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8 Behaviors To Never Accept In A Relationship

Relationships come in all kinds of shapes and sizes.

Larry Shushansky, a speaker, author, and family therapist, says, “Realize that all relationships involve a process and it’s more important to evolve your relationship forward instead of worrying about creating a ‘perfect’ relationship.

Some things should never be tolerated whether a relationship is romantic, platonic, or familial. A lot of people don’t know what a healthy connection looks like. Consequently, some are prone to finding unhealthy relationships of all kinds.

Some people may mistake the feelings of being in an unhealthy situation with depression and try to treat the wrong things to feel better. Understanding what should never be accepted in a relationship will make it easier to escape a harmful and destructive relationship and start rebuilding your life.

When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.” – Donald Miller

Eight Behaviors You Should Never Accept In A Relationship


1. A controlling partner

Relationships are built on trust. When there’s a lack of trust, the partnership is going to start to fall apart. Partners who are extremely controlling and demand that they know where their significant other is at all times should never be tolerated.

Author Andrea Bonior, Ph.D. states,Controlling people use a whole arsenal of tools in order to dominate their partners— whether they or their partners realize what’s happening or not. Whether controlling behavior leads to more severe emotional or physical abuse or not, it is not a healthy situation.”

Therefore, controlling behavior is a red flag. While it may not seem too bad initially, it can escalate quickly. Everyone deserves to have trust, freedom and control over their autonomy in a relationship.

2. Breaching trust

If your partner is going around telling everyone the things you’ve told them in private, or sneaking in your private things like your phone or your computer, then that isn’t okay by any means. Partners should have mutual trust with one another and respect for each other’s belongings and private matters. Someone should be able to trust their partner not to betray them, not worry if they’ve already done so.

3. Neediness

The desire to feel loved and wanted is perfectly normal in most relationships. However, when that desire turns into a controlling neediness, it can overwhelm one partner. Neediness can “destroy romantic relationships, compromise professional opportunities, and contribute to a cycle of frustration, depression, and dissatisfaction,” says relationship development expert AJ Harbinger.

A foundation should be built with two independent partners. If one partner starts acting more like a child than a lover, the relationship is bound to go sour fast. Everyone deserves to feel like an equal, not a caretaker.

4. Negativity

Not everyone can be positive at all times. There are times where people feel low in their lives. But a connection devoid of positivity is something that no one should have to deal with. A consistently negative partner will eventually start to seep into how they treat their significant other, which will be just as negative as the rest of their outlook. Settling for a partner with a negative outlook will only bring you down.


5. Emotionally unavailable

If your partner is emotionally unavailable, then the relationship is just not going to work. People get into relationships because they want to share their lives with another person. Someone emotionally unavailable and getting into a relationship may not have your best interests in mind. They may have little interest in your emotions at all. Instead, they might look only for financial gain or sexual gratification. Being with someone emotionally available is a key part of any connection, and a lack of emotional reciprocation should never be tolerated.

6. Bad listener

Communication is the backbone of any union. Without it, most relationships face a plethora of problems. Psychiatrist Jared Heathman M.D. says, “Maintaining open lines of communication is so important, and a strong relationship allows each individual to express themselves with a partner who listens and promotes further communication.

Couples who don’t communicate may find that their relationship can sour quickly. One thing that no one should ever have to tolerate in any alliance is a partner who doesn’t listen to them. Someone who doesn’t listen doesn’t value your thoughts, opinions, or feelings. Nobody should have to deal with that in a relationship.

7. Unsupportiveness

A red flag in any partnership is a partner who gets jealous of their significant other’s success or a partner who tries to keep their significant other from achieving their goals. A healthy relationship includes partners who support one another, not partners who try to sabotage one another. Never accept a scenario where your partner doesn’t support your dreams and goals in life.

8. Irresponsibility

A partner who shirks their share of the chores, spends recklessly, and rejects responsibility for their actions is not the partner you want. In fact, that’s a partner that nobody should have to deal with in a relationship.

According to clinical psychologist Russell Grieger, Ph.D., “being” responsible may very well serve to make relationships work despite other debilitating factors, while “being” irresponsible may seriously undercut an otherwise viable relationship. The purpose of this article, then, is to explore the nature.”

