts Urge People To Get Off The Couch Before It’s Too Late

Okay, good news or bad news? We know…

Studies are about as fun to research and disseminate as performing your own root canal. So, let’s spare you the dental procedure and cut the research down to parts:

  • Sitting 13-14 hours increases your risk of death from heart disease.
  • The more you sit, the higher your blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, and even waist size.
  • A 10-year study, published in The Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences of participants aged 50 to 71 years, found “those who tended to sit the most and move the least had more than three times the risk of difficulty walking by the end of the study.”
  • The same study also reports “those who watched five or more hours of TV (had) a 65 percent greater risk of reporting a mobility [disability].”

T.V. and Tech Ain’t Helping

Loretta DiPietro of the Milken School of Public Health at George Washington University doesn’t mix words when it comes to TV and ill health:

“Sitting and watching TV for long periods, especially in the evening, has got to be one of the most dangerous things that older people can do.”

Bear in mind that Dr. DiPietro was referring to a study conducted in the mid-90’s to 2005. Given that use of streaming services, a la Netflix and YouTube, have seen a sharp increase since then, the problem is much likely worse.

“Even 5 minutes is better than nothing.”

That’s an actual quote from an actual doctor – and it’s true. A simple solution? Get out of your chair every half-hour and “stand up, march in place, jump around, kick legs – do anything to move for at least one to two minutes.”

For a healthy and mobile person, there is no excuse not to do something as easy as getting up and moving for a minute or two.

One tough lady…

Let’s look at 61-year-old Denver businesswoman Liz King. Ms. King is an entrepreneur who spends eight hours “at least, (looking) at the screen and sitting in the chair.”

As many of you business owners out there know, you don’t just “punch in and punch out.” Most business owners spend far longer than eight hours at their computers. They’re on the phone with customers, looking after employees, and handling administrative tasks for 10-plus hours a day.

Despite her crazy schedule, the 61-year old manages to get in a “brisk” 20-minute walk every day. This lovely woman may take a picture or two of the “occasional wildflower” on her stroll, but she doesn’t slack.

Some Ideas to Get You Off the Couch and Moving

Every time we write an article about anything exercise or health-related (usually the two are mutually inclusive), we try to include the following phrase:

“Exercise DOESN’T need to be boring or time-consuming!”

One more time? Let’s all repeat this together – and with some gusto!

“Exercise DOESN’T need to be boring or time-consuming!”

It doesn’t matter what you do. If you enjoy walking like Ms. King, by all means, walk for 20-30 minutes.

If you love to shoot hoops, that’s exercise!

If you love to ride your bike, that’s exercise!

If you love Jai Alai, that’s exercise! (Do you? I’ve never found anyone.)

Anyways, you get the picture. It’s as simple as finding something you enjoy and breaking a sweat three times per week.

Readers: we’d love to hear any and all recommendations for fitting activity into your day!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Signs You Have A Manipulative Partner

Manipulative people are everywhere.

And when we say everywhere, we mean everywhere. Is this fact saddening? Yes, but it can also be empowering.

The knowledge and acceptance of the omnipresence of manipulation is empowering because you’re less likely to be played “as a fool.”

Perhaps there is no other scenario wherein detecting manipulation early can save us more heartache than in a relationship. Knowing this, we’re going to discuss eight potential signs you’re living with a manipulative partner.

8 Signs You Have A Manipulative Partner

“Healthy social influence occurs between most people, and is part of the give and take of constructive relationships. (However) in psychological manipulation, one person is used for the benefit of another.” ~ Preston Ni, M.S.B.A.


1. They don’t help resolve problems

Unhealthy relationships are often teeming with unresolved conflicts. As we’ve mentioned before, some people are more conflict avoidant than others – it’s simply part of their personality.

But frequent and prolonged conflict avoidance in a relationship can be a warning sign, says relationship expert Suzannah Weiss:

“If conflict from days, weeks, or months ago still bother you though you’ve discussed them with your partner, it’s possible they manipulated you into believing the discussion was over before it was,” Weiss says.

2. They weaken your self-confidence

Barrie Davenport, a certified relationship coach, says:

“Emotional manipulators seek out the vulnerabilities of people in order to exploit them. In fact, they may consciously or unconsciously create relationships with people who are the most vulnerable and willing to be controlled.”

