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7 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’re a Libra

7 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’re a Libra

Some people consider the air sign Libra as the best friend or romantic partner in the zodiac. Their calm, gentle, friendly demeanor instantly makes people feel comfortable around them. They also have a compassionate, empathetic nature that puts everyone around them at ease. Born between September 23 and October 22, Librans are also known as the peacemakers of the zodiac. They strive for balance and justice in life and can’t stand to see others being mistreated.

Because of their high standards and humanitarian efforts, people gravitate toward them in times of need. The Libra longs for everyone to find peace and happiness and cares deeply about others’ wellbeing. Since Venus – the planet of love – rules them, many of their personality traits make sense.

Venus is associated with love, beauty, balance, and artistic endeavors. Librans will go to great lengths to make everything around them aesthetically pleasing. They also ensure that their friends and family feel comforted and cared for in any way possible. In short, you won’t find anyone as loving and supportive as Libra!

If you’re born under this horoscope, you’ll relate to the following traits about yourself.

7 Common Personality Traits of a Libra


1. They’re altruistic and kindhearted.

While Librans can get a bit fixated on their appearance, they care more about helping others. The generous Libra loves to reach out to people and consider others’ needs before their own. They can donate to charities, volunteer at soup kitchens, and run 5K races to benefit cancer research.

They’re always looking for new, creative ways to improve the lives of their fellow humans. Libras take on the suffering of others because of their high sensitivity. Therefore, they feel the world’s pain and want to lessen it somehow.

2. Libras are idealistic.

Libras look around at the world and notice the glaringly obvious problems. However, they don’t allow the numerous issues to ruin their optimism and inner peace. Instead, they take the glass-half-full approach and see life’s positive aspects. They also try to see the good in others instead of pointing out all their flaws.

Libras believe that others will follow their example by becoming the change they wish to see. Their idealism can sometimes cause frustration when the world doesn’t match their vision. But it doesn’t stop them from trying to create a more harmonious planet.

3. They strive for order and balance in all things.

Represented by the scales, this zodiac sign values fairness and justice above all else. In their own lives, they try to maintain balance and organization in everything they do. Libras also apply these lofty ideals to help others who have been mistreated.

This humanitarian zodiac sign may gravitate toward careers where they can support others and give them proper representation. Common job titles for Libras include HR managers, lawyers, detectives, and counselors, all professions that require strong people skills. Luckily, Libras greatly enjoy talking with others and helping them solve problems so they would excel in any of these fields.


4. The Libra dislikes confrontation.

Even though Libras have no problem being honest with you, they shy away from arguments and confrontations. As the peacekeepers of the zodiac, they try to avoid situations that cause tension and anger with others. However, this can frustrate their friends and family when problems arise, as the Libra needs time to collect their thoughts.

Libras only like to have conversations when everyone can calmly and rationally explain their views. They see no problem with walking away from an argument so that it doesn’t escalate and create further division. You won’t see a Libra losing their cool often because it isn’t in their nature to make a huge scene.

5. They’re fiercely loyal to friends and family.

You won’t find a more loyal or authentic zodiac sign than the Libra. Even when they disagree with loved ones, this zodiac sign never wavers or turns their back on family. They stick up for the people in their circle and always have their backs, no matter what happens.

Libras highly value their relationships, whether platonic or romantic, so they strive to keep their loved ones happy. As one of the most selfless signs in the zodiac, Libras don’t ask for anything in return for their generosity. They derive the greatest joy and inner peace by making those around them feel comfortable and loved.

6. Libras listen intently to others.

People from all walks of life feel comfortable opening up to the kindhearted, empathetic Libra. Just being in the presence of this zodiac sign has a soothing, calming effect on people. Libras genuinely enjoy listening to others and offering advice when they can, and people pick up on this welcoming energy.

You might notice the Libra pause before speaking to gather their thoughts and choose their words carefully. They try to practice what they preach and always speak with kindness, as words can hurt or heal. This air sign listens more than they talk, but people hang on to every word because they always have something meaningful to say.

7. They’re clever and charming.

As natural extroverts, Libras enjoy talking to people from various backgrounds and career paths. They’re lifelong learners who have a keen interest in hearing others’ perspectives and experiences. They never meet a stranger since they can connect with pretty much anyone. Libras are highly intellectual and need a lot of mental stimulation to feel satisfied. These social butterflies can talk about politics, philosophy, travel, and activism for hours. If you find a Libra at a party, bring your best conversational skills!


Final Thoughts on Things Only a Libra Understands

Libras are complex, multifaceted individuals who can get along with almost anyone. Their polite, diplomatic demeanor makes people feel safe and comfortable in their company. Libra has a knack for breaking down barriers between themselves and others with charm and a peaceful personality. They may run from confrontations, but at least they cool off before discussing important matters. In summary, Libras are the idealists of the zodiac who want a better world for everyone. What’s not to love about them?!