If one person in the relationship isn’t ready to face adulthood and all the responsibilities that come with it, neither are they ready to commit to a relationship.


Final Thoughts on Behaviors That Destroy Relationships

Learning how relationships can go wrong can help people be on the lookout for red flags and unhealthy relationship dynamics. Many people don’t know that there are things that they must refuse to accept in a relationship. That’s because they never learned any better. The more people become aware of the healthy, happy things they deserve in a relationship, the better off they’ll be. As a result, they will seek more fulfilling alliances, and being a positive force on the people around them.

What Does Your Zodiac Sign Reveal About Your Health?

Science and astrology don’t always, but many people still look to the stars for guidance. In fact, according to a 2013 Harris poll, almost 30 percent of Americans believe in astrology. Astrology uses the movement and positions of the stars and other celestial objects to draw information about life events, personality, and even human health.

You might relate to what the stars say about your personal health, so keep on reading to find out how your sign checks out!

What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Health?

Aries (March 21 — April 20)

Association: head, brain, face

Aries love action and excitement, and have a very determined, headstrong attitude. While this can get them far in life, it can also lead to headaches, migraines, and even strokes from chronic overstress. Aries tend to pack their schedules tightly and don’t leave much time for rest, hence the high stress levels. While this sign does need a lot of stimulation, don’t forget to allot yourself a rest day here and there to recharge!

Taurus (April 21 — May 21)

Association: neck, ears, throat

For whatever reason, Taureans seem to have trouble with allergies and colds. This sign rules the throat and associated regions, which leads to a lot of wear and tear on the vocal cords. Some herbal tea before bed would do you well, Taurus.

Gemini (May 22 — June 21)

Association: lungs, shoulders, arms, hands

According to an article posted on “Gemini is the zodiac sign that rules the shoulders, arms, and hands, as well as the nervous system,” says professional astrologer Suzanne Gerber. “The high-energy sign thrives on communication but can develop problems in these areas, as well as colds, as a result of the ‘too much of a good thing’ syndrome.

While Geminis are usually lively and outgoing, all of this communication and energy required to socialize can lead to anxiety disorders, insomnia, and other mental health problems. In addition, Geminis can suffer from fatigue and laziness if they don’t learn to balance their energy levels.

Cancer (June 22 — July 22)

Association: breasts, chest, stomach

Cancers, being water signs, are very in tune to their emotions. Unfortunately, this fixation on their feelings can quickly lead to anxiety and depression. Cancers also tend to drown their emotions in food, which often results in weight management and digestive problems. Many Cancers suffer from a “nervous stomach” due to this combination of anxiety and overeating.

Leo (July 23 — August 21)

Association: heart, back, spine, blood

Leo, a fire sign, is always on the go. They don’t know when to slow down, and have a very fast metabolism. Unfortunately, this can lead to heart problems and blocked arteries due to poor eating habits while rushing to the next event. Leo: take some time to ease into your day, prepare some healthy foods, and slow down one in a while!

Virgo (August 22 — September 23)

Association: abdomen, intestines

Virgos are very analytical, logical signs. As such, they overthink everything, and are prone to eating disorders and IBS due to stress and poor self-esteem or body image. Virgo can greatly benefit from yoga or mindfulness meditation to keep any intrusive thoughts at bay.

Libra (September 24 — October 23)

Association: kidneys, adrenal glands, skin

Libras, the keepers of balance, often struggle to keep their scales level. They are prone to either diarrhea or constipation when they don’t stay on top of their diets, so for Libras, mindfulness can also help. In addition, Libras have sensitive skin, so staying hydrated will help both the epidermis and the intestines.

Scorpio (October 24 — November 22)

Association: bladder, rectum, genitals, ovaries, testes

According to Suzanne Gerber, “Scorpio rules the reproductive and elimination organs. As an intense water sign that can dwell on the dark side of life, their moods can bring on or exacerbate conditions that have to do with menstrual cycles, bathroom issues, hormones, and diabetes.”

Scorpios should keep their emotions in check, and also not let their hormones get the best of them with new romantic partners. 😉

Sagittarius (November 23 — December 22)

Association: hips, thighs, sciatic nerves, vision

Sagittarius are fun, outgoing, adventurous signs, but their restlessness can cause them trouble. They tend to have problems with vision, hips and thighs, being that they’re half-human, half-horse Archers, of course. This sign is very accident prone, so make sure to watch your step, fellow Sagittarians!