Manipulators are close cousins of narcissists. In fact, narcissists are well-known for their extreme manipulative behavior.

If you always seem to be contending with a “push and pull” feeling with your partner, do not ignore it. Many kind people fall into an emotional trap set by manipulators; the important thing now is to act.

3. They have a bunch of “small favors”

A classic manipulative behavior is to throw a bunch of “small favors” at you before getting to the point.

Darlene Lancer, a Marriage and Family Therapist, calls this the ‘foot-in-the-door’ technique, in which the manipulator “(makes) a small request that you agree to, which is followed by the real request. It’s harder to say no, because you’ve already said yes…Now it’s all about them and their complaints, and you’re on the defense.”

4. Emotional blackmail

Emotional blackmail is an abusive type of manipulation that uses guilt, intimidation, rage, shame, or threats. It’s a sick, twisted game that manipulators use to gain the upper hand.

As an illustration, someone in a relationship may hear this from their partner: “I’ve trusted you with my life; now you go and do this. You ought to be ashamed and disgusted. If you pull this again, I’ll just pack up and leave. You can die alone.”

This sounds extreme, right? Well, these type of conversations happen all the time. Bear in mind that the victim has done nothing wrong – it’s all a mirage.


5. Use of charm and flattery

On the opposite end of the emotional spectrum is the generous deployment of charming and flattering behaviors – a type of passive-aggressive behavior.

For example, the manipulator may say whatever they think their partner wants to hear. They’re evasive and will offer favors, help, and even gifts in order to be loved and accepted.

Why is this manipulation? Because the person intentionally evades uncomfortable questions, uses criticism, guilt, and self-pity, and always plays the victim. They do these things for no other reason than to “get” the love and respect that has “escaped” them so far in life.

6. Silent treatment

Make no mistake. Extreme quiet is not a typical behavior when resolving a conflict. Preston Ni, a professor of communication and renowned relationship expert, writes “The silent treatment is a head game where silence is used as a form of leverage.”

Silent treatment becomes abusive when the manipulator has established a sense of dominance. It’s a twisted act that renders their partner powerless.

7. Playing dumb

Oh yes, manipulators can turn dumb in a hurry. Clearly, feigning obliviousness isn’t always obvious – if it were, the manipulator would be at a disadvantage.

Instead, they’ll activate their dummy mode under one of two conditions: (1) when they’re called out for doing something wrong, and/or (2) when they’re responsible for doing something (chores, paying a bill, etc.)

Ni states: “Some children use this tactic in order to delay, stall, and manipulate adults into doing for them what they don’t want to do. Some grown-ups use this tactic as well when they have something to hide, or an obligation they wish to avoid.”

8. They’ll hurry a decision

Most normal people will take a bit of time before making an important decision.

Manipulators know this, and will do everything in their power to hurry you up. Why? Because time constraints cloud your judgment. Our working memory – the ‘bottleneck’ that holds information for processing – isn’t effective under such conditions.

Ni states “By applying tension and control onto you, it is hoped that you will ‘crack’ and give in to the aggressor’s demands.”

10 Signs A Man Is Ready to Give You His Heart

Is your guy ready to give his heart to you?

Men can be hard to figure out sometimes, especially if you’re trying to figure out how he feels about you. Society demands that men should talk less about their feelings. In fact, some can often shame them for being too emotional. But, all the same, men do things like fall in love. But when they do, women are often left wondering how they feel about them!

It can be difficult to tell the difference between a guy who is genuinely falling in love, a guy who is just being friendly, and a guy who just wants in your pants. Thankfully, here are some tried and true methods for figuring out whether or not he’s falling for you.

love quote

Here Are 10 Signs A Man Is Ready to Give His Heart to You

“A priceless moment is when the person that you have fallen in love with, looks you right in the eyes to tell you that they have fallen in love with you.” – Unknown

1. He wants to talk on the phone

Like, all the time. Guys who are just your friend or who just want something from you tend to go a more indirect route, like texting or DMing. But when a guy wants to spend his free time talking to you on the phone, it’s a sure sign that he’s got some feelings for you, and they’re very sweet indeed!

It’s a sign that he wants to hear your voice, which is always romantic.

