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11 Traits of An Unforgettable Woman

There are unforgettable women everywhere – many remain single or lack friendship. Why?

Well, we can’t speak for every woman; but, the odds are that she’s tired. Tired of dating and befriending one mediocre person after another. She’s probably sick of being taken advantage of, lied to, and disrespected.

Women with this quality are usually the good-hearted and trusting types – two characteristics that, unfortunately, are too often exploited.

An unforgettable woman is one whose former partners and friends kick themselves for letting go or losing.

Extraordinary qualities are unappreciated by ordinary people – an unfortunate truth evident throughout life. Happy people are despised by the unhappy. The quiet are mocked by the loud. The overachievers are detested by the underachievers – and so forth.

Exceptional women are no different in this regard.

So, in honor of all the beautiful and extraordinary women out there, here are 11 traits we revere:

“The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.” ~ Audrey Hepburn

1. Your kindness

Your kindness is evident everywhere you go. No matter how many times your consideration, generosity, and friendliness have gone ignored, you persevere.

You are loved by the peoples’ lives you’ve touched more than words can express.


2. Your independence

If you’ve found the right person, chances are they fell in love with your independent nature. We love that you don’t value your worth from a partner but from the unique and extraordinary qualities that you hold to your heart.

3. Your selflessness

An unforgettable woman always gives more than she receives. Think of one or two of the most influential woman in your life, the woman you love more than anything. Now ask yourself this question: did she put the needs of others before her own?

Ask the same question about any woman who has left this world a better place.

4. Your grace

Unforgettable women always seem to carry themselves with grace. Have you ever seen a documentary about Jacqueline Kennedy or Princess Diana? They were the embodiment of elegance and class. Unsurprisingly, they were also victimized for their disdain of everything “tabloid.”

We admire how you personify humility and grace.

5. Your passion

We love your enthusiasm and excitement about the things important to you. We admire that your passion is almost always your purpose. Something else that we love is your passion for things both big and small – an uncommon characteristic nowadays.

6. Your support

Whether it’s your friend, family member, or romantic partner, your support is never feigned, and never appears to cease. While you may not always agree with us, you’ll always have our back 100 percent.

7. Your insight

You know what we’re capable of becoming, even if we don’t. While we may not always appreciate your insightfulness, we understand that your wisdom is deserving of some deep contemplation.

8. Your energy

We love your energy and eagerness to face the world head-on. While you may not be very loud, we feel and sincerely appreciate your positive attitude and wonderful energy. We love how when we’re feeling down; you’re “right on time” to lift our spirits!


9. Your honesty

You may be sweet, but you’re not afraid to mix in some sour if need be. Sometimes, this “sour” comes after someone acts foolish or mistakes your kindness for weakness.

For the most part, you deliver your words in equal parts sweet and serious.

10. Your persistence

As discussed, it’s not easy being an extraordinary woman nowadays. It’s quite remarkable that you’ve been able to keep chugging along to this point. Many good people feel the pull of the undertow of modern society – something that speaks to how unforgettable you really are!

11. Your love

Last but certainly not least: thank you for your love. Thank you for all of the times you’ve called and answered the phone; lent us your ear and heart; told us what we needed to hear, and for allowing us to be part of your beautiful life.

Thank you for your love. Again.

Researchers Reveal 5 Ways to Tell If Someone Can Keep A Secret

It’s pretty sad when we must resort to research in determining whether or not a person can keep a secret. We’d like to think that someone – for the sake of both people’s honor – would treat confidentiality with respect.

Unfortunately, this is not often the case. People who appear trustworthy sometimes are not. A pleasant smile and sweet voice, while attractive, does not necessarily correlate with trustworthiness.

Before we get into the psychology of decoding one’s ability to keep a secret, let’s discuss some obvious outliers.

What Not to Discuss (or Listen to)

As with most other touchy subjects, “secret keeping” also has some caveats. Here are a few examples:

– Infidelity

– Theft

– Slander

– Plans to Harm

In other words, anything unethical.

Of course, if someone’s asking you to stay quiet about them cheating on their spouse, stealing something, smearing someone’s reputation, or committing some other egregious act – you’re under no obligation to comply. In fact, you should end the conversation post haste.

You, of course, know better not to make such a ridiculous request!