Capricorn (December 23 — January 20)

Association: bones, knees, teeth, skin, joints

Capricorns love order and discipline, but can suffer from stress and tense muscles. They also can get weak bones and joints if they don’t get enough calcium in their diets. So, advice for all Capricorns: Get enough calcium, and make sure you go for a massage every once in a while to relieve tension.

Aquarius (January 21 — February 19)

Association: lower legs, ankles, circulation

Aquarians often walk their own path in life, but this can be hindered due to weak circulation and issues in the lower legs and ankles. Maybe the stress of flying solo in life can lead to weakness in these areas? Who knows, but nevertheless, be mindful of your health, Aquarius, and don’t walk too far without taking breaks. 🙂

Pisces (February 20 — March 20)

Association: nervous system, feet, thalamus

Pisces, being a water sign, allows their emotions to control them most of the time. This can lead to overtaxed nervous systems and mental problems. Also, this sign rules the feet and might experience problems in this area, as well as with reflexes. Pisces, make sure you take care of yourself and find a healthy outlet for your emotions.


8 Warning Signs of Anemia

“One of the dilemmas with anemia is that the symptoms are pretty ubiquitous: tiredness, weakness, some difficulty in thinking clearly. They’re all kind of vague.” – Dr. Allen Nissenson

Not many people know the warning signs of anemia, despite the fact that iron-deficiency anemia is one of the most common forms of the subtle and quiet disease. Your body needs iron, and it is essential to the making of healthy red blood cells. Without iron, your body has trouble making the blood cells – which means that loss of blood from a cut or a woman’s menstrual cycle can cause complications.

Not to mention, being anemic in and of itself, even without blood loss, can cause trouble in one’s day-to-day lives. “Bleeding is one of the most prominent causes of iron deficiency, because when you bleed you lose red blood cells that contain iron,” says professor of medicine Dr. Allen Nissenson.

Therefore, knowing the signs of anemia can put everyone ahead of the curve and make sure that getting the proper diagnosis and treatment early on will prevent any complications.

Here Are Eight Warning Signs Of Anemia

Watch for these red flags and seek a doctor’s help right away.

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1. Fatigue

According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, “The most common symptom of all types of anemia is fatigue (tiredness). Fatigue occurs because your body doesn’t have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to its many parts.

A lot of people feel fatigue for a number of reasons: stress, sickness, other illnesses. But the fatigue that people who are anemic feel is much different than the fatigue one might feel after a restless night’s sleep. People who are anemic often report feeling exhausted 24/7. If the tired, sluggish feeling is affecting your quality of life, anemia might be the culprit, and a doctor’s visit is in order.

2. Pale membranes

The mucous membranes over your eyes are a great indicator of whether or not someone is suffering from anemia. To locate it, look for the waterline that’s above your lower lash line. This is an area that’s full of veins, and should be pumping healthy blood through them. If the waterline beneath your lower lashes looks extremely pale, this could be a sign you’re not getting enough blood – thus, anemia.

3. Trouble catching your breath

Most people with anemia are comfortable sitting still. However, they often feel dyspnea during physical activity because the blood cannot deliver the increased oxygen the body requires. Thus, they breathe rapidly and deeply in a reflex effort to try to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood,” says Associate Professor of Medicine and Director Noah Lechtzin, MD, MHS.

Therefore, if a short climb up the stairs winds you, or if you feel like you just can’t catch your breath after a brief exercise, this is a sign that your body isn’t getting the oxygen that it needs through healthy red blood cells. Along with this, dizziness and feeling light-headed are also signs that your body isn’t getting enough oxygen through your blood cells.

4. Anxiety

If you already suffer from an anxiety disorder, it may be hard to pinpoint exactly whether or not this applies to you. However, if you’ve recently developed anxiety symptoms such as a racing heart, anemia may be the culprit. The reason being, is that your blood is pumping harder and faster, trying to get more oxygen. The feeling that results is one of a racing heart – anxious feelings with no anxious thoughts.

