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4 Signs You Have A True Soul Connection With Your Partner

Soulmates can happen more often than you think. Finding someone that you’re connected with on a spiritual level is an amazing thing. Dating can be a mixed bag of amazing relationships and subpar ones. And then, of course, if you’re lucky, you can find the One. A true soul connection feels as if they fill a space inside your ribs that you didn’t know that you were missing.

But how do you know when you’ve met the one? A lot of relationships are good, and they can definitely feel like a soul connection. You may feel positive and happy when you’re around that person – but a soul connection goes deeper. When you meet someone that you have a soul connection with, the signs will be there from the very beginning. How do you know that you have a soul connection with your partner?


“A soul mate is not found. A soul mate is recognized.” – Vironika Tugaleva


Sure, everyone enjoys being physically affectionate and intimate with their partners. But when you have a soul mate level connection, you always want to be connected with them – whether this means holding their hand or touching the small of their back, or even having sex.

Being physically intimate with your partner is a way to strengthen your relationship and bond, and you always feel amazing once you’re finally able to be within touching distance. You just can’t keep your hands off one another, and the romantic spark never fades or lessens.


If you ever get the urge to cut and run after a few months of dating, you’ll probably know the difference right away when you meet your soulmate. All those feelings of fear when it comes to commitment will be long gone. You know that you’re in it forever.

You can feel that you’re going to be happy with the same person for the rest of your life, and you fantasize about your life together months and years down the line. When you have a soulmate connection with your partner, you can’t fathom your life without them – and that’s just fine. You wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.


Figuring out that you have a soul connection with another person can happen almost instantaneously. When you met them, you’ll have bonded with them with just a few words. Your thoughts, interests and opinions line up, and even when they don’t you get a significant boost from talking about anything and everything.

Your ability to communicate is almost otherworldly. This is one of the best ways to know that this person is going to be in your life forever, even if it’s not always romantically. You’ll always remember the exact moment that you met, down to what you were wearing and who you were with.



Whether this means you become more patient, or you become more positive, being with your soul mate brings out the absolute best in you. And it isn’t just a one-way street. You also bring out all the best in your partner. Together, the two of you create an orbit of positivity, and inspire other people in your life to be happier and kinder to themselves and others as well.

You find that you are more understanding than you used to be, or you are learning to exhibit more empathy for other people, especially your significant other. You may still have flaws, but you will start to learn how to manage them and they will have less of an impact on your life.

Finding someone who hits all these points is a beautiful thing. If you’re trying to figure out whether or not you’ve met your soulmate, consider these points. Your whole life will seem more positive when you’re around them. Even all your hardships will be easier to weather when you have your soulmate at your side. A soul connection with another person can change who you are for the better – but if can always bring out the person that you were always meant to be. It may feel like you’ve been waiting your whole life for this person to show up – and if they finally have, enjoy it. They’ll be just as devoted to you as you are to them.

7 Signs Depression is Hurting Your Relationship

Many people suffer from mental illness before, during and after their relationships. Sometimes, depression may be the cause of problems within the partnership. Depression can affect the quality of your relationship, as well as having an effect on your partner. When you’re depressed, everything can seem ten times harder – relationships included.

“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” – Laurell K. Hamilton

Something that once brought you joy can start to become a source of stress, all because of the way your depression is affecting your relationship. The signs of depression hurting your relationship can be both overt and subtle. The best way to combat the issues depression causes in your relationship, is to be aware of it.



People with depression often report a lower libido and a lack of a sex drive. When your sex life with your partner starts to diminish, it can be part of the natural cycle of relationship libidos – but when it starts to become long-term with no end in sight, that’s when the depression is starting to affect your relationship.

By being aware of how your depression is affecting your sex drive, you’ll be able to better communicate with your partner ways that you feel you can stay intimately connected, without pushing boundaries.


Depression affects your moods, and sometimes the depression can manifest as irritability. If you find that you’re no longer able to stand your partner’s quirks that you once found endearing, this may be a sign that your depression is making your relationship harder than it needs to be.

Arguing more with your partner is a sign that your depression is getting the best of your relationship. The best way to combat this is to acknowledge the way your mood is making you act out, and have a talk with your partner about ways that you both can work around this.


Depression makes your reality become distorted in ways that it wasn’t before. When you’re depressed, you can get a general sense of hopelessness, and this can seep into your relationship. What you’re feeling isn’t an indicator that your relationship is doomed to fail.

