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Researchers Explain 5 Ways To Get Someone To Trust You

“If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.” – Zig Ziglar

Although this isn’t a business-related article, Zig’s quote testifies to the power of trust. Any relationship – personal and professional – depends on mutual trust.

Human psychology has a lot to do with it. Behavioral and cognitive scientists have studied the trust/behavior phenomenon for a long time. Again and again, researchers and scientists conclude that one’s willingness to trust another is strongly influenced by what the other person says and does.

In this article, we’ll take a look at five such behaviors. Of course, we back up each point with scientific evidence. Genuine displays of these behaviors can help you gain the trust of friends, co-workers, and even strangers.

5 Ways To Get People To Trust You

1. Having a pleasant smell

Ok, we all know that being smelly isn’t conducive to earning someone’s trust. On the other hand, our olfactory nerve (which affects smell) does influence trust to some degree.

University of Arizona professor Joyce Berg developed the Trust Game (aka, “the investment game”) to measure interpersonal trust. Dutch researchers wanted to test whether or not certain scents would influence trust.

90 participants were split into three groups; one group was exposed to no smell, the second group to peppermint, and the third to lavender. People in the lavender-smelling group were “significantly more willing” to entrust money to others than participants in other groups.

Researchers explained this phenomenon in simple terms: lavender has a calming effect. Apparently, this calming effect may invoke feelings of trust in others.

2. Mirroring body language

One group of MBA students were asked to mimic their colleagues in a business transaction negotiation subtly. Another group was used as a control, and were advised not to mirror. None of their colleagues knew of the experiment.

The simple act of resting an elbow on the table when their partner did drastically affected the outcome.

A negotiation was reached 67 percent within the mirroring group, and just 12 percent in the control group. Researchers have previously shown that we mirror those we admire; adding another exciting dimension to interpersonal relationships.

3. Having mutual friends

Triadic closure is the social tendency to include a third person (hence, a triad) if the person ‘(a)’ or ‘(b)’ has already has a friendship with that person. Think of the friend that brings someone along to a party; others are more likely to approach and bond with the guest.

University of British Columbia students wanted to examine the Triadic closure effect on social media. Researchers had student participants randomly “friend” people on Facebook.

80 percent of individuals who sent a friend request approved the invite when mutual “friends” (something Facebook makes visible) was seen. Just 20 percent accepted the request when there were no mutual friends.

Guess there’s a reason why we’re always told to “network.”

4. Apologize with empathy

This one is kind of interesting.

Some of us detest having to apologize; especially for something that is not our fault. We may want to rethink our mindset on this matter, however, as doing so may very well improve our relationships; even with strangers.

Researchers from Harvard demonstrate that apologizing, even unnecessarily or superfluously, earns someone’s empathy and trust.

In one study, a young man was asked to approach 65 strangers in a large train station while raining outside and ask to use their cell phone. When preceding his request to borrow the cell with a (somewhat weird) “I’m so sorry about the rain!” 47 percent gave him the phone. When he didn’t? 9 percent.

5. Don’t be embarrassed!

In a study at the University of California at Berkeley, a young man was told by beaming professors that he’d gotten “a perfect score” on a test. Behind the scenes, of course, were researchers videotaping the reactions of people around him. In the first experiment, the man responded pridefully. In the second, he was relatively shy and embarrassed.

After witnessing the man’s response, researchers set up a series of games with the man and some participants. Classmates who saw the man “respond with pride” were less likely to trust him as a partner. However, when the man responded with a bit of shyness and embarrassment, classmates were more willing to have some faith in the guy.

Social scientists and researchers correlate embarrassment with pro-social behavior. Pride, on the other hand, appears to have the exact opposite effect.


5 Healthy Reasons To Be In A Relationship

The question to ask: “If I want to be in a relationship, why do I want it?”

Odds are you’re a good person who wishes to share your life with another. Some people, however, seek out a relationship for the wrong reasons. When it comes down to it, being in a relationship is a huge commitment – and it’s beneficial to examine your motivations carefully.

