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5 Behaviors That Reveal a Cheating Wife

5 Behaviors That Reveal a Cheating Wife

Society always talks about how much damage a cheating husband will do to a family. Still, unfortunately, not many people seem to acknowledge that a cheating wife is just as bad and hurts a relationship or family just as much. While statistics show that men tend to cheat more often, that doesn’t mean women don’t do it. Not just that, but the main difference between men who cheat and women who cheat is the way they do it.

Women tend to be cheaters who have a full-blown relationship with the other man. Men tend to have more flings or one-night stands. Sure, that doesn’t mean women can’t have flings or that there aren’t men out there who have a second family. Plus, no matter how someone cheats, the action is just as immoral and should have repercussions.

Now, not all women use the same tactics when cheating. Some are bold enough to invite their other man into the family house and get intimate there. Others allow men to take them to their homes or hotel rooms. Some have flings, while others catch feelings and start a romantic relationship with the other man.

It doesn’t matter how they cheat, as the changes in their behavior will be similar. All cheating wives will start to act weird and out of character. Of course, some can mask it better than others. But, if you look out for the signs, you’ll be able to tell if you are being cheated on. Just know that while you can make your own choices and forgive a cheating wife, you are also allowed to leave.

Sometimes, her cheating will be a one-time thing, a lapse in judgment. That’s still not excusable, but you can find ways to forgive her if that’s what you want. But you can also leave the person who cheated on you. And, in many cases, that’s the healthiest choice you can make.

5 Behaviors That Reveal a Cheating Wife

NOTE: We acknowledge that men can also be cheaters, and we discuss the typical actions of males who cheat in a companion article.

cheating wife

1.     A Cheating Wife Starts Going Out More

There’s nothing wrong with a woman going out with her friends, even if she is married. But, if you are married to someone, that means you know what their schedule is usually like and how often they like to go out. Sure, sometimes your wife will have a busier week, and she’ll go out more. But if she suddenly seems busy and always goes out, that’s suspicious.

Plus, if she suddenly becomes very interested in her appearance, that is probably not just a coincidence. Again, there’s nothing wrong with a woman wanting to work on herself. But, an obsession with one’s appearance signifies that a person is trying to impress someone. This is true for both men and women.

But, while men will wear a nice shirt and shave, a woman might go a bit crazier with her appearance. If she tries to impress another man, she will buy new clothes, do her make-up and hair and even shave and scrub every inch of her body. She might wear a new perfume and buy designer items that make her seem desirable.

Some women go all out because that’s what they enjoy. But all women will put in that bit of extra effort when they are cheating. If, in the past few weeks, your wife was gone every night and she always left dressed up in her best clothes, that’s when you can become suspicious. You can always ask if you can tag along. If she always refuses, that means she’s hiding something.

There is no reason why she wouldn’t want you to hang out with her friends. And no one needs to have girl time for ten nights. Again, there’s nothing wrong with her going out. But when that’s all she seems to be doing but never wants you there or can never seem to tell you what she did, then you have a problem. Chances are you are dealing with a cheating husband.

2.      Cheaters Have Frequent or Sudden Schedule Changes

People’s schedules change all the time. So you shouldn’t always be suspicious if your wife has to do extra work or changes in her schedule. That being said, if she never had to go on a work trip, but suddenly she had to be gone with work every other week, that’s strange. Or if she didn’t mention a promotion or change in management, but her work hours change, something doesn’t add up.

A cheating wife will need time in which to do the cheating. And, of course, she will come up with some sort of excuse so that you don’t become suspicious. But that doesn’t mean you should fall for every excuse. At the same time, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Try to converse with her and ask her about all her trips or the extra projects she had to work on.

If she can’t tell you what she had to work on or where the conference was, that’s a sign she’s up to something. You can even call her work to check if those changes are real. Normally, this would be a toxic and controlling behavior, but in this case, it’s the only way to find out if you are being lied to. So, you can make that call to get the information you need.

3.      A Cheater Receives Many Gifts

If your wife is cheating, she might be getting gifts from the people courting her. Of course, those will probably not be delivered to your house. But if she suddenly starts having items you’ve never seen, that’s probably not a coincidence. You might just have a wife who loves to shop. But you might have a cheating wife, and those gifts are probably from guys trying to sweep her off her feet.

Plus, it’s not just jewelry or clothes she might be getting. If your house is filled with bouquets, that’s why you are a little suspicious. The thing is, women like to be courted. They like to get all the attention and feel like someone cares about them. This is exactly why she is keeping these gifts. Even though it would be safer for her to throw them away, she’ll keep them because they make her feel special.

Plus, she probably thinks that she can hide those gifts from you. But, if you notice some shiny new things popping up in your house, you should confront her about it. If she struggles to explain, she probably got them from her other man. Even if she says she bought them, buying jewelry and flowers for herself, especially if she doesn’t usually do that, it’s even weirder.


