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5 Signs You Have Sun Poisoning

When summer comes around, going out to the beach or the park when the sun is out just seems natural. Sometimes, though, we don’t always remember our sunscreen. When we spend all day out in the sun, most people expect to get a little tan, or maybe even a bit of redness or sunburn.

However, this isn’t the only danger to consider when you’re out in the sun all day. When you get too much sun, your skin becomes damaged by the UV rays. While it isn’t technically poisoning, it’s a name given to sunburn that is so severe that it affects the rest of your immune system. Here’s how to tell if your sunburn has turned into sun poisoning.

5 Signs You Are Suffering From Sun Poisoning

So how do you know if you have sun poisoning? And what does sun poisoning feel like? Here are some of the main symptoms and signs that you may be suffering from sun poisoning. Severe sunburns and subsequent sun poisoning can take effect after a relatively short time in the sun, so it is important to prevent sunburns with protective clothing and sunscreen, and treat with typical sunburn relief methods as soon as possible when the symptoms start to arise.

“A severe sunburn can be the start of this problem, which can increase over time until people cannot tolerate any sun exposure at all.” – Dr. Andrew Weil

1. You’re experiencing flu-like symptoms

sun poisoning

When you spend too much time in the sun, the damage done by UV rays can release chemicals into your body that then turn on your immune system. The achy, flu-like feeling that results is caused by sun poisoning. While it isn’t technically poisoning, it’s a name given to sunburn that is so severe that it affects the rest of your immune system.

According to dermatologist John Anthony, “When the skin is damaged by UV rays, it releases chemicals that basically turn on the immune system and make you feel terrible like you’ve got the flu.” So, if it’s summertime and you feel like you’ve got the flu, this could be a sign that you’ve got sun poisoning. Visit your doctor if you’re feeling like you caught the flu after a day at the beach.

2. Your skin starts prickling and gets too hot to touch

When you get regular sunburn, your skin is hot to the touch and it becomes uncomfortable with pressure — you might feel like you are having an allergic reaction. However, sun poisoning is going to hurt way, way worse. While sunburns tend not to hurt if you leave them alone, sun poisoning will cause a prickling sensation all over your body, and can cause pain so severe you may feel like screaming.

To relieve the pain, ensure you get a cool compress, aloe gel and ibuprofen to wait out the pain.

3. You start feeling dizzy or lightheaded

A combination of too much sun and dehydration can leave you feeling dizzy, nauseous and suffering through a mighty headache. If your head feels lightheaded, the best thing to do is get plenty of rest and stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids and lay down if you have to.

According to Dr. Richard Foxx, “You might start to feel dizzy, have bouts of nausea, or have a headache (to name a few), along with a sun rash. It’s important to note that sunstroke symptoms differ from sun poisoning and sunburn. Drink plenty of fluids for a few days. Ensure a few of these have electrolytes in them so your body gets rebalanced.”

Spending too much time in the sun can make you sweat, which will can quickly dehydrate your body and lead to that uncomfortable, dizzy feeling.

4. You start running a fever or just feel feverish

A fever means that your body is trying to fight something off. If you feel like you’re getting feverish when you’re out in the sun, or just after you come inside, it’s best to call your doctor or visit the urgent care. Spiking a fever means something is going wrong inside your body, and the cause could be sun poisoning.

To avoid this, make sure that the next time you go out in the sun, you apply sunscreen at least a half an hour before heading out, and to keep reapplying every couple of hours.

5. You start falling asleep in the sun

It can be so tempting to just drift off to sleep while laying on the beach or poolside. However, when you’re asleep you can’t accurately gauge how much sun your body is getting and whether or not you need to move inside. Sunburn can happen fairly quickly, and it can take a few hours to a whole night for the effects to reach their maximum potency. Try to avoid this kind of long term sun exposure, especially without protective clothing, but if you happen to fall asleep in the sun, take precautions and stay hydrated, even if you think you might be feeling okay.

Sun poisoning can be incredibly uncomfortable, and while not often fatal, it still isn’t fun. After a day in the sun, monitor your skin for any redness and keep hydrated just in case you spend too long enjoying the warm weather. There are ways to soothe a sunburn after being in the sun, but the best way to ensure you don’t get sun poisoning while you’re out and about is to follow medical advice and apply sunscreen 30 minutes before you leave the house.