Topics of Discussion

Before asking a person to keep a secret, we should take an objective look at why we’re asking in the first place.

The most common scenario is when an individual needs to get something off of their chest – and is trusting you to maintain confidentiality.

For example, let’s say you’re burnt out at work and are considering looking for employment elsewhere. You may wish to discuss your employment situation with someone close. Perhaps your relationship is on the rocks, and you look to your friend for advice.

Both of the scenarios mentioned above require discretion. It goes without saying that such matters should be treated with the utmost respect.

Will They Spill the Beans?

Here are five questions to ask yourself before divulging your secret to someone:

1. Is the person reliable?

Think about the individual’s overall reliability. Are they dependable in most areas of their life? When you need them, are they available? Do other people view them as reliable?

One’s reliability in other areas of life strongly correlates with dependability and trustworthiness. If the individual displays reliability, odds are they make decisions carefully, and with both sensitivity and specificity.

2. Is the person dramatic?

Put simply, drama queens (or kings) are not good at keeping secrets.

Here’s an excerpt from a study undertaken at the University of Texas: “People with drama-prone personalities generally live chaotic lives and inflict contrived crises on family, friends, and co-workers.”

Furthermore, ‘high drama’ people are prone to actively search for and “engage in gossip about others.”

Can’t be much clearer than that.

RELATED ARTICLE: 5 Things To Always Keep Secret

3. Do they actively listen? 

Researchers from the University of Colorado define active listening as “listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding.”

Here are a few signs of active listening:

– full attention on the speaker (you)

– repeating or paraphrasing what was said

– asking questions for clarity

– good eye contact

– minimization of distractions

When a person is skillful at active listening, they have a solid understanding and comprehension of what was said. Active listeners are generally thoughtful, logical, and non-impulsive.

In other words, seek out an active listener when it comes to sensitive topics.

4. Do they have a “history”?

While our past doesn’t necessarily define our future, it may be a good indication of a person’s character. Evaluating a persons history should not be undertaken judgmentally or with bias. We’ve all made mistakes!

That said, a secret is a sacred trust. There is little to no room for an error in judgment. As such, we must consider our history with the other person.

People with a “bad history” – however you may define the term– are quite well-known.

Have they violated someone else’s trust? Do they partake in office gossip? Do they regularly display eccentric and unstable behavior? All of these are important questions to consider.

5. What is the secret? 

Consider a couple of things: (a) what is the topic of discussion? (b) why are you choosing to divulge this information?

The purpose of asking these questions is to get you thinking about potential outlets. For example, if it’s a relationship issue, is this conversation better had with someone in a professional setting?

The more personal the matter, the more appropriate it is to seek counsel from someone with the relevant expertise. Most employers offer some kind of employee assistance program (EAP in the United States) that pay for a certain number of counseling sessions.

(As someone who’s dealt with a tough personal issue, the writer can not place enough emphasis on the importance of taking advantage of EAP or other free programs.)

There is also a multitude of online forums in which to express yourself anonymously. Quora is an excellent outlet for asking questions – and (sometimes) receiving expert advice/opinions.


How To Make Detox Foot Pads At Home to Flush Toxins

The foot is an amazing structure.

“The NHS (National Health System) Choices website says there is ‘reasonably good evidence’ that acupuncture is effective in treating a wide range of conditions, including back pain, dental pain, headache, nausea after operations, and osteoarthritis of the knee. And there are plenty of anecdotes from patients…” – David Derbyshire

2000 years later …

And acupuncture is still proving skeptics wrong. If mindfulness meditation is ‘Exhibit A’ for the figurative defense of traditional therapy, acupuncture is ‘Exhibit B.’

Despite the outspoken skepticism from a minority of individuals within the medical community, certain aspects of traditional medicine have proven beneficial.

Foot pads and acupuncture

You may be wondering “What the heck do foot pads have to do with acupuncture?”

Fair question. The short answer is “a lot.”

Research proves that acupuncture is effective, in part, because it improves the body’s autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. Detoxifying foot pads work very similarly.

How detox foot pads work

While we’ll bypass the anatomy and physiology lesson (Thank Heavens); instead, let’s talk a bit about the mechanisms behind these foot pads.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt of the American Academy of Neural Therapy says:

“The major (effect) of the foot pads is in the stimulation of the liver and kidney meridians. This increases the metabolic rate at which the liver and kidney cells detoxify the blood and purify the body.” (Emphasis mine.)