Dr. Margaret Paul, a renowned relationship expert, emphasizes the importance of self-love before committing to someone. According to Paul, the most common unhealthy reason why people get into relationships: not receiving enough love, and needing a partner to give it to them; somehow feeling that a partner will make them feel worthy and complete.

“People who want a relationship for this reason are generally very disappointed, because if they are not loving themselves, their partner’s love cannot fill the empty place within.”

That said, what are the HEALTHY reasons for wanting a relationship?

“A healthy relationship, whether it’s romantic, brotherly, or friendly, is when each person is allowed room to grow, unjudged, and still loved.” ~ Mama Zara

1. Giving and receiving love and care

There is a vast difference between desiring to share love and wanting to receive love. Resolving deep-seeded issues prior to finding a romantic partner is probably best.

It’s when you love and care for yourself that should determine when you’re ready to meet someone. When you love yourself, it’s much easier for a potential mate to love you back.

A relationship wherein two people love and value themselves opens the possibility for experiencing the joy that encompasses the sharing of love and passion.

2. Mutual support

As social beings, most of us want someone reliable and trustworthy to see us through life. Support, in the context of a relationship, is multi-faceted. We need emotional and spiritual support from our partner.

Having a loving partner who also supports your dreams and passions is crucial to relationship happiness. When someone is “all in” on what you want to accomplish in life, things are that much easier and that much more enjoyable.

Financial support is also an important part of living a comfortable life together.


3. Growth

The truth is we are transformed, to some degree, by who we allow into our lives. Our partners are huge influences on our life and our life’s outlook. Many people have changed for the better by a conscientious partner who, lovingly and firmly, points out both our strengths and our weaknesses. We also learn by observing our partner. We “mirror” the things we admire about them – a fact proven by science.

(we mimic the actions of those we respect.)

The cool thing is that each person has different things to offer. The intimate nature of a loving relationship, combined with these differences, is enough for us to become a better partner and individual.

4. Family and children

For people who want a family and children, this is a major factor in a happy relationship. Fortunately, we discover whether a person wants children early in the dating process. In fact, most online dating sites have a questionnaire that asks if children are in the cards (a “Yes/No/Maybe” sort of thing.)

Anyways, having a family is a beautiful thing. Having children while remaining with your partner is deeply satisfying for a couple of reasons. First, parenting can be a challenging endeavor, and having a partner who shares these challenges makes things a bit easier.

Studies show that children raised in partnerships are generally better off. For instance, there is a direct correlation between a stable family environment and the development of personal and psychological problems.

5. Friendship and fun

You hear people all the time say, “My spouse/partner is also my best friend.” Of course! You’re intimately involved with a man or woman who knows you better than most friends ever could. So, the “My spouse/partner is also my best friend” thing, while on the surface a bit cheesy, is nonetheless true.

Anyways, it is generally much more fun to do things with a partner, especially if you share mutual interests. Being “besties” and remembering to have fun is an important part of a healthy relationship.

(Readers: What do you think are the keys to a healthy relationship? Do you have any personal insight to share? Please do!)

5 Signs You’re Losing Weight, Not Just Water Weight

There’s no such thing as overnight weight loss. If you lost a bunch of weight overnight, you probably lost water weight. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Your body is made up of mostly water. It’s one of the heaviest parts of your body besides your bones. Water weight is the first thing you lose when you start a diet. It means you’re headed in the right direction. Here are five signs you’re losing weight, not water.

What diet helps you lose weight?

What you eat and how much you eat are essential to losing weight. Exercise is also a necessary factor for weight loss. It helps rid your body of excess water. Water weight is sometimes the build-up of water in your body. It may cause puffiness or bloat in your arms, legs, or stomach. The water weight in your body can fluctuate two to four pounds in one day. Years ago, low-fat diets were recommended to lose weight, but these diets aren’t as effective or healthy.

