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6 Signs of Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome (‘MS’) is a medical term that applies to various health conditions. We will get into each condition shortly. For now, just think of MS as a wide-ranging medical condition often resulting from being overweight or obese.

Nobody likes facing the potentiality of a dangerous medical condition, and MS is no different. However, we can make a conscious choice to make some lifestyle choices – and decrease the risk of developing the condition.

Causes of M.S.

Inactive lifestyles and/or a genetic predisposition are usually responsible for metabolic syndrome.  Another word for inactivity is ‘sedentary,’ which most medical professionals use to describe a desk-bound, lazy way of living.

Of course, being sedentary is a risk factor for being overweight or obese; both conditions can create many other health issues.

As being overweight or obese correlates to M.S., here is a point-by-point description of what regularly happens within the body:

  • A healthy digestive system will actively break down the foods you consume into sugar, or glucose. The chemical responsible for this conversion is insulin.
  • Overweightness or obesity may stimulate problems within the digestive system.
  • Sometimes, the overweight or obese person’s digestive system goes awry.
  • s a result, their cells do not respond to insulin, causing blood sugar to spike. This condition is called insulin resistance.

“Who’s at risk?”

Statistically, certain demographics of the population are more at risk than others. Also, people with certain health conditions are more likely to develop metabolic syndrome.

  • Age: Risk of MS increases as you get older.
  • Race: Latin Americans “appear to be at the greatest risk of developing metabolic syndrome,” followed by Caucasians and African-Americans.
  • Diabetes: Risk of MS is higher if you have a family history of type 2 diabetes.
  • Obesity: Disproportionate amounts of fat around the abdomen increases the risk of MS.
  • Diseases: Cardiovascular disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and polycystic ovary syndrome increase the risk of MS.

6 Signs of Metabolic Syndrome

As we go through the six most common signs of metabolic syndrome, please bear in mind that some metabolic disorders have no symptoms; this is a critical point.

The following information is based on guidelines set forth by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the American Heart Association (AHA).

Per these criteria, any person with three or more signs meet the standards for M.S.

1. High blood pressure [Hypertension]

Healthy blood pressure is below 120 systolic or 80 diastolic (120/80). Blood pressure between 120/80 and 140/90 is considered “normal.” Any blood pressure reading above 140/90 is a sign of pre-hypertension.

Symptoms of high blood pressure: dizziness, headaches, chest pain, shortness of breath, nosebleeds.

2. High blood sugar

For a person without diabetes, a “fasting blood sugar” reading (a measure taken following a 24-hour fast) is under 100 mg per deciliter (dl).

Typically, blood sugar (or blood glucose) is considered too high if it exceeds 130 mg/dl before a meal or 180 mg/dl shortly afterward. Under most circumstances, high blood glucose symptoms do not surface until levels exceed 250 mg/dl.

Symptoms of high blood glucose: blurred vision, fatigue, headaches, increased thirst, frequent urination, trouble focusing (“brain fog”).

3. Low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol

HDL is considered the “good” cholesterol type and is vital for heart health. Despite popular opinion, cholesterol is an essential fat and is a crucial substance for every cell.

For men, HDL level of less than 40 mg/dl is considered too low. For women, it is HDL levels below 50 mg/dl.

Smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise are commonly cited reasons for low HDL.

4. Large waist circumference

A large waist size is usually an indication of excess belly fat. Per the Mayo Clinic, a “large waist circumference” is defined as:

– “a waistline that measures at least 35 inches (89 centimeters) for women and 40 inches (102 centimeters) for men.”

5. High triglyceride level

Triglycerides are one of three fatty acid groups and are in our blood. As we eat, the body transfers any calories not needed for energy into triglycerides and stores them in your fat cells. As the body needs energy, this lipid releases from the hormones within the pancreas.

  • Normal levels: less than 150 mg/dl
  • Borderline: 150-200 mg/dl
  • High: greater than 200 mg/dl
  • Dangerously high: > 500 mg/dl (may cause pancreatic inflammation).

