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Do You Feel Tired When You Wake Up? You May Have ‘Morning Fatigue’

What is ‘morning fatigue’?

In simple terms, morning fatigue is a tired feeling and lack of energy early in the day. It is an “umbrella symptom” that encompasses many other symptoms. It is not a disease or illness, per se.

That said, constant morning fatigue – defined as fatigue lasting at least two weeks – is cause for concern. Fatigue during the morning hours is a symptom of certain diseases and is something that should be discussed with your doctor.

Further, morning fatigue impacts your personal and professional life, as a lack of energy makes it difficult to fulfill your obligations.

Constant morning fatigue is usually a sign of some underlying illness, condition, or disease. If you struggle with morning fatigue, you likely experience the following symptoms:

– Chills

– Dizziness when arising from bed

– Dry mouth

– Dryness in the eyes

– Extreme tiredness, which usually improves as the day goes on

– Gastrointestinal discomfort

– Incapable of “getting going”

– Low blood pressure (hypotension)

– Subtle muscular pain

What causes morning fatigue?

As a reminder, morning fatigue is not a medical condition in itself, but a defined set of symptoms that something is wrong – it may be a defective organ or gland, a psychological condition, or something else.

Here are five common reasons for morning fatigue:

mental fatigue

1. Problems breathing during sleep

Breathing difficulties may stem from nasal congestion, sinusitis, and allergies, to obstructive pulmonary diseases such as bronchitis and emphysema.

One commonly ignored symptom is sleep apnea, a condition that causes a person to stop breathing for a short period during sleep. The effects of sleep apnea often wake the person, who may or may not remember being woken. Nonetheless, sleep apnea impairs the quality of sleep.

2. Nighttime hunger

An evening meal void of nutrition takes its toll on the body. Your body – although operating at a lower metabolic rate – still requires fuel when you are sleeping.

Try eating 2-3 hours before bedtime. This is a perfect time window, as its not (or shouldn’t be) long enough to make you feel hungry. You can also try drinking a glass of water, wait 15-30 minutes, and reevaluate your hunger level.

3. Using alcohol or stimulants before bed

A glass of wine or a beer, when accompanied with nutritious food, shouldn’t be enough to disturb your sleep cycle. However, alcohol does nothing to aid your sleep. (You may fall asleep quicker, but alcohol disrupts the brain’s natural circadian rhythm.)

Stimulants, such as caffeine or nicotine, rev up the nervous system. The brain and body must be in a relaxed state to ensure quality sleep. Stimulants produce the opposite effects.

Sedatives and drugs (prescription or illicit) may also adversely affect sleep.

4. Snoring

Snoring can impact your sleep in subtle ways that may not be noticeable at first. Your partner’ sleep quality may also be negatively affected without realizing it.

Relating to breathing disorders, snorers account for a disproportionate number of sleep apnea sufferers. It is a good idea, therefore, to consult with a physician to rule out the condition.

Try losing some weight if you’re heavy. 10 pounds may be the difference between high quality and poor quality sleep. Also try sleeping on your side, as sleeping on your back makes you more prone to snore.

5. Acid Reflux

When stomach acid flows backward into the esophagus, it can produce acid reflux. If this occurs often, it’s possible that you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, which is a prevalent condition.

GERD can interrupt sleep because stomach acid production increases during the nighttime. Further, lying flat eases the passage for acid to travel into the esophagus, producing heartburn. Alcohol, overeating, sleeping before your scheduled bedtime (aside from short naps) and nighttime snacking can worsen GERD, as can certain foods, e.g. spicy or salty foods.

Other medical conditions

As mentioned, it is possible that a serious illness may cause morning fatigue. Per the UK’s National Health Service, several medical conditions may contribute to morning fatigue:

– Coeliac disease: “a type of food intolerance where your body reacts badly when you eat gluten.”

– Anemia: “one of the most common medical reasons for feeling constantly run down is iron deficiency anemia.”

– Chronic fatigue syndrome): “a severe and disabling tiredness that goes on for at least six months.”

– Underactive thyroid: “when you have too little thyroid hormone (thyroxine) in your body. This makes you feel tired.”