2. He uses pet names when he’s ready to give his heart

When a guy is falling for you, he’s going to use pet names – but something that’s a little more original. He might call you something special, like a pet name that’s more of an inside joke between the two of you. He wants to set you apart from all the other people in his life. Sex expert and author of the ‘Good In Bed’ series Ian Kerner says, “Names like honey, baby, babe, sweetheart (etc.) connote a special intimacy that’s reserved for your significant other.

3. He remembers what you say

This could be about anything – he remembers what your opinion on a certain movie is, or what kind of food you like at a certain restaurant. This is a sign that he’s both listening, and he values your opinions on things. Not only that, but when the topic comes up again, he’s able to remember your exact words.

4. He makes up excuses to talk to you

Whether it’s on the phone, by text or social media, he finds reasons to pay you a little bit of extra attention. When you post a new selfie on Instagram, he’s always the first one in the comments. He always has something interesting to share with you via text, or he’s always finding reasons to drop by and have a chat. He just can’t get enough of you!


5. He’s chivalrous

A lot of people think that chivalry is dead, but with him, it’s alive and well. He’s always making sure that you’re comfortable. He’ll do everything from holding doors open for you, to pulling out your chair, to making sure that the temperature in the room is just right. If you’re cold, he’ll probably even offer you his jacket. He wants to make sure that you’re feeling good, and will go to great lengths to ensure it.

6. When he sees you, his whole face lights up

You’ve probably experienced having your whole face light up before – it’s something you can physically feel happening to you, and it’s not altogether voluntary! The same thing happens to him when he sees you from across the room, or walking toward him down the street. He can’t stop the light in his eyes or the big, dopey, love-struck grin when he sees you.

7. He brings you gifts

Relationship expert Dr. Pam Spurr says this:

If he’s given you a nice piece of jewelry then he’s seriously committed to your relationship. Men just don’t give the good stuff unless you mean something special.

The gifts that he brings you don’t always have to be expensive or extravagant. In fact, he’ll most likely bring you little things, but often. Perhaps he learns your coffee order, and brings it to you in the morning.

Or, maybe he brings you a book that you mentioned wanting to read – or even a book that he just thinks you might like! It’s the little things that count, and a guy who pays attention enough to know what you like is a guy who’s falling for you.

8. He’s protective of you

A guy who’s falling in love with you will want to make sure that you feel safe and secure wherever you go together. He’ll often walk you home and right up to your door, or wait in the car outside to make sure you get in safe. He’ll hold your hand when you walk through a crowd, or guide you with a hand on the back of your shoulders.

9. He’s genuinely interested in you

He wants to know what you have to say about everything! No topic of conversation is off limits for you two. Not only that, but no topic of conversation seems too boring for him to engage in.

He’ll be happy to listen to you talk about your favorite TV show, or how awful your co-workers have been that week. Whatever it is, he’s always interested in what you have to say.

relationship stages

10. He’s planning for the future if he’s ready to give his heart

A guy who isn’t interested in the long haul isn’t likely to make plans more than a couple of weeks in advance. On the other hand, when a guy is falling for you, he’s going to plans three or four months into the future. It means that he’s seeing you in his future plans. Moreover, he wants you to be there with him every step of the way.

Like online dating expert Julie Spira mentions, “While the conversation might not include ring shopping, if he’s suggesting things he wants to do in the future, such as a weekend away, going with him to a concert, or even discussing relationship goals, he’s a guy that sees you by his side.

Sure, sometimes guys are hard to get to talk about their feelings – but actions always speak louder than words! A guy who is acting like this is most certainly falling in love, even if he has a hard time saying it. Learning to read his affection in the things that he does will make it much easier to figure out if a guy is ready, willing, and able to give his heart to you.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved.

Relationship Experts Explain What Happens When You Meet The Woman of Your Dreams

Some people (men and women alike) may know right away when the woman they’re seeing is the One. Others may be a bit slower on the uptake. Some may not know the signs to look for.

What exactly should you be looking for to make sure you’re dating the woman of your dreams? According to wedding officiant and author Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway, “There is usually a telltale sign that lets you know when true love has arrived – a voice in your head, a sense of recognition or a gut feeling that this is someone special to you.”

If you’re connecting with your soulmate, there are certain things that you’ll experience that are out of the ordinary from all of the other women you’ve ever dated.