6. Obesity

Obesity is defined as being excessively overweight and is the top risk factor for developing metabolic syndrome. Typically, a measure called the Body Mass Index (BMI) determines a person’s degree of obesity.

While an imperfect method, BMI may help determine whether they’re overweight or obese.

Please note that it is important to consider body type – a simple “eye test” will suffice (not medically recommended, obviously).

First, here’s how to calculate BMI in kilograms (kg) and centimeters (cm):

– Weight (kg) divided by height (cm)

Here’s how to calculate BMI in pounds (lb.) and inches (in):

– LB/IN x .45

Second, here is the BMI range (applies to men and women) for underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese:

Underweight: BMI < 18.5

Normal: BMI 18.5-24.9

Overweight: BMI 25.0-29.9

Obese (and category):

Class 1: BMI 30 < 35

Class2: BMI 35 < 40

Class 3: BMI > 40 (“extreme” or “severe” obesity)

metabolic syndrome

Decrease your risk of M.S.

Here are a few ways to lower your risk of metabolic syndrome:

  • Lose weight: Even a 10% reduction helps significantly.
  • Exercise: Aim for 30-45 minutes of moderate physical activity per day.
  • Know your family history of risk-related diseases (see above), and make the appropriate changes.
  • Eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet: Prioritize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats.
  • Do not fast without consulting a medical professional.

7 Signs Someone Has High Functioning Anxiety

You may have suspected that someone has high functioning anxiety. This article will give you the seven signs that your intuition was right about them. Hiding anxious symptoms is a skill that the high-functioning yet anxious person has mastered unless you know what to look for.

7 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

anxiety levels

1. Highly detail-oriented

Someone who has high functioning anxiety is usually hyper-focused on the details, planning, organizing, strategizing and working to make things as perfect as possible. This is because a person with anxiety often feels out of control. The parts of life that they can control give them a small sense of stability and control over their environment.

2. Think ahead like a chess player

Planning several moves ahead is a key technique of the best chess players. Plus, it is a skill for those with high functioning anxiety. Planning is one way to try to manage symptoms of anxiety because the more that they can control, the fewer scary unknowns there are.

3. Risk avoidance behavior

Anything perceived as ‘thrilling’ by the average person is something that someone who has high functioning anxiety would avoid. Risky situations like scary movies or extreme rollercoaster rides are not thrilling to those with anxiety. If you ask an anxious person to meet you after dark, they are likely to suggest a daytime meeting. If you suggest somewhere crowded, they will suggest somewhere with fewer people.

4. Seem a little fidgety

People with high-functioning anxiety often hide their nervous habits in public. But they also spend hours biting nails, picking, or rhythmically twitching or moving to deal with the constant anxiety. Nervous habits are a key trait of someone with anxiety. Indeed you may not know that they have these at all.

5. Need to control their environment

In times of stress, a highly functioning anxious person seeks to control as many things that are within their control as possible since they cannot control the uncontrollable. A research study found “one possible explanation as to why the need to control the environment is such a critical component of human behavior. The feeling of control enables organisms to deal with stress.”

6. Outbursts are rare but surprisingly intense

When someone has high functioning anxiety, they may suppress how they really feel or minimize the intensity of their feelings. Therefore, they seem calm most of the time. However, an anxious person is likely to explode at you when they continue to be frustrated or additional stressors like noise are introduced into an already stressful situation.

7. Thoughts seem preoccupied

When you’re telling them about something that is on your mind, their mind seems to have wandered. It might appear as if they only half-listen to others. Most likely they are worried about what to say in response, what you think of them, or if you bumped into them unexpectedly, worrying about the next unpredictable encounter. For the highly-functioning anxious person, thoughts are focused on the future or the past, not the here and now.

Researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago found that people with anxiety disorders had a fear of the unknown. Researchers say that “Uncertain threat is unpredictable in its timing, intensity, frequency or duration and elicits a generalized feeling of apprehension and hyper-vigilance.” Research explains that fear of the unknown makes people preoccupied about their fears.