Psychology Explains 5 Reasons You Can’t Make Someone Change

Often, people are forced to come to terms with the fact that someone they love is unwilling to change and, thus, is no longer a good fit in their life. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do about that. As time passes, people grow apart and become incompatible. And you can’t change someone who is not ready to change. Growth can only happen naturally, but you will never be able to force someone to go through that process.

Unfortunately, that sometimes means you’ll have to let that person go. Or you’ll have to accept them just the way they are without forcing them to act differently. Maybe they could benefit from a bit of change, but that’s not up to you. The only thing you can do is accept them and help them on their journey. Plus, some people act in toxic ways and don’t want to change. In that case, there’s nothing you can do but look out for yourself.

This all seems pretty straightforward. But when you are in a situation where someone you care for needs to change, it’ll be hard to watch and do nothing. Sometimes people even want to change others for selfish reasons. And that’s potentially one of the worst things you can do to someone.

Just because you want the perfect partner doesn’t mean you should ever try to mold someone until they become what you want. Not only is that abusive behavior, but it won’t make either of you happy. To combat the urge to change people, you need to understand why, from a psychological point of view, you can’t make someone change.

5 Reasons You Can’t Make Someone Change


1.      The Change Has to Come from Within

People can fake some behaviors and be quite convincing while doing it. But if they don’t understand why that should be something they adopt as a genuine part of their personality, they won’t ever go beyond faking. Plus, people must want to put in the work necessary for that change. Imagine someone telling you that you should change some aspect of your personality.

Maybe even a part that makes you who you are. For example, say you like to be loud and outgoing and meet someone who suggests you should be quieter. Not only will you not take their advice, but you’ll probably be very offended. Someone essentially just told you that who you are is not suitable and you should completely change your personality. Sure, this is maybe a more extreme example. But even if you gently suggest some changes, that still won’t work. You’ll either be ignored, or that person will not understand your suggestion.

If you’ve gone through any changes, you need to take time to introspect and understand what’s wrong. And that’s something you can only do alone. No one can tell you what’s going on in your brain and what’s best for you. And no one knows why you might be acting in certain ways. Because the individual knows themself best, only they can make those changes stick. Without there being a want to be better, people won’t manage to make serious changes. So, all you can do is be there to support them. But you can never push them to change.

2.      Some People Can’t Change

No matter how much you want to believe that all people are good and capable of change, that’s not how the world works. Some people can’t change and will be forever stuck in their bad ways. And some people don’t want to change, even though they possess the ability to do so.

For most people, this truth is hard to swallow. Especially if you have to come to terms with the fact that someone you care about won’t change. Say you have a family member who is struggling with addiction. You will waste your energy no matter how hard you try to get through to them. An addict needs help; that’s not up for discussion.

But besides forcefully admitting them to a rehabilitation center, there’s not much else you can do unless they cooperate. And even forcing them to go to rehab usually backfires. Even if they got clean and weren’t dedicated to the process, they’ll start using it once they get out. So, if they don’t want to change, they won’t. Of course, this is more of an extreme example, but unfortunately, it happens more often than it should.

But this is still a situation in which there is still a sliver of hope. Some people are born with certain toxic tendencies they can never let go of. When you are dealing with people who can’t or don’t want to change, that’s your sign that you should probably get out of that situation. Even with an addicted family member, sometimes you have nothing to do but look after yourself.

You can’t spend your whole life pushing someone towards a change they don’t want. Plus, if you have someone abusive or toxic in your life, that’s an even clearer sign that you need to get out of there. No matter how much of a savior’s complex you have, you won’t be able to change a narcissist or any inherently toxic person. And if you try, you’ll only get hurt.

3.      It Will Affect Your Relationships

Imagine that you’ve been friends with someone for a long time. You’re hanging out one day, having loads of fun, when out of the blue, they tell you that you should make some changes. Of course, your instinct will be to get defensive, not to listen to what your friend has to say. Even if they have the most pertinent explanation for why they think you should change something, it’ll still come across as wrong.

And this is only when someone suggests a change. But if that friend were to force a change, things would be much worse and would go south much quicker. Even worse, that person could be giving you an ultimatum and threatening to stop being friends with you if you don’t start acting a certain way. Sure, that doesn’t happen often, but that relationship is as good as doomed when it does.


Now, if you would likely get mad if someone tried to push you into changing, doesn’t that mean you’ll also hurt people if you do that? Even if you have the best intentions, forcing someone to change can make them feel inadequate, and it can even affect the trust you have. Eventually, you’ll push people away if you keep pressuring them. So, you manage to lose people and don’t even get to help them. It’s a lose-lose situation, so you’re better off minding your business.

4.      It Crosses All Kinds of Boundaries

If you want to suggest a change someone should make, you are essentially making assumptions about them. No way to decide whether someone is doing something wrong unless you psychoanalyze them. And this is a clear violation of boundaries because you are essentially digging through someone’s mind without them allowing you to.