The best thing to do is talk about these feelings with your partner, and let them know your worries. They’ll be able to help abate your fears, and make you feel more secure in your relationship until the feelings pass.


When conflict arises in the relationship, you’re affected by it two-fold. Normally, when you’re not depressed, you’re able to engage with the ups and downs of a relationship in a healthy manner. However, when you’re depressed, you may have a harder time dealing with the intensity of your emotions, which may cause you to blow arguments out of proportion and have a hard time dealing with your feelings.

Finding a way to discuss problems in the relationship without getting overwhelmed is the best course of action when your depression makes emotions feel like they’re too much for you to handle.


Depression makes it harder and harder to connect with people, even your significant other. You may find yourself withdrawing from everyone around you. When you begin to isolate yourself, you’re shutting yourself off from your partner, who still needs you to reciprocate emotionally in the relationship. This can cause strain and stress between you both. If you have a hard time with socializing, try to connect with your partner in other ways – texts, phone calls, emails.

Make sure that the both of you are connecting with each other even if you have trouble being face to face.


Depression makes everything harder – including things like eating properly, showering, or brushing your hair. Your relationship may take some strain if you find yourself struggling to take care of your body. Even the simple task of brushing your teeth can be overwhelming.

The best way to combat this is to make sure your partner understands that you want to take care of yourself, but it’s hard right now. Then, you can take everything in small, manageable chunks. Take a shower, but then wear your hair back without styling it. Brush your teeth, but skip makeup.


This can greatly harm a relationship, especially when you’re using them as a crutch or to self-medicate. Drinking or using drugs in order to drown out the depression can make you out of control in ways that can emotionally harm your partner and your relationship. The first step is admitting that you are starting to have a problem with using substances to combat your depression, and allowing your partner into your thoughts and emotions. Together, the two of you can find better coping mechanisms.

Having depression is hard enough without adding relationship stress on top of that. You and your partner will be able to work together to fix the problems in your relationship caused by depression once you’re able to see the signs. Loving someone while combating a mental illness isn’t easy, but it doesn’t mean you have any less love to give. When you start to find ways to healthily deal with your depression, you’ll also find ways to connect with your partner emotionally again, even if all you can do is take baby steps each day.

9 Signs of Protein Deficiency

Protein consists of long chains of amino acids. Of course, most recognize these as essential elements for the body’s development, growth, and maintenance. Amino acids are found in several food sources, particularly in eggs, dairy, fish, and meat. Certain plant foods, nuts, and seeds are good sources of fuel, as well.

Our muscles, organs, and tissues are all structured from assembled proteins. Functionally, these macronutrients play a role in nearly every way. Protein helps to heal wounds, control blood sugar levels, and neutralize bacteria.

Some nutritionists recommend that most people eat about fifty percent of their body weight in protein daily. For example, someone who weighs 120 pounds should aim for sixty grams.

Protein is a priority helps to aid with fat-burning and building and maintaining healthy muscles. Generally, the more active one is, the more protein their body demands. This is because proteins must be replenished as they quickly dissipate.

Most people are protein deficient to some degree. As protein is involved in every bodily function, symptoms will arise that signal a shortage of these vital biomolecules.

In this article, we’ll discuss nine signs of protein deficiency – and how you can replenish your protein levels.

First, here are potential signs that you’re protein-deficient:

eating protein

“Protein is the building block of yourself. It’s the building block of your muscles and also is present in the foods that are going to boost your metabolism and fat-burning potential. Nothing is more important than protein. It really is the fuel that motivates and really supports your body in building healthy tissues and cells.” – Dr. Josh Axe

1. Anxiety and moodiness

As mentioned, amino acids are the building blocks of just about everything in the body. This includes the chemical messengers within the brain or neurotransmitters. The synthesizing of amino acids produces dopamine and serotonin, the two brain chemicals responsible for drive, memory, and happiness.

2. Protein-deficient people suffer injuries more frequently

Protein is a precursor to calcium absorption; the latter is responsible for strengthening our bones. Unsurprisingly, insufficiencies can lead to bone and muscle injury. We’re more likely to develop bone fractures, weakness, and osteoporosis.

3. “Brain fog”

Brain fog is an umbrella term that encompasses several symptoms: fatigue, confusion, lack of focus, trouble concentrating, memory problems, and diminished mental acuity. Almost always, the problem is some chemical imbalance within the brain. Dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are all chemicals that the brain needs for better focus. Low protein levels can throw these chemicals off.