5 Ways to Tell Someone They’re Attractive (Without Being Weird)

Here is the scenario: You like someone, and found them attractive for a long time now. You feel that they are the only ones in the Universe that matter and you do not even so much as steal a glance at another. The very thought of outright telling them how you think they’re attracted to you is borderline nauseating, especially if you do not want to ruin what you have with them right now.

Yet you think about them non-stop and you just cannot wait to see them again, but when you do you are so nervous about how to tell them that you get nauseated again, and the cycle repeats itself – over and over again.

You then look at couples around you and you ask yourself: “How did THEY do it?” The answer is that one of them made its move.

The question now is: how do you make your move without coming across as some kind of pervert or cheesy? We, at Power of Positivity, have five ways to take the plunge correctly. What are they? I thought you would never ask.

5 Ways to Tell Someone They’re Attractive (Without Being A Creep)

show admiration

1. Make sure compliments are specific to THEM.

A lot of people just go about it in a cavalier fashion, telling their crush that they are “hot”, “fit”, or “beautiful”. You can say that about any person you find attractive, so when you take the time to notice what it is them you find attractive, you are far more likely to receive a positive response from them. There are many things to compliment them on. Otherwise why are you attracted to them in the first place?

Let us look at a couple of examples: If their thing is fashion (hopefully you do not become cavalier in this!), comment on how well their get-up looks on them. If they are intellectually gifted, tell them so and why. They might have written an exceptional thesis on their university course, this could be how you open the door. Also, have some fun while you do it. You need not go full on pick-up artist on them, but there is no harm in some light teasing. Remember, you are not R2D2!

2. Tell them about the emotions she has stirred in you.

Go on, be a little emotive. People, in general, eat it up like a turkey on Christmas! This is a person we’re talking about, right? It shows that you are willing to be vulnerable and that takes guts. This is more of a compliment to anyone than an actual compliment. This is a great way to demonstrate that you are willing to put your neck on the line for someone else. A great way to do it is to take your crush somewhere quiet and slowly and calmly reveal that they have struck a chord with you and tell them why.

Example: “I am just going to come out and say it. I think you are amazing. I really liked the way you helped out that old man at the food court. He dropped his tray and you paid for another meal for him. Only someone special with a big heart does that. And it is not the first time I have noticed this about you, I also noticed…”

3. Be vague.

I know it sounds contradictory and counter-productive to the last two points, but stay with me. Being all vague and mysterious it is a great way to tell someone you find them attractive. You have many forms of vagueness that you can use: ambiguity, omission, classification, uncertainty, approximation, and probability.

– Ambiguity is something having a double meaning. In the movie “Dumb and Dumber”, Harry said to Mary, “Nice set of hooters you’ve got there.” Taken aback, she replied, “I beg your pardon?” He responds, “The owls, they’re beautiful.”

– Omission is leaving out certain parts of information, so you can tell someone part of what is going on and the rest is on “a need-to-know basis”. For example, “I am going to the festival tonight. Do you want to come?”

– Classification is the perception of the information being told. When someone is vague, there is no definite classification of how to interpret this information. In this way, they will not know how to process what you have told them.

– Uncertainty means that you are unsure of the information or its candor, which puts doubt in the mind of the recipient of the information.  An example can go along the lines of: “I do not know for certain, but…”

– Approximation is an estimate. It can be close to the mark or very obscure. It can also serve as an anchor to keep the estimation around that certain point.

– Probability goes into the statistics territory. The benefit of this little beauty is that it can be used as what might be, using potential as a powerful weapon by way of increasing the recipient’s assessment.

4. Be sincere when you reveal you find them attractive.

Nothing is quite so off-putting than hearing a fake compliment. It is like saying that Florida has great ski slopes or the best vodka in the world comes from the Maldives islands. If you are not honest with your words, you will not be taken seriously by them and you will get that “are you for real?” look. Fellas, please do not tell her that she has a nice rack when she is not very well endowed in that area. Ladies, please do not tell him that you noticed how strong he was while unsuccessfully trying to open that jar.

attractive traits

5. Maintain strong eye contact while you talk to them.

Eye contact is the ultimate non-verbal way of interaction. Dogs use their eyes to tell us humans how they are feeling, and so can we. People can lie with their mouths but never with their eyes. It does not matter if it is an apology or if you are conveying desire. When you demonstrate that you are of high self-esteem (and doing that via eye contact is certainly one of the best ways – if not the best way to do so), you will be regarded by the other person as someone with power, and people associate this mental power with being great in bed.