Here Are 9 Things That Happen When You Meet Your Dream Girl


1. You’ll be surprised by your feelings

These feelings will come hard and fast, and you’ll be completely surprised by how quickly you develop them. You may be slower to fall in love with other women, but when you’ve met your soulmate, you’ll be floored by the strength and depth of your feelings. Despite how quickly it happens, you’re not going to feel intimidated. In fact, it’ll feel like the most natural thing in the world.

2. Your attraction will keep growing

Obviously, you’ll feel attracted to her right off the bat. But the thing is, that attraction is only going to keep growing every single day. You’re never going even to want to look at another woman. Her personality and her looks are only going to keep growing on you. You’re also going to feel totally and completely satisfied. There’s nothing about her that you would change.

3. You’re not afraid of disagreements

In some relationships, an argument can be the end. However, when you meet the woman of your dreams, you won’t be afraid to have an argument or disagreement with her. You’ll know that your love is strong enough to survive any spat. In fact, you’ll find that your arguments are over quicker, and you’re more easily able to reconcile and apologize to one another.

4. You’ll always feel loved

The woman of your dreams will never leave you feeling unloved or underappreciated. Some relationships are more casual, and can leave us wanting for emotional connection. However, you’ll know that she’s the One when you feel emotionally fulfilled and appreciated. She makes you feel special every single day, and never takes you for granted.


5. You share common goals

An important part of any long-lasting relationship is having goals and visions of the future that complement one another. When you meet the woman of your dreams, you’ll realize that you never have to sacrifice your vision of the future, because she’ll have similar goals in life.

Clinical psychologist and relationship expert Dr. Carmen Harra states, “More diminutive opinions will differ, but soulmates generally have the same virtues and values and see the world through a similar lens.”

Therefore, while you may not have the exact same goals, the things you want to achieve work side by side to make a happy life.

6. You adore each other’s annoying habits

Maybe she takes too long in the bathroom getting ready in the morning, or leaves her hair ties lying around all over the apartment. It doesn’t matter – you’re going to find those little quirks to be some of the best things about her that you love.

Brockway adds, “Soulmates often feel a sense of the familiar and a sense of comfort around each other. Many people say it’s easier to relax into that person and allow themselves to be vulnerable.” When you meet the woman of your dreams, you’re going to love every single thing about her … even the things that you disliked in past partners.

7. Your feelings will feel natural

Nothing about how you feel will be surprising or scary to you. If you’ve never been the type of man to commit to a woman before, you’ll suddenly find yourself totally ready to be with her for however long she wants you. And the best part is, these feelings will be entirely natural.

8. You’ll feel safe in each other’s company

Contrary to popular belief, even men need to feel safe and secure in a relationship. And when you meet the woman of your dreams, she’s going to make you feel entirely safe. You’ll be able to tell her things that you’ve never told anyone else.

Author Karen M. Black states, “If you’re fortunate enough to meet someone with whom you have a natural, loving relationship from the get-go, then you’re going to feel this as an unusual comfort level. A low hum. A peace and calm in your heart. A quiet certainty. A curiosity. Safety in their presence.”

Oftentimes, men have a harder time sharing their emotions. It won’t feel difficult with her – you’ll find yourself opening up and sharing things with her you haven’t told any of your past partners.


9. You’ll want to protect your relationship

If you’re still hanging around with single guys who aren’t interested in a relationship, you won’t tolerate taking any jabs about how deeply you feel for your partner. You may find that you’ll want to protect your relationship more than you’ve ever wanted to before. Your relationship means more to you than any other relationship, and you’ll want to protect it – and her.

Society often finds ways to make men feel like they can’t experience the full range of emotions that come with falling in love. However, men have all the same feelings that women do, and they’ll experience all the same emotions when they meet their soulmates. Finding the woman of your dreams will be one of the most amazing things ever happening to you. You’ll find yourself putting more time and effort into this relationship than any other – and the results will be phenomenal.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

12 Foods That Help Your Liver Detox Your Body

Our liver is absolutely crucial to our health and well-being.

The body depends on liver detox to remove and purge toxins, break down hormones, detoxify the blood, digest fat, and store essential minerals and vitamins. Indeed, it is one of the hardest-working organs. Because of an increasing amount of pollutants and toxins in the air and our foods, it’s becoming both (a) more essential to take care of our liver, and (b) harder to do so.