4. High cholesterol

Lack of protein in the body is often supplemented with carb-laden or fatty foods. As blood sugar levels are discombobulated from low protein levels, we’re more likely to crave a sugary snack. The result is inflammation and hormonal imbalances, contributing to higher LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.

5. Gastrointestinal problems

Healthy metabolism and digestion (surprise!) require plenty of amino acids. When this is not the case, our gut throws a fit by producing fewer enzymes and reducing the contractions necessary for digestion and excretion.

6. Irregular menstrual cycles

Dr. Joshua Axe explains, “Low-protein, high-sugar/high-carb diets can contribute to insulin resistance, fatigue, inflammation and weight gain that disrupts the delicate balance of female hormones (including that of estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA) needed to sustain a regular cycle.”

7. Rough workouts

We all know that adequate fuel is necessary to gain muscle mass but also for muscle function. Furthermore, even if you do work out on the regular, your results will be adversely affected. This is usually because of one or two reasons: (1) you don’t have the energy needed to go “all out,” or (2) your muscles can not properly recover because of protein deficiencies.

protein for workout

8. Sleep irregularities

Many things can cause bad sleep, but it’s easy to overlook a lack of protein. The effects of low protein levels on sleep are systematic and usually follow one of two courses of action. First, carbs take the place of protein, and carbs reduce the amount of insulin necessary to balance blood sugar levels. Or, your protein deficiency is raising the cortisol (“stress hormone”) levels in your system. Neither situation is conducive to a good night’s rest.

9. Weight gain

Many excellent sources (e.g. fish and eggs) have a higher fat and calorie count than other carb- and fat-based foods. The difference is that protein promotes feelings of fullness (“satiety”) better than most foods consisting primarily of fat or carbs. Further, it stabilizes blood sugar levels much better than carbs or fats do. This makes it less likely that you’ll snack or have a sugar craving during the day. The result of adequate protein levels is, oftentimes, a healthier weight.

Final Thoughts: Know the Good Protein Sources

While we’ve mentioned meat, eggs, fish, and dairy as good protein sources, there are also plenty of good vegan and vegetarian options. Besides being a terrific source, some vegan and vegetarian foods are rich in fiber and other nutrients.

Almonds, flax, chia, hemp, adzuki beans, lentils, unprocessed oats, amaranth, farro, oats, and quinoa are all good sources. Regarding vegetable, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, mushrooms, and spinach are great choices.

The best meat types are grass-fed beef, wild-caught salmon, and organic chicken and turkey. Supplementing your diet with protein powder is a fine idea, assuming you also get plenty from food sources.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Researchers Reveal What Enjoying Alone Time Says About Your Personality

From the time we walk into our first class, we’re thrust into an environment that about 25 percent of us detest. We’re thrust into groups, teams, socializing, and small talk. For one of every four living souls who prefer alone time, this is the environment we’re forced to contend with for the remainder of our days.

It doesn’t take a Ph.D. in sociology to observe the inherent social bias against loners, i.e., the introverts, or better known as the “withdrawn,” “timid,” and “coy.” In essence, we’re bashed for having different neurochemistry. Others might even unfairly label us for our preference for alone time. So unfair!

“Self-reliant, each loner swims alone through a social world – a world of teams, troops, and groups – that scorns and misunderstands those who stand apart.” Anneli Rufus

An Illustration of a Personality Who Likes Alone Time


Here’s a fictitious account of someone who thrives on alone time:

In a bustling city where the streets were always brimming with activity, Jordan found solace in the quiet corners. Unlike most, she felt an unparalleled comfort in solitude, a sensation many failed to understand. It wasn’t that Jordan didn’t enjoy the company of others; she had a small group of close friends and a loving family. However, she often found that the most genuine conversations she had were with herself, in the silent embrace of her thoughts.

Every weekend, while her peers would flock to cafes and theaters, Jordan would embark on solitary adventures. She’d hike up the hidden trails, read books by the lakeside, or sit in a quiet park watching the world go by, with only her thoughts for company. These moments, where she could hear the whispers of the wind, the rustle of the leaves, and the symphony of her heartbeat, were when Jordan felt most alive. It was in these moments of solitude that she unearthed insights about herself and the world around her, insights that often eluded her in the noise of social gatherings.

People often misunderstood her preference for solitude. “Aren’t you lonely?” they’d ask, assuming that solitude equated to loneliness. But Jordan would smile gently, trying to explain that there’s a profound difference between being alone and feeling lonely. For her, solitude was a choice, a cherished one, where she could connect with her innermost feelings, dreams, and fears uninterrupted.