4.      A Cheating Wife Avoids You and Runs From Intimacy

A cheater will feel an enormous amount of guilt. So, if you have a cheating wife, she will probably struggle even to look you in the eye, knowing what she did. At the same time, most cheaters don’t want to leave their spouses because they are comfortable in that relationship. In that case, the cheater will want to maintain the relationship. But the presence of their spouse will make them feel like horrible human beings.

If you have a cheating wife, she won’t want to leave you, but she will probably avoid you until she can stop feeling guilty. She will be afraid you’ll figure out what she did if she spends too much time with you. That means she’ll probably come home from work, eat, shower, and go straight to bed without talking to you. Intimacy will be the last thing she will want to engage in.

When two people are intimate, they share a special connection and allow themselves to be vulnerable. Knowing that she cheated, she won’t trust herself to be that vulnerable around you. Again, this is because she believes you’ll be able to tell what she did if she allows her guard to fall in your presence. So, she won’t sleep with you and might not even want to kiss or hold your hand. If your wife suddenly starts to avoid you and intimacy at all costs, she’s probably cheating on you.

5.      A Cheating Wife Lies and Acts Strangely

A cheating wife will start acting weird and shady all the time. She won’t be herself, and, chances are, her lies will begin piling up quickly. She’ll lie to you about where she’s going at night. But she might forget what lie she told you and have to add some more lies to the pile. So, she will start habitually lying and acting shady at all times.

Plus, she might be looking for a way to break the news to you or even leave you, which might make her act even weirder.  Not to mention that she might act moody all the time without reason. She’s probably mad at herself for cheating and lying, but she might not see a way out of the mess she created. That probably means she is angry at herself and doesn’t know how to manage that anger.

This means there is a high likelihood she will snap at you and start fights for no reason. It might make her feel better to fight because that would mean that the relationship is rocky, and other factors, nor her cheating, cause the issues. That can make a cheating wife feel a little better about herself.

cheating wife

Final Thoughts on Behaviors That Reveal a Cheating Wife

One of the worst things a husband can learn about his wife is that she is cheating on him. But it’s better to figure that out yourself than to hear it from others. So, you need to learn some signs of a cheating wife.

A cheating wife will always go out and pay attention to her looks. She will always be busy, and her schedule will continually change. She also might be getting random gifts. Plus, she’ll probably avoid you and start acting shady. If your wife does any of these, she is probably being unfaithful.

5 Behaviors That Reveal a Cheating Husband

Women know just how much damage a cheating husband causes. And it’s bad enough when it’s just a boyfriend you’ve been dating for a couple of months who cheats on you. But when you’ve got a cheating husband, that’s much worse. And when the family is involved, especially kids, things get messy and traumatic. But it’s never easy to find out when someone is cheating.

It’s not like they will come to you and tell you that they’re being unfaithful. So, you’ll have to do some detective work and figure out if some things don’t add up. And it’s crucial to find that out as quickly as possible so that you can deal with it appropriately.

Not all cheating husbands act the same, and not all cheat for the same reasons. While cheating is never justified, there are some cases in which people truly made a mistake. A cheater doesn’t have to be an awful person. They might just be lost and lack the courage to talk to their partner about their issues. But, again, that doesn’t justify their actions.

But it allows the couple to work through their differences and problems. Some cheaters do it because they don’t have any regard for their partner. In that case, you shouldn’t take your cheating partner back. Still, you have that option if you want it. But you should know that a player will rarely change, and they will likely just keep hurting you.

Whatever your specific case might be, that’s up to you to decide. You know your wants and needs and if you are ready to give the cheater a second chance. But first, you must learn to spot the signs that you might be dealing with a cheating husband.

5 Behaviors That Reveal a Cheating Husband

NOTE: We acknowledge that women also might cheat on their spouses, and we address female cheater behaviors separately.

cheating husband

1.      A Cheater Takes More Care of His Appearance Than He Usually Would

It’s not bad for men to care for their appearance and put effort into their appearance. On the contrary, it shows that they care enough about themselves to invest time in pampering themselves or wearing nice clothes. You probably know by now how much effort your husband puts into his looks.

Maybe you’re married to the kind of chill, laid-back guy who wouldn’t trade their t-shirts even if you paid them. Some guys wouldn’t be caught dead in a fancy shirt. On the opposite end of the spectrum are the guys who never seem to get out of a suit, not even when chilling at the bar. So, if your husband suddenly starts changing their routine, that should raise some suspicions.

People always care how they look when they are courting someone. That’s a sign they are trying to make a good impression and hoping to get in someone’s good graces. That’s probably what they did when they first started courting you. And sure, there are reasons why people would want to look put together that have nothing to do with cheating.

They will want to look their best if they have a job interview or need to present a critical work project. Though, when your husband says he’s going to the bar to catch a game with the boys, but he’s wearing his best shirt and most expensive cologne, something doesn’t add up. If such things happen often, you should start wondering whether you have a cheating husband.