You can lose weight by reducing your calorie intake and exercising. It’s essential to choose a diet that offers healthy foods rather than one type of food. Fad diets like the rice grapefruit or rice diets or the cabbage diet may help you lose some weight, but you can’t stay on these for very long. Choose a diet that maximizes a healthy lifestyle. One of the best diets is the Mediterranean-style diet.

This diet includes healthy food choices, such as the following:

  • Cereals and whole grains
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Healthy fats such as seeds, olive oils, or nuts
  • Small amounts of red meat
  • Lean protein such as fish, chicken, or beans
  • Limited amount of wine

Eating a Mediterranean diet lowers your chances of heart disease, cancer, and Type2 diabetes or stroke.

water weight

5 Signs your weight loss is not just water weight

Look for these encouraging signs.

1 – You feel cravings, but you can resist them

When you eat certain foods, a region of your brain experiences positive feelings of pleasure, making you want to eat more of these foods. Foods that are sweet, rich, or salty are called hyper palatable because you enjoy them. If you haven’t eaten in a while, a hormone called ghrelin gets released from your stomach to let you know you’re hungry. If you eat hyper palatable foods too often, it can interfere with the brain signal to release ghrelin, so you feel cravings for food all the time, even if you’ve just eaten.

Eating high sugar foods or high-fat foods in your diet messes up your brain signals so that you’re always hungry, especially for these pleasurable foods. As you lose weight and limit certain foods, your cravings may increase. It may take some time to change your desire for sugar or fat foods. Please don’t give in to these cravings, but resist them. Here are some practical ways to fight cravings.

  • Drink lots of water: Did you know that sometimes when you think you’re hungry, you are just thirsty? If you feel an intense craving, drink a large glass of water. It may surprise you that the desire goes away because you were thirsty.
  • Eat high protein: Eating protein reduces your hunger feelings and makes you feel fuller longer.
  • Plan your meals: When you plan your meals, you will know what you’re going to eat, so you won’t give in to picking up something from a fast-food restaurant. Purchase all the ingredients you need for the meals, so it’s easy to prepare your meals.
  • Keep junk foods away: Don’t buy the junk foods you crave, such as chips, candy, or deli meats. Having them out of the house helps you stay strong while dieting.

2 – You feel more energetic when the weight loss is not just water weight

As you eat healthier and stay active, you will start to feel more energetic. It’s often the first thing you notice when you diet. You may lose some water weight initially, but as you drop a few pounds, you’ll feel good. This motivates you to keep exercising and eating healthy. You may start doing things you’ve never tried before because of your extra energy. It’s thought that dropping pounds helps you see these changes:

  • Breathe easier because you can expand your lung better
  • Your body doesn’t have to work as hard to function
  • Your joints are less stressed from carrying less weight
  • There is less stress on your heart

Carrying around those extra pounds slows you down. As you lose not just water weight but fat, you’ll feel fit and productive and ready to take on the world in a new way.

3 – Your clothes fit looser

Losing weight has many health benefits, but it also improves your self-esteem. As you lose water weight and pounds, your clothing may feel more comfortable and looser. Suddenly you can button the top button of your high-waisted jeans. You may see that other clothing fits better or differently. As you continue to lose, you may drop a size so that you need to buy new clothing. Keeping your clothes fit looser will motivate you to stay on your diet. It’s the best motivation because you can see the results.

water weight

4 – You sleep better

Weight loss, especially losing belly fat, improves your sleep. Losing weight gives you overall better physical and mental health, so you sleep well at night. Getting enough sleep lowers your risk of experiencing these outcomes:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart attack
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Stroke
  • Chronic disease

Obesity increases your chances of having sleep problems. Often, when you’re trying to lose weight, you increase your exercise. Exercise also improves your ability to sleep. So, if you’re dropping weight and exercising, you will not only feel better during the day, but you’ll also have a better sleep at night.