5. Going numb

Your body needs to ration where the blood goes, and the organs are the most important parts of your body. So, in a shortage of healthy blood to use, your body may start using the blood that goes to your arms, hands, legs and feet in order to keep a strong supply of blood in other parts of your body. This means that you’re likely to experience some numbness in your extremities.

6. Headaches

Everyone gets headaches every once in a while, so a headache by itself doesn’t often point to anemia. However, if other symptoms on the list are checked off, and you’re also experiencing frequent headaches without any relief from pain relievers, you might want to visit your doctor and get tested for anemia. Headaches, coupled with other symptoms, can be a sign that your body isn’t getting enough oxygen and blood in the places it needs to go.

7. Heavy or irregular periods

In women, anemia can be caused by uterine fibroids, which are located inside of the uterine cavity. These fibroids are often the cause of extremely painful, heavy periods. Women who have noticed an irregularity in their periods, as well as heavier than usual bleeding and painful cramps, should talk to their doctor. The culprit just may be iron-deficient anemia.

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8. Trouble concentrating

Some people refer to this as ‘brain fog’, because it may feel like there’s a veil of fog cast over all of your thoughts. Not only this, but people who feel like they have sudden trouble keeping their thoughts straight, concentrating, and remembering things may experience this because “Low iron levels can have an impact on work performance, judgment and the ability to focus,” says registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator, Maria Ricupero.

Final thoughts…

Without knowing the reason, many of these symptoms can be troubling, or simply brushed off as something else. Anemia affects hundreds of thousands of people, and is more common that one might think. Once all the signs are there, the rest is up to you – getting yourself to a doctor if you suspect that you might be suffering from anemia will ensure that you get the proper tests and the right diagnosis, so you can get back on the track of good health.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Easy Ways To Soothe An Upset Stomach Naturally

Upset stomachs are often just a fact of life. The way we treat them, however, can vary. Instead of immediately seeking medication to treat your upset stomach, try looking into some natural, home remedies. Some medications can simply make an upset stomach worse, have side-effects, or merely mask the symptoms without addressing the root cause.

Natural remedies are more cost-efficient while being easier on your stomach and more likely to address the cause of the upset. So, whether you’re constipated, nauseous, or simply have an upset stomach, check out these home remedies to make your stomach feel better.

Here Are 6 Effective Home Remedies To Help Soothe An Upset Stomach

“Everything we need to “cure” ourselves from sickness and disease has already been given to us. And it was all put here long before we arrived.” – Troy Sawyer

1. Carrot and Mint Juice

If you’ve got a flu, carrot and mint juice can help soothe your upset stomach. The carrots will provide all the nourishment you need, while the peppermint will soothe your stomach. Soften the carrots in boiling water with one teaspoon of dried peppermint. Then, blend the mix together and enjoy! If the peppermint isn’t enough to help settle your stomach, try to add a pinch of ground ginger.

2. Rice tea

If you’ve got an upset stomach or are experiencing diarrhea, some rice tea should help settle your stomach. All you have to do is boil half a cup of rice in six cups of water for around 15 minutes. Then, simply strain out the rice from the water. You can add honey or sugar if you’re not keen on the flavor of simple rice water. Make sure to drink your “tea” while it’s still warm for the best effect in settling your stomach!

3. Burnt toast

This one might be a little strange, but it’s a tried and true method of settling an upset stomach! Toast is already an excellent way to help an unsettled stomach, so if you can’t handle the burnt taste, toast will already help you. According to Live Strong, “The carbon in the charred bread absorbs impurities and toxins, and it acts like a filter to prevent some compounds and microorganisms from passing through the mucus membrane of the gut.” Try adding some jelly to help it go down for a better taste.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Most people already know the real joys of apple cider vinegar when it comes to getting rid of unwanted pests in the home, as well as getting rid of a particularly sore throat. But it’s also good for the upset stomach. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of warm water and a tablespoon of honey. Drinking this mixture will help ease cramping and gas and soothe indigestion.

5. Go for Yogurt

According to author Lauren Brown West-Rosenthal, Yogurt “that is labeled as having “active cultures” increase the number of good bacteria in your gut. This will help with digestion and get rid of that bloated, uncomfortable feeling in your stomach that makes you feel like you can’t even get up off the coach.”