The underlying mechanism of detox foot pads is detoxification through reflexology – a traditional healing technique that utilizes reflex points at the foot’s bottom to activate certain areas of the body. Proponents of detox pads (and acupuncture) state these reflex points play a fundamental role in improving health.

Much of society’s work culture is sedentary in nature. The average worker spends a disproportionate amount of time sitting. As most people aren’t particularly enthusiastic about work, they’ll quickly become lethargic. Of course, this leads to the individual being sedentary at home. It’s a bad cycle.

While sitting may be necessary for certain environments, prolonged sitting (and subsequent inactivity) disrupts blood flow to our lower limbs.

This sedentary lifestyle is not good for overall health. One reason for this is that desk-bound/couch potato living habits inhibit blood circulation. When blood doesn’t properly flow, our entire body – tissues, muscles, cells, and organs – are negatively affected.

How To Make Detox Foot Pads At Home to Flush Toxins

One great thing about making detox foot pads is the simplicity. They’re quick, easy, and cheap. Please note that this process should be done at bedtime. You will leave the pads on overnight and remove them upon waking up.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of finely chopped garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of finely chopped onion
  • A small saucepan
  • Adhesive gauze pads
  • Socks

Here’s what to do:

  • Bring the apple cider vinegar to a boil
  • Add the onion and garlic to the vinegar, and wait 10 minutes
  • Remove saucepan from the stove, allowing it to cool for 20 minutes
  • Saturate (but don’t drench) the gauze pads with the mixture. Be careful not to wet the adhesive.
  • Squeeze the excess liquid from the pads
  • Apply the pads to the center of the each foot’s sole. Ensure the adhesive is firmly in place.
  • Put on a pair of socks.
  • Finish your bedtime ritual, sleep, and peel off the pads in the morning!

Readers: Have you tried a foot detox before? What were the results? Do you plan on trying this method? We’d love to hear from you!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

12 Foods That Make You Smarter

The things we know about our brains have grown by leaps and bounds. In just the past 20 years, we’ve learned more about how the brain works than of all previous years combined.

For instance, we now know that a healthy brain continues to develop new neural connections throughout life (“neuroplasticity”). We also know that intelligence is not fixed. Not so long ago, scientists believed intellect was innate. An “If you got it you got it; if you don’t you don’t” kind of thing.

Which brings us to today’s topic: foods that make you smarter.

That’s right. Choosing the right foods to eat each day can boost your brainpower. Alternatively, eating junk facilitates a “garbage in, garbage out” response from our brain.

The evidence

But you needn’t take our word for it. Here’s an excerpt from a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community health:

“A diet high in fat, sugars, and processed foods in early childhood may result in lower IQ scores, while a diet rich in healthy foods packed with vitamins and nutrients may work in reverse.”

Here’s another one from a 2016 study undertaken by scientists at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign:

Previous studies have found that a person’s lutein (found in spinach, and eggs) is linked to cognitive performance across the life span, [particularly] in the gray matter of brain regions … [preserving] cognitive function in healthy brain aging.”

The importance of the above two studies cannot be overstated. Nutrition affects the cognitive health (thus, intelligence) in people of all ages.

What this means for you…

We know you’re anxious to get to the brain-boosting stuff, so we’ll keep this short and sweet.

If you eat right, and “exercise” your brain (and body!), you can improve your cognitive health. By forming new neural connections, you can learn a new skill faster, feel better, live a happier life, or whatever you’d like!

The Foods

Here’s are the 12 foods to stock up on if you want to give your brain a boost:

1. Eggs

As mentioned in the first study, eggs are a rich source of lutein – a natural carotenoid. Lutein helps to prevent or slow cognitive decline in experimental studies.

Regarding brain power, eggs primary value is in their amino acid content. Eggs also assist learning and memory through assisting in the production of noradrenaline, dopamine, and GABA.

2. Spinach

Spinach is a nutritional powerhouse – literally – it is called a superfood by nutritionists and dietitians. It’s packed with folate, a nutrient that stimulates brain activity.

Spinach is an underrated source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for brain tasks such as learning, memory, and attention.

3. Fish Oil

About half of our 3-pound brain comprises lipids or fatty acids. Fish oil, of course, is rich in all types of fatty acids.