If you’re swimming at the beach or the pool, apply every two hours afterward when you get out of the water. Stay hydrated as well! Make sure you always have water with you. If you are worried that you might be experiencing something beyond a regular sunburn, contact your local health care professional, and follow their medical advice. You’ll sweat more than you realize when you’re out in the sun, especially if you’re swimming.  Summer is always fun, but it’s crucial to ensure safety comes first!

6 Silent Signs Your Sunburn Is Actually Sun Poisoning
Symptoms of Sun Poisoning (Sunburn)

10 Sentences To Never Say In A Relationship

No relationship is easy. Fights can happen, arguments can arise, and in the heat of the moment, we all can sometimes say things that we don’t mean to. While our mouths often run off without our brains, it’s important to make sure that nothing we say during an argument can lead to deeply hurt feelings or a loss of trust – or to making the argument worse!

So, even when in the middle of an argument, there are definitely things that shouldn’t be said.

Here Are 10 Sentences You Should Never Say In A Relationship

1. “You’re overreacting.”

This is the easiest way to invalidate someone’s emotions. Suggesting that your partner is overreacting is the easiest way to lead to hurt feelings. Besides, in the middle of an argument, emotions are going to be running high. Acknowledging how the other person feels is the best way to deal with those emotions. Suggesting that they’re over-the-top or unnecessary is only going to make the other person even more upset.

2. “You let me down.”

Even if your partner did disappoint you, it’s best to explain exactly how and why. Rather than pulling the disappointment card and making the other person feel guilty, try explaining the expectations that you had and what can be done in the future to help you and your partner achieve the needed goal. Trying to make the other person feel guilty isn’t going to solve the problem; it’ll just make it worse.

3. “Calm down.”

There’s nothing that can rile a person up more than hearing someone tell them to calm down when they’re not even close to overreacting. If they were throwing objects or screaming, this might be an appropriate phrase. However, if your partner is legitimately upset and expressing their emotions, albeit passionately, telling them to “calm down” is only going to have the opposite effect – while minimizing how they feel. It’s best to let the other person say what they need to say and express how they feel.

4. “Just drop it.”

Sometimes, we all need to step away from an argument for our own mental health. However, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do this. According to licensed mental health counselor Nicki Nance, “Don’t say anything dismissive in the middle of a conversation as a way to avoid talking about something uncomfortable. Dropping a conversation midway diminishes the importance of the relationship and makes your partner feel unheard.”

If the argument is getting to be too much, simply asking, “Can we take a break from this?” can pause the discussion until both people are feeling more capable of continuing. However, telling someone to “just drop it” is shutting down the discussion, locking the door, and throwing away the key.

5. “You’re such a…”

If this is followed by any kind of expletive, or anything other than “…kind and caring partner”, you might want to forgo finishing that sentence. Name-calling is not only immature, but it doesn’t get the argument anywhere. In fact, if can be downright mean and one person can feel legitimately hurt when their partner resorts to name-calling or swearing in the middle of an argument. Sometimes, we say things we don’t mean – and we can’t always take them back afterward.

6. “Maybe we should break up.”

Threatening to walk out and leave the relationship during an argument is both manipulative and the cause of mistrust and hurt feelings. The only thing that pulling this particular card will do is make the other person feel like they have to walk on eggshells during a disagreement to avoid being broken up with. Out of all the things never to say during an argument or in the heat of the moment, this is the big one.

7. “You don’t know anything.”

“Making someone feel worthless is harmful as it cuts to the core value of a person. It’s emotionally and spiritually violent, and it chips away at a person’s self-worth.” – Natasha Sandy

Differing opinions and disagreements happen in relationships all the time. Whether or not you and your partner agree has no bearing on what your partner does or doesn’t know. The only thing this phrase will do is make the other person feel small. It’s possible to disagree, even during an argument, in a respectful manner that doesn’t insult the other person’s intelligence. According to counselor and therapist Natasha Sandy, “It’s much easier to stop yourself from saying such disrespectful, hurtful words than it is to try undoing the damage afterward.”

