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How to Naturally Detox Your Lungs

Of all the health practices, the need to detox your lungs is arguably the most abused and ignored. Whatever happens, to be in the air when we breathe, is instantly deposited into the lungs. You’ve already seen the ubiquitous ads warning against smoking. When was the last time you saw something on television about air pollutants? Greenhouse gases? The dangers of burning coal?

Let’s use coal as an example. Despite the recent pontification regarding the innocence of coal-burning, it is “the (United States) top source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the primary cause of global warming …a leading cause of smog, acid rain, and toxic air pollution.”

“Our lungs interact with the environment,” explains Dr. Lisa A. Maier, head of the National Jewish Health’s environmental and occupational health sciences in Denver, Colorado. “We literally breath in everything that’s around us.”

While nearly every other developed country in the world is enacting safeguards against air pollutants, the U.S. has undone over 20 environmental rules over the past year, endangering its citizen’s health and well-being.

Environmental Impacts May Increase the Need to Detox Your Lungs

As bad as this situation is, many places worldwide have it much worse, where few to no environmental regulations or safeguards exist. India, for example, is a fast-developing nation with one of the worst environmental records of any country. As Radhika Joshi eloquently states in a piece titled, ‘Ignore environmental protection at your own peril,’

“Said to be at the top of the development chain, humans have become the embodiment of destruction of nature. The lap of nature in which evolution takes place is deteriorating due to the greed of humanity.”

If we can’t rely on elected officials to hold themselves accountable on such an important issue, we must take control of the controllable and preserve our health.

The nuances of preventative medicine are beyond the scope of this article. However, simple and effective ways, say, to protect your lungs, are not. We will focus on the latter.

How to Naturally Detox Your Lungs

detox your lungs

“Finding out you have cancer is never good news: but in the ‘hierarchy’ of malignant disease, lung cancer is one of the hardest to diagnose, one of the (hardest) to treat, and one that tends to have a poor prognosis.” – Joanna Moorhead

1. Quit Smoking

The obvious solution for protecting the lungs is to refrain from smoking. Per the American Cancer Society (ACS), smoking is by far the leading cause of lung cancer – accounting for about 80 to 85 percent of lung cancer deaths.

Per the ACS, while “smoking is clearly the strongest risk factor for lung cancer,” the habit “often interacts with other known risk factors….” The most explicit link, unsurprisingly, is genetics.

It’s also worth noting, per the National Health Service (U.K.), that “non-smoking women who share their house with a smoking partner are 25 percent more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smoking women (with) a non-smoking partner.”

2. Get your antioxidants

A healthy and well-balanced diet with plenty of antioxidants is an excellent way to detox the lungs (and other organs.) Antioxidants ward off harmful free radicals that harm healthy cells. Research shows that antioxidants “enhance lung capability and improve the quality of breathing” in clinical settings.

Good sources of antioxidants include blueberries, broccoli, fish, grapes, green tea, spinach, and sweet potatoes.

3. Break a sweat

Once again, researchers prove the extraordinary benefits of exercise. A half-hour, three to four times per week, or 20 minutes of high-intensity interval training three times weekly is enough to keep your lungs pumping.

Consider taking up the Tabata Workout – a four-minute HIIT regimen designed for Japanese Olympians if you’re stretched for time. (Warning: this workout is intense.)

4. Consider your environment

Whatever potential environment(s) you can and should control, you can. First, ensure that your home and workplace and well-ventilated. Second, if your occupation involves handling hazardous materials (e.g., construction workers, painters, assembly line workers, etc.), wear a personal respirator or dust mask. (Explain your rationale on the off-chance that your employer or customer objects. If they’re unaccommodating, you have legal ramifications. Do NOT put your health at risk.)

Consider moving if you know your state/city/town/village is a toxic environment. Is this a drastic step? Not really, if you consider the health implications of staying put.

5. Learn how to breathe

On the surface, this last one (admittedly) may sound a bit crazy… hear us out.

Most people do not know how to breathe. Don’t believe us? Observe how you’re living now.

The problem is that we tend to take shallow breaths. The solution: the lungs are an expandable organ. Understand this physiology and practice deep breathing a few times per week. You’ll expand your lungs, reduce stress, and feel more energetic.

Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Monk and one of the most respected figures within the Buddhist Philosophy, sums it up better than anyone, “Breathe in deeply to bring your mind home to your body.”

Six Healthy Benefits You Experience After You Detox Your Lungs

detox your lungs

There are no quick fixes to heal your lungs, but practicing healthy habits will go a long way in helping your lungs. Here are some benefits of having healthy lung habits.

1. You will breathe easier after you detox your lungs

When you quit smoking, it stops tar and nicotine from building up in your lungs. In the United States, smoking causes 1 out of 5 deaths. Cleaner lungs mean more minor lung damage and easier breathing. It will be worth it if you stop smoking for five days or ten years. When you give up smoking, it will improve your ability to breathe and help you feel better. Other benefits after you detox your lungs from smoke include:

  • Help your blood circulation.
  • Stop smelling like smoke.
  • Get your sense of taste and smell back.
  • Reduce your risks of having a stroke, cancer, or heart attack
  • Provide an excellent example for your kids and grandkids

2. You’ll feel motivated to eat healthier and notice any problems, sooner

When you eat a healthy diet, it improves your lungs. Eat foods rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins for the best results. Besides eating nutritious foods, see your doctor once a year. They will check your breathing; if they notice anything, they can prescribe an x-ray.

3. Restore your lungs to a fuller capacity

Regular exercise boosts your lung capacity and improves chronic lung disease. Restoring your lungs means you’ll be able to walk farther without feeling out of breath. Start by walking at least 30 minutes a day if you’re exercising. You can break up walking for fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes in the evening. Over time, increase your walking time to 45 minutes. Keep a regular pace. Increase your rate as you feel stronger.

4. Better quality air to breathe

When you detox your lungs, you’ll know the air you’re breathing. Avoid breathing polluted air when possible. Avoid secondhand smoke chemicals at work or home. Get your radon tested regularly. Stop using aerosols, scented candles, and other sprays that could damage your lungs. This will improve the air in your home and improve your lung capacity.

5. Removes carbon dioxide from your body

When you’re getting more oxygen into your lungs, it helps rid your lungs of carbon dioxide. If you suffer from lung disease, it reduces the oxygen to your lungs and increases the amount of carbon dioxide you have in your body.

6. You will better avoid sickness if you detox your lungs

Another benefit of keeping your lungs healthy is that you won’t get sick as often. Several things keep your respiratory system infection-free, such as these:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water
  • Avoid crowded areas during flu season
  • Avoid touching your mouth or nose.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day. See your dentist twice a year for cleanings and examinations.

detox your lungs

Final Thoughts on Detoxing Your Lungs for Better Health

Lung disease can go undetected until you’re seriously ill. Keep your lungs healthy with preventative check-ups, exercise, healthy eating, and breathing in clean air. The benefits will be a healthier, happy life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Psychology Explains 7 Reasons People Stay in Relationships They Shouldn’t

Relationships are often complex, and most couples have highs and lows in their interactions. It happens to everyone – not everything is perfect all the time.

But sometimes, people will stay in a relationship that’s not working. The relationship goes from having highs and lows, to having all lows.

This is about when people with healthy understandings of relationships decide to cut ties and let the relationship go- sometimes, even amicably, even if the relationship’s ending is saddening.

There are times, however, when someone doesn’t know when it’s time to end the relationship, and keeps staying even long after the expiration date. They’re unhappy in their relationship, but they stay anyway.

What exactly is the psychology behind why people stay in a union that no longer works for you?


“Losing will not always amount to a loss, sometimes you have to lose those toxic relationships and bad habits to create a space for better things.” – Gugu Mona



One of the reasons that someone may stay in a relationship that is no longer happy or healthy might be because they have low self-esteem.

Someone who has high self-esteem can see that they’re worth more than a relationship that constantly makes them miserable. They can understand when it’s time to leave for their own mental health.

On the other hand, someone who has low self-esteem may feel that if they speak up about their unhappiness in a relationship, they’ll be faced with rejection.


People who fear being lonely are much more likely to stay in a relationship that isn’t working or actively making them unhappy.

This fear is strong enough to override any other feelings they may have towards their partner. To them, being together and unhappy is much preferable to being alone and unhappy.

