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8 Behaviors Men Show When They’re With Their True Love

Unlike the rare ultra-sensitive male, men, and women display their love and affection differently. So, love can be confusing for a woman at times. That’s because the truth is that men and women think differently.

“Yesterday, he was the nicest guy in the world, and today he’s a complete jerk. I just don’t understand,” is a common, legitimate statement that is heard all too often from women.  Keep in mind, men are only human, so their emotions can go up and down too. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you.

The important part is that what a man says and does should align. That said, men exhibit a standard set of behaviors that demonstrate their love for a woman.

8 Behaviors Men Show When They’re With Their True Love


1. He listens to you (closely!).

Generally, women are much better listeners than men. This is not just a stereotype, it’s science, as revealed by a study done at Cambridge University.

The curious thing is that men will always intently focus on things of interest. So, when a man not only hears you but actively pays attention and intelligently responds – a skill called active listening – you can have confidence that he’s smitten.

2. He isn’t afraid to make a sacrifice.

Making personal sacrifices is much easier when doing it for a person we love. Men in love will feel tremendous discomfort at the thought of their woman being unhappy – especially if there’s something we can do about it.

As such, making sacrifices for your happiness is one way a man demonstrates his love for you. He will almost always put you first, even if it means changing his plans or stepping out of his comfort zone.

3. He shows vulnerability.

Men being men, they can be cautious about showing any behavior perceived by others as a weakness. In love, however, this deeply ingrained attitude often falls to the wayside – and they allow you to see their genuine emotions.

When a man is in love, he trusts you with his feelings and is far more comfortable and relaxed about revealing personal information about themselves. They begin to open up and let you in on their innermost feelings.

Vulnerability will make several appearances throughout a relationship – especially if you reciprocate. It will create a deeper, more meaningful bond.

4. He loves how you look, even on your “worst days”.

Remember how much effort a man puts into looking his best during those first dates? Of course. Everyone wants to look and feel their best, and men are no exception when meeting up with a potential partner.

Then there’s the actual relationship. As two people spend more time with each other, comfort levels build, and sometimes the need to impress declines sharply. This is not always true, but you can wander around in pajamas or comfy clothes. Despite the comfortability, he still thinks you look beautiful. It’s not the clothes or makeup you wear- your smile, your laugh and your personality that charms him.

true love

5. He’s proud of you (and isn’t afraid to show it).

In love, a real man isn’t shy about saying how proud he is of you.

Whether you’re a fantastic mother, a hard worker, or reaching your goals, you can rest assured that your efforts don’t go unnoticed. In fact, all of the admirable things a woman has done or is working towards brings a man a great amount of pride and joy. Even if you fall short, he is proud of your effort.

And… even if you’re both very competitive people, he’ll probably feel a bit less crushed following a swift defeat from his lady.

6. He fights for you.

When a man is truly in love, he will do anything to keep you. To him, there is no other option. There is only you. He loves you through your imperfections and wants to see you through your darkest times. Even when you going through a hard time and pushing him away, he pushes back with love.

Likewise, he will also literally fight for you. He will stand up for you if you’ve been wronged. Defend you, even when the whole world may seem against you. This is love.

7. He fights with you (yep, you read that right!). 

He will fight for you and fight with you. Yes, it seems paradoxical, but to avoid offending anyone – we’re not talking fights of the insult-throwing and drama-inducing variety. We’re certainly not talking about physical altercations.

That said, if a man loves you and is emotionally invested in his relationship, he will initiate a “fight”, an argument rather, to avoid losing you, even if that means fighting with the woman he loves. If a guy is fighting for this purpose, he wants to make things work. It’s a demonstration of commitment.

8. He treats your family and friends with respect.

If  a guy knows that someone is important to him, they become essential to him by default. The reason is simple: you cherish family and friends, and the last thing he wants is to hurt your feelings.

While he may not like every single one of your family members or maybe even one of your catty friends, he’ll zip it because he knows how much they mean to you.

man in relationship quote

A man in love is best summed up by the following line from the famed poet, Emily Dickenson: “Behavior is what a man does, not what he thinks, feels, or believes.”