Omega-3’s have a profound effect on our brain’s structure and function. They also boost our cognition, memory and have anti-aging effects.

4. Bananas

Bananas are another superfood, rich in potassium, magnesium, and vitamins C and B6. B6 helps produce the brain chemicals dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and GABA.

Maybe that’s the reason the Minions are so smart. Hmm …

5. Whole Grains

Whole grains are a healthy source of complex carbohydrates, which breaks down into glucose – the brain’s primary energy source. Because whole grains break down slowly, their energy-producing effects last for hours.

6. Dark Berries

Blueberries and raspberries are full of antioxidants, which help fight off free radicals. Antioxidants thereby encourage nerve cell production within the brain and body. Neurons, the brain’s “signaling” cells, require protection; and a handful of dark berries helps with this function.

7. Legumes

Legumes contain grain seeds called pulses. These seeds are rich in all types of essential minerals, including iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. They also include a bunch of B-vitamins, including niacin, thiamine, and folate.

8. Avocado

Another superfood, avocados are saturated with healthy fats, vitamin E, carotene and lycopene (the latter two are antioxidants), and other important minerals.

Vitamin E serves some vital functions; not only is it a potent antioxidant, but ‘E’ is also a critical vitamin in producing the brain chemicals acetylcholine (learning and memory) and GABA (the “relax me” chemical.)

9. Coffee and tea


Coffee and tea are well-known for the stimulant effects, but they have plenty of other benefits as well.

Both beverages have protective effects on the brain. Many studies have shown that coffee and tea aids cognitive function and potentially slows the progress of Alzheimer’s Disease.

10. Shellfish

Seafood and crustaceans are both rich in Vitamin B12 and protein. B12 supports the production of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Shellfish are also rich in the minerals copper, iodine, lithium, manganese, and zinc.

11. Dairy products

As mentioned, the brain is about 50 percent fat. Deficiency in essential fats is linked to degenerative diseases, including multiple sclerosis (MS).

When eaten in moderation, dairy products can drastically improve brain function. Yogurt, cheese, and milk all contain healthy amounts of calcium, magnesium, protein, and vitamin D.

12. Nuts and Seeds

There may be a reason why walnuts look like a miniature brain. Per numerous studies, walnuts are the most powerful nut or seed for brainpower and brain health. Rich in vitamin E and zinc, virtually any nut or seed can enhance cognitive skills and memory. Their properties also help prevent cognitive decline and promote healthy blood circulation.

Wrapping Up

The fact that nutrition helps brain health isn’t much of a surprise to anyone. However, only very recently did we find just how important a well-balanced diet is for not only brain health, but intelligence, memory, and other cognitive functions.

So, whether you want to boost productivity, feel happier, or give your brain an edge, stocking your kitchen with some of these foods is a great place to start!


Researchers Explain What The Shape of Your Lips Say About You

The eyes may be where others are focusing their gaze, but they may also be watching the movement and shape of your lips and subconsciously thinking what your lips say about you. We kiss, talk, eat, and breathe through this important facial feature, but we rarely think about them. Our lip prints are as unique as our fingerprints, but unlike our fingertips, our mouth shapes and fullness may change as we age.

You may not have considered what the shape of your lips reveals about you. What does the shape of your upper lip, lower lip, outer and inner lip edges, outer right and left corners of your mouth, chin point, and upper lip points say about you? The two lip corners and their relative positions to the middle of the lips are used as landmarks to measure the significant lip features, such as the upper and lower points and their symmetry from right to left. Below, we explore some of the more common shapes and what they say about your personality.

Researchers Explain What The Shape of Your Lips Say About You


What the shape of your upper lip points say about you

Philium is the name of the shapely ‘V’ or ‘U’ of the upper lip center directly below the nose, usually a channel from the nose to the center of the upper lip where a defined ridge shape can be seen. The philium is either pointed, like the shape of a letter V, rounded, like the shape of a letter U, or nonexistent.

The philium is the predominant lip shape feature often highlighted or outlined by makeup. The upper points or philium have ten distinct shapes; what they say about you is as unique as your personality.