The only way that they’ll be able to cure this particular feeling is to learn to find happiness from within. Learning how to be alone and love yourself is key to conquering the fear of loneliness that keeps people trapped in unhappy situations.


This happens far too often with unhappy relationships. Many people stay in unhealthy relationships because they believe that their partner’s flaws will eventually sort themselves out. Oftentimes, the wait isn’t worth the misery. People can and do change all the time.

People are constantly changing and growing and adapting to life. Unfortunately, it isn’t someone else’s job to wait around for that change to occur.

It will only bring resentment and unhappiness from both partners. The best thing to do is let your partner find that change on their own.

They may change – eventually. But there’s no reason to wait around holding your breath.

bad relationships


This often happens with women for whom their partners are the sole or primary provider of the household. A fear of financial instability in this day and age isn’t altogether unfounded. However, this fear can lead many people to stay in a relationship that has long turned sour.

The best way to conquer this fear is to have resources and a support system. Family and friends are often more than willing and able to help out when someone needs leaving a bad relationship and financial stability is the only thing that is standing in the way. Financial planners are also available to help make a plan for a stable financial future.


Children make a bad relationship even more complicated. Sometimes, trying to stay together for the children isn’t the best thing for them, either, and it isn’t the best thing for either partner.

A bad feeling between parents often affects the children just as much as it impacts the parents.

Oftentimes, the unhappiness and abuse that one partner may endure during the relationship is often also suffered by the children.

Staying in an unhealthy relationship only reinforces to your children that they, too, should endure and suffer when they’re no longer happy.

Taking the steps to leave a relationship with children can be daunting and difficult, but it can be done. Reach out to crisis centers if needed, and surround yourself with support from friends and family.


Unfortunately, when people grow up in abusive households, they’re often more inclined to believe that the abuse they go through is normal. This is a contributing factor into why a person will stay in a relationship that is actively harmful to them.

They may be unable to recognize what is or isn’t abuse, as the harmful parts of a relationship – jealousy, possessiveness, even violence – have become normalized to them over the years.

People who experience this may need help recognizing what a healthy relationship looks like. Being a source of support for someone who has had abuse normalized for them is an important step in helping them leave their partners.


People in bad relationships often compare it to other, unhealthy relationships that seem worse. They’ll justify to themselves why they aren’t leaving by thinking, “Well, at least he doesn’t hit me”, or “At least she’s not violent”.

They may not know there’s more to partnerships than they’re currently experiencing. People who do this are more likely to stay in a relationship far past a time anyone else with a healthy understanding of relationships might do.

People who do this are more likely to stay far past a time anyone else with a healthy understanding of relationships might do.



Understanding why people stay in unhealthy relationships is the first step to being able to help someone you love – or yourself – get out. Whether the partnership has simply run its course or become a source of abuse, it is important to understand that partners do not have to be a source of stress and unhappiness.

Relationships can be healthy, happy, and secure. Once someone can recognize why they’re staying, it’s easier to search for resources to allow them to leave.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

25 Things to Let Go Before Your Next Birthday

Do you have things holding you back in life? Perhaps it’s time to set a goal to release that baggage before your next birthday.

“What was so interesting is that he had been influenced, yet he was completely unaware. And he wasn’t just imitating others, he was being different at the same time. When do people act similarly to others and when do they act differently? And how does this all happen without us realizing it?” Jonah Berger, Professor at the University of Pennsylvania

In the preceding quotation, Professor Berger refers to a D.C. lawyer friend of his who bought a new BMW. Prior to purchasing his vehicle, the lawyer was critical of his fellow attorneys who all bought BMWs to “show they’ve made it.” Perplexed, Berger pointed out that the lawyer had just done the same.

“When I pointed out that he had just bought one, and so he was just like the rest of them, he argued that he was different and hadn’t been influenced. When I asked why, he said that while they bought gray BMWs, he had bought a blue one.”

The point that Berger makes is that hidden forces influence us. Forces that shape our attitudes and behaviors, even our individual capacity for reasoning and thinking.  The lesson is that we too often operate in “auto-pilot mode.” We cede control of our thoughts to impulses and whims.