8. “You’re being crazy.”

Emotions can run high, but just because someone is emotional doesn’t mean that they’re not thinking logically. Dismissing someone’s reality is cruel and unfair, and it’ll only serve to make the other person distrusting in the relationship and less prone to sharing how they’re really feeling. Allow your partner to explain and share their feelings and their perception of the situation without dismissing how they feel.

9. “It’s fine.”

Only say “it’s fine”, if it really is fine, and then make sure to follow up with an assurance that yes, it is actually fine. If it – whatever it is – isn’t actually fine, then your partner needs to know. While it may work to smooth over a bump in the road, the underlying problem in the foundation will still be there. The only way for things to be fine is if they’re worked on by both partners, not if one partner is running away from the argument.

10. “I’m done.”

When someone says “I’m done”, the meaning is quite clear to their partner: they’re not worth fighting for. According to licensed psychotherapist and relationship expert Rhonda Richards-Smith, “This statement sends a very abrupt and dismissive message to your partner that they can become expendable in an instant.”

If you’re not really done, don’t say that you are. Again, this will only make the other person feel as if they have to be careful about what they say or feel, or risk being walked away from. If you need to step away from the argument, that’s one thing. But don’t throw it all away on one little fight!

Even in the middle of a passionate argument, it’s important that we keep our heads about us. Saying something we don’t mean can damage a relationship, and there are always some things that are said that can’t be taken back. Arguments can always be put on hold if we feel like we may say or do something we’ll regret.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Smart Ways To Deal With A Hostile Ex

Hopefully, you’ll never have to experience a hostile ex-partner. However, if you do find yourself in the situation where you have an ex that won’t leave you alone or is plaguing you with texts, phone calls, or even threats, you need to know how to handle it. Break-ups can be messy, and not all of them end amicably.

When an ex-partner refuses to accept that they’re no longer part of the other person’s life, it can lead to some pretty scary situations. The most important thing to know is to stay smart and stay safe. It may be tempting to plan revenge against an ex-partner who is stalking and threatening you, but the goal is to not antagonize them into further action. Here are some tips on how to deal with a hostile ex while staying positive.

5 Smart Ways To Tell Your Hostile Ex To Leave You Alone

“When suspicion and hostility is allowed to fester, it can erupt into unrest.” –  Loretta Lynch

1. Figure out what your ex wants and talk it through

This can be anything from acknowledging their feelings, to getting back together. If it’s the former, try and figure out what feelings they need validated and see if you can talk through them in a positive and healthy manner that doesn’t dissolve into name-calling and arguments.

If it’s the latter, make it clear that you have no intentions of getting back together. It may be tempting to try and placate them with a vague “someday, maybe”, but this will only add fuel to the fire in the long run. The goal is here is to figure out what they want from you so that you can figure out how best to get them to leave you alone.

2. Don’t take the bait and be part of the scheme to get your attention

You may notice that if your ex is not getting the response out of you that they desire, they may move on to other tactics to get your attention. For instance, they may create false emergencies to get you to speak to them, or they may threaten self-harm or suicide. If you’re worried, contact someone close to them who can help – either to assist them in a real emergency, or talk them down from doing something self-destructive to get your attention.

Err on the side of caution if your ex is continually leaving you hanging with cliff hangers and promises of discovered secrets. Chances are, they’re just trying to get you to talk to them.

3. Don’t meet up with your ex unless absolutely necessary

According to licensed marriage and family therapist, Ron L. Deal, “Face-to-face interaction has the most potential for conflict.  Use the phone when possible or even talk to their answering machine if personal communication erupts into arguments.” Sometimes, you just can’t avoid seeing your ex-partner, especially if you’re going through a divorce or there are kids involved.

If your ex is particularly hostile, you should only meet up with them in populated areas to avoid public outbursts, or to have witnesses to any kind of harassment – verbal or otherwise. If you’re feeling particularly vulnerable, bringing a friend with you is good.

Your ex may not feel like lashing out in front of someone else, and there can always be someone there to make sure that help can be called if needed.