Sure, your assessment might even be accurate and valuable. But that doesn’t mean you should ever share your thoughts unless asked to do so. When you hang out with someone, you shouldn’t spend that time analyzing and interpreting their every move. You aren’t a psychologist; your job is to be a good friend, not to psychoanalyze everything and make a list of inadequacies.

Unfortunately, many people do this because they think they are genuinely helping. But an unwanted opinion is harmful, whether your intentions are good or bad. It can be annoying to have someone explain why they think you are struggling and lay out everything they think you are doing wrong.

And, if you happen to be one of the people who believe that their opinion is godsent, maybe you should think about minding your business. Even if you think you are helping, you have no right to cross people’s boundaries. So, only share your advice if you are asked to do so.

5.      It’s Manipulative

Whether you believe your intentions are pure doesn’t mean you don’t have an ulterior motive. No one is entirely altruistic, no matter how much we’d like to think so. Some people help others because they have a savior’s complex or just out of a sense of responsibility. Others do it to shape someone into the perfect friend or partner.

But even if you don’t necessarily have this ulterior motive (although you probably have it but haven’t consciously acknowledged it), it’s still manipulative. You are essentially just expressing your opinion and making someone feel they must conform. Plus, telling someone that they need to change and you are trying to help them that’s usually used as an abuse tactic.

If you genuinely want to help someone, let them come to you with their concerns. And even then, you must be very careful when phrasing your suggestions. It’s much better if you listen and guide them toward finding their answers. When someone wants to make positive changes, they should do it for themselves, not for you or anyone else.


Final Thoughts on Reasons You Can’t Make Someone Change

Wanting to help people is nice until you forcefully try to change someone. No matter how much you want to improve the other person, it’s not up to you to decide what changes they need. And it’s not up to you to determine if they even need to change in the first place.

Trying to change someone never works because it’s a selfish attempt to shape someone to your liking. Or it’s done just out of a sense of desperation or responsibility. If you genuinely want to help someone, you’ll try to guide them, not force them to be different.

Plus, you must come to terms with the fact that some people can’t or don’t want to change. Even though that might be hurtful, you can do nothing about it. However, you can genuinely help people when they ask for your help. Otherwise, you need to mind your own business.

How to Write Affirmations Than Can Change Your Life

Sometimes you might feel like affirmations don’t work for your life. If this happens to you, it’s likely because they aren’t specific enough regarding the change you want to make. Writing unique phrases can make all the difference as they specifically target the areas you want to improve. You can change your life.

Affirmations can help remind you of what you want to achieve and what you must do to make it happen. It also allows you to communicate your goals to the universe. Using phrases specific to your situation helps because when you don’t say what you want, it’s not affirming anything.

You might not know where to start when writing specific affirmations, and this post can help you. The tips can help you achieve your affirmational goals and write the best phrases for your life.

Why Affirmations Can Change Your Life

Affirmations can help change your life because they are direct lines of communication with your subconscious. Since your emotional reactions and habits originate in your subconscious mind, they can control your perception of reality. It helps you store past experiences and positively interpret your life events.

The law of attraction explains that a habit of negative thinking will attract more negativity to your life. Using affirmations to shift your thought process can help you attract more positivity. They can help you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, improving your life in all areas.


Positive affirmations help you change your habitual thought patterns and align them with your desires. Plus, your decreased worrying allows you to remember all the good aspects of your life. It allows for a balanced view of your life and who you are.

Affirmations can also help reduce stress and anxiety while encouraging you to focus on positivity. It can promote gratitude, which experts show can decrease bodily pains and improve overall health. Positivity and thankfulness can also help you feel more energetic and alert.

Maintaining a positive mindset through affirmations can also help you sleep better. You won’t spend as much time lying awake, fixating on your problems when you use positive phrases. Positive statements help break a negative thought cycle, making it easier to enjoy your life.

Affirmations also help decrease stress and develop a more optimistic mindset. They can ease depression and anxiety while improving confidence and self-esteem. Another benefit is that they can help you focus on your desires and encourage you to do more.

Why Writing Affirmations is Beneficial

You can use pre-written affirmations, but writing your own can offer more benefits. The phrases validate who you are and what you want, so writing them specifically to your life helps increase positivity. Writing them yourself also ensures they target areas of your life that you want to improve.

Affirmations are a conscious effort to focus on positive, happy, and productive thoughts. It helps you attract the things you want the most, giving you a better chance of success. When you come up with unique phrases, you can trust that they will help you think about what you want most.

Your voice is the most powerful one in your mind. Coming up with positive phrases helps solidify the words in your mind. The statements came from you, and hearing yourself repeat them can be a powerful way to shift your mindset.

How to Write Affirmations

Writing affirmations can change your life as they help you focus on the essential aspects and attract positivity. You can learn to write them by doing the following:

Find a Quiet and Peaceful Place

Being in a quiet space when you write affirmations can help you consider them with your heart and mind. The peaceful place also encourages you to focus on writing positive phrases that can improve specific areas of your life.