Probiotics in yogurt make it an excellent choice for soothing an upset stomach. Yogurt can help ease digestive issues and give your immune system a boost if you’re sick with the stomach flu. However, make sure you’re not choosing sugary yogurt with added flavors for best results. Non-fat, plain yogurt is the best choice for settling an upset stomach.

6. Heat packs

Ladies know all about the magic of heat to help ease monthly cramps. As it turns out, heat can also be extremely helpful when it comes to settling an upset stomach. Place a hot water bottle or heating pad over your stomach. This will help increase blood flow which can sometimes alleviate the upset in your stomach altogether. If not, it will at least help soothe the pain that you feel associated with your upset stomach. Heating pads can be made at home with an old sock or pillowcase and some rice. Simply tie off the fabric after filling it with rice, place it into the microwave, and let it heat up for about 10 to 15 seconds.

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There you have it! Easy and natural ways to soothe the woes of an upset stomach. This is perfect for those of us who would like natural, home remedies to soothe an upset stomach without relying on medication, or simply can’t afford a trip to the doctor. These are also great for parents of children who prefer natural remedies as opposed to medication to deal with the many flus and sicknesses that come with childhood.


Researchers Explain How Your Gut Bacteria Causes Anxiety, According to Science

Anxiety is a big problem.

Researchers estimate that over 40 million adults in the United States suffer from an anxiety disorder. This number is equivalent to 18 out of every 100 Americans. In just over 20 years, anxiety disorders have increased by over 67 percent.

Per the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety disorders “are the most common mental illness in the United States.” Sadly, only about 37 percent of those with an anxiety disorder receive proper treatment.

“Previous research has demonstrated that some manipulation of the balance of bacteria in the gut can impact anxiety-like behaviors, but this study is the first that links that balance to (the brain.)” ~ Abigail Miller

What is an “anxiety disorder”?

“Anxiety disorder” is an umbrella term comprised of one of the following conditions: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder (PD) Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), Specific Phobias, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Besides the harmful impact on a person’s life, anxiety (which often accompanies depression) costs the U.S. economy (e.g., health care costs and insurance hikes) over $40 billion a year.

What does the gut have to do with anxiety?

It’s a common misconception that all mental health disorders stem from chemical imbalances within the brain. Certainly, neurochemical activity in the brain plays a significant role in many – but not all – cases of mental illness.

An article published by Harvard Medical School (HMS), titled “The gut-brain connection,” explains this delicate relationship. Here are highlights of the HMS article:

– The gut can send signals to the brain, and the brain to the gut.

– Stomach or intestinal distress can interfere with gut-brain and brain-gut neuronal transmission (“signaling”).

– However, if signal interference is severe, stomach or intestinal stress can “be the cause or the product” of anxiety, depression, or stress.

Our “Second brain” and the connection to anxiety

If you thought our brain and body was complex before, wait until you read this!

Did you know that over 90 percent of serotonin – the neurochemical responsible for a stable mood – is produced in the gut?

The gut also has a network of neurons –specialized cells responsible for transmitting nerve impulses. This complex network allows the gut to interact with the central nervous system (CNS) – namely, the brain – and vice-versa.

Most interactions take place along the gut-brain axis. Scientists have taken it upon themselves to call this communication center the “gut-brain” axis.

The gut-brain axis and mental health

Our gastrointestinal (GI) tract is home to billions of healthy bacteria called gut flora. In fact, this bacterial community normalizes many functions within the gut, including digestion, vitamin and mineral synthesis and absorption, and the inflammatory response.

The gut-brain axis is the focal point of many mental and physical health studies.

What scientists have discovered about your gut and anxiety

Indeed, scientists today are keenly aware of the gut-brain connection. However, researchers have recently found that gut bacteria significantly impacts mental health.

For example, researchers at the University of Cork (Ireland) made a groundbreaking discovery. Gene regulators, which encode proteins, play a fundamental role in anxiety illnesses. Furthermore, they are impacted by bacterial levels in the gut.

What does this mean for my anxiety?

To avoid turning this article into something you’d read in some neuroscience textbook, here is the study’s “CliffsNotes”:

– The study is one in a growing body of research that links gut bacteria and mental health.

– One gene regulator, called the microRNA (miRNA), caused high anxiety in mice lacking the proper gut bacteria.