Here are the mouth shapes and their meanings:

The lip shape is defined by the lower and upper vermillion borders of the mouth. The vermillion border is the borderline separating the skin of the face below the nose and the vermillion zone of the upper lip. The shape of the upper vermillion lip border had distinctive types, which are:

1. Twin peaks (V shape) – Creative
2. Uneven peaks – Sensitive
3. Cantilever bridge (flat line between peaks) – Inquisitive
4. Suspension bridge (U shape) – Outgoing
5. Double convex (two rounded peaks) – Flirtatious
6. Butterfly (softer V peaks)- Kind
7. Dome (single curve) – Outspoken
8. Flying bird (outer edge of peak tapers to corner) – Nurturing
9. Flat (no points) – Logical

In a study of lip shapes and genetic markers, researchers applied the method of high-resolution 3D imaging to test the potential genetic associations of lip and other facial variations. The researchers hoped to be able to predict genetic variations by facial shapes. This study was the first to prove that the human gene rs642961 affects normal facial shape variation, which can be seen in individuals with more protrusive and thicker lips. The human gene rs642961 is the same gene responsible for the cleft lip shape, which reconstructive cosmetic surgery can often correct.

What the shape of your closed lip line says about you

When you close your lips without smiling, the line between your lips has several different lip shapes. Here are a few shapes that lip forensic researchers look for and what they may say about you:

1. Straight – Trustworthy, Conservative
2. Notch or deep wrinkle near the center – Distinctive, Intellectual
3. Upturned – Generous, Attentive
4. Downturned – Self-focused, Moody
5. Sinuous (curvy) – Graceful, Sensuous

What your upper vs. lower lip size says about you

Larger upper lip than lower lip – Charismatic, Talkative, Leader

Larger lower lip than upper lip – Adventurous, Pleasure-seeking, Imaginative

Upper and lower lips equal size – Practical, Impartial, Focused

Research in the journal Plastic Surgery International points to how lip size may also affect a person’s smile. They note that individuals with a thinner upper lip usually show more of their teeth when smiling and have a higher smile compared to individuals with thicker lips.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Lip forensics

7 Signs of Toxic Kidneys

Our kidneys are always at work. Day and night, they help eliminate toxins and waste products from the body. In addition to the key roles that kidneys plan in toxin and waste removal, they are also responsible for:

  • Regulating the amount of fluid within the body
  • Maintaining internal homeostasis (balance) is crucial to the health
  • Creating urine from by-products

Numerous kidney conditions affect different areas of the organ. Most situations do not impact the whole kidney and its structure. Instead, most disorders stem from problems with the renal artery and renal vein (the blood vessels to and from the kidney), tissues within the kidney, or the ureter, responsible for transferring urine from the kidney to the bladder.

Kidney disorders are unique in that their symptoms are very similar, if not the same. Here, we discuss the seven most common symptoms of kidney disorder.

Let’s go!

7 Signs of Unhealthy Kidneys


1. Irregular urine odor

Urine odor can vary from person to person. Much of this has to do with someone’s diet, level of hydration, physical activity level, or the temperature in their environment.

Most people have a sort of “musty ammonia odor” due to the trace amounts of urea in their urine. (Urea is an organic element essential to the process of urination.)

If a kidney malfunction is present, it’s common for urine to give off either a fishy or sweet smell. A change in urine odor can also occur from diabetes, liver disease, and even certain supplements.

2. Changes in urine color

In a healthy person, urine will have a pale yellow hue. Those who drink a lot of water may have lighter-colored or clear urine, both of which are normal. Dehydration may produce a dark yellow color, which is not necessarily dangerous but should remind you to drink more fluids.

Urine that is brown, black, orange, pink, or red is abnormal and could signal an underlying disorder or disease. Blood in the urine (hematuria) produces red to pink-colored urine – and should prompt us to visit a doctor to rule out a serious condition.

3. Visible changes in urine

Urine is composed of approximately 95 percent water. The other 5 percent are a mix of minerals, metabolized drugs, and other substances. The high water concentration usually produces clear to dark yellow urine depending on hydration levels.

When there are visible changes, such as pus or froth in urine, it is necessary to have a check-up. Excess protein in the urine may also signify a problem, but it isn’t always visible. Pus or saliva in the urine may result from an underlying infection.

4. Pain in the abdominal area

As the kidneys are situated in the abdominal cavity, wherein many other organs lie, it can be challenging to pinpoint the source of pain without a doctor’s help. However, kidney pain tends to be located around the edges of the abdomen and the back.