You can make a cup of hot tea and turn on relaxing music to set a vibe for positivity and focus. Consider what makes you feel calmest and most focused, and use it to your advantage.

Write the Opposite Version of a Negative Thought

When you have a negative thought about yourself, write the opposite statement. The opposite should be positive and counteract the initial negative belief.

Make Them Short

Shorter phrases are easier to remember, helping you remember the statements throughout your day. You never know when you’ll need a positive boost.

Keep Writing Material Nearby

You never know when the perfect affirmation will come to mind. Always having a small notebook or scrap paper with you can help. Don’t forget a pen or pencil; you can write your ideas no matter where you are.

Begin with “I” or “My”

Your statements are about yourself, so it’s essential to start by reaffirming them. Beginning with the words “I” or “my” effectively makes your mind believe what you say.

Use the Present Tense

When you write affirmations, you should phrase them as if you’re already experiencing what you want. Tell yourself that you have already achieved where you want to be, and it’ll help you see what you’re capable of. It convinces your subconscious mind that you’re living the life you want rather than waiting for it to happen.

Using the words “want” or “need” also implies that you’re not living your affirmation yet. You want your positive phrases to be present tense, so speak to yourself as if it’s already happened. The more you feel like you have what you desire, the easier it is to manifest it.

Avoid Including Time Frames

Putting a time frame on when your affirmation will come true can limit its ability to work. You can’t put a date on when you receive what you manifest.


Make Them Positive

Negative phrases aren’t going to improve your life. It’ll only cause you to focus on the bad parts of your life and experience heightened negativity.

Avoiding negative words within your affirmations is also essential to allow you to focus on the good. Some of the things to avoid include the following:

  • Don’t
  • Won’t
  • Am not
  • Can’t
  • Not
  • Doesn’t
  • Am stopping
  • Instead of

Avoiding these words allows you to focus on the positive in every situation. You’ll attract positivity as you affirm who you are and want to be. Avoiding the negatives ensures you don’t attract the things you don’t want.

Use Emotion

Adding an emotion to your affirmation can help you connect with the phrase. It also allows you to associate the positive feeling with what you want to manifest.

When deciding which emotion to include in your affirmation, take some time to consider your feelings. Envision how you will feel when you receive what you want. The feeling you envision the most is the one you should include in your positive phrase.

Make It Believable and Realistic

You must believe your statement and create something realistic. Hesitation to act when you don’t believe your phrases can potentially interfere with your success. Being realistic when writing your affirmations allows you to stay true to yourself.

You’re more likely to achieve what you want when you take small steps forward. It requires thinking of something you can achieve in the short term, helping you on your journey to your overall dreams. Be specific when deciding your first step because it can help you write something that doesn’t trigger self-doubt.

Four Tips for Using Affirmations

Once you’ve written positive affirmations, you should practice repeating them daily. Some of the best tips for using affirmations include the following:

1 – Repeat or Write Affirmations in the Morning

Using affirmations in the morning allows you to start your day positively. It can set the tone for everything that follows, and giving yourself a beneficial start can help your manifestation.

2 – Use them During Your Bedtime Routine

You can use affirmations before bed to help clear your thoughts and promote restful sleep. They can help ease the stress from the day and encourage you to let go of negativity.

3 – Keep a Copy Nearby

You never know when you’ll need a boost of positivity throughout your day. Keeping a copy of your affirmation with you can help you remember to use it. It can help ease stress, prevent overwhelm, and help you stay focused no matter what happens.

You can save affirmations on your phone, so you always have them on hand. Another idea is to put them in a visible spot at home or in the office. It’ll be a beneficial reminder throughout the day, encouraging you to work toward your goals.

4 – Write in an Affirmation Journal

Writing your unique affirmations in your journal can help you reflect on how they make you feel. It also allows you to write about your plans to make your desires come true. Writing them also encourages appreciation if your affirmation is already true.


Final Thoughts on How to Write Affirmations to Change Your Life

Writing affirmations can change your life when you know how to do it. Once you learn the essential aspects of writing these positive phrases, you’re well on manifesting good things in your life.

The writing process and affirmations are unique for everyone, so think about what makes you feel good and let it lead the way. Stay true to yourself and open yourself up to your positive words. You’ll quickly find that it makes a difference in changing your life.

20 Affirmations to Say Before Bed Every Night

Using affirmations before bed promotes wellness and mindfulness. Not getting enough sleep at night can occur because of excessive worry or stress, but repeating positive phrases can help. Practicing affirmations before bed can offer a natural way to clear your mind and drift off to sleep.

Positive affirmations can help you find the peace you need to get a night of rest. With plenty of sleep, you’ll wake up ready for new opportunities as you focus on positivity. Too much stress can lead to insomnia, interfering with your chance to improve your life, so coping is essential.

Life gets busy, and it’s easy to forget or ignore self-care and wellness. Repeating affirmations can help alleviate the daily stress of life, improving your physical and mental well-being. It’ll help you sleep better at night as you release worries and remind yourself that you’re safe.