– Diabetes: “a long-term condition caused by too much sugar in the blood.”

– Depression: “It can stop you falling asleep or cause you to wake early in the morning, which makes you feel more tired during the day.”

– Restless legs: “(When) you get uncomfortable sensations in your legs, which keeps you awake at night.”

– Anxiety (specifically, GAD): “generalized anxiety disorder (affects) around 1 to 20 people in the UK. As well as feeling worried and irritable, people with GAD often feel tired.”

– Glandular fever: “a common viral infection that causes fatigue, along with fever, sore throat and swollen glands.”

Possible solutions for morning fatigue

As a general rule of thumb, here are some changes that can be made to promote quality sleep:

– Do not use alcohol/stimulants

– Sleep in a comfortable environment

– Eat a well-balanced diet

– Maintain a healthy weight

– Establish and stick to a regular sleeping schedule

If morning fatigue is a recurring problem, a consultation with a licensed physician may be necessary.

10 Signs Someone Deserves to Be Your Partner

First dates can either be magical, embarrassing, or a little bit horrifying. It’s always scary to put yourself out there as a potential romantic partner for someone new. For most people, first dates tend to be two people who are both equally nervous and equally awkward, which means that you’re not always getting the correct impression that the person wishes to leave.

When someone is more relaxed, they may be a completely different person than when they’re nervous and anxious. The real question is: how do you know whether or not that first date should become a second?

“If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you’ll miss finding the one who treats you like a priority.” – Unknown

Here Are Some Signs Someone Deserves To Be Your Partner


1. There’s a reason you’re unsure about this new prospective partner

If you find yourself trying to decide whether or not you should take them out for a second date, that’s almost always a sign that you should. Knowing whether or not someone will work with you is kind of instinctual. You won’t need that second date to know you two won’t work. But if you’re just a little bit curious what they might be like the second time around, booking that second date is always the right choice.

2. Your encounters are respectful.

Although you may be more interested in getting along and have the same taste in movies and humor, think about how much your date showed in terms of signs of respect. For example, did your date show up later, but not apologize? Respecting your time is part of respecting you. If your date was late, but apologized and explained the situation, it shows that they’re respectful and more likely to respect you in the future. Lack of respect is a red flag for an unhealthy relationship.

3. Your mind feels fresh and clear about how you want your relationship to grow.

You may be judging your date unfairly when trying to decide if you should give them a second date. You may also be allowing your feelings about past relationships cloud how you feel about your date. Make sure that you’re looking at things with a fresh and clear mind. The person that you’re dating now deserves a fair chance, and they won’t get that if you’re mentally comparing them against former relationships.

4. There is a good flow of communication with this new potential partner.

This is important when evaluating whether or not you can want to go on a second date (or even a third or fourth!). If the topic of conversation was stagnant, or if your date kept turning the conversation onto themselves rather than sharing the spotlight, you may not want to schedule that second date. On the flip side, if it felt like you were never about to run out of things to talk about, you’re probably going to enjoy a second date.

5. Positive non-verbal communication.

The thing about people is that we have all kinds of ways of communicating with one another, and not all of them are with our voices. Nonverbal communication is just as important in determining how you feel about someone, or how someone feels about you, as verbal communication is. If your date was sending all the right signals, such as leaning forward and looking you in the eyes, this is big sign that you’ll both enjoy a second date together.

6. They are different than past relationships.

Relationships sometimes fail because we keep trying to recreate the relationships that we were in before. One of the best indicators that your date will work out is if they’re obviously different from people you’ve dated before- and this may very well mean avoiding unhealthy or one-sided relationships. Maybe different is exactly what you need to be able to move forward with a new and unique relationship.

7. This new partner does not play games.

Rather than trying to make you guess how they feel, or refusing to text back just to get a reaction, they’re being open and honest with you. People who play games aren’t worth the time it takes to learn the ever-changing rules. If this person refuses to play games, then that means they’re ready for a second date just as much as you are, and they’ll appreciate it way more than anyone who wastes your time.