When cognizance is replaced with impulse, our mind is susceptible to irrational (often negative) thoughts. We can “take back the controls” and redirect the mind when we realize this. And we can let go of the things that have hurt our mental well-being.

Here are 25 things to let go of before your next birthday (and you can do it!)

1. Let go of thinking, “It’s too late…”

It’s never too late. Plan and work hard at what you enjoy. Forget about the time.


2. Let go of anxieties about the future

Buddha said it perfectly “Concentrate the mind on the present moment.” Control what you can and seek a happy future.

3. Let go of envy and jealousy before  your next birthday

Envy and jealousy is toxic thinking – don’t do it.

4. Let go of unresolved anger

Seek a solution for any unresolved anger. Meditation works wonders.

5. Let go of making excuses

We all engage in excuse-making once in a while, and we all need to let go of this behavior.

6. Let go of your fascination with “stuff”

Have hobbies and enjoy them, but don’t become obsessed with material goods.

7. Let go of the fear of speaking your mind

Be upfront, honest, and polite. When you combine the three, you’ll have no troubles speaking your mind.

8. Let go of your financial worries before your next birthday

We all need some cash to live. If you’ve got an income, a roof, and some food – you’re doing alright. Don’t let money dictate your life.

9. Let go of obsessive scheduling

Some people love to schedule, and that’s cool. If keeping a schedule is causing you to flip out, however, it may be worth implementing a bit of flexibility when possible.

10. Let go of being who “they” want you to be

“They” don’t matter. You matter. Forget everyone else’s expectations.

11. Let go of your past mistakes

You can’t move forward with your mind taking you backward. Learn from your “Oops!” and move on.

12. Let go of needless stress

In whatever form. A bit of stress is good for motivation; unnecessary stress is both unhealthy and unwise.


13. Let go of trying to change people

Making a difference is one thing – and it’s a noble pursuit! But get over trying to change someone who shows no interest or effort.

14. Let go of chronic procrastination

You’ll either manage the time, or the time will manage you. Procrastination is a terrible habit – and it leaves you less happy.

15. Let go of blaming others

Personal responsibility is a part of adulthood. Unfortunately, we don’t all learn that lesson. But personal responsibility = freedom.

16. Let go of “hurriedness”

Ever driven like hell towards somewhere you didn’t want to be? When there was plenty of time? Yeah, that.

17. Let go of laziness

Procrastination + Laziness = Failure.

18. Let go of not seeking out your dreams

Do you know what you’re passionate about? Are you working hard on those passions? Why not? (Think it’s too late? See #1)

19. Let go of irrational insecurities before your next birthday.

We’re all a bit sick of something about ourselves. Can you change it? If not, forget it and move on.

20. Let go of life’s inevitable unfairness

The ole’ adage “Life isn’t fair” has been repeated quintillion-plus times. You’re right – it’s not fair. What are you doing about it?

21. Let go of avoiding your problems

As with procrastination, avoiding your problems is tempting but ultimately leaves you unsatisfied.

22. Let go of regret

Marlon Brando (aka, “The Godfather) once said, “Regret is useless.” Pretty much.

23. Let go of what others think about you

As with everything else on this list, this can be hard to do. But living your life to the fullest requires not giving a damn about others’ ignorance.

24. Let go of overwhelm before your next birthday

Are you doing your best? Not procrastinating or being lazy? That’s all that matters. Release feelings of being overwhelmed.


25. Let go of anything that doesn’t make you happier or better

This pretty much sums it up. If you’re not a better or happier person because of something you’re holding onto, let go.

Moment-to-moment awareness, i.e. mindfulness, and self-compassion, can help you overcome any internal struggle. Remember your strength. Realize that letting something go can be hard, but as long as you’re moving forward, you are doing just fine!

What Does Your Workout Style Reveal About Your Personality?

What’s your workout style? Did you even know such a concept existed?

– 66% of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions have aimed to get fit. Of those, 73% gave up prior to their goal.

– 4 times: Average number of times people have given up on their fitness resolutions in the past.

– Harris Interactive Poll (on behalf of

Why is it so difficult for people to stick with their fitness goals? Many within the fitness community attribute these failures to a lack of discipline or commitment. While these reasons are certainly applicable in some cases, it doesn’t explain (or help) much at all. When it comes right down to it, there are a number of reasons why people fail to achieve their fitness goals.