2.      A Cheating Husband Avoids You

This won’t be the case for all cheating husbands, as some men are good at lying and pretending. But most people have a hard time facing the person they are lying to so blatantly. If your husband avoids you, he’s most likely hiding something from you. Sure, he might be hiding something else, such as the fact that he broke your favorite cup.

But it’s more likely that he is doing something much more behind your back and feels like he’ll spill his secrets if he spends too much time with you. Plus, he might be trying to find a way to break things off so that he can be with his mistress. The more he avoids you, the more likely you’ll be to grow unhappy in that relationship, which might make you more likely to accept a divorce. And that might be exactly what he’s hoping for.

There are many outcomes that a cheater might be hoping to happen. Some will give you just as much attention because they don’t see a problem in having fun with another woman. But most will be scared to look into your eyes, knowing what they did. Or, there’s a possibility that they are avoiding you because they are getting what they need from their mistress.

In that case, they might feel there’s no need to waste their energy on you and try to connect with you. He might stay with you out of comfort, but he’ll likely get home and sleep without talking to you. If this is how your relationship dynamics are, that means you are probably dealing with a cheater.

3.      A Cheater Showers You with Gifts

Most men feel guilty after cheating on their wives or girlfriends. This guilt is the thing that makes them avoid you, as we’ve discussed previously. But it can also make them feel the need to shower you with compliments and gifts, so if you start getting many more gifts than you usually would, that’s not always a cute, romantic gesture.

You might be dealing with a cheating husband trying to buy your forgiveness. Sure, a nice husband will get you gifts even if there’s no special occasion. So it might not be weird to get some flowers sent to your work occasionally. But it can be weird if you get many expensive gifts suddenly. Or even if they are not costly, it’s still a red flag if you get many more gifts than you usually would.

Plus, you should also be on alert if he starts showering you with compliments suddenly. Again, it might seem like a cute thing to do. But if it’s a sudden change in his behavior, it might point toward him trying to hide something.


4.      A Cheating Husband Avoids Intimacy

One of the reasons why men start cheating is because they feel like they don’t get enough action from their wives. This is a stupid reason, and you should never accept it as an excuse. But this is what sometimes goes on in their head. This should mean that they would jump at the chance to be intimate with you if that’s something they felt they were lacking.

You should be surprised to hear that it’s the other way around. If you have a cheating husband, he’ll probably avoid intimacy as much as possible. And it’s not just sex he’ll be avoiding. He will also prevent kissing, hugging, or being close to you in any way.

But men also cheat for other reasons, not just because they lack intimacy. But they will still act the same after making that mistake. Their guilt will make it too difficult for them to be close to you. And the vulnerability associated with intimacy will only enhance how strongly they feel that guilt. If you and your husband used to be all over each other, but now he can’t even look at you, that’s a sign.

There’s almost no other reason why he would avoid you and refuse to be intimate with you. Not even if something else happened in his life. He might struggle to tell you if he lost his job or got some bad news, but he wouldn’t turn you down and refuse to hold your hand or kiss you. So, if that happens, it’s a sign that infidelity has probably affected your relationship.

5.      A Cheater Refuses to Talk to You

There are cases in which someone believes their partner is cheating, and they confront them. And, if the partner didn’t cheat on them, they will jump at the opportunity to prove their innocence. They will thoroughly explain any weird behavior and even allow the other person to look through their messages or call log if that will make them feel better.

At least they will be open to talking and not become defensive. Sure, the assumption might hurt them, but you’ll be able to talk things through with a partner who didn’t cheat. But, if you have a cheating husband, he’ll refuse to talk to you about any concerns you might have. He’ll stick to some story about working late or needing to leave town on business trips, and that’s it. And you won’t even be able to get any evidence from them.

Sure, forcing your partner to show you their messages is not okay. Everyone needs to have privacy, and that includes being able to have private conversations with other people. But, if you ask to see their phone and they refuse, that’s probably because they are hiding something. His priority should be to comfort you, even if that means allowing you to read a few texts.

So it’s normal to be suspicious if he refuses. But, even more of a giveaway is when he gets defensive if you try to confront him. If you bring up cheating and he starts trying to gaslight or manipulate you, he’s doing something suspicious behind your back.

cheating husband

Final Thoughts on Behaviors That Reveal a Cheating Husband

Having a cheating spouse is one of the most hurtful things anyone can experience in a relationship. The only thing you can do to make sure you don’t get blindsided is to learn the signs to identify them. Some men are more careful than others when they cheat, but all of them show some changes in behavior that can make you suspicious.

For example, a cheating husband will care much more for their appearance. They will find reasons to be away, avoid you, or even avoid intimacy with you. Even though they’ll be distant, they’ll shower you with gifts because they feel guilty. And they will avoid talking about the subject, no matter how hard you try to get information out of them.