On final note, we would love to hear from you. If you have a tip that we didn’t include here, let us know in the comments. Thanks!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Behaviors Controlling People Display Before Revealing Themselves

“Toxic relationships can sneak up on almost anyone. And controlling behavior on the part of a partner knows no boundaries – people of any age, gender, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status can be in controlling relationships, playing either role.” ~ Andrea Bonoir, Ph.D.

A Strange Persona

It takes someone with some serious gall to try and control others. Gall or a complete disregard for others.

Someone who controls another person is both intolerable and intolerant. They’re immature, self-centered, arrogant, and even narcissistic. Some are dangerous.

They’re also potentially shifty and adept at playing mind games. Strange people are they. We’ll delve into the mindset of a controlling person a bit more later.

Tactics of Controlling People

Something that’s especially unbearable about a controlling person is their lack of empathy (a narcissistic and psychopathic trait, BTW.) They don’t care about who they hurt as long as they get what’s “theirs.”

This mindset is quite revolting.

Of course, for a controlling person to “get what’s theirs,” they need someone to exploit. They don’t particularly care who it is, lest for sexual reasons. In which case, the only prerequisite is some semblance of physical attraction.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

– People of any age, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status can be in a controlling relationship.

– The relationship can be platonic, romantic, or sexual, which leads to the next point …

– Controlling people love to play the ‘Friend or Something More?” game. They lead you on and push you back. They give and take away. That’s their preferred method of control when dating, or in a “relationship.”

– Though possible, not every controlling person is violent or aggressive – some are strategically devious. This touches on a controlling/manipulative person’s narcissistic streak.

– Controlling behavior is often not revealed until some kind of bond forms. This way, it’s harder for them to be “found out” – and harder, at times, for the other person to walk away.

Defining two very different types

Before getting into what makes a controlling person stand out, let’s distinguish between a firm (“forceful”) personality and a controlling personality. All you need to do so is ask yourself one simple question:

Do they allow you to be yourself, or do they unjustly influence your behavior?

Controlling people are known for imposing change upon someone else. For example, they may insist that you lose weight, buy new clothes, cut your hair, go on a diet, or make some other inappropriate demand.

Controlling people often lack sensitivity and tact in their interactions with you. A strong personality may be a bit less sensitive or tactful, but they’ll never cross the line. In the mind of a controlling person, there is no such line.

5 Behaviors Of Controlling People

Now that we’ve talked about some generalities of the controlling individual let’s discuss commonly displayed behaviors of such a person while revealing themselves.

1. Volatility exudes from controlling people

The word volatility is defined as the “liability to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.”

In the context of this article, volatility refers to a controlling person’s rapid and negative mood swings. It is very common for a controlling person to blow up at the smallest “infraction.” This type of behavior is – or should be – considered a big red flag.

Volatile behavior is, at times, a precursor to physical confrontation or abuse.

2. Belittlement and cruelty

A controlling person can be quite perplexing. One minute they’re showering you with compliments and lifting your mood, then they’ll say something belittling and cruel (“You’re so dumb,” “You never do anything right.”)

It’s a sick, twisted game – sadly, one that too many good people find themselves playing.

3. A controlling person refuses to listen

No real surprise – controlling people aren’t good listeners. Actually, they don’t care to listen at all. When someone tries to have a serious conversation with a controlling person, they’ll often get nowhere.

Because of a controlling person’s refusal to listen, it’s common for them to walk away while verbalizing their contempt unabashedly.

4. Indifference

Indifference is defined as “lack of interest, concern or empathy.”

Manipulators with narcissistic personality traits often use indifference as a means of control. We’ve all heard of the term “silent treatment.” Well, indifference is the silent treatment on steroids. Make no mistake – this is emotional abuse. Period.

Would a real friend or partner act in such a manner? Highly unlikely; perhaps if they’re genuinely angry, but even then, probably not.

So what would motivate someone to act this way? This …

5. Emotional Instability

Andrea Bonoir, Ph.D., a nationally-renowned clinical psychologist, explains a manipulative person’s mercurial state of mind using jealousy and paranoia as an example:

“…jealousy can be flattering in the beginning; it can arguably be viewed as endearing, or a sign of how much they care or how attached they are.”

But this flattery is nothing more than a mirage. Dr. Bonoir continues, “(Someone who) is suspicious or threatened by multiple people you come in contact with, or faults you for innocent interactions … may be insecure, anxious, competitive, or even paranoid.”