Over the years, Jordan’s understanding of herself deepened, and her love for solitude only grew. She learned that in a world that constantly demands one’s attention, it is essential to find time for oneself. While the world saw her as an enigma, those who truly knew Jordan admired her strength, clarity, and the depth of her introspection. Her unique perspective on life was a testament to the power of solitude, proving that sometimes the best company one can keep is oneself.

Do You Prefer Alone Time? Researchers Reveal What It Says About You

talk to yourself

1. They do like people

Sure, there are reclusive people who pose a danger to society, like Ted Kaczynski (the “Unabomber”) and other misanthropes like him. But these people are a (rare!) exception to the rule.

Introverts (and other “loners”) like people if given enough time to understand them, and vice-versa. Our more outgoing colleagues are more gifted at making small talk, which is a necessary pre-requisite for making friends with many people. Small talk isn’t something introverts do particularly well, which is partially the reason we despise it.

We like people, we like having a small circle of friends, but we’re just as comfortable – if not more so – being alone in a quiet café somewhere.

2. They’re open-minded

It’s pretty easy to cast someone quiet or reserved as being judgmental. Most times, however, this is not the case. People who aresecure in spending time alone are not more or less closed-minded than anyone else.

3. Most of them aren’t neurotic

In personality inventories such as the “Big Five” personality assessment, the word neurotic is associated with “(moodiness) and such feelings as anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, envy, jealousy, guilt, depressed mood, and loneliness.”

Sophia Dembling, in an article published in Psychology Today, compares the introvert perspective and the neurotic perspective using social situations. Here are a couple of examples:

(a) Standing in a line waiting to get into a party.

Neurotic: “I’m pretty sure 87 percent of the people here are going to hate me.”

Introvert: “Can I go home now?”

(b) An attractive stranger across the room appears to be looking your way.

Neurotic: “Is my zipper open?”

Introvert: “Let’s see what happens if I make eye contact.”

(Pretty much correct.)

4. They’re great listeners

That’s right, some people who cherish their alone time also have some pretty good listening chops.

Nancy Ancowitz, author of Self Promotion for Introverts: The Quiet Guide to Getting Ahead, writes, “One lesson we can learn from introverts is that practicing and improving your listening skills helps you in so many aspects of your life. It helps you target your audience, whether you’re speaking publicly, participating in a meeting, negotiating a sale, or relating to a friend.”

Unsurprisingly, this ability comes from differences in brain chemistry: “As an introvert, your listening to talking ratio is higher,” says Ancowitz. “You tend to be processing things quietly in your head as opposed to out loud, which adds noise to the conversation.”

(Ancowitz’s findings are quite accurate. The only thing I’d add is “except in situations that involve small talk.” In this scenario, exasperated loners won’t actively pay attention, much less listen.)

alone time

5. They’re easily over-stimulated

So here’s that neurochemistry thing at work again. People who enjoy solitude have a default brain pathway that’s very different from those who crave the social scene.

Dopamine is a brain chemical that provides motivation to, among other things, seek external rewards, climb the social ladder, attract a mate, or get promoted at work.

The dopamine-reward network is “more active in the brains of extroverts than in the brains of introverts,” says Scott Barry Kaufman, Scientific Director of The Imagination Institute. An influx of dopamine is a rush for some people and a hindrance for others.

For the homebody personalities among us. Indeed, we prefer the neurochemical acetylcholine. Acetylcholine, like dopamine, links to the reward. The difference is that the former chemical activates when certain people “turn inward.”

As one self-described introvert explains: “For my extroverted friends, the noise and the crowd at the concert were simply all part of the fun. Yet, for me, as the night wore on, the hubbub became annoying and tiring, – even punishing as I became overstimulated.”

I’ve had a lot of fun at concerts (The Beastie Boys were awesome.) But I can also empathize with the need to escape the noise, which may be the larger issue.)

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Signs Money Is In Your Future

Those of us who follow the Law of Attraction believe in the innate ability to “attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on.” Furthermore, that all humans are subject to the very laws that govern the Universe.

If this sounds impractical to you, consider that Nobel Prize Winners, prestigious scientists at world-class institutions and others have reached a consensus about the Universe, namely, that the Universe is immaterial, mental and spiritual in nature. Take the following quotation from R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University:

“As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are beings forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction.”

So, if the laws of the Universe are inextricably tied to conscious forces, the tenets that govern the Law of Attraction [LOA] are factual. We attract like energy, positive or negative.