A number of “fad fitness” programs have tried to get people off the couch and moving…with the ultimate goal of making a profit, of course. Some of these programs are legitimate, effective and successful (e.g. CrossFit), but most of them are designed for no other reason than to make a quick buck. Of course, these programs should be avoided.

Personality Plays a Role

One of the reasons people fail to get and stay fit is they choose the wrong method. While there may be a spurt of motivation during the beginning phases, these feelings quickly fade until the person has no desire to work out at all; guilt quickly follows, and the unproductive cycle repeats itself.

This begs the question: what are the implications of choosing a wrong fitness routine?

Dr. James Gavin, professor of applied human sciences at Concordia University says: “Whoever we are, we manifest that in all the realms of our life. Physical activity is just another expression of our personal preferences and style,” Dr. Gavin continues, “When people are similar to the activities they pursue, they tend to be happier, express more satisfaction and stay with it longer.”

Other professors and fitness experts agree with Dr. Gavin: personality types are key to sticking with any tough goal, including those relative to fitness.

So, this article attempts to address a two-part question: what does your personality style say about you, and is there a better way to achieve fitness goals based on our personality?

It is important to understand that there is no “one size fits all” when discussing personality types and individual preferences. This is true for pretty much every human activity, and fitness is no different. The point of this article is merely to educate and entertain (hopefully!) Don’t be offended in the event that you don’t fall into any one particular category.

What workout style is right for you?

Let’s go over five physical fitness methods and their possible personality implications.

1. CrossFit…you’re an overthinker or extrovert

People that sign up for CrossFit know that they’re going to get “HIIT” with a tough workout. HIIT is short for High-intensity interval training, which entails intense anaerobic exercise and short recovery periods.

Those individuals who have a tendency to overthink can seriously benefit from CrossFit or a similar HIIT program. HIIT may provide a necessary “mental break” for those whose brains always seem to be active. Reputable HIIT programs work because they often push people to their physical limits while providing the structure needed by some.

2. You work out alone…you’re an introvert

On the other side of the workout spectrum, we have the “solo sweaters.” Most introverts are not very comfortable in a group fitness setting, and that is totally fine. “Intros” possess a talent for research and rational thinking, so they’re usually pretty good at finding a routine that works well for them (e.g. at-home workouts),  or simply finding time to hit the gym when its empty.

They’re also good at researching and applying effective workout routines.

3. You run long-distance…you’re a ‘Type A’

Type A personalities thrive off setting and achieving set goals; they’re competitive, and love to see positive results. Put all of these things together, and you’ve got the perfect long-distance runner, “Tough Mudder,” or other fitness activities that involve endurance and competition.

Of course, not all Type A’s like competitive running. Some enjoy lifting, biking, etc..

4. You love group workouts…you’re an extrovert

An extravert is a real “people person,” and love doing anything so long as a group is alongside them. Another attribute of extraverts is that they gain energy from being around others – a huge motivator for signing up for that next group class.


So, to all the extraverts out there who need to “get going” fitness-wise – a group workout session may be all that you need! Zumba and CrossFit are two terrific workout programs that strongly appeal to the outgoing among us.

5. You have, want or need a trainer…you’re analytical

Analytical people “like to get to the bottom of things,” and they’re often extremely detail-oriented. They have a thirst of knowledge, and gain satisfaction from knowing that they’re doing something right.

Related article: Which Exercise Is Best For Your Body Type?

It’s not a real big surprise, then, that analytical people like to have a trainer to show them the science behind exercise. Analytical folks will appreciate a thorough explanation to why they’re lifting dumbbells one day and doing wind sprints the next.

There is one exception: analytical introverts. These folks may or may not want someone around them telling them what to do. They may, predictably, research everything they can about workout methods and do their best to apply them.

Klein, S. (2013, October 21). How To Find The Best Workout For Your Personality. Retrieved December 22, 2016, from
New Study Finds 73% Of People Who Set Fitness Goals As New Year’s Resolutions Give Them Up. (2012, December 28). Retrieved December 22, 2016, from
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Treat Your ‘Second Brain’ For Anxiety and Depression

Believe it or not, tiny microbes lining your gut actually play a huge part in your mental and neurological health. A groundbreaking study performed by UCLA researchers shows the strong connection between healthy gut bacteria and brain functioning.