4. Document everything, whether it’s a phone call, messages or emails

If your ex is stalking you or leaving you threatening text messages and voicemails, you’re going to want to save everything. Or if your ex is coming to your house and trying to get you to let them in, record the incident on your phone either with the camera of voice memo. If, God forbid, you have to get the law involved, physical evidence is going to hold up a lot better than he said-she said.

According to licensed marriage and family therapist, Virginia Gilbert, “Do not listen to conventional wisdom that your ex will “move on” in time. Well-adjusted people move on; high-conflict personalities never quench their thirst for revenge and their desire to feel like “the good one.” Document everything; save hostile e-mails, take screen shots of abusive texts, note every violation of your court orders.”

Let your ex’s calls go to voicemail and save any threatening or harassing messages. If the only time that they threaten you is when you pick up the phone, have a voice recorder and put the phone on speaker so you can record everything they’re saying.

5. Have a support network to confide in when you feel defeated

Whether your support network is close friends or family members, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to deal with this alone. Keeping a network of people who can support you during this time means that you are not only getting the emotional support you need to handle the situation, but it can also serve as a warning that your ex may approach them in the coming days for information about you. Friends and family can also help document anything your ex does that is worrying, harassing, or threatening.

Hostile ex-partners can be scary, but a way to handle them can keep you safe. Knowing the right course of action means you’re already ahead of them. While your ex’s actions may be largely driven by negative emotions, you’ll have the tools to deal with the situation while staying safe, positive and smart. Remember: never fight fire with fire when it comes to a hostile ex. It can be tempting to retaliate, but it may not stop your ex’s behavior. Don’t be afraid to call the police if you need to. Making sure you and everyone else involved stays safe is the number one priority!

Dealing with a Difficult Ex-Spouse: 10 Tips to Help You Cope
What Therapists Don’t Tell You About Divorcing A High-Conflict Personality

Relationship Experts Reveal 5 Secrets to Happy Marriages

Research psychologist and relationship expert John Gottman explains over 40 years of research in his book What Makes Love Last ,” that trust and commitment are the two biggest secrets to happy marriages. Beyond that, we asked our community of relationship experts to reveal more secrets to happy marriages.

Anyone who is married will tell you that it’s hard work. It’s a commitment that requires more effort than simply long-term dating. When you bring someone into your life in a permanent way, you’re going to have a few bumps along the way. Just because marriage can be difficult, doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth it! Marriage can be a blissful time in someone’s life, filled with all of the best memories.

Marriage can bring couples strength and support that they may not otherwise have. Not all marriages are successful, however. Those that are require effort on the part of both parties to make sure that the marriage stays healthy and successful. Relationship experts have revealed exactly what it takes to make sure that a marriage stays strong.

Here Are 5 Secret Ingredients To Happy Marriages

“The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time.” – Julia Child


According to relationship expert James Preece, “The biggest gift you can give your partner is the chance to miss you.” After the honeymoon phase has ended, you may not find that you want to be around your partner 24/7 anymore- and that’s okay! Being around someone all the time can cause annoyance, or make one person or the other feel smothered.

It’s important that each partner have time to themselves. It’s also important that your partner has a chance to miss you. A marriage is bringing two lives together, not living one life. It’s important that each partner have their own friends and interests in addition to the ones that you share together.

While this may seem easy when dealing with someone you love, we all have had moments where we say things that we don’t mean to say, or adopt a passive aggressive manner to display our displeasure. Focusing on being kind will strengthen any marriage. This includes conceding to your partner’s thoughts, feelings and opinions and validating how they feel, even if you don’t agree.


Being able to have arguments or disagreements and come back with a compromise will make the relationship and the marriage ten times stronger. According to marital therapist Andrew Marshall, “People think love is just about connection, but what’s equally important is to have good relationship skills. And the most important one is to be able to negotiate with one another.”

Being able to negotiate with your husband or wife on even the smallest things can build up both trust and confidence in your ability to communicate, so that when something big happens you’ll be able to dive headfirst with open communication to solve the problem. Arguing until one person gives in will only cause resentment to grow and fester in the marriage, which will weaken the bonds of the relationship.