8. You share values with this new partner.

More important than aligning to compatible interests are your values. If you’re on a date with someone who has completely different moral values than you, then it may be a sign that it’s not going to work. On the other hand, someone whose values align with your own, and who respects the ones that don’t, is someone who’s going to be worth calling for a second date.

9. You want to know more about this special someone.

If you find yourself intrigued, it’s probably a sign that you should have that second date. The people that you’re going to enjoy spending time around and giving your love to are the people who make you want to uncover them. Being interested in other people is an important part of deciding whether or not that second date is around the corner.

10. They were nervous on the first date.

If during the first date, they were a bit nervous, it means that they actually care about what you think of them. Someone who is over-confident and cocky is probably enjoying the attention that you’re giving them, rather than caring about whether or not you like them. Someone who is nervous is going to be truer to themselves.

If you’re still trying to decide whether or not to plan that second date, maybe the items on this list will convince you. A first date isn’t always the perfect picture, and a second one will give you more insight into this new person. And who knows- maybe they’re in the same boat trying to figure the same thing about you!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Signs You Have Sleep Deprivation (And How to Fix It)

Yes, sleep deprivation is a public health concern. No, sleep deprivation is not an exaggeratory term. Millions of people are deprived of sleep – sometimes over a period of years. Sleep deprivation is a common problem and, ironically, an inconspicuous one. In fact, the very people who suffer from the condition often aren’t aware.

Per WebMD: “There are many causes of sleep deprivation. The stressors of daily life may intrude upon our ability to sleep well, or perhaps we trade sleep for more work or play. We may have medical or mental-health conditions that disrupt our sleep.”

In other words, because of the demands placed on our time, we’re forced to “trade” sleep for either more work or a bit of recreation.

Dr. Michael Breus adds, “Not sleeping enough and not sleeping well is not OK. As a matter of fact, there is quite a price to pay.”

Not sleeping enough can:

– Negatively affect physical and mental health

– Lower productivity and quality of work

– Put your safety at risk, e.g., driving a vehicle while tired.

So, we’re here to help.

We are going to discuss seven common signs of sleep deprivation – and how you can improve your sleeping habits. We’ll elaborate on how a lack of sleep negatively affects our brain, immune system, hormones, heart, muscles, vision, and even our appetite.

“Sleep deprivation is increasingly recognized as important concern of public health, with sleep insufficiency linked to motor vehicle crashes, industrial disasters, and medical and other occupational errors.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Here’s how sleep deprivation harms our…

bed sleep

1. Brain

Our brain is, of course, dependent upon a good night’s rest. Acute or chronic sleep deprivation can result in mood swings, poor stress management, difficulty concentrating and making decisions, and poor memory.

2. Immune System

Our body’s main line of defense is the immune system – and we diminish its effectiveness by not getting proper rest. Getting less than six hours of sleep (which is considered the minimum amount needed to function) weakens our immune system; increasing our susceptibility to infectious diseases.

3. Hormones

Sleep deprivation throws a wrench into our endocrine system, “the collection of glands that produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, and mood.” More on this in the closing section.

4. Heart

Poor sleep places stress upon our cardiovascular system, which, in turn, destabilizes our blood pressure. When our blood pressure is out of whack, the blood vessels responsible for carrying blood (hence, nutrients, oxygen, etc.) become narrower. Consequently, our brain doesn’t receive the blood flow and oxygen it needs; our digestive system is stunted, and the organs and systems that rely on a steady flow of blood are deprived.

5. Muscles

Poor coordination and muscle weakness are common symptoms of lack of sleep. These symptoms are exacerbated by the fact that our brain hasn’t received the rest it needs. Thus, our reactions times slow, we’re not as coordinated, and simple tasks become much more challenging.

6. Vision

Aside from the brain, our eyes are the organs likely to suffer the most from sleep deprivation. Vision problems include “a range of symptoms such as fuzziness of objects, reduced peripheral vision and a difficulty with quickly focusing on objects of varying distances.” Furthermore, the appearance of our eyes can indicate a shortage of sleep. Darkening around and bags underneath the eyes are commonplace when we skimp on our shuteye.