7 Things Men Need from a Relationship Besides Sex

Men and women need different things in relationships, sometimes making it hard to recognize when your partner needs something else. Many assume their partner needs the same thing they do, but that’s often not the case.

Understanding the differences and recognizing what men need can help bridge the gap and strengthen your relationship. You’ll know what your man needs to ensure happiness and security within your relationship.

All men are different, but the things discussed below offer a general idea of what to expect. Your man might identify with some of them and not others, offering a good starting point for a discussion. Knowing what he needs can also help you understand his behavior when you react differently in the same situation.

NOTE: If you’d like to read about what women need from their partners besides sex, we cover that separately.

Why Women Don’t Always Understand What Men Need

Sometimes men are misunderstood because of social conditioning. Males are convinced they can’t (or shouldn’t) express their emotions, and women are taught to believe the opposite sex doesn’t have emotional needs. Neither of these things is true, however, causing miscommunication and barriers.

Men don’t openly discuss what they need as often as females do, so they won’t always say what’s on their minds. Other times, males get misunderstood because of a lack of communication. Rather than speaking up when they need something, men tend to stay silent until a needless fight occurs.

Women won’t always know that their partner is staying silent because they’re used to openly expressing themselves. She also won’t always know what he wants or needs because he doesn’t vocalize his feelings as she does. However, if this is the case in your relationship, you can use this article to understand what your man wants.


What Men Need from a Relationship

Understanding what men need can help strengthen your relationship. You’ll know how to meet your partner’s romantic needs and keep the spark alive.

1 – Respect

Men need respect from their partners, and expressions can come in many forms. He wants you to approve of his career, his beliefs or values, and who he is. Your approval shows respect by encouraging him to be himself and chase his dreams.

He’ll struggle to trust you and wonder if you want what’s best for him if he doesn’t feel respected. It can trigger him to feel anxious and like he must change his path or distance himself.

Respect also involves having confidence in your partner. It improves his self-worth as he knows he’s found someone who appreciates who he is.

2 – Honesty and Commitment

Honesty and commitment are essential for a man who wants a long-term relationship. They want mutual trust with their partner, requiring trustworthy behavior from both of you. Men don’t want their partners to hide things, even if the truth is hard to share.

Showing your commitment requires honesty and involves showing that you want to be with him. Express your feelings through words and actions, so there’s no mistaking your intentions.

3 – Open Communication

While men don’t always communicate as well as women, they still need open communication from their partners. They want you to express yourself clearly, so there’s no confusion about what you want or need. Not only does it allow the man to understand you, but it also makes them more likely to open up.

You and your partner will have different opinions and sometimes argue, but it’s still essential to be open about it. It’s the only way to resolve conflict and remedy misunderstandings.

4 – Acceptance and Admiration

Men want their partners to accept them for who they are and admire their efforts. They don’t want you to pressure them to change or strive for unrealistic standards. Your partner wants to know that you see his current achievements and efforts. Men need to know you support them, and your partner will likely respond well to hearing how much you love his ideas. Don’t assume he knows how you feel about him because he might begin to question it unless you speak up.

Thank him for doing things for you or handling issues with your home. Tell him that he makes you feel safe and secure, letting him know you want him around. These moments of admiration will encourage him to keep doing those things, benefiting you both.

Other things you can do or say to express your acceptance and admiration include the following:

  • tell him what you find physically attractive about him
  • detail how you like it when he does or says something specific
  • praise his accomplishments
  • thank him for taking you on a date

On the other hand, don’t compare him to others, become judgmental, or criticize him around others. You can offer constructive criticism or ideas in private, but it should never become a public conversation. When you discuss these things, consider following it up with reassurance so that he knows you still appreciate and admire him.


5 – Fun Times with Their Partner

Men sometimes need their space but also want fun times with their partners. Spending time with your partner doing fun activities is essential to meeting his emotional needs. It shows that you’re interested in who he is and values what’s important to him.

One of the best ways to have fun with your partner is to find ways to laugh together. It will help him unwind and relax as they can show their playful side. Learn to enjoy things your partner loves and find new hobbies to learn together. This quality time will remind him that you are his best friend and partner.

Consider planning one day each week to have uninterrupted time together. It helps you connect despite the time constraints of your daily responsibilities. Prioritizing fun time together is what your partner needs, and you’ll also love the memories and bonding opportunities.

You don’t have to spend money to have quality time. Many free or inexpensive options can be the perfect bonding experience. Some ideas include:

  • do something that makes you laugh
  • ask him to teach you about the hobbies he’s working on
  • go on a picnic
  • have a game night
  • go for a walk in the park or take a hike
  • find a free concert or event
  • have a beach day
  • go geocaching
  • play a sport together

6 – Physical Affection

Studies show that men need a sense of physical connection just as much as women do in a romantic relationship. They need to feel deeply connected to their partner, and it doesn’t involve wanting sex. These males often want to hug, hold hands, or share deep kisses.