Ultimately, such emotions escalate as the relationship moves forward – until they are in total control.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Signs You Are The Target of A Narcissist

Dealing with a narcissist?

“The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.” – Shannon L. Alder

We all know that physical and psychological abuse can be a terrifying thing to experience in any relationship. Recently, another form of abuse has been observed by psychologists, and they believe that it’s very easy for this abuse to slip through the cracks and remain unnoticed for long periods of time. We’re talking about narcissistic abuse.

A narcissistic person is somebody who’s fully and entirely obsessed with themselves. As psychologist Stephen Johnson explains, a narcissist is a person who has “buried his true self-expression in response to early injuries and replaced it with a highly developed, compensatory false self.

The name comes from the Greek myth of Narcissus, a man so smitten with himself and his own reflection that he falls into a river and drowns. Narcissists are known for very low levels of empathy and a tendency to use others for their own pleasure.

But how can you know if you’re a victim of manipulation?

Here Are Ten Signs Of Abuse From A Narcissist To Look Out For

1. You become depressed or anxious

Feeling like everything you do is wrong like you’re not worthy of affection or you have to fight very hard to get it can inspire feelings of depression and anxiety. You might be looking for the reasons of your depression elsewhere, but at the end of the day, they will always stem from your abusive relationship with a narcissistic person.

2. You feel like you’re going crazy

A tactic many narcissistic people use to manipulate their loved ones is gaslighting. It originates from the 1938 play Gas Light and refers to changing small details in the environment to make someone believe they’re going insane.

Dr. Paul Coleman says, “Narcissists want to keep you off-balance. They want you to doubt yourself, not them. They want you to doubt your perceptions and feelings. This is one reason victims remain in an abusive relationship.

Narcissists will convince you that they’re always right about everything and will go to great lengths to convince you that they’re the innocent party. That’s why it’s very hard to leave an abusive relationship like that.

3. They drastically change over time

In the beginning, you’ll be wooed by their compliments, charm, and desire to please you. But once they’re tired of you, the tables will turn and they will make you believe that you don’t deserve them – that’s another part of their abusive patterns.

4. They attack you when you question them

Fights erupt with every relationship, but narcissists always take a fight to the next level. They use rage to stop people from questioning how amazing they are at everything they do. If you do something very small that upsets them even slightly, the narcissist will lash out at you with unbelievable verbal abuse.

5. They don’t take responsibility for their actions

A part of the narcissist’s agenda is to convince you that everything’s your fault because they are perfect and flawless in every sense of the word. They project every single problem they have on someone else and make them feel like they can never do anything right.

As Dr. Coleman states, “If you do something they dislike, you are to blame; if they do something you dislike, you are to blame for making them do it. Narcissists always have excuses for their bad behavior, whereas your bad behavior is inexcusable.”

Shifting the blame is an integral part of a narcissist’s MO, and it’s another one of the abusive behaviors they engage in.


6. They use emotional guilt trips as a defense mechanism

The worst thing that could happen to a narcissist is to have their flaws exposed for everyone to see. That’s why they avoid doing that at any cost. If they suspect you’ll be angry with them or that you’ll leave them, they’ll do everything they can to prevent it. Emotional blackmail is their most utilized weapon, wherein they withhold their affection expecting you to return begging for it. Sometimes they can go to dangerous extremes, such as threatening self-harm if you leave.

7. They lower your self-esteem

If you’re a victim of narcissistic abuse, you often think very little of yourself. That’s how a narcissist gains control over you, as they make you believe that they are what makes the world go around, and they can only save your life. They use your weakness to destroy your self-confidence further and fool you into thinking that’s the normal way to live.

8. They never acknowledge your success

As part of their manipulation tactics, a narcissist wants to make you feel like you haven’t achieved anything. They always want to one-up you because it’s their priority to be the top dog, to have absolute control. That can hit your already low self-esteem and convince you that you might not try to do anything because they’ll be better than you anyway. It’s an abuse tactic to tie you to them further.

9. They lie. A lot

Narcissists lack conscience just as much as they lack empathy. Never knowing whether or not they’re saying the truth is another form of abuse. They always change their story to make it seem believable and enforce the idea that you have the problem, not them. Frequent, chronic lying is a very common form of narcissistic abuse.