7. Appetite

Poor sleeping habits also affect how we eat. Some people feel less hungry; others eat more. The latter demographic often crave simple carbohydrates, e.g., sugar-laden foods and drinks, and caffeine. Unfortunately, these foods and beverages provide only a short-term energy burst – and are often followed by a crash.

Metabolic changes, coupled with decreased physical activity from fatigue and disturbances in the hormonal system, are cited as contributing factors to obesity.

How to get a good night’s sleep

First, we need to define what constitutes a “good night’s sleep.” Per the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), a non-profit organization that promotes public understanding of sleep and sleep disorders, quality sleep consists of four “key determinants”:

– Sleeping more while in bed (at least 85 percent of the total time)

– Falling asleep in 30 minutes or less

– Waking up no more than once per night; and

– Being awake for 20 minutes or less after initially falling asleep.

Then, there is the recommended amount of sleep:

Older adults (65+): 7-8 hours

Adults (26-64): 7-9 hours

Younger adults (18-25): 7-9 hours

Teenagers (14-17): 8-10 hours

School age children (6-13): 9-11 hours

Finally, there’s practicing good sleep hygiene:

– Sticking to a sleep schedule; going to bed and waking up at the same time every day (weekends included)

– Having a relaxing bedtime ritual

– Avoiding afternoon naps (if you have a hard time falling asleep at night)

Exercising daily (light activity is good, but the harder, the better)

– Sleeping in comfortable conditions (e.g. room temperature, noise-free, distraction-free, and minimal light); and

– Sleeping on a comfortable mattress and pillows

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

What Causes Body Acne (And How to Fix It)

The best part of leaving your teenage years behind, for most people, is also leaving behind the annoying acne. For some people, though, acne doesn’t always go away once puberty has finished. Acne can follow us well into adulthood, and once it does, it’s time to start looking for solutions on how to deal with it. As if facial acne wasn’t hard enough to deal with, some people are also faced body acne, which usually spreads across the back of the shoulders, the chest, arms and yes, even the buttocks.

This can be both frustrating and a little embarrassing. Don’t worry, it’s something many adults deal with, and it doesn’t always have to feel hopeless. If you’re struggling with figuring out how to deal with your body acne, dermatologists have come up with an answer that might benefit you.

“Anytime you rub acne-prone skin, you push debris and dirt into the pores, and you also thicken the skin, both of which contribute to acne breakouts…” – Dr. Neal Schultz

Here’s How To Fix Body Acne

body acne

Clothes. Yep, your clothes maybe the culprit to some of your body acne. At the very least, your clothes may be responsible for an increased number of breakouts. Now, this isn’t particularly about the fabric or the types of clothes that you wear, but rather how those clothes interact with your body. More importantly, how they rub. Clothes that rub continuously against areas of your body that are prone to acne can trigger a breakout. The cause?

Dr. Neal Schultz mentions, “Sweat may or may not contribute to the breakout, but it’s the rubbing that drives the breakouts… The bottom line is acne in any acne-prone area will be worse if clothing or anything else rubs against the area.”

When clothes rub against an acne prone area, it pushes dirt and other debris into your pores, which then trigger a breakout of acne. Clothes that fit your body tighter, like work out gear, can cause bacteria to grow while you’re sweating and be oil starts to build up in these spandex clothes that aren’t very breathable.

So How Are We Supposed To Fix The Issue Of Clothes?

The best solution is to avoid tight fighting clothes, and instead opt for something lighter and looser, especially in the problem areas. If your workout pants cause your legs or buttock to break out in acne, you may want to opt for a more breathable option, like gym shorts. Dermatologist experts agree that tight-fitting clothes coupled with a good, hardy workout can make your acne worse, and can be one of the major causes to your breakouts.

If most of your wardrobe doesn’t leave much room for this solution, you can also try certain cleaners with your skin that maybe help alleviate some of the breakouts. Cleaners that have salicylic acid can be used along with a body brush to help exfoliate your skin after a workout. The goal is to keep body clean and free of sweat and debris that can cause unpleasant build up in your pores. If you have back acne, you may need to try a solution that’s a little bit stronger.