You can come up and hug your partner from behind or touch his neck and hair while he works on a task. Small gestures like these help him feel loved, strengthening your relationship and bond.

7 – Autonomy and Space

Men love spending time with their partners, but they also need autonomy. They often need to figure things out and act without discussion when solving problems. Once he figures it out, he’ll reengage and be a happier version of himself again.

You might notice that your man sometimes becomes withdrawn and focuses on one specific thing when stressed. On the other hand, women are often different in this approach, preferring communication and expressing emotions.

These differences sometimes confuse women, making them think their partner isn’t interested. However, it’s just how they process and work through problems. Giving them the space will show them that you understand who they are and how they function.

It’s often best not to pressure him to talk about it when he’s trying to solve the problem. Let him know you’re there, and then let him have his space to regroup. He’ll appreciate your trust and the bond you have that allows him to take his time without upsetting you.

Don’t try to change who he is. Don’t change his friends, hobbies, and interests, or relationships with family members. Forcing him to be like you or who you want him to be isn’t what a man needs from you. Giving him autonomy also involves letting him do things without you sometimes. He needs the freedom to engage in hobbies alone or spend time with friends.


Final Thoughts on Things Men Need from a Relationship

Men need different things than women in a romantic relationship. You can implement boundaries that respect your needs while allowing your man to maintain his needs.

If you’re a woman looking to strengthen your relationship, consider making some changes to help meet your man’s emotional needs. Men reading this, consider asking your partner to implement some of the strategies discussed here. Discussing these needs can deepen your bond and help you and your partner understand one another better.

Everyone and every relationship differ, making the discussion essential to nailing down which ones your partner needs. It’s not a process of blaming one another but a discussion of how to love one another in the way they need. Learning what men need can help improve your relationship and recognize the differences.

FDA Warns E-Cigarette Companies to Stop Marketing to Kids

Many people use e-cigarettes as an alternative to traditional tobacco products. Some believe that vaping provides a healthier way to consume nicotine and may help them quit smoking. However, scientists have discovered that vape products such as e-cigarettes may cause more harm than good. It’s especially troubling that companies have begun marketing these products to young children.

They design their e-cigarettes to resemble popular toys, food, or cartoon characters that children easily recognize. For instance, some vape pens look like glow sticks, walkie-talkies, popsicles, and even the Nintendo Game Boy.

Others feature images of trendy characters from shows and movies, including “The Simpsons,” “Squid Game,” and “Minions,” for example. While these products don’t exclusively target children, they will inevitably attract youth with their vibrant colors and well-liked characters.

However, in November 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USDA) sent warning letters to five companies to stop selling unauthorized products or risk enforcement. The warnings included 15 different e-cigarette products for which the manufacturers failed to submit a premarket application, making them illegal.

These Vape Companies Received FDA Warnings


The FDA issued warning letters to the following companies:

  • Wizman Limited doing business as Wizvapor
  • Shenzhen Fumot Technology Co., Ltd., doing business as R and M Vapes
  • Shenzhen Quawins Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Ruthless Vapor
  • Moti Global

“The designs of these products are an utterly flagrant attempt to target kids,” said Brian King, Ph.D., M.P.H., director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, in a press release. “It’s a hard sell to suggest that adults using e-cigarettes to quit smoking need a cartoon character emblazoned across the front of the product to do so successfully.”

Sadly, tobacco product use continues to rise among middle and high school students. According to an FDA report, more than three million adolescents regularly used tobacco products in 2022. Over 25% reported using e-cigarettes daily, with disposable varieties being the most popular. Approximately 85% used flavored e-cigarettes, such as fruit, candy, dessert, and other sweet flavors.

FDA Cracks Down on Unauthorized E-Cigarette Companies

While these statistics are alarming, the FDA’s move to hold e-cigarette companies accountable will hopefully reverse this trend. The warning letters notified the companies that selling or distributing e-cigarettes without prior authorization is prohibited under the FD&C Act. If the manufacturers fail to comply and don’t correct the violations, the FDA can take additional actions such as injunction, seizure, and/or civil money penalties.

Additionally, officials might refuse admission or detain misbranded or adulterated products imported into the U.S. The FDA suggested that retailers and distributors discuss alternative plans for any illegal products in their inventory with their suppliers.

“The FDA is committed to keeping tobacco products out of the hands of our nation’s youth,” said Dr. King. “The agency will continue to hold companies accountable for illegally selling e-cigarettes, particularly those that shamelessly target youth.”


The warning letters signified a milestone in the FDA’s mission to eliminate unauthorized tobacco products from the market. By October 2022, the FDA issued over 440 warning letters to companies marketing illegal e-cigarettes containing nicotine from tobacco. They also sent more than 60 warning letters to companies that sold unauthorized products containing non-tobacco nicotine.

On Oct. 18, 2022, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), on the FDA’s behalf, filed complaints for permanent injunctions in federal courts against six e-cigarette companies. Each of the manufacturers failed to submit premarket applications for their vaping products.