Despite popular belief, a burning sensation while urinating is usually not a kidney problem. Instead, it’s more likely to be a urinary tract infection or UTI. Of course, a UTI necessitates medical intervention and treatment.

5. Urine frequency

Typically, a healthy person will pass from approximately 16 to 100 ounces of water, depending on the water consumed. (It’s considered beneficial to be in the sixty to the hundred-ounce range.)

Kidney problems can produce excess or shortage of urine expelled. An oliguria condition will cause a person to make less than the average amount of urine. Polyuria is when a person expels more than 100 ounces of water daily. Again, water intake has a lot to do this. But sudden changes in urine frequency without altering fluid intake may cause concern.

6. Swelling, nausea, and shortness of breath

Swelling, especially of the legs, may surface as the kidneys cannot expel the average amounts of urine. This condition is more broadly described as “water retention.” Shortness of breath may occur as the blood’s pH levels are erratic, which burdens the respiratory system more. Nausea (a comprehensive symptom) may surface as byproducts accumulate in the bloodstream.

7. Other symptoms

As with many other vital organs, the kidney can produce seemingly unrelated symptoms. Some symptoms reported by medical professionals upon diagnosing a kidney condition include confusion, headaches, fatigue, muscle cramps, seizure, and skin discoloration.

Prevention and treatment

It is also important to mention that certain racial and ethnic groups are at a higher risk for kidney failure than others. Compared to Caucasians, the rate for African-Americans is nearly four times higher; Native Americans and Hispanics, 1.5 times higher, and Asians at 1.4 times higher.

The two most common causes of kidney disease are diabetes (approx. 44%) and high blood pressure (28%). Per, the top five ways to protect your kidneys are:

  • Eating healthier foods and having a well-balanced diet
  • Limiting salt and caffeine intake
  • Prioritizing rest (not overworking)
  • Regular exercise
  • Reduction of sugar and fat intake

kidneys infection

Reducing stress whenever possible is the best preventative measure you can take, not just for preventing kidney disease but nearly every other adverse health condition.

Urinary strip tests may be purchased at certain pharmacies. Self-screening is a good idea to rule out the more severe kidney conditions, but it is still advisable to seek a professional opinion.

Treatment depends on whether the condition is acute (short-term) or chronic. A critical kidney condition may be due to many things, and a doctor must order tests to determine the appropriate treatment. Provided treatment is administered correctly. The recovery rate is high.

Chronic kidney conditions generally require dialysis or a transplant. Again, the earlier the situation is discovered, the better.

It is vital to have a comprehensive physical done every year. If you should identify with any of the above-mentioned symptoms, please seek the advice of a medical professional.

10 Ways to Have Healthier Kidneys

If you hope to avoid these issues later in life, make these healthy lifestyle choices.

1. Control your blood pressure

One of the best ways to have healthier kidneys is to control your blood pressure. Normalize your blood pressure with a healthy lifestyle that includes staying physically active and eating well for your heart foods. Heart-healthy foods include foods such:

  • Avocados
  • Beans
  • Berries
  • Dark chocolate
  • Fatty fish
  • Fish oil
  • Leafy greens: Mustard greens, Swiss chard, kale, collard greens, and spinach
  • Walnuts
  • Whole grains

2.  Stay physically active

Exercise lowers your risk of developing unhealthy kidneys. It helps avoid heart disease and high blood pressure, both significant contributors to sick kidneys and related problems. Staying active also enables you to control your cholesterol. Evidence shows that exercising and limiting a sedentary lifestyle leads to healthier, better-functioning kidneys. Choose activities that keep you moving, such as:

  • Aerobic exercising
    Biking-indoors or outdoors
  • Dancing
  • Swimming
  • Skiing
  • Walking

3. Eat a healthful diet

A healthy or salubrious diet includes consuming natural foods instead of processed foods. Choose fresh vegetables and healthy fruits, whole grains, and lean meats. Try low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Avoid fast foods which are loaded with sugar and fat. Try swapping out unhealthy ingredients in your recipes for healthier choices. Some simple healthy food swaps include these:

  • Swap out your white potatoes for sweet potatoes
  • Eat rye bread instead of white bread
  • Choose brown rice rather than white rice
  • Choose olive oil with balsamic vinegar and spices instead of store-bought salad dressing
  • Use Greek dressing instead of sour cream
  • Eat frozen grapes instead of popsicles

4. Get screened regularly

If you have a family history of similar problems, get screened regularly for kidney disease. Screening involves a urine test to look for damage. You may need a blood test to gauge how well your kidneys work—the urine test checks for albumin, a protein. The blood test looks for GFR, and glomerular filtration rate, which checks how well your kidneys filter. Also, if your family history involves heart disease, you need to get checked out because heart disease and kidney disease go hand in hand.