Saying affirmations when you wake up is beneficial, too, but this article focuses on the ones to use before bed. These affirmations can help you relax, clear your mind, and feel better about the bad parts of your day.

How Affirmations Help You Get a Good Night of Rest

Bedtime affirmations are short phrases that promote positivity and peace of mind. These statements can help you release negative or worrisome thoughts to get good rest.

Repeating these phrases before or during your bedtime routine allows you to focus on optimism. You’ll release negative feelings you experienced that day while replacing them with positive thoughts of the next day. It helps with clearing your mind so you can drift off to sleep.

positive affirmations

What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep at Night?

When worrying keeps you awake at night, you’ll experience a lack of sleep. Some of the detrimental effects of not getting enough sleep include the following:

  • difficulty concentrating
  • increased risk of accidents
  • impairs problem-solving skills
  • higher risk of developing health problems
  • decreased sex drive
  • can trigger depression
  • ages your skin
  • increases forgetfulness
  • weight gain

Repeating the words before falling asleep makes you more likely to wake up with positivity the next day. You’ll also sleep well, allowing you to feel good. It triggers the law of attraction, where having a positive mindset attracts good things to your life.

Twenty Affirmations to Say Before Bed

These positive affirmations can help you release negativity and embrace peacefulness as you drift off to sleep. Getting good sleep each night can improve all aspects of your life, helping you live up to your potential.

1 – I am grateful for having a warm bed to sleep in.

Expressing gratitude for what you have can help you embrace the good in your life. It allows you to let go of a negative thought process and focus on things that bring comfort. When you say you’re grateful for your bed, it might also trigger thoughts of other positive aspects of your life.

2 – I am excited to wake up feeling good tomorrow.

This affirmation can help you fall asleep because it offers something to look forward to. You’ll find peace knowing that tomorrow is a fresh start, and you’ll feel good if you get some sleep.

3 – I am safe and letting go of every worry.

Anxiety might keep you awake at night, triggering fearful feelings and worrying thoughts. This affirmation can help you push away those feelings and reassure you that you’re safe. It can encourage you to clear your mind and embrace the sleep you’re about to get.

4 – I am closing my eyes and shutting my mind off.

Repeat this affirmation if you can’t seem to stop your negative thought process. You can also think it in your mind as you keep your eyes closed, preventing other thoughts from creeping in.

5 – I am drifting to sleep with calm thoughts and optimism.

Telling yourself that you’re experiencing calmness and optimism can make it come true. Your mind will process your words as truth, helping you sleep peacefully.

6 – I am letting go of worry because I deserve good rest.

Your anxious thoughts might make you feel like you don’t deserve to get good sleep. They can leave you thinking that you must accomplish more before falling asleep. This affirmation can help you shift that thought process and understand that you deserve to rest.

7 – I attract happy dreams that bring feelings of peace.

Falling asleep happy can manifest joyful dreams. This affirmation can help if you’re afraid to sleep because of bad dreams.

8 – I am ready to let my mind and body rest.

Sometimes telling yourself that you’re ready to sleep is all you need to make it happen. Repeat this affirmation until your eyelids get heavier, and you’re sure to get some good rest.

9 – I did enough today, and now I can relax.

You might not have accomplished everything on your to-do list, but you still did enough. Use this affirmation to remember you can relax and get rest so your body can recover. You can always think of something more you can do, but it can wait until tomorrow when you’re well-rested.

positive affirmations

10 – I can experience positivity tomorrow if I get enough sleep tonight.

Sometimes all you need is a reminder that getting plenty of sleep promotes positivity. It’ll help you recognize the importance of rest and encourage you to drift off.

11 – I am thankful I did my best today.

Saying that you’re thankful for doing your best can help you feel accomplished at the end of the day. Doing your best should bring feelings of achievement. It’ll reaffirm that you can take a break and rest your mind and body.

12 – I am learning and growing more every day.

You won’t always have a perfect day, and sometimes your mistakes or setbacks will keep you awake at night. This affirmation reminds you that you learn and grow daily, getting you another step closer to where you want to be. The reminder can help you fall asleep because it reaffirms that you’re still improving your skills.

13 – I am relaxing and thinking about how my body works for.

Thinking about what your body does for you can help you relax and embrace the comfort of your bed. Repeat this affirmation to prevent or push away negative thoughts because it encourages you to think about something else.

14 – I am healthy and happy.

One of the best ways to push away negative thoughts at bedtime is by telling yourself that you’re happy and healthy. It’ll help you think about the good things in your life, helping you find peace.

15 – I am okay right now and ready to recharge.

When you experience anxiety at bedtime, this phrase can help you remember everything is okay. It encourages you to sleep and recharge your body because you can deal with life problems when well-rested.

16 – I deserve rest and can tackle my goals tomorrow.

You can’t accomplish everything in one day, and you must let yourself rest. Save some work for other days and give yourself a chance to rest your mind and body.