In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the essential functions of the liver, risk factors for an unhealthy liver, and the best foods for maintaining liver health.

Liver functions

Here are some of the essential functions of the liver:

  • breaks down and metabolizes alcohol and medications.
  • eliminates old red blood cells.
  • produces cholesterol and essential proteins.
  • regulates blood composition.
  • removes toxins from the bloodstream.
  • stores vitamin A, iron, and minerals.

diseased liver

Potential liver problems

For the liver to properly care for the body, it must be in optimal condition. It’s unfortunate how many people do not understand the importance of having a healthy liver. Furthermore, it is common for individuals to think of liver cirrhosis – or scarring – as the only significant problem. And alcohol is the main problem.

It is much more complicated than this, of course. Alcohol-induced cirrhosis is a severe disease, but alcohol is not the only cause. A disease of the liver can stem from many things, including chronic malnutrition, certain medications (OTC and prescription), chemical exposure, eating raw seafood, and tobacco use.

WebMD lists the following “surprising” things that can damage your liver. Here they are, as presented:

  • Sugar: All simple sugars, which are abundant in processed foods, are bad for the liver.
  • Herbal supplements: These include the popular supplement, kava, and others.
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): As the name implies, this fatty liver disease doesn’t stem from alcohol. Per Hepatitis Australia, “A poor diet, unhealthy weight, lack of exercise, high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease” are all risk factors.
  • Excess Vitamin A from supplements: Check with your doctor if you need to supplement vitamin A. You probably do not.
  • Soda: Soft drinks increase the risk of developing NAFLD.
  • Acetaminophen: Also known as paracetamol (generic) or Tylenol (brand), too much of this stuff can harm your liver.
  • Trans Fats: Trans fats are manufactured fats that are plentiful in some baked goods and packaged foods. Look for the term “partially hydrogenated.”
  • Autoimmune disorder: Hepatitis C is a big concern here.
  • Excess alcohol intake: No more than one drink a day for women and two for men.

12 Great Foods For the Liver

Now that we’ve discussed a few important things about the liver, we’ll turn to the main topic: 12 foods (and drinks!) that will help your liver detox:

1. Almonds

A great source of vitamin E, almonds may help protect against fatty liver disease. Almonds – and other nuts – are beneficial for your heart, too.

2. Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium (~ 470 mg), which makes them a staple in many diets. This tropical fruit can also aid in digestion, which expedites the release of metals and toxins – this helps detoxify.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries contain nutrients (polyphenols) that help protect against NAFLD. Other foods in rich in polyphenols include dark chocolate, olives, and plums.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli isn’t the sexiest of foods, but it sure is healthy for you. It’s one of the best veggies for the liver. (Not sure about broccoli and cheese, but hey…)

5. Coffee

The health benefits of coffee are often debated – and there are valid points on both sides. That said, studies show that 2-3 cups per day may lower the risk of liver cancer.

6. Green Tea

Some folks swear by green tea, and for a good reason. Green tea is loaded with catechins – an antioxidant that protects against many forms of cancer, including the liver.

7. Herbs

There are a bunch of herbs and spices to include. Cinnamon, cumin, curry powder, oregano, rosemary, and sage are all excellent for organ health.

8. Oatmeal

Oatmeal contains a heavy dose of fiber, which is terrific for keeping us feeling full. Research shows it can also help shed some extra pounds, which decreases the risk of developing a disease.

9. Raw veggies

Raw veggies aren’t everyone’s thing; which is one reason why juicers have become so popular. Eating (or juicing) raw vegetables – including beets, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, and leafy greens – are great for organ health.

10. Spinach

Spinach is loaded with glutathione, an antioxidant that may help keep your liver in working order. Whether you eat spinach raw or as a base for a dinner salad, your entire digestive system thanks you.

11. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are another food rich in potassium. In fact, one medium-sized sweet potato contains 700 milligrams. It’s also high in fiber and – while sweet – is a slow-digesting, complex carbohydrate. All of these things are good for the liver.

12. Water

No health list would be complete without H2O. Water is excellent for your liver in so many different ways. Besides helping the liver detox and flush toxins, water keeps us full for a longer time. Of course, this can help us shed a few pounds – and we all know this is a great thing!