Regarding this study, Dr. Emeran Mayer, a professor of medicine (digestive diseases), physiology and psychiatry at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and the study’s senior author, stated:

“There are studies showing that what we eat can alter the composition and products of the gut flora — in particular, that people with high-vegetable, fiber-based diets have a different composition of their microbiota, or gut environment, than people who eat the more typical Western diet that is high in fat and carbohydrates,” Mayer said. “Now we know that this has an effect not only on the metabolism but also affects brain function.”

While scientists say they still need to do further research into how exactly this occurs, some believe that the gut microbiome release signaling molecules into our gut, affecting our dietary decisions. Since the gut is linked to the immune system, endocrine system, and nervous system, these signals consequently impact our physiological and behavioral reactions.

However, just as the bacteria can influence our behaviors, we can alter them by changing what we consume, which would then alter the bacteria itself.

Research proposes that gut bacteria might influence what we eat by manipulating signals in the vagus nerve, which connects 100 million nerve cells from the digestive tract to the base of the brain.

“Microbes have the capacity to manipulate behavior and mood through altering the neural signals in the vagus nerve, changing taste receptors, producing toxins to make us feel bad, and releasing chemical rewards to make us feel good,” said Athena Aktipis, co-founder of the Center for Evolution and Cancer.

Because of the gut’s profound influence on mental health in humans, many people call the intestines “The Second Brain,” since the microbes found throughout our bodies actually weigh twice as much as the human brain. While experiments that test the impact of gut bacteria on mental health are in the beginning stages, researchers seem to have found a clear link between having more robust gut bacteria and having a healthier brain.

In fact, another study found that young adults who eat more fermented foods, or those containing probiotics, have fewer symptoms of social anxiety than adults who don’t eat fermented foods. This might be attributed to the fact that the healthy bacteria lowers symptoms of anxiety in general in the gut. Studies into how gut health affects depression are ongoing, but we do know that most medicines for depression contain serotonin, a chemical found naturally in certain foods.

“Time and time again, we hear from patients that they never felt depressed or anxious until they started experiencing problems with their gut,” Dr. Kirsten Tillisch, lead author of the UCLA study, said. “Our study shows that the gut–brain connection is a two-way street.”

Our modern world runs largely on heavily processed, nutritionally-lacking foods, which may explain why we have so many digestive and mental health problems today. These toxic foods may explain why Western societies in particular have such high rates of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and other common mental disorders.

So, what can you do to promote healthy gut bacteria to reduce anxiety and depression?

How To Treat Your ‘Second Brain’ For Anxiety and Depression

Eliminate, or greatly reduce, highly processed foods.

Consuming whole, fresh foods straight from nature will allow your digestive system to reset, therefore altering the bacteria in your gut. Opt for fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sweet potatoes, fermented foods, and a small amount of unpasteurized, organic dairy, and lean, organic meats.

Related article: 6 Things People With A Healthy Gut Do Differently

Introduce more fermented, unpasteurized foods into your diet.

Fermented foods contain lactic acid bacteria, a beneficial bacteria that promotes good microbes within the gut. Examples of fermented foods that you can eat include tempeh (made from fermented soybeans), miso, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and yogurt.

Eat fiber-rich foods.

A study released by Professor Andrew Smith at Cardiff University in 2002 revealed that eating more fiber results in higher energy levels, more clarity, and a more positive mindset as opposed to eating a low fiber diet. Also, high fiber diets can reduce fatigue and lessen the risk of developing diseases of the bowels, including cancer.

High fiber foods basically include three food groups: fruits, vegetables, and starches such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, and other grains classified as complex carbohydrates.

Joe Alcock, Carlo C. Maley, C. Athena Aktipis. Is eating behavior manipulated by the gastrointestinal microbiota? Evolutionary pressures and potential mechanisms. BioEssays, 2014; DOI: 10.1002/bies.201400071
Matthew R. Hilimire, Jordan E. DeVylder, Catherine A. Forestell. Fermented foods, neuroticism, and social anxiety: An interaction model. Psychiatry Research, 2015; DOI:

Rachel Champeau. Changing gut bacteria through diet affects brain function, UCLA study shows. May 28, 2013. Retrieved from March 7, 2017.