– Injecting miRNA into mice eased previous anxiety symptoms.

– Findings suggest that a healthy balance of gut bacteria is necessary for appropriate regulation of miRNA.

– As a result, miRNA may directly affect anxiety levels in humans.

– The study could lead to the manufacture of treatments that target the gut more specifically than the brain.

Treatment implications

The University of Cork study is the first of its kind to associate microbial balance within the gut to specific areas of the brain.

Dr. Gerald Clark, the lead author of the study, explains:

“This (study) is important because these miRNAs may affect (processes) fundamental to the central nervous system and in brain regions, such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex (PFC).”

The amygdala (um-ig-duh-luh) is a primitive, tiny walnut-shaped area of the brain thought to be responsible for emotions. The PFC is our brain’s “executive region,” responsible for several important functions (planning, decision-making, social behavior, etc.)

Should scientists successfully replicate these findings, it could make a world of difference for people suffering from anxiety. So if there’s even a chance of better treating such a widespread and life-changing mental disorder, God Speed.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved.

Why You Should Put A Lemon Next to Your Bed Every Night, According to Science

It’s quite amazing how many uses there are for foods – especially fruits and vegetables – besides eating them. The uses for lemon are no exception. (Citrus fruits are probably the most cited of all foods regarding alternative uses.) Whether it’s part of a cleaning solution, homemade beauty product, or toothpaste, lemon is one of the most versatile fruits out there.

In this article, we’re going to discuss the benefits of placing a lemon next to your bed. We’ll also talk about how to cut your lemon so you can get the best use out of it.

Let’s get started!

First, lemons pack an incredible amount of nutrients; this gives the fruit its wonderful health benefits. Combine the high concentration of nutrients with the benefits of aromatherapy, and it’s a no-brainer!

Here are some health benefits of placing a lemon next to your bed:


1. Better breathing

Lemon is loaded with antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties. These properties may help explain why the fruit appears to help people breathe easier.

Individuals with asthma or who are stricken with a cold may find that keeping a lemon next to the bed opens up their lung pathways. While much of the scientific evidence on this effect is anecdotal, it makes sense from an elemental standpoint.

2. Improving air quality

All you probably know, lemon gives off a powerful aroma, so the area around your bed is probably going to smell a bit more pleasant.

What many people don’t know is that lemon may indeed improve air quality. This characteristic is attributed to the lemon’s detoxification properties.

3. Pain relief

Midwives and obstetricians sometimes use essential oils for pain relief during childbirth. Furthermore, the University of Maryland Medical Center, citing one study, states “pregnant women felt less anxiety and fear, had a stronger sense of well-being, and had less need for pain medications during delivery.”

Additional studies found that people with cancer, headaches, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) require fewer pain medications when using aromatherapy.

4. Stress relief

Aromatherapists have labeled lemon as a “stress-buster” (well, not those exact words) for thousands of years – and for a good reason.

Lemons are known to aid in serotonin production. Serotonin is the brain’s “happy” chemical; in fact, most prescription anti-depressants target serotonin receptors. Additionally, serotonin is responsible for regulating anxiety and mood – and it may help in this regard.

5. Reducing blood pressure

Lemon balm, an essential oil, is known for increasing blood circulation and lowering blood pressure. While a natural lemon is not an essential oil, it makes sense that some of the effects would carry over.

As with better breathing and improved air quality, much of the science on this is anecdotal and requires more study. However, given how we’re inundated with BP prescription drugs, it certainly doesn’t hurt to give this a try.

6. Repelling insects

Insects – especially ants and mosquitoes – hate the smell.

While the passage specifically mentions peels, an open lemon exposes the pests to citrus which is the primary objective.

How to Cut a Lemon

If you’re a chef or cook, you can probably skip this rudimentary “lemon-cutting” lesson! Anyways, for the rest of us, here’s how to cut a “standing” correctly.

First, grab a small plate or cutting board.

Second, hold it lengthwise (top-down) in your non-cutting hand.

Third, cut about three-quarters of the way down the center. Rotate the fruit ninty degrees and repeat. (Please be careful not to cut yourself.)

If it doesn’t stand (which it probably won’t), cut off enough of the opposite end so that it stays flat.

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