Despite the FDA’s prior warnings, they also continued illegally manufacturing, distributing, and selling their products. These cases mark the FDA’s first time instituting injunctions to enforce the FD&C Act’s premarket review provisions for new tobacco products.

“Today’s enforcement actions represent a significant step for the FDA in preventing tobacco product manufacturers from violating the law,” said Dr. King in another press release. “We will not stand by as manufacturers repeatedly break the law, especially after being afforded multiple opportunities to comply.”

Why Are E-Cigarettes So Harmful?

Some believe e-cigarettes are safe because they contain fewer harmful chemicals than combustible cigarettes. While this is true, vape pens and similar products can still negatively impact health. A few reasons to avoid e-cigarettes include the following:

  • Many e-cigarette flavorings contain nicotine, the highly addictive substance in regular cigarettes and other tobacco products. Nicotine can adversely impact brain development, which occurs until about age 25. Studies show that using nicotine in adolescence can harm brain regions responsible for attention, impulse control, mood, and learning.
  • They may cause lung injuries or even death. While it’s rare, vape products can cause a condition called e-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury (EVALI). In February 2020, the CDC reported 2,807 cases of EVALI and 68 deaths attributed to lung illness. The CDC identified high levels of vitamin E acetate, a thickening agent commonly used in THC vaping products, in all the patients’ lung fluid samples. However, it’s important to note that the e-liquids that caused the outbreak came from black-market vaping products.
  • Vape products can contain thousands of hidden chemicals. A study by Johns Hopkins researchers revealed that vaping liquids and aerosols might contain compounds undisclosed by manufacturers. They discovered that some tobacco-flavored liquids had nearly 2,000 chemicals, most of which they couldn’t identify. Of the chemicals they could identify, they found caffeine, three industrial chemicals, a pesticide, and two flavorings associated with respiratory irritation.
  • E-cigarettes may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Research shows higher cardiovascular disease among dual users of e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes than smoking alone. However, more studies are needed to confirm the findings.

These are just some of the documented effects of e-cigarettes on health. Since vape products are relatively new, scientists can’t yet confirm or fully understand their risks or long-term impacts. It’s best to avoid vaping entirely if you want to err on the side of caution.


Final Thoughts on FDA Warning E-Cigarette Firms to Stop Marketing to Kids

In October 2022, the FDA began enforcing stringent rules for e-cigarette companies that market their products to children. The agency sent warning letters to five companies that violated the law by selling and manufacturing unauthorized products. The administration said it would keep companies accountable and keep dangerous products out of children’s hands.

20 Motivational Quotes to Feel Happy Today

We can all use more joy in our lives, and some motivational words of wisdom can help you achieve it. Motivational quotes can help lift your mood and find joy in your daily life. They can also help you prepare for difficult moments, encouraging you to handle any situation.

When you find motivational quotes that resonate within you, write them down in a place you’ll see often. You can put them near your desk, on your mirror, or anywhere else you’re sure to see them.

The highs and lows of life are inevitable, and you’ll experience things that test you and others that bring joy. Motivational words will help you feel happy during either of those situations, allowing you to embrace positivity.

If you can, find a quiet place to read the quotes while taking a few deep breaths. Otherwise, read them wherever you are to help bring joy to your day.

Twenty Motivational Quotes to Feel Happy Today

motivational quotes

These motivational phrases will help you find peace and enjoy your day. They can boost your mood as you go through your daily routine and encourage you to focus on positivity.

1 – “If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you.” – Lao Tzu

Relying on others for joy won’t help you find it. It doesn’t depend on money or material items, either. Focus on being grateful for what you have and understanding that you have plenty.

2 – “Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi

When you’re true to yourself and your values, you’re more likely to feel good about your life. Don’t go against what you’re okay with, and make sure that your thoughts, words, and actions align.

3 – “We all get report cards in many different ways, but the real excitement of what you’re doing is in the doing of it. It’s not what you’re gonna get in the end—it’s not the final curtain—it’s really in the doing it, and loving what you’re doing.” – Ralph Lauren

Staying in the present instead of fixating on what you haven’t achieved yet can help you find joy. Find excitement in the smaller goals you’ve achieved along your journey to reaching your long-term goal.

4 – “Happiness consists more in small conveniences or pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom to a man in the course of his life.” – Benjamin Franklin

Don’t wait for something that may never happen before you find joy in your life. Look for the good in your life each day, helping you find pleasure in the things you sometimes take for granted.

5 – “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.” – Andrew Carnegie

Your goals should involve things that inspire you, make you think, and motivate you to keep pushing. If you don’t have dreams like that, you’ll struggle to find positivity in your daily life.

6 – “They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” – Tom Bodett

Being joyful doesn’t take much, and these motivational words remind you what to focus on. As Bodett encourages, think of the people you love, the things you enjoy doing, and what you hope for.