Give your partner time to speak what’s on their mind. Even if the argument seems to be going nowhere, it’s important that both partners have the space and time to speak. According to therapist Dr. Mike McNulty, “Focus on the stressful things or events that are important to your spouse. Listen. Help your spouse express his or her feelings. Empathize. Show support. Don’t problem solve or fix. Most of us just want to be heard.”


We, as humans, have a tendency to try and bring in a counterpoint against every point made before the other person has an opportunity to say everything they need to say. While it may be tempting to interrupt, it’s important that everyone has an opportunity to speak. And even more essential: both partners have to learn to actively listen. Instead of thinking up a counterargument, listen intently to your partner and hear everything that he or she is saying. Only then can true communication happen.



If you don’t understand a point your partner is making, being kind can mean saying, “Will you help me understand?” Sometimes, being kind means admitting that you’re wrong and saying, “I’m sorry, will you forgive me?” At the same time, being kind means accepting that apology and forgiving your partner and working through the argument in a more affirming manner.


Don’t ever forget the reason that you married one another – that you were in love and enjoyed each other’s company so much you wanted to do it together for the rest of your lives! Having fun together is the best way to build intimacy and to keep your marriage strong. There are times to be serious and there are times to be silly, and a strong marriage has a healthy balance of both. Staying physically intimate is an important part of keeping your marriage strong. Set aside time to have some romantic time together, to have fun with it. This can mean sending the kids away to your parents’ house, or even booking a weekend romantic getaway at a nearby hotel. However you do it, make sure that you always set aside time to reconnect together.

While marriage may not always be smooth sailing, there are ways to keep the ship afloat. Learning how to communicate your needs and feelings with your partner will make sure that you have the foundation to whether any storm, be it financial hardships, grief, upheavals or arguments. Love is an important factor in keeping your marriage strong, but it isn’t always enough. Hopefully, these tips from relationship experts will give everyone the tools they need to make sure their marriage stays healthy – from “I Do”, to the rest of your lives together.

Relationship Experts Reveal The Things All Successfully Married Couples Do
Relationship experts reveal 6 secrets that help power couples stay together

Researchers Reveal Left-Handed People are the Smartest

Are left-handed people more intelligent than their right-handed counterparts?

“The findings are considered to support the view that greater engagement of right-hemispheric resources facilitates the performance of higher order functions that orchestrate cognition, such as mental flexibility, inhibitory control, and working memory operations.” – Beratis et. al (2013)

Okay, so approximately 10 percent of our readership is ecstatic, while 90 percent aren’t. “That’s total B.S!” may be your reaction – but wait, there’s more!

A couple of things to clear up beforehand:

(1) Research swings both ways on the lefty/righty debate.

(2) We are being as objective as possible by using peer-reviewed data.

Intelligence, smarts, or whatever term you may use to describe brainpower is, in itself, a highly debated topic!

Some people call “B.S.” on I.Q tests – and there’s plenty of good reasons. For example, did you know that most “intelligence” tests do not measure creative skills? In other words, most IQ tests do not consider a crucial component of abstract thinking.

But what does science say? We will narrow down the thousands of studies that have “solved” the right/left debate to just a few publications.

Anyways *puff*, onto the science!

Why Left-Handed People Are the Smartest, According to Science


1. “Divergent Thinking”

Interestingly enough, one of the main advantages of being a lefty is divergent thinking – aka, creativity and abstract thought.

Most studies reveal that lefties possess a more developed right hemisphere of the brain, which might have a greater influence on abstract thinking than the left hemisphere.

Another interesting and quite plausible hypothesis is that lefties, as part of a minority group, develop a more individualistic (less group-oriented) mindset. An independent frame of mind and creative giftedness often lead lefties down the path of an artist.

2. Better, faster hand-eye coordination

Some Australian researchers made an interesting observation: 25 percent of Major League Baseball (MLB) players are lefties – 2.5 times the rate of the general population. This number is what scientists call “statistically significant” (i.e., it’s worth a damn.)

A study published in the journal Perceptual and Motor Skills found “statistically significant differences in proportions of left-handed persons” who “(engaged) in “interactive sports.” What’s more interesting is what they didn’t find – an advantage in “non-interactive” sports. The difference? Interactive sports: baseball, boxing, fencing, tennis. Non-interactive: bowling, diving, gymnastics.