Eye contact portrays confidence and is even a way to have foreplay without taking your clothes off. Michelle Pfeiffer uses it to “choose” Al Pacino for a dance in “Scarface”. Also, take mental note of Paul Walker in the movie “The Fast and The Furious 2” when he uses some really potent eye contact with Eva Mendes while he is driving fast and brakes at the traffic light at just the right time!

You know what they say, there is no time like the present. Now you have the tools not only to change your life, but also to change someone else’s. Lights, camera, action!

Using Nail Polish Every Day? Here’s Why You May Want to Stop

“If I think about how much nail polish I’ve ingested in my lifetime (nail biter as a kid), it horrifies me. I’m much more aware now that I’m thinking about the next phase of my life that includes pregnancy, kids, and overall well-being.” – Katherine Nilan

Nail polish is a fun accessory that many women use in their day-to-day lives. There’s nothing better than getting a new color and putting on that fresh coat of polish. However, a lot of women are finding that a few astonishing things happen once they stop using nail polish.

After all, nail polish is a mix of chemicals that you’re putting on your nails – and that’s just the stuff that chips off in a few days! If you use nail polish every day, you might want to reconsider this particular habit and see what happens when you let your nails go polish free for a while.

Foot specialist Joy Rowland says, “I always recommend to my patients that it’s best to leave polish on for a few weeks on, and then remove the polish and go without for a few weeks. It’s not a good idea to leave nail polish continuously on your toes all summer. They need a break.

Here Are 6 Reasons Why You May Want To Stop Using Nail Polish Every Day

1. You’ll have stronger nails

Nail polish remover can cause a lot of damage to your fingernails, especially if you use it frequently to change the polish color. The solvents used to take off the polish dry out your fingernails. This means that your nails can become much more prone to peeling, breakage and splitting. When you stop using nail polish, you’ll stop using nail polish remover – and that’s a win for you, because your nails will start to grow back stronger than ever.

2. No more yellow nails

Using polish daily can cause a yellow undertone to your fingernail – which many of us use nail polish to cover up in the first place! It’s an endless cycle. Much like the way cutting back of coffee can make your teeth look whiter, the same thing happens when you start cutting back on nail polish. The chemicals in nail polish can stain your nails and make them look slightly yellow. Fortunately, once you stop using nail polish, your nails will get back that regular, peachy-clear look to them.

3. No more rough patches

White patches on your nails are often caused by the keratin granulation from when you keep your nail polish on for too long. If you’re prone to wearing your nail polish until it chips all the way off or grows out, you’ve probably noticed that your nails also have a few rough patches. When you use nail polish too much or use too much polish remover, it can strip your nails of much needed layers of keratin. When you let your nails go polish free for a while, you’ll notice that those rough patches completely disappear.

4. Nails get back their natural shine

A lot of women use nail polish in order to get a shine to their nails. Turns out, if you stop using nail polish and remover, your nails will get their own healthy glow. Applying too much nail polish and then removing it with a rough acetone can cause damage to your nails and strip them of their natural shine. Instead, try getting a manicure only once every three weeks to help keep your nails looking beautiful and shiny.

5. You will eventually use less chemicals

Nail polish and its remover are full of chemicals, and when you put nail polish on too much, you’re getting those chemicals right into your body – from getting them in through your nails, to breathing them in when you paint your nails or remove the polish.

According to Dr. Michael Roizen, “…the truth is that painting your nails is like coating them with a medley of toxins. In fact, nail polish is likely the most toxic cosmetic there is.

These chemicals are often tied to any number of upsetting diseases, from lung disease to certain types of cancer. Pregnant women often want to avoid nail polish both on their nails and breathing in the fumes due to ties to miscarriage and birth defects. Going polish-free is a great way to make sure you stay chemical free, too.