10. They’re physically abusive

While narcissists commonly use psychological manipulation, they can also be physically abusive sometimes – most often when they’re enraged and think that you’re better than them in some way that you can do nothing about.

As a professor and private coach Preston Li points out, “Since many narcissists can’t stand disappointment or rejection, they will frequently react negatively when you don’t give them what they want, in the way they want it.


A Narcissist Is Only Concerned With Themself

The most dangerous part about narcissistic abuse is that by the time you know it’s happening, you may be too far gone to change it. Emotional manipulation employed by narcissists leaves people scarred for life. However, the first step of overcoming abuse is to realize that it’s not your fault in any way. A narcissist will never be able to love you as much as you love them – because the thing they love most is themselves.

7 Signs You’re Successful In Life (Even If You Think You’re Not)

Successful people measure their outcomes in lots of different ways. If you’re like the rest of us, you may struggle to figure out if you’re doing okay. According to television, movies, and the media, we measure success by the amount of money you have, your job titles, whether or not you have a family. But these seem to be such superficial indicators.

Material realities can be a good measure of success, but they’re not the only things that count. When it comes to measuring success, there’s so much more to consider. If you’re wondering where you measure up, you may be doing better than you think.

Here Are 7 Signs You’re More Successful Than You Think You Are

“Too many people measure how successful they are by how much money they make or the people that they associate with. In my opinion, true success should be measured by how happy you are.” – Richard Branson

1. You haven’t given up on your dreams

Even if you haven’t achieved them yet, you’re still making plans and moving forward with trying to reach your goals. Success isn’t always measured in whether or not you’ve met all your life goals – sometimes, it just means having them in the first place, and refusing to give up. As long as you’ve always had a dream, and you keep moving forward and taking chances and steps to achieve it, you’re doing great.

2. You’re still alive and healthy

This is probably the most important measure of success. Life can be full of so many twists and turns, ups and downs – if you’ve ever struggled with low points in your life, or depressive episodes, you probably have realized how hard it is to keep pushing forward. But if you’ve made it out of every low point and you’re still alive, then that is definitely cause of celebration. Congratulations – you’re a success.

3. You keep improving despite all the obstacles

Sometimes, people feel like they’ve reached their peak and there’s no reason to keep moving forward and learning more and improving themselves as a person. Even if you’ve failed a few times in your life, you’re still a success if you learn from those failures and mistakes and use them to keep improving yourself every day.

CEO of Lexion Capital Management Elle Kaplan says, “Too often in life, people’s goals get derailed when they focus on their setbacks. But if you have the mental fortitude to pivot in a more productive direction when things go wrong, you’re setting yourself up for success.” It doesn’t matter if you’ve failed ten times or one hundred – as long as each failure is met with an attempt to better yourself.


4. Someone loves you

Whether this person is your family, a friend, or your lover, having someone who cares about you and loves you is an important way to measure success. Author Liz Ryan states, “If you have people around whom you love and who love you back, you are successful.

Life can get lonely, and it’s always better when you’re sharing all the ups and downs with someone who cares about you. A love that is unconditional and unyielding is one way to measure your success, and if you’ve found it, then you’re on the right track.

5. You’ve learned to forgive

Holding onto grudges may feel good at first. But eventually, that anger and resentment will begin to eat away at us. If you’ve learned the (sometimes complicated) art of forgiveness, then your life has become more and more successful each day that you live free of that anger.

Learn to forgive as soon as you can. It’s just so you can get “unstuck” in life, start moving forward faster, and open the door to more success and happiness,” says NLP Life & Business Coach Kevin J. Donaldson.

Forgiving people is more about allowing yourself to heal rather than letting someone off the hook. You’ll find that your mind and body are more at peace once you learn to forgive.

6. You have home and clothes

It’s time to take a step back and look around you. If you have a home and a roof over your head as well as clothes on your back, then I would say that you’re doing pretty good. Regardless of all the other things going on around you, if you’ve managed to cultivate a home for yourself and keep yourself dressed and fed, then any other measurements of success don’t really matter. You’re doing great.