5 – You feel healthier

In general, when you lose weight, you feel healthier. This isn’t surprising because weight loss gives you more energy, better sleep, and your clothes fit better. You may crave certain foods, but the water weight and pounds continue to come off as you fight those cravings. Having fewer pounds to carry around makes you feel like a new person. Plus, eating healthier foods gives you increased nutrients that you may have missed before. Not eating junk food can make a huge difference in how you feel because they contain loads of salt and fat.

Once you lose weight, how do you keep it off?

After you’ve lost a lot of weight, your body may react as if it’s a threat. Hormones get released, increasing your hunger to the point of distraction. Remember, this is normal when you’re dieting. Over time, the intense desire will decrease as your body adjusts to your new body weight. Those hunger hormones will eventually settle down. In the meantime, there are some things you can do to keep off the weight you have already lost, so you don’t gain it back. Here are some suggestions of what to do when all you’re thinking about is eating.

Drink lots of water

Studies show that drinking water helps you lose water weight and fat. When you’re feeling extra hungry, drink a large glass of water. Carry a water bottle with you to stay hydrated. Add a lemon wedge to your glass of water if you get bored with the taste. Drink a big glass of water before meals to help you feel full so that you won’t eat as much.

Get the full benefit from your meals

Eating protein and fiber slows down your digestion, so you stay full longer. If you’re feeling starving, try to choose protein-rich snacks like nuts or low-fat cheese to stave off your hunger. Eating high-fiber veggies or fruits keeps your hunger at bay. High-fiber fruits and veggies include

  • Avocadoes
  • Strawberries
  • Apples
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Celery
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Chickpeas
  • Beans

Add these foods to your menu so don’t give in to hunger pangs in between meals.

Stay active as you continue to drop both pounds and water weight

Another way to fight hunger is to stay busy and active. Join a gym and take classes to increase your strength and stamina. Take your dog for a walk during the day or join a friend to walk around the block every morning. Find what works best for you. Staying active not only helps you not give in to hunger cravings but also increases your loss of water weight and pounds.

water weight

Final thoughts on knowing you are losing weight and not water weight

If you lose weight overnight, it’s most likely water weight. This is normal when you’re on a diet, and it’s not bad since it means your body is adjusting to the changes. You may experience hormonal changes that increase your cravings. These will diminish over time. The amazing benefits of weight loss outweigh the difficulties because you’ll have increased energy, feel better and sleep well at night. Be sure to choose a healthy diet because a fad diet rarely works long term. As the water weight and pounds drop off, you’ll be ready to take on the world in an entirely new way.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Paralyzed Human Opens Doors To Possibilities – Regains Movement After Stem Cell Treatment

Stem cell therapy helped a paralyzed man regain movement. But what’s that all about?

Stem cell medicine is a term that pops up from time to time. During the later stages of George W. Bush’s first term (end of 2004), the U.S. entered into a fierce debate over the use of stem cells and their effectiveness.

What is stem cell medicine?

We’ll simplify the process without turning this article into a research paper. There are two primary types of stem cells: embryonic and non-embryonic (or “adult”) stem cells.

  • Embryonic cells are derived from a 3-day to 5-day old embryo, called a blastocyst.
  • Adult stem cells are living cells derived from adult tissue.

Each type of stem cell has some potential to help. Embryonic stem cells “give rise to the entire body of the organism, including all of the (specialized) cell types and organs such as the heart, lungs, skin, sperm, eggs and other tissues.”

Adult stem cells within the bone marrow, brain, and muscle have shown some promise for “(generating) replacements for cells that are lost through normal wear and tear, injury, or disease.”

Kris Boesen’s Story

“With this study, we are testing a procedure that may improve neurological function, which could mean the difference between being permanently paralyzed and being able to use one’s arms and hands.” – Charles Liu, Program Director at the USC Neurorestoration Center

In March of 2016, just days before he was about to turn 21, Kris Boesen’s life took a dramatic turn for the worse. His car fishtailed on a wet road, hit a tree and struck a telephone pole.