The beautiful thing about this truth is that we can create a life of abundance. The word “abundance” means different things to different people (as you’ll soon see); for many, financial security is one aspect of an abundant life.

In this article, we present 10 (some peculiar) signs that money may be headed your way according to certain traditions.

10 Signs Money Is In Your Future

1. You Have Plenty of Loose Change

Feng Shui – which literally translates to “wind and water” – is an ancient Chinese art of placement; creating a harmonious environment that attracts and enhances the flow of chi (life force or spiritual energy).

According to Feng Shui, keeping loose change in a jar in your kitchen is a way of attracting financial abundance.

2. You (Ahem) are “Bird Bombed”

Birds, as creatures of the sky, often relieve themselves mid-flight. On rare occasions, a bird’s droppings will land atop someone’s head. While frustrating (because what do you do if you are, say, at work?) this may be an omen of good luck.

So, if you’re pooped on by a bird, try to remember this!

3. Seeing the Number 8 Everywhere

No, you can’t look for the number 8…so stop it (you know who you are!)

Joking aside, the number 8 is considered a homonym for “good fortune” in Mandarin and Cantonese. As a symmetrical figure, the number is seen as a sign of balance and inner peace.


4. Bugs!

(Bleck … *covers mouth*…oh, sorry!)

Some of us (including yours truly) hate bugs. Any bugs. Large and small bugs. Flying and crawling bugs. *Grabs swatter*

But, in some cultures and countries – Trinidadians [brown spiders and grasshoppers], Brazilians [gray crickets], Chinese [crickets and dark butterflies], and Barbadians [loud crickets] – certain creepy crawlers are seen as good luck.

5. Seeing Your Initials in a Spider’s Web

I have yet to see this personally, though I must admit it’d be pretty dang cool. Apparently, if you come across a spider web and can find your initials, you’ll have good luck with money the rest of your life.

(Google Images doesn’t count.)

6. Someone Gives You Money on a Lucky Day

Here’s another tidbit of wisdom courtesy of Fung Shui tradition. Google a Fung Shui Almanac and then find the day of your animal sign or the day of a new or full moon. Now, if you receive an unexpected gift of cashola, you may just be “in the money” soon after.

(Also, getting tipped a generous amount on your Lucky Day is equally lucky, per Feng Shui tradition.)

7. Your Java is Bubbilicious

The one’s peculiar, but nonetheless interesting! There’s an old East Coast superstition that finding bubbles atop your coffee predicts wealth.

Our Canadian friends have a similar belief, but with a twist. If you can locate bubbles atop your coffee and, using a spoon, catch them unbroken, money is coming your way. (To the local java joint!)

8. You’re Pregnant

Ancient Chinese wisdom states that pregnant women carry good luck in their bellies. If you find yourself in China, pregnant, head to the local casino or to Netbet Casino. Odds are that nobody will bet against you. In fact, if you may be able to earn some coin without even playing. In China, gamblers consider it good luck to have a pregnant woman stand behind them when playing Blackjack. (Get that commission!). You can also go on to gamble from the comfort of your home. Alternatively, you can use the Kasino Nero platform to enjoy your favorite game and win a lot of prizes.

9. Don’t Flip Your Bread!

In France, it’s considered bad luck to place a loaf of bread, baguette, or any type of bread upside down. In fact, according to French lore, “mishandling” bread this way can introduce misfortune and poverty into one’s life.

(Bonus: if you’re in France on Friday the 13th, buy a lotto ticket. Also, if you come across a coin with your birth year on it, pick it up. Y’know, just on the off-chance you find yourself in France on this day with a pocketful of pieces de monnaie.)

10. Visit the Water Fountain

This last one may seem a bit counterintuitive, as it originates from Greece – a country not having the best of economic luck right now – but hear us out.

In the “olden” days, Athenians would toss coins into water wells to keep it from going dry. It’s said that this practice brought good fortune onto the ancient land. This tradition caught on in a big way. Remember tossing coins in the fountain as a kid?

(Gosh, everything was so much more exciting back then!)

Web Sources:

Scientists Explain How A New Space Telescope Is Going To Help Us Find Alien Life Sooner Than We Thought

Over the next decade, we should be able to search for radio signals from a million stars or more. …That’s a big enough number to make it reasonable to think that we’ll find intelligent life…if it’s actually out there -who are trying to make contact.” – Douglas Vakoch, Director at the SETI Institute

“Is there intelligent life elsewhere?” and “Are we alone in the Universe?” are two questions we haven’t been able to answer since 1959; the year that scientists actually started “looking” for E.T. or his close cousin.