The skin on different areas of our body have different thicknesses, and react to exfoliation differently. For example, the skin on your face is thinner and more sensitive to things like salicylic acid than the skin on your back, so you may need to use a slightly stronger cleanser when focusing on breakouts on your back.

If you’re prone to breakouts on your back, you may also want to forgo wearing a backpack. The straps can cause all of that unpleasant rubbing that gets debris into your pores. It can make the issue worse, so if you’re the type that deals with acne along the back of your shoulders, opt for another type of bag. You may find some relief with a messenger bag that goes over one shoulder and doesn’t rub or irritate the skin on the back of your shoulders and your back.

Final Thoughts on Body Acne

Not all body acne reacts the same, nor are all breakouts caused by our clothes. However, oftentimes we think of clothes as a neutral part of our bodies, rather than fabrics, materials and chemicals that interact with our skin each day. If you suspect that your clothes may be giving you a bit more grief when it comes to your body acne, try switching it up for a few weeks to see if it gets better. If a change in your clothes and over-the-counter solutions just aren’t cutting it, it may be time to make an appointment with your dermatologist and see if there isn’t something else to try.

What Is Your Weakest Trait, According To Your Zodiac Sign?

Before we begin this article, we’d like to say that we aren’t trying to make anyone feel bad about their shortcomings. We simply want to help each and every person blossom and grow into the best version of themselves, and that takes learning about your weaknesses as well as your strengths. With that said, we want to talk about each zodiac sign’s main weaknesses, so that you may become aware of them and learn to nurture them. Once you know about your weaknesses, they might just turn into strengths if you can use this knowledge to your advantage.

What Is Your Weakness, According to Your Zodiac Sign?

Aries 3/21-4/19

Aries the Ram doesn’t really enjoy anyone else being in charge except for them, because they like to take the reins whenever possible. While Aries are natural-born leaders, they can sometimes get carried away and not really listen to the input of others. When Aries doesn’t get their way, you might want to get OUT of their way, as they have very short fuses. Aries also tend to make decisions without thinking them through all the way and can seem overly aggressive and irritated easily.

Taurus Zodiac Sign 4/20-5/20

Taurus, a very stable and reliable sign, can also become set in their ways and not willing to change or grow when necessary. They love sticking to what they excel at, and don’t really try new things in life for fear of failure. A Taurus has quite a bit of pride, so this is partially why they enjoy staying in their comfort zone. They find something they do well at, get into a routine, and may not see other options or opportunities that come their way. Taurus the Bull can be very bullheaded, indeed, so if you want to persuade them into something, you’ll have to exercise extreme patient.

Gemini 5/21-6/20

Gemini, you confuse us and excite us all at the same time. It does appear as though you have split personalities, and you never can seem to make up your mind. Though, that makes you interesting and keeps us guessing, which keeps us coming back for more. You always have something to talk about, though sometimes it seems as though you don’t listen. Gemini will flit from one thing to another, much like a butterfly, but can’t seem to stick with one thing, idea, or belief. You constantly change your mind, and that makes it hard to keep up with you. You’re ever-changing, like a chameleon, but you stand out rather than blend in. You’re a mystery to us, Gemini, and maybe even to yourself. Geminis tend to never feel quite “settled” in life, probably because they can’t make up their minds as to what they’re even after.

Cancer 6/21-7/22

Cancers have beautiful, sensitive, gentle souls, but their powerful emotions often take hold of them so much that they paralyze them completely. These folks have a lot of problems with self-esteem, and many times look to others for approval or recognition. Cancers need a lot of nurturing and coddling, and this can feel overwhelming for partners, close friends, and family. Cancers have a lot of love to give,. But sometimes, they put others’ needs before their own. Cancers can also change moods at the drop of a hat and are very prone to anxiety and depression. They also tend to be pessimists and idealists at the same time. They don’t have much faith in the world, because it doesn’t look like the imaginary one they’ve created in their minds. Cancers also are prone to laziness and procrastination.