17 – I choose sleep over thinking.

Repeating this affirmation can help you ignore or push away negative thoughts. Tell yourself that you choose to sleep, and repeat it until you drift off.

18 – I am excited about tomorrow because it’s a new opportunity.

When you’re excited about tomorrow, you might fall asleep faster. You’ll want to wake up and experience new opportunities, and negativity isn’t as likely to consume your thoughts.

19 – I enjoy a full night of rest.

You might lay awake at night thinking of other things you want or need to do. However, repeating this phrase convinces you that you want to sleep. The more often you say the affirmation, the more likely you are to believe it and fall asleep.

20 – I am at peace and letting go of negativity.

When you’re at peace, negativity won’t consume your thoughts anymore. You’ll think of things you enjoy and make you happy, helping you release worry or anxiety.

How to Use Affirmations Before Bed

Affirmations are easy to use, although it might take time to become comfortable with the routine. Your self-talk makes a difference in your life, and these tips can help you learn to embrace positive affirmations:

  • Choose Meaningful Phrases: Your affirmations should be specific to your situation. Choose ones that resonate with you and guide you toward your goals.
  • Create a Bedtime Routine: Affirmations only work with repetition, and it’s best to do them daily. Creating a bedtime routine that includes repeating your positive phrases can help you prioritize it each night. The routine can also help calm your mind, ensuring you get good sleep.
  • Push Away Negative Self-Talk: When negativity creeps into your thoughts, push it away and replace it with an affirmation. The negativity doesn’t disappear, but replacing them can help you form better habits.

positive affirmations

Final Thoughts on Trying These Positive Affirmations Before Bed Each Night

Having trouble sleeping can interfere with your life and set you back. Getting a good night of sleep can help you reach your potential and live the best life possible.

These affirmations can help you release stress and anxiety, allowing for peace of mind. It’ll help you relax and drift off to sleep. You’ll also feel better when you wake up if you use affirmations the night before.

19 Phrases Men Tell Women If They Truly Care

There’s a common misconception that men don’t show people how they feel, including when they care. However, when they truly care about someone, they express it, but people don’t always know what to look for.

Men show they care differently than women, potentially leaving you wondering if they’re interested. He won’t necessarily say it directly, but there will be signs you can pick up on. Knowing what to look for can help you recognize when your man is feeling affectionate.

Your man will say specific phrases when he cares about you. Picking up on these phrases can help you see the caring side of your partner, making you feel cherished. It can also help you identify when he’s being friendly and when it’s crossed into something deeper.

NOTE: Men aren’t the only ones who say things that show they care. The things women say to their partners get discussed in another article. You’ll enjoy comparing the two and finding similarities.

What Men Tell Women If They Truly Care

Men behave differently than women, so it’s not always easy to recognize when they care. These phrases are things they will say to communicate their feelings for you.

1 – I missed you today.

When a man says he misses you, it shows his deep feelings. They won’t express these things unless they mean it because it can make them seem sensitive. Expressing this feeling indicates that he wants more from you than a casual romance.

2 – I want you to come with us.

A man won’t invite you with his friends unless he cares about you. Don’t take it lightly when he’s going somewhere with his friend and says he wants you to come. It shows that he wants you around, even when he’s with his friends.

Many men use time with their friends to escape their partner, so inviting you shows that he’s not looking for that. Sometimes he’ll want to be alone with them, but even the occasional invitation shows his feelings.

3 – I have to tell you what happened today.

Men don’t always discuss their feelings or think of sharing details about their day. Wanting to talk to you about these things is a good sign. It shows that they want to involve you in every aspect of their lives, even if it makes them vulnerable.

4 – You should keep some of your stuff at my place.

Living separately from your partner might involve sleepovers at one another’s place. Suggesting that you keep things at his house shows that he wants the relationship to last long-term. Plus, it shows that he wants you there more often.

5 – I want to help you because I care.

Wanting to help you shows that he wants what’s best for you. Offering to help you with something shows that they want you to view them as the person you should turn to. Being helpful also makes men feel needed, and when they want you to need them, it shows they care.

6 – I want you to meet my family.

You likely won’t meet a man’s family unless he’s serious about the relationship. It shows that he loves you and wants to take things to the next level. This statement indicates that he’s planning on a long-term relationship and wants to involve you in the personal aspects of his life.

7 – I care, so I am here for you no matter what you need.

Men don’t often use this phrase, so it’s meaningful when they say it. It shows that they want to be there for the good and bad days and support you in everything. Using a statement like this shows that he wants to be a part of your life and not be a bystander.

8 – I’m sorry for what I did, I’m going to do better.

No relationship is perfect, and there will be issues despite how healthy the connection is. When men admit to their mistakes, apologize, and strive for improvement, it shows how much they care. He’ll listen when you say something that upsets you and won’t get defensive.

9 – I saw this, and it reminded me of you.

A man might show or give you something that made them think of you. This statement indicates that you’re on their mind when you’re not around. It also proves that they listen to what you say and learn about who you are.