7 – “There’s nothing like deep breaths after laughing that hard. Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons.” – Stephen Chbosky

Laughter is one of the best ways to enjoy your day. When you need something to boost your mood, find something to laugh about or someone to laugh with.

8 – “Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Let go of the things that prevent you from finding joy in your day. Release negativity and choose to embrace the good in your life instead.

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9 – “The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are.” – Goldie Hawn

Self-acceptance and self-love are sure ways to find joy in your daily journey. As Hawn explains, embracing who you are can lead to feeling better.

10 – “It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.” – L.M. Montgomery

Your thoughts contribute to how you feel, so choose joy. Once you decide to be happy, you’re sure to find it.

11 – “I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.” – Unknown

Some of the situations you find yourself in test your integrity and resilience. Motivational quotes can encourage you to push through your struggles and overcome challenges. They’ll inspire you to learn from everything you experience and become stronger as you continue your journey.

12 – “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” – Roy T. Bennett

Don’t let issues from the past interfere with your joy today. Likewise, avoid worrying about what might happen later. Instead, as Bennett suggests, you can find joy in focusing on the present.

13 – “The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.” – Henry Ward Beecher

This quote reminds you to count all the blessings in your life. Consider self-love or other positive quotes to help you feel even better. It’s a chance to celebrate joy and optimism.

14 – “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” – Marcus Aurelius

Your thoughts determine what happens in your life because you get what you fixate on. If you constantly have negative thoughts, you won’t find joy. On the other hand, positive thoughts can help you achieve your dreams and find meaning. These quotes help you shift your mindset, find joy, and embrace positivity.

15 – “Be a reflection of what you’d like to receive. If you want love, give love. If you want truth, be truthful. If you want respect, give respect. What you give out will always return.” – Kristen Butler

According to the law of attraction, what you put into the world is what you get back. If you want to be happy, try spreading joy to those around you. It’ll boost your mood and help someone else feel better.
kristen butler quote

16 – “Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Sharing them with friends can bring a moment of brightness to their day. Plus, experts say that when you spread joy or do kind things, you become happier, too.

17 – “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Achieving your goals and finding ways to overcome obstacles is part of what brings joy to your life. Embrace your journey rather than wait for positivity at the finish line.

18 – “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” – Dale Carnegie

How you feel about yourself and your situation are essential components of a positive mindset. If you experience frequent negative thoughts, you’ll struggle with finding joy. However, when you can think positively and focus on the good, you can boost your mood and embrace all you have.

19 – “To be kind to all, to like many and love a few, to be needed and wanted by those we love, is certainly the nearest we can come to happiness.” – Mary Stuart

Stuart shared that being kind to others, having loved ones, and feeling wanted are sure ways to find joy. Focus on the people around you and appreciate those closest to you, and you’ll feel better each day.

20 – “Don’t wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you’ve got to make yourself.” – Alice Walker

Waiting for someone else to make you happy won’t help you find joy. When you take control of your feelings, you’ll find joy much quicker, and it can last longer.

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Final Thoughts on Motivational Quotes to Feel Happy Today

These quotes can help you feel good about your life and look forward to your future. You’ll know that anything is possible, and you can do everything that makes you feel fulfilled.

Reading motivational quotes can help when you’re having a bad day or feel like you’re in a funk. They can bring a smile, give you an idea for how to fix your situation, or help calm your mind.

15 Signs That Reveal a Good Woman

Finding a good woman isn’t always an easy task. You want someone who completes you and is your other half; if you’ve already found this person, you’re lucky. You can grow and have a fulfilling life when you have the right person by your side.

Successful relationships require two people to pull together in the same direction. She needs to be there for you even when you’re at your worst, and you do the same in return. She’s your life, world, and future, all wrapped in a beautiful package. So, finding this soul mate is imperative for your happiness and fulfillment.

NOTE: If you want to read about the signs that reveal a good man, please see our separate article that specifically addresses male behaviors.

Fifteen Things That a Good Woman Would Display

Perhaps you’re dating someone and wonder if she’s the one for you. You may still be dating around trying to find that kind lady who makes your heart skip a beat. Here are fifteen indications of a good woman. Once you find her, you should hold on tight and never let her go.

good woman

1. A Good Woman Doesn’t Try to Change You

Many people start into relationships with the hopes that they can change the other person. Thankfully, a good woman knows and accepts you at face value. She isn’t trying to transform you into a version of what she thinks is perfect, as she loves you just the way you are.

The ironic thing about love is that you grow and change without even trying. When you’re with someone good, they make you want to be the best version of yourself.

2. She Doesn’t Play Games

There’s nothing worse than someone who plays games with your heart. Thankfully, a good woman wouldn’t dream of doing this to you. She knows that relationships can be challenging. However, she isn’t going to lead you on and have you chase her around if her heart isn’t in it.

It’s long been thought that men were more eager to play games. However, a study published by Wiley Online Library found that this generalization is false. After crunching the numbers, they found that women play as many games as men. So, it’s essential to find someone who is kind and considerate and isn’t going to leave you with emotional baggage.