Boesen suffered a cervical spine injury. He was paralyzed from the neck down.

Like most individuals who suffer spinal injuries, Boesen’s prognosis wasn’t good. Doctors prepared him and his parents for the possibility that the young man would never be able to move again.

The good news, if there were any to be gleaned from such a situation, was that young Kris qualified for a new clinical study that may help. Upon hearing this, Kris’ response echoed many that’ve been in a similar situation:

“All I’ve wanted from the beginning was a fighting chance.”

Enter the Neurorestoration Center at the University of Southern California (USC). The cutting-edge facility was developed to “(create) new strategies for the restoration of an injured or diseased nervous system.”

The procedure that Dr. Charles Liu and his surgical team would perform would inject an experimental dose of 10 million ‘AST-OPC1′ stem cells directly into Kris’ cervical spinal cord.

Dr. Liu explains the rationale for the treatment:

“Typically, spinal cord injury patients undergo surgery that stabilizes the spine, but does very little to restore motor or sensory function.” The procedure Dr. Liu and his team would try “could mean the difference between being permanently paralyzed and being able to use one’s arms and hands.”

The new procedure would have a life-changing impact. A short timeframe of Kris’ experience (post-surgery):

  • 2 weeks: Kris’ fine motor skills improved (e.g. use of small muscles of fingers, toes, wrists, lips, and tongue.)
  • 2 months: Kris’ motor movement was progressing rapidly.
  • 3 months, Kris gained significant improvement in his various functions. “He’s able to feed himself, use his cell phone, write his name, operate a motorized wheelchair and hug his friends and family.”

The Paralyzed Young Man Made Amazing Progress

Doctors, naturally, are quick to temper any future expectations; particularly during the early stages of recovery from a new medical procedure. But the results are promising.

“If there’s a chance for me to walk again, heck yeah!”

Boesen is quite the resilient and optimistic character. He loved to repair and drive sports cars and worked on his life insurance licensure before his injury.

Per a video posted on Americans for Cures, courtesy of USC’s Keck School of Medicine, an obviously emotional Kris Boesen tells the camera:

“I was just existing. I wasn’t really living my life. And now, after the stem cell surgery, I’m able to live my life. If I was there and I was able to thank (Liu’s medical team), I would just tell them ‘Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to live my life again.”

Kris’ father was also thankful for Liu and his team, “So many things had to happen, and there were so many things that could have put up a roadblock,” he said. “The people at Keck Medical Center of USC and elsewhere moved heaven and earth to get things done. There was never a moment through all of this when we didn’t think our son was getting world-class care.”

And, Kris, well, he’s pumped. “If there’s a chance for me to walk again, then heck yeah! I want to do anything possible to do that.”

With the way he’s progressing, a pacing Kris Boesen may just be in the future.

Other stuff

– Kris’ treatment was made possible through California’s Proposition 71 – a $3 billion-dollar state program known as the California Initiative for Regenerative Medicine.

– Other beneficiaries of stem cell research include Evangelina Padilla Vaccaro, who was diagnosed with severe combined immunodeficiency disease. She is now disease-free.

– A big debate is underway in California whether or not to extend the program.

– For more information on the study, including eligibility and other info, please see the Keck School of Medicine of USC at

8 Telling Signs Your Relationship Is Getting Serious

Relationships can come in all kinds of styles, from super-serious soulmates, to casual Friday night dinners. Relationships are meant to grow and change. After all, if they remained stagnant, they wouldn’t be so much fun. But how can you tell when your relationship is shifting from something casual, to something much more serious? Some signs may be obvious, but some may be much more subtle. Keep an eye out for signs that your relationship is ready to move on to the next level, and that you and your partner are starting to get serious.