In short, lefties (theoretically) have better and faster hand-eye coordination.

They also have…

3. Faster reaction times

Now this “lefties are more athletic” theory is making a bit more sense. Better, quicker hand-eye coordination and faster reaction times? You’d see that scribbled down in some pro scout’s notepad.

In a study published in the journal Neuropsychology, researchers discovered “a relationship (between) interhemispheric transfer time and hemispheric interaction in left-handed participants. (Results) demonstrate significant handedness effects, suggesting that left-handed individuals tend to have more hemispheric interactions.”

This scientific mumbo-jumbo boils down to this: lefties, on average, have faster left/right brain connections than righties. (Couldn’t they have just said that?)

4. Better spatial ability

Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Talented Youth defines spatial ability as “the capability to understand and remember the spatial relations among objects … made up of numerous subskills, which are interrelated among each other and develop through your life.”

Spatial skills are among the most “convenient” to have. For example, someone with this ability is generally excellent with directions. The skillset may also be lucrative. That’s because many lefties enjoy prominence in architecture, engineering, mathematics, and technology.

5. They’re emotionally intelligent

“For left-handed people, implicitly, they think good stuff is on the left, even though consciously, explicitly, everything in language and culture is telling them the exact opposite,” says Daniel Casasanto, psychologist and professor at Stanford University.

Dr. Casasanto makes an important point. For years, and it continues today (though to a lesser extent), left-handed people were/are discriminated against. Did you know that, simply by being born left-handed, many people assumed lefties were “crippled, defective, clumsy, inept, doubtful, questionable, ill-omened, inauspicious and illegitimate”? We were talking less than 100 years ago.

Most of this revolting ignorance has (thankfully) gone by the wayside. Having something in common with five of the last seven presidents, four of five designers of the Mac computer (including Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak – and their competitor, Bill Gates), and possibly the most incredible mind in history – Albert Einstein – will quickly render critics silent.

Plus, lefties have their day: International Lefthanders Day. Yep, that’s pretty cool.

On August 13, be a pal (or look smart) while offering a crisp high-five using your southpaw.


How do lefties adapt to a right-handed world?

Approximately 90% of the world population is right-handed. Individuals who prefer using their left hand are in the minority, with only 10% of the world’s population. Being left-handed is unique. But it also means learning how to adapt to a right-handed world.

Left-handed people tie their shoes differently.

If your parent or teacher is right-handed, as a leftie, you probably had to teach yourself how to tie your shoes. Learning how to hold the shoestrings in one hand while looping the other string around takes practice. Of course, many left-handed people adapt by learning to do tasks like tying their shoes with their right hand.

A left-handed person eats differently.

Although many left-handed people choose to eat like right-handed, some lefties hold their fork in their left hand with the fork tines facing down. They cut their food with the knife in their right hand. Strangely enough, we traditionally called this eating “right-handed eating.”

To make it even more confusing, Europeans eat this way–even righties.

They write uniquely.

Lefties have gotten a bad rap for sloppy handwriting, but that’s not always true. Many lefties have beautiful handwriting. It involved holding a pen differently, shifting the paper to a different angle than a right-handed writer, and trying to write in a right-handed spiral notebook. Still, lefties all face these challenges when they write.

They adapt how they use scissors.

Right-handed individuals should try to use scissors in their left hand to experience the challenge lefties face. Fortunately, left-handed scissors exist–they have different grips and reversed blades so lefties can cut more easily.

They need to move their computer mouse in a different way.

Computers always have the mouse on the right side. Moving the mouse on the left side seems simple enough, but it’s more involved than that. You must go into your computer settings and change the mouse button, or it won’t work.

How they use zippers.

Pants zippers provide an everyday challenge to lefties. So a left-handed person must awkwardly reach around to zip up or down.

How they use cupholders.

Indeed, righties don’t even need to think about most car cup holders are on the right side of the driver’s seat. This means lefties must adapt by setting their coffee in the cup holder with their right hand or reaching around with their left hand at an awkward angle to put their coffee in the cupholder.