3. She Doesn’t Run When It Gets Challenging

It’s easy to check out at the first sign of trouble, as some people don’t have the time or energy to fix things when they’re broken. Could this be why the divorce rate in this country is so high? According to OECD Family Database, America has the sixth highest rate of divorce in the world, which was about 45% in 2021.

Thankfully, the good lady doesn’t give up so easily. She’s the kind who will try everything in her power to fix things before she throws in the towel.

4. A Good Woman Celebrates You

Women who are proud of their men have no problem showing it. She’s there for every award banquet, work event, and anything else that’s important to you. When you get a raise or a promotion you’ve longed for, she’s throwing a party in your honor.

She doesn’t miss a birthday or any chance to celebrate anything and everything about you. She is totally in love, and she’s the person who keeps track of things like your first kiss and the first time you went on a date.

5. She Has Realistic Expectations

A good woman doesn’t expect you to buy her the sun, moon, and stars, but she will settle for an evening of stargazing with you. She has realistic expectations for you and the relationship. She strives to make your life easier and not more chaotic.

Unlike some women, she isn’t going to put demands on you that make your life more challenging, as her team-player instincts want to make things easier on you. You work superbly together, and she’s someone you want beside you through life.

6. A Good Woman Is a Team Player

While you want an independent woman, she should also be a team player. She isn’t selfish and never puts her needs above everyone else, as she wants to cooperate to finish the task.

She values the people around her because she knows that without them, she couldn’t do it alone. When it comes to relationships, a good woman knows that it’s 50/50, so she lets you have your say and listens.

7. She’s Honest

Honesty is one of those foundational building blocks that can cripple your union if it’s missing. You don’t have to second-guess what she’s telling you, as you know it’s the truth.

She will level with you about the good or bad things. However, she wouldn’t dream of lying to you about anything. She’s also honest about matters of the heart, so you feel like you can be vulnerable with her.


8. She’s Present

Having a relationship with someone who isn’t present can be a challenge. Some women spend more time on their phones or working than they do with their partners. Relationships require a lot of work, and she’s willing to put the time in to make your connection great.

She’s the kind who will turn off her phone at dinner because you’re the most important thing to her. She has no problems being present now, as her time with you is precious.

9. A Good Woman Is Faithful

She only has eyes for you, and another man could never divert her attention. She’s faithful to a fault and wouldn’t dream of having an affair. She looks at you like she’s won the lottery and you’re the man she’s longed to find. She wouldn’t do anything that might make you leave because you mean so much to her.

10. She’s Independent

Women who have a sense of independence aren’t needy and clingy. She’s a woman who can make it with or without you. She needs you but doesn’t have to be by your side 24×7.

She has a life and career that’s fulfilling outside of your relationship but for her, being with you is the icing on the cake.

11. She’s Never Jealous

Some women are so jealous that their man can’t even talk to a female, and when you’re in a relationship with someone like that, it makes life miserable. However, a good woman is secure within herself.

She knows you have female friends and doesn’t feel threatened by these connections. She’s likely to befriend them and develop her relationships as she knows these people mean a lot to you.

12. She’s Charitable

Finding someone who cares about others more than herself is a treasure indeed. She sees the world as broken and wants to do her part to help. She’s the kind who will donate food to the homeless, and she wouldn’t be against working at a local soup kitchen during the holidays, either. She’s very giving and charitable, making her even more attractive to the world around her.

13. A Good Woman Defends You

While she might get upset with you and have her say, she won’t let anyone else. She will defend and support you even when you’re in the wrong. She will protect your honor by standing up to family, friends, or coworkers.

She’s not someone you want to get riled, as she has no issue putting someone in their place. A sweet and gentle woman like her also has a fierce tiger inside that will come out when least expected.

14. She’s Kind to Your Family and Friends

A good woman knows that the people in your life are essential to you, so she goes out of her way to love them too. While relationships and in-laws are often challenging, she tries to make you happy. She’s not quick to anger or cut people off like some women, as she wants to do everything possible not to add unnecessary stress to your life.

15. She Tells You the Way It Is

Some people like to beat around the bush rather than be forthcoming with their words. However, a good woman loves and respects you enough to tell you how it is. If you’ve done something to upset her, she won’t mince words to let you know.

She will talk to you about the good and bad things because she knows that if she doesn’t get them out in the open, they will fester and turn into resentment.

good woman

Final Thoughts on Finding a Good Woman

Wouldn’t it be nice if the right lady fell from the sky like an angel? Sadly, these things only happen in fairy tales. The world is full of good women ready to find the right man but finding them is often challenging. Relationships are like an old home that’s been abandoned.

They often look rough and like a significant undertaking in the beginning. However, when both people are full of goodness, the bones and structure are worth putting in the work. With a little effort, this kind of relationship can sparkle and flourish.

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