22 Self Care Tips For When You Feel Broken

Feeling broken happens to us all. After all, no person can be happy all the time, and through it all, we experience many emotions. Sadness, feeling down, and defeat – are just some of the many emotions we go through as human beings. Sometimes, it can seem like those feelings will never leave us. Fortunately, you can restore your shine with a little self-care

“Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.” – Hans Selye.

We all need a little help when it comes to picking ourselves up from feeling dejected. When life gets us down, figuring out a way to get back up can seem hopeless. Luckily, there are so many ways to improve your mood and positively change your emotions when life gets the better of you.

Here Are 22 Positive Things You Can Do For Your Self-Care



1. Get outside and improve your mood

This is an easy way to improve your mood. Fresh air and sunshine can help lift your mood within minutes. The very act of just going outside can sometimes enhance our entire point of view. After all, sitting indoors contemplating our sadness can lead to more unhappiness.

Author Florence Williams said that when a person spends some time outdoors, “blood pressure drops, their heart rate variability becomes more resilient when faced with stress, cortisol levels drop. The subjects report an increase in… mood, and vitality, and creativity. And that’s just after 20 minutes!

If you find yourself stuck on the couch, try a change of scenery and go for a walk around the neighborhood.

2. Talk to someone to help you feel better

A support system is the best way to make sure that you always have someone nearby who can help you talk out your troubles. Whether this person is a friend, a family member, your partner, or even a therapist, talking to someone you feel close to can help improve your mood drastically.

3. Watch a funny movie

Nothing makes us feel better than just plain old laughter. If you’re in a sour mood or feel a heavy sadness, watching your favorite comedy can quickly boost your mood. You can do it alone or with a friend. Sometimes, hearing someone else laugh can be just what it takes to get our laugh muscles working again when it feels impossible to smile.

4. Turn to music for self-care

It can be tempting to listen to sad, hopeless songs and cry about them when we’re sad. While this is often good for releasing emotions, it’s not good for uplifting your mood. So, after you’ve had your wallowing cry, try putting on some upbeat dance or party music. The beat will get your blood pumping, along with your mood.

5. Take a nap

Our moods are often regulated by something as simple as waking up during the wrong sleep cycle. If you find that you’re just plain miserable, it might do you some good to settle in for a nap. Getting more sleep might be just what you need to chase away your bad mood. While it may feel like a childish thing to do, even adults need the right amount of sleep to function correctly!

6. Hang out with friends

Whether you all go to a movie, out to eat, or hang around together, being surrounded by the people who love you is an easy way to remind yourself of all the good in the world. Your friends will probably know just the way to make you feel better and boost your need for human contact and stabilize your mood.

7. Clean your habitat

Depression and sadness often come with a lack of motivation to do… well, anything! These feelings can leave you unmotivated, so you don’t feel like caring for your home. Cleaning your space can feel like a chore, but you’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel after it’s all done. Once the area around you is clean, you’ll find that your mood is improved even by a little. A clean house is a happy house, after all.

When you clear your physical space, you also clear your mind.

8. Do something nice for others

The best way to boost your mood is to make someone else happy. While it can feel challenging to muster up the niceness to do something for someone else when you’re feeling low, it’s one of the best mood boosters. Brightening someone’s day will make you feel even better about yourself than before.

9. Take a Bubble Bath

The warm water from a bubble bath can ease tense muscles and lift your spirits. Why not light some candles and enjoy the fragrance and the bubbles and ambiance? Turn down the lights and let your troubles float away, as it’s the perfect way to engage in self-care after a long day.

10. Eat Right

The best way to love yourself is to watch what you put into your system. Many people don’t think about all the processed and junk foods they eat, but it’s doing more harm than good. Eating a well-balanced diet is an excellent form of self-care as it’s essential to your overall physical and mental wellbeing.


11. Try Technology Breaks

Are you spending too much time on technology? A recent report published by Statista Research Department showed that the average person spends 2.45 hours on social media each day. This wasted time doesn’t count all the other time folks spend watching TV, playing video games, or are on their computer.

Try taking a technology break to clear your mind, and you will be surprised how much more you get done and how much better you feel. Plus, if you’re always saying you don’t have enough time to get everything done, you will easily find more hours in your day.

12. Listen to Music

Turn on some tunes and dance the night away. Dancing is an excellent form of exercise as it gets the blood pumping. Maybe you prefer some more mellow songs like jazz or classical music. Music is used to motivate people, and it can also be used to calm you. Part of your self-care routine should involve some good tunes.