10 – I feel like you understand me.

Some men don’t think their partners understand them because they think differently. This phrase shows that your partner feels close to you and recognizes the bond you share. It also proves trust and intimacy, indicating that they truly care.

11 – Do you want to cuddle?

Cuddling is one of the best ways to be affectionate with your partner. Men don’t want to cuddle with people they don’t care about, so this question shows what you mean to him. He wants to feel close to you and connect on a deeper level.

12 – I want to hear about your day.

When a man wants to hear about your day, it shows that he cares about you and the details of your life. He might ask where you went or what you did to gain insight into who you are when he isn’t around.

13 – I want to hang out with you more often.

People don’t say they want to spend more time together if they aren’t into you. You can tell a man cares about you when he openly tells you he desires your presence. Take him up on the offer if you feel the same way so you can deepen the relationship.

A man uses casual terminology in phrases like this, but it doesn’t downplay his feelings. It’s sometimes hard for them to express themselves, and being casual lets them see if you’re interested in them.

14 – You look amazing.

Don’t overthink what a man means when he says you look great. Accept the compliment and recognize it as the man wanting to make you feel good.

15 – You always make me laugh.

You’ve likely won a man over when you make a man laugh enough that he tells you about it. It’s his way of telling you that he cares about you and finds happiness in your presence.

16 – I noticed this about you.

Noticing details about you shows that a man pays attention. He picks up on the details of who you are and has learned what makes you unique. Men don’t pay this much attention to their friends, so it shows something much deeper.


17 – I love seeing you smile.

A man will want to see you smile if he cares about you. He wants to see you happy and implies he’ll do what he can to make it happen. It can also show that he thinks your smile is beautiful or makes him feel like you also care about him.

18 – I was talking to my mom about you.

When a man says he talked to his family about you, there’s no doubt how much he cares. They don’t generally discuss low-key relationships with their mom, so it shows that he wants it to last long-term. It’s a level of vulnerability that shows he has deep feelings.

19 – I appreciate you more than you know.

Telling you that he appreciates you is another way men tell women they care. Even if he says he’s appreciative of something simple or makes it into a joke, it means something. He wouldn’t say it if he didn’t mean it, and it implies he wants you to keep being who you are with him.

Other Ways Men Show They Care

Men use different phrases than women to show that they care. They also behave differently, and you might notice some of the following behaviors:

Going Out of His Way to Make You Happy

When a man sacrifices his time, energy, or comfort to make you happy, it shows that he cares. He won’t do this for other people, letting you know how he feels.

Giving His Undivided Attention Shows He Cares

A man with deep feelings will pay attention when you talk to them. He won’t stare at his phone or do anything else but listen to you.

They Show Their Care When Protecting You

Protectiveness shows that someone wants what’s best for you and doesn’t want to see you upset or hurt. He’ll stand up for you and not let anyone disrespect you.

They Show Care by Supporting and Encouraging You

When a man supports your goals and desires, it’s a good sign for your relationship. He’ll encourage you to reach your dreams and cheer you on.

They Show Their Care by Showing Affection in Public

A man doesn’t show affection in public unless he truly cares about someone. When he wants to hold your hand or kiss you in public, it’s a good sign.


Final Thoughts on What Men Say If They Truly Care

Men don’t always show that they care in the same way women do. However, knowing what to look for can help you recognize their feelings about you. These phrases indicate deep feelings and the desire for a long-term relationship. Their behavior can signal how they feel, letting you know when you’ve found a good man.

13 Signs You’ve Found a Good Man

Isn’t it ironic how some women end up with great men while others struggle to cope with someone who isn’t giving them what they want? The issue is that many ladies don’t know the joys of being in a good relationship. There are always positive signs when you’re with the right man. Conversely, there are also many red flags when you’re with the wrong partner.

Sometimes you must go through all the toxic guys and great pretenders to find that true gem. A positive relationship displays things like commitment, patience, and unconditional love. Feeling safe and secure when you’re with him is a sign that he’s a keeper.

NOTE: The signs of a good woman are unique; therefore, we address them in another article.

Thirteen Indications He’s a Good Man

Finding the right life partner is essential for many people, giving them a sense of completion. A positive connection with a man can bring so much peace and contentment. A guy with your best intentions is trustworthy, and you won’t ever have to question who he’s with or where he’s at when he doesn’t call.

Additionally, his words and actions all show his love and devotion. If you’re wondering what characteristics prove you’ve found a good guy, here are a few to consider.

good man

1. A Good Man Opens Up to You

It’s challenging for some guys to open up about their thoughts and feelings, as vulnerability is not a strong suit. Thankfully, a partner who will talk to you about his bad days and the things bothering him shows that he trusts you.

He knows that to be a cohesive team, he must be open and honest with you, and he’s okay with sharing the most intimate details of his heart. Displaying those vulnerable sides is a harrowing experience, but he’s learned that getting his feelings out in the open can be positive.