6. Nails can predict your health

There are all sorts of illnesses and disease that can affect the color of your nails, from discoloration to a change in nail shape to calcium deposits underneath your nails. American Academy of Dermatology states, “Nails often reflect our general state of health. Changes in the nail, such as discoloration or thickening, can signal health problems including liver and kidney diseases, heart and lung conditions, anemia, and diabetes.

By coloring the nails continually with polish, you may miss these important signs into your health. When you go polish free, you’ll be able to see changes in your nails immediately and talk to your doctor as soon as they happen.

Nail polish can be fun, but there are plenty of ways to make your nails look lovely without using nail polish and risking damage to your body and nails with too much usage. Nail polish can be excellent for an event, but like any other beauty product or chemical that’s meant to go on your body, using it sparingly is the key to using it at all. Bare nails can still stand out and look stunning with a little maintenance.


10 Signs You Are (Or Will Be) A Good Parent

What makes a great parent? Have you ever thought about this question?

Of course, there are the traditional answers:

  • “Giving them good moral values.”
  • “Making sure they don’t go without.”
  • “Ensuring they get a good education.”
  • “Teaching them to be polite.”

We could go on. All of these are wonderful pieces of advice (if a bit cliché).

“Children learn more from what you ARE than what you TEACH.” ~ Anonymous

Let’s get slightly more specific with the question:

Have you ever thought about how the “little things” you currently do influence the kind of parent you will be? 

Uh…that’s a different animal, isn’t it?

More than likely, most people haven’t actually considered this before. So let’s talk about it a bit!

By the way, every item on this list applies to both current and future parents!

Here are ten signs you are – or will be – a great parent!


1. You treat customer service people well

Who hasn’t been on hold before? Who hasn’t been on an excruciatingly long hold before? Uh-huh.

How is your demeanor once you get someone on the line? Do you go off on the person and vent your anger, or remain calm, collected, and polite?

Staying calm with people in emotionally charged situations demonstrates high emotional intelligence. “The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions” is a vital skill for parents.

2. You have a few long-term friendships

Alisa Bash, a licensed marriage and family therapist based in Malibu, California, says:

“People with long-term friendships understand emotional intimacy. Their word means something, and they show up when they commit to things and to people, something that will mean so much to a child.”

So, if you’ve got a few ole’ chums, you may just bring a bit more to the parenting table.

3. You understand balance.

As you read this sentence, a parent is slowly killing themselves from work stress. And a child is wondering where their Mom or Dad is.

As defined by one prominent childhood educator, work-family balance is necessary ” to have the energy and patience to take care of their children in a fun, joyful, and loving way.”

4. You prioritize a healthy lifestyle

Speaking of work and speaking of balance. The crazy scheduling and resultant stress of modern life require that we monitor and take care of our mind-body health and lifestyle.

Many potential parents see having a baby as a fix to their problems.

Just … no. While things may be challenging, as adults, it’s our responsibility to take care of any pressing issues before bringing a baby into the mix.

5. You’re not afraid of self-sacrifice

If you’re reading these words, you’re either (1) a positive person or (2) someone trying to become more positive. Positivity is an admirable trait in a society that is so self-absorbed.

You are more likely to sacrifice yourself for someone else. Have you bought a stranger’s lunch before? Helped out an older adult? Lent money even when things were tight?

You get the idea. And if you’re a self-sacrificing person, odds are you’ll be a great parent.


6. You’re an empath

Empaths are the folks who make the world go round. We always need more of them and can never have enough.

Not only are empaths compassionate; they have an almost superhuman ability to see and feel what someone else sees and feels as if they were them.

That’s really all that needs to be said. You know who you are. Not only will you be a great parent, but a great friend, great lover, and a great influence on a planet that really needs you.

7. You’re pretty much a nature photographer

First things first – no, selfies and 500 food pics do not count! Sorry!

Photographers, regardless of their level of innate ability, are almost always penetrating, observant, and grateful individuals.