13. Meditate

When you meditate, you’re learning to let go of all the negativity you’ve ingested during the day, and you’re becoming in touch with your inner self. This ancient art has many forms, and you can use it to go to sleep, stop a panic attack, or even relax and give your tense muscles a break.

14. Try Aromatherapy

Do you buy candles or incense to burn around your home because you like the smell? Aromatherapy has been used for decades to help people relax, and it can be a significant part of your self-care routine. When you use bubble baths, lotions, essential oils, and candles, you’re stimulating the smell receptors in your nose, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The message from your nose travels through your central nervous system until it reaches the limbic system in your brain. This is the region that controls all of your emotions. So, if you notice that you feel better after rubbing lavender on your wrists or putting a tea tree on your neck, you’ve activated this part of the brain and are calming yourself.

15. Exercise Daily

The more you move your body, the better you will feel. The experts at UW School of Medicine and Public Health state that you need to exercise at least 20 minutes three times a week. However, it would be best if you fit it into your daily routine. Self-care is all about maintaining a good, healthy weight. You’re also boosting those feel-good hormones when you get your heart pumping.

16. Plan a Trip

Why not throw caution to the wind and go on a trip? You work hard, so you deserve a little get-a-way. Why not engage in self-care at an all-inclusive resort? You can even go camping and enjoy nature if you want your excursion to be frugal. The advantage of getting away is that you will feel and look better when you return.

17. Get a Massage

Massages are therapeutic, and they work to release that tension in your muscles. If you suffer from tension-type headaches or migraines, getting a regular massage can help you manage them without harmful substances.

When the masseuse works those muscles, they increase blood flow to the areas in need. Other things to try along this line include acupuncture and cupping therapy. When you learn effective ways to handle your stress, you’ll feel much better.

18. Splurge on A Gift for Yourself

When’s the last time you bought yourself a gift? Have you had a new outfit lately? Perhaps you want a new piece of jewelry to add to your collection.

Going to work and just paying bills isn’t very motivating. Have you ever done a star chart with your kids? These little charts are huge motivators because they give them an incentive to keep doing well.

You can do the same thing by motivating yourself by splurging a bit. While it seems that all the incentives you need are to have a house and car to drive, these little extra things give you the enthusiasm to keep going.

19. Take a Drive in the Country

It doesn’t matter what age you are or your status in life. There’s something therapeutic about a drive in the country. It’s best on days when you can put your windows down and let Mother Nature penetrate your car with her fragrant aroma.

Turn on your favorite music, and grab something to drink. Let your mind go as you get out of the city and the hustle and bustle, and engage in driving therapy. Sitting on crowded freeways only add to your daily frustration but getting out on the open roads with little traffic is relaxing.

20. Get in Touch with Your Artistic Side

Can you paint, draw, color, or make crafts? It’s very refreshing to use your artistic side to help with stress. Many people use art to outlet their emotions, and it can be pretty relaxing. Why not take a sketchpad to a nearby lake and draw the ducks swimming or the sun beaming down on the water?

21. Try a DIY Project

Is there a room in your home you want to remodel? Why not try a DIY project? You can save a lot of money by tackling household repairs yourself.

When you’re learning and taking care of your home, you’re also practicing self-care. Why not turn your bathroom into a tranquil retreat, or paint that drab kitchen that seems outdated? Your mind can explore and get creative to make your dwelling even better.

22. Go Cloud-Watching

There’s something magnificent with the sky above. It’s the key to another dimension, and the clouds are fascinating to watch float aimlessly by. Did you ever lie on the ground and watch the clouds when you were a child?

Did you find funny shapes in them that fascinated you? Why not return to those childhood moments and engage in something so peaceful yet profound. Watching the clouds go by is one of the best forms of self-care, as it’s so relaxing. It reminds you that this world is so much bigger than your troubles, and you live on a planet of majestic wonders.


Final Thoughts on the Importance of Self-Care

Generating positivity isn’t always the more straightforward thing, but there are ways to make yourself feel better when you’re feeling low. Whether it’s getting outside, connecting with your loved ones, or making someone else’s day a little better, generating positivity is a good habit to have and one that’ll make all of your sad days a little bit better.

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