“If someone seriously wants to be part of your life, they will seriously make an effort to be in it. No reasons. No excuses.” – Unknown Author


Passwords are important – after all, they could lock you out of your Netflix account with a few clicks. So, sharing your Netflix account and password is a sign that you trust them – and that you’re interested in what types of things they like to watch. This isn’t just limited to Netflix, either. HBO and Hulu accounts are also big serious steps in upping your relationship intimacy. Sharing passwords of any kind are a show of good faith that your partner won’t misuse it. It takes a lot of trust.

serious relationship


That immediate rush of excitement when your favorite show drops a new season is often damped with the knowledge that you want to wait until you’re with your partner. This is a sign of intimacy and wanting to share everything with your partner. If it was a casual thing, you might watch it anyway and casually mention it. A more serious relationship will have the both of you sitting down together with twin excitement to experience it together for the first time.

3. You’ve said goodbye to dating apps

This is definitely a sign that you’re not interested in changing partners any time soon. Your dating apps lay unforgotten on the third screen of your phone, notifications piling up that you don’t answer, until one day you just get rid of it altogether. Your relationship is getting serious once you realize that there’s no reason for you to keep that dating app around, since you’ve found the one you want to spend all your time with. However, make sure your partner isn’t still snooping around on dating sites either – this step has to be a two-way street.

4. You’re the most recent conversation on their phone

Texting throughout your day means that you’re eager to share every interesting or funny thing that happens throughout your day with your partner. You don’t text just to confirm when you’re going to see one another. You text them your thoughts and feelings, but still have endless things to talk about once you see each other. Keeping the flow of communication open is a big sign that your relationship is getting serious.

5. They save your detailed contact info

Some people don’t save every single phone number in their phone, but rather use their phone as a place to gather only the people that the plan on contacting regularly. When you save one another in your phones, it means that you plan on getting in contact and keeping that contact. It may not feel like a big deal for some people, but for others it’s a way of creating an air of intimacy – you’ll always be in one another’s pockets.

6. Family members friend request you…and you accept.

In a casual relationship, you might not even meet your partner’s family at all. But once things start getting serious, family starts to get involved. After all, they are a potential step-family as well. So, when you start getting a friend quest from your partner’s family members, you know that they’ve talked about you enough that the family is eager to meet you. If you feel the same way, there’s no reason not to accept!

7. You’re not afraid to give away your phone password.

Letting your partner into your phone is the ultimate form of trust. Some people like their privacy, and it doesn’t mean they’re hiding anything. But when your partner lets you into their phone, they know you’re probably going to snoop around – or, they trust you not to! Either way, they’re comfortable letting you into their phone and it shows they have nothing to hide, and that they trust you. Even better, of course, is getting your fingerprint added into their phone to open it with one touch.

serious relationship

8. You spread it on SM thick.

Whether it be Instagram, Facebook or SnapChat, if the both of you can’t resist snapping pictures of one another and showing each other off, you’re getting serious. Being able to show everyone who you’re with is a step further than just a casual thing. It means that you want your friends and family to be aware, and that your relationship is serious enough that you’ll put it on social media for everyone to see.

Judging how serious your relationship is in this day and age is much different than it used to be for our parents. Now, we use technology to interact, communicate and engage with one another. And with the use of social media, you might get mixed signals. Hopefully, knowing these signs will help you determine how serious your relationship is.

8 Behavioral Signs of A Toxic Relationship

You’ve heard all about a toxic relationships and what to do if you find yourself in one. You probably know all the signs of when you’re being manipulated and taken advantage of. But what happens when you’re actually the toxic partner? Being aware of your behavior and how you’re treating your partner can save both you and your partner a lot of emotional grief.

No one wants to believe that they’re toxic or unhealthy for their significant other. Sometimes, though, the truth just hurts. Being able to recognize the signs of your own toxic behavior can help you put a stop to it, and salvage your relationship – or, at least, make sure the next relationship you have can be a health and positive one.