20 Fast Weight Loss Tricks (That Actually Work!)

If you’ve ever struggled to lose weight fast – and keep it off – you’re one among millions (perhaps billions) of frustrated individuals. If you are in search of weight loss tricks that actually work, you are in good company.

About 45 million Americans plan to go on a diet every year – and that’s part of the problem. Dieting isn’t the answer. Diets don’t work. Research reveals that 97 percent of dieters who have had fast weight loss regain their weight (and sometimes more) within three years.

If you’ve been part of a structured diet program and have managed your weight, congratulations, you are one of a kind. What you’ve probably done is more than a diet. You allowed your habits to become part of your daily routine.

So once you decide to change your “diet” into a lifestyle, what do you do? There is so much information out there. Who is right? That’s also part of the problem—the weight-loss industry rakes in a profit of more than $64 billion every year.

When money is involved, some companies keep their ethics, while others want to keep up volume and profits. That means some companies have sacrificed their customers’ health and well-being by overlooking mountains of scientifically-proven medical research for the sake of financial gain.

The result: highly processed, sugar-laden, sodium-enriched food. Edible? Sure. Nutritious? Nope.

20 Weight Loss Tricks That Actually Work

weight loss planWe want to help you make the right choices to lose weight fast and feel good every day. Here are twenty natural and healthy ways to lose weight:

#1 Keep a food journal

Various studies show that people who keep a food “diary” eat about 15 percent fewer calories and have faster weight loss. A tangible record of your food intake, which is likely to contain some unsavory items, is often enough to alter your eating habits.

Besides looking back at what is working and where you slip up, this journal makes an excellent planning tool.  If you enter items into the log before you eat, you’ll feel obligated to stick with the plan.

You don’t need to keep your food diary on a pad of paper where someone might read it. In fact, look no further than your smartphone. There, you can check your app store and install a food tracker app that you can use every time you eat.

#2 Find a support group

Whether online or in-person, having a person or group of individuals who support your goals works. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), social support makes it “easier to stick with a weight loss plan…share tips on diet and exercise and (find) an exercise buddy.”

Whether you join a group of walking parents at the park or attend a local Weight Watchers meeting, you’ll find comfort knowing that you’re not the only one trying to make healthier changes. Meeting up with like-minded people who share your struggles helps you make lifelong changes.

#3 Drink more water

It’s fine to drink your coffee, juice, or milk in the morning, but don’t forget water. A clinical study proved that often, those on a diet or weight loss plan lose more weight when they drink enough water.

Drinking water before you eat fills your empty stomach, helping you eat less.

Water helps to flush the body of toxins. As fat cells break down, they eliminate as waste. So drinking water flushes away fat as you begin to achieve successful weight loss.

It’s also essential to stay away from sugary soda drinks. The average American consumes approximately 25 pounds of soft drinks annually. Drinking water instead of sugar might be one of the easiest weight loss tricks you can try.

#4 Opt for healthy snacks

Yes, lifestyle-based weight loss requires self-discipline. That means snacking healthy or skipping snacks. It’s also crucial to regular the amount and timing of your snacks.  Forgoing your “midnight snack” or “guilty pleasure” can prevent a few extra pounds each year.

#5 Less TV

Watch just one less hour of TV, and you’ll be less inclined to go “movie theater” mode. Yes, we all love that tasty treat while watching our favorite show. Instead, go for a light walk or jog.

#6 Clean or Organize

Cleaning occupies your mind. It also is a great way to relax and destress. No kidding. Find something – a bathroom floor, a closet, inside or outside a car, windows, anything – to clean. Cleaning also burns calories!

#7 Deny the “hunger impulse.”

So many of us reach for that fatty treat out of habit. Actual physical hunger stimulates hunger hormones – and you’ll know when you need to eat. Most experts agree that when we think we’re hungry, we are just thirsty. Drink more and give it twenty  minutes. If you’re still hungry, enjoy a healthy snack.