They change up how they swipe their credit card.

Most stores’ credit card machines require lefties to reach around and swipe on the right side of the machine. As with many other situations, a left-handed person may adapt by using their right hand to swipe their credit cards.


Giving a signature varies.

If you sign your name on a credit card machine, the pen is always on the right. Lefties must adapt by reaching over the machines and signing their names at an awkward angle.

5 Toxic Ingredients To Stop Using Immediately

It’s hard to know what ingredients are in everything we use daily. From lotion to makeup, to shampoo, there are things that we use every day that often go overlooked because they’re so commonplace. When was the last time we all stopped to really think about the types of ingredients that are being used in our shampoos?

Things that we use every day in our morning or nightly routines could be full of potentially toxic chemicals. Not only are some of these chemicals bad for our bodies, but they’re also bad for our environment. Some of these ingredients are more toxic than others. But there’s still an alternative to help keep our bodies free from unhealthy chemicals. Take a look at these five different toxic ingredients that can be found in our everyday bathroom routine.

If You Have These 5 Toxic Ingredients At Home, Throw Them Away

“Even in tiny amounts, many of the chemicals commonly found in our cosmetics can have a tremendous health and hormonal impact, and we are only beginning to understand the consequences.” – Dr. Trevor Cates


This particular ingredient is a naturally occurring gas. It is often used as a preservative, so if this ingredient sounds familiar, you’re probably thinking back to 8th-grade science class. The EPA and Toxic Substance Control Act heavily regulate the use of formaldehyde. However, there are no restrictions currently for beauty products that contain formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is often a preservative in hair products and face makeup.

When checking ingredients lists, watch out for things like ‘diazolidinyl urea” and “quaternium-15”, preservatives that release formaldehyde.


This is an ingredient that is used in lipstick to keep it moist. You also see petrolatum in lotions and creams. Petrolatum is a “crude oil.” It’s not currently restricted in America, and the FDA has approved its over-the-counter uses. However, with Petrolatum comes a risk of cross-contamination with chemicals that can cause cancer that are often found in crude oil. To cut out petrolatum altogether, buy products made by brands you know don’t use this particular ingredient.

To cut out petrolatum altogether, buy products made by brands you know don’t use this particular ingredient.


This ingredient is found in toothpaste, mouthwash, body wash, deodorants and shampoo. It’s an antibacterial as well as a preservative, however, the FDA has recently banned its usage in both body and hand wash. Yet, it can still be found in mouth products such as toothpaste and mouthwash. While it may be good to fight against gum disease, the risks of long-term triclosan usage show potential disruption to hormones, allergies, and can even be linked to certain cancers. Keep an eye out for this particular ingredient, and try buying natural toothpastes and mouth washes.

Keep an eye out for this particular ingredient, and try buying natural toothpastes and mouth washes.


Another preservative, parabens are often found naturally in fruit and vegetables, such as blueberries or carrots. It is one of the most widely used ingredients in beauty products. The studies on parabens show that a buildup in our bodies can reduce fertility, and their mimicry of estrogens has led to worries about breast cancer in the past. Parabens are not currently restricted in the U.S, and the FDA has not connected them to detrimental effects in our health.

However, alternatives to parabens used in cosmetics may lead to irritation in the skin, so stop using them immediately if your skin reacts poorly.

hand sanitizer


This ingredient isn’t required by law to be placed on ingredient labels. You can find it in everything from our nail polish to our perfume. Phthalates are restricted in using children’s products, however, most households have cosmetics and other items that have phthalates, such as cleaners. To avoid phthalates, keep an eye out for packaging that includes “recycling-code-3” plastics, and any ingredient vaguely described as “fragrance.”

It may seem like everything we use is filled with chemicals that we would not otherwise want on our bodies. But don’t worry. There’s always a more natural alternative. Keeping an eye out on labels and knowing what chemicals to avoid will help make the choice of what products to buy easier!

Natural products will use less chemicals that are both bad for our bodies and bad for our environment, meaning that making the switch between products will do good for everyone in the long run. Keep an eye out for these chemicals, and choose a healthier alternative, if possible!

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