Leo 7/23-8/22

As a fire sign, Leo is constantly on the go. Leo loves to have the spotlight, but sometimes they forget to let others have their time to shine. Leos have a lot of pride, and this arrogance can rub people the wrong way. Leo the Lion also tends to get stuck in their own way of doing things, which makes them seem inflexible and rigid. They don’t really like listening to others’ input, because they know best. Leos’ self-centered nature can also make it hard for them to form lasting relationships with others.

Virgo Zodiac Sign 8/23-9/22

Virgos have overly analytical minds, which can serve as either a strength or a weakness. They love to crunch numbers and figure out the ‘why’ behind everything, but mulling over the same problems trying to find solutions makes them prone to worry and anxiety. They also are prone to OCD, as they need to have everything a certain way and get thrown off balance when things go awry. Virgos also have very old souls, and this makes them liable to work too much and play too little. They also tend to criticize themselves and others very harshly, which makes it difficult to form bonds with others.

Libra 9/23-10/22

Libra, a naturally calm and peaceful sign, can turn on you just like that if you do or say something they don’t like. Although, rather than actually confront you about a problem, they give you the silent treatment or show passive aggressiveness because they hate conflict. However, people don’t always like being the peacemaker, which means if Libra doesn’t learn to face problems rather than avoiding them, they could lose friendships. Libras also tend to carry grudges, which further complicates their problem of writing people off and avoiding conflict whenever possible. They can focus too much on the bad in their life instead of putting their energy into all the good happening.

Scorpio 10/23-11/21

Scorpios can be very loving and spontaneous, but at the same time, their jealousy and distrusting nature can put a damper on romantic relationships and friendships. And don’t ever get on their bad side, because they WILL plot revenge to teach you a lesson and attempt to “get even.” Scorpios often keep to themselves because of their trust issues, and have a hard time getting close to others because of this. They have very deep emotions, but really don’t show them much due to not wanting to feel vulnerable.

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21

Sagittarius are natural-born explorers. They get bored easily, which makes it hard to complete any project. They hate authority and being told what to do, and often make up their own rules in life. This can get them into trouble quite easily if they don’t learn some middle ground. Sagittarius also has no filter, and can come across as rude or tactless depending on who they’re with. Sagittarius is very impatient as well and will leave a project if it isn’t going their way. They need lots of freedom and space to roam, which can make them seem aloof and flighty at times.

Capricorn Zodiac Sign 12/22-1/19

Capricorns can work themselves to death and forget how to take care of themselves and just play sometimes. They have an obsession with status and money because these two things represent stability and success in life, two things they greatly desire and work hard to maintain. Capricorns tend to brag a lot about their jobs or accomplishments, which can drive people away from them. They have problems opening up to others and tend to think of themselves as superior to most people. However, they have deep-seated insecurities, and actually fear the opinions and thoughts of others. Therefore, they have a bad habit of talking over other people and only discussing facts rather than opinions. They also are pessimistic and expect the worst-case scenario in any situation.

emotion zodiac

Related Article: How do you express emotion according to your zodiac sign?

Aquarius 1/20-2/18

Aquarians are another difficult sign to understand. On one hand, they make great friends due to their conversational skills and diverse interests. However, they have a hard time expressing emotions, which can make it hard to keep friends or partners around. They deeply despise anything too boring or conventional and have an absolute thirst for adventure and travel. However, this makes it hard to stay grounded and focus on responsibilities and chores that are simply part of life in today’s world. Aquarius can seem aloof because they stay in their own little world rather than joining the one happening all around them.

Pisces 2/19-3/20

Last but not least, we have Pisces, the emotional, sensitive, whimsical water sign that loves creative expression and helping others. Pisces, like Cancers, can let their strong emotions get the best of them, however. Pisces can also go out of their way to help someone, but forget to nurture and pay attention to themselves. They also have problems facing reality and wish to escape from it in any way possible. If they can’t find a creative outlet, this desire to escape can lead them down a dark path if they aren’t careful. Due to their turbulent emotions, this makes them prone to anxiety and depression if they can’t learn to even out their feelings a bit.