#8 Take the stairs for 10 minutes each day

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, frequent “stair-takers” burn five times more calories than their counterparts who use the elevator. This figures out to 10 pounds per year!

#9 Take a short walk every couple of hours

Use your breaks to your advantage. Take a brisk 5-minute walk every two hours, and you’ll have 20 minutes of aerobic activity in your pocket before even stepping out of the office or home office. Win!

#10 Ease off the additives

If you choose to eat processed foods, commit to buying products without corn syrup, fructose, or (if you can) sugar. Look for sugar-free versions and low sodium options without preservatives. It’s much easier to find products like these today, but you’d be surprised how much is still out there with ingredients you cannot pronounce.

fast weight loss#11 Close the kitchen

A great habit is to clean and close the kitchen after dinner. In fact, set a time it’s close and when it reopens in the AM. Late-evening feasting comes at a price. Late-night snacks lead to even more cravings, which lead to taking in more calories. It’s worth skipping.

Besides the extra calories, nutritionists advise that nighttime snacks cause interruptions to the sleep cycle. The resulting sluggishness causes moodiness and fatigue that might make you more inclined to cheat on your diet the next day.

#12 Take a brisk walk before dinner

Most research reveals walking after dinner helps with digestion and weight loss.  According to a University of Glasgow study, “Walking before a meal reduces the fat levels in the blood and improves the function of the blood vessels, even in the individual has a high fat and carbohydrate meal.”

A walk before dinner also increases the sensation of fullness.

#13 Eat most meals at home

Restaurants and other places serve large portions of food with higher oil and salt levels than you would use at home. Skip the calories and indulge in healthier options for your favorite fast food dish at home.

#14 Use a smaller plate

When it comes to serving up well-portioned meals, size matters!

The size of plates has dramatically increased in size compared to what they were 50 years ago. Using a smaller plate, especially if you like to go for seconds, tricks your mind into thinking you ate more.

#15 Order smaller portions

During the occasions when you treat yourself to fast food, order the smallest portion.  This allows you to enjoy your favorite food without all the fat and calories of your usual amount. Order a house salad instead of fries to experience an even more significant caloric deficit.

Hint: The children’s meals provide the best value and smallest portions. It is enough to satisfy your taste for your favorite drive-thru food without spending all your daily calories.

#16 Load up on veggies

Most vegetables are low in calories, high in nutrition and very filling.  Consuming them raw or preparing them well can be delicious.

Keep it interesting by making a non-fat dip with the following ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup of non-fat Greek yogurt
  • Two teaspoons of garlic-seasoned salt substitute (like Mrs. Dash)
  • Black pepper to taste
  • One teaspoon of onion powder

You’ll get a protein boost from the Greek yogurt, and the veggies will feel decadent when you dip them.

#17 Eat more (healthy) cereal

There’s a plethora of research that reveals that oatmeal or high fiber whole-grain cereal is a great breakfast or snack option. Oat bran, Grape Nuts, Shredded Wheat and Steel Cut Oats are all excellent choices. Eating whole grains helps you feel fuller longer.

#18 Leave white bread alone

According to an article in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, “whole grain intake was associated with up to 9% lower mortality and up to 15% lower Cardio Vascular related mortality, the leading cause of death globally.”

Also, the authors noted how obesity dramatically increases the risk of CVD. Opt for whole grains instead.

#19 Change your milk type

If you drink whole milk, change to 2 percent; if you drink 2 percent, change to 1 percent. For some, plant-based milk like oat milk works even better. Once you have the developed an acquired taste of a healthy milk you won’t even be able to tell a difference.

#20 Brush your teeth after every meal

Brushing your teeth after every meal is a psychological method for losing weight – and a very effective one. This habit signals to your body and brain that mealtime is over. Thus, we’re less likely to appease the “hunger impulse” of snacking.

Juices for weight loss

Final Thoughts on Trying These Weight Loss Tricks

When these habits become part of your everyday lifestyle losing weight and keeping it off will feel easy to you. These weight loss tricks are not about a diet. It’s not about a strict exercise regime.

Honor your body and give it what it needs to thrive and work for you, not against you. If you have a weight loss tip that has worked well for you we would love to hear it in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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