If you catch yourself showing these behaviors, they are toxic and should be avoided in the future…

“If a normally kind, agreeable person makes an enemy of you, you ought to ask yourself why.” – Joyce Rachelle

1. You feel the need to make sure your partner doesn’t “get ahead”…

Feeling proud of your intelligence or your accomplishments are one thing. But if you view your partner as inferior, it will come across in the way you interact with them. They will be able to tell just how superior you feel to them, and it can easily become degrading and emotionally distressing for your partner.

If you often find yourself thinking that you’re much smarter than your partner, you might want to take a step back and figure out whether or not you’re using them as a backdrop for your only intelligence.

2. Conversations seem to always fall away from a positive tone

If you find that you’re constantly picking fights and being a pessimist when there’s no need to, you may be feeding toxicity into your relationship. This may stem from low self-esteem and a desire to make your partner feel on the same level as you do.

Surrounding yourself with positivity will help, as well working on your own self-esteem before pursuing a relationship. Getting a therapist to help work through your problems will help you become a more positive person, and less toxic in your relationships.

3. Threats of breaking up (without meaning to follow through)

If the only way you know how to end an argument is to threaten to break up, you’re definitely bringing toxic behaviors to the table. If your partner cares about you and wants the relationship to work, they’ll often drop their concerns and stop arguing every time you threaten to end the relationship. This is manipulative behavior and can damage any relationship.

Learning to communicate and compromise is hard, but you’ll need to take the difficult steps to figure it out. Take time to cool off during an argument if you need to rather than resorting to threats.

4. An uncontrollable temper

Sometimes, things can make us angry. However, if you find that it takes very little to make you angry and you become vicious and mean to your partner during a blow of your temper, you’re going to need to work on yourself before your relationship can become positive. A toxic relationship will stay toxic when you repeat the cycle of bursts of anger, cruelty and guilt. Learn how to manage your anger rather than allowing yourself to fly off the handle.

5. A difficulty with being wrong

Squabbles in relationships happen. There are often times where one partner or the other does something careless or thoughtless that hurts the other’s feelings. In a healthy relationship, you’ll be able to apologize, admit that you were wrong, and move forward. If you can’t remember the last time you apologized or admitted that something you did was hurtful or careless, you may be the toxic one in the relationship.

Relationships become unhealthy and lopsided when one partner is always apologizing. The best way to fix this is suck up your pride and admit when you’re wrong.

6. Avoiding responsibility for words and actions…

Hand in hand with never admitting you’re wrong, you don’t take responsibility for things that you’ve done. Instead, you opt to blame your partner, or blame something else. As long as you can shift the blame off of you, you’re happy.

Taking responsibility for your own actions can be difficult, but it’s what grownups do. Learning how to accept responsibility and move forward is a step that you have to take to avoid being toxic in all kinds of relationships, not just romantic ones.

7. More than ”just joking”…

Sometimes, teasing one another can be fun. But it’s only fun when everyone is enjoying themselves. Playfully teasing your partner can be harmless. However, it starts to become toxic when your remarks are public and hurtful and cause your partner to feel shame and humiliation. Even if you defend yourself with “Just joking,” your words can leave a lasting effect and make your partner feel degraded and insecure.

Put yourself in your partner’s place, and imagine how you would feel if they humiliated you.

8. Leaving your partner ‘high and dry’…

If your parents or friends are constantly slandering your partner and you don’t have their back, then you’re leaving them open to feeling insecure and vulnerable. Not sticking up for your partner is letting them know that they’re not important enough to you for you to protect them.

Relationships are about partnerships, and when one partner is putting in the effort that the other isn’t, the relationship becomes unhealthy. So, stop letting your parents criticize your partner’s hair, weight or job. Stick up for them and show them that you’ll always have one another.

Coming to the realization that you may be the problem in your relationship can be hard. But it isn’t the end to all be your worth as a person! People can change, and once you realize the things you’re bringing to the relationship are toxic, you’ll be better able to work on your behavior.

Your relationship may (or may not) be able to be salvaged, but your relationships in the future will be positive and healthy, and by changing your behavior, you’ll also be able to validate your partner’s feelings.

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