5. Manage your diabetes

Kidney disease develops slowly with few to no symptoms. You can have kidney disease and not know it until it’s advanced. But if you have diabetes, you are at a high risk of kidney disease. Approximately one out of every three adults with diabetes ends up with kidney disease. Your kidneys comprise millions of tiny filters called nephrons. Diabetes damages nephrons, so they don’t work, causing damage to your kidneys.

6. Take medications properly

Anytime you take medication, there is a risk. Even over-the-counter drugs have side effects that can be harmful. Therefore, it’s essential to take any medication properly. Here are the medicines that can be harmful to your kidneys.

  • Pain meds: Pain medications such as naproxen sodium, ibuprofen, and aspirin can cause damage if misused. Many people have unknowingly damaged their kidneys from overmedicating with these drugs. Never take more than the recommended daily dose of these medications. If you want healthier kidneys, find other ways to deal with your pain, such as
    • Acupuncture
    • Biofeedback
    • Chiropractic adjustments
    • Massage
    • Herbal remedies
  • Antibiotics are prescription drugs, but they can still damage your kidneys if taken improperly. Some countries have over-the-counter antibiotics. Never buy online antibiotic drugs. They may contain ingredients that have harmful side effects on your kidneys.
  • Prescription laxatives: Typically, over-the-counter laxatives are okay, but prescription laxatives can harm your kidneys. These laxatives use sodium phosphate crystal deposition, which may cause a sudden loss of kidney function or injure your kidneys. This is called phosphate nephropathy.

If you must take medications, always take them as your medical provider advises to avoid damaging your kidneys.

7. Lose weight if you need to

Extra weight can harm your kidneys. Being overweight ups your risk of diabetes and hypertension. Both conditions can cause kidney disease. If you’re overweight, here are some ways to reduce your risk of kidney disease.

  • Make some lifestyle changes: Start exercising and control your portion sizes.
  • Control your blood sugar to avoid diabetes.
  • Control your blood pressure.
  • Figure out your Body Mass Index (BMI). A normal BMI should be around 18 to 25. If your BMI is 25 to 30, you’re overweight, and if your BMI is over 30, you’re obese. Try to lose weight and exercise to gain muscle, healthier than fat.

8. Curb your alcohol

Alcohol upsets the function of your kidneys, so they can’t filter as well. It also lessens your body’s ability to regulate fluids and electrolytes. Alcohol is dehydrating, and that affects your kidneys.

9. Suspend your smoking

Both smoking and secondhand smoke put you at risk for cardiovascular disease, which harms your body’s veins and arteries. This directly affects your kidney’s ability to filter your blood. Smoking can damage your kidneys in several ways, including:

  • Reduced blood flow to your kidneys
  • Narrowing of your blood vessels, including the blood vessels in your kidneys
  • Arteriosclerosis is the thickening of your arteries, including your kidneys

The CDC says that if you have kidney disease when you quit smoking, it can slow its progression.

10. Drink plenty of fluids

If possible, drink at least a liter and a half of daily water. But you may need to drink more water during the summer.  Some health conditions also require that you drink more water. Other factors that affect how much water you drink include:

  • Gender
  • If you’re pregnant
  • Breastfeeding
  • Hot climates

Water helps clear out the sodium and toxins from your kidneys. When you drink plenty of fluids, you will have healthier kidneys. If you’ve had kidney stones, drinking lots of water to flush out your kidneys is essential.


Final Thoughts on Toxic Kidneys and How to Improve Them

Your kidneys work day and night to eliminate toxins and waste from your body. These vital organs are worth protecting. Keep an eye out for signs of poor health. Of course, this damage can occur with few to no symptoms, so keeping them healthy is critical. Keeping your weight down, limiting your alcohol consumption, following medication instructions, and suspending smoking are ways to have healthier organs.

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