Perhaps their greatest gift is their talent for seeing the beauty in all of the “little things” around them. You know… the person who can melt your heart with a photo of some random bug on a leaf.

8. You’re on speed dial

Being a great (active) listener is a fantastic skill that can improve any aspect of your life.

Linda Lucas, a child psychologist in Leesburg, Florida, says, “More than almost anything, children need to be listened to.” As such, if you’re the one person someone calls for advice or anything else, you’ll probably make one heck of a parent.

9. You’ve “blueprinted” things

No matter if you’re the natural planning type. If you’re already seriously considering the who, what, when, where, and how you’ll raise your kid, you’ll probably be a pretty good parent.

This doesn’t mean daydreaming about names and pink outfits (though that’s pretty nice.) It means some deliberate planning. Of course, these plans may just go to the wayside once you have the little bundle of joy; but it shows your sincerity and seriousness about parenting.


10. You’re creative

In all sincerity, this world needs a bit more creativity in it. Creative individuals are open-minded, intelligent, and well-meaning in everything they do.

No reason to think they’d raise their child any differently. We need more people like you!


What Is Your Biggest Fear, According to Your Zodiac Sign?

According to astrologers, each sun sign of the zodiac has its own biggest fear. How does your zodiac sign handle the many fears in life?

What Is Your Biggest Fear, According to Your Zodiac Sign?


Being left alone is the Aries’ biggest fear. That’s because this sociable sign needs to feel the love and support of family and friends. Even bigger than losing friends is the concern of losing a lover or loved ones. Unfortunately for Aries, this zodiac sign cannot escape loss.


Fear of the unknown is Taurus’ greatest fear since they love a sense of security and stability, especially at home.


The zodiac twins of Gemini both fear is imperfection. This sign loves being in control, graceful, on time, and exceeding your wildest dreams. Anything less than perfection feels like letting you down and Gemini’s biggest worry is failing to meet your or their own high expectations.


Being unlovable is Cancer’s biggest fear, but this zodiac sign’s apprehensions are ungrounded. Being crabby can turn others off, but it’s temporary and their love for this zodiac sign will return as soon as your smile does.


The dominant and active zodiac sign Leo fears a lack of notice and adoration by others. Loving the attention of standing out from the crowd, the lion’s biggest fear is fading into the crowd.


An apprehension of chaos is behind Virgo’s biggest fear. Being orderly and organized is key to this zodiac’s happiness, whereas dirty disorder is frightening to Virgo.


Fear of being unattractive is Libra’s biggest fear. As a lover of all things beautiful and in harmony, a Libra finds the ugly and chaotic to be frightening. Ugliness is scary, especially when this zodiac sign finds it in themselves.


Vulnerability is this sign’s biggest fear because Scorpio wants to be seen as tough and edgy compared to others.


Sagittarius fears entrapment. Of course, that does not necessarily mean physically. Instead, they fret about emotional, financial, professional, and romantic traps. All entrapment that might keep this zodiac sign from total freedom of choice is usually feared and therefore avoided.


Capricorn is not the only zodiac sign whose biggest concern is rejection. Researchers at Cambridge University found that social anxiety is common when people feel ashamed about something about themselves and are more likely to hide it out of a fear of rejection.


This zodiac sign’s biggest fear is losing their vitality. Aging, losing health, and losing the energy that they once had is an Aquarian’s biggest fear. Having to rely on others rather than being the one others can rely on is depressing to Aquarius.

Researchers in the Journal of Social Psychology studied beliefs about chance or fate and found that beliefs about one’s fate were associated with taking action based on astrological readings. Women were significantly more likely than men to believe in and have knowledge about astrology.

The study results suggest that people who believe that external forces influence their lives can be helped by reading horoscopes that suggest ways to improve their well-being. Aquarius can find help with their fear by coming to terms with aging and mortality, and by accepting that allowing others to help is often helpful to them.


Just thinking about the loss of love will send the Pisces sign of the zodiac into a frenzy of fear. Pisces’ concern over the emotional pain of loss is stronger than in other signs because they also fear their ability to handle grief.

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