Well, the fact is we have not found anything…yet. “Just wait,” NASA scientists, alien enthusiasts, and wannabe astronauts say, “We’re getting closer!”

They may indeed be right.

Humankind, in fact, may be within a decade or two or making a discovery of historic proportions. Why “a decade or two”?

We’re glad you asked. Together, we’re going to explore three big reasons that many astrologists, cosmologists, astrobiologists, and astrophysicists believe we’re “not alone.” Additionally, we’re going to discuss the massive event to take place next year (no peeking!)

Scientists Explain How We Will Find Alien Life Sooner Than Previously Thought

1. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)

The JWST will become humanity’s latest and greatest “Eye in the Sky.” The James Webb Space Telescope is the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, which has – in its 27-plus years – revolutionized our understanding of the Universe.

Let’s consider, first, what the Hubble telescope has discovered in just a quarter of a century:

Hubble’s data was able to “pinpoint” the age of the universe: about 13.8 billion years

– Confirmed the ongoing expansion of the Universe

– Traced the growth of galaxies (“far, far away”)

Spotted the existence of more than 3,000 extrasolar planets (those outside of the Earth’s solar system)

– Discovered invaluable details surrounding Dark Matter, i.e., that dark matter’s gravity causes the formation (via dust and gas) of new stars and galaxies.

In short, our knowledge of the Universe has grown by leaps and bounds over a relatively short 27-year period – mostly because of the Hubble.

Okay, now the details surrounding the JWST’s 20-plus year design:

– The craft is capable of “seeing” space at 100 times the scale of Hubble.

– Its optical technology is capable of “showing us 13.5 billion years of space history.”

– Total development cost: about $8.7 billion.

NASA explains the scope (no pun intended) of the project:

“JWST will be the premier observatory of the next decade, serving thousands of astronomers worldwide. It will study every phase in the history of our Universe, ranging from the first luminous glows after the Big Bang, to the formation of solar systems capable of supporting life on planets like Earth, to the evolution of our own Solar System.”

JWST will launch in October of 2018 from French Guiana. (Sorry, couldn’t wait!)

2. Enceladus

Enceladus is the sixth-largest moon of the planet Saturn. However, Enceladus is no ordinary moon. Many scientists firmly believe that an alien form of aquatic life lives beneath the layers of ice on the otherwise unremarkable moon.

Discovered in 1789, very little was known about Enceladus until two Voyager spacecraft passed close by in the late 80’s. Apparently, the information received and analyzed by scientists warranted closer examination.

NASA spacecraft Cassini began close flybys of Enceladus in 2005. As the craft was traveling on routine operations one day in 2015, it flew through a geyser of water shot upwards of 30-plus miles from the moon’s surface. The craft gathered the new environmental data and sent it back to Earth for analysis.

After months of data analysis, NASA announced the following:

– Discovery of Molecular Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide, two essential elements that permit methanogenesis (a biological process that allows the production and survival of aquatic (and other) lifeforms.

Enceladus contains all three necessary elements for life: a source of energy, water, and organic molecules. Before Cassini’s venture through a geyser, scientists knew that the second and third existed. Now, they also know the all-important energy source exists as well.

Theoretically, the first signs of alien life may be hidden in darkest depths of an average-sized moon hovering above the second-largest planet in our solar system. Go figure.

2. “Joint Europa Mission (JEM)”

Similar to Enceladus, Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, is considered one of the best candidates for alien life. The rationale supporting JEM is relatively straightforward: Europa contains over twice as much water as Earth, and the water’s chemical composition is very similar to that of our oceans.

Kevin Hand, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, explains the focus on oceans for potential alien life:

“The search for life beyond Earth begins with understanding life of our home planet, and that story, the story of life on Earth, may have begun in our oceans, and that’s because – if we’ve learned anything about life – it’s that where you find the liquid water, you generally find life.”

NASA, in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA), will “pool their resources” for the historic landing, which is scheduled for some time in 2025. “The ultimate goal,” says Michel Blanc from the research institution teaming with NASA’s scientists, “is to get to the surface and look for biosignatures of life.”

“For the first time in the history of humanity, we have the tools and technology and capability to potentially answer this question, and we know where to go to find it: Jupiter’s ‘ocean-world,’ Europa,” Dr. Hand concludes.

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