2. He Does the ‘Little Things’

You don’t need grand gestures on your birthday or a holiday because he does small daily things that show his feelings. One thing you will notice about good men is that they will appreciate all the little moments and make every day special. He opens the door for you because he believes in chivalry and puts little love notes around the home to make you smile.

3. A Good Man Makes You Feel Secure

Having security with your partner is something that’s highly coveted among women. Guys that are good and have genuine intentions will protect you. Having a sense of feeling safe means that you can face whatever life throws at you with certainty.

Insecurities with your partner make you feel suspicious and unsettled. However, knowing that you have someone who will fight for you and defend you no matter the situation brings a sense of protection.

4. He Makes You Want to be A Better Person

One thing you will notice when you have a good partner is that you want to be a better person. He inspires you to greatness, and you’re learning and growing together.

He motivates you to change the things about you that you don’t like, and he sets an excellent example of how to do it. You don’t try to change one another, but these changes happen naturally as he positively influences you.

5. A Good Man Makes You Feel Beautiful

Every woman longs to hear her partner tell her how beautiful she is to them. Although a good guy will tell you how gorgeous you look, he doesn’t just stop with positive comments. How he interacts with you daily also shows that he thinks you’re stunning, as he treats you like a princess should be treated.

6. You’re a Top Priority of Your Partner

Everyone has a list of priorities in life, and you’re among the top with this him. Good men know that having a happy and healthy relationship takes work, so they are willing to devote their time and energy to make it happen.

He also understands that he can’t be everything to you, so he knows your friends, family, and job are also important. He’s willing to devote time and effort to make things work, but he knows you also have essential needs outside him.


7. He Respects Your Boundaries

Being in a positive relationship shows because there’s mutual respect for boundaries. Sure, there will be arguments and disagreements, as that’s a natural part of life, but he never crosses the line in these moments. He would never attack or disrespect you because he values you more than the situation.

A good man knows that boundaries and limitations are essential, so he plays within the lines. An article published by the University of Illinois Chicago states that having boundaries is a form of self-care. Additionally, these limitations can be physical or emotional, but they’re in place to help protect you. In a relationship, it’s essential to communicate and respect these boundaries.

8. His Actions and Words Match

Some guys talk big and like to make themselves sound much better than they are. However, he knows his actions must match his words, or he’s blowing hot air. He wants to prove himself to you, so he makes a conscious effort every day to ensure that you know he’s genuine.

9. There’s No Physical, Mental, or Emotional Abuse

Many women have a toxic man and don’t even recognize it because he doesn’t hit them. Abuse comes in many forms, and emotional abuse can be as damaging as being punched. According to an article published by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, emotional abuse is classified as the invalidation of reality, feelings, and experiences.

You’ve found a gem when your man wouldn’t lay a hand on you in anger and doesn’t use harsh words or call names in an argument. A good guy knows how to walk away and never take his wrath out on you, as he shows respect.

10. He’s a Partner Who Stands Beside You Through Thick and Thin

Having a partner who sticks beside you regardless of what life throws your way is a sign they’re genuine. He’s there whether you’re celebrating a promotion at work or crying because you lost your job. He tends to find something positive to say or do to help you when things are so bad. He would never leave or abandon you when you need him the most.

11. A Good Man Doesn’t Lie

A study conducted by UW-La Crosse found that 75 % of participants lied 1-2 times each day. The problem is that most people don’t realize they’re being dishonest, as it just comes naturally. For instance, how often have you told your kids you didn’t have the money because you didn’t want to spend it? It’s a harmless mistruth, but it’s still a lie.

When you find a man who strives to be honest with you, it’s a rare find. The study also found that 1 % of the participants told 17 or more lies each day, so when you find someone who can be truthful, you should count yourself blessed.

12. He’s Constantly Working to Improve Himself

Even the best man knows that he’s not without flaws. When you find a good one, he’s a work in progress and knows it. He won’t settle for a mediocre life, as he aspires and dreams of greater things.

He has real potential because he’s actively engaged in self-improvement and growth. He’s always looking for ways to be and do greater things, bringing you along for the ride.

13. You Have No Doubts About This Wonderful Partner

Some say that knowing you’ve met the right person depends on your feelings. When the relationship is wrong, there’s chaos and turmoil on the outside and within. Finding that guy that takes away all your doubts and gives you a sense of peace is not something easily found.

Being with him feels as wonderful as sitting on a front porch drinking lemonade on a breezy spring day, as your soul feels at peace. Your gut instincts are always the most significant indication of whether you’ve found a good man, and nothing feels off or unbalanced.

good man

Final Thoughts on Finding a Good Man

In this life, you will encounter many men with unique personality traits. Every woman has things they look for or requirements for finding the perfect partner. However, everyone can agree that there’s something that separates a good man from a toxic one in a relationship.

Some ladies might say that good men have become endangered as they’re becoming more challenging to find. You’ll know when you have found your perfect partner because they will display many of the signs listed above.

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