7. You can be yourself

No matter who that happens to be, if you’re in a place mentally and physically where you can be yourself and express yourself how you want, then you’ve reached a place of success that few others can achieve. Sure, there are people with thousands upon thousands of dollars, but they’re often stuck and unable to express themselves how they truly wish, and inspire no one to be true to themselves. If you’ve made it this far in your journey to success, then you’re doing amazing.

Success doesn’t always have to be about money, or trophies, or titles. Sometimes, success is about how you’ve grown as a person and your journey from who you were to who you are. Some people live their whole lives never making that journey. Learning to accept that success can come in all different kinds of sizes means that you’re going to be able to move forward in life feeling more positive, confident and – yes! – successful.

15 Things People Who Save Money Do Differently

Could you improve your money habits?

“The habit of saving is itself an education. It fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.” – T.T. Munger

Please re-read the above quote from T.T. Munger. Empowering, isn’t it?

Here’s the truth: saving money is hard – which is why most people don’t. According to studies, up to 75 percent of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck. Living in such a manner is a form of self-inflicted torture. We stress and stress about making ends meet when, in reality, we are the ones at fault. Or, we haven’t learned how to allocate our money appropriately.

(This coming from an average saver, at best. Things don’t change on my end either, folks!)

People who save their money are a distinct breed. Their mind simply works differently. Speaking of mind, saving money has nothing to do with one’s intelligence; it’s not even about income. Saving money is having a plan to live at or below your means – whatever those means may be – and sticking with that plan.

So, what do the best savers do? How do they look at things?

Here are 15 things people who are good at saving money do differently:

1. They live simply

Savers love to live the simple life. Why? Because they could care less about the “latest and greatest” or how others perceive them. They’re happy, and part of the reason they are happy is that they know where their money is going.

2. They distinguish wants from needs

Separating wants from needs is another way of living simply. It’s common for a good saver to ask themselves “Do I really need this?” before buying something. Besides, tip #3 allows them to buy what they do want, on occasion. Speaking of which…

3. “Budget” isn’t a scary word

When some people hear the word budget, they freak out. People great at saving don’t see a budget as scary; they view it as a necessary and even enjoyable part of responsible living.

4. They look for “free money”

Who says there’s no such thing as “free lunch (money)?” From coupon-clipping to 401k matching, money savers do the less-sexy things that give them a financial peace of mind.

5. “Every little bit helps.”

Gosh, how many times have we heard this saying over the years? There’s a real reason we have. Say you’re able to save 10 bucks a week from your check – not an unreasonable amount of money. In a 2% yearly interest savings account, you’ll have saved roughly $530 in just one year. Compound the interest over multiple years – and you’ve got a sizable sum of cash.

6. “Cash is king.”

Some good savers leverage the perks of credit cards, but not many. Research shows that purchasing something with a card – even a debit card – is much less ‘painful’ than handing over a bunch of bills. This latter point is exactly why savers prefer cold, hard cash.

7. Savers adjust to circumstances

None of us are immune to a stagnant economy, rising costs of living, job layoffs, illness, etc. Good savers have a trained ability to adjust their spending (thus, their savings) by taking life’s punches while remaining steadfast to their money mindset.

8. They’re honest with themselves

Self-deception isn’t at all conducive to saving money. That’s why good money managers are honest with themselves. They know their “situation” well and face it head on without losing focus on their priorities.

9. They love credit unions

Credit unions are not-for-profit and are not beholden to the interests of stockholders on Wall Street. Credit unions are owned by its members. Thus, there’s less profit motive for the institution – and more benefits for members (e.g. lower interest rates, lower fees, etc.)

10. Newer savers start small

There are two reasons why people don’t save money: lifestyle and overwhelm. Many people try to maintain an unaffordable standard of living, which is quite foolish. Others complicate things too much and become overwhelmed; often quitting before they even begin. Even 10 extra dollars in the bank at the end of the month is a good start! You can do it!

11. They automate their savings

Many employers offer direct deposit – and most employees take advantage. Good savers allocate 5 to 10 percent of the net pay to a second account – a savings account. And that account isn’t touched unless absolutely necessary.

12. They make money work

We all work for a living because it’s a necessity. Work = money = comfort. Smart savers know the “tricks of the trade,” and make money work for them. Interest-bearing accounts, low-risk investments, government bonds, purchasing gold, renting out luxury real estate in Mijas Spain…these are just a few ways savers save more.