Researchers Explain 10 Things That Make You Feel Attracted to Someone

Attraction is more than just gut feelings. While that’s part of it, the reasons why we find ourselves attracted tend to be much more scientific than we give ourselves credit for. When we see someone who we find attractive, we may not be thinking of all the reasons why, and especially not the scientific reasons.

However, researchers have found that there are plenty of reasons that we find some people more physically attractive than others. If you’ve ever had a hard time putting into words why you find someone so attractive, this list of science-based reasons might be of use to you.

Here Are A Few Things That Make You Feel Attracted To Someone

“Every single second is an opportunity to change your life, because in any moment you can change the way you feel.” – Rhonda Byrne


Multiple studies have found that how attractive someone is to you can often depend on how symmetrical they are. This means that people who are more attractive tend to have both sides of their faces or their bodies closely matching. Of course, no one has a perfectly symmetrical face or body. But the closer that one side of their body and faces matches the other, means that they tend to be more attractive. The next time you look at someone’s face and can’t seem to place why they’re so attractive, consider their symmetry!


Funnily enough, the perception of leg length is different between men and women. Women with longer legs are perceived as more attractive, while men with legs that are roughly the same length as their torso are considered more attractive. The reason for men’s ideal leg length, is that shorter legs tend to make men look more muscular, which some women find themselves attracted to.


Estrogen and testosterone, the hormones found in more abundance in women and men, respectively, are responsible for forming our bone structures in our faces. The shape of someone’s face can be very indicative of their hormone levels, and thus their fertility and virility. Women with smaller chins and brows, coupled with wider eyes, are perceived as more fertile, while the same goes for men with stronger jaws and brows. These features are a perfect cocktail for physical attraction.


The sound of someone’s voice is determined by hormones, and this can really affect how attractive you find another person. For men, a lower voice is seen as more attractive, which means that they have a high amount of testosterone. For women, a higher voice is associated with femininity. The quality of the voice affects attractiveness as well. In fact, having a breathy voice is considered attractive in both men and women, while a monotone voice is found to be more attractive in men.


Finding someone physically attractive is, more often than not, based on more than just their physical appearance. Science has shown that people with kind and compassionate personalities are found to be much more attractive. Altruism is something that shows that a potential partner will be invested in your well-being. It also shows that potential partners will be good parents, which is something that people often subconsciously think about when assessing the attractiveness of a potential partner.


Couples who look alike are much more common than one might think. Science explains that you’re often drawn to features that are much like your own because people are drawn towards things that are familiar. This means that you and your partner may have a similarity in genetics, from skin tone, to hair color, to even your height! As well, complementary genetics are beneficial for potential children. When picking a partner, you may find that your “type” tends to be someone who looks a lot like you.


This one is a bit tricky. For short-term partners, men are found to be more attractive if they have facial scars, but women are not. However, when looking for a long-term partner, women are more likely to pass up men with facial scars, as they’re often seen as less aggressive and more caring, which is found to be more attractive for potential long-term partnerships.


Science says that someone who you find interesting is bound to be much more attractive to you. Our brains need constant, new stimulation, and we often get bored by things that aren’t that interesting to us – be it movies, books, or even people. If a partner isn’t keeping our attention, we’re much less likely to find them attractive. This is why you may find people with personalities that match your own to be much more attractive.


This might not be true for everyone, but according to research, body mass index (BMI) plays in attraction. Your BMI is the correspondence between their height and weight. BMI calculators assess your height and your weight and turn it into a score, and that is your BMI. The more closely someone’s BMI is to a ratio of 20.85, the more attractive you tend to find them. Of course, you can’t know someone’s BMI on sight, but your brain is able to see how proportional someone is in weight and height.

power of positivity


This may seem like a big no-brainer. But science has spoken. Attraction is increased in people who are more faithful and trustworthy. This is because people who have higher fidelity are proving themselves to be both good partners as well as good parents. Sexual fidelity is something that most people say they’re looking for in potential partners across the board, men and women alike.

Attraction is personal, and everyone has different tastes! But, these are some scientific reasons why you may find the same type of people attractive over and over. There’s nothing wrong with that! Now, you can just pull out some scientific facts to impress your potential partner (to be interesting!).

The scientific rules of attraction
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