13. “I’m entitled to nothing.”

This is exactly how savers think and feel. Nobody owes them anything – and they like it that way. They don’t “deserve” a vacation or a newer-model car. The only thing they feel entitled to is hard work and sacrifice. Their reward? Financial security and personal freedom.

14. They have little to no debt

Aside from perhaps their home, smart savers have little to zero debt. Debt means less saving, more spending – and they aren’t having it. They could care less about their decade-old vehicle or some flashy credit card. They’re living free.

15. They have willpower

We all have to face temptations, especially in a consumer-driven world. Good savers are human, too. Establishing and maintaining healthy saving habits can be hard, but they’ve got some extra willpower in the bank also.


5 Easy Ways To Whiten Yellow Teeth Naturally

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic service in the world. Indeed, it’s easy to understand why.

Just as we all have different hair and skin color, we also all have different “tooth genetics.” Some people will be more affected by yellowing and discoloration of the teeth than others, for example.

Lifestyle also plays a significant role in how healthy your teeth look. The frequency in which you smoke tobacco, drink coffee, brush and floss your teeth, and practice good oral hygiene has a big impact on both the health and appearance of your teeth.

What sucks about teeth whitening? Well, first it can be expensive and time-consuming. However, professional teeth whitening done by a cosmetic dentist may provide you with better and more satisfying results.

Second, most of us are not so keen in going to the dentist. Some polls report up to eighty percent of people have a fear of visiting a dental office. Hey, there are some fears we just don’t get over! If you’re afraid of the pain from most dental treatments, you may consider looking a dental office that offers IV Sedated Dental Treatment services.

So, can we just bypass the dentist’s chair and take care of this whole teeth whitening thing ourselves?

Yes. In fact, we’re going to discuss not one, but five ways that you can whiten your own teeth! Better yet, all of these methods are inexpensive, requiring little more than common pantry goods and some patience!

Here are 5 ways to whiten your teeth at home:

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1. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent antibacterial agent. When combined with baking soda, the result is a great homemade toothpaste. You may also choose to use half water and half hydrogen peroxide for a good oral rinse.

When peroxide is added to baking soda, the latter helps to remove more plaque from your teeth. Clinical studies show that properly using Arm & Hammer baking soda as an oral agent reduces “mean plaque scores compared to using (other) baking soda-free products.”

2. Brushing after drinking or eating

While effective, brushing your teeth after drinking or eating isn’t always feasible (at work and school, for example.) But brushing after eating or drinking has some real benefits; namely, it improves overall oral hygiene and prevents teeth yellowing.

If you feel comfortable brushing your teeth in the office bathroom, keep on keeping on!

3. Coconut oil

Right when we think we’ve discovered all of the myriad health benefits of coconut oil, we find something else fascinating.

In a study published in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Hygiene, researchers write, “Edible oil-pulling therapy is natural, safe and has no side effects. Hence, it can be considered as a preventive therapy at home to maintain oral hygiene.” The reason why coconut oil is an excellent preventive treatment is that it has powerful anti-bacterial properties.

All you need to do is put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish for about twenty seconds. Something else you can do: put a few drops on your toothbrush and brush per usual!

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can help remove the teeth of pesky stains that seem to stick around. As a natural antibiotic, it also helps preserve the health of our teeth and gums.

The compounds found within ACV, including acetic acid, enzymes, magnesium, potassium, and probiotics contribute to the overall oral health benefit of ACV. In fact, some studies show that ACV works equally well as other commercial whitening products – and without all the chemicals!

Because ACV is acidic, it’s recommended to brush against with regular (preferably non-fluoride) toothpaste. You can also use your finger to rub ACV on your teeth, then rinse with water or a hydrogen peroxide mix!

5. Fruits and vegetables

Slowly eating certain fruits and vegetables can help remove surface stains and food particles from your teeth. Celery, apples, carrots, and strawberries are all excellent food choices.

Strawberries are particularly effective due to their abundant amount of vitamin C and healthy enzymes. Not only can you chew this delicious fruit, but you can also mash a couple of strawberries and brush! Brushing with some strawberries two to three times per week is recommended.

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